Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Dec 1881, p. 5

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-Mbat nout ol msDow un more. Md 9gl0vo8 ho r«4oypu bis boud ln, Ant boosvers thon ho nover voro- He undi Locks on tb. undorstandlqg. Se longp il iluu sovr VUniS ho mol8 A liteky chauN1e ck*k.ylv Ho vooedbà uvoviber bond bsonghl, Jeu@ su n uffleo l..vomore thon gra. 8h.» 0 la day beL ào *"Te oms," said ho, "Jone Ann, Incline. Oh. lot me ho your lovlng hobby; 14"0ong taclIhat vni focsmine, *Thitlo c oquiltllly Chubb.y. "Oh. labo lhis glt 1 Tour llm'rous heoit, 1 veuanot for a moment, &bock il. atitprapsr'tls n l ockamltb'a mir "Scaff oot, et mlreligion, proy, 1 voruh? OMmy anpy qhumer, A oedy v otrofbramkh. "Tbouauurn loche ai yoorm, Jonc Ann, Althbaugwh viiicameiquo you stick 'am, Wanld vin tb. bearl aife"Y mon- Jon@ Ann, oh proy, do 1.t me pick 'em VI Bol Jan@cwuvoaro but la decelve; At Samuel ber heart revltod;, Wbon ho vos ual on lbthe vive Sho loochbis loc-et ond le.bal-ed. WblleSamuol th. bllghte<, ho To mnilo &gin mode no endeavor, Into locokI rom off o quay Ho plnngd-ond wvol sul np royer._ This is j net tho kini ai veather Ibol poccles oasas cm te lb. propriely of takiug hlmo mbrells. Tho propriely of lcking somobodT oleoOs mbrella scoms te bg lésépszzlig. À Kesmuckypiper soya, ",Evory housst Koutueklan vilI blush Whou ho readi IhatIwo sHmn C ouhty mou mloi op the othor day sud tred ton mbte at each ethér wlîhioit aîy peroop- sayng te a ylig lady, I'There ro more Jovol7ry vnuovoioys thon vhen 1 vas #aIldglebut lho*smous P" 1m a:olfa3lo ired *vfblc IdGon'teln "%WhoI s 1ai 7" sho"misa. ,#à bimble," Wvo to PpîY. t.hin um bas more logind armn 11m ho vs-ilsfas ho pomese 94"oa Wxo os ?-A loir dam",el0etan lnu frinit omof m15d vrltsc ltôaa if lai l a frkmE sonY relation le Adam*s a nevwasaàjoliyferrno,' It -'i $béat in th Wslootsd bai jlut poi ÃŽie nusou bo hlculori mlinte 1ll,Z " d golmon, vill yan laits o ifft.ns1s miii totnner, s61n09110 glosse, 41 "Ifsbne fsbo m1eoyn 1ma bol anobor ipplvjeu mieht bais muaie anoîher barrot.' Forsgo I.lnsoo.sory for tains iores, -bal ivilal bormos .rv mfot vithaul seor baing bcd o bitlu Ihoîr mnaths. A Douburyïbn vho leclursdIln &i{.lin« Lw ovi cd thal maup por»m f0ed t got nta te bail. Il subée. 'A vomon oa»m , ber huscni darke. setbheur," booice ho soios homo jost boforo, mormiug. formeram esmoospesn.T a dbwuitom.kosalilving if 47 ykove À zoatm bLos goiays thm 48 socmeilg lssxprssli d c&ot ho à sOeOOL.«BGog Vzaa,.'-Fl ale in the ms, over *aid c he ta lis gs-bs. ThosnIc ila.. slolnsd " Iborj îho. Whou IboyPai «R , emai fshb.y, they gow uV»@hs ehcu Wss Off% * la on bioê out -siud il vla a yods vooldto mvosew 5015"W audddoU theibhiW, àdti9pUme out. Bou*nesre rory ordorlp eoiîî l it le sldoin Isobet mnlehy an ta. à7eal nies fMlup veapoo," s»py&b for dqutesIto eis ix-cooer, pou ansé.Eir-tvo buitietr pour vif., îvW~,f*r -le oe¶ pI;--F1ou Wopplbesiui(d f s:t'sIm for aufltubros-boaad st tu~mt~ vhU? üd v"uon f addr6siiàu al #Lbe deesc.dîos lasie muet %fcluto lu being the smala 'lý l .'bamed oct- ocm15If, , Io ô'èfîIî»ïaiFi Iune.-c, Fou 1me." *a lemou l iw i le ml--Wb" Ieo uj aiai.t' enlon honotraito po 70Irbar. doto hîea lte>ulm go slov." Klad.hsct*d nloqe. >"oinese L cori s alu v il igm~r e odsth aI Whoua mn .ca-fetsbuig sni donlt oicb.yt n, FOUyen 11hlm o 111 o Iv tico, 'sud oni ou ont," ~ pb$eli. avig oduel on bli- Wo s Silo hout of qne.iaesllng. '«lIakê: *1 ta. t"' cctv-qMntiibLte AsSta.OlL. MyI-olimer vosffioti ct along le itim Neouraigctiâ c duil, lecvy, inotive condi. unus ptolrétlon. oui-vas aimoaith lph. Nohmcasor-Modiolcs dai hïfon gol hm emonthoaoga he begmn la us Hop Blters, vllb snob good allant thol smo mems and fbels younogagalo, othooghove 70Oyearm cni . Vetblohthcx- in15no otaher Medicine fit te use lu the lamily." A lady lu Providence, R. I.-Journal. The Ileît Salve, uin he woxld for", #$ Bruismes Bornes,Dicre, Sot Rbenm Fcwcr Bores, 2Ïtter, Chappoi Rands, ObIlns, Corna, ond aoh skis Euptions, and Positive. lycrsPiles. Il is guarantimeci10 va par- le allmîcelono or moniy rcl.moid. c U5 cent. per baz. Par Dypepsia or 3.odi exiion, Ilablînol Constipation, Billounns, itivor or»Iinoy offection&, the soenet sud best rexr.dy te Dr. Cmona tomoch sdConstlpatiofl Btters, lb. greal famlly inedicine. Thoy ocm vlth ierect safoly be gi ve o ltheyamngestcbud, as thoy ors puroly vsgetaloblotu no lionm aid mlld in Ibir actIon.. Sli , aro panel bottles at 50 cents: W. 0 0Hvi, "peoll agent for Whitby. Gel Oui Doors. The close confinement ni &Il loclary vax-k, glves the operatives pallld floes, po appo- fite, lan5..'d, mraeseble fcelings,époor blond, inactive lver, kidnaysansd urinary troubles, ond aIl tb. ph y iclns sud medibones in the wori cassaI belp thoa unions they gel out af domx- or une Ho BitUrtherb purent and bottncr àeLallfor inch ca"ss. boy labondance ai healtlà, sushisocondrosy obées iln Ibero. They cosI but s trile - Ohrutian Becorderr. A Sense of Wearlrxess is allen toit hy vex-snwho cannotInlae any partionlar agsse. Il llhey worh il ho- coas lahor; il tbey walhk, tbcy saa0 tire; mental efforts become a box-don,auni oves Joys are dlmmod by the abodov af Ibis weakoSicblrbiscautlaver their liv6e. RLecourela bai aometims lastimulants of o dongergua claarmoler. The sivice of phy- @"obn0 t tclx-inlroactsoive lalor pro- duces Do lspy resuîta. Why ? The sys- tam le doebililateaand noesta Lis huilî up ircpcx-îy. ?orwsian Byrmp viiido thie vex-y bg. lethe sîsdtriec kurrent witb thc oëlr aL foncion, trais.. up t 'hoen- fsex-ld, trings lb. calort.a lime chemk.&giix, sud hope 10toceboaponet. [t Iota il. yack pxamnpily and wcll. Sali hy aIl dx-ug- The Dcath-Rate Of Our coulx-yls gttlng ta ho barlnlly alarm- ljg, tbe avarage i01 e bais leseni every Yeu *vItixonui raseO blecause, dcth wullg mcet1b from tho motlàiaiifi- ýcpul oigin. tAiIbs scason af th. poar, upclolby, ao li is snob s COMMOn ling tbin eul ohuox-y0afevery dey Ife ve arn mt taoverlooaheh dangers attending Il sud citOUendini lt e, Ibid A lever or Lugsg trouble bis ê aedy.el in. Tbdo"ntalose theirirrIles in Ibis iY eysry intar bl 1mai Bosepef" Grma" Byrp pbeau taiten, s ogrevwu dhave remlei andaleohu lrMnmaodoclor beau avoldâ l.Fero&ri diac2 es af the Thmrat and Longs J.ochee's Q~", b8 pas pwavou itéella t»bo lb. groiffl se lcovry of lt i hîilixMelise. Evsry Druggisl lu thia coantrTy will l yn au aIlis vanderul offert. Ovt 950.000, batils sli lut yemx- vîthoul &-ingle fai- o4re ksown. 1. You Have No Excuse. Have pao ony excuse fox- suftering wlth Dyspepao rlvsr OnamiunlIla thora cny roa mvbr 'ou %boulaigocas rom dayý a dyamLolgvitb Saur tamcoi, Slck Zdai&cte, Habituai Cosîlvouest Pal- pItationnIflbthe et, Heert haro. i;Ir- brasb Onoiing aud burntns p aine at the il a1 the glomiol, TsIlow 8kin Coalci 'on 6. and i tsom bloe te bste in the ,nontb Comîog up affoc a aer ealiog, 1ev epirits, hcNIl impositivslypoor ovu lni f pou do. Go la >.or Duggist- c"d gela htIlao Ouue's An o loyer for &8cents yaux cr la certain. but If yan douhtt hlm. gel a Simple Battis for 10 cents simdI I.Tvdoevll$O 7n1 LT 51 (UN, THE B1:O~i ciDRN RIN8 t vrtmsIa i« i5 ofd rfu"e fi r m~TsAa.I Ait JKIntm or QociI',ow pB'! i am nov prepualtéiurnlsb parties vlt th1bt SOREENED COAL1 f rom 1h. celcbx-ted BOBAXTONý iNES, et lovesl ttprices D. C. DOWNEY, Wvilkînon'à Bhock, 13xo-stmec. Whitby.Max-ch9h, usai 1 1 1~j. ~ A' ;'~l~~ .~ 1~ AperManoent cure forLLBme. Bock Piles, DisoscOl the Kdocys. lledér soàinl. a3' argane or attendant complainte. ltîDUBITABLVà-EVIJENCE. Froin Dotorsi, Draigiis. aimcbo oIVI ENTIIK BATISFAOTION. l'iras. April 20, 1851. Getlemen,-I uni that your Pade are gvisg entire satisaction, soid'wisb yau lu. creomeideos fores Vclealàl azwmudy lor dbeaoosaitlhldnoys. DnL. ..B. MaNa. Chfld's l$'aiO16' Rg 02Pd$. Specle al or Chroolo Diseuses, 5P. Sold by W. B. HOWSB, sole Agent. WhllbY. 4J. 1IUGI.UOTHÂM & Son, Oshaa. Agit yomr dxfggit for Pamphlets an Testi. PROPERTY FOR SALE. the Exocntors of the lt. E0. Bey., Connty af Ontarlo, vis "'PAMBICE .-About 6 85-100 acres, lying Boit oaI Rcynoldim Stx-standsoihofbiathe Ladies' Cqloe. This la one ot ta i .fnes building Iota sWbitby- PAliCEL 1l.-About ô 29-100 ocre@, op- ,pôatoiimê sboe; aid"ajoinlsg thceRilvy Stâilon. This pxoprty biisia plei ber building bts ar o mannfactory. PARCEL IIll-All Ibid part oblat 28, lu 1h. ist ooocmion a- Wbilby, owaMci heb ssai ate. G. Re ynsolda, mâïl bcbngsoculi aI lime Ladies* Calegoia dGilbert tret, 1ntaOlng Dabout 8;ai4s ve'WOU *tad flr a lartn.fi not mildbvfore lb. litaI Miy usae, It viii b. for ivut. « -' Alo- light. Lots an lime Nax-tix mue of DuLas strost. aud West 0f, an&Kajoinlng tiTrprya lhomos D)ow, Esq., ouct ingly or tagoilier. Aise Lots on eacb cerner aI Dondas ou Reysaîds sIx-cols, anmi:c l~ oîsnS M jr* ntus, on tlo*timiii. fDso tet Abmo reveral Lots adjclsing tic Grandr TruckitüadwySt5tihou. Ale bar-moisor la ru$anI b slblo Is». ont. thst declrablol DeudsHoues; acopi- ed ,y lthe la»e SheriS cof Ontcrin, moi ituât- #à «k the 4EtOh-çWstcernsr af Byron oui lyonlop sIx-sfic. -T'hls ooprty ila losl3r siuati, Uic bouses aud aabuldinu are uorl 0W niin «o epi.The bomme imblu» Ivo toroya4e. brick,4. O, vithbmbse- oui a loI ol otier aPieie Pqpt mnlia, vwhbeh vilI b 0Icbs' Tox-ms areecs, ou sahai on appI~ cation te lhe Exocàtora, or October ahi, 1881. JSTMANH@DRSTRED ils. - LAI importiog Land aodi I~et 50parus là ontarlot andi lënds la Monitoba for Sole, R>NLWAY AND -8TEAIIBKIP MOEUT. Agent for Nort tu 'n.ofia a -i City of Toronto." TIOK.T8 FOR SAMB TO ALLPOINTS. C"ontclcrus queztws CANfADA PACIIPIC 1AtWA T& m 'vsblnglês ud for, frlouds la Gté Brilolai d Imuan, lovee rotie aoui bull information given by 1.110w or cther- vise; b. sureanouicmd for rts, etc., bofore arrapmglu goIievle. 1- -ý , havn uàm ;orsae o l*agWpr Mr S870B40F h OUW.BDiN..M Office, No. 156, Front-St,, Weaet, (Oplosîle Undui6in).e 11461 MARK. Ts GWUanT IADE MAK. MIuor. An unisolîls ours for 8cm Inal sie t m.l e aiof dIssse e l egs c Mery Viaioz4Pass»ld ainluIe ocDio- Dose and àiioPrezoture O gimo n vodesire o aue, fr..b ma et5 0 Xs- The OpeclS.. Me lada dIm>y ldru- money hy oddreaing TUF, GIRAY JNDICilftECO, is Toronta, 4Ont". canada. tJIIlL; 1' b ~It Itt~ -f?10/.N1 if yon wa&i th e BeslrSE PSBI'X Ifyou want the Best GRAMN. CHOPPEIR- 7[ ouý wAnt the Best <?ANa PLOW- if yon wuàiý,t tII Best8 T BAW c.'!B ]f you want the Best FÂNNING MILL- If ybtL 4*aIit the Best PLOWS for alkinds of land- If you want the Beet PULVERIZINO flÀBBOW-. -GO TO THE- 0OLD RELIÂBLE WHITBY FOUNDRY, Where you cmn alwvaysîget gobd vaIne forýyQý1r ~9~ ana every article bonnd to give you the best of satisfaction. Yours respectfuUly, BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G Co. WbItby. Juno lot 1881. NEW TIN SHOP. BR1OC~-ST., Hau opened business in the above premises andr is now running in faul blast, where everything pertaining to Tin, Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is manufacture in a workrnan- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO -PLATED GOODS of UPERIOR QUALITY. AUl kinds of Japanod TMn, and Shoot-Iran vare conslstly kopt iu stock. REPAIRINO done yhean d neatly., .-Ail work guar- anteeliafs-àotory or no psy. Âiioan> md Cane"iui OAL 011. Lamp Chimneys, Wi~ksBu*ae,~ o.JW. BARN«PS. T. 0. WHITPIELDiestolr, wîb htyFb.21,1879 PIANOS TUNED. G O ' T. QVUPRICHT, Tnr for Messrs. Mana & Risch, Toronto, vUl-ho in vhitby about th. mIddfleof aiMy. l'orties vishing Ibir Pianos propnrly tunnd wiii pleane bave Iheir oxders vith Mesure LYON & RUPEUT. Pbotn«x-ophera, Will insen'à Blook, Whltby. Ordêe by mi- aidrensit ears u. b moRson t , Toron. la, vii recelvé prompt attention. ly.i8 nei Grdat American Raesi1 j>b .0 Q 0H % ,COLDA ý% £8 7 e -, B»80WCfflIS LOSB O THROÂTIl AFFECTION(& oaa maieu 1% h ai s SGRAY'S SYR UP <e,Zlý w RE-D 00GU M. M ru remnarkabiter inr .Zimw rof W.and Us éaltaifb" Oiefetiacrno- wcncatehaoking Q u ~Mn<>w oi kcnW= Cto psU c ai rge. $,,,A DesutOi IW 11e & MREÂNzs County Liquor Store, WhoIe8aIe and KING STREET, OSH-AWA. Retail, Just received ',Jfor Chnsma and the, ;New !ear, a large stock of WIÈE8 and LIQUORS dject importation, coupisngPort and' Sherry ýWinàes,, Brandies, G ,1 mScotch ahd Irish Whiske s, Bass an~mmd Guizness- and Blood'a.Porter., Gooderhom A Wort's celebratel 011ye and Mal Whiahep, théeboast intho Domiion. Taylor à Botée. and Coagraeà soCaadiap Aies s-nd Porter, and Loger Boer on draft andin b ottus. The lorgul ound bosaearllstock of CIGARS la th. ccunnl 1 .on aouiSherry Winoa, af superior qualily, sa#56.00,54.00, #&8.00doui5.0 pet tuporlol Gallon. NoaI"ePoil .»d Sherry, $1.75 par Gallon. MartsIl, JolesBoblu ood gHsaey Bruiésnines, la andouibotS.. A irat.ales Brany faor ookl uirposs~,et 52.75 par Gallon. Jamecooo, Bur'e, Dourille ad litarisScotch aouIish Whlskeps. -Try our clobrated Tod4y WW*-#. the.IW,et*hay j, the nmarket. $2 pergéil. or0 fper cilk cmÃ"ïc ozon %inet qudli1! o! 01lomJalea HRum. 10 s-nd 15 Gallon Kogs, oui lu Botinl cases of one dazna quarts oui Ivo doien pinta, ah 01.25 per casu. LAGER BEER FOR WIMMTR USIE, Tva dosen hottles et 51.25 per case. GuinnesaouiBlood's Stout lu quartsandouints. Oospore àk Bo'. cooberol Stout, st 81.50 por doasn uarts, oui 75 cents per doue» pinta.____ _____ [Flor Fins-, Prnneec Tohton Fier d&IAl, He eur lp Windsor, RIigs, TÀ %ee, radDcb.ss, KniT virtue cf o Wa*ronl unar 44- uma of the Wardelx and'te ime .of lb. Corporatio .1> cf the o ocf Ontorlo, dato .lzWeth diLol. Septomber, 1891-omcnl -1,20Ã" lev i-théIms meulions a n thelollowlag lifr arrieitaxeL bereoh I i »oth-1hereby 0 n otf ice h&*unleus snobarmearuicsaar co#eutunotYpri& godner pad oli, e salacamlleu"iarLh masmol mpSoi b ss"ý*ii uiboý AàttSn he msaliloids, or so mucb tharef as me 1'thcs turItetaeo1h.' DEICEBEB, AD., 18Mi, olImho ur of TEE o'lock linm.o foxencan. Port.,a - lg sd 1,Scot's Pt 85 Bl6ck D, Ni #Italà Lti1 Vinaoge Lot 18 Northld ViL Lot 27 A. mli.Siroc da., cor. Uniouwml;, Pt Ni 14 North Part 14 -soýLmh.v5s Pout B Part gorth.easl qsarter Fr Bro'ken9 NorthbbaUl South hall 318 North hall 8 South hall 9 piit NortIh hall 81 South hall 6 Nortlh bail6 Southb'hall12 SOuth hall 13 Pagt North hall 21 South hall 22 PMI South hall 29 Nortimh ll 310 ilirt PirI e4<, lh.esil purt BP I 047 THORA. Front Front Front A B B G H H H L m Tresuex-m ffii>StpL 2ottb; 1881. REACU. 60 8274 BROCK. 1 226 42 6U1 NIARA. 200 88 67. -195 062, 100 14 71 100 29 28 ion-, 4066 100 810 3.00 1887 1 4 26 100 15 87 100 15go 3.00 51.64 3.00 51 64 1.00 46587 6 78 100 1.828 20 30925 100. 2092 RAIM A L25 il188 t26 Il8 t 7 88sa 1 a880 100 88 78 100 29 86 100 97 57 0 97 57 100 14 14 100 17 94 100 1651 100 1898 100 390 00 19588 00 8 26 100 125 100 318 49 100 14859 100 1622 100 162 100 152 60 89081 202 2,07 2902 2 07 2'89 206 284 251 2 87 2 7t 802 2 21. 2 46 2 41 2 89 2 89 a 80 a880 8 la 202 2 46 2 76 2 68 2 49 Patentei .489 Pateste 4 78 8 14 85 56 Patenata 4 82 Potosici 8 27 Patentai 80 51 Patentai 22 88 Pastentei 3708 UnCaentod 82 02 otentai 48- tg Patentai 1081 Un aientei 6 67 Patentai 17 76 Unpatentci 1.7 77 Uspataslci b4 94 Paientei 54 9& Patentci 50 OS Patentea 2 75 Patentai 2074 Unpstleuted 28 46 Uspetentel 980 1.4 3.8 l'tenltei 2 21 '.0 5" Patna 2 86 8886 sln 2 75 -82 61 Patenta 2 69 -9026 Polentei 2969 80968 Uspatte 2 8 6 - 16 50 P a n a 92 M 1809 natmele 2,42 2 8 ipeto 1 .0 6 UspUnle4 2949 2202 Unpatentti 2 46 20 72 Patentai 2 82 lé 87 Pdlosted 2 ai 15 88upantsi 2 86 le6-9osUnpoleuted. 2 88 17 60 tlnpatentea 2 88 1.7 60 Unpatenlod 288&'- 176W Un kTitI« 2998 -1;4201 îaieltI Co Tren., dntiilo.' HRDWAE "Latge Stocks an& L4w Prices"t being our motto. S.anid examine and be convinced, at I ATwCI1- WHITBY-No. 4 Brock-scI 111 & 118 Ytohgc.st-TOItONTO. MONEYI M7ONEY!I WE A.B PBEPA2RED TO LOAN On god mortgages, at LOW RATEiS 0FINERST. calilaud séà us, and pay off you.t *old mrtgages, that are drawing high interest, and SAVE whie the rate of interest is--low.- HATC11 l" I 1 ug«tuatx-, ým8. ~33 Establiàhe d' 1833. FUR~NITUREY. .-. - - FURNITURE Cke4per thaln eer, at 1fl8 new 8tore The indersiuned iii returning thanks to the-, à- P13,.ux LOTS" BLIGTBLY SITtTATED)-BASYTEEB. Apply tu W. IL. mOGINS, W boiisOfc onavition cf Dr. Culver. 1-d weU's Ceçlebralc( E§@av on *ime radica oipemnelcure <vilimnut r Ocn rdclooiNerVous Dblily, Mental sud Phs i oooti, mpo-edlmto Ma- jarlicé, lac av si saivol only 6 centso or tva> postoge slamps. Tho ceiebraled intimr, la this admirable Bout~, olcaly demogtmx-otu.0rom thirty yeotr ueifuol roctiso, àý alrnng couseucmoy waailyel v-itb. ontT lieisgerous use of mternal mouf. ciscs or limeunue aiflime hile ; pointing ont s mode aifcurea5 once0simnple, certand cfoccual, by means ai vhich cveryscodex-or, no motter vbIIt bis condition may b., mey curehi blschoaply,px-ivotelyond radic&uy. ig This lecture shouli b. li he bande af evex-y yauhmaouivex-y masna im e 1and. Lddreo, THE CULVE1IWELL MEDICAI CO., 41. Ans St., Ncw York. PasI Office Bax 4586. 8.ly TO INVEST ON Apply ta October Oth, 1880. 4 r -er tie ponraaft.r1a' uax~'ag ,.a b.d ots.ck-a 0 pe&rcl3en j*OD rn. ravir: jJ.bXt 1h. Court a GeFnrulSemons aiflime Pesoui 1d'h. County Cor, inanad for the. COUTVOF ONTARIO viiil b e held in h e COU RT 3HOU SE, il . TOWN 0F WHITBY, OLW a~ u Joofls ?.a eCoron. keotibmcebah.eravocoi .0 Nov. 301h> 1 1. i.4 CONDBNBED TIME TABLE.. Tokng efool on Ont, - 22a,3 1M -Omzs oiN 0B nushinl~ 0 RIl T AR AT LAW, Tozonto. Cousty OFFICES :- 72 Y Domin-lank> Tongo Six-sets, D. A. O'SULLIVAN. October 28rd,- 1.,0 Nofary Public, h fax-t 0wesofAim DAVID ORB OfficMillhan' OFFICE.-In Vi sVit riaSI-et. , ize ý>ou;bis oWalrLÃŽb SciaW4 BàrScp cr tulerinqiicttsoud ?lnIto- Fura"là m L aru u oanil upplis, c»ddelirrs Ir fm o~ oosoo NEÂLEU MANS - - WholoealeandBtalOoumty llqor8tr, 18 fý - i - 1 -:000: 1 . Calll WELI-TBYý.- i833-1 1 1 T 1M5 y 0 U %. FI r ummm 1 >e«ung 1 i

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