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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Dec 1881, p. 1

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)BOX»ouiO Moi, MI MS I, OI(). B > ITIORS, litOT 13, &C., &Ç. OPTICIM - 72 Yon Stfai. Masti th. Dominion Bank. orner King sud Tongo Stisets, Te e .0..'8'ULLIVAMl. W. L. PERUUE., Oetobeî gara, 198.1.4 JAMES -KZIT ODON, Bollétoer lu' ossyaeri NotaryPublie, tho. e-una t., Monay -le o in&- te nd-ai loi DAVID ORUS os,fB. à., A TUORI-AT- , BLIOXTOR INi A-1.Chsucaiy, Coté amh. Orc-In iii. Ofâtmouth of lbe Post Offce, in MoMim'a Ik, Brok Street, Whitby. lylO0 ROINSONI KENT, (Lava Dooa oAcusosj OTFICR-in vi«o5, Chazubet, 40, 9, vier& Straet. 3.0.Remon, M. à. s 13v..Kr5t G. voUNG aUffl, L L. B., BA.ERBTIR ho.b.-Ilonay 10 Loan Ornu-Ovm r Bém sBaR, Whtby. Jeuin, 5187&.<I- ilARI.ISTBR-AT .5W BOLICr;0E aunai ko Office-Drti'snMOI, Brok- EtraoÏli btby, Ont. J, BAMER. 4EENWOODI, .veyuas. Nc#y Publio, hc.-Pnal S- Off.. Dmriva4il114 Whtiy, Ont. lam 5nb i 4 MairiMe *- elwllrsu T*m m bâtiaesla. Losa numuolladonu hiîndi etProporty. CHARLEs . KELLER, A TTMM«-AT-LW.SOLICrTORINi chanoarycoenoyan'lar. ,ani L. T. i1RCLAY, ATTORNEBY-à A'*W, SOLICITOR in O bancary aiInselvtnoy, Couvey- JOHN 14LL DOV, B LBRISTEII-À'iLAW, BOLICITOR Ln Cbauceryi,<tenvoyanOai. &o. Offie-Datertlt' hok. Brook Street, Whiby. MONET TO LZXD-Prlvata lundi - in sumaup ho 1830, at a loi tais of 1I JOlIE A. NaGILLIV RAT, (Sucoassoi te iB. M. Rois».) fl RBISTER & ATTORNBT-AT'LAW, B. NotarY Publie, &a. -Belfetér for the DomWnon Baxik. OffiO.-Naxt daLoita Ngusion Bouse, Urbridge, Ont. .26 LYMANt ENGLISII, L L. B., B RRISTEI( AT LAW, BOLICITOIR IN 1 eu Street, Oiihava. J. E. GALIIRAITII, M.»., G IIDUATE of Çjue'. and ViohorEa Univerutîe,,bdMer ef thé Collage of ilbyacian. sud Surge.ons, IOntario. Ovrca-rok.S.,Wbitby, Ont., (hhrae Aeeyéeuîh é4 Roysa l Héli)-(Y-éd Rt. J. G;VMN, m. D.. ,URGEON TO THE COUNTT 'GAGZ4 'hByron Stret, Whithy. Wuu. IcHRtIEN, .gDM.R.-Ces., UY'S THOSPITAL, LONDON, ENO., Gtheis yo 1l. 0. Il. L., Oahawa, On0r1Z UIR. BOGART, i'bysloin, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., h, Wbtby, Sept. 301h, 1874. 4 Mdi ertintag Agent, 41 Pare- Rai ('Timei suiding), Nev YVork, 90 Ctoriaed tu, coatretet for advaiiama. Mssis tu.theuCHIRONICLE 5< Ont blet raies, W. ADAMS, R O V-ER .R la MRBoô Ofie , stolre, n ah,'bty (ee m 0a 9 .M. teIil2 nA ront laSte 6, P. ntRidouoe--Oor, e 01 o aad Girt mréls. C, M. TARI. L. D. I. 99TEW'tuaiertd on Uahéa - attpi l«ci of. <i ahiart, se u thae eh m AJ, th Isîl xtracled vithout na0sby mmta -l *tal i# .Dau=ikmioýntw 4aoýw- ans nv block, over tklunntD>rg lsa mm g Bir sat Omaa, làMiI.EBBIG ANSRQ"YIN - Jouxt GranIte, AIt ikt. WtedaDmdu U'e h s iB~TIu AMRIQN- OTEL, (LATs&osr os. soun" bovly reovw an& sud fumba R*K§BBAI:x ]O TEL - cm GBDZ -?RORIBOZ. Tass, 1»80msaDix. (bp47) Or TRE IG1T ÂOOMODATION .c toi Odsta. " 1-47 hoxSmTat, Wxrrri. DàlLquors sud Cigaru A veil sup. ~ed fable. Airy bed-rooms, Combortable 'stb'lng sudlare yrdroom . Charge. modaate.-83 -PBaPA1ÉEDB- -W. R. HOWE CornerDrgSoe -.WHITBYY ONTRib, HI A HA LL.I N UR-NC sien 07TE£ B IG JUG (EEGI5TEB) 71 K/NO-ST, EAST TORONTO.ý Finoy'DïnnorsuaDett sets. Pancy Bed.room Bts. . Fancy Jugeansd Teapota. Bilter Plad Kulvai, Fuka and Spocua. Bilter Plated Orcets and Butter Codera. Silver Piated Cake Baskets. Bcd g ère' SuItes and Foîke. TsTrajsansd Brvera. Fie hades for Lily's, &o., . Glavwara, au descrptions. White Sioe. ara, avéiy kind. Hotl ansd Bar Gooda. GLOVER HARRISON, importer. JOH LSLE,- POP',LO.Dominion~ Wood Works, (Lita oftIbe imcoc Bouse, Toronto.) GecA LAquera sud Cigare.Commodions Suiblîng. PlieI-cl lvary Stable and B1illard Parleur atiachad. Ir'.o BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook 'sud Main Stroeta, ln thé' VUilage0o!Broughmn. Tiret-clama accmmodatIons. BéailLiquors and Cigar. Good itabllig and attentive hostlh. THOMAS POUCHER, PROPMHTOR. -ALRO- stock, ete., abtaaded aI modmste ahangea. AruaTPOUCHE 6O'ly es7,Brougbsui Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OSlIAWAt ONT., W. a. McCAW, -Proprieîci. Plwiata iomod*tlon.Bat Wns 'lAquer. anA clgar. bdtblnau attentives botlera. Iy 17 W'WTIY nous] Thé underigned wonid tutimate ho the pubicballi alvepromises havé beau' uel bu aud el np throaghout, for tha ccomodtio ofguetta. iloat Wlsea, Liguersansd Cigara. T"f GREMU F ouCANADA" -WALZ LAGER. Boardera týken by the week on moder- île terme. JOSEPH A. ]3MIDELL. al,201% 80. 82- LACIe M1RSE IOTIIL, on. Taocs- & moaca Si-a., TORONTO. À5 Faim> OXFO, - FBOPBIEH2OJl. atee l Hio otai, Mirkham.) EBu i » .0PR DAT. GooAa "I- i fer over 9M )hersas. Tjrat-olaaa aoom- aioa for fariner ansd thliarvsiig p lic in gapnra. I- T E R EIIK-PICKEEING Ibo aboe preuimm have bes mb>b Mne4 AdsA re nov osg al alup tôt thiereceptiol fen tge.,at iélllag publia ý:«t Win"i. lignea, elr, kh0. 'M"eet a r7.er. WM. RODOSON. TH-àOS. SLEIGH, ~OUSE P A I Nr T Rý -Cnno o= tonA IdasSbop,- Tto DOOIIS WEST OF ABMOTRON8 R OTEL, DUNDÂ S TB. ca Ail Ordais proulptlj iMadl o.. JUMBER 1_LUMBÈR JOH NSBONs W ITETY, buea a WH [TBY. Geo. Çormack, jr UMBER MERCÂ T & BUILDER. 1-À, -A large su ply of Builders' Fnrniah. ings an &I ki ofTwist.d Moldings, Docre, saash anaBiLuda. LUMRBER wholesale and retafl, oz by by the car load. Planlng, Mouldinge of every descnip- aavlni., Sbaplng, Turning. ScroUl-work, etc., etc. Whltby, Oct. lth,18M. -4 rffs PAPERMay ha fonud on ale at (Lace. P. »Owenl & Co'& Nevup afer Ad. vertising Bureau (10 Spince St.), whsre ad. vartiaing conU=tt~ may ho raa for itt e Newi YOR. 1 MONEY TO LOAN!1 ON RPAI STÀTS SEOU&1!. At lovait lvin m el cf Itarot. lbyPabuaiy1Ut, 1,0 ; tHO 'BROTEE, 4EATHER ANW > FIN fà urBELimmxoKA=DE ?O&O*IER Lombard Bt. jmd Ciaigg GKOaa, 1s4011. G EaTSin., UD IX lISE. au LL EkockblIutFPa"1P . W. TRd, FAsu dratres cf prolun INCORPORATRD z838. A BET 5. $1,101,87 9t. F. A. BAUL, Mefsozer. Inmuramcas feéow te ith# lovui enflant rates on Buildings, Msrabandlo, sud cher pucperiy, qgalnat loi or daéiag by frs. Agent, Wbla MM ~ tsuhie' ass te #i a4olf ai igt Ar tis sj O'ffllMsd dreid Oailnq bhaeramjovat vce - thq.slI'mr peapny, S"ZÊýne ainathe l Treaa'tulr shdai out. Ah, the duir ii a i home, 'iL P thordbé bite tBse-i Fimibi a hbr'ig &n&l*th àr freolaisst. 'Wôrsas4liuoli ie, Ehatlygme th a" ji tor Drs.et bepeWbr-vi oit DWINO AND SPECIICATIN' Prcflptly pmcgra vSimv= te Beeumy CIIJCH AMDO GJ00J.ARCIITTUREA Correpondenco ResP"tnly SoUicted. JI. B- BARBER, IArest, hot, - - Ibihvaont. MONEY TOI LO AN oft EASYTRM-*nu. 1Apply o W.H ILLHimGS, flrUR$DAY, DECEMBER 22, OHÂPTU I.1 t aer a.s mon ilsah9 The ilightvas 50bot sud stiltry ,lbt mep4iU1.Thora ahee had sto tvo yonng mon whâ )i àd lbéen1hièrj9~' puluteu, nunbla oùl thé âcrre ervit inôé 1hè * cf:iin, , ber crieis forlIelp ; sad a tarlef, dw Ul. hiù gh il 'Waa àng aflér (n ger of sulffocati'on l 1h. fishing f88.1 had ailed ,L -t h. e g e atb i fihrs Wies suîmgthair'i, de _o oui2 ng at'-au old ,bricke .laep,'aînd other longero 'b a-. one 'sn rteda i 9ýb4ër droppeid off and gee b 18s1. But tha3'ýÀook do'vii lest abs sb. ag" paf r ai ffever foi both hail, ILw v iai fer Nias Gýold embrcedprôèssqpsthàc.rièdthezu' the yonnlg soldier, hova mbt 1h xndot .f,'Poria.; dward Pal9.Cover har dangtious -poiitiei 1ev vas 'mtddy on- board. sadaahlng prompt and tarim. Il frivate, unûeý' ordera flor Canada ; ud were runniug hither mid tif Riir l'ié mayne a-Jieula«it lu heo absurd suggeulioni,.snd gelt army, vho-'liad béeen hoômeon: loàve othero-'s y, Richasrd Tres firm a forei'u stat!in, suàd' ho would thiown off shois ansd jicke iî0r 0tu Ob irgfmnt snd fie dutieis svarming up thé er. ore another 'vee, hac elspsýed. abled hlm to olimb W vi"h It. , '>Y plbissant' w pâ5 'b suad of Ih. lady. Thon by 6A fro cîi the *et, co hnaof 'th es-, effort lho snceed lu.n gat' tai â "oai or e~avit a-on son -éie lge uflcfnU'or torsl< Tbôz'tbers varp somi merry' a&nu- sonsedea9 Ios" rouy-cbeekea d dammôl faue d %Fmee e ply1l48love, loik,", laid 'rPing PeHlè-ri , M ""haig ehahl ichthé pea My bride an'a folio ;n a ms" 00ai'by',thé bhésrth of someona 'w T ii"ut- ap' ,vithe, lbc . 'd'arstbar bave a hesibi cf My ovn," retorted Richard Trimeynt, -man'euy -aer Umake' muaiehihi ma-i-lumy old agu.- Ne .bf ybihr;.oli-. tory bisasedxemu for mel' "W. aro tvq to 1ols," bis friend more soberly xemarked, "thue 10' Plan oui future, vhsu -thé neit ion ellher en- ggain 'may profide hlm wlth ail ha nis-s grave." fa&Nay ; thea's nc harm lu lookiug orwà:rd ta a long lite snd an honoured oissdTremsyne. "Whethér. va Potte tuoi10prepare ourselve o -&b~y deati or a glorions. amer, va 'vl prote curselvi .bravé mon, ah, NO4T Butcorn, vashah b. lactured '0 1Y mcîber's servant up se l s-hie hume te b.d." daareyhiysrnlled sloug the .Ibb tfle Ocniai sesporî, ta ýÏçàvi1la on the outskrla-in 4*o8 ýmoîbercf'ozk; of arusided ; sud '»lia uuilg thesduarsama ozone "dosnotproeedfroni cand,; ud aê bo coursgjng vôrda, sud firî gras p ôiber btlti ee4a~-sad v~ band, upbald bai 1111 Edward -Pallelf's uch svoman tiévér fqIsa,-ýub 0' sbrong arémcved .hsr. .Ii w '40 hq taMled bhin at. hé 'gvïw EIWh Who olimbod thi frit Isdder breught '16 Tganisya. '- bth so-e .wo 'andb lb.cheri Tlejle-Mioialover v# as agr'1à sud liualigr ftheaxicoqs 190k-,Mr.GoldthorwésTeir1Jbbàê'hm'lt, ong-on, deséeuded wib h br tbrougb iàté formilly lryhla prpombl"it'bu u sqfoctin !pcu (at eddlsd around md arrange for -Niae t6 rbiali"ia ibath theusudpl.gé or atI lasIunhurt on cire cbla» other, bc fiIs Amidat ail 1he terrer. of her posiin as proéaldd b.- oo retaill abs had borne hersif sc brsvsaly tha$ home once mor'e nký aj isbrdm vhan théfiriends had imors lihna 'lé Mr. Goldtbo*pèétiidse111eflr Iba a careful survey of the rmoté eut i la eonlyebild,-thait us. dob"-ofL grl, they ver.stonisht ss h ov bis acqaiseape i bsir -ulsiteiubb& tr frafzgile sbs vau. andi boy th. lovera, sM& thay îvaatad bis coc4-, yuï.M.Goldthoipa viasa very old ith tranqiIminAs, theirhi l aà mas, viti birsb, repellant faianres, diétuibed only ihan Nus.remnambér- and a form bent s mach vth cars as 'ibg thedaier eàhi' iidM lh6. il age; vile tia sylph:llke creabura, wvi ounter ors they ma'gti' e tA miigbt-liave been bis g9rand-daughWa, -brak-into peasonste.sebe ad bewait.', bW 1h. refined air sud graceful man- 'tb. aaoeatyoi bis" filhg nersqf a lady. ' Bb'liis b, i nams -r Her firsi question via, Is My fathar Ïthoils blssialhours- veuýs b édlse safo 2" but vhexi -it vas ansvarad linb aorcan irlvd. a aMrvÏative, ah. seemed saféd, Îsud 1 'o lobard'. maly«avowal of bis love evinoed noesIrs 10 sae hlm; but clunng 'but haoasvera-wîths&decldd ed,"I to the, bravo fellows (c vhom ae.oved lipsilefrm'to:g.ve yos m ý ber life, ftlmia1y beseching thoas b 1.anghter; bar iband la' prel*d tel i lake ber whsra 'she oould 'elonger ' 'anotber 1I" - -.1. ",. boer the orackliug amas and tho hoarum th. dlsappoinlad lover axpoa"uatdý vcicit tht brengil bsck tbu visibly &aI ln vain, nor.-vas Mms. Trmne,» aie hadjmat gobe hhboagb. '. 'suocedesin: aber edaavun'topes.val So Richsrd Tramayna conduocted bar [luth Mr'. <olAtborpa to altàr bi dexa to has 'mother's bouse, vltèrs sieiu 'in çpeedily.joined by Mi. Geldhhoipo snd l"our son la very fis.ouag Young-r( bi-onkt. Ninsafathars 'is rofseifelov. maa,"a avsd ; '(ndAý leà bis sçhnbvledgmanls cf lteésarvilýje e -Nia, ia. IdoaiMy bc-"ha-, r 0-mra biihongli h. asmerl b*",vaaewl t mmM teuoùgb b -.re'sa(revard the a u4seeyasase n uai aIp ,4 hdaaltëd thé fieudais ain g e iastldotrvlaam'sm kt h.os no real sffecbiop for1 us'qvdut.oahfrz! iii with which 'héchésnie ber '*âsba"nwflhdv h»il à Làondea. hto ;tmaw i gr8Oz u rOntirto Ban, 10-tf Whtby. C. N. VARS, L. il . S DNAL 5QS eevditsn M mSltiey'autreKu.1. _~ 18ULPHOLINE 2LOTIONIt' T (j p.N,72 CObwrh4ýet, Tma DI Il BOTO B S.' scp*T# ntoýr. Prm LFdNRMI War i gmne, pemdml -7-u aire aiLis .INOEOF j

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