Best asmQtRfeUt0 oSotchk and, Ctuiadiian Twéeeds trndüli Trouserns 7 o ?rn, ortdOojns te yles m ~un mei~Hy n BftF'itrat ana -laxd.eêOur new Ned8 W ae wollpro o ee ourlmany oanaad fieud& ~ ~' sTE1w1TFP)r ;o1tueilà States$ aua1D1 thé G<401m1)cGsemalot ,ýOd. Thé. aitor'tcf a big buluei building lu -w ovYrk, a mors porerat ho con bars- perqlsieS 7, 6.10 ~lioa trust- edidco,- tesà onlble for thé. car@ of millions cf moncy and. securitles, la tbougbt iW.1 all d At 0,00- . *étbîe ar lu bi" in lU trit, pr&tilly con. trolllq huge bank accouna, reosieiug but & 2 a wek, vile Po Misud cirquejusupns se as s s$25. *Tihe siati of11c8rof the. port of New York drave.160OOa ysr,.,veille Bcrelary of State et W4iugtou r.- cetres but #8.000 and the Pimo Min,, iter cf Canadai $7,00(. D.tsdîs8 1avseis théecl vs e n lat N.w York frsljuht haudiors are ri'ldly hld 10 17 cents pet bout, Wvehe claimunder tbéUe usi cf'lougaborcaen ure psld 40 cnts peur heur. The. Nev Yore treet car coundtiitot, wbi mua bcea miracle of Patience and long sufer. iug itelligence, tolae 15 hourm a day Jntfor 811 a wvekuiilik uscutcm houai messaogcr loUe srou'- iimx houri a day for $24 a w.ek, end ma oh t hrough lthe long Tange of callinge. A dems ateh from Orebveuhurit on Wedneada ya: M ra. W. Jetin, wîuh tljree mmli childreu. acoompauled by a young lady uamcd Baily, veut tb an ilsud Omar Tarrauce, Muakoka lake, go pk barries. Thr chilidren bslug amfal .ra Jmtin providod s blauket for them ta plsy eou ville be sud Mima Baily word collctlng bennets but ou@ cf the cblldreu maasgeda ge Iota tothe. Ishe. Mime Baily attemptefa gotatosue lb. ebild, miing tb t M ia Bail yva lkely ta ink ie. 3etin plongead loto the lako and ail tire. vere drovned. TPho tva srving obildres wat efuuud au thie isff about évnocoks gt nearly dislnaoted sud oly able ta tell thc foregoing mad tory. Naw YasK, Aug. 28.-Jamem B. Sillusu, vi vwu coufiusd lu thi. Utioa uylui for tlhr. montiia d dia. chargea by order of Judge Barnard ou thi ground tibt ho vas sanso, inteuds te brin gthe. malter befors lbe Legimia- lao., Ho asys th. Inutos are trestedl liko prisors, girsu misérable food, £"" tii m10 >ialaboun ansd Dot slloved g ta estiriidi anor corres- pmn vlii thoera. à lawyer af Troy, bc, viho serta, vWu mas, vWu put in the "Bull yard," and subjeotid te ack. ing Indignitiî5. Ho asairta tiiere are elevec n c cfiuid in tihéaaylum vha arc sot tlsted wvîi saity lu the leuLmt neHoiac, cargesa liai tbe ssuit&ny se. camoaistlamre bnastly. Thiomasa P. Wade, c wsaihhy gentle.. man coufiued lu tiie Mlddletowu lustic aayium, vas brougbi befare the. Su. prom. Court st Noir York ou Saturday on habeat corpus for ths purpeo ao meoorlpg isidiciarge ou lb. gnound ai bis aaulty. Au luvestigsatioii lu Pen. ding. Proumptios boglua lu Ignorace d enda ln uio." Os the. other baud, lhé production of Kldney. WoI'i bigan vith Wiae cautio» n saointiflce sssch sud ia soeonde tl uorirng aïttared conslltutlote êla deudowinug mou sud '-womeu viii iispphfsiua. 4My torment- ed back," fa the. oclaintatlo-ci ahoma tIras u ao r dworklamanu spd vom:l' a ou kuaw wby 14 aches P It le beuo jour -kîdnsys am over. .taiSsud ImiL euu gtbeung,su your elsiem nues. to b. leuasd cf boa humoraYen used N.lyWont. * No fsnrIy Dyme Ur.ever mO popuisu là thé. Diamouid Dyca. Tbsy neyer fail. Thé Black La fan suporor l.log- vood. The otiôr colora are brillant. tEory Hart K+~Weti-IIe Ov SOF- Tbl.e sialoeut appoans te coulain muci trutir. Iu some cass, hovever, il la he houri cf a nsaty Little oona, vblch, lionghburahl l sapabli ef muc feeling. TL, form of boi-aae e i veny common, sud -eau -b.éremodled. PUTNvta PAaLZ&a CORN EzMUior vialpeae e lthe throbbhngcocrn. Don't fonget liai. SelS b ruggsstu cvcr*iore. N. C. POLSON à i CO., l>;opietone, Kingston. Mariy a slckly vomss, vhome @ad e«Pooneos ad Semontar ul. lko ti faitons at couueted dotont sud poison- cus dr-agi, bas oblaised a DOw lesce cf lite for s 1ev dollars vorthioallie Vege- table Qaurpound sud bas gos. on her way rejoîciag masS praing Mn,. Lydia B. ilnkiiam,, cf Lyou. Mass. Zr. Whînar'a BaIsai aI Wtld Cherry. The standard remedy for ii,one cof urugia, colda, lnfluesza, braucullati, bosumoes, ashme,. wboapls oaagh croupn mreIlrosi, diptiora, igeaity ai bneahhlng, qaiuay, phibiuic, s:in iu theie is ud bresal, aptting of blced, liven -cemplalut, hleedlng ciii.e lunga, sud ail disesues of" tire Iroat, luga, and Chat, looiu4uux oves caneuraptiom. "Osemo axl 4 it o cseoaery hW dilate rà th; v ponlb itues ai liis Isvorile iemedy.Il vas istroduod tlath. pub. lic by Dr. Wister'nobrly hulA century isoes,and by -lb.evoudorfal cures whioh Is penforu>d, gained su -li- siediat. 'sud' "enviable repn tatioo, vhihlcb taà ay il bas lully austelu- ed. Fracs hieguif -)f lie Iý. Lawrence le thie ionelite Pactise, -thora are fav, vfameot:haiiletwthontr"livins taluly ai ils curative a ient. Ti Pro- t prisIons.'dfui çf 4hem neepousi. biîty ot ie sffilsd, exorcisealie lit- moat carn tihie usiolian and cona- poundinrgocf le vsniapme lugnedients Sf,' vilc Qi' BL5ÂElu fcm ',s ; and thli kà X ule t ar naeudthat tJirehl tIg is. ' dard et sîcelloeo ouvhcitIs elan. Il aIsuS vel si ays owmantalned. Tireuoenda boar wiloeuss la is ppative ourétit4o paera of lb. aà ONu Iwnraorà ra. lite <nulY edy.tit -basa prnoveS tlnà aameirro for geboral de. MI1, erisal veiroce,, lapolny, îto. sud acl i dlesaes litaisIe '<om eolf-alioas or ortaevd t.slu, finally Piodlng là oousumntlcn, Iceanity and a pueanalurave. Sa"i by au dmqggleStu, or yulhi sot Skeen ngi e olé'if'5II4 * soreal Plckngs. Wbile 'watln for a car we culled ati K 'the Smith X=M00eO' ffie, 688 F sUbit; éd ind Il a awl uvb M10 -Canal siret, éAiý latape worm " y se .aho te=»~n . tiihigiiem ramedis sd declora vithoitul su.. ýW. 'v« e iovu .l.,sn' lsr alaomaci olrma, rituovil froma lit *e oblld cf Ptrlck Smith'& livingat 96 Oheunovillo treet, villi ou1do0eof the. REmoedy. They haoe thoaudmof tes,- *timanlala, snd befare or car cameg mlon g vo er. f.lly coavlac.d aoflth woudslemente ai Dr. Smilth'& Great oerthm uWorm JIoody.-MJontreai staf. f Thousande au. bsing oud of Qatainl evor yeyar vith Uil'mW Catarnh Cure, liai the doctors bave girpa up sud ms.d couil not b. oued. là conteaa bot"l "Sad hy aU dxuggita. S F. J.bssey d& 0., rpltr Hcllm (ICaarrin Cure, afiif00t Oveýrd for ssy oaa. of Catarnii bat cao i b. corsd vili Hlall'a Oatsrniicure. Sold by cil drugglalm. Fè.uîu AD MmonAuc.-Provids lounmlted vîit aâbaolle cf Faiu.Killer et tha aeaaau of tbehe ar, vins una- mer camplaîgfm are ma prevaleut ; il la a prompt, &f., sud auraecure. It may ai you laya of aroknesman sd You vili find il la more vluable lias gald. De sure yen boy he gesuine Perny Davis' Pain-Kille;, sud lake o sotaer mixture. Sei cdvertisemaat inan noler columu. Famillur a bouseiald vard-tii. names cf Eaterbraok'a celsiratedsitoel poesa-Palcont Bank sud Eaay S4riter. To be bad freinasU the BI3okoellera, Ststianurs snd Nwadosers. Thc PUt Bai. Thiisfamiliar l1tl rmetaelaIe centaina, sndsr 4he guise ai Medicine- obep mineiraI compudé tS&Masl daugeraom. Befon. 700 take atemedy for cougii or cald, or pais, or soie, otc., mnake inusiry roga:ding lhs ,lrtusmcf Du. Buumucx'a BUGAR Cac&run Vuom- rABLE PU.8 Cheerfuolces, couragqsud great 1c11vityof Intellect' are ondoed by Fellavaly' compound synup af Hypo. pbophitem, sud 114 caaty aflmpani. lug pover cf endurance te 4h.e brais aud nurvous ytomq., lahuovu linls property af sustiilg persanstirougi ibent"aciulties. How b ocGt Rid of an Uswclcomce Vîmitor. 'Bhcumaltà m Muy# Mr A&. StoFaul propielor of thliyClly otel, Kingeten, 4"smd tb old ils owu pretty vell but 'li, yana of tist bore are o'en." ýi JacoauOu, tlis Great German Bemuedy bucoonplolely conquered lie nieuma- tissud no man ue sufer from it longer. I bcd it badly onlil a shorti lime &go, but I coad Si. Jacobe OU sud vas ourod, sud moc au suy one be coreS lu a imlar masser.", If you lire s voman and vaut beli bîalthbsud beauty, renaben liai aul B superfiolal efforts »t incresse ycur per-I osal charma are vain. Freshue. sud beauty acmpsWy19N s<ud to 9sure tbis Vir. Lydi .*Pnkhumn'u nmedie for aou female wvesiu scfoer lie sirreai meana et rénovation. Tii. higiesît lW lelligeso loaem itslstreaIn. vies ilmuai fanS expreaufon îbrowgh c billcoxem plezien. Gond fori shiernse. Dyepepula la thre Mt tommen of auldiean sdt under the . culnrydrug tratosîme 1 mol tiiul acure. il aa-t ol cf ti di m turshvh inldigesiion. Thé s eislv.aroucà a mimbran.eoatib îld utomuahbecomese lntated, m sîanly aIl liai enter. lietemach cou. dunes10 Sad fuel ta thie 11ME san.1 hum sà pd Sour Eruptions, B.loiigoi1 Wlud, Nausea, Ssoie, Variable apptit., costirs Bovole, oie., lite na p remient aymptesls. Burdauk Biooi Bittera la à pealilve cure kt liii miea.' ensila disease. 1 Rabet,. Wilson, Dispeusiug Chem. lel, Broorile, sys sasSer dot@ of Jane dlii, '62. *'1 baveauDM theuiligb" aiei. latien ila Sayrg liaiDr. 'Povlen'aBE. tract of W itravbenry bas given My cutouienm more satiafautien lieu aay modioluo ia My .1er. for ldu curesAf Surmor Ooiupailta ;Dlarhta, Dy. seuteey, Pain in thé Stomaci, SM Siokosu, Piles, ito., jeu caM uae m cme, etc" J. B. Band, Dnugglal, M.,, Scom- bengi vinllea, 'I bave sold medicine for, ovsr tv.aty peara, aSndn medliuoom UUtA g&YU ivà AtriUO1W nata tb& .., -01 kchi, Dond»gfdc hmgaandOpsaina, Dua$ ad rlbt, (apqnd Veadeahe, P>âfd tactf and Ea, W ad ail theLp Pain8 anddaches. bavrçsU e us-boualve & . Z±lou Ou. 5* S eeb, 5*11. a<eu Le m a espNg. s BOL» BT LLDBUOIBSAUDURL3U * Il WDD EstUeIu, & 00 .1 Prdbhly no0nuaw doveiepmsiii vii morrs urpris lhepublic, tien te lssn tusto sool cf eneemof eornsluloE piy;Mianm. Wh4u theiivaradieffl case 1of thiosi ,or ltlng8lséaae liai bsffI4 uhir mslsbtl@c -* s I bey pro- soibqDr. KMug'" N14V* i Ilov ry causmpitic, on.b;8 sud loId av. ina iý!dlmgulmed 1a * Udtorp*loà ott., vihh Fhir o rovu ô" #iMasai'smu ai- gel tqcredil.- ribuM1.'TrIalbotle Ire. M Hcvse'a Drun t ore. Lang lrme 9.00. * 'Phare vould b. is tie if any slokoms durng iii. hot tmontbe o July sud Auguot, if .vsry bonewoold tobé, Dr. ttemi-as they prev entin a-sd re m&U deragements of therstBomach snd Bow. uls. Sold lu large botties ai 60 cents by ail Druggiata. W. a. lHovs agent. Nenvous Waaeskua Dyspepés. Im. tonece, Sexual Debili ti., ourd by WIa o iBmereer. $1. Rimions Amie salve. ThuieaPer lr Sai t qld fonr Peve Brs orestor, ChSad lt eI9, hublaua Chnssd ailsoruptBans, as4 poallv 14 cudesNis l u laainusod me Pgie. r 1!scre sals tlo n srauutd ftprice BU conta per box. tie "Stomnaci sud Bavais iare Vary hiable te becanre denged. Tire praper pre- veniativo la Dr. Cartnaus Steisu ad Constipation Bilerae, for by lireir oas lire Digestive Onganu are in*tigmontd the Boveakept sud ibe blond teidered pirued sdcool.. Sold lu lange bale t 50 s ieut & Il Drugglila. W. IL Homme agent. Theme aifeoled with veai Lane SluggIui Livsr or Deunensste0cfM. Kldny, iuld procumr eka e1Pf Dr. Cansons Liversu LlgCen Pound. Emoir 6<) cnt.lpakage-mokas tbresopintéof Syrup.*-It isa0, valUabl collecticu of Bootr,' Herbe su- a&a* sud ite resulteoare veonderfuL.-ý Fer am, by onlDruggiew -W. A Word cf Canýov, - . liI uahly theosas vens su a- cle of true mert bas 'sétisled a world- vide reputal 'ion by '<te voudenfri ro salta, smeth. itahebrated lctrio Billoné bave doue, certain uuopnluuplsd Ps"-4o bpv. oudeavored te - hiaI. e, an& expecite oindues au unsuspestng pub- Oi t ur chaastsor geuuenli0 trioe ithbst are uarauteedite sMr, sud taks ne othiene. 8o1 by -W. IL Hava, at 50' 0m.' -Filou ssii auge. berry. Tio'modicine s tla l aS n- *megropiers, chipmuuks, hiable oun.forCoirMobDyu-b RuioBaa 1e tory, sud l Susuimer Complalate. 1- y~ iCdusy Ccmplalut. tislave pr.jà blesSo..peieil, Tir. mcroios rom tho Klosoya la 120»" fnWVlts--Uui n olleir boaSeS vu i«falu sbd pà laooua jdieLdifW wa -malIten, a thici brlekduaiWC^1k. 6.dl n oSeiai if, n.Foruý oraue. oosare ot iou lno e m eý â !1je b m' ge.4t.d,.causicg palnsaniiwmsee usqssis»tegehr 1 lIte ~ ~ ~ ~ Ãët bac ,.d muy isieoaini myu-tue lAe iaelaBIhiteDisses1,0 "MWP. Tary ii, et ba ,pey,aud ail Unnary 0ompIliare_________ up llykvcoreSilhy lat grandcu- Ipatileir f diuiroe îaienalivetei, ~ n'UJ ko. Bnrdoek, Rlood Bittera.- - . " Have h Warks.CHQnL t The.pvnfyiansd heslîug rprp.Wha----- $ tia f r.ovrm Exîrop ié ScIgwhe.. . ......ui Sînivborny imparti a"heal$iy ôtol, ,fOn»xol*#A...... I lie~~~~~~~~~ dlosdmcusfcac i.............. . sto"omchasnd Bovels. LIa woling, ~........ seotiiug p@inie<lairo.pain, iï mIl selusI Pr opertiles ýornects@snksr jBi" Ppas...;I lesfuihmo4r, and its tenié ats¶m. 0848 ........ gent nature corrects. &Il exisu4iv4ie.If~.... Cioloi%>, Morhu,.ard wnme ern. ja . ..r wmrignrly . . ....... . A Woe-enrd fCsn ieo.,......w, M55 ~5e.~esw. us gent druge ma the 1 >m$palnis, uhy x . aîock ir )rrbeus sy Inn' tir pi ~4BA jciO i..!, r ~ 1LI~ k!. AGRÉÂ REUVTON FR ~IY1NT2 ]3Fui M: k i dI~2LA~ UeO-yds SpoQls, wo-or5cents, a~aO~CERoIE 12,lbs. god - Pot; 'Rico Sugar fÃ"r $1,00. Il lbs. Best' Reflned Sugar -for $1,0.- 10lbs. Granulated Sugai'for ¶ei-O.' Cheap Teasand Generà l- Grocis .Fistct88Coat Maker Wnlted. -A £ mu. Houa., - NEW A)VERTISËXMIErg, ASSIGN EE'S SALE, BOOKDýEBT'S & PREONIS8ORT NOTES. TEBqDBS M berméW.U&AttiaigOW ot lte Town of Wbilby, for the. puroiah o the boik deb ud prcmlum notsaes be- 10~ ug ta lie elate cf Mena.Hamilton êtoeIsoflrts.of i h.Dt fif pin. of shout 68,000-00, up $0 lié 151h 5èen ;à GS aieabe rweeveA up la lia mmre tima es uid place for lis porchame of the. bock Sablaicicugib lathe tsolveut Rsatiao fMr. Edvsnd P ,amauntina ta s128.88. Thi sodulesfa cf aCOOns* eauh in e&id the iooku examined bY lu' = g mhum ptstheaplu e a eso- lIe ealyv lime prior te smid 151h 4euMI M ash os sosue cftender. Th,. su lie am et guarsae. lieouraolnue cf aiS scuneor notes, son tust ie re apiclive amoWaucmu eau oecllecteSrom lie * PABRWRLt.81 RUTLEDGE, SolWctani for Join EI#e, 1AssIgn et cmud, Relates. WHITBY, ONT., 'WÃŽiIRne-oipen Sept. 7th, 1882. B"lg ObligeS te maonà a roparalory Depart0tut t lameet lie vtauofi rJusior om e oil" es iu ai Ro gsi" # l o u t u "'meimuz Alo udrvug otee fera tn fo0TUvDOaUIa POUtu pcrtmscd ai adg ontmuas the "oa irs-OIaUmtoshonlui a larg sud&ù dry 0"a ' *O eu aaÊlyleorr soti ferntO haltandnMm etfipholc oa$ Mdy ii hbeaOfmOPsuin Oa I ui temoO etP epn j.1. HR ýVotei'List, 1882, TOWIi8MP ?MI cou ~O itumeO -J. COR. BROOKý el".. capitl Dot neeed. We will mltÀtyou. *19 a ysud upvsrdemsae st home by lthe hiduUlOULUsawoimjn boy. sud girls lw&anld on;r1hefe ta work for us. Nov la thé. time. Tou omu *rk in Dpare urne oô*- or giveyou wviolo lime ta the buSlneal. Totosalire.stiiemeianSdo 'H .Pu buloq viipsy Ion s.arly ief,' Ne dn en a i cmae nroly s, ms», e.m rils n ié mou an ouaraby IIERNAI C1}8 FORLAz R -. IF TEm MABEETM $100 $ 100U MI~ littiedut aelm%!MrW.LrU1OW1Iô5IXb for es ear. sd wv rry ucibeuefitied by ofm et a" uiac5ss Cur-* su e lD ow about r.rOd W. T. HIOUSU. have uied WL3sS? IbIre 1, 5. Meb,Ù11. llVîb vi ureth-e moa uuboru WttLaD 8, Na4iUh zM. Hal' atazrh Cure la scd i &Irli Wbolascieo"d1,..» aaI pEIE IL W* HGD8i, WeoiMd, Okt. IAmtlti o uC iO. Ti'04,Oit 1«sA cu frth e Do lm On Hligh Court of ýJu8tice8 ÃŽ -UTUMN iCIRCUIT.. AUTUUN omcur 0F TEE Uhanw.r ivW=of lie ElgiCort .1 Intlce for1h. ocf Ontario, viii open ia te COURT HOUE th "WN ON-I = *-,csaU perueusoce Windvitae nigo.lPÀS.N SAES ~OLEST Every, ar ei shonuld have one,-as tbey00- yfe~r tbem ys e have ýa goodasrmn to select frOm ; eaU and see themi and get Èrices. Apple rêra, the best, in ' t4.nake;p ares, cores, -and - -,licea, them ; don't buy lintil yori see them. HARDW-ARE. Our usunal large'stock 15f Hardlware, Paints, Ofis, Glass-, Futty, &o., whieh we Offýr cheap, being bouglit befre the late rise in Prie- .Lfanps and Lamlp' Goods. Anierican -Coal Oil, whole- sale and retail. GeV prioes befors buyingslswhere. Stoves and Tinware-Large StocIks-cheap. HATGH -Whuluby, Ag.- 29, 1882. ISP'RIlN G 10-tf A R R IV A LS AR-0YA -S BOOTS; AND SIOES SUJITAelE FOR, EVERYBOýY@ An ilumense stock fron¶ wÃŽhie omk -' a selection. Latest styles for Lajdies', Gentlemen, gnd Misses,at remnarkaâbly 10-W g, ustom Work its usual, a-SpeeialtY. .1 JýOHN -SA(NDERS), Wtby, Marà li22% 882. . No- l:i3AIIEE BLO O. ma iy, fît~ nes-o -FUI flarmtrt~mae o rdtétt Ie~ 00. AND DUND~8 STflEETS. 'W 1 1 lTS.Yý È iRST SHIPIIN' 0Y, Si II18DG P1opts Wcrki, lu lbe Nêveal Bylïea of-'B liig, sitable for prammule,. A Very large stack ciMitogr apk tognipi Albums..' . -11 1-4e- Binlladay sud PrieuUdbip complote staok of Sitionqryl Iaýlà ný; he lavesi rates. Scipol Books, Bial-es,, lnk. Schoal Ba sud sUl Sohoal necesasies, il 'loveat Pol Sol anday Bohool I4braiaud Cau 1uuppliet à abi a ibea isounit.- A-NovwLUne ln, Gentlemen'&, Valiaça GOLD08M, TF/8 Waltham watéhà i~e stem whiiding Is thêpae# quai i - ]y£LOH4 ny :oe tokl .89 e ~wa ur plaint&agénéra rood, éded -i CREft , ecloN jRmi u Pr i: -1--- 1