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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1882, p. 1

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* 15,per Annum., bte aLotnape ,Anst b. lsnvnling. 1,p s~p s4T ud f4 Meetings,llancill s, RaUvwayio5paiuiIO, os, cuit altera of like Wbed &mens tievs Mat- kbits vlth sàdvertimen me. aman 0s a'rortlehll 8U&fl88Direct oiy. T fiE WESTMIRN fÂNE CF WHIIIBY, -ONTARfIO. THOMA.S DOW, manager. xhtlby, noy. 7th, 18M. 17-47 ONT*R1o BANW, WHl'TBTtBRANOH, Brock Street, Whitby.1 M~EUS RITCHIE & BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS ATlW OJ.ICITOR8 IN, C. Il RITHIE, W. H. eILLIlICS# Tonennto. Whibhy. JOHN E. FARE!WELL, LL.B., BLARBýSTED., Ilonnty -Crevmtai ltrn>, Bsud Conty Soldeitr. Offiee-Sonth ving, Court Hoc.s 1vWItby . -48 JAMES IRuTMEUE, I)IRISBR,&c. Office torernrly oc- > au ie bB rewll& Railodge, uaxt teuBa40 Hto, Brook St., Whll5sy. -48 O'SJLLVAN & KI&URR Y BÂRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA. OFFICES :- 72 Yango Street, tort thé Drulnl ut3èD, sed Corper King and D. A. O'SULLITÂN. J. E. Kzan. Otobor 28d, 1880. IY-45 JAMES KEITU CORDON, i AIIRISTN R & ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, ,> 8olietteinlu Oanomon>,cvoyanuo, NotaryPubU , &e. sfiBe-Dundas St., firsI dloor west of Ammironga HRotl; ouy to Loan- Pnlvate fued-al loy tnteregti- DAVID ORMISTON, B.A,., A.TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITORIN i t1L . Chuoery, Couvoyancer, t. Orric-In the Office .outh oethé .Paît office, iu Mcbillcns hBock, Brock Stret, 'Wliiby. -ly.10 ROBINSON & MENT, (LArs DvooÂsl& RBoesu.) B ARRISTERS-AT-LAW, A TTO RN. eys, SalUit.ers, conveyancsrs,&a. - OFFICE--t Victoria Chazaa, No. 9, Victoria Street. J.O.Rass, ., rsuA.E m. G. VO0 'G 9151TU, L L. B., B A&tRISTER, &.,hêé-Money te Loa Orioz,-Oveer Domitieln ni, Whilby. Tan. 22, 1870. (tf-6 dito. G. KELLÈt, ATtRIS3TUB-AT- LAW SOLICITOIR Street, 'Whltby, Ont. 3. HAMER GREENWOOD, A TTQI'iy /AND SOLICITOR, ON- .j-j voyancer. Natar>' Publie, h.-Post Offie. raver No. il, Whithy, Ont. Famims baaght agit slit; Mamiage SOtlel- mmel, Wl IasudtTruste a mdoe iaiiea. Laum nogollateti ouùm&lkinds tfet Ppn>. 4.ly C13ABLES C. KELLER, ATTRRY.Â-LW~SOLICITOR Il! L. T. BARCLAY, A REGIgTlWr OF TE» HIGH L our f JO .;Ragtrar Cf lb. gurrgpa Court; Clenis af tbe Couty court, ha. 0O108 os uert Bouse, Whitby. JOHN HALL 1DOW, nARla" -.4-LAW. SOLICITOR olOan.y TCoavoyacsen, &o. - , lr..-Dveiiias ocI. Snack Sreet, MONRYT TO LBND-Private Pata,- in au= oup te 8700, t a 1ev rate et in- wenet. (1y4 -joitNA. 3M0GILLIVRAT9 <suecloso l. M. Hoveil.) P RcIIry Pisailo, o lcior for ilh. ManionHaneuibitdge, Ont. -26 rOAIISTZT LW, BOLCITOR 1IN àLé ;;ctOshawa. ciQase's cuit Victoria G.AUA.qgtitdmb et ofthe Celiege cfpbyii5 uo #maburgeons, Ontario. Ornt-»Oo'îL.Wiiby, Oui., (tire. tiora aut cfRayl~Htol. .IY-48 »BNTO THE COUNTY OAOLt Q-à 11QBPITAL1 IONDON, EBIG., 3'thaeIL ... OnssirDtario. phGiAI». jpj1*BQ1ART 40 onjlvlnrevs white, 0iae.d clona 1 * cýf thé storm 1 k -vhlter ;' en oné botay, a-deving, nmmer ber., zmaud b. blowlng. àtinatmny e storm, Lelter-skeltor-- "ti aer. e lordbe praisedi1 he firo-monîbu re- e barn lght4er1: !okIli 1h. plqieel; erie4n e wî a;*~4;a a Ã"o or b.ôto d 0 ie du; r "'r'aûa emagem" 14. But I wetjpit ken up vilitwat* neîs; vas 1âtitfful "dog, 4-dl. lle a lin af a lb w1thrad- nieatp ofai flh hleg, ai saine othaér ab- noral bs ctnîsie hih Ihetefor.- gote »' Tirea* 1d"asn said i h listaff- ed bahontein originaloven," i lied somehow felloa t ta tk. es blvsày. They wore placet etoeenoei fthe reDoin, 0a.1 lu esccioarner, ewey frein 1the vinudoW,.and close t theb.wi,% vhbene, oiceptinlu strcng diyligbt, Sheyý cânld bot b.e euly sien'. The ô*on'ec3. lieu of' thie.P'aïticulars vils niy .tôs'y' vUIi ha seu la i1h isequol. .I isàd héeeu iu-tiseillage about six earousoeénil elripuoe moin îby 't4s re 1, cof 72abnyc jwelrs 4 #i i ý U W , , im e ù 1*. - e k b è ÏiE # iiU a q*lèsLia .n . "oulb. 'olens lji re froan ~ÃŽh mosI liiouisus atanl.d;staent 9lnIsd, isy lbot. have mail. thé nobb.es pay gse sozaôe "Coufd riait t b.e*jwljcr'm1S8 mcha ansI; ltI am 1ltn )a5~1yo~ enred, iind& mrnfaeta s* 8Y lit 1: Tha jve i laIbenstas nb efforts IÏ6cil~d aaI l. Ithe, es sd ro gaint le o psle .Si ipc id etdutionariguid aven hr Met beeiles, liewuasaune, ho seil, tbsa libres ouidt ot bilai.! nýevisiug. bita for a long -Umne. As fer the. pio- riuiee eawe, ho sainlaMy isoanagý thel ho bal ne. Séér of bis place belng ent.ored, ceseI- bellevre.obbers voulil udI cane ltanioclipraperly.sô bullcy aut ef ms iuferior, veluesas b isBtlie bal reneaoiwithoutb bis hall; for lie bol lest a fine hain, a large lot of tes, a dual et spices, a fev boxes ofelgens, suit isileel a portien cf mest of viset lie decl in. The axcibemant.I ansi alarni occasicueil by tisooo roblicnies vere greal sud vide spread. Tva sbao fdeliclives, cee froin Lauater ad h allier rmn Xoudal. carne taoOur village t'a s. hésl Lb.7 caasld in itoui. Tboy vere net,îblint questions, I mied; but 1ths1-eicn visaI sont of questions thsoy angvrwI. Il va.asygt 10"$btiaIôni. oeto aima ires tamakieit 'eppoanila y bellevoci tise robblier.omM s icl- tance, hi enit.to aIlis I_ .. of Iholi guard;gmows tise oppao aS 51.- v clii0a boItdQ afp.pl's iodo ya Minr tain tim;k6 satWqa abeim Sa begllpita ir.pIasseta son. ca e mudatvbe i , t&lezlot aithtae- rbgsbe . pToay *X iet, a nl- anti as m, w-qk-vas tiseoutdoâr a'y,~ ig. on .svbe a il asea'W eit-iat posiutinI e rougis, I vteuabé l god anWt jilst tafi' a i b- ofunale, Wmhy uprons -làbat- -,là y d lon _P1 us.ppviuselnI-dreis- oi -nsc e, sp ait iL i voui beaah boîe tn' e,' o iu, clnad in a-- cashie accet, <'II uap vi'-tba. lad, if tiado, Le.; n hicâ-littL111. mymag thàfa lop. sud break 1rée;L I had-.101co-aoae-i.vie vipi ng Isamenutiviti isa scgre- Thâ *Ïonunt vaswubis i rahait linona e,. - WNb os i ntdà ,nd -sl".wP ra u.. nnslni VO.XXVII.w1iy,:Ã"ItoF N 08511q HOtISE.TORONTO, ONfr. li . "Pe ZMOa1 ,3e i aaa~fte gersBlevtos, rin , h60 t d iay h Xeb»of Clubs and ote ors, os rooma, vithout. board,$1 te 'W r nda~ Fols. 2Lth, 878. Prapnrieor. BRITISU AMERICAN HOTEL, R AY '8 , ("u Z B0505 Bou".) WHITBY, ONTARI O. Houa. aovly renovcted and fuçdesiae lhroaghout, and put la firit-alais oraon fer lhe roeptolo uesgats. An omnibus ta andi <nom c&U traina. Firsi-clas s ample nouma. O NTABIO JIOTEL, Baocz-SvaXar, WHIITBY. JOHN LESLIE, Proprioter. (Late ai the Simooe Bouse, uarete.) Hcving lhoroughl reoeaitlbeHute womon . enterWu ed uel. choice olnwi. à eitd Unaanratelosr POST OFFICE SA.LOOX, Teoiro. M. MeoCONNELL, - - - PBOPPJN2'OB. Or THE BEST ACCOMMODATION Mi for Ouests. (î7 ROYAL HOTEL. WliITBY. G. W. RAMEY, Ppriertor. (Id.e of Port Colborne.) Under the preseet proprielor the ROYAL wîli b. found te pussess erery desirablo ac- commodation for guesta. Eq"Sp«eat- tention paid to the comserlslagoy. 16 CARj D TSE UNDER$iGNRD havlug leeeed th lt4omtoal Hot4,Peit Wbltby, wishes hM. many friands te eal sud'ses hlm, lorusers sand othgrs dolug business at th. Harbor vill ftwl good cosmmodob- Lýr PLEASURE-SEEKERS lu sommer wll b. provlded wit.h boats et reasnable GEORGE BROWN, Whstby, March lt,882.i BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner ItrockeanilMain streets, le the Village ef Brougham'. Fîri-cises accommodatons. Bent Liquors and Cigare. Oood stabling sed attentive bostier. TROM&S FOUCER, PBaOIRIETOB. L IcNjý£ AucrlPER Efor the C=fàà o Yoi àuNorticed Southi stock, ete., attend etaImoderato charges. M&drsl T.POUGHER, 6Oly i3o17, Brougham, oui. .WHIT]BY HOU SE DtJNDS.ST, WHITBY. The underaigned vauld intimai, ta the public that the above promises have beau newly befit and fitted up tbreuqhont, for the-accmmodatiom et guesta. fBéat Winos, "THE CREAIS 0F CANADA'-WAL.Z LACER. Alto pure Rhino Wins. Lager, WhoWe sale aed Reil Bearders takea by the week ou a3oder- ate terme. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Jely, 2811' 1880. 82- CARNEGIE HQUSE PICKERIN G. JAMES CARNEGIE. Proprieter. This Honte bas beeu fitted u in firsi- elais style, aud the proprietor vi give bis M ers"n. attention ta gneste. IÀquors and, oiar f the besi brandt. Excellent Stabi- tug ced Sheds. Pickering, May 1711', 1882 ly-28 BL&XJOM OE. Oea. Faox: & Gzoaca Srs, TOBONTO. .ALPBED OX1FORD, - PBOPBISTOBR. (La"e cf Wellngio Hot.el, Ilarkham.) TBMS. $1.00 PB-11DÂY. GSoitstahi- 1 ing for ove: 80W horses. First-l-as accomn- modation for f armonsand th. travelling .publie in gêneraI. (IY-41 TEE HODGSON HOtSE, (Laie Timathy OLery's) DIIFFINS CREBE-FICCKEK1NG. Thg aboe spromisea bave been taken b>' th. undenslgned, and are nov heun evl ftted up for the reception ef gueit, md the thveiiing publie. Besi Wlnus. liquoôrs, cigare, &co.alm eat @JI heurs. Gocd stahling, shedi roam, sud an atten- tive ciller. WI. HGDSOIi. C. N. VARS, L. D. S. D ENTÀL BOOMS romoved from At- kiuso's Drug store ta zoomsoaven shea & Shirley'- tone, Ring-st., Otulsv. Entrauce on Klg Street. -0. PAWES,- PRoT PEgRY. }ITAYINGl taken ont Licease lon the ULw ol#,Çfly et Ont*rdo, sales yl vali, smai s madeale ibs~ Ve Ics a . e7 f- MONEY 'TO LO"AN toKES TR 'n-ti XMAS CAR DI GREAT' VARIETY! - AT- CORNER DRUIG STORE§ Re HO0WSE, WHITBY, ONTARIO. CHINA: HALL, Ies n 07s oro r Ua (nEaIsSED) I1 KÃŽNG-8T, EAST TORONTO. V=ec Breakast ced Tes Sols. eue' finueansd Dessert Sets. Fanory Boi-recta Sts. 'IrcyJuge and Tespots. 8 ver Pistait vies, Farks ansi Spoeesa. Nliolateil Cruets ad Butte: Coolens, lUron Plaloit Cake Baskets. Radions' EniveandcitFerla. Tee Trays andi Servons. Ployer Sisados fon Llly'e, h",, hO. Giasgvar, c&U desciptions. WhIL StoIne vans.evM"blt. Hotel andtlBar Gouda. GLOVER HARRISON. importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WHITSY. Geo. Cormack, Lr UMBER MERCHANT & DUILDER,. J -A laresurpplyoaiBuldars' Fuinuslsi. ings , cuit alkin s cf TvxsteitMallange, Doars, SaSand B511us. LUMRB ER visoleasleandi rotail, ocnby b>' thé car Io&&t. Plaulng, Mauldngs af cvery dcscrp- lieu, Ploanls. Sbeatlut, abh.ving, Re- 4aviug, Shapuag, Turnsng. lcroll-vork, etc .. etc. WhlIby, Oct, lOtis, 187. -0 T ISPAPER ma>' b. aimudon île st Oea. P. ReilU & 0a'. NewopapenAd- vertlslng Bureau (10 Spnace SQ., viser. ad- vertisiug contracte may b. macle torinr l<sv«lt loie-1 MONEY TO LOAN! $100,000 FOX INVEMREENT. ON REAL EST&TE SEGUBrI'. Monoy secureit vîthin 10 day. of ap- plication. Apply to ý JOHN FAEQDUIAMSN. Wbltby, F.bnumcy 161k, 88. 9. WHITBY, ONT4ARIO. Imucrhnm, Doson cdIenteluu t a IHP EINIFm NstJBANECO 0. LmsbandUl. sud Cbaig'Cros, Landau. lu t,~k~ i1782. GILLESPIBi,eO"AFTT & 00.1 Agents for Canada. R.W. TYBRJ Manager, Motre9., ML DA lu 1804. tTnllmlted liabMfty M ,auIl Sto 8 l0=.1,and lrgesou C. ROUBl . Agent, WIMtby. BR gAMEICA Ay 8Iranoe Company INCORPORATEb A833- A85E T8,S, 1,0,769g4. FA. BALL, Insuraes offectod at the lovest carrent C. ROUE, Agent, Wbitby. Wllby. ApnitOh. ,187M 1 ROB BEDry-'r-d heallb b be f troef GERMAN INVIGORÀATOR -vhlcb jpaulvely sMd pQrmtnltly cure. kn)Sai aWeakeess, and s6dis essos titifollwwav e quence of Eif- Abue, s Jsa t eergy, les. ofmemry nivesl astude, pain lu lb bek,dIn. ~ouc a.,prensature aid ce,.ca" MODy anI= disasa t Im IN>.1aeigr cou-- ilVe XdIL The INvJGonATORii.Wat IV m it 81,,Toledo, Obio. solo Agent for tl.tnite4 Sss.m W. R. HOWE, Agent for Whllby. 28. CAN ADIANS coa Cureéaeu ahoUtst Slloon thommre tsisns A isé eas 41 ebut jta ptnt raIthe alae,tb 17. yats tnt- ;ôthei nwis tIe tva~~~~ 70r.TlIaet f ~eatO.ajos rtbp tomt 0*0.nla tif X0on'hi0 'e m The moare o'ys The botteri Your veny is , alcnâkesi 1 ha' vonod s Wilb tisé ha Te hidI tise Whsa Ïhe e Iha' bracedhsý V'er mito-hIl I ha' hb Thylf Thono'. a #mi 09the plob But thr's3Q*u ls.ark iam cl gtraffgaton 7*'» hW a eboyfi4gm s'tsae - r *a âDI hahr o athrne ABut maelhtét4ia>loloybi Ais avkverit0hilgg *ne.nkse ThuMr lassai aboutelelbo ~TAult 'bqcg a"Yato a'lvonba be lA eowuHI prbt ew<1 Tise pcaor eil.l uii 1 lis L cDM est n- Gnel-povl-j 'sartw-dghv As iff yevsto jlu Chta Ire. me For.1 o oumdI, -ym-y grevaup bik (OfbeomI ev w hsyana-s g MBt gîwt 1o* can.ssag And lmIlget M& f«er L.tctot-day, Wea s- 14oe l .tieu-elevlw- Whorufl s. ui st tmaoi lop ,asi Ihp Tndsae'» o, ho s h!hlm otie, mare stsrtl ou th b tin e, , r ic,ýh vaa"4hs hmci more;ai Ti sa» auHalemilhon ft liho p7ing t c fhnour bcdter we tris;OÙ tet gmsau Thetozu vih tarmSua a!vie nà= te; Ah Ir?<o a éstelheuly fond gay For 'lia dugerau buslnes m4 e-hslnt lin, The agsaeomrleuI*%hot714r;ýk« Tht angos ar cs" tie er vlat v aa n islal~cnospie W Th o« »Y&Ha . b.impy sibleuI. ona " issio',1 bi té lreantr >fl.u= W&eToui 40.cut acle e T b iy*ovol IiA£ o t 7b oe r asoulld ve ailvocat. Peau., Pragresa, Kaiavlodg., Brothe~haod. 28.1 gevehiolm! whatifomto I 'Bi"Isad btb they iui lie"ei on veroea1oeep.~' Iliwl'ogoinorca. lies," oho. ssfad ; -end -±heun aà& 'ad nsay Ihat the. acid manki ïmusenm? HarV8' otlen enl2B: yen thiak 1 conlil get e look: eb il The quiestioàs vere put one aft other lu quiok onOossolon, eas ho were ,agor sud enioisebout thing. I seid "YTes", tý e vas surprised et the gôpd; Engli which h. nov spoke, an'satbh.r mont vhieh ineked«hisjianer 1 could l aeke nothingof il. L peoovorthe noxtféW deys, e brougbt forth- no remsFkàble, tue The gerdouer lid steak 4l19ohiea -witli thie lendord,- and I liead bec eabledi te gatl on wizay, vork. on.idict net egalu vii$t.:u as ~ ~ M ouuto wthm cr,"g,' flrat coen&hneohrote rny plage., 4»d nile L, Omm\ho Aftersnpper one, aigbt 'k.108 lhe sârgeent-nformeBdme tbat lil ben'uuet6 isumi lbý!-chareoter ý-which lie lied so wIeIl euWeeûtiroly ,ey ofthe neighbiorbarod, e few.dýyâ beforo ho'i6began te play hie Pa, ho bail observei tobker teteo ah landlcrd's ga ridu é-sud beléieving Iat heewould reedlly catch -et' e chadocf getting il fiuished off la a' oep wey, ýadbeiaga agood èhi nt gardezini lie aid bit'ipon the iomte vwhicli lied aasworod- se weIl. He hedl-,believid kUISI lb. robbers were 'net far off froza 'tb looelily of -1he pnbliod.liose,- end could lie lodge Ahere without boiug kueowu or suspected. ho ,nighl cen. t tf bat ho desired'. A.ad »ie olied ilopeil, so did icorne le pae. 'The n&turîIi9tý wlio, it came out, hed long been as rocever cf .etolen property, sud hie sou, whoe-e irat burgleiW th.loe vwer., Rot eacb tire yeers' penal serv- ttide ; oue cf the cher mee-ýwlio came from a distant towlx, and wèro otil. baudswa. ikewje civictod and' ~pnnished ;-but the feurth for -semne f6r. tiù,ta gôsdoff My frïind oe of $ho do&g natise Iamb. ~ el gao au~odeuic lie, Iivae ,mIrauok th, questidas asMaa m ente. - of cfth. ýmen:put, as ta«vietierý 'Brue.';ait 'Won0or' coul4 takein, spy &Chisitmas Box. mare~ ~ ~~~ýM à.lo'o:'fe. u ie*jùal . peasuhe,'~ l e4aiqe, '4at b.lias a ILW9si't a.Pt%&y box &Iaimen :weAY otlsking ont. tsud putt'g 9, ti apr-Ue imi lief POUM09 0g tjeh-skin lias . ecerne set illed!viii ban.ona' ;Aud aUt; * tig verth kaowing, I l9Ms ae Svcansi ont ehoali Liita," ~ tuum!, Il came Lu ýM Dal.y'E Wbaszwe gelt ti thhanse the, oIt.-full Of sOap.. Il vas Uni! Mn.. aAs-,AMObmeta 1h. 4ean, Ooinug il .afer rdenter liaI . ver.yaftern.qun, hp>. Beiag aoeiot Ïie Wauld --l1-w Chioema, WhoaDskie la 1 - li. enteer teeo -aenhimc ee u hy tee conte vorti ef, rais nat, cfprseveeimi,li.aat seoaied Pound cf augan sud a Pounilocfci penpkld,-ansa inylg, li ek . my Anil-a vrylittle spice. so,~h wu a~lovn s ual. "Geiug taberve a pudding?" laal .retùinei, and a isi,*1If la Mn. Dlesbe, eghing: - lucônreueu t0ier h. neomte e lgr. uight , , ing leaneil as i Xe"siiDks."u ,onpteta earasgd ; but.if yousr nienit stick of! acuiy, toc, if yen- plesî vill cornej-m.torresnigli a udcon he bebaby's ascckiag. - The Moe, ho shaU tee aven Il." cent." W. sgned,, pd osame evey. J1 vas Il vas aVerry large cent, ansiù etIO ais l o ua fan 1he conditiinu îs il Dskso haitpoliebo i i. ime nd ut My conpou.ia asset up "Tbasa vati Io sticks," sa vith1h.arragemal.grocer bey. ",Wedee'tocien g Ne M ngh 'Lt smo, sund Lb. gendenner aiiey co. Wiaeengaisîglo' eo f n h, eariaI. I vas ail impa *year stokieg.2" tience SonrIde retunui., But vison ho ýNathing, I guefse, saisi came bcck ie ceelnwigta nre- I'M toc cl. I'm gclng ta bathe late thoe eult ai bis cilvoatans,1 sirply Saute Clause," - .e.ping, "I'm in* ne huma: fan lslk te- '"Oh," said the gnecer-boy, -w çàgit ; lIl relate - irit l'y.sau endl up lie Ivo sticks-cd ceusdy; and osil to-igones." dida'ese -him pey for oeecf.th My friend bel gel: <su velj itlih h ef bis-own poaket. Tstéi. gerdeaiog.- Hie potooel dotiloos, A.lady cuetomen etLise cubei hie tturapes and ca4rroie, liaitboon5ot Lie-danule: vas giviug-1Mn.ju ,uat epcimar liaI if lise néextgood minuyornbtaieht tvady hizc rv fine, hd è Oisla t tisecouvormsilion golug -o- ~aih~ejo~ ut. 8lu~ynigat .Dakie: .andl Lis.é.grocet-boy.î.- w On Fidsnigst ie amelisme u snlldstDaio-a:.hv Pa Ti" isa abs fa]b *nzd of.itif, ou li er v.y -hoee earnagï a liltalerse-at eit-D"klegsinvtha8eab' S sipnît petoI. TsaI-il éd viti, Dalo'a hefore mine le ýia bon ea u a e, le Daie. 3:-ping er sas .nter Ufljueaau sJuja w-y-.--- en& minutes lisu ethe1~Pl b 1he *Wnio tisai-lbthe érn' M 'the and it t he public May laok "far even botter pýentonapes tisIs oh fua ed a lijte pale thea vnitén.emïékd up-. on 1he faot, but- eeived: thà itplyihat ho. vas itigoopdýhébltli.-,--- __ '«Bu't,"' continuecl Mn. Crane, III did stetý,M -ierfamm- lime' e t 'loil d'kWb4dW4vmetroubleY' "I ied aýi very atu lck aof hen-- metism. Thedisee, at t4ckàd,ýmy lait leg ai lelfti axo, end fore lime I could- neither velk apon 1theeuno as theptler ta my boul. . -1-suiffeaI lion- ril. fuit yen ove:. bar.the nhenMOL. "isf ever yoùwen *re stiaken villhi il Ibere is eue thingorviah i cànnbri oda eprotty sure cure, sud oeu whiah vill prohebly gir. yen qulieke relief lia cnything else .you asiieMpley. "I nefer tu, 1h.GreatGrea-BindSi. Jacoba. Oul. 1 amnavare of the prorju. dico wiici may eatbrtai#a gainetad.- ventiee modfcneo1,Ifeu liaius -about tio St. Jaccbs Ofi andl thongit my vr.eavstoe deQly.. roted. .4o b. d~iat k ed. " aEa i iismio .c at.ahe. sila. - Z1purchaàsed "0tle ,weuI'oainlig .0m m no d e plO n l. , t p rco Ïel a " ,That is, pprhàps, -d nkyg it oo te cubera.-a, Iu 1h.e ffwc5.of lb. hotel, th. reporter mot Mn. Qee. A. Duplap, w» *6,ieh Cheyene ofthe ChicagbrM ôf Wood e Bra. li'estock commissiona marchants. IÏp'peing tô moneln téi alvo viththb.manager cf th. Alvin Jeelin cgrnpqauy andwlat lie .seid -ebout St. vas net ourprissd4 aI- the-nsrratioui o! the cincnnttape,- for lise Great Go:.r Smita B.medy 's a egood medicine andl way, ti Ibeliée o l.sgood réWne&ilyal moeh i imitea&. but nS ffcolt Ibis Anurnmu, I feu, mu .soles éevenely' i - alk for semoailaw motion now, vorw- --U - Knmbi LEA THER AND FINDtiNg,, "AIia _tiî . eash Pauitfo Mr HI, lin u it LtIg o. WITBÀ R i3N 8 ie m- BBLTWO KSADE TO ORON IEPOL LNQNMR BIE01T NOTICES. -- SAIO . gay, M7. 9 FIRESH F ISHIlEr7aaiafam~cfriun AB)Y FO BALE, - 'Ib AT TANNER'8s, Ordon prompily d*lirred. May eni, lm.' lm-go SiYJIlS Aff LUI f! CGMfAI Y- A uthopized ICapital , #OOOOD Office, Na. 79 Olinei-SI., Tonoal Dl s O B-08.1 HOM. FRANK StUIIH. sntor, Pregident PAT1ICK HUGHES,. WrT. yLY8>i. JO4HN1fY%4 4 M ASO, -, s-' '- - if - 0 Office aven MONEYTO "L< .R[, JIUSDYDeCEMBER imà.i -'illil limim -- - . . 1 , ý - 1 . 1 i ý . 1 . ! 1 1 . - . 1 - ' 1 - - L"ýL

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