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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1883, p. 2

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id, Soin. &lad lydeadale lot sa iiNo. cfWaiîly. un 1888-L. PaIr t Se PRR ANNUM. ansd SteusBill agalu $oabjfloca. Mn. Pansbs teli jj* t a good deai of dicusiu- 4Wy propenly eo. Tb* more île Us of lie 8h11 arediseouesi,îl 0.hiy Wini Ilb As"n ceeut~eb mil* overmueut lave nghi sud ime k auli ide. We ar@ pl.aad 'i ansel obialrindcd Jours. ea ai e éditlIr ethle Nevinaikel adapmosll te jadgc lie 811 tfr. tue t li àeread y it aI ire..m issPl y ubis ohemlgil.th lon. ethalt Mud Jackson ha lIo of . thlie29b Deceinler: re mi m mon here are *6Mm» ttauL ala e :wVi Utensegacof eommSo.se %0 Lusueleeiha n evuls imier linî-i li tb c ruMWel!Ou 1m, bues. cff picrtly tu immr rosos, trousmsl~adl Mpub~iilna.î - il~s~ lisetaen.til otfial oce. er, vehmadthéa btcrpstas tea ui e iralus provlmfand tsud l randucthel.strsm ivanlloe, bue,rusevaBrigits Wh"icks teil Mdsimut aI, 11cesis"olee ospeel- And hemra wte W t ic ilul Mn.Oare's BilIeii h. sbeaeuded. W. de ual&ltik ih iwur, on lu cordasee viitIctheliberal tboughl et tie ocuiyl IaI lthejudges ai *0c ompeMsstl@uta b. &Ardesi eiouid ho oqeapomil e tle Geverumeul o! the day." * - -- W.ll borens lu vî sec. 4 off lhe Act ~'I lUooeout-Governuerihn cuncl Me f ia aé&Munt&al Wb"ls»Y porion md léIotoleé madet ibis .h.&ild h #Atlberty tae e he e i avieu bosu 4l««Ut ai biaisf limbn, raft#cor crat, sud sMaytrmu"0lias.tima vuy lia e;u.; a-i.tle Lieutenasnt(overuena in.Oowmlehin àis lilab eb allea sai liesu cd e Mial Oof snOb ecuairue- Mdasanispaoemeull. lie amnai0 negali md aaIs hé lI ciscasd lu eovee ltcret sipos theoriginal eai. gs Vau sesues oilen sastereas amien 41. e*nmmsiUu asy ta the Lieut.. ----~W~povliea e emelyreaauable 1 Ltieothe ealy vay lunvîhoebouyen.- dton lue ve in gtu l$ie case eto&»#e bell la Canada sud aie héSiales off tle Unieuawvhe n lgllalisa bas bausa(cnd néan. t entilapeaeor esIl mode tiaa reafraeetea ay seM ut ai. bitratora. Wby alcali thé Govera- mentl reilqaul IsIs hérrigisis or shuegate iboir proper fuaillous lintiI.casaf The Blondine on Mn. Doharty.- Tbc lsndcns cf th. Mailon Mr. Duberty Ila bangu; laIbotel kespons vans compellesi ta buy Iloiegu frein lin un thI. lienees bave reesisci lb. moal ouspiete noftaion. Ansi yet tle organ dos not spologine. Nay. lb evan refuses te publiaI hleImtera ut parti es viose cames bave beau vrong- nilynecdinlusupport o! tho organea haaeleee chargos. One etfitoeusimes mentîonad wv as o-utEsivand Houton vIe gavc tle contradiction lu lie fol. lois; latter, vhlel epeaefor iteelf: luucr line off Ile 189b imt., under tle beadin; off 'Mr. Doherly'e mon- -'"oplyoftthce agur indearuangioasal "kccpers,' yen moy, 'l e apauiy alatasi lIai Isivard Hian usud Mn. Mead, "botl Scpereon tlic Iiad, ivoie "Icced te punolase10,000 egmresec frntêiM. Dohcniy efone 11cm lices- soa ver. grsntod.' 4 As asrseam "eoueened lihécielemeasila vheiiy uniresud 1I ecasidar tg a elsuder u,'p« Mr. Doherly saisimymeILO Re @&M sle laha vas i lu aginluApril lut bvIci l eu»vas rSsed. Ahen lia relta lun Jul>'luasbo t4i lO Wotofciciae nOMMNrlelMOIS&C., as la vod lm passu> dienf&y=. lHt couiluea:- "go iulur. vlcaijeuaileel "a palilal opoem pnt e eseMy "nainecuntalmU,374"" icu ta en1 "rel> on M6,40 Prove mintue. I ans "s-gond Censrvaive, sund IvihI Bot - "ecquan su eppocent- by foui ussau. 1 lav ,eoit eInlumy proeisousl "oapaelly. snd y1l sscido Il eny wva> nan ton asythin«." The Municipal Dcpansed. MR. Gnou" Saua,BReevaeoutScot, bas retired &timr mauy yeanu municipal services. Haovas (yulîlhe exceptioný ot Mr. MePI.rson, lié vorliy rée@" ai Rama) lie oldest mamîci ai tise Coin. 1> Cauknil-frein vhio odledéial pr.s.nee I vie a nli. MR. lamas Goaxax. Beave- et snu; sud ex-neeve off Beach, no f the uses n«ceîd Mon lu thle Ceuny' OcUneil ianotoencimomber ot leu sund -l'municipal servicea viii h mis;- lb.éCenal>' Paliameutt li Wb* #hall éveru Ontinlop2-tie ae otoof t îe PovinQe, or tle Pioeute ol. eDomion?- Whâî, (vry pentiaonîly, %4g th*. Hamîllon Times.) leulii. nse of Pic*. vinoWloLgislatne vhiel le to, aies. pgnsible, net lu the loctore etflà* Pro. vines, but lu Sir John Macdonaldl? Si John Macdonald bas more sup- porters frem thé pîbon provnceîs Iban frein Ontario, sud bo le cpt lu b. «nId ed lu lit detlious by the opinion - of the mJanlly out-hie supporters, lu a case vIens île clame of Ontéiq g oun filet wiîthe lbeains or prejudioef Ihé rosI of the Dominion, he would enfonce the VII iti i, lTories blouglng 10 oh. or Provinces. Wbere, lhen, jes île're spouslbility ot membre ofthle Ontatia Leglelàture 10 their consîlluents? What becomes ofthîe coutrol or the p- ople ot Ontario ovîr lie Provincial Legiala. tare ? The Moval Goverument achisovi. dge respousibilitytlethie people cf Ontaro ; the Opposition, led by Mfr. Meredith, pretors la make Sir John Macdonald thé judgeofetlegilativi sols. Will tle peuple cf Ontario rolain thein eautrot of licir reprosenlatives, un "ediste lu favor cf lie Premier ut ihé Dominion ? UNCLEc Toig's C&ii.-A. R. Walor- inus Double Ides] Ucle Tom'@ Cablu vill be peented at the Tovn Hall ou Salurday evouiug. The Company là fan ahead off auy liaI have yel atiempi- cd tbis performance. The Shcnveod ister asionget tle attracions, sud lic.. are spoken of by the prousiasn- nlvallod lu Ilsir delneatiaus oftcdanse- ie. Thée Haits: Morng qObrenîclo epcsklgfcitle second performant n lai"eî~,ss lro Sbervood, sTopsy No. 2, vas hlgily amusiug, sud ber aloging, dancing and skipping rope s"t vèe. vrmly eccord. The negro quartette, lb. double Marks, lia blood. -hes ad &mi ail al Oea tezmake Ibis veorable sud well.voru dramea drav, *or@ ou band sud cli contrilulcd thIb i hui towds tle scose. Te inu- agement ceeus ta baveesucceeded lu striklng lhe rigît cord lu 'île pop'ular mmnd, sud- "Uncle 'rom'. Cabin" evi- deatlv pas abottar than àYasal os ,mer. ami'r uj. . ...j ý4 Concert sud Presentalion. à ouneni sud-preouation bolk Place ai Grcouvood on lhe svessing c1 Ice ilst. ulle., u le oosioxi f of1< departure et Mn. William HasuDderson, leseher, S. 8. No. 9. Thoeclsstl vau filled by Mfr. M. Glemeon. wiîb liii us- ual sbility and la bis own eas;y original vsy sud tle sttendae.wuvaquiîî nuScrou. Au interestiîsg programme vas effioiently carnied aut snd a mast ajay ala evecnu speul. An inlercat. Ing festurne athie proceedings ofthe10ev. euiug vas lb. pre«enlation of an ail dresa accompanied wyul a goli ring, gaid scart pin sud album tu Mr. lissa derson a# a mark utfnrespect sud esteois sud in epprocistion off lis vainahie apr vice@ ss eaer fer tour yesre ilutlb section. Mn. Heudersan roplied lu gruilsbie terme, reîunig Ibsuth îe parenti aud bis pupila for their kinduossanau viii regrets tor hies departure trous sm. onget lIom. Tho local talent ahane oui conspios eusiy, sud receivei valuable assistaned trous Messe. Qilpin snd Walsons, A Christmsas 01frt o Mna. J. B. Bickell Oun bistase ove tle ladies oai Il cougregation ufthîe Brookulu Methodiq b&uiha necake-basket sud Il sUdres. pninteil bshow. We have on] ta add tho-I tle coruliment pslilthl goo4 sud charitable ilady Wvas sei doerved as il vas credilalte &nad kindi, tu 1h. friendi mengot vlan abc ha lstiored e0 long "uloing good by elealîl. To Ms-a. .. . iekelt: Dua Mas. BIC]gELL,-It le Wiîh foil luge ot mlngled plesanre sud sorrov thla ve M"& onou là soceasion lu bld yo farovell ou thceove ut yebt departur te yeur nOW lame. Feelings of piru y ai thc thoughi ut the msny happy Coan ve lave @eut togellor, and of il mauy gaod services yau have bien ail tu perforus on behaî f uthîe churol'c yourcoole, and &acoon behaît ai th paon and ieedy; sud feeling@ so rru at the ilsought tIaI the lime bas ous tor ue ta partin ubody for syhile, bu va oa Uasure yen &bai ibongb aIsen frein as you "Iino et cfongotten b1>Ili but viii carry villa yoc tle bea& vîsi of s viol. boat oftfiaonde lu lhe vilisi et Brooki and vîinily. W.eniefèto lat is opportayinnc aanVeyItnteyou tîese kiodly exproo elous, sud Dat ln word auly but asuej a tangibletafrin. We soIt yonr accp suce et tis ake-basket as s lm&] loken off oui regard, lu the naine ai tl ladiesoftheb.Brooklia cungregatic lie Meîhodiet Cub f cant sada, au, psrt liaiOVeryhappinees May aIle;, you sud youn fsmily iu the future ; an, When lb. lest paniing ebaJI core ne m y ou be raady ion Uie change, And ji la lie grand r»union lu thse laudQ eeeri..fing tIf. W. viai yenalec tl complimenta of the »"aon, fiA moM Clsialauas aund a bappy Nov Yesr.", 13rookliu, Xse, 1882. cManufanctures." for st ïlsisltoluthafegaoui1l val 41#d «*$*dtng t alu aneiemeain ,the Olgailustitite Blldings'o by Wodhesday sud Thurday, tle 201h snd 'e 21ar of Decambor. Tbore, ver. lu al v 69 gandlidatos 29 boys ans 40 gilset -.o proenting 18 ohools. Thi. avorago i age of tle boys was 14, tie oldeel boy being 18 aud the yuungesi 10;- tle 4P Average âgeocf lbe girls lBibmthe4ldoit cu biug 16 sud Ibe yonuget Il. The. examinstione van e onduct.4 by the Board uf Entrance Examinera, viz: thl 1f.eeai McBplen, Mr. Principal Roisipresisllug oxaminor, Mr. ci Dbavid Ormistua, Obairnsu outhîe Board W ut Education, sud Mr. J. Long, Chair. ne man of the Board of Separste sehuola Trusteos, aud lhe sub examinere, 1Mr. William Ormiston sund Mr. Robert Waiko, Usdergrsdualss of Toronto Uni- 0c vorsily. The oxamiostion papers, as noaia, 0c vers prepared aI tle Education Office. Toronto, aud sent to the- Proaiding Et.~ aminor, vbo made Ibm distiliuuion to Ihe candidates at a lime ebealutly re fxed lby rogulalion. The papers. we learu, vers of a rsihsr more diffiol eharactr than usual, eapeially lu Grammar sud Hislory. Thers can le, nu doubt lIaI tbey are difficulî enough for yauug peuple cf thirteen sud four.- taon. Incieod we are quile certain ùIaI the enîrance examinatiau Is nov mach more difficuit Ihan vas the old Couoty iBoard ot Second Clame.B Il vili bo soon tram tb. liaI belov tc it t fhe 09 candidates 29 falled, thongl il vould have Wonoasy &loin- croase lie number ot failures. Ais l, tt several bsviug failod lu une oubjeot te vere.pasoed au a recommendalion t lu the Central Board. The hoW boy la Chas. Fox, of No. 8 Rost Whitby, s lad ot eleven, vho oh. tains 875 marks ; lb. bead girl, Anuie C. Braudor ut Oberryvood, W ho obtaine 860 marks;, Ibm head boy tram Ibme tevu, chas. Nonnée ofthîe Modol Sohool. uho obtaina 822 ; the boad girl I E-. Louisa Frances, ofthîe Model Rebool. ' vith 843 marks. Minimum fur Pasu. 280, being 50r p'er cent. of ttal. One-Ihird in eocI r eulsjsct e iseBOreqnired aud une hait ut the marks for the Analysis includiug paniiiig) questions. The followiug aie the succeisaful echools, candidates sud ibe marks. TIe Modal- School, Whigby, Mfr. Jas. Brown bead sastr.-liam Camp- *bl29,Chas. J. K. Nunrse 822, Editl 1aubi (recummnendesi), B. Louhma Facu848, Nellile Keau 287, Mary Shav 285, Laarn&Varnnoid 818, Grâce L. Epplett 298. tThe lHenry.et. Schaul, Wbitby, Mr. -Robent Wiliis, iead muter-Joseph B. Mitcelel 287, Kate Ciendenna'n 80, Laura Rose Gardon 28M, Helen F. Or. emistan 291, Georgie Paxton 280, Mar agant /iAnn Tait, rscommmudod. Thop Dufisriu-et- Sabool, Mr. John * "Vcelosuae, lmad magler.-Albert WV. Jackson '281. Thse Saparats Scbool, WhiLby, Mfiss DUN-lae. îessser.-Mnilie Higgis a289, * Qs.r.rie Jolsuslon 28(). n Union No. 1, Piakerîng. Mr. Juo. -* Gale, t-acear.-Stul. P. Brown 817. 10 Edgasr F. Wesar 1822, Ilarriel J. Me Gregor 284, Margaret 'IIeilly 295. le Wlitevsie Public Sabool. Mir. J. W. te L'Awmourcus, îeacber.-blinuis Psy> la Ibnop 296o, Lily B..McConueli, recors. a. mended. Greeuwood Public Opluai, 1Mr. W. n- endersu. , eacder. - Wm. J. Budd 1@ 820, Robert Clark 826, Sarah F. Adamn. ofson 291. Chorrywood Publie Sebool, Mr. J. R. Cliabalin, leacber.-Siduey Colina 501. Wma. J. Taylor 844, louise 0. lrandor Marveli Public SberMn a.W. R1~ -s uaCiOTA~rfe5iBroukiug 'l 844, 'Chas. Foi 875, Mary Jule lieu he oock 298. y Nu.l8 Pîdkerihlg, Ilias Pisl Jones, ho eacler.-Ed. J. Ilovard M2. jaunie SJoues neoommauded. bi Part Union Public Scbcol, Mr. Oec. 1y Tait, tesehar-WVm. GraIssan2M. éé musa. pnblio ol, Mr. Nltdovy. teaclér.-Mark% wosav ini. Nu. 6 Pickiqring, Misse McPbeo, Ieacb- ér.-Ltie Msrr 821. Ells Robson 851. ai. No. 2 Rasl Whitby. Mrý T. A. Saolai, aet "echer.--Wm. Il. Poiterson 2851. ou 14o. <à PickeringZ, 1fr. J. C. MoLeod, kre le et se mu ut le, Iee go ef e. id ad lun 17 Bi. Fred Anui's remarke a-i'lie Town hall at tihe lou oi lie poil on Mouday eveu binIlga op agalo, the pubjeel off ranudactures. W. are bld tIaI lie Singer Sevla; Machin.' Ce. isiieni loc&ag u;a haci oft hei ee- lablIs i shpeuonn ll>' lainCanada; IhaVtbey car, nothin; about a- Iocus sud 0017 vaul te adnsi tuia- culI lcoslly p~aal thelsriqttU.d acili.- tiee for sa tory' and ior. uObipine.disîs Ties.eau ho topnd lunWhlby lun emiacutdegnie, sud ssi ppraît lie letlen ofthle ciuneliou1h.au>o bas miscariai wI oud b el frii Mayor te AgnainPlace .hlmseflancous- maetion vili lie' Company. "19 ,Whtb there abe toudSl&,,ik chielo of antable aile., su'd -Il $4Nl Mn. Aunes las eliused in' his'nomïkî lu louce a epuspeaa uasin - te loomeAitliis pipeO..,,Exemm~ tram t*atiolc fer 6--paetlo oye" a a frt itie, we sice ïatioa e,-cosld-J obtainci sud cifred- aM'au inducointý of -2%# I4<inùg AedIoi2rtb. .euam 8011 DsqeMbiar, eîoeimthale folovla~- Au$l.Om-hOsealn- Isquesi oanthe Klled Brakeman vFRiOaniOFan einCOEONii a JoUrT. At the inqust ld by Dr. Carson, sud a respectable .jsud saleiigent jury, villa Mn. John woodhouse sforeinan. tie tolioving verdict vas xolUrned: ##Tis* tle tioceas.ed Thomas Coleinan camne to his deti vIlle lu Ile dia- cl an;.etflis duty hy camnin ucontact ilh s-brick sncb inmodiatciy veai et Wbtly station ; liae saisi aid iu nul et sufficieut beighit as reuluired by lic sîstuto, andi lIa sudb vas kueva lu, the engieerng siafof lic Grand Trnuuk IailIay Company, sud liai ilt ebouId le umade outhîe propex hoighl se saen as possible."~ William. Osusphail,. ils aLler hiaikeman ou ths spue train ; Raiert Joncs, lihe onaioleer ; sud Jeu Joluian. tîecauduclor, vereexamWin ed, sud ali hslifled tothie sobriety -et lie dèeeased, and Ï0 bis kuovîsaigi ci is dullea. Mr.- ?aroyell, ceni y at. lorny, attendesa ou bebaît cf lie rOnansd )Mn. Bihlilugsefoi th. Grand Trunk. -AI a meetu;gut tise-above enoump.- meuthohld lut Priday evenin;, tela.u' lowiug officer e veeelected : Pal. J. E. Fanevel .P. fi J.-Barn'as 1H.P. 1 do W. Wicke &W J. Welfendesî J.W. 0 O.Taylor scribe 0 3. A OQns i -Trias. A me*nîi146 li.Enoampmocl vili le. l.ld lo-muow, Frida>' ovuiug,. vio e,>b.oMoien viiibleduly iust4bed. ML IEDNnc, assstant '.agter lu the Oollseate Instituts, yul. continue todisobarge lbis dni é a eicofore. ýThe Commute.u on School MÃœauogouse. haie >etpee"to. acoepI hie rý.8igustlOn, alnady pnoti. lu Ieue cocemne, sud Mi. Hleudsrson las quieseoîinJa Ioie deàlSlou. He is a cajIbe sud indus lr defant, andY eeveehlp sel Fuld ha Do 0con' 4 tie c nas - - tp ma s eudats iiur dcppty."Oe"tand kscre te havlug anythslug lu do vili nmnulepal mtlens 1vers uemnîshed bf àzou Inna, ondin; lun &reluctsnt sort )t eculeet nte .onlh sud Ceunr larde.L lihefariner yard, Mr. Dov- .yy uotvilhuing lia hoi ubhs card docliin te b a candidate va iected In, u.e lnsî,Liiga ýolleagnea Dr. Bogart sud Mn. Wesnley. .u Inte Centre Waýrd the eneoisatuil Dandidales voer ~Meas. Aunes. Bure and Robertson. Mn. Long' vo -c oeleeted depuly. reevo. The figurs etsod- LONG. POvWL Nanrti Word.......se 86 South Ward ....40 14 Contre Word..... 94 48 229 147 Majorlty ton Long... 82. Mn. Powell'@ pùâiilan aun the Siaiul Board, lu tavon of focs, bat hlen, ve ane aoid, a slnong support lu al l.hvard&. W. bave nover kuevu elections lu: thé owan pas. uver viltb su 11111e lutereel siken lu tbem-r--evêb; by the candidates BLEOTED ELSEWREREB. WesvTowsns.-J.-R. Mathev- son deputy-reeve, concilioru Alex. Ketoben, W. Hou m ad H. Willecx. IM5T WEavv.-Jssnea Ruse depnty. rcéveocucillars John lRoes, J. 0. Fax, WV. Movbray. MÂaÂ.6- Timothy O'Leary depnty. reeve, councillone W. Baullun, Poee Tlompson, 0. Bruce. bosiwL-Firet d.paty.nsvt W: T. Dingle, 2n3 -d.ly-teve Wmaa. King; Nonth.easlvar,J. P. Tomblyn, D Gannov, L. I. Muntoi ; South -. et yard, A. UMaokie, F.P. LGay, F. RLvao, N4orli.vcst yard, G. L Mionrae, K. J. Mollveelpey, R. R. 8oousb4jSouil- vest yar, EH. Lau;, -6ris, C. A. Mobilary. jpoaT Pav-. Henry Gordon; councillon W. M. Cardle, J. Vhillippo, a. Joues, A. Rielarse. Rao-cu-Cneillon J. Hlnu Tndao-u. - Deputy - roave, Obarla Thompacu; councilors Clos. G& Oalov Fraucia Meise, Aloi. MoRse. l3aocit-Cunosuglam. Brotion and St. John,. r,-elected. Baàcxisur>ozL- oncillona, B. M. Browuiug, T. M. Bova-inuan, S. Arm eîraug. .1. Hvîne. Boieaîccvx.L.- eeve W. B. Prover, depuly-reeve 14i. Ponter,' concillas- Weast yard, Jtbn Wesey. M.- D. Wil- liame, TIsas. Veltuvises ; Souith vans, John Rydal, R. R. Cawkar, Juhn Os. boras ; Northb tard, A. Yaunie, Tho&. Burden ,,,C. Bousbeli, esieeied by scola. nation. Co-vsN Towaceun.-Depuiresve 8 Fergamsa. ocdlcra J. Bayi- W. L Donaldobn, R. Sanderec. - C&Ri-wuzK.-Beeve Par depnî reer. Moee, omUlir cti Bu bure, Spinka. DÂumorow..o-R.ve Jw;8a1 Stevcss acdepgtly-h vuî'. . u" ouncillonaTrà a smlc; a Ray, Micheýl tmphrey. LxxNust.- o~yr J. -.W. Wala nae ol. D.àca, a, 1tâdopsut--"*c John KiclepuMa, Lad dep0ly.io.i Sinclair. Grahain. Wlutne,; Maa*ax Vut. ou. e --G.- B Vansant. osuehlre Hahiilton, Jeq Waies, Dr. dblnecu, Seul Kobal M&aNvraTovxsn'p.-PBeev Oralg deputy-nceve 14oea cunoîrs ffl*j Filzgansld, 0'Oonnn. 1. i]WÇ;.iàU'te,-,Petarinr. jPl &t lie ort io deelae tua beh.a bhi totrogde stop oAd sdvocetceontin. 'in 1th. Oolleglsle Instituts M aslliaseilu j lie Publie I&CocS. ,Mach eau be eaudWh ou bohl leAdai tie meetingon, um ITae.ay Bigilâte sîades bakeon for sud du againal 'an. '«*ilsupplied. bh nJH.GrèeuwéOd, myo- Dion oc aid 1h. chair, a n.Jameu, wbiilu laavor 'ot (r ieb educalion l in c y ublie sebools, vasla bo tavor ai a ensltfe e ita pai4 by pu.i pi attendis; hlaiutoh, sud lustan. oh ced aller HMgi h oals ienoefesa ko vene colleCtod viii advanisge, The wj publich soboole vire -desigued le. supply 'la 0l lb.Eagllhah euctiun necessary. op Tiose Who wsuiod te be laugll <iroek sv sud Latin should psy fcr, hemoir iern. i lion in thbm ighcr branches. Ho enter- on ed ai hengthllaItacts suad figures, sud ch dououncsd the balk about thepuer minu12 se aIl rot. (Chiera.) oi Mn. King, having heon cslled upon, er said tiers vas nathing advanced cali- 'I iug ton a niply. IHe snled lie gogebo. msen tormia; lie achoal boardtauriteihb sud sîplsin aud isy the question botore fi île ralapayera, asevas lieir duty ta du. tI Il vas thIbmdaly ta expîsin vly lhoy c somglte exact téees. (Appianse.) en Mn. Dov, ftlie marks of ap. st plause, Ibougil bbe meeting upposad taoc teee. He el a nd bis wn part aItm lIc Board uiniagn athe resoluiona, es aud declsrad binseif on firet principlos vs lu tavor off rqe eduaio on t.ottoinet ta top. IL vas l.the uiut li te te te P gise every child an urdinsny elemnu- se > ryeducallun. Aller tlat.poii ues l s matten t zof deuyil Wua satter0 for lie people Ilessalvea. He lad be-.s llevcd (ram aIl lIaI had baon uatd 10 fa blu stthîe peuple vere la tavor of"f s the prineipleofithlienasalution. Ha 0 Ivas r.ady go vole on the question s a - tle people vlied. Re refarcd te îlee a -îe ofa ut le Higi School masters sud et the iste Mn. an orla fsin or out eea. t goR dhd nO bahscve île sllendsuc e î vould le decroead by s emal tee -aud Ilought Il vouid load tc, regnlanhiy off0 allaudanca. HoenlDerad ia itfiguies la tlee 089tiof tic sohools, explaiued tle a obsugos ilah lb. Rev. li eed lIaI lIre. tfounîha of those vIo WOUnldgo sud- record them voleao agahuel tle reealn. lion of tl. Board wvesmen vIa ver. t perfectly ahibleuopsy tliu tees, sudg * lIaa smalorllyoff ihoee vIe vere eall-s ed the peur mmô£ thle towu vonldj vote tihelohr vy The Intention oft lie Board vas g ta ..alils lreschel- e arabipa in eaoi echool ici vouid set sea stimulus,0 q t lit puil -sud eanai-d- ened It a gresI nisalke fonciag boys inlu the Univenties sud coding tle pro. dféeions. Allen readiug the public echeol programme <vhicl le admittedl vas nmotseharidtîraughin eaeshoals >-and givlug figures aud sîatistica corn-, paning cet, appropriation, etc., sud lie-E r, lieving Ihatthes govennint appropriai-s t ion would b redlucd tlii.ysar. i. 1- Ioughi lbotler lu le preparod icuSake , up the deflcheucy Iy tees, - ud defeuded s-members cf th*' Buard vho voled for th. rl eslutiona duiug o ou nincple. Mr. McGlillWay se a membof uthîe Board detodd tle raaolution. said le vanid le cotidin; as4 *0ay cihdrens b: eretofora th le uuool'àa-vuuld have to, psy for hem, and wOnld continue go have 1eh.*,hldna leid (greai laugh. a&l sflà oite Où tbiaqueslou On pin- Mn.CemaGea (camaîsuoaitle SBoad) onrrcbmorld visî lad besa y, ad hy Mn. Dey. Tic reoiion look- bd t dlléegend ofthe lova a*bd -etet- uaily lo lie gond af liesecbool. Né- mon vére mure auxlone bat tle cobols, t hctUl bu a anceSu tisa lihe membres va of ils. Moud. fHo bslisied lII oces v.a b(netlhur thle eeholboklug I. ýt: ofehecf fe 'ê È ur«ol arr.be 'tntry WUala favoroc bîg hgiohoois. riViefened tc iehe oes ». "Rseet sBrsuford and otior plate; t-he lnrot és ai tic Univcrailbe, îhe (eéa sl ié ideWl hool, sud eald y.« èM* ti te Ber- Iogt ayvr ation,- Tis, esut ftc-ulOi!ncv'vot. ,y, ingkotiê deIe b~a viltle Boerd, lIIil w04ld ns.ld te ireelullaf. au apu .0 l a -4g s tta b -Ic n e ln '1 baoola' or, eeewlaere. 'The, faoou sard vas eomposadit. sýeven Ilavyîrs nd, one minuster, sud thie eould eearce- 'h lu I -irmouY ývitI tle vlivs u1 ho wcrking in. Lt Wvasthose mon bu61 laid thnlIIit e ofa Stao- istiy,ï lu ib'p roieselen. sud. ttis h.y lId nol **ab tiiprofessions erovded >. ,ti seiioUvrorkug ien. Ho iad a pvsc~lfutrein gela; inta the abhol huard. Ssnehi rst paidtaxes iobid'd e V is mmi in taî every- >dy, tram the blahealte îlte loveet 'as oitled la a fiee. edueasiou. Ho iarged Ibat tLé objeet of soma em ais ufthe board in putting on Ibmfos sebo la isuitlie alaries- uthe leadbers i lie Instituts, sud liaI Ibose via bsd ipoken did nul state faialy as to île v-orage stiondauce-iiey did nul take àle secuaI the eilldnen-paseiag froin )ne sebuol intu anoîbon. The anst et bldren aillhe Higi School ws nly L2 cents,wvIle at the publie sehool it was 48 cents. Men sssossed ai 0800 uly paid 86 cents lu Ibm Higi Scbeol. Mhors vas Ê'ol sapour minluWbitby WIa vouid gnudge le pay Ivice tle lax he vas payiug for the cake efthe bene- il of free educaîhun lu every boy lu the Lou. Il came ytl su iU «race tram men viose familles voie alrosdy edu- aled, aIt te public e4apense, lIai ttsey shpuld stand op againsl the edncatioa nit ineigîburs. lassotlsey lad no more cildren le send sud vsuhed la binItpsyiug ltev wcents taxes. 'The 'ory abjecl ot the governmeni sud couny grnaewaa ton the purposeo f promotlag trea eduestion. Nu - aises lhould oek godepnive the paont Man's chiid offliai' bonofil. He asked ne man ta vote fan hum pensoully-be saked tIen to vote iu tua initIer lu favor ufthei youlb*of lie courry. By thoir voie thay vould @&y vIeller tho Joliegiale Lustitutbo vas te be tneà un laIt tie paon man's chiid vas lu le eîuppa i l e b doun. (Cleers.) Principal Robinson vas csiled uç an t0 addreuea mneeting, sud vas neceiv- ed wilI. applinse. Aller expresahue tle gratification le toit at the iniereat exîhibited la, the meeting lu the cause of educatiau. sud ton lie oppartfliity affordcd linseif for thse fini Isime iu ten yeare ef meeting the raiepayero lu pnb- lits meetinug, lie onsidered it, wonld la oui off place for bhum lu eay auythiug on the question ai taea. Tbey baât our gond mou offsnicg sud le vas unly sonry lIai ibey ouid net aIl le eiclod. ThIe question hast beau pressed upom tle board. Ho vas pleseed viii Ils admirable sArgumnts aI bath sidos, bui admia tte<itIaile avoned a suisl tfe sud wonlt ou tao hat iihiould havi tie offetet speuing greatenr rgulatt off attenasce. Persouaill, le val enîreiy lu laver of treeacshonîs viii certain restrictions. The safety eft ht SI.sts depsuded iupon free oducaiua salicI vas the cnly saivation tramÉ oy.1505 ut irnaëigiau. Ho conrected til mistukes about the average aiteodlanoi whlels vould comipare a avonshi i auy otbe en ooaIsd la bolieved ti meeting voul lhave a Reni offes% ii eonresiting tls evil, asîlesittetiuc, parents vould lecco-ileil mere directl: ta il. Ho agneed vili Mnr. Ring Ils i was impossible ta csnn.y oui in ti Wiihby publie soboois lb. programme and explaisi lIaI *ppiii tvire ni coinpelled tleleean Greek sud Lslin tîat tle subjecls Wore uplional lu lh Cullegiate Inatilnto.* He rovieved th favorable nesulla cf the von odo b île wbeirs, gae figureaebovin; Ils gradati ovtent,;itDi aElgi Bobos las, sud the gradual- inereseclain t ,gornmeut sud eounîy granta, con parlug lies. ii ibe graduel lacreas mfqsuensi-of alariestfri pubie eboleAs ono lusitanee etIth 1 -Uprov'benid l .sucatioanDov goit on, le veainn.dthelicsemtion th*$i-Ih entesacce xuu o.io Y- 'at D Iaddl. conclu dslb>' alig the vhaevar- lie iscizo asIc tho eleetion C individuel Inustees, the interéat cf *th puùblia vesld ha é.fi, lu îlebauds Antt,,* 'ovInitier nemurki firai Mn. ,T,îseen, sud S vate cf lianka it Mr, ereenvood lite meeting ws bronglil ta aoclose. Tîs CHERONIOLE hl e ighi pa pi i Nvhs1 te advertisc - olantour or Oie"tmoslrerhn other Tvown r cîty pspor pallhal in Whatby -or the-.0niyfOaiu vorli yen four oa-fdve limes-th. mous; f'or au asivenisemeni. Avértlsiog' i lie -OlieA-p lob,Ïe"ietàh i vilutcix «Ion ei ismono>' tbrown o-ay.. k-Toi CHUÃ"COLÉ roa-cies tiquej tantan ud 11lasses cf reedors.- - Oommen.tIll lewvyeu. ~L.L ,.nc.s.cs ,. Mlswdouah Iz -Amb nl I o nds ,y nght,, w lb. 'TI Tl !!er. l cti~Tl etn'ialouüsIomn of elatigscldroessi (rom il. -candidates, bolh m mosaful 1 and'dfeotoda was observed. B- M*4. B DvasdepàtyeiètUrnlng-TI officer, asrequested tou take the chair. TI The chair bavlugbeon tàken, -_ Z ?ar.Jorouzsh Looig, b.lng'oaod upon,E thaukod the electors for having reiunu- Pd hiàwitb suob a haudeoine majority AI over sncb a formidable opponoat as Mr. TI Powell. Ho reforrod lé hie -stand on Fi the HaZrbor question asu aed Mr. ' A Powell of béieg beau an anti-barbor 0~ inu. le aid he coulose noW ibat j the puxohase of ibe barber by tb. towu Ai would have bien a splîabid invoment aud bad vs pnrobased it vonld nov lhe rolioving us a large part of aur heavy AI load-of taxation, and mojeo#er we wonld be iu a botter positiol oinducemanu- «W facturera 10 locale lu Wbilby. Mr. Powell, in assering 1fr; Long, st twiited the lattor with hsving sat Jan- F uary oppoaed s Governmeut grant ta s1 the harbor. Mr. Long inlernupting, the Chaiman oalled hlm lu ordot, sud, Mr' Powell 01 alte oins fnrtbsr remarks oonohudsd. Mr. Blow,.s ieeve eleci by acclain- il ation, &gain thanked the electors for 'w saviug hlm from s coniosi. Ho thougbt this year' couoncil vonid ho su excep. A iionally good working uns, "eailly T sinca vo vould have Mr. Greenwood ai the head cf affairs. Speaklng cf the 0: Singer Co. locaiing haro, ho said the L concil had don.sîil stcoua ho dons,T thle Town Olork having been iuotructed to communicate with the company, bot -y haci heard nothing in reply. Mr. Kellsy, s defeated candidate in A the Centre Ward, sud Messrs. Fox, Smith, Dowuey sud Robertson briefiy 0 addresedd'thaeletors-bbanking Io for their support. The Obsirman, rising, txaid thaL thora T wae s yonug man prosent who ladl jusl retuned tram Nov York, sud Who ladl A saine important news 10 sunounce ro- apocliug île Singer Mauutàoturiug Co.'s T location ut a faolory in Canada. If à thoy wished ta hoar the gentleman ho wonld a liupon lin lu corne torwwzd. L It being manifesit ram tho shonling E of his namne lIaI it wsthe. dosire ot the1 meeting ta bear snything whlci prom.C *ised good for Whitby, ths Chairman calied upon 1Mr. Fred. Howard Aunes. Mr. Aunes an coming forward, soiked 2that bis hoarera would deal leuiently * it h hm, as il va s efirsi silompi lu spe sk lun public. Pr bpr i l- Y W o l d tbiuk à presuulon in on' :- oong tlu rapeak of altera which nsn1-'* ýngaged the attention of mach aIder r 'la. But lhe groat importance of thl;,j ,ter vas hie exouse. Ho aaid Ihat n tý- 1- sNoe e York, where he hsdgonfb for - ýdays, ho happened to pps& -iotice, e lb imposingslrncture,io Usi 1nare,' w hlch duosdntyasa î leseadOilice ut y- te Singer Msnutaoturing Co. It ce- J carred tu hioi liai it wôbuld nul bo a had idle', alicansd finid out aomalbing about thsir proposeâ location in Canada of a largo brancl faotory. Hle did su, suad found Mr. Wm. Y. Proctor, ths le vice- presidesuwof the companly, lu the Moffice, Upon eniqniry it vas alleged lIai îlte conmunication truin Whltly la hd nul beau received. But thtai vor lu forty other enterprai towus lad for- vs wrded comnmunicatIons, ,loti spisala- ýytory sud tbiographie, asme meraly su- %tqiirlng for information as lu roquired le facilities sud as te visa lthe malter '9 *as te bo deeldod,others going fuily oto ncthoir monits ýand 1 dvantagea as 12 possible site for their faolory. To al e ut theso replies had beln met that tley 0 hd tempcral ylou~ted for tle vinter in l Moutlbut as t6 tie final location 29 they inteadod te ofrld« a"until apring, il whon the- eru& water, etc., acould bd sa ic usai foro - thr4 ho =:coy ~ Ld liai the bc fctoy W" th,ýwMh&y inloud g ta o sa n, tw pêut substantial la 00 or 100 w"mhj mon,,mwiI Oset over st t hf.wold bcuto buelatewa lhy osnd t Vice.prwidon$s Mr, Proolor, (do vile nxi ws er -That gen. ho vsgs St nra) ÃŽ.2Bfo u tmu aysklo uea'o fivo brod odde q*ý * GM ddoUD@ci h5e eer =1>, bf the" Whutby Chronicle. rhe Èe-w Yoar'sbelering gladaomo sons- hoi Oarrior'makei isaNeiw-Ygsrounds-- Mo rounds he's made so many tirneh- mhie listefring to Ail Sant'so chnrch W a% ur amart boy bis story tells. lie set events of Eighty-two xaowICLUia brou ht under view: :ow Egypiand Arabi's hordes. iccnmb'dt to British pluck sud swc>rdi; low British tasa witb loud huzzs, knd British setesmmahsbid Win Vhepms, with. polisheclDufsrin:- fould Truth and oorst aoïe- ,fizm front aium~e vsling Gainât diplomaati, goubledeing. lurrah for theinsMau owinterest slbd nda th, Seltain'. duplicity o'ermahd Jurrsh for Itie men who with bay'net end sabre fnoedhheights of Tel-ol-Kebir 1 rourseives 1 who are ready to show, Ilion oaUed on s steady a front to the ;tUb another huzza 1- add to it three cheers- por Osnada's own iwell-ariliea voltees 3hould the cohorts of Bismark, or horde of the Czar rhe IlTiglit littie Island " ibreaten with war ;- )r should French or Italians <noie bursting with pride>, [n hostile array cross over tie tilde? le are "Beady, aye Ready " to stand aide by aide .ud dieht for our Quecen whate'er may betide. rhey are mustering tieirnmillions in Europe to-day Df iireiing soiliers in battis srray; Let iiem muster their serfs-When the time cornes yon'll ses lie fight will be won by the men wio are Iree. Yet Canadianst woulaZmrythat wars terroira may cesse .nd tie worid be bleat with concord sud peace. Dur neighbors 50 vannig, 'tother side of Who in ià iheir affairseceit op e "big shine"- ThebRe blican Party wiped ont with a an hav gons Democratie almoat with a rush- Tbey go in for Iow taxes- justs we siouid do-- Ad for iowering cf tarifis-as we shoiild do toc.- n teirieisltin-tisbeing a sampie- ie th Ceaa olo UhIgood example. I Railway construction,-Im proua t'have te say- , Canada noie on the g lobe leade lbe way. Look at the North-West sud wbat bas been Thdone of the Racies have aznost been won 1 I'hrougb forest and prairie the iron horse .rushes- Time snnihilates-distance dlown crashes- Binding i-ast provinces neighbor to nelgb- bor-r. Opeuing rieh lande to waalth sud te labor; Ronmdreds ot thousands of milese of im- menaity; For the nuijons who noie cowd lie aid' worid's density ;- Affordin fras homes, free schools, free opinion, And grand lndependence iu ibis broad Dominion. 1 Grand is the work 1I may no goverumeut folly Stand lu the "aYto proteci monopoly; But freedom in Railays snd Lands jostly nonrish, 1 And abondant proeperity in tfi' Norib-Westî flourieli. us) That gave us tisai wouderful transit of Venus; When Whitby's astronomer-blesbis ex- istoese1- Bstweon Earli sud "Old Sol" gave us the distance, And sho'wed us iwhere s-very star in lie eky La placed, sud le nsmed, sudliahemason svly I A ciser thon foi Chriety, <seknghis Pardou, Ilsay Mr. Johnson, but ho wouWt bh ard on A Carrier-Boy for bis fsmilianity .- Wiso leaves Us popr wili anobLg~egusiy Lontg May ha ivo the stam o te eepai- ang A&nd nover want meuey un know snhst's rdliks nov tospeak of lie Towtneand ils hopes, But leavel hal leolitera wio beal haie "lie Of anes lin rin cousin-tb lire *e-rb a1l .IJJiTH r Or sjea Ws.AlDAEOKa -The destW ýoflhE ax1 of sud &' ari isannouncod. Tie au quent elqvstion -of Lord Eloho toe 'Uppor Houerteseda -ace=cy lu-the Comm=ons foi-r Hadingtousire, -whichj ha lias Iun&greented a is heLibrÈ NEw.YEAE'Day vws obscl-rved clt iy ln Whitby, The cablre 1wer e in numbor tisa -iu former yesrs. Tihe statement that tbe Murray csaw outrsctors bave struck an extenive quiokssnd, and thore is- a probablt that the Preaque'lole route will ha,, toe abazidouned, is deniod. À despaicli trom Cairo states thai the Egyptisu Miuistry are prepsred to .accept generai Wood'a army *cheine,' pruvfiug ft a force of six thonsand mon, oMfoered by 26 Engliabmeu. r, v n Il BARGAI Clearingpe_ Just examine IN OUYRl A cablegran frein Londun sîstes tiat We are o:ffe lb. British steamer Wbeaifield, from Nev York lu Leiti, vas vrecced cff S. Cathains pint au Sutiday oven. LAIES, 1 ing during a thiek fog. Tie crow as savesi vits lhe assistance oethe cose guard * -If you *ant Big Bear, sàOCee ldian vannier, vIw -. has beeq commitig depredalions upon the properly- ut setlers la 1h. Nenli. West sud Montana, bas boen arreated o by Col. Irvine, ofthe Moued Polie, and takon te Font Walsh. ie cap-_ No. 1 DEVEI luxe gives groal satisfaction. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. CHANCERY SALE. SALE 0iF Dwelling Houses & Freehol PTropert aiPort WhtbY" lIN TEE TOWN 0F WHITBY, IN TEE CIOUNTY AN4D PROVINCE OF ONTABELO. Ln pursusue of ihes rdera cf the Hi cort oufliadedos coOD OS u WOOD v. GBSO nd Thn Wu O O IBBdOrNal, yYbi AuctÃœ i vîthlb.aprobation f e. H. Dan lli, , Loca Master of the said court ai Whilby, by Levi. Fairbankso, Anc. tioneen, oun, - SÂTURýIDàv, tbo-27tb day of JAN.- lJA2Y, A.D., 18@3, -ai lie baux af 2 a'ciock, p,m., ATr,»RA'S HOTEL, inte aluaTown prfpehiios hefalos 6 Paca lOu.-ie pSoeti bl!cfLo . l Biac 1 OSesddings l a ifo t 81 in Bock a . p ardng s Vln, oraen rt ceaeio.Whi b.. On Ibis bail-lo inla oecte psuxsal1 Brick Cottae,in fair etate of repsir, o es vacant. PàEcEu Tvo.-Lot 7 -on Bloci 1 on Sead. in's plan, on Dufenrin stresi, coulsining î acra, mor-e orléoa. Titis lot is vacant, but fairly foucod sud under cultivatian, sud as adjoiulu; la Paroelne.- Pàzcras Tz:zz-Lat 12 au Blocka i on lcaddn plan, frcnting on Brocia strsel, Co iteinngacre, moire of ions, vÉcant but f airly tencod d ullivaled. PàBcÉu Fauu.-Lai 7 on Block 4 ou Scad- ding's plan on s portion of Lot 27 in Broken Front Concession, Whiiby. On ibis latI s ereeteda anU Frame Cottage ai preseMt oceupisi by 's MnE. Campbel as s luoutbly toent. Lot 'fafly 'feuodi, contaiuing j acre, mare c imaes.-1. PlUfnn Fivn.-LoIa 10, Il, 12 sud 18 il, Blocka 4 ou godd«ngaplan. Upon tbiew loalais eroctedsafle reHÏoise sd eut.- buidingsvwiciwa for a nmbire yeaso betore bitdhe Ibrnsideuco of the laie ,anea-Bovo. Tise buidings bave recouily Alecconii]iinbgwellbi,clslee, pumpa, snd ail nansal couveuleues of s a omiortahie banse. T14o ¶unu, ~abouttwo. acres mers orlasar-p wilb oboice fruit sud ;ornsmàût ta. A vory dbixblefaii neaidouce; vwaul. PI CI Facu x-ot,18, in Block 5 an Scad- dig 1 p lan, -frcntiug-on the osai aide cf 'Clnla-irel Vcat;i eued.odcultivat. ýed, Cuatanin«-l acr,.marôýe o&u Psxca £a'xr.-Lt 15- luBlock 5. n Anaan cmlrel M o vio ixl es lb. Way Mare es iî-aîod;conslulm m ygrsbaa- -, - a prises- ý1h, Huron HRotel The man u vttbouteh your rici man dis.- 'eus ~a o Oh, for ans' imm . ame'ForLntuu he'ssl 1Tho! aeimesue If I irero a millionaire, haie I slsonld feeli1 as 'vo ran Na, bow Lwonuld oct-il in liai Position- luonc e,'ua Lnu ingu: Whitby le letton coudition. xzNn- ed. -lot lu erecto& alfs Bntiiig Minsund Iinatnias) le' bbuf acs een fin eaxâ bestarted; Utr "a-w Mgesnie, u insdi, si ýn -ion l'c Ia casm -- ýgai Il sd le auvneuces n oconped by nthaas GRE LIK Woolen Blan] 10 -PER complete 1ast Begs ,tc In thff preir 0f ai l Jnd '~vaInfor yc ~Whitbyi) 4 The ILl - h TiiLibenl todY,(eu air - ag es, hein profils and, ablsahgo np in streois, Pspe-ae il lbsebeu tou yard, J.5,eI¶aopson , oiz lcHa>'; Wéal_,Fa- Contvauaiiémuo. I-'i Pe-ki9a sud C. G. Ç3edai yaA. Hl, W. iun Thwl toiievl4g vere MIL1aê ILAE 1 141 1 ut Bide cf 1

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