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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1883, p. 3

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WE CMI NOftÃ"RWIL j BAIRGAIINS FORU MA r< EýRY ý,D E1I ]3LANXTS9 YARNB, FLA2NEBLS, WINCIE Se COTTONS-extra goodls, prices low. 11ÂLL-WOOL" GREY FLANNELS, at 82o per'yeed pèia1i values.i Clearing prioes in ZbRE8S GOODS and TRIMMINGE, which wiii 1fltera81 buyera.' just examine our'MANTLE CLOTHS and ULSTEBINGS, stock complete, ýPrices right I IN OUR MILLIEMY DEPÂRTIIENT, SPECIÂL NOMESE AND BARGAINS FOR, ZMAS TRAI. We are offering to-day MANTLES andaTJLSTERS at astom"shing-iow prices, and we LAIES' MINK, FRENI AT PRICES T announce that we are offering Cil SEAL AND) PERSIAN MUFF8 AND MAT ARE DE<IDEDLY THE VERY LOWEST. CAPS9 If you w'ant correct goods and speoiai prices in Xmas goods, we can and wili hupply you. Cail and see our stock,' c. IF. No. 1 DEVEREBLL'B BLOCK, s T E W 1:: e.T, BROOK STREET, WHMITBY. GREAT CLEARING ýA LE, SEASONABLE GOODS, --CONIBTING 0F- Woolens, Blankets, Flannels, Gents' IJnderwear, Flannel Shirts, Millinery CUNT,,m),""1 Dress Goods, Mantie Cloths, Manties, Ties, TOGETHER WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F STAPLES. T HE SALE WILL LAST 60 DAYS !..& 10 P R CE T Will be taken off ail purchases cf $1.00 aud up.-The stock, 10 PiI CNT.owing to the unfavorable character of the season , is stii very coinplete and -worth your attention. .NEW GEO. NcDONALD, 3 King.St., West, Oshawa. GROCERI CASH STOREJU T10Mo A.-fCQj-J. Begs to inforrn lis friends and the pubylic that bhlas OPENED A NEW GROCERY STO Ey ln the premises next to bis Agricultural Implement Shop, w"' aL few doors Suath of the Market, where wll be found( CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES 0f ail kinds, Cheap for Cash, Fine Flavoreci. Ta, Raw and RofLncd Sugardà, Freah Ground Ooffee, Spices, Canned Gooda, Fruits, Oatineal, and gonerai Groceries of ail kinds. Try the New Cash Store-a few doors south of the, Market, where you will get the bout value fer yoiqr mouey. *Iýe Wall Paper for sale-a fine iatock-st lees than <l0t. Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, and all kind. of Farm Prodw.z..Iag» in xap. Wbhitby, Nov. 29th, 1882. The Liberai Convention. TheLibira CovenionetToronto tc.dy, (ednsday wasWiegreatesi and grandeet gatbering of rapreigenta. tive men ever aceembledin iithe Pro- viae. of Ontario. Shafteabury Hall proved qute inadequsta 10 "buive tbe Gnite," oc that tb. Hortiaultural Garà- oea ail ob ha laken poaaeaaiou cf for accommodation of lbe immense muiti. tude present. There tb. apesking la going on sud viii bc continuail ai bot.b places Ibis eveing. The News. Beven lbousend mou are pow vor- iog on lb.BritoliColumbia section of tbe C. P. R., sud rapid progres i made. The conrael viii, îo ail ap- panetbcooanpi.Ied witbin Gh. ae- Portions cf the towoa cf dologne sud Frankfort ou tb. Ubyne, are looded, sUd Many bridges have benau wop Aay. Near Lorraehb; Baclem. a bridge vas carrted svay viib Iwenty persoxia, who vere drowned. Thé Busian suiborifles kaNe rneev ed the peraecuion of the Jeva vith ini- eroeased soerily. The ralwey oin- Sactes have been ordered te discharge swiab 'empioyeee, and lt.etiensie bas ilaoided againat the tranafar of land to Jeva. much dignslitfaation is expremaed at Quebec vxlb ths language of the meom- ornduin cf the Minter cf Militia dlretlng the Moesofcf Major Soilt rom arret. - Wbtber thé arreat cf Majtl- Soott Wwa vanted by th. <sts cf théeeu. a left an open quetien. At De troit, on Wedneaday afternoon s citizen offereil bis three-year.old dauglaler go thé collecter in liquidation cf bistexta for local improvemenla. Wiýtalian in hie eyea hoeexplatned thalt he bad s large famiiy, sud could, sarcely gel enougli hnead for them tGo est. kt a large sud enthoaiaeio meting cf lb. Reformer, cf West Middleaez, Mn. Jobti Wsilervontb. tbe preecat main- ber, waa re-nomiusia, for the Local Houas. ,The Ref«omertire vili or- grnized and bave nefoufer o! Ibeir sbility Io rttamuMr. Wattorwmub wt uli crassai majorlty. toryadreaurid0sIor bfou h ol1>olndi u tNer$IiWfht JIts beeled q vs e t sl pos~t.u agr . aidwym ie vuel 61 fro t sfae. $0 Point Darvin. Àu noaileoutiea e!afadorsg What.the Gerrymander did. Il ta olaimed <bal the Dominion Pr,ý immeeul i. rfpreeentative of the pée j.e.t*thelbTory majority in tbe, n -1*20 per cent., wbile luntht. Province th. Tory excetseof vole. te cnly one per cent. Mr. Blake pintai tbis out ai l3owmsnville, and be em- phsied il by ahoving <bai ou s air repre..entation acoording t. the vote@ osai the Toies would stand se 47 ta 45 Reformera, whiiees as matter cffitant tbey stand as 67 o 85. Sir John did it witb bis littie gerrymandler. DEATH 0F GAMETTA.-LOn Gamn- botta, one of Fnuc'e not.d liepublican statesmen b a aed sway. Ré dled on Sunday at mndnight. Death wae r wwed pySria, tberesuitof suppreuaod leg su. Âlthougb the reporta of iù condition Ixailsomewhat preparoil la- riians for (lie vort, Lb. anncement that tbo end bail arriveil oreted an lm-ý mense sensstion. k State funersl viii,' it ia expected, b. giron toe .deoad patroit.. The Partisu suad London re ufr nterras of aorr o ebis cur ge yleIgtof l. e theOvaô a stadig m4ate to tl» pugo of Honor to Whom Honor la Du#t. Ronor to the same cf Dr. BeoGflubami vsaorz, I u lesudervsng usn bae .5 enaactas f hebi rae. Wy l Wiho84ths vbave useS PutnaWe' 3%nes er x raocrwhal hhey tbmu of il tt l hak. heutseSunotand ibs pràlu" tS c I9b. 5sf.,e# re andS pin- luis BeîvareOUchesp #mbuttlefi vili neyer OU the boites vtta mnee poison, non the teoli hVU bCommet vhlakey. 25 cents a package. Diszines sud sck hiadache yillAtS aI to lb. combineS povenabMOnaineS lunPonu- lain Of Heslth. PXi5cenOts. Adaimée may b. vwonspealllaf'hePUZ- Theola'ne pl gosemilS sais mMiiete- tuai for'tinl or adal 'HPý ý tlng PUila.Prie 10 cent simPle tue.. r5m1 tcr the m oun f niA»Mm *a lu.n -à1 pAsk f«Cboldu,'s CI'-it LuIqBaisnt, e. sr. l àMib«L ft 4C1 THOMAS ýMOGCANN.1 WHITBY MARKETS8. CasosunaWO3~~a. Oleu89 F16U Wnat ............. 8085 61088 GooeeWheaî............. 076O 080 ~punghea.......090 O092 vuor.ercv......225 0260 Bar.y...........04 08 Bye............060 05 Peas......... 1......... 070 072 P«&. biack-oyed ......... 080 Q085 BInePesa* ............. 070 16 7 Otao..................08 08 8 u Clover ma .............00 O 000W ÂpAIR er but .......... 040 O0715 p 1ltoas...-......... ..085 O040 liggs.........."*........021 19095 Butter ......*.........016 Q023 Cheege ...........01903 Wca ............O 5 .010 O0.1 Hlde, parib............. 000 Q0 si Porpoov........700W97,0 Celer, per do......... .0800 040 Ohceuepsr.. OU)p 0 0,1&D Tu*leyi, par......î 01 ..... oui gc» Byee . erue .... 88 Rutp eth-lOutm 0073coo ve@ Om"11,74 m-00*00 1ac, atmwg; ........012 3,014 Hanis 94".....8os 0oi PriraIdp, PerU k 040 00 CabbM.,par bbes...000a' ô06 WUibaas,0007 OC TOWN HALL.0 w - I Hosiery, Knitti FUL Glasswar -~4.4;. D ) m M 1O ARO lm) ,Q 0QM8, Beg to eaI- attention of -the publie- to the following iseasonable- goods: 8d Wool Goods, ýShalHos O1oudý, &o),ingrea-T Vt SPECIAL LINES IN -SCOTCH AN*D CANADIAN TWEED&J Tailoring to orde'T on short nôtice Ful stockof Gents' furnishings. Boys' Overcoats, Americani sty CLr~ é~IIV~ ~ ~ XPJ ~XL.LaXIV~~V. Dresa Goods, Brocbace Velvets and Satins, beautiful goods; Rieli- for. Mantles, and Fur -Trimmings. è~Druggets, Càrpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Rugs, Cretons, very cheap. A and Our stock is large, our pries.are rglt S TOCK 0F 4]ROCERIS FOIR XMAS, at holiday prices. 'A large and beautiful stock. of,,Croc ce. We are determinied to reduce our large stock before the neèw year. je B. PoWELL & WHITBY, Dec. 5th, 1882. NEW ADVETISEIENTS. ANNUAL MEETING. The &nnnual meeftng of the TOWNSHIP of PIOKRRING AGBICUJLTUBÂL 8001ETY vill b. held aS tb. TOWN HALL, BROUB!IAMI _os-- Thursday Jan. Ilth, '88, IT ONE O'lOCEc P. IL, sUL.P A full attendance j» earnety ejaud ui the folowlvg ubject ill ebojh forv& ard bb. fuly dlaommsed.vâFZ-J adviuaility of havina th.eftaitopened te tho world for the year 18M5 The officers wvU meet st 10 coock a. ta. on thb. mre dày Go vind up thé buslnemp of 11e!¶ember the electon ' km for thée eningjer taku p"aeli thé mfternoosi. - Wvm. UBBÂED, D. B. SIGHSWA1NDEB. Preet.Tree. Gounty Agrcultural Society of SouthOntario, ANNUAL MEETING. The Annuâl .eetS of the above Socety viii be boa on Wedseeêtey, Jannary 7tîh. 1883, aetOn. oclook, p.m., et th. TOWN BATZ. WEMTIY. The A-raaBeeri U then be submit- 4<hee o@of@mciOffierfor theen.1 eulng year vii tea. Place. C. BOURSE, Secy.Treae wbitby, Jan. Srd, LBm . TIcKET AGENOT 0F TE l q Ama galiated Gr'and' Trunk GetWaemRaflva Unes, A"d of tbo fluasLin= ef Stsamsbpeo BROOK STEBT. - WHT . singie sud return tickets cam nov b. had for the prlncpl pointe on theGreat West- ern Divialtn as au oS. ah erinetsugwuaiaBridge, Gjt,«Woodstock InemlLo1n, Barni, Port Huron aad Detroit. for <lre VesserB" City, City, Peloskey Toledo, C .tbi, go winu -tu &Uothr pincpoiti Beturu ticket. o obi st, o ai ncei Mmtes. SeIllilB ti"kefo the wW stat Bes .a ilC lb atefs fe wlk ble& e. agage cheched at wMlbhy reîhoaom f lheprincipal For umIe. ,ajpbl*to. limes-tables, ma other ifoaica a pplY to GBO. B. TULE, 8. Brocbýft.,Wbitby. Extensive Credit Sale~ To Il lydeadal.HIse% I ' Rs" of lova maA He. grum £D5111a>5, lGU~ SALE SI 2~ERMI.-~ amonixt. Oui prove~ joint M15,lu al NEW ÂDvERlrisE4"MENTS. XMAS! XMÂBl! New Watohmaker and GBa, Jewellery stvre,1 TAYLOR BEGS TO ANNOUNeCE to the resients of Whitby sudl surroundlg country Ibat ho has rented tho store next tb Mr. kndrew Boss, ln the Richardlson Block, Brook Street,sndalias openedl up wMt AMAG*NIFICENT STOCK- --OF- WA TCHESY CL.OGKs, AND SILJ'HR W.ARE.1 Expected Dailyl -Cg Ail the, above gooaa ae n poted direct from the manufacturera at the- .Iowest ýmakelýprces. This fact enablea liim te doly ompetttiola and to% Offer encùàlducments to perspctive purchasrs s viii ho fma» a.bsotoly irysistib to buy bis holiday presents, and in soliciting the patroage of àuinuwant cf sucli gooa ho guarntees saisfcion ,u inl purchases mdifrom bis stock. The stock consista of ECngliah sud Amerin6an GoId; Silver aud Plated JeiweIery, Engll-s;wius and American Gold andSivrWths & Béutifansd variod'..to* f imverware 000" et&God>&., &o. gam AUJ REPAM1S8PRIOmPTY TTENDED TO. TREMEOU8 DROP INDPIOLC -AkT TIÉr" Brazîlian__Wareho u',e!:'1, 7iba. "&dl làpan Tesfo in xt-Jhoceà3pom.aue 8 Ibo. for il*t Ces8 à Ts, 25,ote, peIb., usel prio 50.. upeiorBIltvk Te&, 8lbs. fo*1 17 ~4Fui!, at 25 oculit N EW AD V ER'l'IEM E N '[S. Great reduction in-Crockery and Glass-; ware at the WHITBY 01-CIINAA ST-OMRJ. M. iMPORTANT NOTIOE.-Hlaving concinded to go out cif the Orockery; China and Glassware trade, I now beg to offer the wholE ofmlar stock of Crockory, Chbina and Classware to the Publie, at aindc UNDER OOST, FOR O-NE MONTH I Cail and examine the Stock for yours0ives before, purehas-i ing elsewheère. TO MEET THE CHRISTMAS lIMEýSý,- I also offer for Cash for one month, a splendid âsisortmnent of choice Toas, Faniily Groceries, Spices. Pickles. Fruits of ail kunds. Peels, Candies, Oranges, -LeoneOD, rapes, Pears, A.pples, Oysterà, &i,., at pricoes that defy competition iuncéther Toronto or or elaewhere. Agent for Jarmes Laut's Famous Tes- a present given with each package. WANTED.-200 bis. poil Winter Apples. 2,000 lbà. good Dried Apples. Highest price paid either in Cash or Trade. W. r~. GQ. 2: lm, la D: Deceinber 12th 1882. WHITBYqMHNA TMkSTORE-." 1833- Established F«URNITURPW, 'PUN'r Cheaper tI&an emer, a-t k8 6?OLLM Hoida[y Gid. aud:SiirWa, -Ooied GjL LAG S .TOCK. S;o1orEd Gi&I wk - 'ilRK 183 .tk ~re BROOK STREET. WHITýBV.* The amdersigued lu returlng thonks tothe pulii ro liborsi .patronage extended ýte hmn, bogae msaté tha t. liaving rerne' bis coxnmodious new promisse, s, h. lanowl a botter position tbiai k asupe1y ll. -theâir wants.- - Eis stock of Furniture ebibraces -very haudsoni0 and everythlng- thateau boe afled or lu bis hune, aud an ex~iànatiô [Convluee that the pricesaxae 1ev enougli to suit the Urnes., 1N DE R ]3uuerals funly supplieda. T AKN BOO 'PS -,A-Nj vof Freh cD ONALD Buffalo Robes, Goat Ro6e (3, Hor8e rug8, and Furs, extra value. Blnes lnel inceyq, at boitomnp~I'wiee. 81.0k1 th. e etby one n1 b=ai i-ý -- - - -*.009 1 - - -- - - - -- cy . 1

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