Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1883, p. 4

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sesmaUsm. wacs mai '7iitbgowwbctti84b ou8çi ob e t Dt eaXi sbenear atsait ag ony wer M&~*VOD& ho hlmver e gt ub meSg fomxutine ecusta llov PlaNsht teu&p lOoblé face dt cf- blslug baid gene on vili 113tala foir yeartsudat Sca Eu( tic. poil w1alo<. Thbie àwvau beip for bun pissent sud permanent for i body. AI Ilat@one one toli -ýb QmsP au Bomef y, B ter Oezhuslg' ici ukili cf doc Why Il la rmdet e aalk c *elu i tr>tici bëGrecS Heu sali 1 6.vola. of bis frienti. -B lé. **Wic a tit s?" Reie 41 a 0ain. More relIef 1I*11 ie wand cot magicienP Yea, t --oweet relief, &fior vekefal aight ày sud faym long f revnu ot vît: rlgPl'~ AtS làb.bcild'dsveà n~.tiýobs th=ppy- eoryb ;mýnli «YinS c eubgb lu 'pieàu e Great Germu BnIemdy. a i"Il"t6 ne -gf acàobm 011 fà 1- usf thcj d a aeý 4ïDrýib1 forcoa.y g l~dww% LWTischarges to tbem bis owa opiuioin wib regard to » the merise of tiec. a o ne eueaBe Ir bcdd 4...-go -uf'tb 4refr.yc4qlu.;but *~ ~~ ~~~h foJba.wî~6toi*l u bqgore Wà ment. The jotge inaquirad t thebcbail- le, (iwhat vas 4h.. iellaer, ~Ad leer.oèd en aukcalae 4 th er len.H. Re nt- O1 for Sica jurý une.and cue tatef bcd b. t hcd plainlnltlmob&:b" h 0 1ce ý"eghetlobl&uèldef, &Mi~ r.oùo.jiior *as standing' oi1 'gnt h t cibr cla e aprocdad ho reboise f bcjri hr Tise.o-bstifat.ajurer wu va a Uurtalt 1111.man, cuti as 86011 au~ tic. jatge Wl. donc lic rosa andtidl: l"M!%y I se>' c word V' .yêl4. i,<' »a ii hpIndignant jufge; il'ha wblbava yon loey P', a "WOU, wbc. I vantef b aBay is, I ama theb otl' fqlcr tbct'a on your Ida," re Zuloleni u l il la undaratood, ha Sdtvidsd loto Iwo parts. Cebewayo and laliypari, ant 0 l~csubjecte * oc rt,ùp loneiu ld anoticr Cf hiaovi are Laavarie aSahie rastored King's roi., viii Sb.expeoitdtae saufa lu icath oticer. ;Id Buroxpea&n fermera viimoct bhallowed l. te hold faim. jun eîbar portion. of a. Si le dia1 4 es- a PaMU manasca. kenbitst u lthe peet ev boss ihô àmeu6cf sUlg botuécof ithe o aterful threR, is vll-kucvu MW i> wveobthse St. Jaobe 0ati hotr of physlp41 W ýtterii àuaé cesreij ýb rbouim, ne goS âulm[md aAl dcep u s à meleie te vtr ontà t sl#ge ; but lihs opp)eaSon Of -'dew ImmcasefrmSrobllag. u. le nov Weilai beattoy.' "g o O M"s e s affictsd te ra'olen si. lJa»e Ose asLb IQ rnoadcy astiefficient oute for pain 'l ic t wenit. Oagigaa"'e. O. Larevay, Who inno ticalmou t brlvng anti Weil etooka.) grocer>', corart fSMI ti dN cireete,,js a greaS sufferer !rom uental- <.6. Wlilc tics ýreprotas eilu lucre liib cuber>day, vaiti'ng bile tutu for sop- plias i. eCsplain tld hlm bbat bhc Great Gorrà Remef>' vas a paver- fli laient, ltbabd rlicîct i hm of nanraigia, saf givanbhlem me.>'hoara of céce. If4is loirk aise owbed Se bave - lug' bd tbe backboua lakan eout o! pos.sed Is egs -mncc S bsenaoy- tance fût acma lime. The r« l op inf ovacdec tb. dietpeluc cal th&&thtec.article lu qucufieulso&" sest-w~reeeyud 0ocaqaner dipeùla; ,-"Wei lioIls,' lsboard oualou ni«. BQcu Notes fer Jmnuar>. Il voilcasait for, -tise bees vil used neU« "betl Ibsmontia. Thosee blat ara bn tb.eoller viii boom*e umc>, iU Dot hpt uetbbc rlgbt S.aperalure, sud veli vectilabti. Durbngwvenmdays, tlb» 5 iýC>' h5 e rut.d ont et bsfr If t lbdos u al t lu tele lcvc thean uSUit laaub té Ie sellr. Wsn. tea te t Lia..! Mne for lice be keepar, butth uhould t ualceime of îlot h and ladclenoe, If the apiariat makes bia ovn limes, sectionh, etc., lbii Ià Sic. lme for snob vork. But as ticea are coasmotei se cbeply anti vali et lise fectore, it lu nrail> becS le ba>' ticcaiulesaeue ilekiNhifvtb Scola. Il mua>' lia vel le < et licmnie lestai ialbbc "kneck f ova," sud tieu put a pthc apler>'. Thiecaves fraigib, antig <lies ack fc r viater. Nov is bbc lime fur alqdyug uy eplarisu subjecte. Readthbb liberature cf lb. put ycar, 'tuf> géoofbhouks on bec coulture, lbiuk veil o!ficub lu resf, anti in Sicaligici of snob irformatibe plun tbc vork for nujoià Boi.Rer>' bcs-kccper, - uoni experîmant smre, au ibis moas bis cd- ntcemeol greacer, anti gin.. edf c latecasi to the huainess. Nov, in Jannar>', iasicaelima le plan expert. monta for lice comlng year. Houe>' siould ble kept durlug .vluier ln a dry, arai to9a2. Wbou bu. torati, Liceoomb baoge>' viii mclbreak batil>, ant t traotait doceaotl*er. meut. Eien apmb houeey otcis fer- menoa ia i oeljitnp rooni. Wïnlu,- lue àgooct ime tle baud op àarkret F"or extracteti houe>, ue oattraotin ulate lb.kia'tof boeuy, MOitthe ania o! thse7o tepioduoes. 1 À c pyaab ! uUe. 'pakag»-letUc storcs, wyul atîrcolbayers.. ho 0z c lice n* oýpeqah- lmad "veRy m ha a ponti 1te oe a'vlIbt'fv pauntis. Thobg1b1 i qalf a Sisal tice granulation lu ,ilqüJiï,, andf iu- slee1thb elerne bt'!lpSzt Il cicoli ciate.11boy te restera e liqda n>,b'alg 1 4 'n 1800 case, so st r .09 ofthle eiâ gradle ot, .'he é'eb 1 bc nt b. la «lgý b's btil viliik tek he place-o!fctneu and e la pntiing up tic. bons>'. If il le prop- cci> arranged,î4 ever>'. deaer "Iib. cai>' oogllit to lie-ia b v pac in ais douqrq.' A vxiet 'on bec eultte niiea point le wiuberbng vble me>' hîîré féoe. Ho celae attLe1tiop 4thé -ft bict 49e, the é' v -èââ lualot paroyi>' s ' "S do neee alllt i; V l absorbcti iothel. h14 «frùm andi paes" t09 u '09r &Cid. ns t. le jde*, Iur, b>' respiratIoix. ' Ti* <sal. élhe a*. tuIs. ýw rui -i Baverai ncwspapar reporters bae beeu conimitted te ahort terms of ian- rleonmmut for refnslog ta leave a pro- îifbftefmeetink la lrelend. Tic. Miay or of Wsxfurd bias been acutancefl togle,- veke' lmprlsanmaaît for pub. liaiing a report o! a Ladies' Lengue meting lic i. paper, caloulaeef faila tinidate. Most, bic. Socisie, in c speech aI Cl»uocgo:Tburadgsy>'nigict danounoad teneeat eapitelias an u)ddcianeu mnrdar and robary necaea"ry in thce ipuiset soudiblon of aocbely. ITic. prevalaogp of large firea in the United Kingdom mfurds #î:bjectS o! ecament. Gréenook bas cad a lbirty- Irae thebeanti pounufconflagration, andl Belfeet bs ufered te tico azient ef t>'4 th "oneafpouUt-8. aouuec $bat the Govarament yull sbort- Iy' pretteut important meecures o! raformi tu thse orei-uaespirit o! dctarmîin- *tlou- toe e c.oounbry iu a traly. Tics officiel report ai Leut. DoLong, ocmmaer of -Sie ill-fstad Jeannetfte.' vhlb val titdeovref by the aide o! bis &»dectie g~ Ires au intersliag accuenot o! the imovementa cf bbc vassal 'up lu thé e le. vasbauby tice le. ,Lord Napier, of Magfaa, oow Gar. tonr o! Gibraltar-, .andwico servefl vus distIioun ule Indien mutiny, and éommaadcd'ibe Bnltisic axpefîtion Se Abysainia, bas beau appoinladfildi Mar",aidr %là 'Bridah a&MY Tha Reformýseao! Northc Victoria bave neomîiebeilMu. S. S. Peck, as sbici saedard-beancn for tic. Local Lagisiature. Mr Peck bas requefzed a fev daya te conuiden the mattr. Siionuld ha accepi, 11. Refnrs ràof li* nliing are confSident ot their atuiliiy te carny>he idiing. .Clioiera basbrokPn cul, nwoig the pilgrima baiveen Mlecca andl Medina. The death rata is very lieevy. Tics Emparer o!f.Anatria lias cifereul biii serrieea as mefiafur bolveen King Humbert, of Itai>', andi the Pope. Mr. Gladtisone lias receircd congratu- lations from ail parts cf lice vorlil ou tic. occsion cf liii 78d1birtiuday. Il lua nov esoartainaul [bat lia. Danbsba polar axpadition Pteatmer Dî'jmphna la uci vr.oksf. Sha bas proceedeul to Nova Zambia. Lord Kimberley bas afvisad Lice Boesan la fvace tic. iSheir eppeal for a reaisoc oftlic Transaal ÇCuoveulon vii *4Ib~ismc e Idarvoof'b'ei eppliati for assIstance stetheo exeauion o tic. Huff e> murd ar- ern, b.laug duions o! aveiding a ropabi- Lion of the bongiag At the Joycea amen- "*WbaS made Sicatmute kick yen ?" lice>' aked,-0o! Sheagentlemian Who bad hoeinsenS flying Slrougb lice nociff e!a bu.LAd haonanafd: -Do you Sink I vcu stupif coungb le go bacis Mnd ask imiaP' "1TEeStman iu a pirenolgiaf. Pal." "À pict 2P'cse) Pet, pnzzlad. 6"Wby, e Masu tirteutenl.l, by feeling cf the- bumps of your heati, icat kinul o! s aMa yen arc." "lBompe on My icead, eim ii " azcleimned Pet. "Bagarra, thona, I ebouldif huit '?là ~dgive bia more o!fcau ifdoapicat kine) o! a voian My wi!. is.", Campi$ng ont Lne fli ins Woodis hb e recomnéiedfte onsmptive Patiente, auud tice Heu. Dr. Mara>', in hsebook ou the Adimxedaoks, mentios a reinarkable cure from tha. tuetment of Ibis nature. Huer>' on. fihati vth palun&aauydtseàeeace- DouI mue it ocuveieul ho camp out, aor là Il necassar>', vien m&U the leneofit t h treatmenh ara procurabla b ugnins- Gaxrs SisUa'" ED Be iiucz Ors, a scientifie iareparatioa, wbleh presents lu a. concen- lrcc u arcbefoin, 1 a i I îtue cf, t lbugalv ei a . aa As a cure toc Cosuli.Cclii, ciaticruel sud qtcee usas l 15 ivalve laSi by ail clemhas. P"ice25 and 50 cents par hothie. Kcepihlu youu'fasuiy. ?lb*aestt emady> «-orécelda ul'af.srecléfor Burns, Bruism ~aSa a Tiroal, or Sreneu safaUlaf, lu tical menneilcue bsalumil ras&7i'u Yallcv011. "ia lob lu liçme& suai n faiincu"ne ui'l buI*g it ýe ut m sa u mdï s'àat5eiecbd eintil>' gavelpe lot oIn- p eaaonggptlon].Oôod»hmw îff 'vla the itusa fle 1 f COurd ud lego 1S7ai' in e seiandi dely aeueof dd.e luhc mhe ers vary ei b la c paine~rsuud eg dpein i sud W. cenmR ýpartisa. i>' pe nt t»borelftrgaCecip "Iere IituobetIo- ddh82 bd deor-hit hp ben aer'c elivo loseclgnel d reos, iis ar<angeet bouse # U~me erRbtelcoumld sdm S ny s, unAek Blocrti B ittniere le ne uotter itue padl enifest b>' pli euadecin spn ice L i,iBaai.esud bbc Kif. éeycçàry, for emtill oriai, 1 ai tsti B&te A ccsioSuh~re nl I. on * Ic nov &r bsd %to.ive~ "onst dui or tanmflece, 8eerobtbe - s eîIdgall, SerbteDrng Btores, from one enf o Canada b aother, saf you oano Aund-a remcdy e_.qial Sa té. Ti>' lb nid use l tan'your familles».*So4if avqvYý vbée Inlalarge batties et 50 centi. Tbousands, biarwitnass ta tha poai- Utlw wcurative pavera cf tic. OREAT GEUMAN INVIGOATOR, bbc ouly sm4y ticat hem prora ief l a iepson. ic~ foc 1 nar l ibflS>'. asmiÏii *Oak- tiece, bnpoteny, etc, and ail dieasea bict arise tram self-abuse ur ovcr.taied bWt1ofioaliy anding in oonsilmptiofl. idaenity and a pramature grava. Solti by aIl dropRestg, or will lie saut frac on raceipt of #1.00 par box, or six bailles for. 0.00. Atidreas F. J. CBENEY, Toledo, Obio. sole agent for tic. Unitead 89teta. Sond for circulera and tetil- monials of genuiua cures. A oaod Offer. Tic. Chicago, Burlinglon & Quincy eilîrcef Company ba jus isaned an illlastrea trealise, "The Heert of the Conatinant," cleporibing the wondarrui growtic o! thn Six Great Sta tee. The book là beautifully printed. and nomer- oui 5-gritingeo! high nierit adore its pages. Any on.e eouing ticeir name tid isddree with two tbree-cent post- age atamps viii rre vea copy iuy r.- tara Male, by eppiying to PMWgETAL LOWELL, Geneirol Peuatuoger Agent. Ciicga, Illinola. Froc cf Coat. Ail persaons wlshing to lest t ic emaifse of a ;test remaf>' - one theS wiljpas1- lively cure Oonaumption, cougbs. coldo, Asthme, Bronobutis, or any effetian. cf tbc Ticroaf or Lupga-ar, reqacted te ccil et Wiifiald's Drng Store and gel a Trial Bottla cf Dr. King New Diacov- ery for Conmýmption at1 loc,wbicb Win show you wbet a réguaa, dollar-aise batle la yuldo. Fortunes for Farinera and Mechanîca. Thoosanda o!fdollars an eaasaveti by using prepeir jndgmsuj iW baku cana cf lice bealth of ycurcelfaf fclTy If yot iare Billions, bave seI.W com- pleil>a, - poor appatila, 1ev an~dce presnd spirite, = géngeuly d5tiliW tad, do not deuley a mamadt, but go st once -and procure. chotIe ufthase wonderful E1actric Bitters, vbic i nye feul t cure, anf Shat for lice trifling aum cf fifty centa.-Trib&ne. Suif by T. G. Whuflelf. Reat and Cumfort tb he Suftenbng. îilnoveis Hiousuao» DP,&acac' basnoc eqoal for rahieving pain, bath internal and extennal. XItcurs pan1 bthe aide, back .r bavais, SeraTe tRiceumtisai, Tocothsa'he.'Lumliago, aoul and any krinud cf paoi 1orame. "It wiii mont nunily qnuickrr telBiod aul Huai, as its actîig power ie wedenful.i" lirowris outechulliana. cea," Iuriimgeu':actigdBîe great Pain 1lteivir, ani rdublemuii te trcith of any mtLi-r LE.ir or 1.umiim.t ii, the worid, stouuî1wleiii CvvrCfitrinuuy rn-udt for u he Wl-1ci'1.'J, cu i t n-îîUv mtei, Lr-st needv uuî îLe mw -nil fure ('rcmin nthe Stuuu'u i I Palu.en RA el.5-ire-m -niait kindm," amu is fmr ue .-cli lv i l rrui.ts et 25 cents a lottle. 'lRoogli on Raits." Clearuu out rata, inico, roaclue-, flie, enta, bédd buge, skunks, ciipuniks, gopicars. 15c. Drugigiats;. Decline cf Man. Narrons Weakness. Dyspepsia. Im- potence, Seo. oe~iy uredlu>' BOWeawsIHeh enr'"$1 M_" Àï L'iiS 0 l nre;a . Ttii Il fr t 'i '. b hainc ii .. l bl",(rii' r arMA-- i i . t'L'esi Liiaî i-C a'e .i [,a,1.. fed-i iu f Wiu.aiî t..e 1' FA t11) etiiiti ite. 4les-J c i. 1 &11(,il a". fcr sgtj.ùl* t, -.idriii -ram w lv dutcfthen t,Mn,-lh alurt'ed- c ' itp A. 2'me li,,Mcc. iui., Ott cciitpr.lfa, ill.iu u0 Factory et Staenstebd ,Q. otrp & Lymen, Toronto, eGaul.Agt.orntro DR, FELIX LE BRUN'8 G~G- A Guaranteeti Cure Ion Goniicc1a atéi."a Il,t Sfie, pleanant s-nu l eable, No bcd feclas frïa il sec. Dcci ni iîntcufene viLic nlness er fIel. Pice â2 peutibox. or hîTo- Mxa or45; -Witteu gueusutees ismest y uic>' auhorized4agaîit horefond tic. moue> lice. boxes 611 te acura. SenS postage K ~~lHNTERIÂL C uHl&-foi CATIW $100'3100_ the ue ulaCtrh ua, 2.l Cbo.. Tuole.o . . HUU lugfrt uago reanltdim vdi u o] HaEs '-laC laletaiTh. Cure rh l6iai t y aer edhglaotira a$8.0afco t fi.WH.umW I!a OI,WUUII Andsil RFST lner [o UStJoaepb, NcIaunika.I i8Okaiàli i. Eu. - wU511l aI4 MI '-w. M e ir A ri Iuraîî. tM, eltus:1, à, . '1 ktaritut Vw bci l ..i.ija carf KAN-eSAS-CITrY 2Alcofet ioli L&Sùe Ty TInkets vittws I sd 7IonrVII Cteteyrtud Lice ano mcd nuOt a maiesmai0ceaW 15101, ii0ted CanUýana ocamdis- TiPOTTIER. PECEVM.L OWIL, gd ~j &Pusi t exi ganag[oer, us Ch icate. lit. <218 W. o. joigwsrôii, PRIOVINCIAL LAND SUVREYOR. Cen lieond st the. Le, Office cf .. G. KeilEes., Whtby, er Ah the raidenceaic Mur. aohnton, Perry. streat. A sk made et borna by the 7c)iniieBo s Bcdbusiness nov Ilbelons lice publW ic.Cpll.tnet ILneadeit Wc vill saet yen. Mon ,àomnu, boya anti girls vau»gt euerywhere te onrtef 'as. Nxv luthe tina. lau en auok ie spane tiami, on <tua M ur thole tiane Lto tb business. No othar usinass vil P&7 Zyen neanl' au vaîl. lgc ne tn f an tu mmke aormnae'l>su s-agio5 et onmc. caly culfit pu y ri fret. Moue>'mai faut, assty, tihn- shi>'. Atdhaesu, Taux & Cc., Angtsýue - Maine.4_ ire~mceauimei-u0c ai unteei uk 7GBP'Ocuoeïir faedýïýt i .i, thrngbut n eéi a-. t4 ee- nt cd Omiag n e uorpan unci, clý Gn"aCatoin s C ofit âpir r ý i ni> -aid povachothoseof an>' eCotWlesru *I~ EMARKET GJTEAP FILOUR. EVElr! MONDÂT Until lurrnohlc.I villdaliez'Floor &o. ta eony persan.lu the T OWN of' WHITBY, lu qucubiles notlsas l.eu 50 jba. et bbc Pâli Wb'stFiour -'... ... 82 40 par 100 Sprlng do ...... 250 ' .c.u...d........... .2'0 Linon Baga:................ 10 eecb .a.al................... 86 Baud orders sud addrass par mail to H. BI0KLF, Orasme'aia lie laft et Mr. J. R. Phi'ahMnAma eup. - fecambar 14tÉ, 1R82 624t1 North British and Mercantile INSURANCE Co. 'T E Directors aea inted Mr. C. SOURSE , Aieut, ailtby, for the above nsm.d CoMI, . D. LORN MAcDOUGALL& TO.DAVIDSON, Manafing Directora. Montreal, March 7th, 1882- 19-tf The "iWhlc" Scing Machinc1 FOR uILEXCE, EA»q#l OURÂILITY, FINISH, RANÇJB (or WOeM, A FREPS OT 0F BEAUTIFL MACHINES DIRECT cVBIK ,1 AOORY, C REEBENE laklsnlb'permittef totzle foilvlo utlesbcb oa et cth1e n> ,Wlao havapuresasde I lc WhUet'Mrs Dela, ia.Wm.Guagte5Mta. C. F. 85iev- art Ms.. H ~&m InnD,, Mue. -a e4, soie Agaul, Wlutiy: VETWED c rJ<r The Largeet iýnd most caxeýffly seleoted stook 'ii Cou nt'v. and at prices to defyv a nv comnP.etitiOn. thel AND, GENTS' FRIHNS Garmeénts made to order 'der on the shorteet ni and in the latest style~ of faýhion, RE.ADI-MAIDE CLOTHIIN'G WtoIU Constantly on hand.-Some'thing nobby nobby in Boys' 'Suits. Buffalo and other Robes in great variety. JOHN FERGUSON, March 29,.1882.- DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. FALL ANP[ WINTER BOOTS Arý~D SHOES,' AN- IMMENSE STOCK, A T SA U NDEI R No. 1, -MA KETBLOCK, ENTIUL'LY NI EW! ~plea" -e:examxine, 'uabes', Gents', Boys' and Clirls' Boots and Bhoes, at al pricea ; o.f, th be8t make and description and lateat styles, - :9F10 E?> -C S-El! Nover before lias the undersigned been able to offer a greater vreyo et r-vle. Custom and ordeed w'rkas heretofore. JOHN -SAUNDERS, Wbitby, Sepi 20, 1882. No. 1 MARKET r>LOCK. HEINTZM &0;031 MIMNUC~TUBEES OP Grand,. 8quare, and Uprip'ght W. . 8on 00ym UMotha Riir no rethe bet value obtainable.  APereon imp)e1ou is solicitoci. - 117- Rirgt, West, Toronto. SCALES, SOALES. have one, as theysoti :~& or heise1~a 4,Weh v 'o4 assortment Apýple Parera, rtho liest l te fmar#;,pares,. ,ores, aâa suces hem; on't liy util you see tliem. Ou- -I. recîe iotcie, Ve rflD& z4n-W cuIazee. aiihfteolr uSnfors-zbox ee old anise ho refnn8tha monayiIf tha irasin dosa nceOct t bacr.Guarsteas issuud by W: ; 'E OWE sole aeutboîlzud aenat for Wbitby, Oit JBEN C. WEST, sie propria- tou, Toronto, 0nt, lyi IMPODITANT Tu FAiMIRS * ENE1IALLY, ÂNDMORE ESPeCOI ALLY THOBB WIIQ HAVE À& CLEAR UNDEBSTANDINO 0F THLE VALUE (INDE- PENDENT OP TEE BEAUTY) OF PUREE-BRIED .STOCK. I A- ON4gred AND TWEZ4TY-TWO pdgedfemales of Shorthorned Cattie, ail raised under my own cue from the bist stock of prize-wmnners, ail or any of which wil liesoiti t prices which cannot fail b be i.amunerating to the purobaser.. Asamm circumistanced suffcieot to wintertihem ail, I arn in ilo hurrv, -but those who corne fiast will haveOe whole to chooae from. I in- vite ail *ho are fanciera o! fine Cattie tg corne and see my stock 'whetber or not they 4tend to purchase. ALEXANDERI WILXIN, Lot No. 1, 8til Con. Pickering. 46-tf BalsainP. 0. ONE. The FIBMT mreiet nDR,Ia9ON'B extreor d yldrcherry ek hichsootheatha imnihted nnfaceein thel 1 ud-r acts a ea tonicto the. sto mg". appetite bas a aoticing -X v ifun on the artnudt bidvessels, preventing TWO. neh. ax oosoenanitd hspiaceâ thehtough,, s triasy hlegm whicli causes so mnch m ud ~ lss, snd whicl islathe cause o, ba convulsire conghing. TH REE. The roixDruingredient hea. Il le tue vital propert>' of the peclaly soothing sud beal- "n guma o! the wbute pine and fi cf suthern chines, ni the saine lune graheful sud bouafi- dge hothe atoxnacc.- .FOUR, . Th bemfý'ignedient ' -la aaeing sud'- sootblliucattliateupplieatheplaceo! thec' mucons secretion which, 'whûleth orsi are hicthy, couds the iucous memblrnne, keeping if soft and iatural. It uit iret augpîis îhe place uif the dccrenned secretions and a-sinb rretuui'tiii etur u;n as to plerfri their proper acdnost iwcluortuuut duties. AMl theuuc îrirking tnrther, benefic»Iall nmnke DR. WILliONiti PULMIONR CHEdRRY BiJLSAM Ntheliest cure knowo for throat aid lung 'titienees tiSold in 25 and t4e Cent Boties-the 40 Cent sire containing double tic. 25 Cent suze. Sold b>' ail Drnggista andt Deale nl Medicine. 1 J.,W. BRAYLEY, - MONTREAL. RickHeu ýWs2.vaxecut1Y ptbuiaii -wilaCelebrated Emswc thc rwH S~ na -mnaent cor. e i~~ "Ofç. iee'$r «cssez ~.FrIe., 10* ea.a nvelopa, cnly 6 Tii. 4IatA$sdau luor, i B a dmirable P4iapyqIiPT .. .a8,1f omS i y cini lm ëô pemdluheIufa ot la=gn uo~ti5r~ 9,hh mmg .,v enm ay erefaiiy WTda ectue aoulabeithe hnau ci every youuh andi fyman ln tha land. THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Anu Bt.,, New York. Post 0000ceBox 4M&8. B.y GRÂAy'S SPECIFIC MEDICINIE. BdeoW8T&koe.itoflw as a £1187Takfllg sequence of Self-Abusa; au[osa cf ]Hemo"-, UnivexmUaLasstude, Paiun the Beck, Duo. ness of Vision, Premature 018 Âge. and m any other diéeses that leed ho lnaanity or Con. sumption and a Premature Grave. -. Pll axtoul.rain a anplet, which we desire to send free b y maLta every cne. Sgr The SpecX edicine la sold.by al drnc- giat a aol parpakae, or six peokageafor 5, or wllbeasentP freby milon receiptof ltb. money by addrasslng T13E GRAY MEDICINE CO-, 15 Toronto, Ont., Canada T. G. WHITPIEL2P, gaerï,Whitby EARS, FOIt 4ýILION!1 pouitxveii âareà" ha Hfearmns-, sud le the. Ouîy Absointe Cure feor Deafea un.- 'Thisa 011,la aebutrei.dfrozo peculiar spa. oies ol aail euiSbak, c n h e u Yeilow Sce. kuevm u a CrcliezOeinBonds.j Z.f «, Bvary OpC= isher!xien knows il. is iuhuas a" e ietivre' cf lheering vire - = diePiat botthe yaan141, % srsvae50fuleon n 'Imeer e.selumaa1 v falnina thea, il, 'fv as offlcialyproclaimed-uvertha an= UEpirc. Its use becaease universel thsi 1h. over 300 yâe sne deafiiesheu existesi emesig the Chmnese peoipte. Senf, chargea piepaif, ho suy etidrasu, st #1.00 par lidihia 'Heur -What'the Deaf Say: 1h bas,4cx!oma eFrcleluMy Cam I. heP.'n erthcily nolsée lu rny haad, anfiieuerlnch'better* - ýhve becii reaiiy ben'ftkèc My eefsa h4lpd a great des-- 0iefk lIts urines " eunquneshionable aadils CURATIVECBARACTEB - ÂiIUTE, 18 TuE WEMT ERi cas PEBONALLY risurS7, Bs-crcRON xx. 'PE-I . Us-Cs-As-n ossxsvayTzoi. Write ai once ho liÂTIocrik Jxss-x* 7 IDey Streét, New York, enclosiug 81,00, anti yen vil receiv. by returu a remedyiluet viii enable yen te hearlUWiWeubdy-ise ndvhosa curative affects.viiibêpammsunent. 'Ton viii neyier regrethdoing a.~XtfrecUeeii, 5t'To avoit si n uthe.ail s, pleama senti Money hy BoaxxLrxe Oni>' auponietib'IIà tc&Jae TU reGr&U .AterwcanmslenÏ«Vfor L0BS OlF &PAU iais 0 4Oticui -- ustbe inwrt T E wEc WHITBYÏ, Wiiby, Nov. 71 011 Tid Erock Stnout, BARRISTE! AT ,'L vu 0. H. RITCHIE, WiRn, taollé S OÉAXIÈ ho Ry.?cbl êoty li Da. A.O.'1M. -RED ýPR-UCE- GU M.. J- I* t 5 stxu abl dc t F IF e stoek 'of ~, i e SAD Y IKI DN EY,-WOýR m 1 .ï l'

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