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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1883, p. 1

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Pp Annum. -AU AirestIse- eU8asl885 Dre o tory. T WRITBRN .1AME 0r Manager. Wbtb, e, 1h.183.1-47 WHITBT BBÂNOH1, arock IsUocil, Whltby. RX B ITCHIE &BILLINOS .BARRISTBRS &ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS le CHANCERY AC 0. H. RITCWIE. W. M. BILLÎNS, Torouto. Whitby. BU~ . FAREWELL, LL.B.,* B luSTREL, Couuiy Crowu Attorney, Bslud cuty Solicitor. Offc,-ot wlng, court Bouse, Wby. .8 JAMIES RITEDGE, $0 a-ai48,Boo t, hty OqMULLIYAN & KERIR, BASUI=IlaSOLICITORS. NOTA ail PBho.0, &o. nx b OFFICES:-72 Tongo Strot, nx h Do"" ank, ansd Qpruer Kgind Tougo troota, Torqziu 1.A. O'sw+rrÂs. J. . sua. otober SU& lm88. ly-4: JARJ&BSKKEITIIGORDON, i3ARRSTBR& ATTOEY-ÂT-LÂW. S loi u 4*Chancori, Convoyanour, 'No tary ublc, &. Offic-Dundai 8., aI door t of Armtrong's Hotel. ouelyto Loan-Private fundu-_st 10w *DAVID ORMISTON, Il-&-, A -TOB"Y.ATLAW, SOLICITORI IN Orjuo-In th. Office 'uouth cf thO Pot Omcie, le Mlalsn'aBicck, Brook Strest, Whltby, ly.lO 07710.-Ie Victoria Chambers,'No. 0,V9berl Strset. q. OITNG 81UMT. L L. n., J.>Isuer ot bMrrùoLagelcee. Omcs-Ov.r Dominion Bsaik, Whitby1 Jan-. 2%1878. (tf.8 B ARI8TI?-T- AW OLICITO B ta hancrysud znsof¶mcy oIev sucer, ha. Ofo-eelluBlockBo street, Whitby, Ont. J. NIAMER GREENtVOOD, A TTORNET AND SOLICITOR, CON- 1 e11L ce. MotaryPublic, ho-Post Office Drawer Nr , .Whitby, Ont. Fermabought eaid mud; Marriage Seutle- monta, WiUsa d Trusta made Speclalties Loaneegtiated ounail kinds of Proporty. 04.y * CHARLES C. KELLER, Ak-rTO1PiEY-ATLÂWSOLICITOB IN .o,Brook, C. *.,sfle * L. T. BARCLAY, LOCAL liEGISTRAU OP THE HIOR Courtcf Justice; Regltrar cf the surrqgate Court; Clork of the CountY court, &o. Offic CeurI oua.. Whltby. JOHN A. MoGILLIVRAT, BàARBISTR hATTORNET-AT.LAW, NotryPublic, #». -Solicitor for thé Dominio %su. Qffic.-Nexi door b Maac oaUsbridge, Ont. -U LYMAN ENGLISR, L Le.Bel 3 ARROTTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN 3, B. GALDRAITH, M.l>., RÀDIITTRof Queenla sud Vitoria Guvritieasb&m.uir of theClllegd O,,xesz-Brock-St., Wbitby, Ont., (ibrée dooranctb 0f Royal Bot4l). IY46 a. J. GUNSMe. D.9 s URGBOX TO TE COUNTT- GAOLr î3Byron Street, Wbiiby.- Wm. MeDRIEN. Pt D, .CS, tTT'S HOSPITAL LONDON,,ENG., Gx th. oye B. O. E a., OosbevsOntario. Dit. D0GAT. Phymicisu, Surgon, ocorh.h. Whitby, Sept. 801h 187t., 40 .,. drerilintl fAgu, 41 ak Rov ('rIme. Bl4ial Ne w Yo*lk,la autlaerlmed te cu 00e.fo u nutàeà W. AAS WI:h calÉý Prleted wordm, plat houghts, . and lie VO.xxvii. TII. 1.1.0. Ùotel of Canadb BOitted, Rolurluhosed Untvfea. New Isason ated reto, ~..4,p5sud Pr q -m= ra of lub. udotheru, irn rOo*s, wfthout boar81 to Jras. lob. 97th, 878. Propritor. BAuRB1CA1N HOTE3L, R A Y' ("TarE f0805Routa.) WHrT B Y,0ON T A B10 flouse nowly reuovaied a.nd fcrnlahed throughout, ud putilu iret-elaaa ordertfo the rocoption of gueula. Au omnibus to and trom afltrains. flrmt-elaMlauu2peruers.i O TARIO ROTEL, BBoc-SUZBT> WEITBY. JOHN LEBLIR, - ProPra.Lor. (Lai, of the imoce flouse, Toronto.) Havbg ,tharoughly reeovated the Bous. uhsil repa b toentior ie hmoua- tomer.. Tue bar la etced wth the ëhoicesibraneof Liquorslrnporttd, #lsc POST OFFICE SALOON, Tosoxro. 5ir EMiY#I513MT T P»flPB7WI'fl WIIIBYPflVINCE 0P- ONri W. R. HOWS,y Chcniist a-ndDrgjt WIIITBY, ONTARJO. Corner -of Brock and Dunda8 Streets. CWT-BS CDM:D,0,, Dominion Wood Works, CR1PIUJSUAO . for "«tal. 1(b-67)1 ROYAL HOTEL. WUITDY. 0. W. RAMBY, Proprietor. (laie cf Port Colborue Under the proet proprletor-the ROYAL wfi b houdtou Wpomser vry aesirable s- comxeodatlcu for guesla. Mr Speclal t- tention pe.lM to ecommercial eajoy. 18 -WHIITBY IOUSE. DUNDAS-BrT., . WHBY The uuderslgued would intimate tu the pulath&% tho shore premlises asvoehome nelbuit sud ated up throughoui for th. accommnodation off <sa. Boul Wineu. LÀiquars sud Cigar. Also punr Uine Wiue. Lager wholesslo Boardera taken 4yy the week on moder- &te terme. JOSEPH A. BÂNDELL. July 280h, 1M8. 8M- T EM WEBSINEDhsving leaaod the lutemuaRotalffodPort Whtby, W"« hi manyfrians tocau nda bue. Furmer&ansd others doing busines et tho Harbor will âdd <cd accommoda- tou. ,rS- PLEASURE-BZEKRS le aummer vil ho provided vlth bba .1etrowascee rat«s. OBEOGEBROWI, Whtby, Marchlet, 1882.il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brock sud Main Str«ols-le thé Village cf Broughsam. Firat-cluaccoommodations. Bomt Liquors sud Cîgara. Good stabllug and sttentive bostger. THIOMAS POUCER, PROPRIETOR. -41.80,- L ICE141ED AUCTI(>'N9ER for the Countimo f York sud North sud South Ontario. Auciion mual..of real atate, farro stock, eo.. sitendoil st moderato charges. Addrosa T. POUCHER, go ly fori 47, Brougham, Ont. QAî.NEIEHOUSE IMICKE.RING. -. jAMES CARNEGIE. Proprief or. This Rouse bas been fttod up le Otrsi- ais&&&s21e, and the propielor vIU ii glabs pruon at tention taoulm. iquoru sud Ctearof 1h. but bVa Eclln Sa ing sud sheds. Pickering, May 17th, 188. 17-23 B LAC h RURNE LiOTBLi, 0 00c6. Ptcar h Gaosa ys, TORONTO. ALFRED OXFORD,.- PROPRIB2'OR. (La"e cf W.lingtoe Hotel, 1(akbams.) TERMS, $LOO0 PEU DAY. Good stabl. lng for over 800 borae. FiPrst-olas accom- modtion for fermera sud lb. travelling publie le-genara. ( y THE HOI>GSON HOUISE, (Laie Timoty OLsary') The abe.promise ars eau. en 4e y t1w undoergod, *"arenov belngnevwly the traveflingpul. Boit Wmoin u oawciar, ho.Meila ai Good stabllng, ah"d zoom, sud au allen. tieostiar. C. N. VARS, L. D. S,. D) RITAL ZOOIMSremored tram At- kluaon'a Drag stcre o zorome ovr Shes & Shirley'. store, Ring-St., Oshawa. Retrance ou King Street. O. DAWES§ T-A'Vwe-ilG tab oui o 1r thé £X ouely -t cf Oturo, sWU"avIl b. ptmplysttondid la elomatly. Mr. Naet, sud aàl arrugeaamisade by )lmn wUlberm,vares. oasrade wu ILae. -MONEYý TO LO AN- I Offoeo er Ontario Bamah. WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, XSTABLiSHsu lx1782. GILLESPIE, MOFPÂTT à CO., L UMBR MBEUAIT h BUILDER. 4nafrCsa - A large uuppy of Builders' Fureia- A.etfoCad. legs, sud ail kinduof Twiated Moldings,B.WTYE Doons Sansd Bilnda.Maaroeoo LUMN BR vholose su d relelor by A, GRIOT %8T&BLIBED IN CANA- by th, car Io&& 1. TDA tulu 0. unImiled laIty Of SUDthe Stookholdorm - sudlarge ëi -Plaaleg, Mouldinga tel e"aydeacrp-. lunda. Moderato ratom Of promiurn. sawieg, Shapiug, Turnlng. Scroil-work, 0. wiaiî>. etc , etc.Agn.Uty WhftbY, Oc.lUth,41878. -a8 WubI7Apri tlet& le 1 RIAIL WA Y TICKET6! VJIHI 8 APER Mas- h oanonud 6e10lest JLGi.. P. Royal! h Ce's Noespaper Ad- vortisng Bureaut (10 Spruce St.), vhoro ai- vertlaîe< conts-sols mas- ho mado tas tm Mmv Tous. -.» MONEY TO LOAN 1 1100.0ý00 FOR IIVETEENlT. ON REAL EBTÂTE SEOURIT.» -AI lovai living s-aie nterosl. Moeey sécnrod vithin 10 d'eys of ap. API o plication. JOHN PAROUHRARBON. Whltby, Februs ry lSbh, 18W0. Agont (or the OREDIT VA1ULEY, and ' CANADA SOUTEEN, sud other TEOUGH INES Je preaod to Issue tickets ai on-est rates 1 Clc W &neoc., sud & te al p intl Nor-Wmt sud tb. Western ase. i E'very Informationsuppliae& Appist- e JAMES LONG, Raliys-Passengir Agoni. Offce, Popste Raja Rlotai, Dundast, W. 0. JOUNITON, PROVINCIAL tAUM UREOIS en b fun IttIoLaM Oftheef 3. G. o K NO BROTHERS, WRITa.ONTARIO, Importa% ,Dulor&"atit aeorrm of &U C LEATHER AND FINDINt?8, Caub psd for Rides, BarS sud Lome. Loatherstotcbed. car BBLTING MADB TUOU OB03 'Mas-I. 17 FIRESH FISHI. RRicEgivED EVERY DAYr, A»D FOR ISALE, AT TANNER'S, MAMRET BLOORWBITBT. Os-da os.p-mptls-dlvueed May s&,18M2.IlM-20 Authorlzed Capital $2#,OOOOOO DIRE O TORS. No Maatu Take cm,- The. jew Lites v The ale The lirigb Oh va" Take c", Along il 0f yeur bu Withcnlt Are thehu le vl Tale cas- Tour ns Tealbpoti Wo heat Take car., And vh] Preou et" ~w~dvo&te a, T w. lbont. qsa 1h ~sfn stis s Corne, beys, I have msm4bng ttl ynMas-y Corne nie I ven btaper 111v- ouIde Ton are tblnLlg imâî aml lh o ofs id etlW Douthe ila abUrrtogu. * n T he ctyburnsny a i se" M ,~ su Wbien'onclte hvrp labo, 8 é Boy ogon thé ceaime ovnàwmd heginau& T'ou teiï tét1e o. o Tlbo as- veeilhy <Id ne doubt;0 But aht1 l eI el eth smboyr, lhoodare Oithigh thon loy nlB aiod laresaewbillelonger; D=% t eina hurryto go. Thé (arn lidhoist andaeroat, The corobard laloaded io.day; T9u,5ri0O e th i u b, Mountains Amd 12l"oa.nh c 70lUuumrv.y Sero lb.théfaim whileegsmr, 11oug~ lb. proiacon e ater slow. uvnthntorlak, boys, THE ROOT 0F ALL EVIL, "lLa, ohidi hua awopa or sey ai theon tuty inaeohs <caMamog the fruit andtutgie I&dea*a. you've malibturn. 1fIoMlif my inides vu. gdlnground. Wbatever oc aMrt can b. lb. matter ?" bruts dowàuàaùi.-he dareU 'to i. à floe4 efleurs ber'. a wurka" u&otiWsg 1 IeU<b ailb m lai istyen u 141 ýn wh4 1 ýw-70eQV' ,BaI ouppose lthe lad badà ,t eadia morniug, anA jour- jsWl' Shek la sec, d *a, obon lb.ioutlt of bis r mbeha&deace e thé lesellof lb. ooe Bt hbp'vs$vvw hç w1i bi, & oruploto steugor, sud ho had era- d.u;ly o~om bushiem, aub er gs-an'Ai tg back parlos-.- -"Bonnie"îom ed Mxl, Bqfl, a. sbpdI11,granldrothes-. You knov Yeu"d .ikeiigbtntmg s fcleel o l. cug gauiaanl ancé. vilsbeêy îw*et a havi , d.lb, noue et aà ve.wsel,, »d 4aenera1l lok oet es-lia eu1hagahbout hlm,. H. vp&, li;é tact ,lwe.Pr.atbpao ce Mie c~ ber4 mouabetko dmnu. 0 aswrtIon- ïilquan. qu t-s,10 taro vsnt s-ou ta toll mail jeuoea bou cls-cumnom ana maretimea f im- ne-aoe. »r intseee, boy long bas. luebeen avay ibis lime ?" "l8 il snylbiig -tGrhurt him ?'- manded Boueiî, slevly. «*Bloa the galI! do Ibisgentleman "lbeko1-s ms-doe-s?" osledMs-.Bell, vho bAi. as-oady hoe prauuiasd s aud- sons bonus by Ms-. Fas-iÏiggle, il oh.' vould &W ini intebis a"&rab. "Bui I eau asuer for Ihai quesation, ais-. Ms-. Wa*rsleys iss b*"Y «fs-cm' Loundon nov Xo tel loetosslu vg' igmiaho la,,' - -Un as" WII$csrU4s eti i C ,,-it 1. -1883. eebow a. be'd bu nly-;Wfîl es!o sË pty bce aouceuuoo'eY- *But bit-s e et hl,exo es-spI tha abat If 'the y'ung mon were living. unndel- n aueod-titléle bWua.de-, "Wol1 UI - I a.n rtiâlly rnuoh:,oblige& lte enfor lb. trouible you're laken, but tiis," -he ssid aI asat, es.ho alipped' ,.smellngmb rsB.l,. aud, saud, lured,'ie quit* tbe 'roow. "rlo vibste that 719 Ibewsozpcinlieg tes vos-y iuadiodbuci sudu bsdlye-utdptorp f5 etetA Pejoi, liai s.eeluok csr«-, le.y hé, trame cf a comnin-en- 'ouaee, Bni, v needîse-Cautio "OMjblnet ar. -Alfred Wav.a hI t-,b.u7 8loesgto es~vt very .-e.Od' id ber Iadgert, iielived a brýtieon. t s o-y<ad b o mlbe <entlàe. 1hon ho ôeilse gain but tintas. Manager, or ocf tmuy.oild pals, eimagine what b. ýeu ,waiiý ie XADnov., my goud mrs. 0111 u mdse . me up; a -chop, -or îr.adAnd ch rs. i-anythn <ellin th. bouseP forl'ri a lasr ne.,y yuout, oves- 11h. butoir- M 0 oot. hp fer Ms-. Wares-ley, tenlayhldaolotb aa:qulck'auy ou. bitlé 1oooks'it."-- - 2 ý ait 414 ne# requiro a .acond bid- ,The. fineut obop, insbe-butober's. ï lire miutas, sund oh. vos d4e- »oM for- iteeeptin. - -moed- A.lfrod Warerley,- asjn ddres lBIrn ng ove eombody aJvu~l .geece i --thsm hi blov. "I vi aea my le Ms-.] -laie te i ~ry on Ihe s-cii, I bad ai be vas.~ - ldoei-Id oVeaths'.a but eu ne.dn'i hâve boonaim-id. Âs -0 phetogrbphy," eaid Ms-. Festhingtie go 10 hear vhat &hia enteen avnt Ideed t ltiioe1t, ýashoe aïmled lthesded lime" - thoi?' p~cùr ; "idifl'eu flot gréàtly mis. "fe penaiai yns-boksae so<a ' un nc tàkûouihatt c 7'Ioyube' tood on jour iame, oidBonri., in an .bv.sa the Miging athoirbotei Portutan gierod" tons*--"And- ho haid laa'teb "di'a Bquar-e. I bellèe. my; uuknavâ. in-- jour ove, sud h. b.lîe7ed, happy l - > air nai on th"i.ad ati'imî.- nue-" '*rY e - PIalineAfrtWaer ueacia 1'o,-arn' "rnd the, l,- acdorado 'âge tva usasý.utl e yourserasvice t.lllg496 -wth. ms-sBells mo"irplied t elogabs-'%oe l-in g'is l ay l gàt'Tr s iu<t ttof-hes,"hbe vhisp -himmïeii. .acworerf the <e «tlemtsn W'vee'îe- *rea4, "sdl'illooklà e eain ibis afles- s-turea,-1 sheuldill-o, P poak so him* . W -OCi , nocen teaoss-if you're aucâelod." Hov iwboattunlÎ .cie jeu have' kept lag -.1 eH. gar e l.lom ouey l e waimt- zmy remo vbîJal .1 bar. heiau« y ~< Sstai pocel s, igalfioant rtlle ,s ho'Bondie 1I t mieïa. long àtieacl ïawy io&d c Urlded, aend b t h t Ive vmen woW',here INst, oeee'l il t'I - Coum h "ood-mornIng - biçlily lefu lbem sx *"Trrblelog, . flocea lb.eg1g1 foier Yeu "iWeIL, of &Hi-tbe. ohalniey I ears- l'y. beau. mahiug s lýoi t eDienldently $1 1 ep e or beard < of, " ex cl ii ed Mrn . B ell,, B ir îe isn ,. u 4i I f M eey jute t ib y gs o as accuasa-ho vasgongue, "Ibis hastsliit. ebasgain" Bozinil rm as sure you knov Ibe "m-ay laof Ibair m." ' cudo# nafte ef thatplaceattIhat 'ISUS bore; k IXia, I4ex'& knowben Trro bern - but obsking voidu't-et it 'ent et jeu se suoesoful l n rfain eae ',î if you're se inclenpi.- Wby conlde'I Tltey wu el obo hr .m oon 1-Vijjj-'a-"w, <ire the g.,ntlemsn s atraighl slt inse yengagemùen2t a aer- ICQ'e b0les.of-sore-igne te S8wasead Bus rd irathos - get semé.a.- ou une." - - tbing Wle do ad Drus-y Laue.: Im es, crnl "Borereigns?" os-ted the- girl cou-. London lif. vos-y znuebý obuAçe- o, ud p-a' te is'Mt.yt Bew'. do ro% 'fowd mcli anothes- eéet-baù adeiitle hnepvhstibalfox-fehe-'old - s-si Phillia, lo keop m -e~tidy u hI; ;Ww4téîl-of-r Wareely?2' P's'ape bc tu- me al l b.. lime X'n'iitakingcr iéta b laI týhum 0 prsu. Boy<menu. The ii. (slvWhbc - va don'me-s at ' - hi Zom :ïyenklet. if Va gire up1h. Bfrndpgbem wss sgo 11,1ne o e , saunxe et lb, plce be'. hidiug lein -the bell es-cepv- aa y~bi say ias;eoodnevsibe'd gol for 'ime." Bosnielaughod aeitly.to ber-sol t~a~ "Iuost de menOS .4banber. oe- bis aneneceSme.' betrày 'lus. la itllikoly sen old lfàow "And hoew'ha-vi yonu ýbeooî, -aihg on IIl1hh vetAuni mnffiulabout leryshenee?" eontin :!«Pi, ÎT' 1 l Ih"'rooues'fuss- -ay <cel,"otéyI gel apy .nevlrrr.Bit% .tl 441 uI msay, bl VMs. serloy elTI"- -dsoeiwsoneYi,-hé -aboula psy il. '.'Lverat s. epoaled.iiiW t I Ihst"I.i'w!o aly, ia hn hone msy. nevr iave o oee-I'iïI4as- xor i. self anA I do't 'ol& v iAth ola à a 'Oh, nov, Bulhaa 1osy TEE ]RUREMED RCUMIlG c NSUm1ÛN, -ýouns, COL»'s AIlDteun cftbThs-oaetoup oau ? l s a . x w r F wi sz Wbo othr girsu il A HON. FRANK 8MITII. Sonates-, Presdsuat. "s anB»N, EUiJENEO'KEEFE. Rail., Vice Froaldont. ntsiO=td=o oPmzL a",n JOHN FO, Eîq. _________ JAMES MABN, - .manager' Alia n-L les- futuser psrilnla , apply te A. A. LPOST, ON PA EN T Sa rtIsZ' <i -~ saked eSeDms FU c bU., lmvduo, , ae. 146"lMli M$ b) "41 ilt maseof . a #s yau.'..: -si w W"trumpv j, &gnusfor "MOcont.,.eu A l.,Wl iof Shaks I aile crearef Àoya. 'troua pocmlu hemau kowri > Deaf Bal toit le rny vu, i le. woonble vs-a astio 'W ww e aiedOS *sal s, pluieid l*rlock à Jean tO uaneca h C4. Dey nt., Nov Ton L ater tsa= Uëatt5 &bdaver il, Iîitlo.d leoSer Dollarsfoi sny ce et. Inluuenza, îles pîlun, lu 15m oe Mnlal dmsesofi t Athmefrsh -e cabcrev R takeri crde el M snd 50 cts;la gs.east,To6t 'ONTO por Bath1ý s1i, CSep$ 5, ivers and,i liii n-os-d 'Z', tuau. y eusai lb 77,77 7 Xùowledge;- Brotherhood. SHORT lioTicz. -1.1

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