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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1883, p. 2

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!routo Wat andi opeaki award noi z ýiMu1ook. TitI, Mille' ttglseLeorties--.O 1. B. Powell&0e' ÏION àAES of t bbe-e.bfed gradiesct-' mares and ocia,'impe "t pos f 1fr. &uilraw iLs oou. ïetoo, on Tbinis.. 1888. ai Il. .m.-L. Mlonter. leo#landes inrEstL Whii tel, Wbiîby, on Mon. la 188-O Y. Smtithr, ONLY si 50 PgR ANNUM. SWkftIby, Thursdy, Feb. 1, 1883. j 'l'h. Liberai Convention. Theu beral -Couvention for Boonth Ontario meeLs 10 day oi Lhe Town hail,' a4ldm.e to p jati lia &4$nq %ibu-vkt, rin.a* a4vliy,' too thl. uleDodoubt watsr but ihas be ~to.TJuaI le admitt.dt- by h.is op- o1eil",II waise aiéd. t 4 r épIr M:o llow rïi. estbobe la,ouo4g ag tb eting &ti8 d he pr10Ndi èpaiLe 'd dl or the o f, eu~pledged to' Vit OzÎida oC' of lrasehim ý Puiday *hêlu4hOppe.t(ou la îb. s smbly trid 4 t he o iud ouiof 1he salis bl thé g@oveDtisai bY auovng à repolation, on $4t'Obqok Ttirpa vs1 maso éà. ue auodminst e Lthé motion - v tîseo'apl eo 8 to$eblait Oenopc r esc cous. Oaa ibou lb0e iran- tIrady ,s u ouaerr.d. This 4 m d ail of 0eaufdeeinl î*.ui. mss voLeild vi ho"s pour., ~idl uti dry ~efol- CpIcionon, the Lie bjeati vas the.jrurpe.of Iaailiag tli llud aisu '" Ibis groal y l licral partys ýs.tibsl ps-ny et hLaisro.a de pIstigasQ Lu ctenci bla "us if Lis Roms. soulai als-.r-.uztsp i4te franobWie. -W ionr ttpupes. oold<, ~Oepeotc4 u , s-ure *s umm ofth- tuas iupalselty lous oeucin eageu lria. 9- - - , eerea mas ias tbe âcs.mua#àt Ms. tadilIofthe *«I ansmies b eluWesot0cf7 b aia. a- rais île soterlutaiiutoi l la aota mii lise groëeloolb"ardllod àbagil cy lis Globe mi te 0u.- i:sm cf fis reportu of lspcaalg stsq*te.lcpecisa i f Cox- atilea aid mswroly Érealo tb. m feu fl.miariseralt- spéïakers, It iis mne spa..fr le îerto, nt W a-usêrqsleuwppearsal a AssEna ho a iuaet thsebe uuaL.h Ps', ;um 511Gea xrnu..5s an i ue rý 0 pet D*enesr ial molt bave-beei' 9 ou tii. Uniteil StabtibLail declîneil te ricognlaêtheLiebaery ,iaat, or if En R ldudlm ciad.t.-abdJ41 GOÏeva tiolcn lie Alobalta ésse? th-a'o United'hSates ddt Lreliai Lii ,1BalilSI w'id. -and ho ibis day tLieý. O __&un- m o f wetikysdi~ liberaie ,niud, a man tLiraS m»0"n man, lilvn i baiil at1aapas once lun itstngiiug kiaenti akn Euglauti's repi-esent%tîve at Geneva, vs. ,vey -idigant over Lie avardï, lai anad artiele miIng. - Agate Englandt uidtôt ulreiei. -or. racogniat rt-flo. oi, ire -Empeser Wîlilsmmdecimî* Vu tire San-Jau a4ffair. But in aIl tiese cases, baving once agreed to arbltrallon. ohoUahLb.United Sîstes -anti909udn. hbai u tuu ia a$Wal** tLie unsa4v marials. Tiir vry faces cuiti nel' ant ia ldot fbep thoea. Au iii Liose cou ntile* tme it te mlii Canada and Ou- tarie. Tic f set of eurprovince batag, a portion cf Lie country Makésuic' difference., The dominion tirouighIWli then ropresoÈtatives, lie oentu-a Ottawa, agreeti to thli 'litratlonaaif lu boucs hlilbe b-3nnilta abitie by- i. Tirecomposition aif Lie' huard o) anbitlaIonIres uotiiug te ile'*iutLb quesion. Pacehparty ageeàtetahLi tribunal lu Rooifatith aud oaci should% aecept Lie recta m iti gondigrecs. If tb# case hail Sonta gainst Lue province. fo'W demirtinngbveipmànàait !mt to igrewto t- e,»tiement. 'lth -Ma a-" rrl,,at w. cannot ieIp tlii lI tho -aenrgaeiBad any qubaL4Ig cf hackboue,v and i 1esrstoci uspas ilon, ho mouit long- &go havensed it povies le ondipol lte' ratlfioatlcu cf liaý Short-Mtotus by AKction. The sala ai Meuire. B2ron & gdn oo- shuu n Tisa-ey, o ibt vas quite a «esisé Athougi Liai paio eaia mI eta area eei Le ss, el Ii. more:pn i mËios tory eoMisfac4cry. - TIe meatba mas scuiemastotmay esrly lu LbN snerang, bâl by aulne c'ilock Ltas* dai premise lti ailiaIoculti Iredeaireti, uni aIon eue obek Ltehora waau irnims tour gatirereti iront aIl parts cf 1ht mers Meuars. Hanter of Aima, GreiffaU Bimira, Sriclsraof atran MilsSrs ,of Londont, Bell cf Athilatane (P.Q. STienipsen cf St. Mark, squuirsmof lOu doea-t, Isaca aifI3avmauion, s alIe o4 Ciseau. Beltir, Murtioci, Shawrank Altin cf Bommanyvllie, Grant and Canai bell c f Wcrdiiile, Sheldôcu. (lokace 11ème aunti Bwotmky oci liceiga.ie sides a nambns tif otier Amerieau gen litmi vce. 'nms e ditneftIssu-t Tii. toiotlwuas-e tireus-mesif fti abîmuaie sciti, aima usd101 cf bayerea ng sciai Le Ms., 8.Allia, Bemuasuvill Mselimtas-n, crlee.Iu.I&Vldeoc Cn. Debesof Glote aia-,alitt 64lved April 17, 70, le "Mr. J. Da-vid mon, A s #,165., saeietNo W4dding c le, '79, ho lis. 11*1. ülUIT, Drougis Jseslc*-roan, oasived ec, 1, '71, f Anabelf-néïd ân vilLa, cgaiteilJes 26, e'8, t.--7Alwers *iîàas, Pot 1P.ssy, 6115. Ose.Ducieoo f lotat4-roe: esiveti Ot. 15. , 9 LeMr. J. Davidisc Asiberu. 4W. Vý1 an. Daoeu of Obos tb-rcau 1 dlveti sept.29, '8. te r.i.So SWitLe #~,Ou,203. Coua. deeof i Gester '8ti-reary ýoblveti Jeu. 21, '82, ho Ms. lac. Davk s ou, Asibann, $125.11 s-na. DuclasiofiGlosten lot-is oiveti Oct. 8, '81, w Ms1 8. ]sot"s b3rooklilu, 145. Os-n. D)Cbs#acf GIastes 12',b-ra qs-ived ApFil 10, '82, W Ma. Thocu Cao. Duebeos 'of Glostet lh-rem 'alvid Oct. 22, 'W. le Mr. Wm..'l Miller, Clasemcti,1t00. Os-n. Dociesa ci QiosIer Ii-o salveti Apri'l 5 82el tuMa. P.RIL Shov 1 WhllsQOak, Ont,, tICS < - . Btl.--ibd Priluesci Spulingvoiâ- re, 1aIs4Ne. 18, wâsma viititai Iforlcp- o alved 04t~14,."% ho MF. Jls. Lesa, l idodle, 1216. Qeussl-eas 00v L c,.1'81,1 #rame Tt t;è p~rsgeot14 bll,0151. 4aroalfsr 4lbs-lbini av la b. mecouba ea i -u in- -gr houe Li enteu'au&t.Qoveraor.tic -sé Will bavébt>comoue issu -This.mesau- ur ast i ue amau hetliass uclvaluable or, eqgesa etpractica.i légilaton éaacted a aile, because il mili effaît lot gooti abrasa i lnmîài&»Iyti udmostala fal- in~ 4 -~iodeae4ltaesin tlls Provine, siat cf agriculture. Tie Gôveru'menlte t!Mamaries, one -tu iàe 0eajn part ai lie Prov ince, ono lu-Letmé', ta aý»d Que l in h e psaid, e.'b'uilding La he at sant suiltabis sud casfigbu;t #8.500 iir managîrs ant &islsnteat ,2,iertbgr coetI 9i41,600Q Pea aiug. bably be meL by Lb. recelpia ciLie t factory; bus as tie laadiug ides àJe ual Ie maie profit, butW teach iiaw te iakte butter, Lire motel Ot'eamptues -tr -'cee noi, oi course, be expecteil b. maieý' ai gooti a finauciat sloig as tiosehi sun ou pureir commercial princapies. re _Le Oreanaunj ea rn shablabati wil b. 2 fpnree af il cosi, as sciaele cf lu- o etruction for ail, noter certain regula. M «ppàu. Ail cau go there batilearn àýC newr»nd praifitablei business. -By tbis t- mnuas, uat oniy ii hundreda cf fat- e ér ono sensud airera b. provide t maii, - q c f liveliiiood, buLtLire great lm -ta" le. hich nom stands l inte may w -S asnce cf pensons competeuL le ,run et hbem-moulted oue away mitb. Tiie c#*ée o f privaI. creameries do -pot poDil vilug-olue for one tesson tLioforanoher.,- B.agastiing tLe îiiee $ -'~ ~ ~ ~~h ioOis raels i oveninmuir ince.Lie noluciof Lis scisme. ûiepgns.ll4placesvieres.hLie.aftie lbo otieer ommerles, nos se near astb * ttefra mwiiibee acoisee, mien. the miii cf Ivo inudreti eeme-os more oa'Ire b Ialnào. , wiiln, say b*ee P i m ailes, anti mereitaà,e sr.goodrelway, û ânti silpping aienmtàodr.ions. 0 The eounty 'etOntanioloasituatoil s 'uidvay bolmeen tie exireme essLerîey jan îi ealely hlLs et tiec]Province- * ë i 'i ~ ties' aid aîe ary nd Es 0 mtntair e sJlveti by s*alin j 0ofe.nriau Bay smal as ry tLices cf 1Lai. Ontario, urus cattlug oraaese, s oiugi the centre, disolde s aal morn Ithiackiy seiied, part >cf tLb.,Province. - 0 ;Arouaitu"s ig lb.0isatIng ila ury 0 t u liee ohtybil isCMUenîl isîLeifor îtirs locion of Lb.tentral. cteamxety -,î mils L bordera. WbVtbLy, Lie coucty ',loWn, Is tLe soo&D&iuaoaiaa stainimeroial centre ct the Imo baiig )f of thLe oeaunty, Wbiiuy anti Tb Pcaig TIerequiremenieaiofLiec %et as e ne% lntenferneg miii existicg chrfe ibasaciore eor iroameriee are fai- îè51. fidtaitire letion by %Wiitby. thra erei fd irrg Do chpeee ietory witbm i aee ailles cf Lie ccii n'aud o cramenisa bave 2been etablishith te oouuny. Tirere ar &e but fout cireese factoriesenlu Otariai 3.-two lu Pickerng at ou.e cbin l Il. Beach anti Uzbrnitge. Tire guataube. e0 of suticint patronage tL e oep Lie id cresame runzung engin te irescureti bere if anymire, leoklug Mt "0 proui 4, position thia dialniat hOlis slu urovei s, stOckslng, anud as sie ovorumeuLj *retuamnuiic.r<IiL lie whitbyesuiq 5, ePickericg miLi upmards cf1OOtad -,of caiLlt. Ilismihber oopu aisli- "ansd ahlpping fadilliethaï WLulby as- going te vin tio rs ramesy fromoifr1 .4 onapetitosa lu-centrl Oulsa. Wbitoy te adirably émitased onuthe maiD n* 1n d. a-alcatrcnm Lirougicut ýOntarl»anti 1quebee, &anti mli Ilmeu isaise@j r.netiot4 is mlifoegi rosais eSsl. mcm1l a~-adeofti u*a "u- vilcConinent. Ti. town la am ten attim.L.rilnu e of tie Wiitby, Port Para-y anti LUilsay. ilIu celt eus nori. nom.ti a M sd n.0, w4 Uon-isl iough thie tst Of-.l9e nIe a-roV ines, luaddition, Il pesee saLi bee aturel barbos on Laie Onlai- a arer i mci lu iLs présent elale, teck the SMrt poition at yeeu a dp- simuLa c» f barley amongett le e a-rt- -fbthe Outian poresau. nbé- th aries of refuge ai Laie-Os- ri.Telrtque4 "caIs cf elcutuicu st emer.in oum meore *e nu sêf * .by <ans butterdalsinlu oipplu ofs e, esttsud acroas ithe Laie, ant Le sl go~ flea»sen ta deuil but tht Lie Royal, 1fadhue vill linuedto cl o mm or 00: -seotl oof butter logo teorutseal, tele 'praUiet ai mie oresery.WIahitby, iii OUuvv Ouuma., ?bols -tireu:M. stbr h Tbs-a tdp -à ott - ibslance I Nr5felloma-- IL reoemmils-ýthà Wardear BigulieZlb rausmit th.iba a oteïis H oecic iots. Tic anemorigl approv«sêf-,Ms. eseonable anti ficm aaIe i fruigit. Tie eoommuniolen tem hcrOouuty W Sime e"king for po"'testabensle dunieipal - Conuile ýte pies iy-har# lruupelLlug salmy companëïIeo 0prà- 'et satlmay iesnom- eemnl ed Le b. laid over Lii luJne. .Mr.ý Panier, secouiel- by Mn.gbsa-, noved i tL;eie peaii eemmuttee te bhon -vas refor-e th Le subýjec cfý Eenusâsof Induaîry an&, Refug'e .il- tuctat'Of visiltitscf Lbe. opuaLy -of, Yrk, and repart at Lhe luneession. M. Parker a-geaislmot" on th e rouéd -of lie advislbliLy of' <baiining a-eli aforvcitien. ý - ni ileild w o bnci dd. - . M. Heover tevoreal lie motion, esy- lg if hie osier iuunlcpltlo.'blidma nucihtopay foi poot s Piokoauga Msran Ioresiti tecka 'uiait- v6rî&Ie rultleseu isehà-Conillut cu iludeai LataPqrHuo a Jsa tial i:r.-sai nh s paot altegother et dieest tram~sô be aliti ucitbioi m"ch »u laiallbit i rse»LfeiThese »of ibddis "ud arn iseinai. a persono MI, sud-hià tords, aSl1w f hua motkinge vule M ac. Ouun ï ing ai te d o obtalaing lnformàtoi- 1fr Sill tttd00"dbe y-*et locuul aut 40actoami te ý Li "taa. té. . 1t .Tire Couânil'achoie mas Ms.Gvier- son, ante ir sdon'aM.DMly of Sainielil. Ths salarie.svae Oufed at $50cash. ~ u A rueioia y Ms. Ch1nlstie, le tLnike Aui the naine of1fr. Onierson, antiin- sert îiaeat tIre nams ci 8. H. Obvia- ian, mase lesit on a voLe- of 21 ta 10. on motion aif1Mr. Lsrke a by-law mas lufroiluet a*nti pasmoilstairliing tire Waralcn aud Treseurer te boa-row certain mousys ta moet lbe cutreaul ex- ppe e i.(onniy for 1888 soins aÉD Mi scu. s-nt Bridge ComilLhe'. r*port, vw"ci ouý was lntito psy Lïesai Lierosnuma**d Tii. Camndlîie. a" by Le report c tbe commWssio Ofs ai e Ms-usl Bridge Lis-ithe rep-s oaeed -lest, moeasicu cf lie Curl a.mlh alose emiosgoLe tllecty 1i mp$a trnsIthe teevoeu -~ ass ercoming. Tb» ÏOy WnhoboddMNOfe lu repli ai, th* pehou f . Phess, re 4wpo~4s- - slg oveso Leesl Ip bridge! Licy thecmistA~pS ' Ot sitb Tc0mrabiD o~ ~qL 00t. lngth Laastu. loul4l~,A-hSIseli* s sougog»nde& - -lOniS5 grant .0 ta" Lr.tioi* .BOêsidsr ThytcIbéodpyin I i W O. I OU H u l ,Le o b . 4 MC. ouais, cgi f ae~n ~mninde s-ynauiftle -»ortomld W. HE Lgis.....n. - 7160 W. -Pemnbeton ........ O J.~~~~~~~ Ctii........ 00 ~1Ii fr.minutes - -îtaon a ?vp JLy andlt aenient. v'wîuWAète'nente, vas ported as ~¶r. Bruce gave noticl i t h. l"ta SI -onho voul ýiiov4 fo ave ta ltoduco a .hy-Iav, iaiu,\the alloW. hndoo id nùï tW ii .aii .iw. dole' 116m per d Tereport lot the Speeal àmiihe etl il. K-w J.u Mfr. Blow, secondy&1ts M,.SilL iseoners o0fironlinsuof Ontario be mmocrlllj.d to'hiaeà6, doei cream-. ln'bfr~pntk~-Oaned. in 0 Il byM1r. 81. ohn lIa t 10 o~ couuty pwfopesty ho authâreïtiàa, &d thei nscessasy s dation go this connait rooi, re y the in = pl «Vas. sud bt masko neceueasy roepir e L.roof of tie court honip. ioarrled Mfr. BureL mvét -sendd Y ,%Kr. Christie, IIatIthe Ounes do nov acolt n sud stand adjourned uniil tbe frtTues<lay in lune nLeit arid ANovusu Rumx.OU »i t199GuAYn Tatnx-As tie Grâ,nd;Trucieprse frotu Montreal vas comint oves tbe outewî staiOsb*A< je o e L.axies on th. tendor broke, iidd 1h, tender sud Ivo expres sudfous ggage and Postai cars lefi ht c~laigup tie sad Tii. ccdeM* iras pu-mptly reported to Tormolqs4 pal train vsosnt down, 1 bcah.pseg and malse voeraforo. The paeelnvera oreelayed abouitbree houri aud tirpe.quartesnlu0cou0e- qûeues of Lie unilp but no one vas iujused. The inýjury 10 ibe permanent wyloligbt sd Lb'th e aireUil dalaed GoKwiUswr TO ?. HiIO R besof the Oppoditb uoombled iu the perlons of Le Mo.s~h1lad Pr& oetd1f. eWith Ïlsi aialIe silvor set for Mrs- Meredlihidssi agold *qatobt»s.d caife im-el. The prmesaion vais made bj Mr. MadilI, th. hon. gentleman le hélai by -is fol- lovers ln the IHou&. î DZÂIIi or MaIR, a ohrL» ».-Tiie death of Mr. Bonfield tbol plie ai bis ruidn,' EganvMle Oz bre a 1ev dysago serlons IUlt mi eoîined t 1- elnad~ls ii suceumbed to heLise sse.. Bir. Bue sisld, o4eof the fov O4tliolic ruoberi la tie Hou., vas a' genlal, good naled Irisiman, baving beon boru i >Tipperary ou ntylu18W-. OomiÎPg 1 Canada irben very young -he engage4 lu tie Iumbes gr&&, aud provcd veir succesl. Ho marl da Mima Treaci of Ottama inlu 185. Ue "as irai s, snrned b uthe Içitla1we s a reform l1876 sud vs Ïaboied in 17.. Msr. Bniids tige. Mow*t Gai erument Il oeof i ils taunobeseî 89 porters. s#rs cf hieLfvîeetAp. for ie veelft Muilu in '40 s-4 SOihaeI mn th*o al,;; Pi m'à !à. lum lie--lul Hats bcle ;TcLd WalhbyMrs.Oi 't4, tté a** e w ,oa;The Ciets cf lis Bagi oàeaod.lts Lie A~~~~~$ meov1tsni*ti"l>hl nies wu lau LW"7r4sil-or s-ny on. f eA e io-ba 14 i'8»i Mac'GOse Whesti 'sBou Théaiç lilodook> and vere .1ev;w ed, litswing dir 1bsi1r ialmiebt8 durlngîthb" nee. ~ey W*v indUstHQfoP& ai4 ee& mrn e èuty lu ýtheir îôtioiib Wb t of 0 déco' iu the Geveriumeu-t.,AI, Iheat 8lua'inn bovelver', vere easily eon.tbsoiugbanid vase quickly dtnseoe f Whon lie vote vas caified- hy Lhc-asamo contant major- iions of fromn 28'tfa 26 for Lhe Govern- On Baturaayi, lasply toi a questln frin -Ms. Mreitir i.te A'tsn - -- oral SLiated ïtitit was probable- thalt -rosagtiovp W ae o Tuuaa next. t Committesi of Bupply, Ms. Nairu moved an ameudmeuL deolaring that the Lib; oral pariy stands pledged Lo exLend tis franchise, LiaI any law nov Passed couid net be put into force --before tb. -goneral elecion, sua it-tai ai opportun- iîy vould iben be -aÈoirdea"-té-7 ènsiult Lb. eoplo vib respect le lb. obnge., Mr. Meredith chasged Lie Qoveru- ment-mut trifling wiib tbe question. By providiug LiaI Lb. paymeni of s tai on-income should he au essential quailification to Lie exercise cf Lie in- came franchi"e. tbey endeavosed te keep tie artisaus unenfrauohbised. Ho did not think thorC vera tveuty artisans in Torontowbo votefi oh.Iheis incomes- Mri. Fraier said LiaI lieé hisLcry cf the Tory party sbemed that tbey moe everymbere opposed f0 exLending lie franchise, tb. only instance La the con- 1irary being Lb. passage of Lthe !st Re- forni Bill in Euglend, mher. Disraeli, as be @ail, , "osugbL ithe Whigs baLhing and 8abois thais éoicLes." .Formeriy Mr. Meredith vas an advocate cf mauhood. suffrage, bai ince he eacame leader ai lb teOpposition be bad -been rer$pad- ing, as shemu by tbe ebarsoier cf Lie resolution b. nov sapported. The Be- f9rm party %voeoquite abroast cf public sentimtinthueb.maiter ai i jteuding the franchise, andi vould carry out Lhe vieve af the people lu tho maties- Mfr. Marris claimed tiraithe quaifi- ication hiad- been rednced by Sandfield Macdionald, sud ciargeti the Goveru-, ment milaving ne defliîi principle in daaling mii Lie franchise. "'The atnendmout mas»carrioti by s vote 44yeas to22 nays.. Ou a subsequeut motion 10 go mInt 1. CommtteeaiSpl,1rMrdua LIobjecteti on Lie <round Liai tie Gev. Î.srnmeni had broôken faith i lisi paity. He e;izplalued fiaiauagree- âbenti'âadbeeu 'àr.vet aspectiuî tie stuendmeuLeti ï .be cifeotiby Lia -opposition, lu accordauce vii mmhci IL i, ai iuform.8 tiie Governient o. i Lie number anti nature cf Lie mendi f mente to e h_,p resented.Ea lalmed 1thaî lbc mis enititdte have hati notice ýb offie amentiments pnt iy 1r. Nairu ge, andti tat iunagiectins te gir. bita e.noLie Lie Govarument hati been, guilty aI a breaci of fatLla. -* 1 ,e Mr. Faaer -sdidnlarepiy Ihat the j.Opposition had been permittad unusust ,n latitude in being allowed to mave mo- lo ion afler motion of vant cf confidence, to 10iricieu amendmoent coulti b. put. yii 0 iiitry, if tbay chose, coula have 5y sbat off orne of thase resaintions b. 0. pntting tirougi Lihe Esiiw.,eg. Re r deniodti Lit the Opposition 1usd any y sadoir f dam tabc gacla rquanted V.ý witi ihe lintniocscf Lie 0Goverumerl p. i regartto'Mr. Nairn's ameudment. Mr. Pardeat axplaiued Lirai on Ta8 Ai whmen tie agreement bevweemr tLb b. overnuaent aùn,*lie Opposaition sas t Lie. moving of ameudmenta mae arrived ~ u aei hatW' ne kuomietige *thàt. àanM à ýendmnt frtcm tie Govesumeut i oidi âa vas lu contemipla.tion, sud that iaàhi ;kuovu il he moul t o, ae euje f ied lu advisaag the Qppciln. ;After so.-furremarkeathenmat Ï8, lter mas.drcpo am i'the Houte. men M- loto Oommittte f8upply. es A Ion, dleusaiora ook place on 9ig i.ý ýing th. oid sud xepeatediy disprovec pl.y -acostlons as te impropereipeiditire n- ' lb emplo sn i:svetalpersans t' î1 ' ne famill oullesame imok, and Shi r~ n& isyrrodtht lie a y, t* meula foiJimon doue -, ou'- tie rosi ,--hôlb -ai og i ui od pelilea, - Tcombsioner cf- Cremu au et mde viosesand effecLive- reply jv* pointlg oUîd-i ba6b. investigaàtioU s iii où foot by lb. Oppositien had'only rÎ eq suiti lunproviug on. or Lwo Lrlfi»in le formalltis. Tis propositionthitLi. tsi *0 h I. Hardy mae s vigorona s d ue. vo ho.'- quent speech lu laver -of having aet ei* th beadti f b.Public. Sfoio4ais a,. Itmioiote wl. C5tiO, reapônSiùble tfo-lieépeople. oteld M.M LIraI app ointmeuts vae madie by Lie euiogy on1 tTeparLmeu t on polifical cousitiertionstiieti On Mc -and.selacreti the p1rsrofaltOf-ie- -ea ti aid 'sonate of lihe'Unlversity cf Torco - liaI auch i t n:Ot - ct.as ferats ilia -utLic conceenet. Lites seciies fron, M oetranf sd Mr. onSatu tiemeucament - iras puuansdloDiy l by s. division of 25 tae 48. court, cohm Ou ceucurrence ou tire Hiesfor murdar j: educaîloar, Mr. Kart' moveil "Thal croW Wd Conuto' Bear4às cf Examinera beciasla autlxonizîtiteagrant. ceriificates cf a eveing cif lee Ïgrd an thtir close." Mr. mii e a * Hardy maved lu amondimeutn 0 inluHârdv ameudmeut -'TiaL Lire Houese, Wile off; lireii rcncurrlng lu tie nesolution, domine to saw Lien express confidence LiaI prcp 16«egaa-etabbeti. ions necessaty La remove als icai- irorti ord is lu rofenetLe auy casiiy Of bcid Bti tuirsd.claas eacirn il ire providedlunag4n stab' tint behali.* tiree mata . Ms. Meredith suggasLed LiaI 1Mr. mas Lie dr liardy have leave La mit.hdrsv ýhua dentiflot tesoluion.And saia The discussion Liai ensueti maslively v at 01~ sud inLereotiug, ail Lir speakers de- allen. Sb precating Lire inLerfereço cf paliticai queuco feeling on educatioas mattets. 'rie BradyiyiLs maLter lu dispute mas miretier Lire Thé priait change deeired re-quireil leisîsltion or sud jaked. sironîti Ie lofLtLa Ire deal'wti by Lthe thewiLnes Dopartmient. Tire ameudimearita Lite aise sei ameudruent bilg put, iL was carrieti frau a-s, i an a division of 50-La 22. bc intenti AfLer transaoLini ome routine busi-pi. i>n nefs, tire Hanse adjourneil aI miduighi7 rall aged, luTestaya numýir ci 13i11. mare test ing-f'i a thim lie aud passeti. Mvi ,Wood^ maveti some smeattmonts tW tic. Ad tret rempccting market fées. Ho propased c LeAI taL varehaes fer grain. see, tre- Kavnagt *d ai ogs. &g., mitin ana bundret yards g c f Lie Market bouse àaaI be exempL ) trouafees. -The anond mnta - mare ho dam Fi adopta-i.a w mie by il Mr. ïMereditir moveti an amendmueul weapou ç, Lai tire Administation of Justice AoL bo Wituee s Lite effaci LiaI th. daLles cf regltar cf men ih ireth Sunrogate Court b. perfosmeti by other sad .tire Clark cf, Lie ouuty court sud liaI fiftý yard à ho el e fiea ho paid tLe Lie mutai- t -cipal colaucli. Mn. Mowal conteutedti liaItLe lair iidnet creasànom office,, ,bui ptO. ofliciais I b 'vanteaia. pluraiLy cf offices. The dulmer, William f of tielvo positious - vase eie)y di uuat> i 0 - font, anti coud oniy e propesiy pet- F 13n d formedý-hy wio iiffareul rmona' Ha cou-, fended w Il tondadt LiraitLe ameudmant vouiti ef- mutiles l'eut àlia viug, for if f i. iegitirar vçre tir, lais i natappointeti a second clerk- muet be - ooîean y. am ployet, andtihLe surplus aif-feees Dneaores moultire hurt triling, ithose woult b. recoguîz, ýe any ai al. A iiin s-chtfor quiry' me kt by LIhe Opposition. ýThe suotien mas ~on- puai sud lortîtiry a division oi 20 te 49. Sounda79 , Wîaen tire Eleclicar Lav mas ap fan tire Le tie Pl . thirt reatirrg Mr. Meredith movedauti an re amfeudment ta exleuti fie piviloe.of gvn y tire franchise now ex.,rciaet by farmers' Le msenti te ouo cf' mecbanics. Mr. ýy Fraser teck exception f0 tie motion as d being out cf enter, Lhe Boume isviug cEuG t slneady pnonounued upon Lie subjoci maLter af tire aueudmneut lu lie vota. s. AfLer oseadiscuesipu ou ..ho sabjeci BRANTu 0 lire Speaker tuie.Sti aI i. »acion mae Francis ce out ef attiOL Mr. .-Mens'lit. aÉppeset cf ie Fi il. thie Hongse agsinàt ia dacialon cfthie andia gr a. Spetake, and a divilon beiug uinsitat Toronto, le in ouy Ms.- Meredih, lie 8peýker's meai-filî e tuiing was-auistained by sa-vote of 49 te acLion fa i. 26. Mn. l4asetlth thon moyedeauien mn for 1amentimanli e affect Of wmci moult e&ppears it. hs to oxtenil-ho franchise b oal per- cleelop nL sosvr'son-Wo olui4racipî op.ni -lcoep ne eby mn of four.indreit -dollaiodepen A'nil'- 6ei*ad- f i. cifail municipal regulatiotas. Mr.- mmii l o, Fraser teck exception t10 Lis amenti.- oCkeym 4. m.ieut aie, il being ouI cf orier, ias-fie> --F .ora id- Hanse bail alreaily decidedin lutie pres-e om.n *; eut iesmgla'ItU ay c ilsbex.-. botmes 01i tnion'ati f"tiuiela 'espeq a' s. tuhe, ao subje-et upon miicihe _peele cOgý tIl'bpmf nif , be cosUiet." A Shortdiscssonan__ le y. oued, iLs'miiob Lie $pes;ks,ru4 have evi laý lIbtihemanentimenl m as cul of orde,__ Di 2Tii teioiir*s aïw .opspealed-', r-- by-ib. leader cf Lie -Oppostiui-- eceuasa ly, by a division of 47 te 25 ;-Ma-. Meredlith mr7dfjir tet then, ioved aLthitd amonimenitoe-~o.- o._ duce Lia què)Mofinc of* votera to an lsiaued1 ~- inomi c ~8O0lu tme sud villagesie no.n be sud te, 0 lu tovnaip. Ms. Fraser ià iw o iiià pronounireil IbimndmetriLoýbe ont>laite. N t.- Of Odqt He 'iec(0 :atte~ntion to4hi,e à a ci 50 ni 17 r', et f s. T hisa a enolil t ô v a l p rmo n o u f l ie t i a m à * n i ,Lte laie M . Bcufield, .W i o.- edv.Tiie Houe adjoliri. or, -ad- _1giappat _.~ jarged --, onsptao... asror Field.' -The. court mras téd7Aeçae-ihlton ef Ëovember 27. e. ai a, car vpaigengsko aids. -tiver Mop, ]eeKelly aid Bal--Sr (1vfiieid, mmlr She saw irti liter of s cane-, ager. * wirooer menWm a&y9,WmienFiold fdl. a as bbed by BradycIo Kelly. Tii. a bon drov Ooff. K.avenagh river. Witness positivaly l-- Brsdy, Kelly sud Ksvanigb5ý au accidentai onvratioàl iemncauissedresmin- îe diti.not lifor n u ous8e, tiisheïard cf fQloi.Sesi b n Fi ï i h b e s or face .. )nets emiled tiaI he eyid0,cet 1. Tii. girl séfuseti téo go on 39a stand. Thc nez$ mitunes' Boa, sud iiey m e z m neat le.heucir. Counsol staLad.tiat- ledto ony route lb.. flvo 1, 6 j deposeti th t on tLii even - icas mas on tbe" opp81osiit reob. Witness mkoire BradYe, i., aid Kelly.,, iivansagi ma, c. f tic cg sud iredrslr %nar. 'eoiunôlly a#ctt'è,'liat isld -on lie gronad,'aid XllY. wied againal mitias, t a ,astly concemieti ondes his caI. aa'ieLlIY f the car. 1A atout je. Witne.ss -pMUrd Lire car sa and ma t slopped by a, maa. asLagthc sxeefl othet prisone mat mcom a, gepetal charge Of cy 10 murder Goverumeni iamate plsod,,uthe dock. LaMnauinformer, ,deposet rati sirorà amemnbr ci--le: Brohberbiod lth8 isai titi Poole.,eeiarged -miii -he- il- O Cnri veto ieet -Wtt atet laugiter by bis inabllity ta &a Crlylu inte dock., Tii. lu saijournotifor a 'veek. ' Tii ichusel eL'atedti laI ou -nez k' important* ein fe lu -egbrd amSnix Park murdlers vouit hib ISeusatouiai Scaïas. OF CEmumiL AS11T1iU1 GAInftà ýToZn, Jan-. 29-The--Pevdl Firsî rrByt b5I hrch *boe nilunafe-of lu-),ireiitv Colla w mire haC jaff a. a-silvar >r $1,OS bagaista MiseLeish- ~dfmL ou f ciéss»êes.:1 I GZat ç rte le se hag aiu. pubIi1 :ay rOd.'hat ho resiguod tii, àidu-y"-O- hé ýNOrth-West Land The. PteoIxg OIhOPrnobKii rs with t1i'eiw of making advanoes Qrth;, iR o aualliance fer the ptereit end oise thé'. ifl E i 's soent vist t PriJ4, heez.imPresa bs irnb- plotpted Mer viit, doclaing tht ie lvi eya bve 2u dlend where Ibe se- mnains of ber huobafld'and only son are The jinde ef.Mr. Gladstone rejoice réginingbOaeihjh. The- Vqtesan le se- rto Ë hve deoased himsel tab. ~iton ui- yunger and anxious to resume bis aoiciaiÏduies At the open- eherediènt lamentable, disasters con- i9qUêDt upoU 1h. OllisORU -of steam* *hups st ose hie -ïàused inuci attention tbepaid i lu Engan& o-the ater- iighi ý bùlkhena systeni. a aRoyal Co ïiI0R Von the.constructionl of stesushipivil poablbi~ pitd The lae te bl e h~s~ ave been friLüful Ofcf dias ter,ar b sbîpping, the re. preof las.1 ~5Okd aï uly se- Mdivudc. 0n1siirdày l'theAgne8 Jack vIaut sahore er 8waaea, Wà!lee, sud lie terewi oflwolve mon were one by- 'ori svept away iu full vie-w 0f specta- tors dén tho rodka, *ho Wer'n .able 10 aeast luem. M A the« oponig'505i0n of the Britlish ~defilo 'a a", riïWïeoftvu 1 1one. Crie Opposition .riticisd tho. ~rnmen1's .nnfrteedly attitude -ho. moreo concilialcry poUcy. The abMapos ôf any riéeoYeleê'tO th. vweil f3*tho çkeor"Beo55iand Frinem-Itounse tiie8pech, fr mii uheThC>fOhas ex- FýÈÎion hâve. beeniînûatýsd on the evido, ns rai informer At iàOrâgwesl, coiui Galvyon a charge of haviâg counmitLeda a qn181 Mesas. Dvilt Roly-sand Quinu have beau ânovml &, wae'k ; &6give baili for 1theïr7lfÏture, ÉM ond .oduct, viLi £U, officie ý 7i.poit just publiobsd -4*iitat b $lmI Io 1h barvest. of 1882 Bc, w« te;os foy-he-lbattWOflty jears wlitheb. xceplin of oat cf 1879 and Ii. Germai Empoerïsud 1h. Pope a re arcbnging'eourehlSis L bo formes ýInvtlg b lLlt e nd S veps.sea- Liv 108arina i ding out hopes e e d- 13en mdè: on the- char sida, all the ,eatoiamstp comn1anieir whose yv6ss.la un Ibetweeài Eurôpéan ports and Nov York havýe reduoed their rat-es jor'steerage' Presidont &rt1hu Y a.dinneraM aWaahuaigtcu- on Batutrdsy. ovenxng lu, 1_ýte'otrnoombieExlendy visited Lb. î. o tùeof éïmeuiativaes, viée.ho kr held an7ibrior scepiion. The-è carnivai .at -Montreal lst-week '," as &rys obrlâ$sir ,-Tcten-o w v TtMrm leaef-Mnftates Wseconar. 1o i ]EVE1E n a Too-ip: st'Me rentei ashm ions I ae trou tdes - uk 1 initie iwant

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