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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1883, p. 3

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nj iYVilrruL4,1 Ivi01 14T8, FLÂ&NNZLS; WINCIB, 0TTON (.*EY L&NIEI5,aI a2o per yard- DR»ESB UOODS and TIBIMMINGS$ 3pecial values. t xae é ur MANTLE OZLOTHS and-,ULSTERINGS, s tock complete, priçes -rightt1 OUYR *IL IMMY »EPAi&TKENTSPEOIL O AIE ND lAIGAIS., are dgeiing to-day MA.NTLES and ULSTERS aI astonishing low prices, and we. announce that we are offering MlI S' fKm FRENCE SEAL AND PERSIAN MUFFS -AND CAPSO AT PRIOES THÂT ABE DECIDEDLY THE VBERY LOWEST. yon want correct goods and special prices in goods, we can and wil supply yen.' J Ca and sce cur stock. * 1 DEVEBRELL'B- BLOOK, BROOK STBEET, WHIBY. 1 EW GROCERI CASHý STORE! TIýMA MCC.ANŽW to inform lbis friends and the publie, that he OPENED A G-ROOERY liasl S TOR E uhe premises neit to his Agriciltural Implement Shop, (1. a few doors South cf the Mýrket, where will be found CHOICE FRESH GROQERIES fail Idnds, Oheap fer Cash, Finue Flavored Teas, Raw and Rflied Sugars, Fresh round (cçee, Spioe,Canned Gooda, Fruits, Oatîmeal,'amd general Groceries cf el kinq1s. Try the New Cash Store-a fow doors south f the Market, where yen wilI get the best' aue for your mcney. Iý" Wall Paper for, ale-a fine stock-at leus than cost., Buter ~gsPotatoea, and oeil ksndd of Farm Produce talcen m .zchange. 'hitbye NoV '29th, 1882. ATo-iui Marrled Man. riva m T"N BA3iTOWN wITH TWO T1-BUflI0ARUSTEDI na MAN- aons To OBT OV" AND VL!e8To a WARMECLIMAT&. Os=*L, Jeu: 27. -Jlefferson P. arndas, express md tolègraph agent, Smarrimi&bout ton or twait. ymara bis bride bolug ton yemrm bis, ori. l qe1a i ettÂr eno, iiah.wasm sanrimi ttei 0o09 0*da of th. ltstaDr. William las Koraiam, 0ai nu, vio viiiher 1mat« ceio aOilla md réuldh4 in ,lammsls liathmarne blooi li Hemrmdeu sud bar vldowed moa- néidmid~. '.t oubg widov Oc. lam.JIy VW4 o heexpramaOO@8 enish ahnéd "mm a.eîden vouli va tôt zotSimbp. Tbrire ech Conatabl. Wise cf Orhlia anoamim bIgamieS os th. faium of bhlm <mer, ph Hamuieu cf Whitig, aid glag ui W Cila tam va. wlodgai 0: lc-p. iTvlom a veai iha. s roughi bafou e Oh myor a«d tottes, ad on Toaa-lut1it expacied ibat the loffiàiaI.*ho the-slip bnci vould hbarenrom wa u o1* vidmuca t$0couViel Sim, la la ppomiad t h.vluars pâl inmdl Ohio, a.aMi o ma to put luana app.aaanom. Se allovai hi.léîbmvy 1 taP Ot * outtar. sud by tha Ilit tof s a i * i. off 10 a vaîmat ecil., m"d ao id th. coanta ad feathan pillova rad by the a Idiém sua ibm iau* the déamon. ho PackeO -U th. 25tb containsas ai acoosol aidmentions the dis- ci .1 Haradas for 'wat cf @et te. Marrlageoaid Deatb. euduoa»oO Disa e ai xez..sme JaB us V.)ds à. Haliaxcourt oa.(.)dm Loi istai Sunday, sya: aImtaigut t. Jamas Outhii a prosperoua young 'tam, va. murwedto miI Hui sein. À largae ompssy vas proees tbe vadinlg, ibici va. soiemoised tbe racdasca of - the hida'efathai. riags t. bai voather the guesta ru. silom asitbh.manion Il aigbt.Tusa oriug wbeuqlie y bhmd memsblai et a, huemmtable4 It va. remariai ât lie WU*iesund!groom vers ltt uuLqg Suaddeiy hm sirleka of s Dmari vos hoard, mai ibme lartia sesiottm atq the hall, vh.rt qé met tha bridecf aa Ighu, vbo lsd, "My busabail 6oh my lius'hadl" 1o he ' h svokm tim mormisg aie ,uind hhr uaani deamiiy heu aide. te la amsomi Insane lieu grief. Hi. ineral il iitseplansce-o.mc ro r ie houa. là vhtie be vasu mnubs àm foui grbomomoses ill et moil-ît bare, mudtie liesultetr ho maui lma yl rami th. buraliumrduc. Mr. Austin36 (lcpmmgab Oat., bl h asiaoaffi$Oi iiiffLiriota. it,ai ha h vas obtlgoi togsiva LP on. The druggist *iAytmladucai m to ryZonga& vii s ueli good ne. dts thé a mir usg tic botilo lie Pas able t.ýréume o vsea.ntuat. ys ho got relief from tia o t doa,' id là satla*d Sisu la no boter Lîter Tus Brovu (oarue.-Theamual 'a. bal oouie 1711 tuti., -bm. ttuiesiof: 1h. yams usoasea vs adi. A dîieid o ig .per eut.l% a 1s d eaimd . T he d ret- is aria, prealdo-'. J A.Glbésa, iTi ret»i4si« auu.#.)osE n eailla, 6.TevsaiW.Zg r. Jobs. vas ue.mppainted .mcç*ry rthe oocaapasp.-dfcs. iHOMAS MOCANN. A Olpel Trc. à YAc5ME miDLB» OUT or TWO TROU- BUD DOLLAsa. à Charotte (Ii io.) dasatch maels For nmre lima thcre bha. aaparty o! gpoeaa amped n rimaoxea mong them aterml fartue.tallarm. Ou Bak urday atherqSon an offticar trom MAsr. ai*mrAved vitb s warrant for lia mr. rosi ofef oa01 h.., a won" anâma soiti, ibo avislo laajlba cuaty larmer oui of 6200. Mei lid bita thae vasmà #»m O a à bAfrEC MAib soi beâeavfgtt oh@ offed to . aib h2P0lemooey t. i. piaca An s roosu mmd lochaip. Tb-bula h. Ang agrmmi t. thm mon"y va.s lÎWteted mudai heift to e bgoue 'tos dg,thon t. returs aidshow hi.v*ais Ltha moi -yvos hurlie. ALaemaid f ihai "'sa.theie hai oi.>Omo ardi fi., hae vant t. look et -lieeomer smai foond 10 vas gon..No trac.eiafond of tbm titaftil ah. va. hoard fron:aiB Aus011 City yocug omm, vho bas boas apeauItug os the vroog ida cof the market, uesul a Iamieter froua hlm Piladlpb4.svatat l t dudal. mahig why te di mati asa bti. Ho &aseedmioa a postal ad, ,& vsluiag for the pamageof ltvo.6u$4 posal tsoi.- Ladies vl4o vouati reai thai last rose. oomplutiou mo math a ovetéd, vill reise. thair hopea by uaing Fouatala cf Haaâltb. Pria. 25 cmots. 1'purec ehaby blood thai beauti. go# .là a ooosud bririscu. the * ,mmi giv 1 op &oiy 0 Ibmeaap, ob a*;e; by ulting the. Founuet f l3et. Pil 25 çen ta. Be corêful cf 700V oya,fan on"e loo tiay osa noter bu replaid. Ohurchilt's Cliai:ye Uo làmithaii.e . Puim Pimplo. Mai Blotebes viaulai t clahaf eons lie vi, vian Coiretl'a Cilo".: yeSalve jnd olaîmeaf Ap. plied. 2ric.-25 moita. Vsera cf Pille caboy lie hut ai A Li vorld-panely vogatahia, ai 10> mame a »atbox, tbey mare ope!. Eegi.Va P10an prant.'ea Bigrula l -ie OubDE 0oaMbox. gicennrn t. A CroIesa 14rc7 tte.Cousud. voni.-Pmnàm aPùu»a, Ci Naifolleto mura ;»eor -piodms ~ ;nevm aie.doap caiOlmanla 4h A am, prou mi itjkes n. medy for osa. Poli bOdagIt ? "'Tnie Domcmaiugusa avmnloto ouumbo." Bot aras lbe omaud h.bri shuer &Ymrt$m ia,.Wort,Lied dbses 9qf4iolitit ma i hlds. X#le prêjeais dein 7Md99d faim, asG Oen alvaji h umlid ca u alne.oo tiv. c.tbAriI ma ldiSraib., Tuy ta. WDroseme,eloala, mats. etch" anud a&l amuta c«inha colr i i lia DismniDyma. Peebbonble col. qr.Ouly 10 It mod. me fOo téba "Baud of I[tWo.h va. the uathmî forcila ex- puamalan cf as ladividumi vtao vas sietri." lia99 atremaiy or Coughe smai CIs,4Eomamnmaa, AmthbsIa BroOehitla its ie , Plama- mai mai sfectual. If you suifr, Ouy il. Forsamie by mil Druglatm oeid gan. oral desmaraai25 caste a boitte. A aMoralPaver. With evauy bota c f Dr. Ouma Pumumyonth Drapa, asa=pt* boule l lieuofimeecf coargs. 14 g ier umlaghé lie nal boule, yon aara sist. We vltb ie acroit, ymuocas ratur the hlb hotiet. o urdamier via vii r»fusi l te umy. Thausase cas tomtify t. 10. prMpt ac*tion in -odes OoiCo"d, Br.aebik.tc. f1yo muSer m"ic. coatiaa beie. tiy i mDaila Lie'bj utile. veau a=aymavenli tase .O. t onsisitW touai Bal la vi c.,.hagymul Pua. sp.mdliy »ma demll*y. Fauilpatmly Vavuwa- dia... 01 Ohm baut4Ptw l Laêau ommoslia ilatew *Omit.sbe ast.llatam, liter uvsparsea,.. ASiomaidiali. ailý îihvs, or in igatbo Ica vi oauam pain amai fltte clg iy rowdlmg ou the meutes cf th. bou~t Eudes 110041 RBitrs viiiapredily "Mrene in Walter Linto, i Wavtosioe, iie liai agyMideToits, S11heame ram0 ci la bisfatiul bis vifsbit " ai#eidis.a ilidtai4crnt., beaime &m atai a segbiW" viaélmy nllovai of EhebniM . by lia.»m»n Worth Xiavlng. A Psa& Woth Ksoeiag. Tic hbem ibseoholi remadIy hncvs fotýCeagis, Goiae, Brouebltla, Amibua, opt Ocs¶ soial tnmma ie lDies l agymdaPectoral Balsas.te b. prueraiofmy dneiagt. : NiU., Thouama W. Rase, Rilip mil Pgllrof Lb. MItcell "Beuïeseu »iùmiModlcleuibut baimug dSaiA tiy lamndoai3Blaad Ehtamu1« ,rEe am s icaioneadmoi wttalentas "Mai aiit a s ta fef "biuit ils. boni venSa.Théa edoimm 1avo h lif "W ftral Ionieo tl CatarrilaàOh. ôaad of Oamm,010m, ap*mi alaetkea ie t. fiaviry dai Begto ~Ù'attnt~xr ! te ub1~ to -the foll-owingseasonabe gos HoirKitted Wooi Goods, Sha-wls, HoodseOlouds,&.,i SPCIL INESI OOC N CANAIDIAN TWEEDS. Tailoring to order on short notice. FuJI stok ôofGentîg' futi hin g.> Boys',,Overcoats, Ameian stylesi , e~a ai Dress Goods, Brocade Velvets end. Satins, beautiful goo0ds; Rioh RhodaiS e~VDrggtsCapes, FlOor Oil Cloths, IR'gs, etons, very Che. Or t 8kislrgeorpie r ilt Buffalo Robes, Goat Robe8, ,Horse, rug8, and Fur8, extra value! Blankets,,Fla#nels,, Winceys, at bottomipries.,1 A LJL TOK F ROERESFO XAS a~'holiday prices.' A l'-rge and beautiful stock of. 0îoIk6ry and Glassware. We are determined to reduce our large stock before 'the new yeari, T '~ T~fN'TTT-iT T O-m-,tT_ T WHITBY, Dec. lith, 1882. A Vxcd Ccrgydin. Hymu the patinet M Job wooIl bso@* uxhau" w hab. .la pabi.hoema «>~ theyge 8omka~ up m-tu oaitomb8 la, ùlg Ipodbl lo toi* humai. T04, oy W" OSYaaqoaaumlitisa b. BOiffl b7 alpy =])iU, lu'annw Cola&ioi Oo~a mi MotleSate "h ttma o! 01, Bâle$aHot., l th ToM Wh et oeMONWDÂàTb. ih 1 Dyof 1H31 RT &. D.-lem çt Tic, oo.k la t.mimohe Lt«Yi MALr~k Eaq., aucumoma, thé,foLezowi5w bw4 n-ladpu$i mi LtNo. 9 i aua Jaia..Otwa y Oý od mal a oawaalyto t Monument planw tai t Oh. orth.vest "&le olLo io.0lai eslMOCm,-thnoeasoua .riy mad psa2lnwt hh salar bouada of ima té%Lo tbe a cmrabouniary of th. Nonquon rmi - time..uotbialISg the umtar mi iai nuroSito h ailovanco for romileaithe Towsmhlp U»n, betweau WhithdB ".uégy mi aa; hnacamutmia Ohm monhea U" etmaai rait. bplupa 01Th. Vmumidbviiioux ro4m "eautitsal daaijha a a iaipomanlon SM a mo! tia éauimot Tartmademiakwn ath U01eMa". vai o5ilor. 1wna7 li, 111.&74 AICTION SL flWInlGR-ReO l GRADE CAlLE, g:lpàedala Men aid CalaKm- Go - *0.y«Ic iUm psbo M , *a. M sl> m,' i n EORSS.-,rafêu yauIi IMM i& l'Gla;DraI>" m à yw i fou a Prisca; &"# bpa ow ua i NEW A.[ Try the NORTH fS -For thegreatest a BOOTS 0F FI8T-OL&88 Latest Styleo for »safiagaeduomdPrie«, Cuatom »nd ordeî muuel anoul wlitbi, Jan. 911883.. FrlMday, FI> The Oro" Jc J. <D. OC'..) W .EJ.Lu.LJ NETiEM~T.NE W AÂD V E R .ISESMENTS. T!03: LIX S3Money 8 ved isaMey Gaid. 131 ý aBoot and Shoe Btore, cf ~GS S A I ND E R , Hadeoiedt6ferhe wlile of bis immense sokc no fr So ees,.fhina, m -trial oM opi Te. ud cnVne yt mtai~~n re 7__ «I- mutéLN pe' rulianor Wobfrebo$1. Oui ýfrSe.,5 grena Ooffe 25.P«r bILon do onCoposi , m'a Mnlo QUALITY AND SUITBLE' FOR ALL. thl Wai 12 lbo. ligt t " Pieàa "tréirci Xiaadie, Gets, Misses and COhildren, -foro ~Fes hhle Wig bto mahae room for Spring stock. Samn and Lobsters. resh eanecl 1o8M, (CoraTomatoe, 1'eahes an&P1iO ot har la '~d orkcf upeiormak an fiishas pple, jams &na Jouies, Oandied Pools, FIkvor. ria wk o supriormakeand inis asing Bitracts, Fresh Lemona msd. Oranges, &ew "a-"neu n authinsOurants, New valontia ad-LIayer Raisins, igo, Nuts, pn ~ o aa d Mlxa Candies. Pure Cram. of Tartar. ,Tii. Clobrat. SIlTIK JORN SAUN DERS, cd Louise Bakinig Powder, m«àetitured frev& oey ek, land-; cou KozthStor, lfoeke Bloi. a o oat1)y,-S.-iFràËrer prànounüwdthe bèàt by a.11 iho u l GlasS]3ëwl4litc'herie,,Gob1ts. Tumblerm "êo.at a Bargaîn. .0 e-OP AL c 0- ME D 1AT E 9) NE 6Tý,, E(3GG t whih ~e 1,uîgedto drive verinu*ol heboa 4ce oUi SEWIN CtIJNESI, - éhaedea.gecmnt rzh~ le& Iaoes1ig fWÈ l.Thiey are -agood thing suda'0a N 1' N.-W4lzted, any, quaentity pl Ji~ian. -85, - - Dmlm. lckBoo- NW_ Watohmaker and.;' Jewo.'il 8 Str. '-'. f 11< ÂGÉ gamat~ rNT I5BO ri rwi vleion o- Sreat var4 IEW IttO.Webt Baleij icli Lb ie bia viitai ia.nt Io"a oeia bave Estelve We ieids toa Chf (rom b »"mtiZ v1ilsasa ciane lu of at Ott ad ins 1"

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