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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1883, p. 4

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lvaipouotid .ari uont- iaUflede&, ecotned by a&U, "mse on. f1~s ac"àd futllU o1cars, ai t aa l la btuiara ai ftà ed£" jbab o theriads, Raya nxaay iabroii. and ésoar. lai pain =Anêsmmuy TI i lsimon 49»b bit alrlqkon fracas, Wor m uvltb feelng aIl the dey, Rte enavgy a841gce; EU obry usmi.o= julthe earth, Tu ~e d4vualot, &on.. e wiery .1gb ou. weisperod name, Thon lowi cfirohi. hehad,' t a.iulhaJ.Jt te abode of day- the. vandarer lu doad. *Let Her Whisal.. What il 'a girl whlilo P 'Tuon't maku pont hait brlutle, Or scratch 1k. a thistle. À vhlatling l.ubie 'Noui nos b. maisy, - Or ft% ,or brama>. Roi 8: m or.opistle ta browo the irai missile At vomen Wwhîo Itie. It quit, au booomlnig Au mluglng or humuciug Or piaylng or strumm[c. Be juil, -philosophie. 0 mon' on ible toplo; Not mlsogycisiio, Nor grumpy, noir mystic 1 The. Sloop ofthe .just. 1- Ialept ita=on ditor'i bied lut nlght, Wilon Do othar ehano*d b bu nlgb R En 1Itboughl, ai 1 tumbled th. oditer'a ilov 0847 éditoru lia I - If the laWYai glapt lu th. edlîe'sb.d 'Whuolgvyu ob o oedel ilg4, thu'bblàa mut.» aud naîivuisisi 11ev issily uditori lie, :a. nuuii.uhan &J*Ilayon thas bd Âudalalth sofiJa irm ThonuIthe lawyur hmmel uli va i lr. A Modemn Miracla, AU =21988=11 OafflzI Faon enh (Doaàn mi «à.,Globe.) The rôsderu of thi. piper wero more or lseu mazed at a moiS remarbable etaIulfltfrin cas efecarouioading i3i&iasuqwhloh ,4ppeared ili yeaierd.by'u issue. a e uinal vte I.circes- etanices onneoted wvt iI, and sie mach oboinuiotdî4*Il occailun oir tihe itroot and me ioew iclas, tuaat 0rupraaentativo e fthiis polpeorà» iau mislonud te bl. voatiale la de an d verily 11< facto. The ,article refurroti tevuwaa tatament î maie by Mr. B. F. Larrabo., formerly of Loulou but nov of the. New York acod Boasea Diapatoh Express oom- p any., Wh'&@ office laon Ârcb aetraut. r~. J.arrabau vu feand bythe nuiva. papar uuo i is, prî%Ate oflos, andi ou bu gequeetiou d sald : Watl, air, Iogioally 1 hava belon deati, but resu> I am as yeu aec me. à l1114. ovar a year age 1I vu taken gl.k. My trouble va not #aite, et dua& ad lbtonghtlist vu tthe rabais of 2aky rsid as limes a ahough I bobk au abuadance cf aloop. Thon, aïil, j ha doditisud étrange païlua tin varlou parsof my body.,h MI appuitita vue ced ou*nean sd Ihadi coue vbalever l.Doai and mi b.d pained-cue mor. o os 1aimach of!site lime. ÀAWhite .ftervard 1I uouodmuci tbat wu poeuilia bout the fluidea1I vu pasuîag .trange Aaena to r. il. ti inest hagita.ibt beua.ige taouéanytbing serloa sud 1 Ialloeet ehi lluaime go aaIM 9u1%l tes Sth dey 01 0o026?1.1.11puctiato whilu watking along Tramons. atruot. I1vsi oarrled home asud dlusausly aI. lus-led by Sy- rogular p bac abt in * pic. cf hlm akili 1 hepi grovtng.worm. and ina1j teytapped i>-14aide the vicait 0 he asts, satinsugau -forîy. i7,00c6 0 e tir. Thia rUevid mu for thé ime, but t on abeemsueabad auet'eforu. Thoin hbedoo$ori igava me uàp eutîrelyo lit@sui o 11 morio thoan tvai.toar humai !aadcy iras teigrsphed id. er&W aiong for a<earal okfrmn os taun.1li.,.osnt yr~tgu e. 11*, t;h" ft hem keps me npçurfeot e <ma-tfilot e 1b iIbave ow mun~uû1*.K>-racovar - la o romrk. able at It hau eeltedmoh stt4utbeui andi phyuilu asauWeil ' ,oteshv l wva11aedarlorebul I euc glw to the tbouadindal411 partp of th. land vho nme Safsrng tom troublai e! the kltpeya, Ilver or huart, lu 4mie The vneton thîa e lb. u WMhlLcoormon hbau i zýfWtâ aaopy iyu-or neln sH i c1 fe gëatation are ipeially suljact le albumi icone troubles wl.ich, require3 pronaot Webbat th HetlbClncior yoeua 1 vas deteemtied te bu tioroagià lu tha tuaîîucî. 1 >ogcuçlDr. WY*bla Mest clear h adecIaidit cllirtIt-ghl~ Mati, andcblitl "i1 know ef Mr. Larrabeoc'u cas. frein hî~iu>juqrug~iz invsiig t îas ai coin auyj- luinAi honof t hbe a-îre. maruàabl e ostos I havqà ever ciel. Mr. Litrrabue haeg)l tWc~if~fthuso a com-plication of digaàeiiâ. and] lu their vorst lormes. I subjentetl bis-teo tie t"9fiîpoug4 q".arp tion poamible about li-.' HJie kicluefu, liver, lange mcd4u.rî re erfcî pi on. aud*oud. I eau ou>bM inkcy wblal h4bvt- seon, 1I9woUldunheitatin>ly recoin- Memd &hi& eemetiy." The. ç,hocisione frorq *s tebi~î abovo'ma2deo vilce onh o>hiaa papar main ai vell au the Rouerai pub. ho muai bo ivo toli. Fiisl, ltai a modern miracle of hoallng has be» pe4oimpd in eut subdsi, And thatr,,Ioo,, 1y17eftplu.teof n,2#~iâ (b ofâe lmh je witibn the reach cf overy one. Il *boui4 bcromuembered Liae.,iita, diagma, le nnt aaly aWl miio e Sinà. plaint. Iim beginningsaiae sliRit anti is urcwîlu slow. Tha symptoma b> with différent perans, no two peipte usnalty bsvicig lhe sas-e. This faolf vas inanifetlinethue case of Mr. Laina. bas, and h.a1usd ne ides of fthterible testimoniale or mnch higli oharacter aud no outa.poken1au eeçuli.o> rv t-ho vau, cf the o medy anti itu upenbor i o th ppretai7 Yartleu vwilt w Ob ha lrovea oïiberly bien'- flooeete. "Tii. greatar inclndes tie loa'sud the remedy sui ibas bouc aa se di»rosunlos aken in u ina. Jus- Crevla W1dl.ta' Our coiord lr.lhren, v. are -gti,d are mercenar>- ometimes after Lia. Manneil cf msqia-or (ibàrwhbua .brti- ren, anti mskpg a fatal uMWalse of masr-,. ugfor Mnueo ratba-ta for love. A Tezs paper oaya iai un Austin negrn.. i:James Crow, but beeb pîyîng 5%ro toi Lion te one of -Une"0 N oe.'a dngla t-, ers. IL vai goueraîl>- cuieatOO4 t-a ah. vas te got on ber maariakea bouse anti lot, wvinihUnclo Naceo vas ta ive Unole Nace wmu a sly oit! fllov 9and taturs-juedte test the genuinenosu oi bis intendeti @on molawme affectioe, se the other cight as îbey were aua>king theipipes b aid: 4"Dr. Crore, I have been coginstin' cber mationstandtine, andi I lias coe te de 'clusion net te donale Ma lilda dat ar bouse -anti loi on Acatia Avenue, fur de roace - Mt Crov apiang le ble tcet, pulaie dcv bis veat, pet i pipe bat weou<c the top oe, hiebea4, andi-&&it solemu. 1>:- "lu cii ea, ais, ccir futime 1.1< tIoas tou. eaaea te exiot-, frein dia muteta, aah." "Bet lemmne la, Mr. Crev, I vu 'lb o eahall,.asud Invite >-ar frient. ter attend the vetidin' f tst1" ezolamad Qrev inaolenuly.. "Ail igit-, Mr. Crcv, - Our feture çolations bas doue cesuetigt exitl. 1 ,yl> eau . ed telWyen nvdtt rosae I ebjecte ter Malildib habici dat houa on ber wo4din, day au louine il amu tee aaALse0lIam <vine 'tor <lb liem a <lt jvc 5ry collage»onPes» Slr.ei, vicam aivif lwioe sasLuc Jimn trisat tae epai»hi. poîltioin, but UnceaNao.aotamnly llfied up * flai "nd pelcilaul te tho tuer ak >3ii t tek tie hint asud rufusi te linger. Barouar, "uî 91-p a eent VqYsge ofet 1h. I> o! Rouie tg LvepelM P. T. Barmumuvia a peisasgar. At ceucent given on. -heibo bp hè wvaithe. prenelo <uls. L.ane pancdthe aven1j meg viii meou fllfaicisscadtes cf hig carier yomrs. Asmceag afbera, ha'tli boy h.oaoo éboughî a iuagniieêuîcoaeb dog. for whxiol h. pai4 fifty Aolare, ne saiti ha wue 4eQti(uliy ipuiîed, bol ui4. frtunsteay loe v1aaoLnght-i lua liea* aboyer oa Lie Amy'afler ha hougbtim, t ibm, .presto 1 hoe vas ohnged luto- an crdinar>- can, lie spote iaving heen lugeaioily Zpaitl on Ouî4., iRe, votteta man rom <iowkwha at p aiedt un. Res ikovjàédged tb. ae, but sait iis clark bot <rgot. tolno tendat hée, ;mbrell loib aivaysa vaut viiithed teR b'W 1<coulait uc stand tie nain. Mr. Ba uin clouat the entorlalumaul b>-IV g a oaimens of lgentsmaia. Hise wtet tiek, lue saIt bat nover b..» e d in t his ooutry.or su>- cîbor. He brek à blsouhfr 9 tbree 9%eea, akde @pu" tbat tht>- ceraitibeadahi>- l4eulbie4. Thbeho'aaked fon tsi.. bats, sud pl* acesplace antor eacb, bal. Thon plcaagain, ho tielibaratel>- Me aeish plc."Nov,.l"taasud' gaenean thée meet voadenfui part o! the.fatoa . Pl"cw t bismait ntion 0n, à al. Ltye» Iffr. -U-m î I.. pllacé tdu 1Mabi heat. tsThtbe.. p es loi biseait iM -SUl Uqutarlhe km.'? ,Rdd h. antidas cne OCts.di 1o i gitnsdy , tho loat ami iste of latughtsr« doct;o!1 a o -lu", tise, yesto cilsl. abeaoio's-h EmuEugiEngou, vise unundi letak, chItIge et hon. Justice 31w SinIu.4t ' eu Mg#èt, 1 Greg>ortgjallfut dmueeune",et i tnt>-. Thon b. veuttte ipleu vilb s A1r~e anti voddcd tho vomuin ber*oci rWi niaIt-er of crouîod l Maille Keata, a Wealthy bu' t- amstg re tu a soseool ezsusiumtient ob4e a q tjilte r- homi, lesvingl noie &&yin£ usaI ie M4 o t eu~erh TENDiS> 1Thola'wbol I e~. aiiseasaione uever hblorsuon1 tise vister iistory cf lb. greal catle. t»MIehea&<. go a#oe ~iv 't fat 6nîbogerg $mb Élte!>4itl It-b(alhar 'lk tge li te M it drove the valet anii 0 tks luh, o e h river. The valnbegî?ilpl'ng, sil -m eal 4 lithdo El osr4 auto voulti dimrnpt the. <nemi glacier. Spoonthc Middile portion broke ivF% masliti arrover paît of lbe gorge felov bîeýo ght lste a uodenecpa arotaaub, whîci voeboed oii bt aide ofetlie lemst. As fan as tha oye coulti se* lte ves nt uses eoftmc voie obenc.ohlid t-e g(droa, vh!le b.' u lue apotei iigb luto tic air. B> foot o! liètallW 1 net bài*'i'al vasuspension bridge omie Ivo miles, t-moucflb imvir to-a 40:17À ofo vc.1 feol above ilgivwater Manc.X)trlug the nigit-làuge- 1Usa.(f c ot orsslbng vcflle oiarao , 1 vt .Ihrown bigh ou clhbon aboe, alda * ¶titid Dight aome t1fo "li4~feet cf @ t-<mtsinolineti raîbodadtia rs.- meot Park veto carnied saa>, vile (ho 'tIleobservgtmi-y sud, dresin 't*oý" aKth Sbe 1atiovof tli ock," belveen lise fotacte eailway andtihtecAmenl. Jan lall, *oreol o l oa~Tise bouse cf Jôitu MCoe, feory$Ma», * on M. Cacida aido, Mrt 75 féet àatol 1 lb.th na usul e1ie., I spartI>- evo'. fumnet sud lie occupaints bat a naîicv escape. Tiec utIle fenyba avoe tnucildilatbeir bousem sud sevoral oi thc guys et t-ho nov suspenaion bridge wore toue romt heïr foundatiena. Tic laira, but the rospuot Park Comupany, m(a t6.4; -wOrl< tepolring lt4ýdii le ub rI 60* lhii hurits oaru go b.lov. If ail thic boabridges ab lise talla turing tie pamtlet»onyemnu vea Iebsu.- -'l " Whsl ,eOn l mre.d ate ~Ui.ealtnsr. nlineiMunthav?" aulis the Detroit - . e Pr*sà. Wql va tbink zlü abealéevair be omt. Th TI etion Praoinitbur '.craà case e! seyèveobalma 1iour- blons of * tialover oeramitl.a, "wblch gavei'gylo-tetlmentvuh biwslld pille proscribot eoder thicalna icpiunle uipS pente. Rspplly for tbe Cbineae, sasy Dr. Young. Iately e1 Hong Kcag, nearly aIl tialr mediciasa mnt, suai as; pearîs. tîgr'a bouges, riceroue hornne, foi-ail bàc;reie and ocher eanticlsea laving ne Medics alue. Thue mannied wvcnen'e Prexperiy Act came iloto force ici lhe United Kiegzdam ou the fiseftet icpreseet mccli. lu Maltés a gremi change îla tie tors-erly eîiating cirons-suâaes. The mini. ideà, o! lb. legs! unily etfuban4i anti vif, le deetns.yed, tise aev law trîsîing the t-vo, se Ian tasproperly im coee-mnet, as Thu roprtin cfcivl -te religious ~' ias n- ara pe 4eb rapidl>- crfsu.Dunng-lie e s t iNov. embor lias, oui et 4.400 banimau .W0'1 teck pi... vitboul an>- reigpoaa oui. à Paris appei twils àashoof a sa cooe al) suhiseput aa use l in.i viii Shasheb Cnota i oIIIà i"aplac st 0 oCéloch lunlthe mertun, and bal buis propent>-, an elti mullesa, abs-lt b. loft te thoaee vo follIwO-vedio bearfte loe egraveyinti. as uts wairet. iajlu i he vilile oatîaci mm>- mônria era,-llae (ikeraiprocession vam licuitd t-o the driver of the heanse anti a jreaog aeigbbot cf the deconas e. ot.gel b Ne* LIte for Fumiones Wealiened b>ý Disease, Debiit>- and Dissipation. e GioQEÀT QERMAN IlIVIGO. BATÃ"R lstise cal>- peciflo for impe. iouoynmervnm jlobilit>-, unlypami imamsi. Inde, torget-fcluee,, pain iit liai back on sideÉ. ne malite m seuiaert he Syà.- tes- ta>- hfotrm excoases cf an> kiati, tbe Gireat (i.rmau Remet>- wii testove tic* autfncdcs anti 0caura boalti, aud hippines. 8100 petur ,a boxes fat $5.00. Sein b>-&I tulâtm. seul anuefri o rie pontage paid, NEY, T> dp, obic, soe agoI ortad Statue. tCirenia Csor testimonialeanosotfie. -Ta os.etfdeti. 19 la knoovaal. Most te Ai ecrtaiol> %hat u il4aI di thea b.individual "tie ltisar b> the trai»,.Iseart et longok. 11evvlua thie le the effort gte Malulie a pegfcl <laIe o! heaslth? Dr. Car#Mt'4, Stoai"suand constipaioun Bluts gi araa utta "Ho1alth Cliver." Tse- r l. . tom fret»aIll ipunuties; ur '41o ce«, Dpepalat, sutdal clleaeesothe btohlera aI aor Novais., In larga botesat50 dnts.-a . M-y ll rug. Wommu'le ii noc0 ;4 A friand i l a , ul 'M ýisiluàtde". Tii. noue oa dan,,.pSllI'beas- sis.aiuoe ilu nderte WvOD on eolà oii>- L0aod wilj&A4iesae mo4pcm7 bý lmonouî masi'u treas eca voman ibonit 1mev th E lsoIrio Bittons atecmw cmae frfieui, and viii posltivel>- reulors-bor te hoeil4u-avvec ien mli thon ouï auueut.lon- Tha>- ui lumaurt te wh * Ronor te ts at t2î8ol?~su invenier of uiÀaPazsgCaE. TIÂOTOO».mafan- lÈ-oeth Mb ý,hoir nesenrobedi. un<mê&.pna. Asire ie h bv Pu m'Oi the ,~4c 4lifo eaecIMOuarh if ili ub.e aethud lm-& Hais ata5irli Cur 76 Centsa sBatti. $8.00 a Du duti,,bt Y. J.OHN ffle e U.Oseilu"* eby g w. IOBSMOWII~tI ;SC QQL BOOK.S 0)f eyýery in, too -num-or- fT., 4QWEIqT à9IUCF9S 4?W1, ang Ihsnks;lfor ,pas favOrs, a na soiciiing aùl SearIy igsvection, of the Vcry nespectfully, 8I~ S~A~ ware at thie WHITBY 1MPORTÂNT NOTIOE.-Having concluded to go opt, of the Orookeryt China and Glasswaze trade, I now beg to-'oferthe whole of 2ny Ige stock cf Orockery, Ohns and (3iassware to the Public, «at and INDER OOST, FOR ONÈ IMONI'R 1I TO MEÈt HEOHRISTMAS" TIME.S, I also offer for Cash for one month, a splendid assortment of choice Teas, Family Groceries, Spýicios,eçkcIdes Frulits pf allIns Peels,, Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Grâpes, Poyars, Àppicti, Oyâter-s,. &o~.? at prdthcÀ t'defyj b" titin in eiher Torontoor, or elsewhere. Agent for James Laut's Famous Teas- a present given with eaoh package.' WANTED.-200 bris. *good Winter Apples. 2,000 ibs. good Drxed Apples. Higliest price pai& either in Cash or Trade. Dooowbor 12th 1882. WHITBY CH:INA1 TEA STOBE. M~R8. ALLIN,{ C~eat Sacrif joie Sale I 'W hitby, Bok, *Muejo icStore, Brcck.st., Whitby. uN". 22,i 8 '.-) j-i! ly.12 FOR HOIMPRODUCE. âItSy !NDAY 'Until further noticai1 will duliver Plour &a. toaisy porion in the itutifi<not lou Qumn W0Ibe. aIithe TlD si o. ...... .....2 60 do,-. .... .. TBBmR CÂBEON £BLriYBY. ]EL BIOKLÈ, tip jMalarla.'" '- séLUSy DUlOIT~ ri. (S.) - ~. thlleumeuca. efoqtet alIbi Mils.g.s. relIa tiblolloga, loue.t.nest~ ptep.~?againua ~ abi alitai bySmu. O. ROUSSE, -&eue0 W1~tsby.0 WIiftby~ ÂPZtISlhu 1878, . -- - 16 t -i f e -7 ~yin.e~ eau ~ngu ~r1 Y ,SS. /0- gumot j FOL-I - I i ~z~L BROOTS AND> S-111OES, AT THÉ Deverell'si Block, Brook Street, Whtby, OVER,010,000 WORTH 0F NEWSTVVUITEEFOP.,-'ALL6 AND WINTER IEAWHICH-WIl--IE5L>AAHm DUCTiON OPi -7 .TENPER CENT.!!01q à -flecEîTs, o TIIIRTY DAYSi, IN. ORDERTO MAKE QICK SALES - - * ND. A PULLCLEAILABCEl Cumltomeu are mroaot Iy 1 tobclldà". lie <coda. Nover boforo has lic pro. prile etlb "Mimnot Prlez Bcdi Sia Shtore" been iisle >bfone em suai a~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lagwlukrmvlit aeaqlcin loyin hlcnleaic or-And il Tohge eloe l lof aae as o the boasind o ispe e f t ibs s vtg oi a puo, s hlm.ho e<snthunlduemeat,; la tact toge iikuia se ft st stoci cf e at ans 13hoe,« evalaone xposeti for sala, pot ouinlb.4'lavu, but lu 1h. Couuly cf Ontario. gW7comC enlv mud Meure tise best ofibe flargansitoJ Oct. 101h, lme. Deveralla'sB1ok, Broouk Streot, lWhilb, FI[NE TWEEDS àd- GLOTH8-f I 1The - -:00:- Largest and most carefully seleéted stock in oounty, and aù prices to defy any competition. the AIeD GENTS'. FUIRNISHINGS, Garments made t--o er ic:-on t h jortest ntc sud; ini te01a~a"t ptyje ?- fulhin. ]READY-MADEOLTJG - oustntl oh p4n.-~metbng.~n~by xo'by in Boys' Sute BffI~~m4 thr obs iigratvaty. JO0HN4 F'RGiUSONY,.ý MarS ~, 88s, UNÂS-T . ..I ........ II I TZMA N,ý-, À IC &10 Ai 1' Grand, - i --p w-. aij~.~t * Ere>-yPM PI; a- t i I -~ -o - 'ILg Estate - SecunIty~ -.pply t$0- douH~~0OD>; theS ro VOJ0, zL4R~EESS.4li1»t GRAYS ftelaflidand ali tu Oate ti .ref bddOlpai Lsung DIa- - ,oada theai. ô O tm- th leSP RUCE cnas = aïod'oa' caryaO to dritta kA&zctcfltthe publie cf largo. 80010<0ait 'eapatabin 0uS. Pft.25teo0" 5o amil a boM&a a"ean r* O Mr or D-ugTWOg booiN.Wt mbéroqVemlont.erhrito ,be iggmsmIduOW t Obe-rr, vhlch li the outeoi iXe j>llU*OtudrY.-d iO eblio ir0eep ag j &Uigbl, olpbeaiverthe làmgocu9rre.poeo W"ehllyomJfla Oflber, somch boerln llesqêd ~~flffMflg~ort07 Ai 1-ýlOe» from i f. o60udla edierina for ioocid ~l vu~~Ibava personafly l5i0ostaitfl< .. iot@iD et Iloprvemeitla. iti l rt,. nd prUomod by litPhWpyuteam in h e eountm Cn.M iwriloa charn and uesmc pain. ItwM ce e MIU t he -ui orst fo o10aiq of tbeu Uerua, I1--bS'4e, frroular -d m Xuicn miMc4UlOaiU Troubles, Ioflamoeud.e am Ulemtio. 76odng%&UmiDsplacements and tàe o ]Mpetn.uêàico eeryportioofthel. ysa, u=d gila d.smilevIlèr itimuntiand eievutw MMif 0f the ihXiiOb. I9 corua Bloatlng. Headàeh doW,4CAMbfgiUIfl,-WeIh, -ci tueeahe, lus @wsya ïuayUlr bttl orix for $,anPiedhu boly thenmoruMyW ho aVe been rtorM od r hlsshh by tha Moi0f 1116TegetaLl oCm . m 14 fflahed byaddrosg Mr&. 1P, iL tl.omji-.. ui t I liofierot!lroim môma liit * OMfor thse cure ofCo il UMoibosiathe, LgxIuif -bIl- r I rt terilthOOmPO=duîtàliipOpultl ý =UtbliitodogoodtiOotheui ERATH 18 W : ALTËý Th!cee10 diipauteeg, CMausa se.n ollnetahle seoixuegrat"andmatboneS. Depuso ria te estonuaci umllh ~ ne ouuTIIingrotin ua veans recand iaathiagluhrinttit supplies eëplceofiho monhh' los mÙuceus sertian whicis, vii.ie e oganu une homos for-Ove do heûlthyddats tie umcSmemhrane,'-epngroipt-di pilou e bf a decssistainan we wlllseu4 t% resloruu inte saas toperohiheIn rep -anteo te refond audm uimpetndtit- .;e 0m oefd Ail- thoe vrkagth~ter bcefihlvW d.HW make DR, ILON P rmOA~ ht>.n CHLERRY BAI-RAM lethane kIrnil lT Tditd, O2 for throatamcd iuýg disesea. if Soina25ndé4bCentBIott-4>e - 40 Centim.. ntaiabng tiqubl»e iZ 5.Ceit Modfidin*i &-w. guaraure id tuai 1 WitI- each order receivW o4!c=Onpuiied with fved the, parchaser ourwvrtten à Liha rooney Ilf thetreata im-cutre Giuanteoi li6n M.tI. aatthoilzed agent làOHN C.WEBt imole Pro 'i tipi -Ãœnmu be in tills WHITBY, 0OU T AIR WIITB'ý Brock Street, B ARRISTIRS AT .LANN JOHN e'. 19 Xl. A. U' Oclebor x..anJ. lutoresi, Dry 1

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