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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1883, p. 2

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ý-4f Bon) IlDov, % OP JeiW BA LS. lo A"eita"e ft h bra'-bred gradecast < S>dc4l ýreàsu d colts, Impie- s fpertyof M r.-Andrew ol qtI 11 na. IBeàch, on Thuroa ,do b. t 11, .m* -L. af bsuAM osu er. bgagc ap naïfof lande ln Boit Whit. b7< ut eY'. Iloe], Wbuîtby, on Mon. dsY, 'e6ý 1h, l6g.-Or. Y. Smith, orti.sae tvalushia farta ini tbe <Towushio of Plekering. Kt Raya botel. Wlhitbl, 'unttday, Feh. 1711i 1883. %VI Ose 01o'ss, p.M.-L. ~ibus OtilY lix 50PER ANNUM. wbitby, ýTbursday, Feb. 8, 1883 The Contet. ~1I*~tAlwotheb. Sh. faut, poli. Mg on Sb* 811h.' 'ta D o"ise. 0f eectia am'ont sud Al w O ltt m ,afe in5e lhé W IM' »utely look for but on# tmeh1g.e4bêretuas lepower af the MeeS.Oovermu. Tiey bave evory. Ihule etherfsee ryblagta se- seffu.s4 5>1cm w b. reaowd sou. N ase apuapeof OoUado. Dur. iugsthahe*lve yasrs 0f als. <bey bfley ddslsmmd the &at of .1the 'mêss.mép su .soomy.No per- bu bsge base e soo ans Ibs pi et M. -Mova a-oruy Osqs bL uk obm r u 611ailthaî tUcéoWwi* ail <h. tailliousof Pro- vieW eci ade>pesin, thraugh their bràude. Tb* rebord lse cta challenge It in oouiethiug af wbli h.epeople af Osindusbave overyrmu son wfiel praud -b&e obatl lsgrlîy of iheirmii.. ter@.. Tii.boue84l o shrao.r ofthiieigis- lotion> doiugÎ ail <hat lime-lb. aiW ta ea*ilvràas-.lbe »fefcitamaicipaitie- t1s e rvice rebdured <o thse agricultural flutersate-to lmmlgrato-tbs Improv- sa ltseuise .aeetshelp w eauca- thona idoréts-lhe establlehment af publie luutionclau-t.a prcoaioa of the gensnli$ioperity, aud <h. fafr play gt> Bam si ee, heur living <etimony %ô 'O»sa1gsdum o f the, Mawaî Go'eusl Tub.'pwpl. ars s.ked(by ubam 1 Bya feuwa" dlsappobod amea salI lac themeelvcc lb. ýO#Po.tlau, Wha bav Do yl ah <heu .wm, baw Who have tbifr *onreedieletlw *mt ram O#taws, aud &»sas eue onoby th. bil bù<sg.4e0-f the Mail>tadia- pot the s e Ma ' ssue utheir tle 1 c 14 l. rwardl whfch Oluadisue eamc.pe t.d t gtebouset mp~u forfsihful sarvioe4uskisi boni s Il sd ph<4llt oipsbleintheir pîIsu.There la to. muo&hauar and grétituda lu the poophe M Qatarfa <o ,«A «mmcle~fv-. m .o t hie cuter.s. no ont expeeod smytbtag oies tban that s. Ds-yden wvoulit h. choie. lo aithe li.lr Convection oun'Plur.itsy. 'Plie.wvas mola man iu <h. viole Part>' vi asmot villlug w o odit p bath bande far bina. Bo unitet suit sipoulsnusn vautsemeeting Ibal bai- lotva u taeoW it il ansitMn., Dr-yde'cousa ra-ed sanidetscola. 'mullicosby s u uesumouu ctariig, vo e . w nthe<bps-oeoig, oIse- wh.re, hIe a bhe .ehin aoocpting lbe nasuloatica. 1-IlII V411 repay Paru- tl.- If UMr. Ds-dn's adviosan"ieut- geeons Ï ate folioitbas làai&H<hsI fà nov ucoeded. i. I s sea vebelle,.e <oic etalu ir any avent, but bettes- &aie uothliong r ntet.luntir. Dry- dmn lb. elcetars base ail <bai couit b. deeredlal a eaudidate. Tic>' kcv 1< -tmou' boti worlliy satrelabie hol. lu eves-reuool,-sone th. e rîin- tir o this ledwgo (vholalemot on- f6e téoce vOI go s goat va>' lin M aftise éleUc" a or811an ge*iieu nitnd ok are nsa r>'W, sud after lis ansd séec$bat enerywt te l plguvpeuafi sa" a l dystematio Tb* uuspi.cs ebiit mut rot 44,&0vss-kvafut;AS.bas-d a 4M i. Io bai. iloula'is s 11W q5"lised e<o ln.tuDry- 4W ", hs uMpd bi Tm le dcwÂo to rry "te -aoit *0ai19Maqvlo «yo ume, lait.,lise Gar"s.uderjalo apparete ho for. gotSes h>' asouspopis. Were la ual fs te Oteyul6ie, voutilt<hrs thon bavsie osâpasbjprl<'or- a violas-y iu OyOny ?,WIy every s40 buov- vreryont bpft ses a pt thesti-J ébat te aujoiy "sith ic ltorT voulit bave eau h ser 'wo'.IS John r» 4ý oW'OUWl2motL ave reerted) gt ha<ee Pt"*,ot .>y sand*deýItot o <lhe cassai friw sbla f ni vhg i tb. na>.lo coa.tîtauny -ofNcrrth Ql.- I <ria ham et I ad fai r ay bentasltinusthse LpM 11ti tMr. maitlili Ltbr" tt lu by a the position e#r ic t 1 TMt paty purpasot. ( iAdih b .11 fo(CS ]Party, sud 19 lab b. fettretin> bis lesgst-ess for Party *aucese., rtu-e whst beowe si Pr.ss-luce. nH.ocnslu. IY slî0Owe< t>iio vhelàho vaut baodu on bis resolution le' -favor oai <ho Avad. lie tiraivote.l withthe . oeveriuln that h ys'Faq t. daîy af the Dominian Goyerasneti at Ottawa te ratify -%ic Avord..- Aftrwsrds, at tb _biddiU«,of Sfr John Macdoneld, lhs turned his back auo is . rovtnbe, itutlehli . self I>y voting ugainui thse*Vsollfon le bail preison'iiy soiei for, and went ita witb the growel Who osu-ito a asgrêvl- aileijustice toa Ontario stdraivat 1 rob ber of .half ber t#4rrf tory. On the streisine 13îli, anid upon &Il ailier oc partitaahip. lie voted tbrougb <iob su i bfnfor bis Party mait &gainât th<b. intereats of bis Province wlssnevu- itall'ed upoa. So o'si'dient bas bo been tu tbe crack of the Party whip. thst 1l1s very Punbmiuiive fetch -auJ -carr eerieRa were reoognizéd by the Tory oxtrenisete 'l the Âssemu>Iy by the prsseaîation te Mr. Iladill of à gaid." btaded cane. But what bas tir.' Mà- diii doau nb.@*flonse tb serve tise iu- terèasaof bis ProvinceI Witb ail dbi allowanca for the. amiable quaIitufes aof Mir. Madili and it flievery respect for' himeaif parsonaily, t'bis la th. question that Wyul bc put bim by the electérs. Whmt bus hosdoue la the fut ~ serve the intersats of hie Provlne Wbat boaf'ho dons ta serve tbm lalereela ai Xorth Ontario?', North Ontario in somnion with other noribera countios ba. rnany lol able 4claminigheb.at t.utiva of Qovrnwnsat, sud whicb if 'beo#ïbt forward hy a friendly member would nro daubt rroeive due cqoider- &Lion. But evbat sMir. idillleffeet- ed 7 Wbat is ho likeIy ta effeet ? Change thée polion,? Place a in like Mir. lissaa Qoutd iantr. tiadili'. place ? We Warrant il that the, local caîme a of b. people of North Ontario woold b. botter looked a(ler. Mir. Gould wauid not blie matao mie tb. rights af bis native Province éeuh' sorvient tla bbc.. ai jsarty.. fa woul not permit Ottawa citiaÎn tauur=p tb. place ai Provincial Itigbla utua Home Bnie for Ontario. It falime a change were made. The. ppcopiofaiNorth Ontario cannaIgRive thloîr npprQvai taetMr. Madifll'1 crooked and, injurfoos party doiugrs.la In r. Isa Goua tbiy lhave jurt thsemnu suitecd ta she poRition. Born ia lb. couaty, OS Wju i,,1Ffàth4ýr before bita, bts laie resta are ini ev-ry waY-ae an sgricuiiuriet, railler, illanacturer, large property boîtier, andlideesin f cs-ery ailler materisl waY. ideutificd ln 1h. eloîestad mopa tiùor.ýnuh taanir wich tIsas. orf tb. wbae riaiuag. To hin the teprfeiet*tiü of N'ortli Qatario vronl, Doat bc rfglrdedi i L'e lis1tof ca siepring.mtoue '.0 office, or prot'cesional promotion. but ap a aacred trust. In ail Ibese <iars thse electors cia oaa- traît the different pubitioas ot1tMr. Gaild anti 1fr. lIa.ill. Sud we feel ce- tala that fa dag 8o fairly <bey wilf find lttile diffolnty la comiug te, the conclusion that tbe Liberal Candidate la thm candidate that fi si<tie P601>10#8 interesta ,iraIc. .The Reqaisites for Succelts. A GOOD CANDIDAT£. A OOOD AND LIONEST GOVERII- ME NT. A GOOD COUJNTRY TO STrAND 'Ph. tva latter nequfites al lih Liberala of Oolorio base in cousmoa. Thea irqI, Nonth andSouthi Ontario but pocse in au cment dagres, in John Dryden sud Isaa Gant. Bus-s-ah 1r t ho Country, 1he Cause ait the Cacidaba, i Mr. Mercdtlis Meetings. TIse'leader of the Oppoiition le au- nouaceul toaspeak ai a numbar ci meet. togs doriag tIse campaige. At lheb. aeioo - eapscislly la Eabt itacio- ho vie nover inait praolairning tisaI s thie hye-elcoioae vent, tca voulit go tho genet sl eleetion. At Oriîlia beovie vMeroug lu Ibis assertion, and lie .trongiy sppeaîedtetahlb. fsitblul spon, "ht ground - essin g <bat Il ae-"nav os- neee-" illihanso. Ve aaw- th.e s-eul that lollwvoi. tMr. llered!ib' fs-fnds ver. bote infaEs Simca. anit overyvhoeaelse.. It vilI b.osatbcn fuuey ta isoar bitanov ou the subject aut boy h. reocuiles.the position. Abuae. Abuecf Mrs. Bleue, sbire.oai Mr. Moaa, abuse of Ms-. Perd.., coutiausit abusées aomatten of courescf tir. Bird>',tis <h. ebief vaspon cf <ha MAil lu begîCinig tIse élection campigu. Were àl not for the gra", indueu.>' of lth. <binoz, thia sejuml wbiat ehoalit le apprav.d ai 1'tise Libes-i Part>'. X& inte ho mecourse pusuaid b>' tb. Mil - et Ils.ie leeia ewin <lie Anai- ibop,*sd Bil',o ps, mt&in U. CZnO)Mk ai nuca<hahics er. sosetd Î lmuutesud vhicb uo malos-isel.- nleitleormon. ttesuccoeestin as-hy ail a -Gobtunaa . Gaon, MUr., m urmia al4en. Koap,-aI ha0 init>' "os-k . uiabepFou ïebalihave a, CoollanOnitonfo. A.ntbsr'inesaco cf -disérenfttôü o pqoinufa-rlaia v.k probably bo fur' .iishedt by <l i iig io ol.- 1'ýta» thbs son illu - trou, '»i4cÉ1pliMc, plups' villi .thsr morea- ore vo luatl, rul uer-. aiso. fa Ver, lu la-h let,4hq fuioik ant ors hatubg profitably Uàd 'Pb* gold slenal theai lis ktofabo ad sU8616 sse usiun i e10 48, e o üg O a t'haï t uai . vlel-It l is ua< finit out thil aftb.sMI- na". usaspffl sood fPas-erttise*0-imild t tisailah l tteeuluame b. ue f taodi-sày c.s~blnà 11, béblesj, mai susIfbeleq . girl bettes- lu $Pite oai uysoif. Atbu> sîilî uuablc ta e VI ,he r i IL. '» le'eeIely ocr-it-la touse u axpree oban I anas lent s'falfrra- omouîbly nus-e-snd vill sosa bs hîmeeliagios,. fiesilia vhat <i the i edithur atm about Hoan Edvar It leko's euiogy ou Use Sootllh nahbuiliBord ab <h. sisulves-àsry gslhsrnnfait teck, I cuit- n*tl hslp hein forcibiy stbrsack b. tb. las-uta dippeit be thal coussyteit jiatîtlea. Seo boy larneitiy hbe nora ta Noessburt (confouni thIe mans vasai cf nodoa<y), ondtetaDejanirsansui thes Cetar, that vo usei teta stabout wheu ve.wur IBoys ? Thae dithus- of 81<b.i alpute tm me md af a ko-s-sol ther thal turne n lu rns'life.. Ris came vos Andbrev Borner; bu vas fs-cmthebo Nrth of Beoland and vat vos-y coayleit isbas. ho boit Rit a bock sud tauua vases <t s- a -aplteil. As rvesced, b.o asw u ovu fand sdvide as-a very consayptsip-g sau- book las-me- uil q satin baril surds, sutathin forn&'ahe<h. urlit 1k. -tdri edithur of 1he. MaiL. Ho vas comin by th o lavofi-Ayr,; vbsre h. vau tau<top ou Ibis perties- n ite, suit fi vas proposai &bât Bus- us huit s hlm at bbc tavor uil <th is-eoravis bu aDitlee o t le alinget<the fs-nits. Duain th. evenin, vhlu "tb. mlnbh aud' f£m wisr gtoviu fauI t uroiusM1" pi ain i fnd utpapes- vur brt< lu sait pîscit bd AudbreHorcer, BraI, ibas. b.hos <éheo oiteîe. Tiers vas* *%rsMse'hovued',tetbemo11l sud béita-es. omvithlu s <fr*euts he. Andrev Borner tociloit the gr.y goose qufil viib a grand -flous-mb (<bere var no steel peu.tan hou sys), suit la kspt taein, 1 it d dhhin tibepinutIn tb. Iniboeru, sud rui tho nu aun bis coat cuf suit ajusllu It ou bis <humi- nail, sud kopt muttherf n svay Bs hlm. self int flourishi eouti he Uicme vwu u p. The pin an mi ven <blu paued 10 pocr linusand it»su hiapaper, ia viieli A. B. bmd s-ibaen :-"Iu 1789.,- TisaS vac the year hevas bas-n la, srd hae vas unable t* rite s vend more. Burnes éoveitthe pin and imb svay fsram hiimn,and finiebei thlb.vas-se, vino socs, sa follova, vidhout etop or beait- &&bun : "Ia 1739- Tis del e lufto mait, o mine, 16-putil a a orner; Bat -ha l stchauged lite plan, Madi nrnîixzg liko a man, Ansd e&caililil -Âadx'ev iorner.' I eilxsi't lfs- lie lite of me bolp coup- lia tise eilithnr -of the Mail aud Ibe vsuiiy aud consastt idb <bal of Burus' antapaaisb. Andt sc I lave oez for the proseul gaula bether, lbonk Gai) andt rema Y«r Ibrefs-ld, - TIX O'DAY. Someîblng 1 v ainLiterature. à VALUABLE 1TE 10, book departmnent f ai binbusiness, J. 8. Robiertson & Broi., of Wii<by sui Tos-onto, have sesurei t<hoexczlusive controiiin sheDaminiouiarlhajrbhls. iug af I Thé *Pocket Manual,«ouatg tise meo Coploe.volumes fMr ecer> day ifrats-ua., <bat bai beon plaeit on ons- table luinupmber cf y«»r. Wi<sl ite 216 pages shoro e sgaih asu -amant et infarmsation, laitiaeotslUm of reorena., 0<0, eto., Ibat mes lh. 'bsaok absolutely indispensable to evewy one. The table of synonyme, cavering Ibo fis-st part ai tha volume is more Ibsu usually comploe.. Folloving sia or. tablos cf foreigu yards agit pbrases, tuas-bs sud rou of puncination, abrevisllans, s perpolual caleuitar, grand division. of <ho worîd, «"s-casseemhly zoome nith e aid vont aand the usv, viugli and staturo ai moan as iifforeal ase, igul ibilicy o! foot, os- in aIl 466ohpteruOu jiiet snob tapieis wai vhave useu- dofou-sbjec t blvoa*Il vasîl ta In;= ta at oue lime orenother suityet doDo a ol v hée. <a scilt. lu thé Unitedtu lsupvarte ni 25,000 copies boys alreidy been soid,sud, thougb, oPnly placeiotho le Ouain, mariol s monlli or <va utuce, g<le ilou a- ad& for thb. OrsI yenrgives prtoÏulofs » nigfrom&l,0001aoMsepicc. 'Pli boak is soit =b ugIboicDoomion by ma~-i aesle. 15tJe publl.bets the pular pr"s of 50 moâtes ait $1 Siizn Tvxmz.xnDov.-On Wcduee- day duinguasnke-,'vbul. os ibre borss, slsighs, msie.,vre tinder ils. sedeit he yard cf <be Quea "I<. <leaogsevy'1uder tbeýWidibthiM euov -sd lusubWin l. Domageou-l iidrble-,verytsv autiseor elcigbe 4éeeplug vithoni tajury. lMn. Joeepb 8<oos'u herse sueui lgtljsy -Tas IïsuL? To tEE ýDgLr.aM.- xav fa ths lime ha revonge <lic inahIt ju upn<h etoae o <e o. e 'f1a0 C vnho.By v, a osta<nt ys-k, (rom <ibîsuntil Ils. day flllng is the beltvoy, ta' eshvyour appresis. - tioni of the mail'-"obY lIGi Soouow-LuEl "Bull. ansuit mau tnntlsl"mlutsuit sup- porlerasor the psrty vu-e' aila preseu< eamnple<e -iylngl a pasiousTou bIL rbéi folaving la a ' FicerW.Nisle,8.Bo&ll, W. T. Goldaharo, Gea. idddleWWghsn J. Waiken, a. Borr, Oea.- Haîman, W. .cr- D. Boiliday .jr., E. Smilla, T.- J. foIIiiay. Jam. (batiis, C. Hagar<, B. P. Camipbiîl, J. RU@,»Mt>evç, Raies-I Young, Win. Paley, Joli 'Warren, H. Litle, 1. Crydemon, J. Blfght, W. nargs A. Cook, J. H. ýDoXau, miho, W. Oke, B. Deflart, B. tissu., Oea. .&ntderson, J. Liai, J. g etF Taws or ,Wamm.-Ja, auphil C. F. Stoari, i9. W. Àuuoù W. W. I. Praser, Wma.An i.. Bing, G .Y. SmlUa,,J. Lesie, J. 4.efc, > Os-slton-Jas. Long .I .'L ncen H. B. Taylor,.'W. L Thoam rsJohn HillRett, Rouée Paltrsom, sScott, W. H. lgm, WBaiJap Luis, J. ff<oue, Gco.OuIL, .lis- l-trlqk A»u nes oberi ÇsMPWILR ygo"u WStO..m J. MeltlB.m- SF. olep, A.4uJe& L =»$ ..;L. T. arvilsu, IIlms,»x Uli h BaodgeZJAâ,81b., jr . Js.osgle, W.eoS. W. xtu binâMceslJy blwa, seu., Jsa Bua Wç.lI. Doldgeïi, 'Pi AloGU . Raeaî Cmo-ri, J. "Eh . uit ELa W7 A es-Bona, T. iu ori, . U~ry1 Wot . . StW.maial, .P. arn, P.Mosa, G.W. Dci, O. Whkes, A.] OcnhIp, J. MNLu, 'J1,AMoue, . W M.r-,J. Mc8bn5B. P.ilkicon. OsxaaN . R. oover. W. Meso, . TB. re1 . lueand, J. Taylori, . CnrCater. C. DBmitW.n, B. Wsok-C ee, E. Murnty, T. ayloe, . L Ni, .ls, . Sron, . 1> Warreon, -F Ouyo, r. FGrantil. Sm" Fo. P.arker, W. D.hiebra, t&ISyBrown.,L Aud . 4 4 lLult aü, . aT. tisek, M.n J. MSeuy .Whisa J. Thara, E. IgLiaoser,J. TyL or, O.a CJirlz* auiua J auo.C ma 9ls-, D.FL m'on . Neabît. ohn' W.Parbr, W. .shruo,8L -v, IL, J.AnsfLB-Capnis, rm. t: taîr . Biýbwdo or J.ison MevB W*y;J.DaIo (hhws Obit Rne oi W Ugel, E. IMqT. J. oli. Treau. ie Thre ts5 b, vý- ' u. ttladlZ .J <luuie Oet hesst uden - tarci. vutwseigos. rDeyM -ani"0e'. lisg;e-» R. F.rOômgb1I5WJulbtbo.rof Orion, u lait Whtty; l> Bac VIPeuldan euls -. Se oo mit ee- <he we WAss<oue os luierwanae- Thag i4irsand' u<tals llb. etrieb efrrDow .bat Isrbezam14 1berna aupuraleit , ets-a IeusO for& theaiammlsy W» i. 5< rold lantugltar.) Beseli liat voni f <ho en latl.to srfa f laoatais (rom ail mobift 46uad~lg P"rs.. tieususbly vas,&04 v.sl 7t9iai ndftno* af.tour yareof Pal'- àW*WMlnaintly aud oublis- t" àà a iifioeldom 1seent _sud L arn '~t ibat I i mre. thon oser nom b thi &etif îun at R wayé au bhor to bu shosen troamr- cOlg your follows <o occupy positions cf tratsud Confidtence, -'butlit le a mucb ,,4M r honor Mt ~h ositonsu 66 give setolufétlatt< -seWho place lionuine-L iusb es&iasosi og Ç4by tpur voIe to-day, haves et, etinu ses 40 5555p1 i.Yur uomlionaa wa be ÎDngrtllude ou my part aind a ap. puhulmeutt 1y. yo 1 habe, Ihorefore,- go. bsilallosu n6 e$ln il, ma you -wP a souiderýtî imrdenl ou My porut ybo do ïsowith1avfa u.ng <the represeptatîve cf Ibis Biding lu thé usit Parlimeut ai Ontaria. TEE OAT orVTEDxio »EyM M TEE F.our yearu 0n0 I deelared aysoif as àsauportr oaithb. siniticn f Mir. Moval. Having been iutinistoly couneslad it ihm sud hie callesoe ifa aloglelalive eapaolly asuit cberwe sine.tben, asuiteng iu a stilI hetter pSition to juitge s 1 their meis. I nomse beok mors deepiy lmproseed wfth <he ot cls<alt<ho overament coftir. Mcwt s< luiteerving of the support, not only of evory Liberalb ua ai svery bau- sel man who bas <he onisatfaiur Pro- vnas ea ert. a$ is one ai Ihoso men who tb. more tborougbly ho le kuawn the more ho ile l in 'ahigh esteeta. Ho combines a variety of qualilfes ual obten foad lu public. men, but whioh moascebîm lbe populAr leaderoraisi party in thbis Prviuss-Hia Qavmrn. men u t ue keeplg ar»set ci publie opinion la logislating for <ho needs of tbe peoplelbave aiway. maved 'with <bat cautiou eo nese.ary for proper legisiotion. It would b. o foolleb <ing ta, say <bal <hoir actions, whether logis. lative as- depargmentql, have b>eu par. lent; "h.y sare oul ihnqsu -and boucs May maie aitaic. Bus-t lii 1 vIl yth&& for -hsn.s<y et purpo», »ai loyslty <o tihelt Wlesst, ai aur Pro- vine. <bey hiàve ol h eu uàffosd by buy gaverumeul canada baevon meen. A oovameuauvor TiE PEOPLE. Na mujes boa oer bieu todigiditlt for <lemla deal viti S'uithelB.tawite Book may b. poluteito <a sthe besSý evideus ai t)ieir vicdoan sd judgment. Tisey arelu .ses-y respect a govsrnus.u< of <lie peopsle sud -ling suit legfastg for -the beel intereta oi tIhe people. Their charsoteru, bath privater sd publieý, sand to-day tnumarluh&-and uushonged, undit îinlua prout <bing for the Beio a rty go b.ableto say 1ha1 no Charge ai Corruption airsuslait- mfaisbration auonbumode agoluet <hem. Ever>y effort af the Opposition la Ihus direction hom anly sied ta the lustre af the Gove=umenl. (Cheere.) WEAIKlixEsS 0rTHEOPPOSITION. Tbuy l£'-se bain menicedin latha flouse liy an Opposilioa, vealu in aura bes- weak il way b. in abiliiy. but weaker sil in priacipleg and policy of acion. I Venture toaeay &bat no goppo- siticuser appealei t thie people, lias ing les$Cham ôta ier suffrages thon' the ane in, theCOltaria Legisiature. Witb no rs-dofass i eis oo, ev.r as- taeb seemeto be a mifbae and ta li usait.&gaines one oaihahs<ogholde af the. Govermmul aud bas lieu aly ropelleit i. abhi ery, vlsoli dt er- vise uin I9, l nov laid, aside. Thon i< ivasvainly endeavàra t6 convions, Shpeople Ihal lb. Govmtameis vr 4zte*1adst'; that 16Y vers voetng th eaW -mny Aito heh estutassea for ise ca10 e'.fi- dy','we heou no more abtui -whlch le pellv root tth us as nual ln.. Zvrjpoiion ael lyl.Oppo*,ilion eeju te b. misaIt setut.at si appIaa. lu <hie vie* àild0sê. coco ethe&$a <his luul s i am hettofor psrty aM7.mer.- il, but, tbroig aM'e s prtY -feeling sud pmrty prejoitle, il<re an sulli eluduÎddoby'.iite fer, <lie commasi goot. lt iuuDotma"IlyWhoel"afbe in sa vho $bali, isoui,b, fol 've t.hIe Gê,*vernusaoonee and.it, tnding Birmil ui aafuUll r- abs- j*ihlsa su Ptvuas blttcesilor ltý egs ,n os' mnerais are béog-talion.-A< Qaiteýas etrongly do fel in-refer-' euceo tho d»'ilÎ ot,41 wiat le familiarly kuovu. ,as < te a sBOlL For the tchudt <nacha otrovinol Lmgielure, afthIissession, paeueithsba moseure. Laab tiaI1s ei view le <hema-nover wu a -monrs nightouabil subhuitedtol any Parliornu. Thoré a&ret*opoln-l$, tb. sarreslmeasof th. Bih Iteoif; 2usd, <he tfghts of dis- it b, _4elosof <ho discussion. 1 1se obs~ thal if <Jus 'DominionL noiamelhve. e dghl '%0 i»a allov -amy Bill, ars- gislatlou-be ornes a toroe. The Goveramoat pro- poue by continuai passageof ai bmBill ta inaiai on les beoomini lw. But the Opposition challenge ils correatutss It is entilleit a Bill tc pîotea<.the public interest la rivero, atre*auasd areeke, andt no oee vlliug ta gieoau napro- juiiei opinion viii deay its utility. (Oheers.) TE OEMTSALZATION CET. Mir. Dryden explainet further ils proviiau andt olaimet il wae ouiy ta <ho public ialsreet. Agsin the Opposi- lion profeu tahave an hoiy liorrar of vhoa hey caýi tpudency ta ceutroli- zolian ci the Qoveramont. They say <ho Goibrummnt are tàIiug ta <bain- aolsés oppoialméats whc bio lditb.- long <a the people, andt tiraItbey are lobing ail thes. rnereîy for the oaké of patronage. My miperience witi patronage dope noS go ta show <bat il àe a saurce af sbrenglb, but <bal itlai niiler liera uer <hore. The point le' wbat le for <ho boat interesesof thé 'wboie. The Goserumoat nov appoint Division Court clos-bn, and boilifis, but Ibeevers, neyes- appointeit byhy Is.pec pie, but tbm judgeu vho are entireiy lie- y cuit<he reelior oucriol of the people, Na v publie opluion 'eau bs brc'ugbbt ta bear if aay -improper appolntmusul be mite. Before <ho public bail no volas vhatever. Tbey tell us thé gavera- ment, for the sake cf the patronage, nov appoint Liseuse Inspoctors- ad Cornmisiouerb ondthit àretarn aught nov &0 bornaiet. ogive these ta Muni-- cipal caonis.-I lisse yelta t <tho Cauncillar vbo desires sah o ehange. If is canit b. uhouwn i't tha public vauldho <hobe bttes- serveit1 Isurest th. Goveromesat, ouit only b. toc glsd la mabe the change. But I ummit ual delay'ta diseuse farîher vilh you Ibl uestions. Théy ore - forniliar toa&U oryou. 'Yon are ouvîacedth<e$ tb. poeition of tb. Goies-finent le a sunnt oue, and yonaumusprelparo'd, I have ne -doubt, la sastein <bern. I fuliy oxpeol yau vill ho aeked et an esnly date for pour diteaiion sud 1 con ouIy urge you ta ;he on <ho sIet. I do not kno w vat course<ho Opposition la Ibis Iliing may lobe, but let every man be ready Co tabe bis place 'la1h.- ranlis, anti ly ev«ry banest effort ict us seiik to keep ta power thss. vi stand by aur rigbts. In hi,3 aoaciudiag r.- marks tMr. Dryden collait apon bis fn-ýu.1s ta gurd iganitoer confidence. srying wile beust wiîlng la do ail haq conld it weoali Le iipossible for bita ta eSeeil nsa bis fieads vore wvus bita. Nover çvaseiere a ticie whiin Lilieroheshaonld &taudlehonidor ta shouider mi)re fircnly <bau ai posent. Wltb tbis hé hape oil l hoable ta boit tIse Party &gain La victory. (Vaemmenb Dr. Rià. ogreoit as to tb. neeeity for organisatian -asud vark, ha vas ane vi<h ihefr vorthy member lu <hie, ont eculit do his part, suit bopsit ailfrienits woulit do the @âme. Tbsy bit- " man vortry of Ibsîr support, " god goverumet,,varlhyof thoir Antbyboia a uulry vor<h stand. ing up ftandt msiutainfng ils s-lglita. (Appi1»»). E. trustai t tey vaulit al' absitshuier ta-asoulder, asuit h0 cil- u olitb. vida awabe sua at- hie pou. ditaiiag hieduly until aotr the, returuof Iboir 5andiite. Mr.r 0..Y.- Smith éxpreet ,himéebi vTay -rud"a-ofbis e 'eting ,sut va.-sw glait t -eo' s. mueli uusuamf<ey, sd, good feeling. Thoe vas a greot test' itependiug upon <hi lmeeclou-<h. irte- dtm suit -inlegrlty oft<heis- provfins, vas ai staka. 'Th.eaemy vas aon<lie mie., Heff vamoneial irienits oai!the ause of gSongaerýnnt -e"t<hei. aity. -An. falue pa i eiparl noir vouit b.au erlbigdisgroce t< ottOuI idro. Lot uasbev <h1i be m aur Ifutâtreug<h d badl feeling has arfeen in<the odtth.ee -portion of tise townl,o Mut Wbttby > in cansequsuc,-*Ote a ls. cai baViusg'six 0onclUde a opithe<b.rood, ellowanoe B belween lote %ansd 8,a nd clos u,p -81S lon'aithe aid lravslled r«d eL l firsI by.law haviug proveit defective, Io, sdvanlage WB tabou Ibereof lo i adict < -everal ratepayere for obutrusbing the aid road, sud lwa or, tirse were con-0 h ýitedmuil fOuedt. Thoes jow au ap- plfoallon Pouding befare lhe Qewua ÏÎÏâh*Divlàion of ltb. Higli <utrto e quaeh <bu second- by-law, but the mat- de tis basuonpraotîcally dscidsd by[.&e w judgmieul receutly pronouxnceitby S"hi. baonar Judge, DargneUIn -theb. osas RX Begin& vs. motherfl, in whioh <lie de i fendant wue indiolei for forciblyclooing b up a portion cf the aid <ravelied road. e As <ho questiou iuvolvsd Jle o ailo considerable publia intereet omd bm. ho partance, ws igive below e H fonor'a sa jndgmnt. The judge, in delivering t judgmeut, took occasion ta acompliment sc the counsel for the Crowu sud the de- lii fendant, Mesars. Farewell aud J. B. m Dow reepeetively, upon the able manuer hi fn whioh the came bad been coudei sud ar-gued. e Braies v s. Movuurs..-The defendaiitPr la lndicted for obstructlng su mlegmdl bigli- I, vay.,Ïltuteaon lot 2 in tha lot' concesion, ai Eat Whitby, aucli cansisting af a portion a of tbat lot one chailua idtli and'81 chaini Ob in lenglli, aud conectia from the oe"t o- t warda the weat a PuliehighwaýY kuown s thé aId travelled maild 4 he allowvance for til road beiweeu lots 2 and 8 it hédame con- va cesin,à apoint narili about one-fourth oif5 &nodstuc ci the whoie lot tram <he front th oi th. concession. The deimennlise been i the auner of the sautherly portion of lot 3 Co for a perfoit of about 80 years. ni A great demi ai évidence lias heen adduced VI la behalf oif<the Crowii sud for the detence, de and every ted bearimg upon <he question m hoa beeu lnlly broaglit ont sud coummnta &a5 on b y learued cauiseelon botIr aidèâes, h ,tilhving occuied fardays. th Th qe tioni ssueslàuoai- orné Import. &nce, sud tbm tacts adduced are snterestmng, se throwtng light upon tha eariy history ai l the township, sud evfdeuclng <ho great 5 changea. nol onlylin th. actuel ce fi msatian ai<ocountry, but tin<lie coursesu nature ai the set<lement ftamlfsuch changes having tr tabou piace vithin the inemory ai living.O It appetrs <hat lu theo ealy part oai due century tho great public lsighway nowh kuown as tlie Kingstonu rosit haat no exisl- il muae, at &Hi eveuto la ils present atate and 'w course. Seltier.sa&M tavelle ro trahe t15 eaet lollowéd a roa which ouid have beau ai ittie botter thon s bridle patli-, sud which bi kep< il. ors s aeys possible ta the 1 lobe ahare,'diverglug noitbwsrd anly' whcu si Meeting mach natural obstacles ae <h. el months ai areeks orrivets, or, as la tbe neîfgiborhoad lu quetion, <ho *zgnsrve mareh, fomllsrly bnown s MI'a Marsb. - It ia ileged <hatthis at onetime formmità o barbai ; bat Vesselu afi ouuiçerobie ase th wers bsxflland launahed, suds ýboat-isnding & eistecd about 14 i ale. <tom <h. lalie shore n' which te now aompmrmtively dry imuit.To aVoid thîs maoul, <le roaater loavingîhe south-weal portion ai the- towuship of Don-n lagtan. lreaded la a northerly direction vi serais lots 1i s,u %tilàil reached a amiii a on thse latter lot bunow. s Union Mille' hut about the _Yeàr182. sud thon brsucli: ed in ilirce cdirectioni, one t6 tha sonîli west towards Oshiawa harbar, anather =artheriy towards thse prseut Kiageton rosit sud the tbird, or mnifane. due westerly seras. lot 8, li bo a thea existiag bamlet or settlement, 01 aiunais partiy npoa lot 8 aîîd partly upoa VI lot 4. This village or settiemeat Sud ansu existence before. the aoir thniving towa of P, Oshawa was aveu heard ai, aud aithougli now ali traces of it have entireiy diseppear- cd, ia thase eariV limes it must lhmve een a o place oi compartive imlportanle. I ht shown <hot smong lUa buildings 'wouid bc ~ iaund a brewery, a dietillery, a git auX, twa gaw lme., o a a'shop. sud other buildings,- wblc vo00ula caustlutein those anotherrtid runingnortliansuaou(b. b Tha rosd ilcwsae betweeu lo suad3 hsue onlyreceMly been *peued ont sd theélu oa traviUM xd ra& aaisof -wueu" .1b 41A stteo haecâ, foliewing tbe naturil couig- w uratton ai <he graaud, and psaalg diagn- t agj atan dtiesoeutharly put- of 2 sud itheriy partofai ;lbreolt<oreodC ilowmenm boutàObaU wy hatuesuthaýcon- P cessionnu Ine. 'The. ùmuea ccus <tom lb. léiset S 'speken ai, for persons desiiasaof gol*ug lë eestward, wue ocrosa lot 8, and oe'uow t aeutlement<graufy disppeared ' sa dit flo <hte useai lls.sewof i411u ill latodlsusebthepblié. un , ml e fat mauy yeor, il ws aay usai.hy the deI 1< fendant himself, or <has'ira Shuat occasin 10 iei i bU, 'which lu, situats about ir 40 on b diTI i gu lobini meob v11h i T'he oiu, p use£ 24nil Grau<.'919, grount of opposi- salua suiijesiou it sud convinfid5 juu<y daim," (Pst Awaen,9 0'.8. go. t.' It ê nmudth h KIM, ba' t l ualbOes indaOÏ,orns u joatedt, iblit may firly ui=a hravlàg sèmzellht unsu ho doiondn'a itinsi rger t <flsalegmsdaitheIi ililla brchliaregado 1%, audlt. oltives-ont abjecla vhieh hans promptet- [dm ta taks <ho action vhlca hamIot ta Ibis îduetment. I tbink, slittiugsa Ijudeolf act <thoh )rpoeiticn tirat <ho pioco fa quton vas'a rbulic bigliv o ng ante .-rjo ho peur m4. But assumgI a&mfiterrai fm g0 idlang Iliavepsext b consider-'Wse <haro 6dâitôn ea h bt ie' >'Mr.'Fsrowai hon thquominsLl auner nithasoil?-, EJro questiëo itdictio'n6 or no dedies-. Iouis a quqs, tlaac st foraj ury,(»iad 7.i2ojes '7 Q. B 48)0atuitnghr ho of'emcati ontasM. ay'<t et i r'te iepbaoutcontroveouy <bat in 1844 b. iayveyeitîv aay <liegreater;portion aioflot 0 lo oraY connieyet'by<vo convepsuces rhid amtsd <o veut f iller ai hie yen- »Os <he« placeofiland- in qusetion. Ho nest have- bat on. or more abiects in ,%gil<orosia s a publiac-lg #1y7n helêfoe hait nais u<honl<t'- lo coulVey dn~ tititla* IIspie". t se gblc o Iatbe çvnensl ant0upn, <= m sbouit lane cce t, Qe*ruaiallo*- u;ce bstveen 2 ond 8 vbsuuooer 1te sanie orI , dl-aô,pdi8,sd Jr<itttl !s&been bis objth le Coul have altameit tby the im-ple ..orv ofa a i ght aif nytfor bis elativem -or <bsn rozpreesta- Ives. I tlbi4lceuseaalleO bmo >ycat bis povertis ean'.or 1hst lie wikeoiltoaprovidepublu a cus ta tle rosit flovMaeo wben, openat Iénpubfuae. The- ridéeue sladuin<obhaisbeensu, sltd- mat farmelg t "W;pnbla5 âpitaitcou- versaulWith muniaipalým,_ q ailler- trb'Bathé <it tlrglvtsgvidoheata Prmgle, h.allh- mipeolr sud bol lump. ,tr, at$50and -#Io respetvl The. £OSpc.lwsebought Up by ofr.h Bngawlisr Smud mgrusa ùM~ et a1n E rènrà fr 20 aartu bwwood and 1 peau wSd at 71 ÀXD »WATER REPOT. 'Muw. Dawateymepaled froinamh astj. intooimiw nIn Msd v"ter, W"le lu--eommittleansat. aotd.p item ai ,John Bryau, ssule -Witt", reSlxwmien4fg psymsnl ai go- counà'of W. '-ie.Gubsan, #9.00 ~D Whitnsy, #8.50. Repart adopted. Mir.Dovneéy gave notice oais by-lsi' ou Ihie aubjeotç a .mveit a4 .03< meeting.' # 100 va TKýiâ ÂTao. On mohir af Dr. Bogart .eoonded by Bir. Long -$100 wae plae& ta th. cre-dit of <ho mayor <a me charitoblm tioveit by ifr.ý Boherhso hecandeit by Di. flogarl ual lias poutimaua Walfendsn. sud athesab. referrei te, -conmitte. an tlan sd market pro-' .On motion aiftMr.,Enni,,iecondai mâiree_ hiy the dl fram O a o* r par- &Msu Clark, bos e a kldW c ep, IrrOý ither to - .a em&ni & aiBo nou. Lîcytd, 1 Lont Elenboraugi- h &it:ý "If <ho avuor gus a passage, suit ne Subie dietincion Ibm srve an hbi rigic or ss ram p.sint roh.bition le ual-i e dicem iÀ ta <hopul >f M. Charles F 1oe bivards lb. e buttai d salut forv;ard t lsc iovarco. JBes«Mayi poaibte or taiikeiy' àave chine bléhie ai B ooestreetliit u pareeli fa is latter Nae ,,iak une itha'., au reqm-uirm lemensaobial If youiW 1cE Begs ai"-.d

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