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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1883, p. 2

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Dav.t - - '-I 04LYV Sla P&R ANNUM. A Last Word. beore auother isuen of this paper lb.el«otons wltlb. ai over and the dolulon oft h peopte tuode, Wliat thaï, ot ouwilllb.., au thonghtfut Masu qani ê l o a sy other ounclai.ioa e s in taï, the mowat governwent wilU 1b0> sstumîleiby the peuple. The. @Popie are nt olnagralefut and l* tity &DtOW whon lhey are wett erve-I. Re-. 1*901los Itu icounty, ait the biter soUglit Io b. ratuedin outh diOntario *fill cornes4 Mria . btJohn Miller, idigeoabieman îsbaî i , bas altowed hinètise boobe tnuhie tot ofa few petit" * wre poilere, and if not et- àîdt yby the time the eleation lu over h. uwil1 regret Ithe née b. bas permitt-d- tlînin 10 ake of bis naone. No rason bas hesn submitted to the electoru why le. Dryden sbouid be diuipiaced. Mir. Drydiu bau performed bis publIe tinties fLltbfly, aud eveu aus aparty mnu w" a amderaion Ihal, we "a r ad t. 4aebu moi wltib.heapprovat of "0 « ho wve.hie oppouentu pGititl. e*lly. ir. Miller would be a inuob vw qitulParty mainu hau John »qydeum oldib.r. Mitller brought tgvitkhbina 6mlb. citi country andi ch.,uhws and roe$ bis olà Party b"kaernge. Mr. Dryden% a native yugOaUM[&%ii bore andi brought up lu 1. .euly ho represenhu, la <r.. freinalo014 emoury party preu. ieu.budt ate ca adsienan sd On. butlo wls. of plito queuil.nas. "Mr. Ih4us ectlou lu %afneiaougb, voe hear *Poa &Il ides---auti Do doubtit in;l bal 991-1el thora ho no isluake made. Th ep* vitovae orklug for Mr, 1#t reUnumuputous, vigilant and tmsemlI, anti ili leenomotae, fair ea*tIuâlrl.d Insore a victory. à V" o illeiuu-not oaing about 1Mr. 1(tlhv, woild . be ea aldg of thplu foulun..s etIbis ime. Liberal organis- ations stuol tit .purfeol everywhere. »Vary vote ehouiti b. canvaissui, and *veg volle favorable 10 1Mr. Dryden $ho% bi hbrougbt 10 tb. polilson .elon ey. -Let shoru b. Do boding book viIh excuseu ébtIMr. Drydon'a selltulo certain. Roll up Lb.hema. J.rula fluvey mtnuolpaty and mals aumee ti oubly sure. Leave no vole uaupotl.t-tbe targer lth e ajority ou mîeh lb. bolter. WhM a b. avé sud about South Ofilarto*yul apply ta greal part to Northi Ontario. Thore, tac, iffe Liber. atm bave a good candidas lin1Mr. Qould. Mfr,. 11 lu avury uhaliow au a poli. tiolon èau emnuolfailto 0b. séeutity the misuof bul.eIgeaîoe.in lte rtini. Bu' Mfr., MsUWIant islufreuds are unucrup. tgn auw b. menu by whtch bej eau aeoompiltb Ibir end@. Tbey are ae M sd dbtug anytLhî nd u. every- '%ba ltI ili serve tbeir turc. Le té b. 1bornu; çind bt tel. men vhs vole tor Qo'Idvoe for gooti goverc. c ment, for Homne Ruts, Provincil Iligbte and th. freedoin and intagntj ofibetr provnce. Vols Ilion for Gould sent Dryden and tinalluHomeHute sudt th. lntegrity of Ontarto- Soctb Ontario Blectlon. Cheerlieg reporte froin at over the ridtug ore, contaualiy receiveti, ulating thai Mr. Dryden&. eloion tessured Tht, ovver uouîtnol inake Mr, Drydenu frisadu over confident and sc dtoollue working. No - electon >if $ver von îitoul good, uetady, and coulinuet bord work np tit ove o&clocà on te doy 0ot ýolg. Thes Oppositor la waleblng every opporounity ho uecore ouitrol » f doubtfut sud take warm voles, vwbece Il becomzes aIl fricots ol J[004ggoverameal 10 be on Ibeir guard aud sot alow tlh.oeveu 10 be cunghi Dapptng. Vote .arly your.elf and g.l lte pis.. a t uldo mueh harai an, bwoY«»ye, lMe. 11.411proveti.imuelf1 hdt-s.*poor bl-sud bis beîrayal e Io rigbtbaof Ontarlo tiegrves loeb PUalebtqtd.. iv9 the polluon bis de 0eube IM4 e1's mou, of lgdspondenço A. erl.Ir gibelainaiihtpy vie up a<qirý of cs4.llÎMY 4lgen o Millt'a. eliellon. Ifl thelhing ouli eosily h tdue by flguîdng on paper) b saY.lberevwoulti 'b. 110 lmoully inutl, ibiCs e .of *iPol14a ileS Ik hat', b la Mr. ltisiitt 's isr a attIrsut frentIte lleuse 0f Asitemiuy W tith etrs of Ncrth Oit'iicthutf1re . steme rewurituble itsam.Thi-mfis-e te wbsre lie allin-e Iciu "en>' fai-. m*ei u,' acokuewtmtipiig'th&$, under te irdluusatnoc's cf 1*11ea« experimace asitia;-te ltsle nsefatne "basieIta ob>' salasaito, oonidering lts@ largeo majorit>' Mr. Mot aïheu l ibm Rloute, soulcihae'. emnaga fui ccmplasemtl. - S *ga lTsecatndis lerlimsIe allaites 10-i Mfr. Gonitias heing Ia nuembar of Ux- brhdgae(Jonnil-a Justice *a! thi..Pesase -s tu-m.bmr cf lte Ouunty donni- anti Wardeta c,! tbe Gonuty, anc t tlou asha the queeticia, *Dont rau Litnk bis countrybhu toc. enaugit fot hlm ?" Pusîco; tIis au.l thst togaîtër lIraks val-y tucithike boggiug tbm quostion verylaumblyi>' tipemt. Elesa; 1Mr. Madîli by socîewatiua wauld iudèeetibc ..a grenelai. comnplimt,'t but a ver-y qtîesîitnabuu. pro'estiug, gseeta;thal ou Ibm Lloaudary and Diaaiiowbuoe qnu. hou., b. te totaîli' au variance suIt bm interpesî of tIhe countîry' O!courseM 1r. Mosat ha. Itecu supportstd b>' a Large mejurit>', aud lu egain likriy La b. e supported, but w.. fai eu sacla ltaI any rognon faor te grsceful compli- ment,' for if it eero lan1Mr. bailais pawer ho waulti werp 1Mr. Mowst su d usjorsty ont et eîiote sic... Soret>'Mr, Mc ilt dout wvuq tneLainter iliat bis premeuce inthtI Eloust..41Ie10ho loaraheti becase.lho cau do uno barru. If h. doms, Itusmier, iw. prtîf.-î semn; Me. -Gouldt ier., v s houanglu blesseS siit se man>' disltnction&ataiprecriut, vilii t lte batter pretîsae tut daiug goand whon lie tabms 1Mr. Maellls plaet. Te Baty-Circular Atidrest. f Mr. Miiieru adressulein boutl lie aise o!fbMr. Il. H. Liwteis bartey -circulais, andi I& sppesrs tu bave beu t huiltl np udput logoîher, piecoeat, apenlte someslinas. It lu a leap ci adt captundlem ruhbtsh (rom heginoiag te endtakea ahiafiy tram the vapeur- lagu o!fte Mail. Te oialsàacandi. dats for asatinlatIbmProvincial L@Rg- maure,s>' te Domialon, tirt ; (mean- -u Sn it John Mlaconald aI Ottawa.) andthtetoProvîies, seiit-inakling Pro- vincial Riglits anti Home .Itai suit servisnh go Domiiuioa poltio-ant sil *Johns§ panya-O a piece o ol al>' taâ noue bol a ltorontabl> blindeS pal tizai r .Ud ave * falien ilat.Ie. i i., inoon cov b as ao a bard Issatisi srong- tiiking man ika John Milter antîi b. r cjaled i o faîbsrtin; saab a îanubablt -production. Mr. .Joha Millet ie ta. resprcasbl..e amitua t hablanLiel t, j su rier te greîsfy the î-ajily o! tht man evitaput this harle>' crcular ta gaLber end calte- Itut Lia..pîiiical adi treeîs ofan uintelliga-'t cAnýiltete sti.( atante t lagîIt tutu, rusu com-gt sens. people. Corks Exhibititan. 1881 WVu have recela t-J a ettp? of tlu, praspecluti a! ibm Cork (Irelalit îh abilanu, praposed te lue bl in sie itj o! Crl datiau Ibm prescrit >-eer Tt undertnkutag ha. bat-n stail'uslfor lii- -purptioe-cf tisveltiing te inîdustr-ie, ao! Iriaad, 'sud ofi stprovingtire con dituoa of ltelndutriel class@Irongb ont lreland-Itjocis lIt At oneesCam menti teoasoevtu anti are deactivln;0 te favorable noticeocfthie Itres s' -balt aides of te Atlantic. Tbe gea t al plan for tlà division o!fte Exzii 0billon vili bc oimnitar, us fartea practi 1_ cibt lalb.ibatiptedtancter enluibi il iens. - Applications for space fronz Y Canadian adAm.riasn exbiîtoru vit Ilha receivoti up la Salurtis>' ltIt Merci e ITe Exhibition viii cpen thb.trt veel lu JnIy. Tîtere is a ver>' uîeong gers srat octumitlle. and an exeonits cati multee ai forty-WiLlitthe .Eurl c! Bau tieon as preideai, tîte Mear of Cark obsirma, sncf i George St. Jolii 9 Cotbursi, Bail , V. SItes, M. P. ani d Me. TîmoLIs>' Obtoay, J. P. au vict South Ontuario ESiccian. l'alliti; on TuWsdy, 27t.l Febtuary, 182I d irom 9oiliocit, forenocn. titi 5 o'clock, alla, k noon. Thîe foitaing aiVîtbe poila; places PnKRIO No. i.Granger'bal. ifront 2md Cancecio:2 2. Leavan.' Hall, Pice.rinxg Villae. aDom. Banks bulti;. Litwroar iMarke. 4. ixiool Bouse. Chars-sat 5. lemperanca Hall, Ecasale. 6. Tova Halt, Braugîtain. 7. Agricultaral Hall, Brougham. & Music Hal, Wltltmale - 0. Orange 5Hll, LaI 6, tb Con. 10. Publie Hail, Claremout. IL. SahoolMHeus, Litons. TOWN Or suITiru. 1. Nours.'s vacant Office, Birook sîreel. 2. OdtlimlesV Hiu. 8. Couai Citanier eI lova Hall. 4. Bow'& Ceai Offie. Brookt streel. -8.e' Bowmu IaStore.' WST, WH5T5X. iBWlamluitc hp, frônî lot 28, SiS coi "2- Luit'. Sbap Brook"i a8. lava Hall, frookila. 4. BuicheiFsa Sbop, Ashituru. S-O EIB ITBT. L1 Tanuperauco Hll, Hritmna. 2. Publie Hall, Cetar a8. seitol nsz, Scitcai sec. No. 4. S 'rd . Svu&U, Cltumbus. 5. Teaipersnee Hall, Raglan. "1. Sous' Hait. "2. 'Ps>'Icr's sitop. opposite la Pest Office. "8. 'Town Hall. L' 4. Ot am Bouses,King street. Unde i te Stauta, Mr. Dryden bas ml scte IeS"eS» ilon bis coicur,asud M. mer '*bine." Tlilmes ae the ballots viiib priltet lu Ihe clants cf lta 'candidates.- Bel, anti Blue. MiMLLER lu geting hred of heui joketi about bIs atitresu. Tc e "lBaîiey Ofrcla"-now -la eàontqwt meke ýhlm cnt and rua. Ho.ScàoLGuins h4 e aepos lte sevore intiep-oiltion. Wanted immedialul>' b>. eoïm Gibson, Kaite and lied lovenStie, Also Goose WLeat, Peu., Beamâ and -Dicd Âpplos. 4 it It kt 0 kt o ig os la 1,0 a ;; 1,,,tal lui iu Oti T ory e 'n ma.uwc ut ------e------Pro- -- for mi. MIuee ïïif lo aoltW e vr'-Ln the D e 66*2 a"]s heu Govrumeut. 'i.LIbéralui oùrgud aiutDrS unattes-, 2I iproves-s 1 tIj oeeulsof Olllanio's i Maulle maklag, and 1 as' Islo"P- Vol b- 'luasouco le boimt. ~~teue suif liOlef baclte power sàuiî »Moto.l.sb-c,'t - iypia ee*yrit i'4efei rovibolA -point sud #i4e zpremuàÛ o- lte jeu « Urt. rydea*âfinmu vribn Iptv wss oudly cirei, andi uxpresue ~-bis pleasurea te itnor dateias lW1 -e ti l ,ê**Iben-weakdesscf ik'op Im9sitilncnes tn"*c b~e - peaets h-aetii.biesi tive opposition in the na4 Amnbl as peoi.au iil dim11 cf coôteslmutil hyl4ig > the 4ocieion cf bIh~1 by cltauv lse e4b;thé ulîIteciti cé4e'dtillav' nc givingifuse-! "*l, SPiese.anadb n o pni,~s~îOisi e-~ ~ lté.r:i ~pi"c rite o1dn~uii.hTown hall àouai Tiloiay Were Lummence.4 aI1'*oiock t'zaltgaide-,J~Hatný Ferry, .aliug on ýi8 lmrkt h sigit. te nea b . e pralamalbon, citter wvIbit laý epe1se le ltereqdWutf(reuàôeù;aîdà-0lite dautidales by taeit*respective frientu c Mesure. F. .W. Gosan, Oshava; J. H.i Long ad D Ormiston, Whilby; Wm. Smtit, HaI Wbuby; J. 0.'Sailit, 4 .,Omawa; Artur Jon, Piok.tnini e: Y. rat, Wilby j J. 'S. Larbe, t, Osawsa; John Dryden, West Wbilby, anti John Miilork Piekerimg. ,'tero bing se many candidtaes the nelucu-i - ing afiedilimiteS tb. lime Jfàeit ire mnles. AUl lis gentlemen nominal. fI et, exampt Mesurs. Drytien andtilluer, made short, piesault speeches for or againsitte Mowat admitaistration and cetred in !svar cf one -or oth«rothe l. rt-anduiidates, Messrs. DS;cl.ut antin Msilr. t lir. btydeu in camin; forsard sas tý nsceieced silîsrounds ai appîstis. ram 0 lte aulimaee..sbicli nos filUedthLe hait,S and e~roceemestita atitresu ltseelactaru. £ Frat defeniag the namu o! biu départ.. - sdftihp elstromIbmthevilmeicharges Ibal b.d bean cash upon Il by writers in same a!fte local papers 1,ity men vitoJ darad not coae upan ltae plibliti plat-0 -formand rciriake thtu tteé, -andi char- 5teriting -teo catamnies âR base fle- lîadss. He neit sbowemtheIb inceusis- teuay c1 hie oppoceatu tn the coutesl; for wbilm Wm. Bmitht antiotiteru dlaim- md votas for Mir. Miller on ltse pure -psrly cry,* urging upea svory flouser-C -vative to vols for beoîtsiJohn Millter,- Mr. Mitler bimue4if re?ndlatedthlIe pure paàrty ory ant asket fat votes an broat- er greuncs-on-ths graut itaIlieovas argly interetdinlutht eifare oethiis -country, anti Ws&p erte asupport - btatever bo licugliSi vuiti te for ' 1 goal of the coutry, indapendent of1 ci panty emergey H. titen briefly du..4 fneadtihimsti froualte charges Mnate1 againsL Iimansd bis relations cf iujur ta; cocue o! the munielpalitisiunlte malter of ie Goverumeul ltoie rRail. va>', andstaIe lbdosa cf ltse speecit vas iently obsereti, Mi-. Miile ten-bok the atandtanut sas euîitiauticaliy reeeivet. ne matie a very short but pleisaul upeecht,1 -deprecatisr an>' pereonalities in lhi'1 o sonteul andi exeneraîn t isusifrom 1 ýr tb. charge. aireatiy allutedtie. He1 it urgeS again lte clainis tat -h vau àa n moderato man ssii kaown SC aIllte -eleclors, andt t if 1 esleti, vit oitb -desirail le be. hoiealdniti cdesvaur tb e cotidre ery question cn Ils muit eani vales acourcingli'. He tolcocas04- aluiin, izn repli' le a question cof Mr. Johna tHostea, t ay>'ltaI ithe long âadres e pallIjeu-ti hyhlm vs. hi& awn. Ih ie w.,Il he ddsu, aste mcarafal va>' bue actIîcucsýing tbm vatittue uub- -jmcît nîcutianedti Ireiza. sould be ver>' ikuly ti , lcdp(>ole.lp-ta cehob. at reesei v-cdrüLoc!onaaiterable ausist arc" r. prep-.ra ! e T:tîrt-n:uttitv at;tow elotei b>' a pi ij- --rî-., -if -r- s I'. tilateR tëNI1 1, : .x.IitDrvtf-t. ad ttroper c Ci -cr rý ira fr ît. Queon. %ir.'tAttlir Jiilon site nDow ap l~ dc.,ttirticu, tind th ,e rnc'oia or- gnrint lt frlou. Sienatar Plua 8 tNir. lucmé an Leinx introtinjîst, was -wari rtl'reeeived b>' ail parties.,-anti commncet bis ddrsassb>' refenng go -tse Dominion etîstic0o f 1878,btme- )f înig cf ltae &WsaI Oonelýuinait vieoat>'Of ht iatld, tn u grand prlphetic- starain, enticavore tle citeer bis fttwnsdi -b> pcediîidfl"aaÎsmilan gUMcesa nov %V e vreptsea b snotce ^ its adth*i gooti senu c eeil te d0obtrut proriely t1 a! wdiing. aUs enator- of lts Doua- i taon, lin hb lôhtecstion. and ti mee himuemîf 0on tb.gronat hat soute cf Ibe Iquestions vine- iti'luIblucontesl voe o!t gi-malimportance bad-vhlcb bo foar- 3cd cI&w lendanger Gonleeralion anti 3 mm . ue e inna.againut tse otier. He k then proeedd l give thlisteutr> of a1 thbDo no atariouquestion cf the id Bcoda->'A.serd,- antidevoteel n.nrly 18teîle.sole bourto ta itsubjuat, net m a ns-new pnihalor tti-ovin; s07 Demr ligitt on tse ebjecl, but auenring ns in a wost p'.eitive mannertbat thea&"rd wault ut-ver lie retifiet b>' te Domnion Prl-îamnat. andinlupabotl;, Vsema-y just eey taL t.eelaquent Soister esti- sor~ eîcels ilu h-allsesertions. anti vouit licm to giva bis bhterrthé impression - -tue quleen, Mg. D * don sid Mm. Milieni The sonteseu l a ver>' oolt llre,- Whuehe lioTories, luathemceai p aigu licealtre, seulS baie tie pecpi. b. lIsve taI lbs Bouuiany Avant lS kati isse-foroatg tb ýmina' lb. bosi Ibal Iiteyneftteedti o enter the :DLu t nitl&bey eslort f-roua Sfr aboulaDnolt e ratifet. Tii. Montla foluaing ila île fepoit o! Hou. Mr. iLcueses's specbet aIbh uomutîiot lu Jacquos OaaIls, -, ",you baqetarti of lte greal quee lion o!flte Ontario bountiar>'. -Il yl net be asoassar> for aie 1u go listoail1 ltse Setuils o e! unealloti. PThe Gev' erumet of 1fr. M acksnzie batl mb- salîteS Ibis question 10 an anhitretien, ant in 1878 te Anbitna10ra tecidedt lit Ontailo shouit eblain au atiional ext touio e b bondtanr7of 62,000j000 acres. Whounse*ab te onevatlveci srirvet ta peserri Sp ireitise tu aoapt IbIs toieaduandi offéed tu resr lte, case golte Ptivy Oouucl.-Wben ai Jerome tn 1878 vith Mn Mauton I lidi dozrn thsecoeUUWion ouwthich ts«e oult! toi! cicr position a s mbers of ith. Faderal Cabinet, isit : If ltae -Pro- vince of Ontaiolà s16 acquire an ad- dtiionail eeriîcry et 62,000,000 acres more than site sas glven iunsr lte Brillith Northt Amereou Act, lb. Province cf Quebee veuiti have lte nigt ta Sernanfian equlvalent. Il voutd ha impossible tomrlte Provine. et Qusee lec reain in lis peullion if Ontario gaineS -ber casebecause ay mmrvuel bute- potelionuetmmlbu f.rLvdbj MMvelon.*l ous. ."alequilllnn would lbroken." Bear titis l iti on lthe 27tk. NortCaOntr.o. -The oUMPaiLuNcritOnlaalbla progresstug ver>' favomràby, andtihit most ebeantn; reportea me from &ai parte o! the atiing as b 1Mr. Gouit suoceus. Jointeetings, la lte tomt- @ru towaipe and lu Bmook anti FA** have baen atidreuotit>'lit n idsleU anti A. D. Weaka, 0. EH. WtSidd ail" jas. MoLaronen b"ha of Mr. J#itd, anti t> Measne.Palerm», MeGMIVvaj anti Guunnghumainsd Mr. oLean, of Toronte, on behaif of Mç. M"Si. MMr Mutdili sadbis frimnt.knowlug Iba lts>' arc fLut loslng groenS have eued, meetings in ilfereul parle of th.e rtin, witbonl givia; Mr. Goutti or his trients notice, balteu eanlt'las uol beau vos-i encouregia;. Mr. Qouid'i ulrulghticg vanS antinly va>' otdiecuaug li grsat question of lte day i. gaining frientis for tin t a very meeting, and la in strang conîraul 10 Iitlesubterfuges to sluicitMr. Mathl anti bis frienis rée sort for te pusposte aofeeaing lt rosi isies. Norlth Ontario le sa!. Tor Ibm Governmsnt, ant ill ibe reteemed on lte 27tb mmlt. UANow.P,&NTm&l EDucàrtzoirDàxs'aax stENT.*-B> titis the Opposition mean ltaIt if Iluysqecestito ofice ibsy vi ebitlte rneiiitiy cf the educallo Separiaenl frouahelb. eitpnitio f a r -speasibe mlnîMst tb...oeta Ir» apoiile anpuitledenb. Of' cours t4e> rbl-i R. vt ouiti ois e i .partil tijM eti-onbte veatury-ee venisul cspj« eg vv e . sho ltet ail sorte of ptly se"s Of 'ys-au>' an vitbc'.ot*Ilpb Èy lo cbe iMebtel bande U*ilet 0e ob1*fu. 41a1PeoPte s o.Uu,eeargel. - IW m uavvt-Toe~ryIbisounte oýToi voul4 bave tb re -a o es- tatut. sum poegts&lte bldli o rlla vouai% fa u.es al rm.uu. -et mdia taà p tvmune. Titalas of Iit tant me trzod 10 eb.iasu on th. manli that peiva a igite ars e onduatilk ouiie <ct.. oauflilu o! Prive& ?rpnlt or piiblic usal1 s e ve daygocnoeeo. Weoaoui>' sk ibx te nul. ýhlu -doat, liemdut etly ,f=t evetheeciF sstBiDib luit ctipanielon riu.Te Oppomltlou ai hibo Nlgm4uBI ---A *frd 0télw abot ltt, aiidslet nbtvseàètdaleôtion lu ibis onsItiacy -mo ùM - bb lie- 0111-o!placet irtiStIbeno Mes4 M a&ýUdil. Twoa es sgol or lhotte-bbdtis Iiottgh thindIoiifféree ef hi. ùptàoueblu, ad te the esltpto of hinif ant i bs fientis, he sac lecteti, b>' ltenarres atajoniyo twetsmat.tee, te reprenant NorifiOntiria lunlte Bouse o! Assonbly. Donrlug bis osuvai b. laid ela1mtua 0afainritarse!facquian- tane. výb lte requlrentenl iolte peo- Pie Ho- lidà gon4d tipI abouti hie né tomux. Ala' *imb cf tlawii,5" ruuin# Ibth.obInes more &bout il ta 0Mn. Moval, -hie fouati more on t b #à@lsli fb jnuia o nAct. -bg muscitsoindee,4ti, IbiIl wau geuraliy supesei b. polt-if hoits stlteh floaîe-souggeeb smre smendaienast'O Il& DIitehotaoso 15 ve as pistget to stand by ltse BouuteirjAanti 11go Urgesàsrodstitoâ in the number a! ne- presentallvreu, anti te laver a diminution ta lte anas expeutiîînres. Tite ques. lion noeetinol nov be-itae lieretieein ut $bese pietiges ? bul, dia it. altemspt 10 do no f No-la no *&y& Tite :udidsîtke Act reffint shah il *s viten lie *àaS Sotll, go doslte naiben ai repnesenlstivs. ant i ses te expendtire, as fans he la caceru- et. More Ibsu thal, tlb. atut. book beaue no trace ai bis bandisork uponi lIa pages. As a maller et bolt bis prsnonce coulti bavs been dispeuet wîit sn elsIaale, for 1Mr. Matiil s08, aI boit, oniy àa cypbmt, votia; tocrlte tsalfare o!flbis pariy, irnespeclive of lte vstfare cf the couany, siteneven 1fr. Meredthulb askm l.l te oan. Hi bilaid seme daim et Independence upon !hoitesump, balut eu ittiob.sitowsnay 1 in t ie Hou s ?-D ntlg ie oo upanoy r Of a seat ltorteterrsintoria l gitîsof rte Province sers saiietl, anti hoeby 1bis vote, Desains. ie pdge, siteS tité itufamy. Sr. Medilh îonghî 1 dtag l te CoesAk et hie"bail rtpaIe, asnimst th lite O viieOf leipananc.meu lubot rauku of Politien, bemaSi8r John sanle 10 ecutrotlte ioeeýssquestion, anti Mn. Matilil saiS, se tsi as bis vot »a Svoi e seulh. ùxgtîdo se. The O v r » a t u it iy f b e -L g i l u c ilselibu beau tuvadeil-the ruosa ai ltiem of bit. poptsU'à rePreseativês a stet, ai nugibtl-anti r. Math va q il vling ltaI lbey mionl h. For f ie ofn omission matcommission 1(eKadilfls nov on tina, adllin e b. hotopedti ibalon ltesh Tit a. ltey Wiiet ot it he9 uprobalion tbey 'ert. V Aui10 1Mr. Genît. bis. public lii., Rs 4 fer, bas bea 1baucces e .bas had 4a Iborougit municpipaltraining, ant il nov equippeti for parllamentarj lie, 'lNo Sine taj. aI bisdooi. Prm heing 09 Reeva, for yeses, o!flte municipatitj int wiib b.sas bornudtibroagitt ni y Mr. Goulti uowboiS, Lu ie igrecerj r.-élctionate0th. Wartieusiip of.thtecouty * h biigitesl mniciýfat position in lbf 'g A iofthe people.-Te hoboru, Mr atîsiilh"k@, are enougit for bl "' The pple. aMay, a. vs trust vili b- binl diifeteatij By Ibati, ut ai le avents. M r. Genîtibus patnraliy trie laeint e poaticLsataiena, anti sit Itbes ýd w beievehoviii maie a itigli eredilabie nepremnlative. is extes r- @ive i4leregalige it ltemunieipalitîl e oivéeshlm a fi usea !th, Mt sauteant i âibo 'f lte peuple,ani a tes.vilii h. aiuij met as far au ili *- itis power te am&ieeitm. - Hlm socis à- babils anti business -qualilies anreuni e thibalift& peopie vanti-àmany sdu a mncfaseeoilenl parts, titey vulivu ~~~~- ~ i _cÀxilyse~ ua Asi aisu s. ~ ~ ' eieae eI a enu ma. Hi ru ecunnlj tlereste &aremUeite10mal id " faxon or ils velitre. H.eau sogIt a0m i angeural lurest viito ti pacoil foe -rbWotUb slsrysfoui ,fpe1' =ïo*S cf b. ethé n e opa tbs p.olet rgits-insiadiw teoir i tnlul.eng -lt.>publie sbire -no In altiné for às? d-eeveti expresson1 a' gràatnde, andi a beany sensal eT coe la. fideo..For âmee Manti avlesui le 4-& b,-G M t 7-T Tht e cas- fi tfhb.Cunte oGoere 1l mntlaIti"p0'tcue Whloe, i elxlen jea sgu its p,6vrovrwinea ~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~ 0ti l..tul.bi;iinie fl0i~ zsn r e i i h z6>4 -ýý mDec. Suqr1w tau Town Couticili North American Life Assurance Coin. Is "b aibers Tovupany. .fo Couacil Chabrg onHal,.10h. Th d oseV 5 biby, MoMUeleyv':egP 1. Tesiinual meeting of Welb1. wa A fit lindae.cf bmooudil.oshel ils offices, Toronto, on teît i.diet full attüdýanouThe Prusident occupied the chair. âm re(H with Hia Wcrabipi; ý,àyor <r~wo those proent voesi Hon. Alex Morrisp la lb.e bai gathberdet ai b. raotalion G. W i asn, J. L. BlaIkie, A;.. iH mneeting of tlb, oouacll tht. eveiig. CampitèLu H. S Srathy, Bd*. O0mW. te The audience vras sloin --tct, ol,1rt.-John N. Lake, W. Alexander, B.A.Limi*-the- im; ot)b-.ozçn inludni dth L.D Wm.Gordon, Bsn>. Morton, miai 01 dsiandipsnth.ou tlrhLL.W m. James ScaoBet .bit.a repeuslatvef, bingpresaIoulîdeSchraîn, BRo. J. H. Johnson M1 . i Ibem rembers of the coaniltbthmselves. Bell, J. W. Lyon, D. Moeri,ae,..11 auh Thte miaules of, Ibe tast meeting reati BobI. Park, B. K. Hope, Hamilton, Lit.ba nat approiredr- Beusyanti others. The notice ai the nieet- su ing vas reasi by lte Seoretary. The sannual off - ~MMKIÂTONr eport wu gread by lthe Preaideut, U- o- u Prom J. B. Farewell, eactoslug s lowsu:u copy cfIlite opillion giveunby dm es te 'The Plretors aiflte NonthtAmerloaliort lbe position Ï6 bsn hoiilu Lregard 10 LUfe Assurance Company have tsaths-lthe faction in reporttflg la 1he po finmn.du a Ibe-reiporal coflte raitvay workebope nIai. Is hel durlng t<myheupmtfisn îo7heIhoe iî 182, in Yebrury of anticetloratheopanylh cial year thlb og I litIYear- Alec.Copnnniostlngt10lb, mare thu e ~t ther mont suialll e tph, Gounoi, lta inlubis opinion, thm lov a tions, andthelb.resuil liiy troli bas power under lb. bonds givea lte confidence ln 1he stillinfrther succesu anda townby he rilwy Cmpan matheueilnesu of the Company. lovaby bm aiiay ompay ntithe Under the organization ai the Campany, 5&U Midsui aivaysopaysAdctf in-1h. guarantors receive no uhare oi the sur- im Corporation, Doal oniy to prevel the-pins, but are limited ta sncb reasonable Ça- oai Company froin rmmoving Ibe vorkshopu, terest beyond that earued by th.. invest- h but atBO ta compel tbm Company tomet cih parntee u emay cansl- b mainlain tbeai lu a0 favorable a con- u afn comea ionaur Canadie andtht m dilion as at Ihm time of consolidation. er campanies doing business in Canada, the Au application froin Mr. B. Barrett seockhoideri receive a sae.oaithb surpluis. ti offmriag bis services as stremt commis. Ia oeo e a mfermer, tbhe mount reeiveti siaamr, for igitî montba, aI a salatiy o! lest year lincash by the shar-eboiders, as *810. hova by the lest officiai rmport, -vas 50 per cent. upon tbm palt-up capital, ann à- ditiaa, a initier sun aufsanfiag ta ovmr 89 ' r. eport from thte prlntingcomt per cent. w.s carried p. thmir crdi.T tes as aoptti, ecomendng nather, the tackitolseru *are paidet a ent oaIbactdcou ! Hat & ali- 1 prcet iuah and a bonus Ibmhefi 1 mntof heacoans f Hrt& awln.i.,,rmr ofa ewissue ai stock, pald-up te the n 9son snud J. B. Robertson. Omtent ai 60 per cent. of tbm ameunt paid-up vi WL!4ANCE ANiD ASSK5SMEN'T. b y ach sharehalder. According ta the ar plane ai Ibis Company, in which there aretr Mr. Blov brangit inlutIbmreport cf no stcisleders, aIl these sumo, in exces Ibm finance and assesameal commitlee, ai 1h. interest aiteve utateti, weuld have ex vio tct tedti Ial lbey voli ativise no onm tae therlcy-hoiders, ta wham tbey Ag action to bc take n lb.hepetition o! eçherectorsof hai bsCompany believe, ralepayers asking for the remission of Ihat tbe existence oifa erm anent stock in u titre. monîlis cent ou B. Barreît's a Life compsn2y, asa char eiupon pertici- 0e buticher sall, as Ibm malter bati been pating preminins, aud ebaring in tte profitesPl diaposei cf by last years cannail. The. arlsing therefram, lu san nneaeamsry ex.0 coniîlee reommenti payoenof lte pense and burden upon sncb profits. and nt nnireqnent17 ?rovee decrmeta 1aJM 9aceunî of J B. Dote 88.25, as velurm-policky-holders. '1h. umount of caIlia La; officer in tbm centre warti. Report preprietari aor stock company la ai 1eusne à Opted.as a security, as il faims allter a mit*le adopleti. N IPOVUNT but a umali proportion af its Coatlaually ilu-0 armTSÂii nPeVEtENS. crmasiug liabilities. The shareboltere lu01 sM1r. Lonsj brougitl up te report of 'stock and mixed compantesinvariably have - lte comnalîleou uirmetu anti improve- a laehare-oi the profils, vitiçb they take.9 meul, satin liai bey atinecive -mn'yl flou, tbm money of p l zy-bolders. i9 mone, tatng hatthè bo reeiv-d Tite iigher the stck ai 1ncb ompanimu n tenders for lanîber and cotise Tram 0.0. stands in ltse market, the grealer Ibm mitentT ,& .Oorîvàek 4ulivered aI 818.50 pet ltons. tevhicb Ibmh uSa ti e lfépollcy.holders uandi; Wm .Barues teivendet $I 18.50 are being divergea t t tock-boîtiers. rpertIhonsanti nt W. J. Trounce à Co. The 0 'ô u"ûnâùdaXWIta1IIB eto ti5 re ,0 on cars aI Pari Penny for 811.76v pern rai' omlyi i Ti prmbed Ihteî ýo tonsand.. Aloo - a tender rom H. stapte tela mîbi thel..transactionofa i 'y Wilson for 21) cordeef tusnetaI88 per Lieficminua comploe.munner. i S ontd. Tbey recommendedth ie accept- During the year 1,878 applications fora sDueof the tenders of Mr. Barnes sud new assurances for $1,671,758 ve offereti ;o r. Wi.sou. Tb@e lumber ga bu doiiver- tte Compay: 0f Ibese, 90 for 8161,528 ' ere Seclinedti obein; deemeti tesirable e ta ad Lueuob quastitigse a te comittîleriu.-.nd 29 Ï0? 898000. voie.uncompleteti je shlak proper 10 ortier. at Ibm eud ai lte year. Inthebmenis i The comajîlea euh Ibat appropri. 9ranait88 olicies vers laaued for 81,28 g allons be.matie te moetsit e expenditure 200; and tih ie nduslral Branci, e58 for, Cy tbsreon, as foitovu: iirock- anti Dun- 8143,971. tisa$18u. MtIt arti885. Cetre The dîrectors point viit miic satisfac-- p, ds $800 Noth Wrd 850 Cetretion ta the large retuctian. ai aver 17 per ut Waril 8850, Soult Warti $250, Base cent.luibmtheratio ai expeuses ta revenue for1 y.Line 1200. te year. This large reduction ai expense e Mr. Blow fonidfauit vitb Ibm mon- aflardi;tstrai T Ibmthecare sud ner in vbicb lte appropriations vere eceonm' witbwhlcbtf0eCompany's aflir tuag, wichwèreIn urnjustfie by are cuactcte. f course nô faixcoxparisni ~~~~.~a baiswlimader l taafasthca rto of expenrie ta La- 1,Mr. Long andi Smith. A. tengtby and come in campantes af ifjferent age, a is il unintetesting discueuion ensueti wlsc- aiten dune by sommaif Ibm aider campanies. ai Ibm report vies ndapt&d. because inceme La matie np pertty oa inter- m ILLARDSet end partiy ai preminnie, sot the altier n Br.tIArlI.the campany tbe larger te proportion' ai 'yfr. Amnaersrporteti item tite license te.fotrmer ta the latter, andti he Leva eaurc- 0- committne. récosi.-nding the gratine mu ai incarne have net the saine relatian te9 'eo of billiaerd liceneces far Iwo tables ach exp13use1 te. 10laiis cannection lte Superiatendeont cf1 8i t amuel Ray, Thc.. ason, anei G. Ilaureuces for, be.Daminioa, in speeing oai id M. Bemey, ilaeccordance vitli tbm by- tbm percealagua ai generat expenses ta ttali la lnv tegulating te saine. Repaît incarne, points ont, in lis lest officiai repart1 la Ibmi.th unfeirnes aithenus. cf Ibis ratio fer eh pt T-OW Ibm T hepurpose cf camparizon, sfoflove : «I Oow po- .musi repeeltai Ib teu percentages aught a-Dr. BoRart from lte tbsn.properiy naltaeb.o akon ma aproper gange ai tbm of commite neporiedtiIhsl la refermuce eaanomY of magemn i cpn.a fi& to th. psl.llioa sAkla; for the building sbould't i :4'ë ~~~~~~~~~~~h o"atc pl ienslv alIa îlvr rae... prgresaofitIbmcompeny ka f &lOk U inth DO IWD alltht wllb. undpttoo wvien companeti viit an no action bls ke, ;, la regard go lte thal cf lte,, 1nget Cneiancornaines.- utpt ao aslg for- luiualueulé for lte Ils cash i11ÊimnU i reeiptu exee tose ai baudl teotmiîe -,requin.rei'ter lte Coniedertlon eaI-the enti ai ils Ibird ia lime tla coi e b.malter. PidyrnaI cdioftheSun aut the end té. a411i 7e fo f lte Ontarr etathee ntof l il 1h yealr. ad Oflbh fOllaig MuGts WU arecoin- gudaf lte ia aLites ithe endi of île 121h 'h mentieti: Joi New4port #12, A.. C. yeaSgsý hov by lte pubiluhet iofficire- hi Wýlson 889Q0. I14port 4ps. pra nos ND W _a.L'Thte portion of the pimminai azulilabe fat t. Mn Dovey bongh Pe-he rporlo! aeserve s a pr oacI., tilu t.he average ci ta. ar. ownee b ug>ts.7tqhn reort pfnies 1e5 autar n14 Ov lte tire sud vater ocainnsîbc.. recoin- per en.,ai bnby ItheniuÏ6-eeumenl of aisudlng* lit syjenl -o! ltc- annuelrprl 30. #rau&laolite Gflobrig*do. The *ciountr lna have o ns U> Wbny- for oW ana cia ~tcm~lepol Teatin epo mae be ruOý os. nro ~ufor mx. Lanciies, -vîers. Ocôgt jlssnc.sifýis recommeudedti 10b. pâît. Report- sud piotessîoaatmon, vite have no,, besa acloleci voutazoe. slow la tiscover ltaIthias ystem oai invest- TasEuE mem or. ieal enaitîe thsm sati.îaily t cc frBIspliait nlany obji vitici thIby are altegetit- Mr. Long, seconteil by M.Bo or uneble ta affect Rinder te ondines-y moveti ltaI the oIi o f 1h. 1611MPi"- a. dent cf ù Inrestlmeu1 Busq., Vice-P Clorporation, 1on metiez lte Nation.l Sa,. saconteé Lt -vs. rOsIt lte PresIt be ace; a i me iie table, i taistith aunrlur Smof pi eon iMust aie to in, but stier lie-TontEs poilH'Yau bahve the brlslnly a01-nùning vittber jo0n 11ve Or l,atte lonjger von lIve 1h.ester lb. etin nder. Ibm Tontine faim of poiay. loui, hear.) AI Ibm saune lime, th. ncom- sny Issues policis a iortiinary forma, rhenprmferred. lu aur aunuel report se Le ciedit for givlng our policj.holiere âe matire benefils oaUth. profite reaised, .d as tbese profits viiib. vmry nonsitier- ble aud* constaiil i ucesain, il presents nunailal field i Iattacgtioatiose sho avm nat ibail an opportniil iitherla ai In- au gom Cii ii ouecmpaqT, Thte icI Si reparle'show tt tlte volume o! naineuls beitg sélcnredinu Iis contrj by s- home cogi p sui largely ounlthe In sas., sud lb lulnctqln Confidence in Of cjaiya Cntn laum5iiPliai ar#îculur usinesS àaone ciflthe Mosft M. rn 1usi es vshavi - 10 sposit Il ass; lina rs ltingi tisa - polis se xe aseuming s National feeling, ^Md ltaIt eore lu a genereus c=nfl5uc5 snbeuln$ etsun our people genetul! sundltthemin- I intenasof lb. contry, itcanuse ien t tiese lutereats proceeti aionionslj,vê aay h. tolerabiy surie ti" Ie. OcUafor, LraseS.bnsieoain tilaand otr raches 4induutry are mucit botter thn halttbsy lave been. Ne tocs1al anaims vill h. per- aitte in ahle futureans aacuntry giowing trapitilj as aur 1h ow dfo Im The'openin; npa lfel orimgâ au sudd settemetî eNorth-Wet vms npracliçaily su lbe fieldi for dture aeetian One aifaurenterprisiltg imunts bas speul mn einluManitobe, id succeedeti w a tefly liat àtn pro- inc. 1a presentig 0 unils fciaor 3oxau, sud.abain. ; arg .poici ansd large number ai tb.m. We 0bo t t àelti ili a gande omfaiconfidence, belimv- n t ta be asheSitiy aouutry, sud one tbat g1 suslain airery lre population. We te qally gliasa By tntheub.very 1ex. brmmemati ai the Provinces easlward lu the Doiioniai s bava likesise umoureaia very Biceilenl itnsinemss-tb8iiks la aur efIDcient- vgenîs Ibere, andti h. valt-ble aid ai our Pro ' * boaris. la(e0. Hn. Aex. Mor«i mlin dess hât auty lscondautgsalih one, on acount ci Ibhsa-ylu siici t1h. aridenl atvrt ilite gundiof Ibm 0raliaasaoftie opalira l t ea ear. oz' bei l i-thecmpsn.bai ieit peu Lenl'y manageSa. W. have in xtrmey abie sud efficient manager-e' ybar. -a a sliong corps ai agents, ie- the à1 tenlti lbof thedrectars bas bea eit b5 sUSlY Sud iaithfully. -Theie ila asubdivision of taitor lu the management af the corpnsu -:owing ta, Ibe appalutunent of cammitteaul riticit mmml stateclly, and be-believati lita greel attention tl-it.emu givei t 01h. busi-ý eess cf the compani' Surin; Ihm past jean. rThis campanT iresent;s ils clelis abshoio institution an ils business meits. ltleaa speciaily gralif'cutact. vbicb ainsI strik îvmry one, ltaI lthé er ortbearuevidmuce ai te ruai national tievetopant ai aur Doum- ialon-Ibal se are becoming strong enaugi le initiate greal commercial enterpri55s1ltha we; baveapitll muugh toasaitit uni anti taICanadien compames ans more ltauis holding titeir osu aigàinsltiehse ci the Mc~ht-iati nti h. ied tiBates. Il ln desèUrable thal se shos confidence ilu oux ovu1 businss aiea. By lthe succesu«f nioua ,instituions u as se eraain tlb. mouey whicb soaut absiée bave gonabtrmsd ana tin t l ilieti, cr, if h. migtue mex. pression, fertitize t aIen ubuilding up and exlendilngoaitadie nteulrnats. Th groslb ai the Company showu by the e. port ia an eltraordiusiy on. The President-I regret very muait lite I omillet la y bas mach tb. company in intieblti la Ibmeservices aiflthe manag. Sineclar, Mr. Meflabe. Being lu slmoet daily lutercairse wiit hlhm, anti koing Ibm wboeecourse oi Ibm business, ant b difficuities lue bas ta conteaisiit, nolbuii cadiSd give me greaaer-piesiire, su abi ha dos give me <rester Iplsure,,Ibsu tlabse lie admirable sa r in hiih lbe businesi bau bema managet lbnaghaut.Thte aool Seliberation -manifeste&i on aIl occesians anthe Ibwondeifut kna-wiedgs oi lie lutriu cie ai a uomasbel lutricale busluessmsrla him as-one ai tbe very besl lite lusuraut men ltaI canbe fauntinla-Ibe contny- liiesi, berj-d.1 souti be fuieto my os imelia; i i dl net give expressian, le li vies luafare tb. guarsaios antclicey bottiers to-day. (à 1"us.) - Jobhn. Lait&s, luniui= gn, ex ont-lthe tact ltaI -the intenet, reciveê-.i accrued Sdurin; the-yoruirnJogt =mal Il total lasses, aniI 0 ieprneisaee sassa dean thaitnyonm outti uniiti .il. Beo cangratulaa the mana4srntupi the ely, appearance -aiUlth.-unnual repuo anud *duemeul nt usi"t 1h51 ide s kn ètge ai the builnssa inCanada for fitteo 1 Peenedsoer than six veka aler I CIOofin thai books. S The rep ras then atiopti ununita - OumtodfDr. mltirsdlOI eBuilding sud-Loan Association, tb.eb-y-law 1Ou motion- of lts Ra. G. A..Scobre= secodetiliy-. WLyonBut. Wollut '1. su s; te s- te. Ca a, b- -t- çen OUI? IMu Yarns, Fur open your op WEJkESI snc TdlxiEff thoeé inole' OUR STO baits ; but lg Came anUa St business. Remi I4o. 1 DEV]ýBE] 'cI, a inmuiaéretib y .ite moa y euotel, bau openstet inluthe inter. est of lteoraitde, antiboeies l: È. No mimnipsi onacil hu petilion. .ied ileg!alstifl b Orevo tge forin. or .1.15 ni haire. 2. No pétiin froat any quarter bias bçqn .rieulveil bY b& l.-gsatnre for, the r'pealof th Grothemct selves, b6ve nol - pproved ?the pnia-tle nrof lte A.t18e -g nijauny 61h, 1876, 1h. Torau. t10MziI-awhl "l v asa stop Lu thi. rtgit~ dremicu he iissue cfi H. t"ner ù= théoI lb outiipall 'geL la 0 wiolt t- tlg ices e foA g.ros uellai vaptageS vitick -local Ir.aauriemtdériv. from mïàltiplylfl- tiing bousses."-- -Aften lhe funt of Ibtese qnotations it -- wom n o ativocate ltaI th. vhcleo f tbc fundo raliti -,bythe issue of licenseu siionici b.lton frdm Ibm municipalities -- and hobeil 10 tOmainîan a piovinola. police force, Titl Ib'sut from lte -fLrut gave gen. oral satisfaction la furtiter evidenceti by- tue facIltatinuhIbmsummel' cf 1877 petitions signet by Dver 5,000 o!flte citizeu& cf Toronto, Luclnding alt ot nsanly. anl lbehotll keepens and ti hu Licensti ViclnUelers;, licenset grocers anti brewen, T- lte City, sure presnteti t0 lte City Council Lu shicit, rmfetting -- lo-thie Llcense law, il sas deiiberalely staleti $bat"lte Crooka Acti tas bema the- mocet succuasful messine go fanr atiopteti." The liesltity influence go fan exersiis- ed7by lt.e Act Ieasbown by Ihe folios- iug illusat.n lof oites orkiag : xumber af liceuses (Tavetln, Sita, .&e.) issued inl 1874, untier former A.cla.6,185 - xumber issuet inl' 176, tU*W-te tonceksAcL. ............... 8,w06 .8l'.... .... ,676 ..87................. r'1 "in 1879.4,2 ................... Ail. lt.e @eocf adminis4yilg lte iaLbl hown st inI 1876 77. -the ex-- peseaou<ed' 10 $46,097-.-01;fines coït for tlisw ervlss j816.li2. Thte average coat for'lts eyesr for ssci lte t nt'hobmProvince sas only 829 dendutingon- tt- - paabe-y-; lte ýGov entl$9.66. 1ietviug an- average Cost of onl* 819.", -In 1814 thee mîpenss e w.?.46;796-40; lte fines s olleclei, 1790.4;'lsvm l theastia- a 1 ôos l 129,49. .'Tiiheae Oflccci Sfor eacit licens-dbbliôt iras i47; for: .ech m ali #e 42,88; ds&i',ý one Iitr 1. a by- GOVOMMeOZl > 8f412, Iaving a argliecat C Itliitavc been sesultaI ltesliII tincreame Lunlte nslexpeuud "bMeen - is li e eans 1870-7 sud 18812, inclusive, te~~ ~~ nfeug'0aperceptible, lucreas.. It ibm hcosl cf exiforciug Ibm las, but tu g9 s reductian Lu lie aino f fines col- lected. ii.sule mpýossible'la bave' ag.9 m re edcn oIu ihlly a ttnina ismred or - eefficient License Las. - is There are cver 700 cily, bswn, village . ti" at ospsipmuuioipalitie u ite Pro lavice. Sotie ofie lioibie linb.the kg isteer anti monretmote parts -ocf lte~ e Province aroithovever, financially un - - nfonces » -iou lusà -- at- uBeerting b lte. etarge ltmatmk - y-nnùem i imresue tudi-se Orooks Aetj - Sahuantaly .alabl"ued,, noloIyiaI 50ibm OriCos-Ai, afleril -iï fury ilt te 18oaceusrntw.eF s 4 . lms 4ecreeusd. Tbep figures ae au ...... .............. ai-............ . - ~. ............. hoeciti Manufactui .The miost Pei Bucu ml Y., W. GMens Esqq- Dsaa Sxg, -Taih I bave Ibreaied aùd tbresting t=uiaie yesrs, a ýn&- I bars Canada. -Il la perfà 1 neyer sa as sel sa-y More, but Ibis ficimal. Yonn re O!qll

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