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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1883, p. 1

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- is *V IWBb avmav tmoot s wrignù iefrèa '%$uiPar AÙ»: 81181n088 -Dira okto WHITBY> - ONTA4RIO. THOMAS D OW, ONTARLIO BANK, WHITBY BBRNOH Brock Street, - - WhIi M USSRS RITCHIE & IILLINCG B&RRISTERS & ATTORNEY3 AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN C. H. RflOJ$E, W. H. BtLLINGS, "'TZtoto. Wb , MIRN RP&RE£WZLL, LL.B.9 -48 tab fi Rmo St,W2itby. BÂEEIRS.SOLIOTTORSMOTi OWQ-.72 Yougn r.t ext ti Domn sud$bk maorner King as SOP tritIs, Toronto. 1 D). A. O'tzt*k. J.E a iïýjASESiCEItU GORDON, uc OhaorOuvysta 40tyPo, hoOfloàDu&c, £iI dora'atofAmutrong'a Hotel. osy ta La-Private fuxidm-at1w A TTOENU!.ÂT.LAW, SO4101TOB D ZUObauffpy, couveyancer, h0. Orna-la t" 09100ce aoth of the.Pol Offce, la MKlin lok rU, Whltby. Iy.1O ROBINSON & KENT, gii*n fluo.ar h-à ""ton.) BB ITXRS.ÂT-LÂW, A T TORB N arf,'S"orsConveyanouv, OFP7Cm-!mi lotlliChambea, No Owhî-Over Douin ankm, Whitby. Tan. 19,8m. <f ABSTR-AT.L&rW SOLICITO suc, ho. OIUe-Devarlll'm lc, rc tet, htbont. J. RAMER GREENWOOD, "ti fi IS Ait ,ul mi pl Lt I c fa ut "oc JOIIN'A. IIoGLLIVRAY, <Suooeaaorubîo H < Sowicio frh Màntou Htoèm., 'xbrtdge, Ont. LVIKAN »N906#809 -& 16LeaB, BÂw8TE&ÂTLW, SOLICITOR in os Street, OOUhava J. E. GiLERAITU, àB.D., RÂDUÂ'1 ai Quasu'. sud Victoria Untvemltte#, ldaimbiiofthe .Cotiege t Physicens and Surgeons, Ontario. Ovz'-Brock.St., Wbitby, Ont., (tht.. o muth of Royal Hotal). IY48 a. J. - Gus , K.D. IUROEONTO TIE OOUNTT G1014 Byrnùota, 'Wbitby. UYS HOBPIT LQXDON, EEG., the oye a. O. ., Oahawao4 ftalo_. ABD. hysitan, Surgoà, Acocubar, , hoAb. 11h, Sept. 8th, MiT. >.0 Our(T g 0 r Yok, 9 et rat«a. *1 'Wfb tati Prntei O IdS, U tubs idntr VoL x~xvu. gril. a 4 1sdd .T t UL:;eIS0, andPrd'7 P.êb.17tk, 878. M~RParei flEITIS11 ÂMEBICAN~HTL liq' bewly ruo ansd umhe bhran out, sud put iu Irsi-cla.. enter for ÙxM SU kirtf.01Memple rooms. 0NTAIRIO TinoTLçm rORN LESzLE, .rprsa <BLèe of Ilte 8!mg oums, Tmnbo;) H5YLagy rencra hon.6u a bar *abbd~WI b ehoicestandeof t tinÀporbed,.cia Bhao. Cîi". Gaod otmblUng and attention,. POST OFFICE SALOON, Tomoa. &W TUE »311T ACCUMMODÂTION as r Guette. <13-47) ROYAL HOT(YIEL. WUlITDY. 9.W. RAME Y, -Propvmi ow. (late of Port Oolborue.) WHITBV H4OUSE. UNDS4., . W BY. The ndrslgn.d would Intimai. la the hblm bt bL i ovepromîmes bave beau owly b it nltld Manp lhronghont for ae acomm o 01agusta. B atl lnc. lquers and Cigare. "TUE£ CUIX OP CÂIIÂb"-WÂLI LICES. lsu pure Rhiu. Wine. Lagger vholeaal. trid rtai!. îa&rdera tekea by tbe week an moder- ae terms. JOSEPHI A. B&NDRLL. IY 28lb I.180 . mLi hidu an Meieoda téoeia gd me o. Farinera end othèe adoang buatinau ImHarbor vi!fM d d -moramoda. M b. provld.d vith boite at ressnabl ts, GEORGE BROWN, mtby, Miaroklut, 188m.U ROUGHAM HOTEL,- Corner BrookL andl Main SthotaiL the VUBage ofBrou4bsn. mlt-claim acoomodatlona. Bout Liquara CiMgars. coodf abltng m«d attentive lOICÂS p0UCKBA, PROPRIBTOR. MCENS. D AUC:TIONEILR for th. jCoantiea af York asud Northi andl South tagio. Anction cales cf reaI estate, fam ck, ce., attende! ut moderat, chargea. Address, T. POUCHER, y Box, 47, Broughamn, Ont. ýAi<tNEUilE H(>USE PICKiERIN YG. AÀMES CARNEIIGE. Prapriertar. rhlm lane ha. beau f tted a> ln firai. sa :2y1e, and the praprieor wv gi-e liii anal »attantip t-o iaecta. Liquor.suad rara of the bedtbrandi. Ercdlleul Stabi- suad sheila. leng. May 1-7th. 188W. y2 ýLACS HORS£E UOTICL, os. FxOwT h Omomo. Su., TORONTO. !RBZD OXFORD, - PBOP.RIBTORB. Xsle of Welhngtou Rote!, bMarkhýar.) lam8, $1.00 PER DAY. GociAl ai for aver 800 houa.. FuIrs-claacom- àan for fagmorà adth. àraitfll Qc lu generaL <y IE iTh l. Cb.t Sa a!! hr HODG$ON HOUBE, bLala Tlmollsy 0Leary'a) 'à*aboy* promenit.bave basa tabo by end" a,otndsarenov bong newlj Mup i i lb.héeoption of guua,sp est Wlnoa.6luquars, cigmar. à£a bing, ulad m, me m a&tu WM. OSON. N. VARS, L. D. S. ýNTÂL E9OMS romoved dram At, binsou'. Drmg aloi. to racina ay suc on awJngplroset. Q.PAWS, -ENSIED AU OfiONEER, VNG ont I4oeu lûr the. whcla Cou cf Onto4 sala rmtin sa .l )NEY iT -LOAM wnRJ3 1- çOVI 0F ON' )RUElRtlftJUtitjUkEI1t~ ,1f~iàhe lie. 1N'At)./fIsin*y :T7 OM MA Fi y ~ .- for che'g Hi, 4~llna. .~. eVents, let that anbject drap fo eï 1b îiélftik j à i*'osd'l têt- lied hue kindnosae'af, évoeil aum e "ThaV' Thefrm ualé.'iiie r n tIa ' iid'adase rdi' ila~aantj hysold-na iefiha u fraid i have been- veîygposaégal IEuernhaIf ,waJgmrd aorauhaste bai oudore» 1Ae ip htti inçomo hhv*i,. Ut!wgrlil sny ae er heanue'woi 114ô utlhe-*luiglu; t;bu' 9130'ta 1- y'dli Vv. Poundh & aidbtag rtin'ntmbr.o n»rthe houae since I leflis ! I mv ahi>won' mas - Bî~~a'~. ~W"ulin iaciu-lkad wtith daub sud a mltrneyer wogIq: sud thoenn for&a-lemMW yon wilcb, n.yneiÏPeUî "And 1 '~ i~. larm:od for iltiti twould -iaW ~for henoelf.," flaii ,Èegin *àdd Dua rOhiif' os, and I have baid no eyes nôr tao.,, VW~'Tm h ' i ouse tWi'unamI1ùa& nathing aiteîed from; wba i ai t-hie ides nI ali. ,lhe bils: soala ber- 'bars for iny acane Ivoe ha Ac* Aud tbel'c the b0 w» . -"Yure ouigoad feliow Ill exolai ra- 8h. wisbod k> cal$ & dalsurug 'be .'T cou d1 dyese tel agi. I Batan d watched h~beail thé orova. cd Viuian, terily; "sud. whereviir1Ifriude sud acqcaiuîaucea, anild fithe flid lime 'b viei i iseur coulaIail tbe "o Loy8.1 br 8ger ae-by b.y May 1>0there'lI ciwe.ys h.-aeknlfe snd boe fbat e n!vic wt.engagemeuts of à Landou sesson. ta ' Ah I h L anwitbt waa>are.- foulafor You et,,. My tablai 'Arthur. envy. She hoid Vivien thai b ohé lnd ' "h bykÏa ohn fIeau." a' £ ~~But, atayl tc hujate ao Dan't forgat Ihat!1 Ând novw iemil! ual Jasai arof hic syinurby aylig a'"$nalti. fs eaol dTbyare Bt*uPp088. 700 came topd -and me sd éBe- bei ascoanut ; t-bat if lie spoke of- or selunoen a.ifthéy hdJvdali nso t'ni'Ail havi no place býQeth thia dom. in aai? jnaw he'll be pileilhae h inaaiite !he et htr î uthe 'cn ty in tca-Of! Di0'eforlb Par botter ahoul I pobder gt hb Âdwîtyn alv r . d o uorbehu h Wyî >r'Ln. L* i Ch ni S d U ~ J fniaocniataba yî,u o ndwé ;:z le onebarliia bI::.$atheýr4ty '1y. oe." w:Laî labo arili! 'l Lin ay. me taow go tonnlel a muo il> Yo ieMybest ufn an't ocýt " ourlas oof nkýoîiau thatthe lave 'aise VpPÉmajý, v t w e e e t l o ri t evedding c ê n au iring I if I w ould l'oty . a le Ah1voi ndr betor'ua heray oarn oauveujenlta oyaurif sud-Mima Nîftle. smre hanse #al« e frIe eupi»' 'at îI hoaght ,wauethàt Ilinid, coMn u' oam a To moine ore hîgh aa ~Mb~ ~ abi." 'a!the.bride end bridegroom à; sai a~ (e y ad ens peengo.sic WHIBY, ON ARJ . TeyresttIgdos'aPabapmhe~ tm. 'Lt u.say W-lutorrow,, lbeài, ud.I'JI1th. milesof acoing ex enaive ferit ntèy' sd IJI&, t i t . dpn thib TisûbavaaheasaOeNTAeRaIOj i~oeil for vou at three. I oaan'î' ffeta cureanul equipagesadiaa ewe e'ý, if 1'r frrYO na TAzikweael, sOISevrIlohful;lab ko yu lo'dsYl thooglýI amr just' o. Rez:na Oreveiî iiïo riî al;ilcu ong , .~'ar Yeda, ine bv# bMeaalgîu. i te .myaui; or 1 béveaipa hlaherfztrapui-t i mmhe01w - .~" Âa.awas. a»%'uenbyr en t ee alF nti t 10$it agrta by iue ,i Ph n )i lii ~slIalaua.' "i - ~ nevpr happeon,.Pnd bail bc ter ne .t , t fi -9!a.YOÛsil'i o1 e "pc' o'l T 1111RO 7 PA L L - L, 'aettlemuto t"l rePentedl the bamouf1tougbt @bou1., She ba4 - ral e1 0m Fr chlcte hn oldai ~o'isen"c Pc. 1, and ,>4- - apa~la~ hie sya~ ' ".'- . "' ~to edure at thia tiurefrom Lb. jea1, yi void ôénd i1tothi nyaram.'fsigd Corner of Brok ao D"Wl'Si-epIts&isa-l!1 uîlra rtanlyialfy Duwes .L'-c~,<,a83~reCL. 'VOTXE Wel,<>p aa7ag ytt o"ý-y, - 1a ' fhér moîher. 1t May s»an xr.'Cruuy fynvs t'Bat VOrealio>i,M dg "b* rdipary thihgthat a Woan conl Waald lIa a -caebete ftelIaLoa.p H. wina lnle"rptat in hie reie by i . a i y aer to mabe sottie 'veë' b. jsslaaa 6f lbe gUàfortun, of Bih if Scptmbr isubefr ' mlou. tberbeauW n - Wldo*1<~udhe4asbtdlouudlhaûdiilrorgty Il the varl ô4oi, sud Lady William. vàwya are. Bulfï"am aeyua s e'bôbb.r. mmm;fodanl bs.sàlatedbte .pravsaioua of my granlfathei'a witqU- nlir1i o1eprwuia laubar li famjndyo'nraeif, for f shall~'hi Domnio Wod W rk8 p~em IEEIFURAFCE CO. thé'aj& pIggIIo,<ýT 8hquiaetheqa~. rooj against ieeing the jbeatifal prose haeïireabix faîig but yoaY tarayej 4 WILJTY. , Lombad Bt milCbàrl~ Cra, Lodoiz gr.u~ ~ ~ 4I," ail hie cousin. *"Al IIe tol' aughter, or hosria# af thItiairiei by léiîhàBauiobokita' t le.- ven sewrto-ls Corniaek SLomard S Ch CraonId ritbhia.Ie teeoIot: 'u e'iIth .Ub~biob ahe val lb-ho ariaunlelin berth-hè'rohevij ia euiel'i.ltI"~a .~~~~~eo. bumàwx 1i. t ahfflvboe iy ttdWiiô hmioestroile away, Ieavingeivisj ew lboume; wbiie'i7ooilwurV a Oscuor".velasletfo . Dn1'o Coral, GILLESPIE, MFTT 'h0, iea rue«i., aémniot'IUa tamniii. %e j ru'ýIde.La là, &Wpbmtollj eMd cea, barlly knev where *i4e ahonil Sund iIi: pl lhIefgi Lolu Agon. for Caad.m,' ' 'î4:,.i- i.< igtna whioh so uil alo#procaré an Jttssi a ibiifclyLady gad-auI Rd011. W. 'PYEE IagemMisea Oppe eem" h t alcme about in 'ii t.: oj.William cotilîibu peraded ta heave ltee avospe Keauget, nd ildo m Montuesi m»Ue 1141 »q balle if 47WU iaRbahse dwajunrnitlede aie "Another dhisai" he. oxolsitad carHage,. ilthoagh ahe -«.n§bâroubau -81p:a LUXN R bleaea> SreLsil, ou by AGENCTE lTABLÏgenh*'ICANA- alan.. EButI1amd -'nos'c el.f~ illusin ta h. prenat Pnni.enos-' - with upliIIe4hszsnde 1, "vy, t-liaimokagrtunbiing lu teranlf aSU theévIile, lie.' canet thon, i by tlsecerlosil. a nu0. Unlimiti easy 'ef o ofllat fber laouJg.r, sud bei bap. lb,u ah 1 Wbs& jeU arc te lo wiLh cacii 1he oe~u Pringa thétion , an d-N~~> . 1. 1 l4ng feeu ear~.. te swnUI4«rssa&Jr, Eam1' ra*«cetaIthe idée IfitIsueaeld nov lItrall I can'l imragine ; or wvItlyon ilsiaI iieroedàdenl .11 oatiohét l'. Agnt0W%,b aram&bVSeenen.â.. utIaIbIl steau Rgia uonilhothnRe-o vr goallwe lo atisa aî i-onîl hairetaî-hoferredbutherivs Whîbt Ot.11h 178 te tly Ari P» I7 U~r Attbur -m raamagilsacqualated wlth lte onýdition. kegins, at tbo.vory lsa ,'ailting thore, "making lielievo." as te OldF4akf - fi iMli FartlagL, is.onl dap. mirwbièhlch - 'Peregiab", ha. *"dÉeày, urammdai"tlb. girl answve, ochidren say, Ihal ohé vas ienjaying Itou ' Nï)oi"' ps------- ui 'i"dabna»me leu sdrap-, queathedi h Ie fify tbontaud'paunds. uyounoseet ta corsulder Ibutanuytinag oa property, la lotiking M cases of mliîaup RALW Y TC ES!blI aha w rd losu bers oandtpreot-Andilismacondîlti belua marste l w bgoaouctnuh far-ine I 1 vîsb llurnonlaonl mby and:em:ald riage. i rd- RA LeW lIICKsS ntobhae e uidn aa rota po te roma- lawyerl au ayon omombon Iam about ta rc. fo BcrRglaa-wu, aialinh' î!SSàked 1&ye tnblemid1DI »lm ý amami Vbielaver'. Uip.. ho bailappbintil1fr. 1ev. y-an af tb. burilon et euppartsug demtande tha& ber chaperon eboua n-'"u5oro Pli unertgnl avl; eenapelaelbain.ag&or a udthe .»Um»Un o an e B ufn, Fartilgalo ta meet bita et me for evor. Ton dresse.! WüY, I Comaupny ber insle tIte jeweloet-ý' tbick-bul whî Th eAîge bnt fou l. hbild ciyoufobarana. Kiightibridge LIaI ýlftitueanL 101! teé ought ta have vsnîy aettie very leut; tsblieixmonî, sud Lady WilliM am s1 a shoot aIlls E@eonduot liednevertsi e truncb b.paps.tfhelnia. d ifîlt.inthe offect o o iiandnkrea com elobe hy. -The coaco boob ono kl RRDIT YALLEY, md béroen JIlb! Igb4 -but o 11>81.11 Ris iohtvîew Vlthaoui LdgsdagtralinuylaLtaIlong lime. Each drawer afglittîoîing n-aea va laceti bala i buteho «Wplaily aamewhat delayoil hlm, sud vhen ho am nthankful, for the saki o! My po.e ringsloabel mare *lourpting titn Ithe anseagen l CANADA SU6 IE, "la«eM»rile h i imatieon entend 1Lsdy lliam'& drawaag-mam tirit7 i taI I amr ualegohta bicorne as laet, sud&lthesttiagsa vere -so vtarx ot e"'- Vlvan'HbMIh, gar.t ewni10h.h. oc- It«llle avataliady dachesa Il' nul mc besutiful.At a1 ivageo 'bIm. a" other THBOUG ITE ISla p.olid"mse I yu ,Closete lci ilJz Ii !.."Ohl, af course,! un lava your fat. iug--nIbis wtvt,reineiïbè'eeil-press.- of fres ali 'b 1 tla sme ticse lvn t ail 1 "He.courea the .lieraoa, the davy Il, efrsalints a s neniRegina]IRHo may ing -engageaient a st lnh, w1ùb-hicliptln "J- ~atan th Walen tat,.~ NIs ppeittat yn aIe'@afmdM.1Frhsig-y, eaoie.W t ntbave lai a fotn ira-.it- worzlà only, Iow'èes, détainbim, 'afikL uçupetl dayj Evey Iiam>aau upple. Aplyta. tao5111iîg*1517 Iai -- iina»aidat SIJO b No, that hte:certainly dia ~t," la- uorns aaMd e~ilwa'6'.lemoJa £ ~~ Iouhs o<b mdut. omâpay.t "And nnei 1 attMpmd îsattei eodely. lbidies tala ae theu mailb< fyalcfts JAME LOG, ~ pisasihfoveie. vi!, -thanr ose "Teb'.ntertercd luedms y. Sai*ozo sskaiaU:a tb :If 'Wl.s %Ifr t EaileyPaseugem.gmu ~ ~ ~ ~aI one praee4 .0 oatuYacti,@@MudttsàkdLim-Wi 1 wiulrw homoh b.> -iîtir- l, u'hp 'utaigla aos, 94f ~ ~ C I , lii. bloal u itavina ame. û il déc'risgio a d a y'-o'lIe upaatccelldav- oeil'a<duféreassta bu* w wa1l1 féale A gué oa a rbabu y701hi C"bLOJi5 'né. noe1 vert bokbIia.'iyarcu.FvMt le té voemltnh'rey le; 111~0,t6îOasmr.baa sd~ !'» ': ýt'iè idehinba bula veipnew utme i a1! orlsme ibgeditoly -fohuein.udr r» t umh l~. a ms i - hI bay h u ' Wie ' ' - ' ' - - 'r 'Y i i tav T a u x. . hy ?'51- '?-" ton . Mm. ~ ~ _ _~ J>OU amS7U"Mpu' -ifueta u seio "y l.W- tIo luzjy, e ieyuIda ýk t s l 'l -or MONEY O L AN W.f 00 ccle Iffwde4Iia y> thIis ..majjîjw tieilaf. Y1 b*l fal hon àget 0s z~'Rgis caë4 fduun m66.J uIlsie, chnge 1" - Ibid gir Ienstg a r o iftands Onti- bei»d i6sd 8100,00 F011 IVESTREN. - ~ s d*apnu- ow o oýf ala t ca iet r oya a lb.sil e rîlooil!, uier, ve to,' Hca g el ebi.té,'uas pcahl o.a~~ae ~ ~ eut h etid .ajJ$~l aez.~ierit a apovert-," Ob! LdyiWllia )N ~ A L E T  ~ SE U IT . u C'o U La . c i - 1 Zbi n lý ý ,Rgi a orbe ele - a .b.' i t tepa.- w" ~ ~ ~ s a l o, n 'i n iîê ~ i h l Begia wàlsd c'~~ tI~*, ~* ou~l kBenh.il 1 ua'iepl lrey-a bda wItrle isotIbey. oue a po-~vii'tu~ Âppî ta~ Jugl, *Whybaula~l nelb.lelt e pîod Ite aV$4 ltiîsMg Cia e rqh vo tai l ive meroola "dr as. th -An t luappear huma .a d' î iyihi..' bn an, iÏcI g.bît7 bar u10. 9 OlIy laIbisases oa>eu blaige ied< bet-e ti> gruma sas ammsvano Oeuzax, aolile'-igirflMt __________________ ue"Yay-n v Ofo 1. t lrabi ntai puadelug anl ulslsu gil.-' va Le t à t.s7be ,uittQ»mw «M ùr o .1ydat Say il;iiàbut1 iv [ ( 1 1 1 0 B R O T E] t o u t .2 1 - h l t » I bt iay Va s1r a eO - p o e o 1 W i t O 4 5 A ! g 5 i U 3 1 a g n y m d u d t c t a i n e î w îa I b r f sui u a JoOp ICI4f W H T E , N T R I , .. s. .0 . i.. e . e ui un a s. It ia lu e a 5 s L . ~wie ," - b l ol er I e af ge I i! y o _l ii _ _ a e I i bl euraps atbr nit g Tm e~ ImporteraDWmcr and Manufacturraf ahu LEA T/ER- ANb FINDINGB8, Cash pali for Rides, Bara snd Leithe. Leth'r r el«o.& O BELTING MADE TU ORDRIR ON FIRESH FI-SH[! REORIVE!!EVER? DAY, 4ýT T4 1 R'$, Ordera pomptly deliverei. PATENT s D ANADIANS j 009CiUni"osSt",a A15idm, e% , 04,SNÃ"Wlès US. } lcioaci Ptenta * tlaanaI. .~ ~ - 43 1 I 'aie a- wordla lastoem mutlhe leof Slfty P9 go;smaial lmiasse he Ldvb4 lai vmt tIrerlretl I Oppe. 'pas iliSEt tua. 5SpÉOMM- c 1 3~OPO 0511 1c"I~U MNK 1- i, r t'. cri1.4 V. . ýt lu r 11 > ~ . a mm 110 ahii,,wiLti ves 'amer t 'or va-lt. NWIr.11T, sale Pr TUAS ieOtO. 'W>. 5 r deala,,'l jark, caught 'bot rnm.p bar aé of beuflad praitarm te *DY. a groal A"Itlnr for w Ce rstn't cura 1>5'.,erkacor4it a25 atoetcts, t' -rsbl* or bout %orx ONTo 'or Ba ti ta hea oet. inu ---------- . 1 1 - ý 1 1 , 1 1[ 1 -. ---- 7-

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