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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1883, p. 3

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011?IAMÉ SEST CKOfEIeavy Dregm(oôs Ysrus Pr uS ~and fou, té ap SU&o alto b. offre4 st àJpraeS, ýatwl open ole op".- WE flKE~ STOCK ~1and Siis Ola polioy noyer to..9~ opçP~ o i suow le bg eeaaneof.~~fr iùterw.took. Youw knGv tbaouwh the "PeOpO.' ori "ics to do e, thiug, if goost it,mado IIeauêt OUR R$ ML NEW AND FRESH, no aooumuation of old goôd thofferau pertinizgto ¶~r oeu e inlodo rn ie alesMo Houso-furniuliage, Carpots, sud Rcady.nade.,Clotbig,, ~Oean manMus.. Corne Md 80e us. examineour goodeansd priosan d we vil prove to you that we -mean business. omombr: Tho proof oet ho pudding les ot in ohewing thc string.,, C.] o.iDEVEIWIL8 BLOCK, s r ~ - - . BROOK STREET, WHLTBY. BEOTINAL VIEW 0FrNILLER'8 t.N]tW mnOUELVIBRÂTING TKE8. Mànufaotured by t/e Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, Oshawa, Ont. Tfie Most perfeot tbresher. the Mnost- perfect separator the. Most perfect cleaner ever - off9red to -the publittý. ine only true gmin taver. *iaCx OsizSept. 17tli# 188M y. e 0eo% Bof., Oae.: DIMI tlz,-TaIk aboa$t br.ablg 1 I have Oresci &0 bave beomAvoarcn thobMg mudituuOhlu.t Iftoon yeuru, Md il" baé o euonme one d wutoa, bottiaew ovodel" I gel cf y« Je ubeait cf *ny 1*vr zasw ia donuda. Il la porfeçt in svoryrespect. I nover vuen e ll matIissd vlth a manus e s i arn wlth this. I oould "yabnr, buttink that tht, is ou. ouevery (ruly. ENUT M. WEÂVEB. fuid, inàrmtim nt eutt su 1 àUpplicats.  'ro Si our o amenyL play"c aet 0OrneraRouse.. Ufbu' ba tie nA.D. 6G . oltUhawv dMud noue iasibiAtffutheeird Oh. Urne thas NerW dia. ons eeotd tboUght ho couhdit, for Boenyl oa't vlay vhe tbers e lmuy hostie or oatulon lu &he, audleses. Ths nt. a0f i paoulami. tige. - e myatt btbs old Ssraâlvarlua Wint amireepcm ofdO i ~Ilu u or wordi, teiibat affect, nul..a th.quiet eurroudlng hlm lao internse Ihat Iou, eaa heur a hool top. 5opaeul hie encart WedoWedy atgbt wvtl 'Sonate Ptthetique,' bl Bee- thovu. EVOerthtng erat alffl @rnochlm ai diat u à*hotoiup ln lb. cruesao part cf lb. Sonaâte, r b. h flddle eernd te 4ho -lyt'wtge1,thOb audise nerstan Lheta lâ2ed b Oh. ycunI maiAt th@ pisano, I vu dte or 1 0, a1p1 of voo.purmagsa maa Otbrofh A. boler fatorý. Thoj yRep , osy ,pualed. Soahig hat ovldetly <ons wrong. W. foie gae rtml té ftdlorhuW go$tabot box, or Obu h. rouala Sat ginp4 ,but *e- he Oum amct sosothfor t, Vt "u there vue eomthtng uaeyupatb.tls woaore mla O.et roadng.Then, ai ha lookot -Urounthlbuikdig, -a sort etf Enrakaession stolo ovar hie 00 a.s& # pcDntlntetic»bole luio. o waer the callry, ho Aiket the eo30 omodnAiteoit1, *up, mi the v*ooM Il oe»udled th. ucouttopeoportise etf h vl-tlt T4«o, th. consot 1#rc#od 'tai the "ila udrivet u Iat Part of làm Boom@e Path.Otquo wbermIl, tries tMc«- Ppion lb.loy. soit -us<orge tthée ary ecobuil rtppllng down a duMtbreut.. Evsrtbtn avesenquise t *t yeonis tl have burta ploekiéJii. Mt bis point a m nlth MU syla attmarpng ta adjue s epapér oollaropedapVin. ifeil tâte tbf aru. Sgor fRo.' en to.d lad. i n onh. lue hlmrs , "dt, triking a lh~ a a s.,11. oaIt mct b. toralt4, Mdt tet h.vould dootie pla$ag uuStila policemnan remove th. ~Lan :0Alt ut ma"'out get uà*o bkMth.dot. The mua veont u. (o» provedtoé',a country odîtor vhh at go% lnon a oIUpline. tary tioese, but bo dtdn't refueé th. adit îonti, tendoeaitbina utto.door.) *. lobthelb.thoatre, -Lalnsthat tb. entente cordiale btvse*n the ignor undt hie iotSradivexuruiirngbt ho spolled by soethinp vo right do. lu oar býoets vas a note ef band that A Mninla Houeton, but glven us. The, latoreet vus aceuutln#g on, il "" ' rapdey W. vorqe Afruld that Ben i lMg detsert tLe note lu th.ecie rvn tntèrest,a"d that t mnght dlalurb hlm., bo ouéec slaateooeuee lp4o lotO BeneSy Laa <out uie.abut vo doubt if thorai LaMryPl&ol thi al9 ite dhuirht, a ient o*ab, utloo ltrntght t dubotoc of a ded sli Se vIser. hie ta , àes;t-j' gocina vill bave roon le aba"'* =2P~ ont. Tha -rude soiée 0( -0110 iW clri n a tb.atremrM4 te rM. 96 noir coatisLe, MadIf cotisa la yottr son, 70% baur ancSaf#sYMmuSvbc "P by etý PamomKhua.Dolu51, 1882 Ta the. dilUeof SlpérPo " rrvStandard: SMa-I deefre to u eaUl.attention ef tbe farmersofet lise luily lea nov lbr.ohlg anasirne mute by the Jes. Hall )MuuofaturîigCo., et Oshawa, culleth. New Motal Vibrator. Mr. Jos. Vtkory bought one ef 1h.. mach- tues, sunit Ireotdfor ni. four taje Ibis vtntsr. undt #av* e nmiro sohiefation. Wilb lt.e enamrutlonoflt.he rse.. vlhriting motions ont other atluehmenls I Ohiati it utterty impesîble for any grain tocb. vaitoit unit am fnlly con- vnnee, lunimy owu mmnd. bal il hue moveit me double lbé prie.e tthlromhlag lu th. aavlasofgu rin Ibieseaon. 10 clous e erata perfe.tly sunit hreube. v.ry rapltly. Itla eOh moet perfect tObler I bave over moon or oet. Il le a rai <raia saver. Tour. lruly, J01HN McDONALD. lumannlnldnlav uth a ýPr..Proe roport4eDr. 1Wlgqiaarla r tdOs ýâmI.d bwi.proecoou. t ,h. odduli <veut m*a etoru as em s retaponlb.heertb, tea ua peeel"Y Os- oui. I1arn positive thMa ai"1.1Va' itI courli the Bay of BonWi 1 in *lIa seiai et Àmutlia,,&d h ufo T"hoipprer lbéoe shet hth Dr. btto &y bout the* emdpeO ofbra retndng e o tohe ts uh dictiton, unit eevta ot hgra- ply : 1bave o umy bs 1 have a.- com p tah it y o je s, for I have mp. t y sane t hbetir .e. TIsri la sot a dehînie bot on aartb coud lins on h. bauks ofetN.vfenuttanditrng Obat 14 oot-Wbal baveyos tOc «Y VUl ud trith Ie Bood ts omuret ta Europeil Dosombe aitesm orem receul>jthon vblsh oesenriot luAm-. t rica ? (Dr. eignin-1 kncv theoasmspre. dualy, u"d ahi 1 iat botoong teo pub. pubie mmLauts uylaientlo o pointn et O toaouom tho caslmo wbîk te gztrerno otit as beavy .1. iaotofSS. lnten.i louve for Raillez on W.ituee -day nst tue llneemthe <ut eter Wblh hothora on the feowts votait L idaittltly "a b. greutlvbut Mcatraa To- aimasse nuos vomit hopraty ehIl éhe 13,40K -Cam&&. SOv. 15h, 1882 Dieu Bza-I thought I vouil vite toYeuusmattellYeouboy I <et &long vit th. evewodel' -ýThsh-1Igel ef yop ltct saurnr. 1 iliiitoit you lb. trath, and noliig but tho Irulh,-the muohine bus givan me perfect satiefe-' tien vborevor I have higeheit. Icouit not bzgi 10 Ohreeh for aIl wbo vantot nia, unt ooli ave but job. osough fer tO niachîneaif I huitbbut thern. The furmera vborn I bave Oreebeit fer 587 thatth Il Nov Modal" h Oh. e uly par- toct muehine tbey bat evor badtbtreh for hen. Tour. trtsty, JQSEI'H BERE. Xodel" before you purohase. Dr. Riuge@Nov- Dieoiy for Con- unaption suit ilt Throo saiLug thoy bure givea n;otAsdie9w theni toe elimeo b.mea.of dly, fl inevv; eols lu istrof oij7bsýPyatsn o n tsg10 laohir it=5'T"iaBottes f1vm.. u A.- s-Drug Store.ileurWeldu poison.1 Ktao»y.Wort ospel. be, poiscueus humer..The f*r.t tg te in Oh. spring Iteo0cleDuse n internai ol.analg ont roenutgim othrmtclna l seoqoal t to sem-'Wer0 Ila er try or liquid tortàau" beutache, bitons .OOs*eo, .ossOputts mat terunget Ilumy*. the nodDr% our 80k olssee icolton, hou, » es"-.A Jal and &hpi uprmupl - é M eatb & uoe of ieosse., Dypepsi sc andsitBtos As a te Piwlae.Lularse botileam OS0 ouate. Iîvwll pay to, i ved ow-ssuisUhOf a centiT h a tober'oOrange olie Coor If t vU ittfrd m h'no cesmnts c sh. miing sa . OU t«r dlons otth cOhot, Line z Thr.aIIle andon aoWur "Mfri h.ad làtaeeo" - - w- w~ a - Bg t ea atenionofthe ule ote following séasonable goods: HoBiryKnitted Wo0o1 Goodashal 00Iods, Olouds, &cl - ' : SPECIAL, LINJES 'IN SCOTCII "ýAND CANADIAN TWEEDS. Tailoring toordèer onshort notice.. Fulstckof.Gents' furnshings. Boys' Overcoats, American styles, spe allué Dress Goods, Brocade Velvets -and'Satins, beautiful goods; Riohý Rhodams for Mantles, ami. Fur* Trimmings. #j Drug gets, Carpets, Floor 011 Cloths, -Rugs, Cretons, very cheap. Our stock is large, our prices are right!.c Butfalo J'iobes, « oat Robe8, fforse rug ,«n Prs, -extra value. Blanket8, FIanne18, Winceys, at b ottom ,pries. A FUJLL STOCK 0F GROCÉIIES "FOR XMAS," at holiday prices. A. large and beautiful stoek' of Croekery a nd Glassware. We are determined to reduce1 our large stock before the new year. r 1WHITBY, Dbo.' j15sht1882,. c Tho best blood; purifier ont eystcrn realutor ever placeit vithîian orso et ïuffertng bumnsosib >ts'ly I tea r toulmaes, Jaundîo( Oôstflp&to, Weuk Kidnoya, or suy diseuse :of tho ursnsry orgues, or vhoevor raqiaa app- tUmer, tno r*mt , wm i vaymsatndEleclrto Biltbeiboi unit only certain cure Imovan. Tbey »Si enrélysunitqu'iOly, Ovory botue g-rn tuaet ai gre.tnllaut &folaor mon"y refouded. EoW14aet£ aytete a botte by G.Â. Levait. Exxtsor, Mus.,! ia. 17, 1M8. About a ycuv o I1 "aoih a auvesecolt vhi meulaiton Mycoeus sud brought on btetmig oflbeelarnge, I bled vory fra.lysudit ueve* loy. I feurtil ouit udultiuiutely lova ouumptleu. Ceaultçdt a nom phyipl Sudnditse àsumber ot bbu ttDo avl ait uîL savaneBoum cf Dr. Wilsotrm Pulrnenury Cherry Balm n u oipper. Altbough a fortoru hope I purohéaie a botte, sud to rny urprie tonu It 1deug mo god. I permoeret la Itsl sauit aunov cern. plotoly oure.,rPleue pabtieh Ibhis Ibst other. rn7 b. mvat. 700 L.#x. EWCOUBE. mms.Bedman'of Botbvel enr ay tvAu.ghevu Mey 11 lu h VU. o Peve, ont Dr. Oaroon'Stoctech an )osmllp*"tWo ltp vlth v0n*fol vo- enUlI,sa Bo»ilo".nItîratW sulilmothe loyer asdtbthsonly réaioeait b* beautb"atvlge. - .1 1ý Av r moarurOrmuxo-OnOf thé uoalmportat toastiocf Ohe animal Esonoy e.y tah. dertlr-ý* ibln of OhsKImts9.#If . y r airsitl their worh great aufforia uitdanser.i eueM 4Lame sooa »il m in-~ vhen Burdool Biot Bit A i00 the Rldâasf, X Pimplua suit Blelolssvenllike olbfo ire thse vInt, vIsa Ohabil'a ClAma Bru lve ma tOltuent:la ap- plie , ris. 5 oats. UsoroutfFilAsu - nbuth mOin the Une ldmqron X"Qstawa Au homi th àâ itram tha k' N E Al )v ER'T1itsEMqE-N-'&é Tythe foot and Shoe Store of JOHN SAýUND E RS-1 NOBTH LSTORE, MARK1T BLOCK, Foiegrestest oomfort in tbia oold weather, Warm BOOTS AND BHOE9S Il OF FIRST-CLÂSS QUÂLMTY AND SUITABLE FOR AL. Latest Styles for Ladies, Gents, Misses and Ohildren, sclling ut redocei pnlces, ho make rom for 9pring stceh. Custom and ordered work of superior make and finish as nouai.t3 Puctuslity and ciospuoeu nail hings. 43 Jaitya. o' '88. . G.Dean of ý6rl10n, ont. asdb-la fo#a emmne alaraed of liotb lmatokenut, lill phseu, hoglegtmore cf esu 1t b. P«OfeIos, 40"Omsorn.ded PcIumary 'cberryBal- mum am tio ýe boit Weu.y kuova t. humm aIhh, sud 14v. DO&Ï oÏ t*aMng Lotb a lai epio* h0,»»meret ei teult. otaagnasepser. tos Oh... day. ofqaer aofpfee 0#4l"00lU$O. The»,, sodt ao NEW atitet 1 t. Ani ses o 0 d i JOHN SAUNDERS, -Northi Store, Market Block.l KING '0F A 1»addiion le icerem alibmdnd&eb 14EW ADVEIlfISEMENT"S. '83i Money 8Sa yod 1M Mney Gainod.'jj, Has deoided k>, offer the whole ofhis immense stock of Team and (loerai Oroceris, China, Crookery sud Giaseeare, for O CASH or PRODUCE only, at s-elsughtering redootios. .Wo for2 offer Green, Black sud lapas Tous, vorth 50 contes, for- 25 ai cente per IL, or 5 Ibo. for $1. 60o Tosa for 35c. 75eo Tous for 50c. $1 Tous for 75a.  riàl etof u Tes wMlconrince you that yosz eau saosOf t moasy by purohaslng ut FRASERS Brseilsan Warohouse. Our feeli- groutd Coffée 25a peu lb. Lon- don Pearl Cocos, freeli sud e nutielcons, 25ô per lb.- d 12 Ibo. bright -Porto Pion Sugar for $1. Piesh oanned Wh Salmnon and Lobeters. Freskoanned Peus, Corn, Tomt.oes, Penches sud Pine applo, lame sud Jqllies, Candied Pools, lavor. c1 ing Extracte. Fresh Lemonesud Oranges,, New eurrsuti, New Valentisa and Layer Baleine, Fige, Note, - sud minet Candios. Pure Croam d Tartar. Tho,(Jelebrat- - et Louise, Bakipg Powdcr, manuofsotured freeli evoxy week, and soldyinly by8. Fiser, la pronoonood Ihe bout by a II' *ho usüe it. -.vi o utthoebl»ascooôf our Lamp u os. ales ana get r a"nin. W. huvt aspecietyju ho sIhape-fWoodward'. ~M t 1OATS 0 NEST EGu vhleh am e sgsodtdrive verulu from -ho ýbodies oe., 1p lay7ingoriotting foL. They are aàoiou! thlng sd t bosi en oreh"n the CLra E l. a ti ant eq hes th Oe BràdiliunWarehoose. n'di ~.B- an~e, an quen~it ofgood Dried ÀppltA Nîew Watchmaker- -And Jwellery S IES TO )ÂNcUNOto O.rsdnacjwlutby anad onu rE.thstni li as ronteathtei.store nextto b  ndrow1 A.-JX&4GNIYICENT- STOC 'ounof ho huai mupano s A oolit mu~ Ths- atat of thé ofathé. Tle itais Sufferar. .~ ~cniryl oerwo a vukie o b" mie grnlet u vsI o Beic# 'UA te "I boc u Ht, gre.ak-, J. B. POWELL & c -liecti Dfa tlm l'a tf roh. O SentiS '- 1. Donidtq oth mih t rise li fa 'HA miscu 1551 d u .ifov. 1 Inag "stoi In Imp rta at aîolse r 4ath e Ot svltvyu tIame MA th&. J-J 1 %Ufimm»d"l',ýra

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