Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1883, p. 4

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apln bis oivabe idu for the.-uequil eorebgeaio t, and corn. Tisr are souma ouidersîhons ta bu, takten la t 004Iut Oecunir>'produoea marts tbbit f1*oàiumoeo sAd the prices 01 " aaesd provisions are goveru'tl ftz1 141b.ohby the elousi of lpreigr & Moun& , 4 ise oelgu boauireet' ý;ekvomillions tiser. vin bé oompetitiut, Sfor aIl Wb have au(>a prîces WinI go ujp tsi-pI>. Eut if oursurplus b. bre y Seu O, io -e#y-mulilep abpvpehe fort-u0 ta deprese ratas. Tie oona"mptlu of whoaaîid largol> afeeieèd isy theprises. If ftic people- et Btr-ppe bavej'-ps 81-75 tç 82 per bO1. the ql e4 ltus of.jnillione af ibuisit i es$' ha If Ilet ott em $1.Ib0 te #1.40. Ou loring of tise genîral> gotlWlot-igu crope, epeculators vent si araldtehounuiertake the.mnipulatioon of eo- S-aead boas donsa duriup &WOSW er pt-Ios. The resait le Ibat i'pt-lot-a art modes-ste. the- expert de. Msuded bas continuaid goed, sud aen thstiu & hall have ta spare cf the co-, OU02vnb. tabou. if rates continue as go%, or aeb'sl ttle bigbsr. r T6f RIaii.g6wilug accuts cf Ibai u-tnid's erop gis'eu -lu Sept.embei end Octobit pt-ove te havi bain a littile bigiî-cooreti. Thten the.lest patate andi to t-opal, wbiaheb ouattlim s mueb bagrpar of,,s o c thpepî pbodlis-fI"s ' isa -partal fallut, h. masy fot-elgu lecaltias. This gri. ulibroughouî Qurat Britai sud l ct ci UnWii locutrfes cthe V!alia-41'l - v aPt and ~*nede Me - uit-d qusit xtereIbyp and thse avarage ai é fore - le cneldered néiat oowutb*ý throughoui Great 'Br «W «týad boit eflstouser, Di ralyt-tiuhome. pîlea v4phave fi sndail tisa &op. pli* w bve orexpertuWlib. oied op vId à 2sOe' s c rop- abroad. Fuý*9rétlllt,àiexpeeled tiiel- lh. -' ~ snd Auatina speoulativa-pioees ui tit-iped blelest jesr, ould sîlmblate atte 12 lb lhtgro-wxag. BOtt he t Mil4ar«Wle aéoes -he -Ar, ade iba,1w { 1seo.dand okchespud trausportatiou frojMr a ,have prOed eddisa. cour tma on bd cuatsoener tissu vaàs gepetrail> exp.cted, vo ahall regtain oui iposition se lthe ord'a grenat-y, Tites n4l, toe vsrytiig te encour. eua&s aIeuIrmen te active efforts. Ai1,111:0 *înler Wb@s$ oweu- hé se roqund sud A bosvy aou-lug cf spriug whei-t are Dot jlke 1 a >ild ose1largea acrop se tq1 ilatad4al.aguSttcs or putsio"taib.- loÏh'-*huulthaive figures. Âlfwe hava aa11 eof ebsat applieata eorn u as -I. N qreg h starbitore, ludisa co0?g')or.tel &lii senêt-si. article cf -' foeo o h. qther sida of the Atlantic, and thua lil lkily te Inctasse largaly. 2 forer maiju, asnitheaImproveut mode o; f tr.apgtug drfsssid mats, wiih th. e desd tor ail ie au produce for a yoatr o r o sàJt Î6$. <At eut- fat-mers t t»l, thae'soe ad dlimat. a lo10 4a al 'thOisaos-North as SwelL asonBti-gothe$,lU onekind aboul.i t prtiaIlî' tâtI, Sh ort . ab. suther ta Notable Wïtcbes. Laisua>'amourg-th., trvaurea of theb pa%, lustrangi and aluoal gro teigne forma, are uusuy viInt tinte- t -e ;deh lhouera "elilad tibarecu -ar Ù%wo gsptc r fgsd ualver, Vlth mnbh edoramant cf Pnlceleço tema. lua cuu,,-luthe Wii..y cf -su cagle, cpen ,làu*auee the centre, are seauý the cet-h., molloeanud luworst-clo'e. mgreasi ou s <rondcof nialle, iados.. tbe dillplate. This prtt> bauble, u-bec scooouae ta thebgi-dl b y tha iring lu tiheoestiWeofthe bit-de baok, eau aetéâdoui bravel>' opcn the trongiy developeul Olav@o. Tis, artan i Standaroi u-ed su anehaS im-keor -2--2' doue doss rai Ireer'opo"lhisbac tlr tbata'Oefi bbitr ai-ltimée-keeper cf sDa viaylng teuadrila. Xi has dends assuihIrIo lWillam, Tornly A Simple Pire-coeapa. Thiloaou of îise-, ilvauke. and othet-"'t-i les at-e deepeuad by lise teodisehle% isi o. Mai>' 6 tirïe Victime miabtb havébecu évesi, bedthsp ,been piovided vih dub simple applasce ofaà ro Pa, =pa;, sd a hoek; ,tise heek lobeteeamaIo a b. u-ldnw aIBI iLta "i wànt W k te * ils $big cocury s woo.au, your:9a. '" tb Wtl; l I o lg iît Dcta Ii 0 cd by ta ricil I btut1a, lii tbwu andifI. smoet t illstl i nybetf. 1 u4a t btut-km fgtay tlikt 1 I anâ idol1-'à Ihere n sittiuiteut lt-w about je- oattidowalks ?11 I é Ye',ttr la cat- 1('11 te à b r I "Btwuayl bi-gin asit ?" asce tùe oLndct- webr daim htht i Vu wsre drunk Whou yon l-l'" "r.Mly ttare I1 but 1I.aover touch a 2 dopf r"Noamatt-r, tht-abha will claim tha4 lit ait tnu hy ltee ar taieep the * Yabutsil w.on'î clear.'" r QIcouriiecoct, laint e'il prove tîmle. r4-ho tuati died sr.ldeuly, ani-be dicini 'Wl ell prove that you havi', or yon woaldn't have fallen. Andl theu, 3 dot-e ha owa the- lot 2" 9 "Why. I suppose so." t"1Your sappottibg t-o May bcaail *wroiig. Be-gin a a iksad yo a may ind I ihat blé elfe bill a de.d. linohtwl#e snd ycu'U find ahe ha. gone to lilorida to @pend tih. wlater, beasing tht- car of thea loite ta, ,20Who Wva Called te f Chicago fo sot his 'broihr die- juiL it r théti tsualie sboulil have ht-en atc 6 that sidmwll.' 1 ",Thon I bave no rtmedy 2 i "le* dttput, vueoa. Nô oaséIten "a 8~ your word for il, and &Z -pîsinîiff IaisLevs1i pro've (btaLyou woesta D 1 plkpd iâp'ber basket, "ithat a luaky sblng for me ibat I met yeu ? 1 sbail look upon lii.as e ocf the tacet umir- acukjeeeoapcs o<âomyw"Oléle 1>.. Stars, 6, Lar7a tbci,* 0oola 14 IbVao ver boisu câilw lès in ti ut v1a bey- tsuit t" - Marrlage Ft9aka of ',Freaka." The unarriagto ýf I. R. offit, tise tattoosd min, and ,'Milia Les Htrua. desr, the- beardod wamsa, msays tht- Commercial .4dvertiser. lotI alolJohu Gîary. the- swosd evalboner. -W1ia i. :h - tep-fatbt-r cf-ic bride, ta diqeourpei tt Iength le a Pbilsulalphiî Tintes re-port- t-r, upan thei. arrisge-cf 'frookot.", Tht-y îîually înag,'y oplponite, ho eaid. Hi only haaw coùf14-mantate arry a fat oascna. Hetinarl sîteroihy weimhs 00 pouDds,amd is Rainliniz congtsntly in foi atbbut hë-r huoaad turne tht- scsie ai sixjy. Tht-y bave a mruglity bandonie dîugb ter who iotasfrdak. " Fat Lanttit- Orat as marri..3 to a lt-an veatriloqui.t. Col. Oroebin, lb, giat Rot s'truck oti li ttît- Daimy bHenry, at-li ien't mach biglier tInbm ie kuca. Psany urattîone, cf tht- t-mallatt %vomen in lthecouatry, iie the- nifi af big )3il1 BrIsto), asidoe liw llower. Osmnuad, tho hsery man, marviethle -tht-es band d lady." bliea diad snd hi likad tIi.family t-o volt that li ,uerried ber niother, who àas e ae- charmer. urliae, the- water qat-en,. aiu't cxscty> sfr.sak, bat- oe.ii: Ite, buejuse, ,or rigbt naine i lt Sîh Swift. and 4 ýrst fume sout asesclub ULeadozianas-liv*t ln baag.aip style. Mr. Grey saad oeawould be estouiêbeâ to ktiowow lîatmanY uen -afal in love with "frerikW." The- sgly, Chinai. du-arf with 1$larua tit mer vas on the flirt a 1 thet ias, and je naagsed tom i l-l00 Ici;ebite wonian. HlV s11 dozea cf t oae Cape Towanagrees that ver. exs ibitad &as Zlua arc mar- rieul te En Umb women. Dîruani'0 indis rabber imsu, that iluy tlîst cati pulltbis> pkl arouad aad lot it anap baolk lilu gîtnB. bas a wilo snd elgist child -, bi'<1ernaay. -Mr. Oeary ad- dîd : -Tali iag about feaay thiaga, there's tlîst frosk, thie double beaded odrl-Millie-Chriâtint- I tutau. WeiI, V'il liai that tmor t baa 'laita nt-en babve offor-d ta nakrry ht-. I geeultha moat af 't-tu areafat-r ht-r mouey, but ahi kuows it and wce't tsIW em up. Why, ona craaky datuismian followed the doublt--headed girl fs-cm Dslia to St. Pîerahurgi. enîl sent ht-r an rifer ,ijeu eau take your choie..If YOD go througb hth bI ycýU vil! ba habiét ir weke op 1glbeý, sud. if -you leste by ýwAy f k bedyot'1l lilikt-Iy ta' - Tht i athb6ke tilrosd ema atartefi lu 22, asi=4 ta oonduotorný had torty. fl!e yeara the atart of the bell-puneh. i The fin-t ilespaper Advirtiui meî i atpesrsd lu140, ýd it b484ttom juut 6 tg 00 ra te co n o mre buginss The firalt tsperane, jt iietin leidb 4~unry v-as organirt-d at Saratoga lu 1826. The oposition aacurîd a foot- & bold ln 1492. Glasa viajdýu-s vert- introduced in ri ZoglgIcn4iail>. sigbhhcentury. The tl liltile boesOf tbee sovt-th ce-ntury bad' nold1cs in hlýowiug atones nt nuoces. Pid ùldibgsa b -K eroeen. vus ral uaid for lllueînàt. I 14< %in 18U. ia e.rvaut.gitl.blsattiug p,'puîleswèrq dlgoovered nt ô o'cîock 0iesi wnlg A utLa nv tebleabbate peak of lise * ile gels up lu the oricsan d sskêe I Dt ld endit-popp'slug tise quest- tlinl a rllt, écieluded Iu-:..Ar escl4yen a 13000,1 dean>' Mai,' a. lhlstly . jurD. Fendes.-, kilI thi ep, ugad standair.a,3y ta catch the ashts for- toefb..ýpou-uim, while the Lotift-liow was Ri.ftd ieh a rare in- --eiigbt ibtq "I -cer ~4ai-£-t-siet u lg li V o'h'be îlgis-értoo. Ou beiane lutrodaceai tethe tatatNlholas the- syllablat- of thet a e.il 'Wothi' niskes tht-- au, a»td w*s$ -o>- 4. tbe 'sbw'"tifplied , g Aleu~ubtilu Popss's fambous lino, and maklug ouac: f Ibe bt-st reparteeaou record. Tihe pt-at t festl-hd oft-t-itislatmà bt-r s-tatt-at euni>' is prejudioee;asu ber eeectat,icompaulionla humllt>. D eaivty geuil>' ith tisa.W-ho are- on tht- clown hilcf lite. Youroweu-em se eoiing teb? ho êteîètht-y-utne tp. Yofi toc are steppn ie Wt-t.r. Baetx@J- f-bat rctleÏmnesa cf spre iy àmuinmet, b>' coiusketstton4 4ýy - iaea.ntrfen.ee.q anti by tllevine putyct cacpatich te fsll iuo theIbmîade thal long for IL. Bo& let it heocf Iheir.cen eb.ieg, asa; ce tt ter rtht-lt-wsys for tt- ern choagh shey vert- childrt-a. Tise fisst lueilerý match vas'nisde lun 1728, andt tsawiud rose ta a gale the instant it vas îcratcbed. At s réeînVermonti oqirrelbunfliy tu-a t-mmeof, e4gble- utfleaob, 1h. vinuers eôurtted' 18,00 'te tha eort' 5010. ' M'fisa you fret aad fume et the poti>' 111e of life, remembter thal the vhsoels wltldbgo t-endivillîcut oresknug list Il ilustoi tbat, wl.sreas the pro pOr- Iue Iriïfltzn .sth 51tii ~m wjas irrlry 'abo%é70 -par oint., fitin nov 'oral> &bot22. .q s-ib t estate," vnltesasoub miaiete. .t. Ihr îo alarsu to1c Ibal w-ilehIsé -ýUpth gregatileaus soon se the service la oves-.. , - M ow~la i t hoppoqa thtisIv. fica dteab--ifthe Wulqa, ad aine friead to enothier, V a-y nsd have yeu-noua ramarked bote mldom, s> l hasdieft-gi estad t e clitera 2" FaIIt- tbm other. -- Piogenes, Iidrua thcester lu a public bath ily, rseu:"Wbere ces une go and.] s-hou ooming oui 2- Ttbti wwem t,eftr s.a avisn lathe Fe&, alu-sya wFiand rîuset bemttilves la a rteh-vites brook, te ps-tserve ,the - moothurea1t t 1mb-SkIi. Tht- Tus-k auttsrt-e as-hoatt-ps on ta orangze skia hbave maicacmmon. For instae. tboy bolli sit dowu vif b- out caltîup for ae chais-. The motions of tise Tut-k, hou-îttr, lack aes-rgy sud eate-spsi-io as cotapared vitis thost of ,ho LLuaWho usas the osauge ikua. Gs-enttumbers iuf 1h. massirlscul- tited on011the t- tasicorna of Fs-oce cenaida 110 gs-e-a os-tbs, vhicb, with the wilu-as, of thîcis- iinti, pop, thile lt-tt Ihe-Ir os-a shahs as-e sort, asldb tise shaîlt-o< mutsala w-hen they ar open for teeatiugsand thus gel bols board tad 1adglug. fot- Ihsy itarafly devour. tht-jr boat.- A Moral Pover. Witb avsrybatlit-o*f Dri Carson'. I'ulwosary Ceuib )rops.a ae-a . ple botitelq itou fs-t-e ef charge; "If. after usiag tbt trial bottle, youen eto&aalis- fetil with ils t-ffeoi, 1 yoti Cen raturatise large boula le >'cur dernler visa IlI r efund tht- ns.'.Thoseaudea a tP«tIfý-tý il pr-ompt éioelles- a curln Cough8, Coldg, Breuchitia, eto.. If a einferi ts-ytham. Fs-be 50 ce-tsaa bottie. Solul by &Il Dt-uggial. For Conghm and COcda, use ÂIleu' Lurig Balsani. Sos adv. in sathan coin u0: New Lifer. Fuactlane Weskeacd b>' Dit-case, Debility sud Dissipation. Tht- GREAT GELIMAN IIIVIGO. BATORisi e .ouI>' spelfie for inipe. teucy. at-svous dt-bility, universal lasai- huait, fors-tfi*lneae, pais -lIlthebîcit or aidas, no matt-r hou- shattfesultht- îya- tem tuay be from exoeaees cf an>' kiud. the OrtcatGoarmau Ismeslyviir.serM tâte lot't fenctioîis sud aecuro heslth tad 1't-pI merF- 81 DMpt-r box, six] AfIrread lu nuti lsa shreist'la dt. Tbis nonoe au d.ny, i5es laly viens. aisoce - yodermat 4hauos*1lopxe0 thoieccuiplslrats anl veakiesaa oous-j smon te sc armêtaia jDmlaLbn. Ev2" Weman aboulai kno tW Electie oBitters us-c vemar's tnt-m ft-aud, sud vIl epotvel>' iiisIerm-,bes- lheultbi *Topvisam 0.sliptitc remeubln asu i. A alugi tilal la'. Proves ont sabadon. Tbeyt-anê -ploat ýt eSl tate, &nd cul>. ceai lIy -capta- a&boUe. bld b>' all drggiil. - - - u,:ie i -Houas- te, Wb uslnot1J>g-- our tt1e iatue. ci L>rpice fl ie anvasto- of tPiITiux's Paar.si oM Be theirnsmea t-urab. mcrg tie ccuala- 04 beuelsetara s, 1L , I his? Asic bome kb6hu itedlft >aleise Oas-n Hatytle whttht y .tbnk of if. Tht-fr thËaua iétt tcldtsMu is praa-îMl-lh e s>k ud pain- t-ss DBet-c hes p sastiailites. Ibid rerywbare by- druggiute ke, N. C. POL. 801N & CO., gluoa5 Frozi>P.delora, e. ire W he rmu Il , r MiuDa1Idui*VM. crmso d"eitentUh ff h Usasm ., reaoabe eagls X9Us wOnaaehlda Oua.fit U .e;O s, ud MLs ï 6 o n à o tt le. $ 8 .0 0 a »D u W-oDSNWId i ;j l 1 w v ~ ~l Il * au -4- IRi 1,11 And i) IM S? lit-e W 5 S t. 1 pli. Muitaeu oa A a.Fk;w eq,;oa.dci Nehseks.Matoit. DS41 alla. -i tans sud Tex., unMiros.. aa Md 61. PAUL iy thre dedt e b ~ l te as lv ~ ~ L =hritt.l *1.o et 1 6 tiro e d I 0i- n y tram i ed a ail c"assas 0f trave "d suce c omay Aratïn Idgc e Comany cb proprty, gisîbo r damaffby fOn-. Wbisby, ApMU1h 178MA .DR,~,FE Caminu% otn t i sîIaplie *oe bas hant'j recommaudt-d te cenaumptîve patIentc, su&W - tha 1ev. Dr. Mu-sal y, lu hi@ bock on 1h. tonseu 8k, Mmutlcne a rimasu éf hn frcm thse Iraatmt-it e1 this aM re *Iicidwth umur'dasosti- j. sienvnleulte ca eût',ii.a #~ott-t i DWILSO.I(SPULMONA&RY CH EttRy BALSAM %f,&d voProg.. WOd Everywhs it2Cu efe Tuo oti ic tu one, 40C. J. W. BRAYLEVY. MONTREAL 19 N . l e - - - ÂT O - S J I AaiIa~Uiwaiuislla tt". EJONVS l AD OLS. Great reduction in (Jrocke ry > Ëàýi ware ut -the 1WHITBY - China and Gissarrtrade, L1lu n aeo*r'hhe *h*té,et kny1I~ stc !Crookcry, hina sadaG asware to thse Publie, st sad U~~>-9~~ONE PrOTH àà~fa~ e* ~ 1v~epuch-4 TO MEET THE OHiRIS1bMA$ IE, I also offer for Cash for one iýionth, a splen<i' ld sotment otokoticu Teao, F= mil GýorWeg,, 8pes, Pckles, Fruits -ofail luds, peels, Oandièf< ges, Ehmopes, peaus, Apples, Oysters, &o., st prices that defy com titiôn k sithor, Tornto Or or elsewhere. Agent for Jabies Lau' Fmus Teas- a present given with eaeh package. -WANTJD-200 bris. goa'od Winter Applos. 2,000 lbs.è goed D"iod pples. Higbhèd' pies adither inCah or Trade. wV . 9a. oyrM 3 %s > Wa 1 Docomber 121h 1882. WHITBY OHINA TE& STOBE. Great Sacrif ice, Sale BO OTSI AND MAMMOTH PARLOR BOOTi ANDI SHIE STtOREU. »0eplsBlock, Brick Street, Whitby. VÀTTErW 0OOLIfl ls'. OlEs.. $10 bm ??WOfttEI OCF 7<Wi STOCK, SU3ITAI3iKlEFOR eALIL AIDWIkTEjtWEA WI<% *ILL IDE SOLE> ATÂ E- *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r 014O ? 10 ~R.CN.O CASH PEWBS, § -J UIRTY DAYU AN 0201KTO MAKE QIJIC BAILES - Al A PULL 'LEARANCEi 0bgutomirapsctflly invted te oeil0am4tse. bgoo. Bez rbfdre batb pro.01 ~>r1eoeohbe«Mshmn4 B wtalo bo s&dbd&tore" bien ablitp lay bifor. b~s m $0 lblmakue a slelçl vîrythlng that càn.b caeafor;-."d Ii Uihctét ~e~A.nd look ai th. ,ri.a2 sd then o ntk-of Io#4*1àIlmafLdiesXuu ab I¼ ký f Rqb«iý bougist baera etavio-- ut*lmoira gulntg Uiîbma t -cf sletg puroba. TENK, RNK I - VALISES, VALISES 1 1 bilr ër oBiulii iomtû etatto mà? uiasrlAe eofti1h.beaut stock f ?pots sud 18at. amer beioreszrpeadlor. maie, soi oly -q th. t--., but 1. the Connty o! Oaiarîio. wCome ne c aait n eao iebi, oBrai O~~t~*Otls, ~~8S. Deverehi's Blok, BroSritWlii. #FiFINE.i'ED8 CLOT8!1 SIIOES, The Largest. and most oarefully seleoted stock *ini oounty, 4ind at prioes to defy any c-mpetition. thel Garments m7z oiodr r on hie shortest notice, a.nd inth1Mlaeat sgtyl MfaMCn. t-JO H- FERGUSON, D!la Lake, NO 11R TEB.- DÂKO>TA, Trlury t FUINTÀd'191 LauI OEei- 'nO r--- 5. lonn n. 121 20 1 8iI &0-THE IVISON COR, RealY0F !TEO1 1885.iq -CRU. *')UB J Ocloberllh11-O. - -4 d o u & H s , 0i7 P > IS H & 4s. 7 o -An ts d a P .Q - lio th np ~~~B 0P >5! r OgiL 4Agsilfor 0n15?te, THEGR FECIl'OAT AlWALH isula Il t hifee etist WO fthe won- Oum*~ , baIsjp ý o rl N I S t oi of r y $ rs D içe. use Of %ahobola e,5i~ttii5 isSus, tuno - ac tea ae Li-Pli~ t he at- le i.~ b a ne-ni~uasa u o SGUM.* te adr aa eeiedb ib iemzla.Uü"g 1;eear:«u& tausray Ifth . ae ouà cetzfor of.urn<,Wis,0nJ1 ieaulbicts- cua Gaistse laui M>mst8eI4CeeMsncrn Z--~.os. c wat' c.pc~rs a GRAVE SPEgCJpw - RICINE* w- -ý 7 5 a oauma sooesateeft e ait.. mpo .i, rarad y a Waiu .Itit imd and e5îtoiZ PiriSA ir Pig-iaod rsxuizatrtitiat- o irrnesso.SlostPt-5tow thnStlSIlin r .-o Ifuoh 99 1882. NEINTZ - t j - - - - - t- 'w mmmd O'I IVal" lit t - t;- ~rft->4rfIW: - - --t a- i - t - t- t - i W. oonfidont~bf i t-t t' t ~ - - XPMI JNE H t. cEUSa barw - usuatbeiav«ftg Jou ByNo. y ON TAMb ;3JT W' ' ef

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