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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1883, p. 2

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Be,-J, D. War.- Pevoît e eINLT Il 50 PR ANNUM. Thosk, Mr.29, 1883 Th . Ti.centrai creamneny. -' l. Anes Ints-oduced, aud baS pais. *,a- Simly reucbution at lh. Town Ooquneil t tenmrisi thie cornmni ou hgo suijeet of loemting the Centr-al On.samery la libis n.iglboshood. Vbit. by maiS litser n.lusopoeese many advo$gsa wrich nhitte bm lmity te tit reeogtton s vas lmlely pointaS ont le, tissu columus. Wi venîd sugeml lat a deptitation frc%.thie Town Counoit, os- et promue cubelisedtzne, be nv rappoiniteS Le vait upoli tha Gouesumont anniheel up <lie memoÊsial asa>'foro'arld, to urgé, Cie elaluftu t (lelîlly t e, hecen- iraI CO-ainresatalliaient. Thc Commercial Outloek. The. csuîccairl ottlocir basnet au O$ae.4opefal spet jus& nov.. Dally V rt acecunts lu the p4re-ofe I~,s. «raIvan copidredstrong'mndt s i.beasir d thé aoolelseoeanb l i locredaS tira i*&ultlnm viii b. ex. t*osjled,0& a ae ýlw r"' lirccis eue te h oinliyr el*loM .Onîy yeraay vo bcaiirani fsouia lovelin bis '~ s-~Siamai<Oio¶ eut of b'84. l- w sevuil vit Ilb. fonde baveaM coin- mand' buyug fin lh. lochaetfliose v ,r. MuUsul. tencarros-j Iund"musl fifH uiai l t m i nj cfofr a gond 12 aitChari"s i uppes-. 'YIýo Mail e9 WedôadMalescwhat -mcu*l b. lites s MnoiIaI anounce- mno t 8i hOUrle.Tupper'a raisii-a t te,)U.Ifs l te ir icA. T. 'Gal'. iplae lu 'London as CanaienasHiglà Cocta"tmoor. 8fr Obhsleshbasbeu t«esal>' iglàt "anirnlupublic lit., mcd bas ltamneord Cbl lit sbceoneîiored more or lees merites-lone, according te tio pelluloal os-part>' stand-peint frein viie i hte4vievo. Inbues <ing aIl viii agre tbI h. o amaur cf exinméor. sîeq iablliyanS greal force et chas-- Pr7oectseofthle Liberals lu'8New Brunswick. Tb$e MW ieral Omcs-nt luNew E.ssa svtk tmls vitirbrilliant pro.- geois, XIlai omsposed of strng ropra. wu$&*ahl mpbo bave von tir w»Y te ptbli, lverby boeit habrd .cs-k for pno~ame. Thra ppers tChb.une - Serbt'âst thelicmouMy cf four, iy wbh lb.t*TenY GcvcramosC vas do- loeac4, vil ou the irai lest question bac ht i4 eoaioge Lgth ue , be oee 'Pr nt' a re11mors lieu ofthé MUlàlo4n by esusmotas mijos-lalo afford iagoM Index cf lireeelin la- tVo eth1e ev w la iisaln. ALCor- Dey GourslJBlar, cf Nov Brunswick, wus rtumed.for T enrOuatbysa cm. JorljýYof upwaidsU»0on «oklng r.- eleoucu on ha"lsg oce. Atitsem-ra bars cf lthe nov Preosil atGovsrnmecl bise ov'becnuir-eletWexcept Bur-. vayor!Geacnal Mitchell, vho is Dot op- Tilt Niw PuaxrpAà.ofthtéi.col. jegat Intlutevii ommence iris duic aveirfrets Mccnday. r. ,Bmbre ta a B, A. et Terct Univers. It>'; s haoa bore fropi Btnthray, vies'. h. basbeasu od.ma.teî efthie eleeblenh lilgi Boool abthstplace, an Ibus tegStouteans ofre et b.blest obàioton. The 1ard, vo areperaud. o5; iavo'Made a vie sebstiocuilusa.- eusng tire servîtes ofet M mbrse. preseeorethle Graàd. Tnuu1çblucre. TJien ti laequallîye oritn liaS anotirer lic. of nallay vilI b. 'boUt 'b.t.ven Mt »ndbusl e Oaltdr' er gsema int l cf lb.Canada ifie aI MLake ipiswg. W. autiolpa lirstaiuaillie. hta. 511hae noueal lomis il Gup"<e.unt "eaa b UscieMnabvY 4lWbalS'uS sé a oesoeutvatieu vom *o& uEbIaalJe hallSup a 0ooml du*.-RsaOCW . Veesy 9iap.. yer 1 the liia 5..etofNew togbl 844,hmd arrivea Mt the. ripe agt bf E88* ti.tnae of i. eau. ]le cainet. Ounada vii 1im fâther,. Jes Lyqd%. lu 1808. Te mniyreîeSlt ti tovnibip of Pickering-foi abeut a 7".r and iteis emoeod into, Wbibi. Jabes Lyude settitod on tb. lot inuredi. &tol p !eat of [.yude's Creek, the streaut iecelviux ils cime (rom hlm, and the. family bave ever since romaineS upon the aid wllkîzcvp beetoad ofthie Lyndes Bt Lynde'à COmek. Sylvester marrii. iun188, Mise'1 Louoy 8mith and-took bh6e bride te a Dow houne [artber uorth lun<lie own- slip, vhiols vas cameS, sud 'bas bec aitce knowu, me Maple Dell. There ho roeided notai bis decitase. H in vif,. diteS lu 1881, and Sylvester muasried agaiu in 1848 hie second wtt,. 'Mise Francis Phullipe, who survives hlm. By <the firet wifo ho lied flue olldren- (ibree ot vhom survive hlm) two sous and tr. daugliters. ' There are elgil, chidreof etbosecond murage-threo sons and fOve daugiters-mll liin È. lu' <he stormy yena.of 181$ anS 1818, . hovas omployed ln omrylcg d"esclies tur the Britishi tronpe mnd. bis rominisoesof ut hoeo tuées ve very literestlug. Ho always teck the. Libeoral aide mud wae oves a true sud staucci Reformuer, a warm.hemrted frionS and mn hoeset uprigbt fariner. As n mnaffectonmte haubanS and kind tther, aud gond neiglibor, the. lite Sylvester Lynde bail few squale. Ho vas ounetofelgit childreof et hex Lyule-.four of whom uivuee tie de- ceseod--oue brother anduSunutrried sinter stili oecapying ti. cîS hotuseead Of 'bis: ova Ituedle edescendante, lier. mie living elouen oblîdren ; ixty- one grand eiidroc mcd fleen great grand obildren - a vory eoeStable progeny fer a Cmnadian patriarci. Bourd of School Trustèe. At a àpeoil tueetlng eft<ho Board of Schol 'rrnotees, bell ou Thuredoy evonlng lest, Mr. L. Embro,, B. A., vas appoI-nteS Head Motter cfthie Cellogisto' Institut@, in the place ot Mr. Robiusou', eesigned. Saory $1,80Ã", per mmcum. Thor'. ver. a nuber et applcations sud the BoairSdh'i some SIfficlîl' In coming tea adecision. The rollovlog report vas alec pre- eented sud adopteS: ie the Board of Educ.ztion, Teoos of The. Special Commttee ppointed ta mils. ouquires m tate uecauses oet<he troquent changes et Assistant Maiaters In the Cellegiate Instature ttcg tare- port. let. Your committea lias had seventl meetings for Lb. purpos. of sach on- quranS bav.eliaSbefore <hem Meselrle. Geo. H. Robineon,' Principal, acd Mette. Moltuin and Heudersen, assistant teachers, vho mad. state mebta $,e yoar cemmittes as ta tho mnagemeont of the. Institute. 2od. Your oeemwlîtebhavéeiaed te b. miele asovenal ofthtic entlemen vie fortasrly hoiS positions iu the Iu. stitut. a0 maistant masters, a letten er copy cf whicb fa snbmitted berowitib. 8J.. Y"sr cemmîeesiy LiraI luasil estes lu vhicb mcy peial remon bas been steted te youir comumittee for i- lgclug, promoticu and oonaequenl in- cremea( o alry bave 'e stueis cief causes of sncb reslgustlon, v'iii. a nuber of suoh assistant tLeeers have resigno.! for th. purpose of pus-seing lisir atdislu lhe University. 49b. Your coormite belieus that the short notice tîctretotore reqaire.! by the Board, bai ceutribated to reuder sncob changes more troquent <heu vAs noeos- bary. ôth. Foui comnxiLee ha. founa hat thisî vere difféences elsatng boelve thte Princfipal acd certain et snoh As- sistant teachen, which inclineS sncb assistent te seels for muS uccopt oti situations; but your committee beg ta tite hiat these differonces anise ont cf matera apart frein Lie preper vork of lie schcol. and liai notbing bas lheen elicited train'vhici your committee eau attsQb mSay blâme ta the Principal. -AIlofetbvh ii.respeccfltly subinitt. ed. ail u o f the Americn $#motik or woekl[em wltb 27<. Lioi.gAge fer i jse, behh potpiid. Littell à <3.,, "oton, oare epublisiers. Wiat Tltey 0,6t lu Tbelr Eseter BUs.' )Ir. Blmke-A polit. note tram'Sir John dim§wicg tii Mail editaonlgl. Sir Jeu -Oce cf Mr. Blike's bineq -skies. ý -1 ý Senstor, Macphcrrcu -Tii. high cour. Cool.ldk-4 patent of, kulgbî. hem.' ' NSe snlm-A soft Osol. John Ieon Reiertson-Be3nany ao beraipp the prntre. nlon. XOW otu-4 'u fQuld dpropir- Id,~ ýnditi-.& seimmea. from the lieuteaa4 t-goveruor. 1ý- ý Ut à)wa-àpropoaitlon fm ro l Johnto tsdo*hail for the dil.S The peple fToronto- _n 0&Qtîfin 4y (P'rolù Our ,ue- n Snt Wis ivbr- t<he bieski u bO vailed for .tÙi eto* von nov net wers son bave had liree separato -offenses cffaIs. proeone. es, asdaàhenoir warrant vawusiuàè agmînsi 1h. Sefendant. pieS lhe court lie rmldre le Sa y- î- ', Cotvan 'V. Marln.-.tli e h Droit. Toronto. Ms-. Bittble ftot 0p114' n.; Dunbai- fer eft. Cevme n %. 1<o.-Aotion on-, promis- ,tory' notes. Verdict for plffi 05,M0. Mr. Ritebie fer-pliL. - The Jets-ph Hell Manufsauhnnng O0, v. F.W. Cayeu. T H. Meliliâa& n J.P. Larke.-Tbe aetiois in tiss e e vers hronght agalai Che defoudantoa. steckholdere lu lie Mansou Mautfie. turing Co. The amenuni lalmed le sbree ithousaud hwe tinodred dollars The défonce wme thît tbe stock va*oase- siguod te tho ein as tests, aS hie tbey w oeu cclpeennias-lIy lntoesadý The. cape resteS en peints of lav. lia Lordshlp nomS bis ruliug, fiading liaI Sefeudanesvoesetrustete sudanreserred jedgment s te osiae ~ine& Messrt: McMillbs n sd Lis-be, M. lr iis- pI0, ; Mr-. BîmobstoksuanSMr. Euglfsb for dette.0 . Tii. grand jus-y made thoir prsont- mueuh miostly betoro tirs. o*lodk tlus atteinoon, expreeing IheiresatIsfaction that tbore vos-e se few cases befere <hem, ands ppreval of the receut fin- prevemeut n the ls ouly boildings. eMr. Hendoros, Orovo coucual, rap- rqmcle he e oursthtias, éiegrand jury dSpet Scire lo be lieu diehang- e4, inaeueci me some et lieut eoulaý nct gei ivey before lo-morrow,, ma' lire> deafre.! te draw pmy for 'an, aS.- dilloual day's detontien, Hic Lor&- mifid aiStiraheus taituts gave mileage' au. payl s-r-emei day'.atondaite. ln court.- Ho vould net, boveven, dia- charge thie gt sud jury teulcgit. Tbe Joseph Rail OQq.y. -Ceuliard, vua mnaction against Wiltei, &,ultbmd me aleekiiolder l in.MasNua Mwq1m tmcterlng Coi The aýetontWuamed vu tii-ce timasmnSiv o rnudred dol- lars, Tic dsftdal dm., liaI bi eteels wu.fnipalS ud p; Affy _pen sent., hy tie deôlaratlon of a SlvlS.nd mde iy lie Mismon Oempaay -ou the. 1879 mcd W-hlci va. te b. applisé lu pi-. muent of tic unupai.! fty par cent. in stock. The plamctiffs conteuSeS ltai tii. Masses Ce. hbat net earned profits auffiient le Just'ify lie Seearition et muci a divideud, and tust tie balance shootlwva afrandirlont and Selusive onet. and tie viobo scieosue fer lie puepose of rAios-'ig the. stookiiolders froro llabi!îty oni ttair stock. The case had cet concluibed vinathe court rsee. The diatreseuî etateocf lie counts-y, the aseassination trials mn.i tho <boinge asd smayings et Par-nell, &c., furcish a con itinef IrelmuS. The tri ai more meinters of thc Armaagh Assas. ination Soiety bogie on the 201h be. fore Judge Laveon, sud endeuita con- viction. Crs'u4"Sw.?lreaglyn~po&eicuun. stances. Wheu Bus-n pi-lidtlra- banS lu lbe enSd t8 hof lm 4b il, As.ieiaiieSooirehédlat bei Ames-Ican ig s-cm hxIdalm dgl s i Crocamîoeleir. >Tire osIden.otalmn a- fermer vil Ir'e Intredoed b lepo- esios for the porpoce, of abovu=g t the. merdera vers plauned ' by thi e- eiety, sud documents supportlug slis, charge vilq b. ptodueed. The Dain1'1elg1 cscousiderss prepostea-cua the report Ihat tie Gev- orumeut buS sent a meumig ets cte l Waohiiztcn ia regard te, th* ntersucet and cuntinga ef thei. tiaidynamise party in Aterici. It saya : "Tic UnitedStBates Govenamoels attitude of ludiffes-encea atiheras-luge etftii...min tathie saine as tiat vblch Englaud bas ulviys adopteS tovards exilas turing refuge ia Ibis coutry." Tic Proeeasserté that Paro nebanm interview ah Paris Cave iris vend o! h1porl ti re. efth<le tan mou réent- Wi irauged lunIseland vsrs Innodent of lie crimes for vbich ta>' er ex oectt. .5. Tha Presse *a s steisulis aI aUel said hh a.! ne hept thira .Gladstonie Gousu-ument vouldaucee»d Wlu'cfyiog Irélmnd. Bur. PutnpâaîsnKarMu$&ITeNc* port of tire deih ofet Peisile otrmely Directer oet hi.Pool-offic'e, &ealanp- 'tedl suiShti.s oz-lie l1u. rs malhau prsono! l#. ie a i.~~e lu~ ~~ ~~nlt eomqohw tsreote ,î tiI. pojeof >' th.anisd a bui. bsec cousltrbcted aorooa '1h. 4 ôbËdlt and! fqrlengýbî'a ured 'to pqlcerine Dit lu Sdo-. Tii. anS, t,i eps meq-, Lord,'Biador . caas emc .ox.pe sadtilsaI. i. -s18's <alras l e sîrih r-I,..v Ora"tblk mn (nUvliS. A choitvirile iflar Ibis, lu Affl, 187b, i. ertc##d iber mn tiri>' su h.usea none" nfrout LaS>' Riaidlo rd tuttI0October 24, of im liai aculS isd mbein te Mmin, vie oarrieS tie mai-k oetblisbicliait iraS >wun ghîp te lior. xHo ntwrau ta Setter, and lalor on,. lauaou nh lemotes te liers- sekof the delormed oëlilS as an "bistos- incidanOi" lu*irelite et mS olS 19ngliitannibys SiorIl> after ber bamd'a desertion Lady BI-andfoid'tok p ber reidence viti lis Dols.e iAbenema, ber taties-, virewu vusons Loed-t&-Lennanl ol Ira- lanS, anS Sld noS uaàtli sîgk&ithé i Mar4UI* tinltil tic fàobwing vineen vien he os-col>' spolse t er.an.e Febroas-y, 1876, liey mat iL' their lavyer,'s bous. te altompti a recooel. allen, bet, as lis Manbléc'os dqinabS. Iven Lrd md a",siÃ"fS Oui& cesse, bic l", tuilpi let soute te an -ag ont, Proisd b>' isr *relatrons o0 Duc ra atia-ot divorceetale gLepi'b>l. pplciyatedau on sneob aa'ltp, Lay iaS~d itcIctl boveen vo nof dAoale cgr...! ù-doand a JiLdiolat sepcs-alloe vighobéci' e trouble ltIR p. ev tedy età of tdtaIdbntl'iruoa bock 2ib baome*, d vbec sireboas-S -tira Ldy AyhstrdiraS rehuntcd" ho ber tamlly, Lady Blaudtonut w to e r hitbad, '*ic vitiron et 8l.>rlhs, Somndleg en lui4uie aio* a enn'u.. 13li e aa b .plte.tt. sS big te'nder-Ia ared Itep'romiseS le tot-et al 1h. *ohridbut' fétors-goe hi# ancestral hIte.e4ad ls-noves- anew ltf., Titis b.prmiad t&S'iÏik ovinr, as 1h vas Dot 'until4s fev Menûthe uter. warS, tha; ho pie ber a joefinite re- BUABs35AND w vins mIeTIAT PARIS. Iu aneiher intervieewvitb isii vie, il Punis, Lord :.BIedford premised le retaru te bis tamil>' vien tb. ps-ocaS-. lnge tfs-dis-oece&,gains& Lady Ayiea. venili veetemiat4d. The reanît cf tht mmombse trial, vbeein LorS Aylesvonib vuato aiscnviete.! ot vs-eg deieg, v" e au"odth*cdemand for divorce te be rujeotcd, inta tee ve kceva gb h.oupsis.! ui pos. At lie c0oîluiosr ottu. ria, l in it ob rd BîaaoàdMvua. areepdeni, ire n- Lus-noS ho bis fambi> plie as Bbosheli *,aS everyüd sie imodd go. e au« wihtbbiilcl,;uTn'bar iysblp vis dispslcd sme ,b.1S it -n bor omi *a LoS W~,A"r bcd pr-u baS ïk cat t I I.lfuat... cmpw., itwasto* mso t csdv lfL e Bliatord mcv ver>' vol tira slt I»rduhq, h..! c inttlonýus f e- be ier te ili* er.,sicdamnS-dedsea proorastistio, a ilt.ods. siat il vas bolug <froilo ts-Lady Ajiestord anS ,bas-OuI.!5 voalur b.o isired g o ae c s h aSbeau Upealitesubjeht meeMd helas, oi teaie 04 a yan upull. Inarcaedives-cc. Tire erna dil -*t.. - irot e ireebaee ad Divuorce Cous-ton Peirnar>' 0, and, eai sbeugi Ms-r. Iudarie iaiaiatoreruy fer Les- B1iuadft& od, e datai..pvas ceaie. . t' pI nitO6ees ellsd Wés L&ayAyls<ea ocal. Who tlest 444e41tin May>, 1881,. ber laSyai vbô vW« tien .obiang vitir Lord BlIaafod, «av wslb tleObshillai Paru ig. loit vus togkstereS ner ila nameeof. ogm, Ses-riSabme-en,8f ý»memQ@fl - wu ssieMu>' v geil Q"S7 lie ',gene>' cf ont 'cfthie meut uodest, '= i iutla fQrlumt4e ee o f bls- ter>', sacreS'cM 7protat-lb. royal Esibos-. - Tbe religone. observance cen- listed mmly ofe! sdîng, evening mcd mornlng, lalb.thefailîyî',ud iutii. synagogue froni the réli' iloS M.gilla manieetf_1stb.r îàd-MoesdeaL Tbe Purimu balilThoniy aigu lait at Union bail Tes-ente, tmhle social eavont eft heo ek. -bit yemr ilta tei- tsudoS ho mals. %bis ball sien a greater -oueeoe S ita at fTis-da>' ulgit, Enstlamete"c ru troubles. Q Nzv YOuK, Msrch 22.-Tii. Hennit'a Constantinople correspondant discuse- ing the Deleigno-qnegtlon wrltes under date 01 limcii fili-10fIâ iltâon o! tho ver>' principles upon vutir ic>' au- rang..!the suraucipaiieeoetoetBulgiria and Eutes-n Beuelia ts-om tele bof the Porle lie Great Pavera bandeS ever a large Mesanlmu population te te a Gevernmsnt allen lu faili spd na- hoMailustinet@. Wbat Europe sionîd have dome vas lebave entarged lie lltlc urounialu eStteby' a ged îsilo. frein Hsrnegovli, "vhôrs la :ird race existe. TnnkeY vas *qçtite,agie.- able te mcs n rob nethUc anli bouger cf Austil yogIS oct--lîev liaI Power- to e ruiqgli -c«.inch of--e tesrlitory #poun viéh hé bA1 as atened bel. gra. "WIlir'tire 'ec-1ê of lia Dateigato dlstrico&.snqope iogbt, as 1 bave aa, iaI%è Iostenegi uneti" W"va. euS..!. ol ou seu, bowevr, ba ht à faWtIretécse. as n Mota 'Isw*itu g ata le lie Gr *6 ce at i ontne aslg e. e'diu*lire initier of lie fs-enlierliS beau agréed upon b>' boti Gcvern- meute. WbpC.biovever, late b. doue vienthie Abbanlans ebjeél tea nj tuither uncxadolcnj:Ilta sver>' bard for the.Batu to be ealied upon te ce- foe hie subleelslaie ace.piing a forsigi rater. ton Ibis la viraS h ps-me- ticaîl>' amounîs le, thé ouI>'*alternativs open te hib tautseofthle eedd districts inig ths abandaeneclof bousi acd Iandfs. Tiers i ote metall et a onufes-enceou the malter, ibis b. iug the. age et aucli expedtents for llirovicg a halo et legalit>' cei-the biulying procoodinge cof gréat Poera levaiS Che v eaker neiglihoura. Ail tirat tie Tus-kisi Goývos-emerlin justice sheuld ié. calleS upon te do is te witb. Srav bar Iroops (rom lirae eded ter- sIte>'amuS Isu e i soaS open fer Mou- ten.gre Se enter,*euS talc. possesion il site eau. Tisam-is a big 4i' & bout il, as noue mev botter limu lic mec et lis Blaek Mountapa tiomtelves. The Alimuisu ancas brave a. Ibey are, andi ;s veR -anme.!. If tirhe- ptoegrius. Iivlsg l0. odveatag<et peatien, *Oe se Vin abro le hst the, lb ls-g Tanr" anal.. lutsa inmse rs ploin atue >Md15 agala s1, boy muait baltes er fllb. Aysntls b. tom t aI I'rt ikiha omuIdmutes- forealvatos e laitCbnitr 80S Il =m b4 tabo or tes noe.!tlsaI Lii quest ibet et gong ob. cttIqiS iti An Essex Elopement. '~DasrnLlei Msrii~2-CIton d&y lutl P. -L. Vm A.tle.'d ot Lu. lageaO t. , arrIveut da9Is -cin i eea5b ofiMeavit o,ïblfI is boute lu a vusy urrolptluo up mner luncni-m '=ey vllb a hee.'a n Alelue finI ~ ~ ~ im gg, tascl. upeaObat- bat. virrahhyto pdovenalgRhL Vo Ic th ieurdaVan àA -hm a boucateV a gtuqhre h efti làres b lowean i. a Alalhisa e ms-cr 41 muse, h.mc 7. , Tirelai asa"d ib., on' on an- cf ap ta. 'Ibese eqt8 nueme eGaAJ ait ah chrl n mSyeven' if snow- Ilakeado mugIe, wlthé icroses, datas muSd ïeppt. bleuetamo#."- Porty daY.8O! lie wilisc b orîd le a locglM .. si -sistt !tb A .17 ie bea tireu.&cft of *the eiltz isdateII week- Wl ubi t ge'Otbsi '5i,0n allvejîperqhn4 boaemmlt.rs nknew-. wbat beîgbt a womau's enibuiasinCou attain iu pnrcbasiug a cev bonnet. The siep windows display the muet tempting arraye oft&Ili anner cf beau iful epriag novelties, mnd the ladies in Chir nover weaicg ezaminà4uo then: are the bualest bailofethli popula- lieu. The épidemie ibreuglicat th. Départ- mente nov isthie civil service seform tavor. It la the oblat topicetfConversa tien, anS many roquettehave heen made slne 0.gress adjourued for leavee cf aheence for six anS sigil, mentis vi 'thont pay, thé objesit heicgi te avold ivil serulde egeasuluahions should'tiey dsire le enter lie publie Tiers are still torty six congreasmen mcad ox-congresemen remmining iu hIel city, vie e b-etoccupation veuld oom to he sseklng favori freithe hoeeetf Departinta. Alihougi i liv -lua beau enîcted regulailg civil service appelututente ia ths Goves-ument Di- partinnh, and a Civil Srvice Com- mission bas beau dasignated hy the Presitionh, ibe demand fer Peoerai pas- rouage aecordiDg te pelitical influence lu aloosh as greal new sa 16ever vas. 50e4 e oengre qmnen.%Whdclonunud mont sttouËlI' te'iysteoe ofappeintlcg persone te office vitisout regard te thoir qualifications eau i e oe te Sa lu in he Departnes igging to bave places made fer tir. ona»tituetmà. Itias 6a coticeable lacs t ibioe.who bave boen rebogte privi fe ( stand but a peer chance ef havlng any ittenliod given id theoir raquess.The beaS 'et lie DepartuaenC somm. iis kappoint- ment olerk and lie Ivo officiais -ex- eialg;lnceviié'bsoi nodeitebd te meoaus tha as tbse endorser bas but Mille iufluoe 'h.isenet te ho favcred. ge, is SoIld Wt nQvaceno eoiats alliee tume, buti1à Preimae.! tie very nexi ap.- poitaint ~o$eSbis applicait eau, amies picoiplea'.) He le dirscled <to & rosent is candidate at a certain lime. h. latter bas mu ordiuiry education. and is capable cf perterming lbh erik te vhiciib.oveuld be ssignaS, but ha rt.s ubjecid te n nuualy rigid ex- amin&tien, muS a il vus previenely un 9drs 0o S b b irn et ospu n e s o e re- porteS deficient anS hie ceugroesmen me informed. Those congreeéen who 'have thie influAnce are working very ini Suetniousiy as Lie prosent <lune, for they Se net kuev vhit toexepeet vhen the Civil Service Coinmiaeiou is fulby under way- The Post Office. Deparîcuent la to bave a roo e i p jart-as i a seuanfor th. a0cuul ted cuniosities ofthie Dos Letter Officethat bave coin. frein ev- ery cine suad Country. The DomS Lot- ter Office ha. a national roputilion, and mauy pesses visit It dail>'. Tii elorbe bamve beasa compelbed te vaste se mucit, stume lu seovlug the visitera tirrogi '940. offie, and ici explainiug tc lieut Lie objeeté ofl-insrant, liaI 1h bis beau' fous.! ceeecsiy leeocslrel a Musenzo il lb.enmtr«wofeet. li oeê.wheom th.. uâ, biss e oeii in l glis saes. An eldenly lady- wl% 'b. plmeod làChcargé eolefpth U,24an.!. ne *SmiUâ -toth.éfieilb loe te vuiitera lxi ti.fulpi'. uegb eCouetri1Onetodd Ibin ae M beseen ber ta inen'au.s vdiûg ring, and! a suake viich vie milive vien il rîva aI titeoffice, au.! upon the* piée&g- bo. a ci 'nedjuso o nt tsud frigitenàed tuo eot br~j nuing oven thée 65cr.ý éii i4h ~ly , iae~vluus ooilrlia cuill ilave ta b. àllcisd.' T ii ta e r cmpleted .em.t9-e ,lu April, sud aimce eues-y onueoet hem viii gelsa bit, peemiuo a le b.van>' lu Ex.prouidens Dias etMecol.-asd. p4n -i.(cstewen Pasàons- ii .*I), -àîee 'pe tedte'as-ive ues-o. neut- Monda>.'. B1ooms have turn e vgaged 'for it aIst te Abil a naeh.,.aA Li OmT1 WÀ, MsrUt e Bnite.Di- vorceCopmmitiee met agai to-day viien TI ZZA1(IATiON o121 E85PONbRkt m't. Nichbolson,-"a o ntinued. h narrited the cirêbimttiO5c@of Mr ,and làb1 letter telli.ng ber sbat Ncil jgbis ebidren. Tuat *veuin5 s.be.t 'aia.f.in occueaDY wihh ber bus;' b~n4 Eorpmrdîsinolulng Joues# ýèèrq st âupor, sud the latter wuin-lu tïoduaed téethiiviter., but netma ber husbond. Ber- ebtldren'rsDO'I re@m &long wiib M»s. $obnsofl'a littieï girl, te whom Cbeyne baid roferrod as respondénts ÂA few <laye liter she teck lhe children ho Mrs. Obeyn te se Nicholson. They met on geood terme and sbock bande. Nicbidon asked if ehe 'as msrried. Sbe replied thal se was married go him. 8h. <id not ras- lize thon that ho inoantianything by hai question. He hougbt the. chidron saie candies and oranges, and was very kicS te tbem. When ho parted with bis wife hé kissed ber. Ho saiS little about the prociedingse obail tk- e8 exOept it was 'tee16a6, fer -1 qi» b. happy togehhe, àas Ui Mùd b. partod for lifeHoie nver accuseSl ber cf hîviug oomtuitted a marital offeuce. Oheyne serveS papers on ber, asdwben she bail read them aho decided te con- suIt a lawyer, as éhe diS net désiro te be set. donusa 1 A ÀLOW ORARACTEE. She came to Ottawa ta clair ber char. acter. She would net be hrandod as a disreputablq erorn. She bil precur- éd several affidavito frein uoigbrs as tc, ber good conuat. osos.examkinsd by Mr. Ohryler- Aiter Iéîvinq Nicholson seeuie ai ber fathées bouefrom Auguet -1$7 until thé. faIt of 1878. 8h. know Joues vben ohé vas living ai Bruce Mines. Beon after irriving ah Detroit sh@ smw Joues, sud b.emaledopon ber &wo or thsroq tlmesaw hile amie, wua- staîg at' Misa .D.Iênelo.s1,54ýe si meË 4iM a' fte wtlii*t Pembgina lu 1871' Whore bor parents were rosidlng, tempcrarily. Mien, Dîniels bad -omllsd upon ber, but ber visite vere net veen o be (thé respoudont) di'd not 1lié bêolI maiS. 8h.e wo tee liquleitive, and too fond eto nrddling vitb other _eplesbusiess.' (Lagher MssDaMaIs baS asked berIfaievi ging te mmrry Joes, and bat' reply v as mot tat, ait kûow 1cf. Miss Daulels did net emil; ber Mu. Joues. . 8bid De rigbt te., 8h.de- uied tiait Misn aiels at muy, dîne, SAW ÉÏR NUU5flG à CILi but eheon oue occasion was ho'lding Mrs. Johuen's chuS. The latter often left bier child witb. the vituese. She nover ou auy occasion alluded te Joues sa lier husband, Bhe denied tht ehe bad any culS born ince ber separation from Nicholson., Flhe bail' a chuld hy Nîcholieau previeus te, tbe neparation, but it died. 8h nver receivod notice of thia action except by lire. Oheyuo readiug te ber extracte cencoruiug tb. matter in a letter frem Prince Artbor's Lauding. 8h. deniod any impreper ln- Simaoy vitb samnu med Kennedy at Prince Arhbur'. Lauding. Mr. Macdouagail saiS he biS a vit- cne epréseutl*bc, hail noticeS a report cf tbe proceeSingelu tiie pipere,,and coul.!twsify hïo the truti 0f;Mra. Nich. olscu's ststemab rcgarding .certain e vaneut a Pine vur'aLUnding. 1-Mr. T. D. Taylo1r, si.vilýeugineee, St .preut, lntheRideau canal Offceq iu tbis clty<itêb. emiSeS iu Prince Ar- unr. Ludl s a civil engineer on th. canada Pà-ilde rilv frein 1875 ho 1877. Ho r.olleeted Mns. Niobol. son eOmoelag lute .Queeu' hotel ee à .10'rs beairdiog Ihore at lh. lime. -Tiié laudlidy at télite ltotek Mr&. Nicholsonial ar bnured ber. - Thé witnes livÏeS lwe yeans mi thé Là'ndange during vhich time he board nothIng againes ie"ÇcosnschUrctr Heh~, hwsvr.lusrdtutNicholson SMr. Maeýdcugall cffered lu *v"cite affidavits cof persons lu Detroit as show- ing Mss. 'Sioloou'e good character,ý audofferfiS le prova lt hii ey vae 1logally.takeu by the. evidence cf Mr. j Jldlav, atàuey. -cf Détroit, vho vas Spreat be limethey ,vere mmde. -Thé.ecunsel for ,',he r ,eapondent Ob- jeete&d,!tii. objetienv AS sustained. exopêla.Mc, cnO L1 1 'Pflion reenedby as andtt portanS 000 opiso the revised by ý Sarney, 29.0. ou motion f1 erser6.reý left thié 0a10f& t«' >Oir The. reove ,ha ving resumed bt hs the 4"i410g- nul thé .,eeon l m ptifions, reemeiiuti.pyen à,, tb, followlug sceountgr-Jas. "Taylor gootts fcr Wekoeld,'i t1&07; &zei Boh ocfoi'aes rpp~êo~ the Alleu'i, t4.76; for oachÃ"f!-the polling Beothe ut 0elOtie t h. egiU- lative esomt>ly,42;Wm. Ce rniok, or.,1 for support cf John Burrowsým, 010'; <15, cents par veek ho a18c grOlit.S John Burrowe frein igtb ,o! Mmrcb te Blet May, Woe. ernibki or. cour.- Tba,$ the tender cf obas. Sarney of th: Witby - Gaigett, fer tiie r0ing cf th. auditors4 report mid lb.e -IW uccepted, boingl. telo West teder. Th&& a&H potitieno for grant.fer the roadis ha laid over uil Ch' ey meet- ing of' the couladil.» Où motion of Mr; Mitchell the- report was recoived and adopted. Ou motion et Mi. Ferrester .the. council adjourned ntil Mcnday, the. 28d day cf April noit, ab tble hoUr et'- eue e'elock P. M. M id Mr. Freemail Suicide P BU B ULIUNOTO BAY a.xprnr-WSY iD 4 A iiTG KAN Èitrr go50 tInON' ISa ûns 2-TIRuaxaWiLLS Iii six WEEKS: will' adymace ,tlfr- ~interfsta ïtuhei TJpielpgIO5~ Six Charles in or, JaÃŽ e tâv-,7tàa before th. i. . Thé MyTofhRa BcuhG, er. min reqluti@liÇ~i5 ermîted . Tho troop'e of- i ~Argenti. epub. ~cba*XO*8iltr afight wiu< ùoos ups -àquestion o#toaI- ritcuaoiw htlo Ztlàg lbe c. BIVL Th* ~: ow xassig troopo Lu T in.grton from Svltzerland te' is nsÊsumxug amrwnug :.proportioin. Boveral districts are beiing idepepnated, A new orater hie comrnonced to 66ôw QD' Mo=t; .dllns, sud the moul. taineere ar -Éiing, The earthquake shocka -ars ,violet- and widesprea.d'lu their eiexat. - 1,,,1 Thero are iudiàations cf the rapid prac tbontilitios between Buosian and Tu4abrep uAmenia, thon. seltlesaite of vhieh province hie Cer. pletely .topped business. Don Caroba bsmanfested bhis patriotilla And lc6YS.ly lo',tb. cause 01 order by a manifeste exbertiug bis Éartisas tend.u inte struggle agamat socibal$m 40dauaarch'y in Spain.' Boston barbera are anxons te get op a shavlug match in order te decide vii. lae h.fatt lthe business Iu DeDçYer an India bas been, con- victed cf forglug à signatue toa batik Ourles DÃŽvis E Interet chili continues te be mati- di.cf t1hI fé4tes. iihi.demtath oMnr.. F ' eem uS, t e glagiua $he Yong Hamilton lavyer, 'vi e a gerom a'i tiekn ago itarted te drive acrodi Bar-tinIe. lingie. n Ban> das tound nezt day lu an lobbo. A cerreapcudeuî frein 'Tie largostf Hautilsbii'Wites a letitcheo ntie- ins, on bieini ai siiar.eloda« b1romdly irmntlug -at dl the c0q snieidby Mr. -Prommu iu order Ibal sents nUDUil> tb. boas-y itaurmuce on.,bis lite migil le be grln Sa go tebis vite sud motirér. Tire lan er Amoh omys tiat lMr. Fiééman vas a youug 1ll 0awu inu ofrespectable parnttge, of quiet, nýt Siscusa uurdssuuiig unS doîneutie' " 2el 0J.c-t e iod yee.a'of'aâge,> anS marrieS liut Bapte-- ie-b ,aspre bon. 'UpteIbistiare 'ire va.s'calieae., witi a 800M polîcylu insheIC.Uw, aInd $1000 lu tbe Canada Lite, tuiren Mis Cra B eut in, tire l rivlous lMas-iE" - I luI 2o. bai sucS a riol usinier- lagI be bagat, bis incurauce Ot Prearlisa. J mania. »HEe tucreso btsipolio>'l ite 820,000, but thi Cenap Lt0 e 8000 b.tob ont À.PS tirat -s #10,00in-le;e'NorthAmericun--L0, -on!'ttiim..c Arcanx un sociatl>' oieien' turne 'il- ad bsn-oies '-eî attuentim t o accident inuaaice, mcd oeecame 1ho gi bore oc mes lb. e is.erions greund for ebueS sueopucimt. leapplies tathe Accident pretdit campauy ta- 810,000. Hliestaica heinto batibmupt. deesn ut vautthlb.idewmuty>'part-ho vanta the iÙsUrauce, igàinelst eah' Thé ýlàtest 1- cal>' I "Hoemaires lie peljo>'payable te semhles fiiecolk the. estahe Freomanà,ib'n e bi v e or b>' meana cf S bielasin. but s moue>' emite ta. vlao icli- look 'asf i i be bas lie mmcagemout., Tii. l on.-m airéhes- ag tho 19th De.ceunh,ý.Ian'- t4la k. mid4ofetvorWk*as vor>' J amumîy i.-go.. 'l&'Ii, '-vler' et tsai-miug. ~atouS anS tabou on»t as pcIy_ for 1 i Grin 800.Hê sià lehoù o t itoCnd'te gal maire »_ tireround 40 h00, a- ~ ea~iim same ufternu e VI.-s-litse OUm e 0-f ', - - - ,'S te- iltisoe' AccidenI _Cenpay :"' 0 sudy selicited, and likea. et ut medditicual' ýtou. liberali, dSemuslty. 4Tvo wv'els' oatiar hlieasna coi-ue-b' aciden, 'Sittinig Bull, le thoen mmde tirce vlsvtioxbivdm-S velsu, lia fri tone b.lug daio.! l-De.,- itlov.d-lc',eu 'eiola, In ee t o h4ur holje Standing _P2l veny igouerons, il 4 au. -the mey'i'sb oinuo, se-s- tcI., butt'e ,'t' ' ig -ol.!auvuge a resiqlebo pa>'aÉ-iîe ite bis 1vite nd beeernitg a gOc moties-lr hie- indebWedes ticth It is beped f ý.Froemu esotate and. te' Mr. DuE r'm 'b. able le olat fs-st ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t paScf'.-;:.b* egt~éz i OurJm Tha1t the DItESS, ar W'B& swa- kEvarti, tire dauirhter et èyof Blate, yul b. mar «Xwk on Aprg:f41.c Dr. àe elienrdty in a euit si tietmutees for Saum- eiS éiugirt ÃŽluiining a ftee trcit-sller lu-Nev Or- - ig aie viral bacume of* ut. ahis, 1repliaS that ho véraanug froMý a veiut ila lireisted fibre. delinsatiereof &spnil'vý tanker, aLntlborsMs, h Young man tirbeai Ba-ker le villing le tir. hg deteuSaul doesnl cne meount -for a suit viiici iE-Italu mouÃŽy -brei Dn th. exelian-ge. Wieu - ief bis e uchir vs broiren. o banikroet, anS finmlly agon>1' lu :note-piper ne 4pured ,paechuteul, yhicb ýarb coonii MuSe tO md roItlS m.vy lei place -ý B'Eoerneethlie lice@- ybeat anlsd lthe effeel i"- -th, e lginiof lie limes r4r'ted ber soxir aloer :~ a -prnneee muet be'tugiil U. . t So.uiz bravai. irho - possible, but ut aI evcts net pros-eu, mcd hefoe-itiel.uerue Optadshs'resigaed pIe 'diS ighinlupayitig oe e iïi mou ,Miaisuipppi Biveor Cômini Tie Neva. wi,~t laidiàisiiet"v Mr. John Bright bas receis-oS tue rvr freodcunofethle city of Ghagow'. '-'.~ u n Ëfua?é emuptien i&aînbuidltg.: H cls&q~ le bouglt'tô e.e uutingictivit>'. >'t ' e dab' u Aiomibas beuqxploedLby ial,- ni ei7ited 'l "t I loa kt th. Minitry of Juslrce, Bonàe.. - I ~n nt~ acevaîlia tk~ c-ilgh flrmenopara Mnost Tour. :-]J

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