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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1883, p. 4

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ow imon*eo 'v b becs sort 01jandsorliéaoe u ng Mcw~Ioairsams OIctl Sunntcyg sud 'round, And nv is oght. 'l bad aet led sue he, Wittlé10.4me thra. 1<ow lot tha îles, hoshort- rWo a est. 1 foiemwhence i carne. Llfe'a journey oair, And De, what 1 have beou, aud nothfug more. My ~duat raturui ta driat, AIItur thb. eot My seut vilgo t'O(lad, Àum bbiat rest. l'va outllved »Il n.y frcii.de, tiy hopo.Amy f-a.t; Aaad les$ fr tear. liew Hie Surprised 'thetu. lt ales IthsaI atisomo point' in every man'@ lit. h. vili do aomm,bng te ur- pis. i i rtuds, bot eýobit e Detot d14id o th tbat the othuitady. Hs Weà mots <b Uob uu vnue flie«.T'a uoid-sd ragged, sud it W, M wgeth ho a aniokl*, ter th* slowe., hlpi. .ta soruliout, and wae oAetabed en abcouaI cf lài. aiut tIverbody pa. l oge .dreamed hat bo ltan va.67 ro.fonega drink. Tv or b îvele"a aines, a boy 12y s W ~gebétetooted. har*. bapded, sud wlhtb lb.statueft bars on il b ui a aitod Lb. aloon and a"kt&pb4'li thedoste.mon lu Ibere ta 1~¶ bey -broad with. go te il».fsr w. ioup apol. the old "Genlemen, bore lu a poor orpbau bo>y wIboa u ked; fer . mouay 10 bey b edîabêtses. od,. lam a poor bi Isu:, ragd and bigry and ai. meo ipenuoia, bulan« ot lstand Ibat S ê g#àwbOIe quarter fer 1h01 poor lia wthé# 'lb. Sitsurprise..Fora iulott% neousaspolie.: Thon eigblor len veInes ed l liums: S. *o bave Il 1' a&atsVssa',t ve minues.,beture a pure. n('8.20 voeu mode up for 1hq fqroran spd htpurgry lad. The old mran, roe.sasvontyli0voper oint. In Ihp mti- matie. et Silone *wbd knaw bimn, snd lise bed semomore and veut ou& wlîthe is y. Tva minutes Jeter ahoi .tou" iroh eout, sud Ove Min- la oe. r hi ho ,bboy dlvld.d ill. P.""ee mde îegaigbg on Sb* eorcer. IIÈ wssa'e exsotly a wlaack, tao the oldt4ohap teck #8 and 1.ft lb. lath.ea960à fosrteÏo dhrmlned men rosbed onu âmd santored %ilssud dowe, aa dudeltimed b1y lie rom bohespoon, bub4bey dlda'î a t Ou i*harted olà tramnp vlieo b*rî hai aésoubed. He boadgroip4 LOIefrtoh hliaelf 'llb su 'Plaaaaufor Se ru*. lnothere 1.hamublo .Wnu.lis of New Yorkja îb. oIl.eafou or ciar ownms tu thé e 4mt sud gullar. Soaui1 a &do t** Ir i a ece a rbusnselfbayleug b frtu thehborde of youtbful meneaateWho altoIluthe It*tilan qcter of Ah.*lly. Anactive boy or irl vil l 0lZalh* abashol eof thei. stua u anhor se.lthe vomis belug do» from, dayighttlt iii .<1. o'cookeb, d ing Ihattfil..@JIitihe i inilmeImaaIneethCitycIp re greaned. rbeo elr esîve unél§ed prie. fer th. sttips, btit betuom ite fleen cou e a pail; 14e qualfr paid. The bayot asb:teai ie lîlet mcd thon spred lieu M to te dry. -AÀdey or se lter lbey are *ruubled loto Ilirode, 6=9 bÉlu onoulnu fout Urouns; veaslv.4 a lalahiagt'oi. la 1h. useai., bu o ou nI t no a delUne, and vas duet i 115 ud of àasmoutb, Idr, Meay of lenk i . sad to POU....MOre seboge aMd preeaOf Iinid and strmegb oseshinedtibas auy otier s*boonu*alu 1h. vend. Whube eon ber w&Y to sebellihreugliau open laId a.sab#wuah »ackb isltlNlated duter. To e a. umetasd mtw in m scac *" lgtt ola.ug m 60 theb tSule, i' hb e f h ,'w lb. only lblpg tliaI muid bave uavsd be.4411ep .SUf ook tbosl by the houms, aseo 2d onIo bhuo$ll holp sried. 5h. ls repoded luate inttealy 01 Yuk VUtimai admirtiona. lady ut - tb hlll ;'as tiedaâ inisthi"f t$empts. *'the rîe oc w watb Cunut"Auton -lte 1i> ma.'The Cenisu nIW& otytu;a;,ts gsttroua. 'fho ballerine w« uuuhlppy, howevor, en.m ..preased tlir otinc.m op marringe la, iimw Veiy Fotîdiy. At lest the cntt Promired Itoeabd the firadan sus..tu lise iaitî uon e e oemdion-lt she WOUI41 calloot ma msùfIY useiposl agi @Lampeaise womid ppet iii. walle af hie grand sa.ln . teck hlmnaI bais word. The. valla are aow, il la said, coorred villa many Ihoueando of tlampe. baltlime plafond le it ill white, anit the Vipmîns paper calte on Ctes population of Vlantàsb t assitel ii Dam p.ticig lie 'wnrk. "U1s y. posagme sîtampooliaotore maf t Veurali ou t îLe sband<nuce of yoar samap colkoa dion@.,1.0 Chat îLe two inving, faithtul Isearo i wy aiImoi ueSt mniteli.' George Mmite ftraai, ocam BLef, feld, (lied lag*t year, anil, haviami lat no wili, hie propîrly, wticis vas vary coua sîdarable, passmi to his nephawu. Tise eldeet nephew, Edward, Wasllinoon ta have gone lu bi Raue oTuieb wam,ý wb.re bu vas engaged as a door. Ho vai e laiîa dto a .lad, ainsI the soucoi-r or, for lise VsisigPr nphew vanleal' prisol of lie decea'... Thé.. oniy way et pronu nghi.s (eulata'l-,y ge.ttmssu anfint- tidavit frein Dr. Lsîtis,,su, w*50omtex.,- ramtel for tme Win.sbledoîa nmrder. Dr. *Ltsinbis aan lisphclew ai bit. r n c I ii ust lotgigrnn.>l> sm-una.ds stiii lii lisrs.pitra , mi hoacettifi-d alin) hie -teb w.am isli &Qrendufrcit reasîr. ry laupo gibd.. On Ctalaarcîug'h ontis liaolditvil an applications a tvite m to th ie Court of Pruate Co geltIhe data cf daath ne- signeil and assmiruletratmon isaeid.* At- 1er coueiderimug ail tlioa circmiuseanciee, tbe Courit wade an orter, andd oceignami bls dïasth te havi'Imken place about the lime Lamon avwhm, sud ardored ad- i*iuletrlrîof Itoissute. The very naît day tbe misalng aepbev appeared aI the oMosceof the solicitor for tha poli. thouer,L Be vas iu s viry emacisted ceaniris, hsving suffered $srriiyr bis injurien. tbe meut -cevere o<,wbiol vss s bulilt annd ia ibe beaiu Gaou- trary Ioe epeetation, la.bacl reeovared, sud, sfie'r various gerime. masSe lbis way %0 Eingbaând, srrivîsg ere the dal if- terb ha beauoinlegs! 17 deolsal dta ho dea, la lime ta reocive bis shara ai tbe tartans loit by hie deoeaosed uncle. -A ycong voman ilu Illinois, orazod by religion, imagiine. herseit an su. 'tel. ILile nsually craaed Youing mon *ho imagine yoaag vomen ta bu angela. A omble deapatais daubaiebat the Britisi Govermmint bastLaiton any stope lovards rannveingt the surplum- o!-the Alabama avard. 'the Landon Mc-dical Preas, la te- ferriag toa s erious faliang off ilimte movenue tram inloxiosiag drinks, stalas Ibat tram October, 1880, oae million psople in Engloand have pt on Cteis iei mbbon, andI 504.000 bava signadtisah piadge. In s recentlloereon "J.arnry." Prof. lickie prunonacîd Ctha mode-rn dinur * aailceut aprord of animai. isw and au admirable Cali Ut self de niaI." IHo doclarad himaefc. uae-sc, bi advtaoml bisadience 10 nv a ao, te every second dib. Biemar ic ibîha tisifarinrAai.ei mght to taise avnmeo ietn i day tO barveisi bay or grain, or tO do nything tri which dtlay may cause in. jury-.Be sys: I coutl Denoier bringz unysisîf lebiasI tenants et my tarming land net te de snob labor." At the isut nIaI. bail! aiSt Polars. bemg lhe Emprise honorout a yoaag officer by alloving hlm fa watmz vitis hem. Tise geuti. nian w".. eputed ai lamant douces'. bat. aomehov. ou dils occasion hie ukili seome te bava do.- ierte mis. Tho Eniprers &nit ha tell heavily Letahebfloot. Thereon thé Empererrail sorosu lb. room sud mslal quired from his vite, who Lsd riuen, von ab* burt. Tho Empres. epliesI ihitalCesheit Dot ual eied, bal tok the arm of ber bueband sud vent fom a lime le c raliring room aliolted te batr. Meaawhils lie chagrin o! the un- offloor vas visible taec&l lIesgueula. 1Dy muid by lihe Empreus natuued, snd, seing tlb, disires afber laiIepariur. vons te hlm sud iuinsetemi on bts dancing anoilser valsai viti ber. !tais lima Lhote waa*no oisbaunt, and the. anlicly là» an aa or a mrge oui't, le bigher it liai been - cm ten yeers. > Tes bots l number of deatbeeila given ab htý fwilîi? ç,h soApmn gt;r Çlt nçp' - . Z 7-Tim National HeailîL Sasoley, U~n- don, 1 i a lntrtduolaP.fsrm <of gemmbent Mada cf îacluodto he wori by- thome@'eople . v iae COmUpelîed ta an." ter tIesa panineuta o eprFeense fferng irom coniagiona ioaî.Uaed in con-, juliction witb a' medic-.W dc4ltt eié pirater, ài l saufla to b? a- p .ecdîso againsit contagion. a eaciest of -Wild ptfls um14s oovead osubn list.1theai~mf) woetinAit'rnain allilao ,O t-o f2,00(10.twhicls ii. epnken afooa rn parier inhatela aohl aver tu hebasbet cutllvlarmu pottael. Expenimootp lu' lb. cnltsvsmion of tLe plant ara belugr made la tiosabatte Agriomltaral iSobeol o! California. - Tiiheotle ssueofuibe Cangreesoionsl Record centaine four unlebkeR s peecheS- by Represeutative WheeJar, of Alabatma, amenaiinc te aboul 176,000 worda. DR. SMITI-VS GEiRMAN WORMI BEMEDY Removemi sommcls sud Seat Worins iromn adnll or obilal. anal me oure for Coivtneas, l3iliaamsne, Indigestion, Boum or Waak Stemmoh, il lu nuexceil- esiremnoviame aIl impuritietram tbe Stomeci. and keepicg lbe LovaIs regu lar. l'ut up -lu Péokage« aI 26 cents. SolsI h-,Draggiseasud counitry Store- ki.ip'-rs gcanerolly. If your drutgist dos et o keep fi, Ueo No Other, bai send Sm. cii neareal office, or sais your druammgit la obtain il for yen. Sent pouipaid vith full direotion& for usiua, o11 rocaipt cf prie@.. 1SMITH MEDICINE CO.. 8W8 Crig street, Montrsmt. - - A. Fumer, Speaka, - lir. küsaîtinZay, 'Copenhagon, Oeut., &&saho lie s&P adited viii Liter 00m. plaint thai ho va blig.ed te it. op or. badrtiggbtmî ,meiAylms oadtod rhàImttyhZonp-m t .àêb'k oiP sula tis a star u6r6g amo boodealie was alo ete reaume wok se vul, gaya lie gai relief freinthse Aret dosa. andI la uatisfld _bers lu xio botter Lîver rey la ilsteaet..Isalymo us te ueo biesinae. Mar. T. W.1 4thima. irard, EaDu' villes: 'Inever hbiite.tlerecoin- meud youmr Elotri Bittera te sajou,- 1 -mr tiaayplve entire eslif*otlon and are rmpid aura." Eleetrle Bittera, are tLs pureal anal bu eicaline kuova sud vii pçsW'.ltl 7cure Kidnoy sud Lmver complainte. Pnrity the bleed and réganime the bavels. No amriiy -can aflord ta Le vithomil mlem. TLey viii s@%-o hundrads et dollars ila dooorse bille as-amy yuîar. SolsIai OCly centsaa botîla bv (. A. lPowell. A Wide Awakc Duggis*. lMi. G. A. Powm-ll lai alwayti cide -a.. i LýtecUrf' tishe (.t et aNery article i su Liir Il.lins ... euaread tihaage-umy fu-r aise c,!u-bmais'd Dr. Kingi's New Die- ccvt ry fur Cýnntnpticin. Tis enoay c-rsui -rmuktacwm for Conatimption, Cungbs, Cýjl...,Haseuvus, ÂAlthma., ]Tay Fover, B3ronchifis, Qr gay sffroiloa of tiha Thinat and Lunsm. Sol. ou&c poallivo guassutea. Wail«ive you s Triai hottu. fro.- Ilégular aise #LOO. A Lite Savlug prescrat. Mfr. Mi. E. Allien, Hutebinison, Kana.: Saved bisLiale by asuimpie Trial liattie et Dm.,Kiag'a New Dimuo'ry, for Ceusempîlea, vhieb tausadmi hm te proure a large o tte, thal coaspletely curoal him. when Doctomes, hange of limat. and ovaryilaing clu. had t'ailed. Aathmm. Broauiima. oaroecess, Soutir CoagLe, nd aiU Tbroat-mnd Luug dis- estes, li guararteed te cure. Tr il hoties fra. st T. G. Whilfeld's -dug slore. Large eue #1. Houer le Whorn Moner la Due. Euanr te tLe namne cf Dr. Scott PeIna.,' luventpr et Pu-rrma'u xmzuuCo»s, Et MAàcaa. IfaUY leu. deservlug mec have Ihoir ummes inrobed among those coua"mer est benefacteru et their rase. ,Why cci hisu1 Ask tbeue -wrbo have used Putuam'a Pinulsa Cern *:tractorviral they Ibini oif ht. Tbî thauluul boua catnuet senud Mei pisime tS hl. Raste, suri sad Pain. lesu- Bevar ofetcirap aubettutos ScOA oveyboebydmgglsta &c. K. .POL- SON î CO. ÉlupouiProprietffl. r, 01 ni it Pl ta Reports fremIn lva showv'tbs appie orobards are kilfeA by the sevivo vin- ter. One furmer bau l ove lanadreal tl bre. Il le estimate thlsbaste thse «Il apple crep o! oee ount l mes il be ive million busirelu. The smmll fruits are alsedamaged. -3- hlhb ..tmlss ofmuitenalrevo'àenoIk I. prepsr 0angscircularinistruoting the Cc lobaooo deners Loy leobtaiu c rîbate proiied by the nev 1mw. Iin. osti- -mated #7,000,000 yull b. njcesery te j -pap tbe&. olalma. #£hmore lue ccii iti' ab ailpoloas On- the Radsa. pr«psraîory te the - te- am saumlng cf 'navigation. Spmlng businessb ni lia river promises le ho unaaliy lisge, thougbi il iiia. b-br thtis yesr R by s usonti tIss utaI 0r. The nigro minialeru of Nov wOreane-,: have induaeed Ibeli pariabloacru te Le er uaeoinaied after tleB. oard o of mlstliTg bath emploped .very meoasexeepl fen"" $n 1 ld dnes, -Italian money broiera ba oboces ou lb. erohauge, Whsou ene came te grke iot lae bndivas brolsen w, up, bbone.banco ratio. vhiols vas thon n evetd ie bankemout âand fleally re he lainons olm choteu& Ire. lu the 25 TOuihires <maIens kuovu as 'match 80,'-be.use Ilgeueralby blosacwed on &Wia dm1., stsrted gus., amort nîl l ad- vauce tris year, and &Il Paria rejoiceal lnllie pruapeol cl an earIl sting sg Maciflhluoeurt bas giromià dapesi. tO~ iu a irokea uanis àverdict sialaint lht b6.vere rsos in y " ý fder Lthe cef the itialii lspW.tce aby .dldlpin bis 80110 ele unltad a-qparler o!f afa ulin uPhîilepbà,%d lent Canaplug ont lu tire pisse veode irasbeen mocommeuttulteo meiptive ptiUa6su le Rev. Dr. Mfnra.l isboion tire -c6m tire trestesent cf Ibis vime-lay >ns afflicted vilir paba80mari dbama eca. eot unako at cnvemienl to camp eut, nom la it nec.usary, visen su lie biette ci lma Yrau. or Rai> Emauca ei s oetB preparation, vinerpresouts fl oni. W@s native medicala. MA oio e f Pi4c 25 sud 60 oealsPar bbel4e Kldsiây isoae. .- - Pa6is, Irritation, Retenti=n, Incarn UneneeDepolte, evol, &.,uret by TButpafsorl or.e~tter, Oslie rnsud au1 in tilcs, mcl stisfactionor mon" U pents por bot. Pot« e y T. O. wisit- Flics and lng8 nie rpit.eéhIipalidlred out tout and. Comion e. tthe Sssff.tung. Plà'- bal-D'o' equi for rebset'tng paln, both Mslsnul anM, tomnai. I autos palin t tirees, 'bc* TonthaclaeLlbf.and cm atny kuni clii or ache. .1ýt I Uvi maïsiely quiokeas tboJ3iood anA Ram, a ascng pe-rl rndérful." "Btov' na ù#liql J4 & pea," being ackavbem¶gei s-a - ihegriat 'aienItiliev;i a t,4 f douitble thea trosal t6 ea ahrrRxr.or Linimnta inLb ron, sactlilho e t aztauiy tealiy for use vLn an autui, slb roily i tire begt reuenluth.va-oforl le, tÇ in tir. etoaan sd Fains and A Adleeaof aill kinms," and is for-sale b 11 Udnisggiots -*t 25 conste a baýtt1a.- - *"Rough on Rams" -.~ Cisure ontarrata, mie«, roacbe.. fieo auto, Lemi-buge, - -aimait.,obipzutikmh. dan 90. et $Io'~'s~or"W. Iu tus cureaiucast Or'~%a0 mb-g oi: Tb*. cuirmutp ?~Me as Hal's amib r T.-rMJWra W.sub i WooseaA ss rgl Anda ~&ADESThUe tm u LJoph. tantan ic mý ,e I i oue bs nsY,%ýe:rIrfurAlbe'rt t h r >.0~ ~t înêhhar rip ds Wi t l %VriOfer n KAN SS OIT-Y Oclit Uneaf Oitravini a sual utnea .i ( am 1 Utry57 tesd te 1'.a6. oadi.- sou ftzse ofaL alN.es. 9i p. y» iomiI Olue,îi Assuance Company. INCORPOIAID 1433. àa aitTIe 15, flmme 9 P. A.. EALL, Insurs-aces ef thpu Ie loveat eur ýit rates au B*OIimIiam« eis-dibe, anad elle paupotiy spinal boss t asmu by Ors. 0. vouIs",-1 Agiet. Wby. WhhIb, AphllIi, 1%. 1 EXCtMSION to-MANITOBA, DAKOTA and the NORTI.WBST MARCH 28th, 1888. Thea 9hir spoclolPasnger Train vil Tanlth Iau UI cr tai or lb acomoato f 1h... Who duilte 'acoospuy lber effectu aMd bie sdock. Thoa !»atou t ono l'orfroghttat., ote, lime tables, m àa nA l Infrmatio afply to ,Agt, 4Am&lgamalu Grand Trunk and G-si Wesern 'i iseBrSk Street, Are ýyov Dru"s, duUlland eut of sorts iv Anc you bilious, nauseatcd and m rade sickltby the thuuughet of food? Is thure a di -7r- ring pain int ) ut:r r. t mdtis? Do your luossc-l-a ilLn-, get Bcre wuîhouît'-;- ma--at causa? Are t?'Žr s'out -yes t;l(A -It1m -. is yoursi. a i ,L.¾csuà n-u5 coppcr-colorud ? 1)(" iyaur moth tzis te bt adly ja ah morning? Arc y s-'l ç -? Do yen have j-lsi > a Are ycur bu>sl a-'i i Are yen d:zzy anddma-ts- edattimes? A:e)-ou îti.ova . and despouchs.nt? j yc. urane iighly cîlorîl? .1 - yeun aervost nd fi iif 1 - ln .il ' r 1 ra C-,',.u If s,blc adc-i.er-l IN-f you r cmsegeln O-ý.rt. -- -- fonni of loir kv,-r u : ' otervise hepelesiy ts:'. Take SuLPt'uR 1 ') llrmun.s. 'Il-c r1;,,'. r p-u is that>'ct:rl v ( i; ( -C c -rdc-r and iîed-t tei .. nsas zotliin-' oaf medicis. c Rtgula" Dagtti. ttC i i -:.le UÉet 'lCe, rce .,a--- emc.Slteverywhe±st ;- 50 cns G.reat reduction i , r r t waeat the wHi:.rY IMPOIRTA$iT NOTICE H-H "l o' ý~fh~roEt Ohi'aéil lswaeSad,~no ~to offer the wholo of my large -stok of Orookory, OIin& aadi4-1dssware to ithe publie, at and -Cail and examine the Stock firj(onè1àrbfè1t Prdha0- ing p180wli0We. TO MEET THE C 'RýIS-TM-ASB TI;MES1ý- I àlso offer for Cash for one mpnth, a. peddasrmn *of, hoi0eo Tos, Family Orhories, gpioo, Piçkles, Fruits of ail lJdo, Peels, (lndes, Oranges, Loumonèý Grapos, Pears,'Apples, Oysteo, &o., ai prices that defy competition in eiher Toronto or or elsowhore. Agon forJams Laut'a Famous Tos- a present given witiIcd package. - WANTED.-200 bris. good, Winterý Appies. 2%000 lbs. good Driod Apples. Higliest price paid either in Cash or Trade. De]brllll 1882.-. WHITBY CHINA TE& STORE. Great Sacrifice, S.ale!< BOOTS ;AND SIIOES, AT TR MA&MMflTH PARLOIR BOÛT AND S1189 STORE9 !»overoll's Btock, Brodk Street, Whitby. OVE 0101000 WORTqi. OF NEW ~OCR, SU1TABLIC f01u PAL]L Ar4D wifTEIt W»AR,, WHICIIW ILL RIE SOLD -AT A 9FE. DUCT1ON014 o WiBN -ezg CZTION CASH i'EIcEst FOR Tl11~TY.TO AKE quIVK SALESO Coatmoe arezeseotfflyiuv tobcanleud mecthe gooa. Nover1» bef. à he cPr- P99«toof tte 'M àapr Boot andShulbelbe âét fy'oor anm ïm WJena' ui h*drcs wcr«, ai da-caauek sud cm- bgibsJat,~~flu g1oo~ai th p"roana thonentoanpar onaI.takon of thé Thovb* ti .lBi5iALde'Nd l arestIocf Eubboru, :,TUIlUxm., Tau 1K@.I t U "A e*- Tkola'. o 1h ia.&dd ofhie rsoluvie .pllug iu slow moenthe, conspoe hies oRetuIduocaen0 l l adt a ,aurilceof IWbMultôck 0f Bqoti aA Shoos ~ P" ftrblt xco otrma", net meuirin 0hoown, bultintihe Ceonty of Oulirlo. W- Cous entlry s*bdsmeurs e e bout 1' the Darganu 1 Oct. letAS, 1lem.DeVerelt'. Block, BrokSlrti, Wbftby. FINE -TWEEDS cÏ9 CLO9TH8 I The Largesl and rnost carefuliy seleoted -stock in county, and at prices to defy any oompetiition. the1 AND fYENlTS- UIlHNa Garments made toodeodeohehott-ntie- and in the latest Style Of flio.-1 -- - DY-MADE.- I~ N Condtantly ýon ,hand.-Somiethiiýg n obby nobby inBoys'! Suite.' Buffa1oand oluher.Robes, i i8egt variety. ~ ~,~ - JOHN FEFGUSON, HIEINTZ-' &AN. FRIDAY - W. E. uvEno ETT OT SITTiNGO- 0F TS IiINCOURTil N. Wh 0,t 2.Whihy ...21 121 181.21 1 n.Brughm.... 2 42 8.port perry.... 12 19 718818 510-, 4 Uzbrldgo. --18 20 819 4 611 5. Cnlgo -14 21 9 20 6. BcaVritn. 1522 -\21 7. uptrgreo o:: 28 '22 '7 -14- j By*oraer. j4 J.B thue W'Pulls5 Us-ltand PreosU be*o~- aslsslerab sliguss&mnfr i.th 0& d.amive toue sd st.i<»¶, tee o 4o usa~ ~ ~ ~~pzc orUOC5i~ nttd t ns eamesid n dPaterzeiiO aovufii -COL1DkçfAE, mlaA1~ ' RO A CTO?5 Prwpaedfrntfhflne Luno ia..M'in nemec ..... au ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ « ofe Z«oMeott. -tea adeU o- i - SYR îeJIt- iXakale po er i rdev n Wc aoooto _alomu6o aÏd i- lai t uemd - Ic, i c rig b a-W iR aRnA ,- 6e15a zkn6àetr th oas-,4t19 1777= t 0era.~ht tooa. ouroeanjoe ana T i~( .l.ud, P.Q.-Northtop & leni. Agente for Oiitario. lB W3ALTH. r - vii et Seain p -A liffermidic Meu" bythe y-- centrl aiert inmo nter 4... 1... suble m i îffmo bl c- i ei gbem houAs valuai ~&tu Vi W. eonfolesily a P. pàj d i'.111.& DR,. FUX

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