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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1883, p. 1

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- FRIDAY >'MORNING, brea ibmoffie.oue ue. tioridlug.Band .is'WL(by .Mtu - t meu 4y he= op cent.> eau r ut ac # basemontaar mlmurd in Deot luar t.d util forbandnoticesud »YIted t hneo hu: gvn for T*o e ou the1uadvertisempt asss b lb yMI Opytoi:hng.o otan derCtlmeuis sond . andod Iii nes l a n(iaWde ~adntce m Upr@of aulisddeauoshelo b. in tnir. fors Tusom oeon. Cueasismet Dir 0F .V T uWXTB - OZf T& 117 THOKÂS DOW, WaiTBY BRAN6'9, 13ock MSte, --Wbitby. B Ifl:H a BILLIÈQS bARRISEI8 & ATroRNETSe AT 'LAW, SOLICIroR8 IN CHANCERY de n 1 it )» 71 0. H. RITCHIE, T'bronte. - W .BILLI MIS, whrtby. JUDIVZ.FARJiWELL, L.. BÂ SI oolir. Offee,-Soutb Wla& Oumt HOusa. Whitby. .48 ý 34851T11, U. OScesforssrly GO *r*T ý.Lo the.PwIv> #th faostlo ATT -NT-L~A»Y, At QT 0 lE OFIB-nctoauuoCho.§ o Whl*by. 1740Wbtby B ~ 8-A.T-LÂ , AToUn- A "7-osusoa Pblic, -*a. B. Rama Owcu. rvr.rDsOntuakW1~. Jan.92, 818. T. T.BARCLAY, JOUNR Ai&te 90W, r ~r for the Vu ê. oIdo fot Ma.ou Houa, Uâdgts, ont. .28 co.'~ *r, .' NTO TEE COllET? GÂOL #. ~r i4t-'~? n' 'a - - t,' ~l 5,0 ---rt--A- --I 1;t-.,r-, a WihclaPriuited vorda, gin: thoughts, aid ulgidusr, eapvctePae'-ore kwledgetothro 4,___________t Broih aarhod.eace VOL0. r xxvii, The 'ala e oaic ""ds Raftled, moiulbelmvX*wtalad orsa ri:s1 is 05, e»u. b418rd&Y bourd, - e 82parday Feir. 97th, 878. Pnoprietor. Bu= lm'oàB!ANOTEL, W 2BY. ONTARIO. j»Uss naviy nvteul sUd f urulsbed tlâoughout, sud put ia Irsi-olau ordarfor lb. reception of gueis. An oMnibus te.ad frgîn ailtrains. FIi-cltaa sapi. rooe. 0 NTAIRIO IoTiEL,WHT. JOHN LESLIE, Prrao. W~1TYIVixC 0 W.R. HOWE Chenlisiad BnIgst, WHITBY, ONTARIO-. (IsO oftb. slmoe Houa., Toroto.) ~a'ri~iheeuîby reovsled lb.e Roue ~1 asi ofed Liquorsn iT w 'N s N cooi CiVars. Good siablinu oan att.adention.iecià POST OFFICEALOON. ToaoNTo. gr lux BIOT ACCUIMOeDTIoN.I omninWod ors xor-0aauts. (3-r1Dmno odWr UNDESSUNEDhaving lesaed hiâdi. Farmeramsd oihmr dolng buainesa ailb. Rarbor vil i d1 gond accommoda- Mr 81E.E in u smmer wii b. provided wîth hostoaiérossonabie GEORGE BROWN, Whi*hyo, marb lit, 1882.il BROUGHAM H.OTEL, Cerner Brock sud Main1 Streesa, in tbe Village of Broughamn. First-dam, accom~modations. Best Liquons and Cigar. Gond stabling and attentive boatter. THOMAS POUCIIEL, PIIOPETOR. AL50o,- L JICENSED AUCTIObNEER for the Couis. of York and North and Soruth Ontario. Auction saes of reai estate, farm stock, et*., attanded at moderato charges. * AddrnsT. FOUCHER, 6O.iy Box 47,Brougham,. Ont. UAiNEIEHOUSE» Thà Ilou..sé bernafif*.d up in firet. oti an1. sd Lb. ropristor vi ivi ir lu »XM St*cu .gnust. Jquox, and Om ésf *h6 hat braadu. Exealiat Siabi. lug aud ibheds PI4krim, UIfb 1S lm17-28. IB LCK HORS£ ROTZ., C.Pav&Gm'.,..Sys., TORONTO. ALFRED OLLORDý, - PSOPITOR. (La"s of Wefiugtou Houtel, Markham.) TB]ZlMS, SiOS PER DAY. Good stairi. ii.g for over 800 horse.. Fuit-clao. accouï- moda:tion for farmeru snd thre travelliug pubui en saraL 1 THE HODGSON HOUSE, (Late Tiinothy O'Laearylg) DrrpINss CREI(K-rîCKERIw.. The &Wy.e premise. ba"e bSn 4ken by th. eeds.slned, and are nov, beixrg sWly 1usd up fer th pe fptiou ȃguess, bad the. travelling p.1i. Bs 'Wuelqoors, Cigare, &iAn.sta 941 bouts.' <Ouid tablilu, shed rocmmn a u s"D.e 'à . IlS0N ȃNTAL iiOotfS raaovad f~oa fr s Dru< stéra- le uaioaa o~ê liras h Sbiriuy'< stuner RIng-pr., Ctuba>wa, Rrhhsueaes K*ugllrse(. FORT FERRY. ~-mted S mii gugma.made by 4î= r.v1, se ÉMarnai vib -1ésifJ LtiilýR ILU19BER-f La rdOH eçsoLn, il-rtfM su P Scauutllug and-Md lag astlyon frm i iâ l ilowiaa( loe, uzo Ç-qÀp,ýsaPT d lnia aort WHITBY. Gea. Cormacki, Doorad"ambsd Bilnis. LUUI3ER wboleasle sud ratan, or by by th. car losd. P1àýnTMrg, Muuldiugs cf every descnrp- itou, flooting, Sbeettug, Shelving, Re- savlng, Shsping, Turnupg. Scrol-vorl, etc , etc. Wbtby, Oct. 16lir, 1878..4 TU IS PAPER unay ire found on Mie ai L--Geo. P. RoweU A& Ca's Nevopapen Ad- Vrtising Bureau (10 Spruce Sa.>, wbena ad. vrtisuag contracta may b. imade for fi t N.. YOrUa. 18 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100,000 F01R JNVEMTMENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. At lovait living rites 01 inter-est. Mouay aecêned witin 10 day-s o! ap. A pliestion. JOHN FAHQUHAIISON. 'Wbl(by, P.bruy 161), 1880. K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, impwwOrtesDesianssud lMsaufactnrerm cfaul Kinda o! LEATHER AND ÊINDINSgS, Chah paid for Hides, Buansd Lesibar. ISBELTlNG VADE TO) ORDE R 51HORT NOTICE. lO INVE8T ON Moîtage Real Estate. Secoîlty1 Âppiy to Octob.rhb, M..4 PAT,.EN."TS = t euep(s(l tbullt& fia"s bmsiete a iiena iol bot tù 1asptLt;othrem4,*lm. vii b. Ji'rit5q tworar,. ,Total c Omhed ii W 815 years4 $4. Ou roolptof= M 4rd .ddess-Q .90 iOWUveukOn 7pbsme niaitien wbse'yao ua'&* 4lblWr ~aeeu.ONU, Twd W Tba Sultan awole ..n'i fternim Hi. lwMetsas m A.nd stood by thre1 Biach feit a airudd 4nd Q l tood siuen "a dwonden w2 Cr'ed 4aPrdon, m> 't-sauomnof0 I'oýU shait es il Wrotb wam there ml And bis vondo-se.i As ha oderedutfie And av tbeia ai This Wl.meuýs, Beepl round tr> M ]But one of t)..m, si Exuli, O head-ol 'TAIUQ, FRIDM~ APRI oâr Beghl f a e ogoed. sresm li ehr iheis *il1 be rgaliied, itji-uly aa*idrera.' ta ýkép Sir An4bUr co o!tJire oney. r. jeirin, l woul alenu-out.- d « litra 11gran ai'iiot jeat sa iry nri ht:t', ~ breakofda 'Ah IsÂhl£doar, wé muet nirike- lm vas tôid, - g là;ia nyntua h iood rau coid; p cor yonug Mau ehould forl hie pori- %efd-drea& on.Bis coueu in a cul him out in lÃŽ t b. BIÃŽd. vÏrrl i,$g. AÃ"u useritri aepeak mrnrrc ~in~I~dsud rm~ Orokindly k fSir Athur iii oden ràt I have to ri sr." dayâ, if I rarnenber rightfy.2 sout frona on ir>rgil, "Used I ? Tiren it Wmar more thar. ý4ed i&" !I oedsscrved, fur he behaved cary barlly ibed hi. teetb ppato, ln. , fterwards." ~sud seeuba; .'Beliaved budly 10 ynne pap%, <Ii< ~boudsoaiu, eI Wonder if tàlai md austhing ta qtrpeaforain. ~- it ie iisleaving Engiand 2 Ha1 W& 'twaiî, you knoçw, ti11' tbe Yiviaii ýbetore the tirone l yonaoon., Liy thé"way, viral ira togu tou: b1 reo h±sy1oùu-iLia a y tIl , living withà YQU eai..her tire-misa O(- mle ' pnheina?',, mhitiu ' "h ji. u taefnl min;1,,,i "WelI cair imthe d-r*ud dbisv Dont bolb the ie sfoéliLesma (Jnoth the râIeiainb).lnlaeg * l~~~poa i ay ae- b ijiii - ~ ~ WiUJb ieS, ai! 'éer' r li "aOUI for -eoudeme.n* g.L*eaL a Wdi - mer opa auppoepr 4u 10bg so lu r I uh~oeha4 Ï0 ay for ut. Tr u w"ho et si struggling (o atLait -Wù bupenuor to thir birtir and A - "4 stilti flng té attaiu Il, ceuld flot agora (o drop tie sequaintaueesbip of one * * ~titmaerai andmi; u MmoPartir inisle, vira.. boas at (iris present mzomentwvsamare lonsly and du11 tirai iL bad ereibeau before, vas *"or to -praerre s footlnrlnMy boumse vina anteniaineti maie viailore. And tirngl tire gentlemen viro nequented Mria Runnymàene's card.paeries vers not sa a rule Lie yonngemt or gayesi of tir sole, tiareavwu no hoowiaig virerà e Watche 1 watches 1 traày son or nepbew migiri La indneed - . corpany tram, uer vrat chniuces Elgin, Swiss and Americai n on-sîttenulae. Mh otb ot IL vwu lu Match, tirftre, mâon, tia Ivoametrr-.guas eddiug, Clocks, Jewellery , asliL owldesvre ai si on vlanzlu aaeig irof lcn and Silverware.. i " am, w ne - Ldy Wilglam ekblu.tven ibrongi Thie Beet and CHE4"S2 CRUET. n~ ~ bdelvet rova, fer th e mke of tht ]UT for $4'-ad*450 aqo441 aaud v bi eaaparty -ote tu uymmd P"la beremake - lia sae 11 iala-ads !ah. iad AI asiiPomîyattaSdeil . "'_4~ i ~b ,~~ ~~ etIl for m à!d2uijq u Itd "Woul, =y dollar, 2~ Omt d zam.eîy~ tint w, a I jumi yal~ I aber Pl~~ia ni!- Sig I Ws.5 U.sa Sa I.. lai Lii [IL 6, 1883; O 1 rods,, bowever.. thr e iier vas sale In M~tOY lien pjckaî, snd sire wasestandingfd-4 -]3é ktithbaiil .l-josa.n -rueiy on the d0on Mat whene rraThanka b. to rnemony 1[han iveet powar esa f0uinMan ht;(Itrreft ber, wà1iig for an bring au'.er ri nqury.i r hafisPd eviVie thre frozen spring.1 Chr. Gr rrrrnoro bars not yôt deoi4.- ý1)I Yonth anri Hope, and reunit. thiechain ei, Mr.darn, 1Iplelieve, on rnetwioigber Of srrver'd smpahis "4tOrne.," Erilb. ae impeztiugjnd 'f mpathism inaid, "asbery$,cwbn iii eliqe ha, left ns; ,»,ç0 maind ishor'ebt if s uah tonashaeilil his geuntie corpaniâne Wb og ee cmii wisb bforDgý ber minrI, aq the bu ifsire ad e tp is bo t, buried, thoùgir nîfor t a dace,1 ~tupâsý., veat tenderhoughîs. Né ave Ibsu,, the carde Witl has=1ntë9S ldfrtr aitrselarcl h 11311,11triber frieutes." * fli!tu fmorpaner'a r o mil hé "O(h, thauk you 1 Yet;, of co'urse 1ih Tirat ig all I wiihod lu know," r eplisd gn Missg Farlbiugrl., Ramios luget 1 Bo! Jlsoz;& the lrot-cbain.ud, efvr- .the bouee again hefore tha miau-servan-t Beyqndtire rock-wýataa&nd thr iven,, oboutidedteot ,(if hl i' ven wnnid d et) For in îhpi tiliglil ýibndoi. ad -bý the absence of tires M;-i purined lae , o tm~i rognes soialipoerful )Yhie l e iradseeCured iu (ho deptis o eof ny; wenMay aumon (h t U 1 r lier pocoket. 'Bnut 'thre dortwaaopened, -n iew ; or thre-ions, of- Bomeavoie ý%ud ah, regained the esureat in.s »'..ilaeaî vi-heno rrr I. we armoja the e iprd,~ isf * - r ~~tirnieg~~Olftir-'vensog ree i~b GHAPIB Vi. ~ bftI o theoeoIa~ hrp, 'vr ose ste~ RAV",ItA SON TOI ~ ~ ~ ~ ied ~sM~~hra Sitie hër -departur6. tsn~(it t mneae kf (i gue lun-Premier Sr t: (B jtayr ancmarejtap a c; s e p o o r l y o f h r n n s i a - . "t r e h a d e i i e d h é r ' m ô t i r X m e vyao esKs d trý b i h M rb, .il, dois de re pondedd1" îîiangiiy iieoenaed tin.il, yonl (heur lIong> 9, ~< rabnt ' Lady wiliamitir a6e0gi, deioatg e oi avethuir bir aldbeau used -iho* it-renalled d sa ar oOe ti&~oexnraoeof ber dianrb'. <o unli nxnriem ail bar 1f.; audzha4, more (han0- f.ldobu "Pt akLiedtaeU -4ýta, ~cre quile ihfeeufo(ii .mliesnirùj ligbtd'~rieoryôir BueI. ~ry~'oiluy, liug ire ece.him ru t t sire-etoï ey( bsse initra yon now Haisajô mu hrawy ith teo9tly velvet dreo ir eeore trait 1Providence, Lue sud dsac, re lubsu ~rieieqbu (ticsae and t rogrieisl nltkalta nei Il adc .e *'lopmeIsblleu Tîug e.thPdi hy r oughtea alce b.iikè (ai tý;- ýý- lu muEt h èv éeytl4aig 1mo0y cen PnOý vards îtirs idÏ n sexodevers (blat loe t b i.iay ie il- curaeL<> amuse miii! disirsei ýt ( 1ldtire bouse yu eit m weét £ýper. ry-iruodnoou s ~ ~ ~ ùW lYô.aeiht(ee ydorIAr <U O n r uthomarbie Meroury tliqt iatcngtefaroeoe-h a- mie loves il (oo (vil-a' great liic4 agraýe tmairesse, aithougi cajlîd a! desoatonk'---à a*8ovi n~ ~ ~~_ volai aêbhoh4 a Ï'5d ous' .forth tire raptunoo a amiration of ail irasr a emorplau ai dy ibt juo rb. cos ber sevaral han frienis. Tîvo'ys anud a irait ra d d ven gmakqeàeutiiu L POUOi iude 1pud And i arn wenig accustpned ber tri tiraidea tiriail fovens of tirought.LP--o le MnY aid oloak fer tihe tirird vinter. Sncir ihese inruries vers hers by righire, but vitb uisP Ah ,no;Ls-ke-c à- mungruities ne - tireaare lu tris aire did nul value thre position îirey Bseia l ary barque, ;viii rmý t wonld 1" laced hen in the iess, benanse sire iad igirs (o watt Idl emlsa,tta.n î 12 ra can Y* vaut main, Lady cesd tri cane for hersai!. Han mid tiroiîr oorda*ge., Witi sopitm o Weeliiam ?2" interpomed tire crsoiued was vailinq ai tire foautftire sair-. illumiveHoe le ouer( h roiee of the maodougal, Whir a sniy cse tri relieve ber of ber cloak andl oraff, matterid amàid tb.i rohs:'of r sported an aid Scotch wouieu sbawl Surs, and thon Regina pasiedl in tirte retrb' nolmrl al4.te b- tii had seen tire veut of tau winters ;'i drawintont, wvireathe foolman fol-.- memory-the lOonligbt.of . s'ilma rar gude clorrit tiye Wear, lowed lien lu lover lire blinda sud ligiri viose calm pamu'ionlasal<gi44 i ýr and must [have coni a pnctty bavirajin tire gas. 8he foulai Virian sitting with nsa al througir u <eaiiily a ts Js.y. Tira warld seenas la me lu go there lu the dusk, nut resdiug, but ne- ago. -- adafi aftcrn cloîlies thal are made tri be clinirrg in an atm-chair by tire fine, travu away ftr stireysîrow tire îeast wih hi. eyem fred upn tirs flickeng Tr ld e rý Then' Toc Smarti "b, Tais. Maoriougmsri i isot evary- Haw iazyeyn look," vas ail tirai :. tbody liraI ban afford tridraesas; plainiy sire remarked, as smire m ierself.iulo .A 1goo4 aitorj'd u b-~p sa-yon do. No n.ne neda te bie tld the opposite seat. «I caunot imagine ve-iouo-bge1ai rWvir MrP. Macdougal imil icv people eau vaste thirittire w*bon nodsopi ayes ! - Yau'ze -riehi lbcr-e, my -leddy A -thre.la no munir le do iu tbis vanld. hirtly;apprèdiïktéd (.y',thoi-*hi t lMaoddugul of MeLdedçai ooulu' drall Wb.re's Sir Ar;hir ? " knov thir lbutobrei ,i# eiikub"ap-4f L Rid dou eg. Not kào*mng, Oân't saiy 1-yawued P0osli uof-th'e ad g'ehlbtiruTZ goatttrti l-a1aV#.liatirêbluid'e ié,-w d ia -bot aoppear lir e leai ~ *mir eg *~Ih. doua~meu tour -dauh(eraccusnation of lazinesm. ---'taOiWâ.a :grar ingrait . h. alp Wb h o ynj u tnnd frmthim-vit). a ges me ~ 1rÃ"~ , 0.c :û bwtimta w-r efor pei.'Seof m - ifpp. - -Ouggup (~ Wtlh u. eU hil-;'snd iid.u~ a~ saiMn.. rDoî in(or, u of oumel . Whro iradbraved tire veather târnéi!aaf came.' iuplabliO~dil,,~woiüdn'tave ber nDme ~ ow efi -.- -ve-y ste-ange 1 Wbat was:silliaV- r ?",I. - - Porlunty We0cmLin bPremierSireet for tdrearëilu blaok-wiiir-with -afiagh-s.- mkre1Téo aire longmd Ie l«Whim ses -iruw littie mira -càourt d- SegIylfowiaireotc lai ethie J m5e5r*a g amrtcd ibs-m..- - As sbeioîm u nsigli h l- t e cipinVivian appeared' ~ ~ mnî.-s~ -1eT tsdoa' ýoitIlgl %hobue.ieper, te rouse )imsaif. - - -- -to mnuee*ýs piod by a visitr-a lay liii.h rsreiI4- Ontirn i te' iaebe. 5y oji~)yue waviouliedo vsthreia. ie "ir anI v a teteli yon au OI&mnts 5Piaaiismyd lover etep- And lisieclty h uloiu ounti-lon oirrc.of finding yo n bedý and yed-his êù1"imuur.ý - 4!l (bat enaued- bet7wenn tie mn 2sernt, sfhomio.antbar daçy." turneri bak miaudis 'aidsld4f 'I-hs r. iadRrOsiôr a:oi,?- amie,-oellst', i.' 0 'dj omtooswyvds - val).lame, ing ei loti--, ou uamm. taii<l - "h, n4~4 1 1,~>i *rrniraaenr ~~lr.oWv~ orntionesîe a Jrsei bs Lino7frii ti ~~fThis m"e the làýWfflî ~~ p "-- wat( ami4 baeà , >_pa__io ,-ats ifh if..l ' G Pure Drug A'il the lateu n T. 9. WEITFIELD mire did' b~àI~ other eapi d met sd ~hPriUfi 11.~oue. '1 - rongeas r er.i..-q I '-' I ---r AIlOIuêàm EOliIsKrMl r~ea ofiki 'Ps 4- ,,Fý ,ýUI ejý -'l

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