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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1883, p. 2

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e46- *wO. & 4lv l,1m a OmanL i#bw rq.-D Blton. 4881V oe RR ANNUM. WIIy, ildy1Apil 6, 1883. wib4a"Bwe.k!tSliue of Bbc amit. (cau, éM psGOlm7 lalereuIof th. 5idu tetl bi paper »a iluthe ÇsvLuprlullag establishment Brý MM X, .. L berwimuà&Brothers. 'w 'IV boqisIthé.placé, ud bave abm US~ .buuIpIIo 6114 ugood WM 1 tdtheb ukthlte the Darne.a ud »Ub*OuIIet thé b. WhhbyuOHUtNKOL. ýb*e w de jiib4ewm bi e**rv f"ýwM S 49 * I bu d*I eaj ~4a~ b bvýid ÎleaIai MPÈWwl1k *b.paper à upýb pu'. Ml umpI4 askohp. t"h u1&àGa Iet :aisry 1888 à"- *P !eKets., 1S.Rbem lm R .1 ivelIsmP isBe ud b bm~hece eela,, suala h& Ou ar es. btli fUdiI.ISid dldSe r gi e l. oua P184 stin *1 udself" odae "lou, W*evvr, b.e btuuded Oucth»b.riait. W. fe"nDo ipuiou t . éwhat la catia "Val.dlelory.*" ThI. brile bauiua stalm maimsiae. Tii P*per Vil k. cnsued ounlthi sacci Port lian d il l4 lob. hope" lt ibtst an &lsu&dv«e êtTéWXu d à ~uaBy alerei a Il Asdmlllod ta e air.liicutoe "litaaw eue, vempiljdeste lBW« oqb~at b Omweto "*lmaet W.k,m le - f * m ouvirei 50 Set Uet mt & lés e.um4l'. oufflmon vI u thé &" 0~pf a es. d,.CàRbeîSk tae*. udpulu, oMM t e * orM'eO PgtWs a OXew, * d11 t Usa gvetr, ,ar-lc k'e.Oie ~. Puai>' Surplsaa lia, eabutin lP1'ebbtaiuy uth à'14a miord. f" f io!*undal sul Unea Illled.sy jobtry; is vas mls tapoin-at liwo yemro f if sabuitI doc.0esula j l~ laîtrtilo the ipublic aasýcni ehâw éàslatute book filed vidi1b.fi sppesîed befote the eleseoru ae having stond op manfolly aUt, i votlttsly lu blfeuoe.ofte Igbmhs te BbcesPievluec1 an wantoly amaiteil by Sir liya Mme ddonald sud "b. OoSgtrývl'pfrtyi e*o arga ot oonruptlon wait brougbt ain&& t t6e goement1 sudIbhewviet socoufa Iaoppoeeute could suakeý v&m lhit Ilrelu.ord le abandonn oai Provluoo'iIterritorial and legilallY rxuiivthtut as sttrggi». The Opa ilion, on 1h. oll.er bauil, ooonpied au au&& Lrovli..h a rttitude ou every ques- tion of îxnpailanoe, lhey advocalted se. quiescouco in thse robbory o!ouirterril tory , tlhey ver. quit. wvllllu-uaay, auiu-hltho paver of selr <avenu. ment iboultl be taken from use, 'sud liat Our local affaires should be contrat. lad tram Ottava ; and thoy ,aidud aud abetted lb. Vedeisi Qoverameul la Ite stempi la .trp se o! Ibo pover-i deSi wvh bsuc'b malter. au tthe lcoue quis. ics, cort jrts.llciou lu vich bail &@ver blte been douitsdl. Tbe Gruosceul vasfor Mflro- lacoîsOtpeelttclt 14 i. tYndor lb... ctirteulaâlu e b.hoPe Vit e t UmSal hatisaI li lecbora woula agaïo mu admtnmvtlon, aud kt n am ssba lbeý- wuld rftI oPoiret vlitO ;râc;ibbed ajorly. a*ead -o! Ibis vi Sud iii. Governmott *wkolàod a*i lb.o ppouios p41f010. We BidMr. îs' i~ert\eacl morotsa ouitisiu vbat Iatrmerly waa,-though v. bave no douil viat evorubat Il VIII prove amply esileme feu overy pipom-aud vo canoot but mal ounelve. tic qluetian, '4Wby tBRu 1 uetgausv'du udoubîly lhe iecuulty au" e#er.oosalden.o! aur frisaeinl oe et16eof .Bluecle. bey rn- Lied lie m«lh ou Use faëlt tlilgit vwu ou tier aIde, sud -ti4y mglsoted thst bard *tt s664orglsallou Vtlau vibésb fev viotaile au b. von. Lun eue or tweo ssa, perh4p., the, Liberal esudidates, uoneseptionable ln thom sesivea, vase 111 ulDot the en Who uhol aveba, borne the Party standard. But lbe auais resion viy the, politioal ucoomeieselb. Provinae bas béecu en altmrmi i. uudetàtodty tô bo fýund lu the po vsiful sud ztaa!oleît iàîfi eueso! 'lu, Dômînlon Goviramool. OUÉs tu &n i 11.strcngtb gslnst ho ILibers! candidates viierover il vus et &Ui Mohly Ilueoo! avai. Tiis, scam- psuledby bribery su& corruption, di- rect sud unbluehing, ibu forced tlb* gProvince lotoi. presout position. Dotululeo filcials wers bard s van -Uhîrever tbey eouild do mnuaI good. -Dm4i solatomy lovaI freely, Norh- West tfibe iitanie vre daogled i.- fétre** éyiseof-coeilikelylen hi pur- piieselby tisesu, the ien apinaga . patronage v ot iul umtion.a div be od beamps egilo!To01 poli tiaifrem simoit evary"ose.ôtheb M1k.,Proviaffi s«-.re ing a ur evm lokWiaRaire.la lb. bkcba' élleaon.,for lusAni%ýe t i rtini vwu "s1aldby 0vodr Mete. No a. eu01 a m"od. lebide the. daim uuLMr, Merodils&AIcmolappehuon lham eaallMu r di a&DY of bi. flfea lesd lise ebort Of vlrepui- luesd '0oegalseuc" 5n bttlo tise d is î bI îeuuli s Aoi oeaia sadue W"rclom nouid roltroua , Ottawa. lu Ohum culiccusthe urn etlinfiueeevere emplayei au thseappoahin cuiedeleotian ioies wlll absudatly îbavq. lu a venod, th. vbole lafo.!thse edersi - Goverumeut vas agaluui Mn. Kavat ( durlag lIe laIe outeet. Sa nei hi sud r defealuitI, sud lic satiactilon viii vbiois .veq r mmcpariot ciOcI bail an bobut (ipïeimeut'a tiumph is beight I ended by $ho thougittblat "iaIvioborry s meens a slora nebuke ta h&oevWho B éilaite bribe, buhly aud cajole tbi province g50w tIi alleglanes. Tbse drul oW-cab'b suglOUM tva Ubugek Iouser. » aspov.nfnl &gain li fl .old vuod-baînuus.arivadiWlm mai Lumia>' oa tiiseMld dRéâala.- N.H, "à J$ ibcvlltelobu 0o*6d- by ITise Inodueielesof! l.Mar"sth* MMa visesaM us.,t*6eblgb-rleid vomidcas s lougercocmpoti vutisumaL abs I isah cue ispi bo béUluesi lb.ý sem 4 4.ps 44etWiliby al a usi Si Mlud. o uk eeiw".m.l&o vtipI , Wi lu lelaofe! ceaiengfud ispe 'vweb, uPou .tmg, legtobuMi as esmum otle bau.llfh»IicptWSsd il lalb*e r. tapeq'l Pe ph eheisom t M.sure.-O.m; l7îô attiais OMM Tbre rno boi B"sis% da>' -Pâ, 1vjil. lias: ýil emmot eof ntesequat lie itai*d etl"Ates-aud Teiroulin la icsi lbe jouimals su'.h ýlu t! ai nie Tkl.is 8^ iDq*Ose cf -M88lain elve 1099.tallmsjieialcaoe by oui, C tkttoubainlaNew vsan' wuveqsaat i-Uwuss(lwue. Tle faut thabe UiÎ v otyimeelfnto III.. meus 0,cr tlise> 1â1t, b thisik0latM. -Io sufftolent la dhsltlugullih ina trolli tb. ordiusry <nu ofienva"ube le enadoiete Mociittby Liltay Cibns- Mission BIlh, ou the <rougi luat the Osuadîsu Pacifiewovuld bs lampItram ie main pio4llîns by charter, sud Il wouhd b. eItuta*ir la issudicpp lse Grand 'fruuak tti conditions no& applicable ta ita chil.!rival. surilythe tRioaaau -Pacifia basi got emongi tiain the GoW orun.enl, aud oheuld pot iu nuder the. necese.it>' o! iaîug .sh triche asuIbIs playe'î in its ebaîf. ratier gead Rohuug, daiS, but feally Pomspon@. At tb. end of eory sentence ho sinke dovun ttîl bis Rie.. - arape tbe geoënd aimit à.bd then Spr'ings lap like a jack in lia bax. It lea tmiiing for s short timae, but Il vasuise. At tia end of aery psisgrapbhe lochs up at tbe cslling iu au sarnest manuar. Iu- deedh in in luVoice snd ogemînre tibst.m idiculous« member o! lie Hotise..- Mr. Caine, tis member for Scanbaro, bas <ieu natice of a motion le dlaeou. line lic moviug o! su asUrsi lureply 101th. Speeci rom lthe Tbroùue1- upên the as.umpton VI" t lài a bl&raueetO publie buulmua. Thia .s a bule Of o veuy réeeul puits, ta tGbédis.. aime imyâ1,ua 161.bisoalo= a shilorle erperid. Nov Itla IsomSos t. »r- ilttlW.vate ofIbthe sIon aida., te Ur. Parnel sud W. supportai., Ikut Ur. Goent moued au ameudmenîvib lhld to a longp dlaulos, sud Ur. Poster miade an atiaob- upea Mr u. ?arnsd lheis.Iupu iis w ic le s adiacus. itou for vblconisiaiouivs.UapotMM Mir. OluesamendosbI loeô41 lokly Bme be adopl.d ; -or Ïtle"dlg mulaut)» tvo ai.d parties biottlahon>ana..1 ual ooàm he .debaho- ou the, AMrim would ûu a baveesproutaoed. h le ouly nuoemuany l bailst tise report vbieb Ïae n lu lias mes taoSi* liaI *tbe offunders Ibismeauon voeemot th. Insai Nationalstel. > Thse loading organe of lt.e1tory psntiy sayeau anchpange, bave acier l ta single oppotuuity ta attaih in, the mous partizan suddtinreasouiug faièbion tie working o! lie Agrieultural Goloeo at Guelpia. Tlhe Guei-pl Herald once bc- longed te Ibis cîses-o! cities%, but ils opinion oa thé% institution 1bas ni>'l changed, andi ne in a boller position tu kncw. lier' b atheopinion of the.- Herald now . I îs âweil knowen LiaI the Gnelpb fler.id bivý in former yaars bepn a of-vere cri-io of the management ai thoe ty Jaya o! the ollage, bul for o.m8 ime an eîtirel-y different stale ef affairu - ha. exiated lierea sudtiare le no nu ein trying ta briug imb ridicule an estahib..l iusitlutian et the Prou- [u6e, eîoss if il bender Grit contrit. W. beleéve th. colle .te b. as veli mauagedMasInstituttous ofa iaua kini aru S h - "d mas V e ,téileb. lue dtily o! thom;w vh ave the pover. 10euplolilis adloulllsin.uforolog proper disiplne. somoluing nas.n lu e bu4ms boea-ttemptldlua lis. ap.ullIOud&lslOfaib"ul bai Bekea lb.e utabllibsem fa ims=O!. trae &ni Osie aUMMeuBiePeplt Tise iklUdm aré t tis > b io! -suaking ,aai p o remt IL Tic>' are eaeonrsged tho cars mu beucu pennylu il risible vy-by blao. -mag boots, mmli n vapapsum, maklug siwail marbetablu ardéom, &o. ; sud lie>' Rave a bsuh for the eate « mmd n agemeut *af tRtt attlltions. -f ebjedl aàppanventl>'la netl lhs t is> sua> e esi eu celon, beltRial liey a>'nsy hi :taugiî ths value o! mnoue>'. tbi u- Porancenof aitlaift sad tbe myteili. o! comnmence. W.s-e not mupnl.d a Isiar tibalthls boys taie teli the oe init>'. IL la ..mii liaI heIr bock. sue Dot neglccled ou lie eontrcr, léese«d diligence In eluldy àeeela er auit fs-e lhe gtueral apinit of! rush>' avakunsi stI tsa unch o! trais. TheiWbai vb as got abesi of bie sospauula a suer. cantile lrmnouti t flou sI-pasi <-le pllI lu au ernubous Me" Whvise n.-u toteu 6lR m earoaI stai. AtoM lm th. obeeuollijy LAT&S? ?8I*GitAPI«c Ngw8. deai. Atit, D elsepu>, tise: vill.iovs .u.ob-wellor et pisys»maibdlRd,té Last. PuebmLdsau .h rpom t> i, ous veto drowvsie Iemsu0" Otflorna i sliey st Ho qucapa$ 'eWAS mut femplo>'. Mentt basan suceatePlicions. jB:arlo s a. I.the rie8l of 4utolvig afet ae. saemblltsgon the -9.! at. cahtidIL sunliis sstM-eon the b.i laor ùÏ - ,- ---- MGNPI~INTLY-, ASOIE TCK. We are 110W sIoiOWIIIg ià0ÎU1l iii88 elcio fnew and seasonable GTèods yet plaeebefore, the, people;oWit udsrrtfin outy Sing and Sme display of Staple and Fanoy DyGos nits0si-hlaetorlieii DresGoods, Prints, Muslins, Bateens, OashMeres, Armure (Jloths, -gyptIau Mmmn=y lotu X ~un Lawpsi, etc., etc. Ale-Parasols, Gloves, Ribbôii#, L,, H-î4 tt~1, embroideries«Bad - erchieC,(lrds, Jet Ornaments, Tassels, Friligs, Puf l, ~ bttt~,-iés, ete. C otton , W hit (Joti ons, -Ijow, otaon, W n o w H lb nds" , hr ti gs we ds lot, C a l e Ready Madýe Olotbing, Loce Curtains, 0datsoM " ô~ erpns, Qit,~lo 1 lts al Oit Cloths, Table Oloths, Table Linens, NapIns,ý TicIngs DuckÈ, Deu.ims, Gottonades, Faotory Genttif8hir9, Under Bhirts, Drawers, Ties, Cdr s, (Juis, Rate, bard and soit, Christy's celebrated manufacture3, aiseal the latest Amierioau, Piodnctons. TAILORINGBOOMING, under the management of Mr *J. -R., Priîngle. >o buyer'of DryGoods should pa ur doors. Al goods marked in .plaii figures at cash prices, RnOSS ras *WtL tmu s. ufstt ci! muas vo. orotu x »moru i oLuwut ber on Mmsday erwag. Pvee.ab I wore4 «ue Nty or, (lu lb. ca-,)lb Beevéel . Blow ; Doptl.E.u,3 Lueg. MUe.DovuY..uue, u Tii. nilue etlo f rummetin vere rio4ma cBUd - A h coneulato vgraeit friali lies; uttlgtruleiaell-go er ca,n utb. .zmmlanatlonU eparti"s eut frapiliediffurent muulcipalilieç as reporte4 lie>' Radt psoed l insei baud. lb., olOIasoulvis .--Ghsrleo sarey.10.5rW. I. Rimonus, 4.00. sud sfter oanolulty osamiuinle sans. sud mkiucg diductione for auer charges sud enroap,, ncoomuiandod the-paylnit o! lh. bills as follows :-Chanles Sanney, se, 00 ; W. IL Riggîus, 800. Depant adoptod. FENCE -vins». A motion -u ironghi forvand iy i. Long, secondai by Mr. camos-ou, liat poeeniamian hi piautdai sitrodues a by-4aw &P itig feue. vievers fer MIL ov- a uroly golng le lu.e prmr cSsumfe*0 OMMI e am ma. Waear -I am, wlgbsi Il belhisi 5tehs bs paumeset GOMM îa & owa si im If aa mi o tBise. l -uu . efmote PUEth ie Tàmua»m Md-thu e l.aausuepermh. Ir. It *oli 6e àmcq ulcbavs oie am ineeh ciswod llue toits. lis. 4mw.-Wt 'bave' no med 4o Tus luen-Te re"vy vodli ta mornite troa asb wai eladtios.âm . - t- Mu. Lâeg- uesumu.damoue s ýr»mlulwod b dam.t os a tHiee W aoeu lsud Layer ad go"s.44buSmm etta Ocumeht 1. lest. Tshui Ilic u *MPOaWei BýROT-ýIIS, bis usoIburainaIasd R»'bis Gorporb- itan. 10 M.L.o u %tholba-mstuuaaa lu1 tham tss taue iNov Mn. Long pose 4bls moudpun a 4 noti;he#&lW tir, Bvsus..L.Wis. le voaa cana. 1bise* oS be<luMsneb, I onld not é hoe-us>' re relief ;u09l bat 800 Ma. ppe-Oas tise amýo! lie Bell!Oaumlttegiie inforaîlon ef lie uaout at peuonI uvmysar ton ne lief, 1dt tIs ue &am0Isu Vii miia a.mtin u s-WO intruques-th t n. Fez.i tt iOskt.tyui IISdI lie amonu p ud fto élierentiafll on tha@ occauos O! tii.(5 C a P bai. Movod by Mnr. Robeuluan, .onoded] b>' Ms-. Doavuwe>, tliaiapeitllanb. pre. sooted le lie Honorable Pesîmaster Oesral prsylsg Ibat àa Mail oerk be atiachoai t tht Xondoy morsaîng local train, sud liai lthe Mayor sud ork o! thiI Goncil urepa»S-uuoi memariai, sud vien prepaned have the aesl o! lia Cosprationu tlxed tht-ratqansd forvmrd tie ssue la lie Membor for t6ie Bltd- iag. iu Ottawa. Man. Bousnso.-Tbê Moyen oNPort Hope bas quite reoentiy hsd an inte-- îlviei htii. Postsuuloî Genes-gI, sud be gate hlt m Wrosreauonta bmiv., lualscè auliatep votihd i. tmkin. Motes on uudl'orc Comueil djoaea î 9.15 P.m. FgW traveisa tha% vi *Ilibgdi vernis vi Rsearlp jouimmi. Sf lubies-mu papetî s. dinh tinlispa Ionien -a-a--I ON CORREIobiNC WflITýBY su>' rai buinesa ta Irausaol.'Ou lusse Occasions iho alvays veau a dmrk hui-. nm suit, lue ouI>' calai ho allavu hum.] milt b11s & edrosé hie bi Iln hol@. Il soeemaIimpossible for. Proideul Artur>' 10 - pt sway frein Waiblupîu] tria k-l l o eupIttiou.. H.nebas ual s4 enItele t do .Suy a! tie thingu iecking reat.liel.ies nnîtbr gone ta Flanida, ForInsu Monroe, nor Soldir'i Soinse. Wlate- faucy vua ajauutt tg, Nov 0nleauSD-but. a poilponemen3t a! *il planbuRas -bie ucdoed oocuary by 'te deahh of Postulmelr Genal Bpvaw, sud se b. issu slrebay mo long ddaye uating# il- t. probabls b. vilI pu ptise projbot ifnaly. Istitlioi. biea te be. the-,reund ,of po1isicaî sud maWdu cla I4te d tluglb.pai teSr vas arduu ne Hs -l efIu ils offet mes, sud laina oul iii sie "ecandi- touë 's e very etbimninluWashington Who bas diilod se Msny houri bath ga vouS and le Society. He stili veigie tva huudied sud fftîy pounds, and cannai 7.1 b. bloohed upon'as an Weduuday bping lie day aon viici the ab»nie. a! lb. lai. Poilisaster Gemeral EHave tbibp lace, aR tb. ex oecui. deparîsueuta o! the GoVrument viro clouait. aid tirrfiags fiying st bal! wasl. The P. O. Depantmînt hs dnaped ln mouruing, sud ou Tnoday tha cîsîkisud employoeao! tbm Depsrl- meut met iu the record hall o!fb.h suiditerofie ta expies. îirrespect for tiseinjale Gil in the faim of suit- aie resoidlionn, thal lie famil>' sud fri. dso! Jndge Havi mlght ho as sunad oe, the sympaltby for luein, sud lue adirtn&ion fou hini1eeuesd by bis 1"10 sbordinalos.1 Tii. Iav relatie to anccies in lue ex.cuilvo office requira.the appoiut- mut ef s poétinut.r geuiral vilhain ton a b trosebmdate ofluhesoeur- rèzee oftba iamcui.#amous- i. ni!. t'but vI* ratidapt Ar- ht oI kiovu etlc.l t ,vould bd !. mte I I i vu té e orecasi bit 35 ns sleguuid lu a quiet hobâ* prsloni me- toe 9o! D'RI diah. i.t .lastluesa W"i ligbt. sud caused prluolpsily by wenÊnu. A p1hYsician wvas eid.ho 'bled hlm eop-. lously ' 8rauge to sayo the pàtiont b. oatue no beotr1I Another doctor vpcs caliîd, who again taok away,,ate &Mounutof t ital laid. -Trslisc cession mt'>iolani dîew away the lite of s <test man Who vas întîuded by uature for au aid agi, sud wbo pie- matureiy died-mordered by malpîsoo tice-blod to d.aîh. Thal vas the &ge of médical bleeding 11"l- Tii. speaker Bbeu-grapily des- cribed another perli vbich came upan the prap1., lu whiob tbey aiigned lie origin of ail disoaseî tu the stoumch, sud sut e .owlnglthefaiy iy ! Iis theory, sud Ibae théukidneys and livor were the causes et disessu ad that ManDy peuplé' are- îufferiug lr&M kldney- and liver troubles 10day who do n kuov iS,. but wbo should kuow it sud; attend t10 hem aet once, ominued: 46Lot ns look at this matter a 11111e, more oiosely. The human body' le the Most perfect sud yet thie Most delicate of ail crested tbhingi. lB i. capsble o!ý the greateat resulteand i. hiable taibe îgrestest dîsorders. The siigbtest causes ,ometimnes ueom ta hhrow ils dolicate machinery ont o! aider whil«e .Mast. simple sud common-seuso cars restores sa keepa thom. in perfeet condition. lWhen il ià rexuembered liaI lhe a Mount ai bappinesa or misery we are ta have in Ibis world je dependeut upon a =efetbody, is il ual étrange th&& sipeprecautions sud cari, are ual ex- erclised?2 This la oui of the most vital questionsoa! ife. People May svoid il for tie prisent, but tiare is certain 'ta came à lime lin every one's experieuco wheu il must b. faeed. - a 4And bore pardon tuefo relsîinga haIle persanal experience. I n the. yesî 1870, 1 found myseif Iasiug hoth lun etrauglh sud hsaith I vas u nalcount- aekro&&e sppetite v&afleble my oianaUy pains woaid aliootlhrougli dit-. erant portions of my body. . I mouid as aigu no cause lat tille deellue, bût Il, doutluuad.. unlil luaIly I lAi d tW aid Ivo proileul pbysîiias. Alte 1l#Asiugmte for morne hise tbey'deciau' ed 1- wausuflg',fuom Bl Vat'sdiasaa of lb.' kidaiqan d tbsth eyou.iddoý va s woak I could not raimcsny besd' frota lb.pilioan sd I ÈAD I> EPETt DL. Mirhse b,asu là âl 1kDU 1 'Q0.OD0-S1 l'heoBad antd Worilzless are never iwiaftdanor wnd#.lasl ewpmabolyhUe aof anil>' udiclueraudis Positive puoofthâttlisirunedyFliAsS the Islhot value. Asuaonu litâd RavE ie.led sud proçed b>' the visli os-d ia Hop Bitter s u e puesit, Restsisd mail îsiusbla fasnfly medicine!' onesili, aa>'Ina Itatious swrau-up a ndbegais o ta el lise natculuebcb61 »' udspe o!tise, cour uiêaid dtsileuto IL B., .lfflbï%ad' la mai mue>' on the credfit sud - usuas o! H.B. -Mauyothcus Itantd truMu'Iput: up in-sltular tyle-laH.Bo , uê-arau devlaed usmes"In téi .voe' !Hop 'I oe "Hapa ver uselu.vy ta Indue. prote taHle belse lue' erin a sMeople tee. i l mci pr eairemeItoO o naileiit heînutyloenumsi, os~al~1. Ihamtviis lerd "Ra tlcnoaontnelfe. evr aeimtRe -it Umn. ai tRio... t - ic ng lubût muwe.Hep iiittcns,vilh a uach muolule r orgnnIMMp on tihévsi. 2= rut otlu mii. Druggitssu-escua-vaniegDl a ~ rgsb iorlp allaitIsaau dolla' borse sud d ilfor lwodôllsis The- Rohbohde ie iaigd teiosui t millions lu Egyptian bonde". Au educated Oherokeé Indian à edie- iné a émiail journal- at Fayetteffi, Tii cash od ctomating 7000 oie pet annun st Bomba>' oly ui8 15,000i fs-anaàaPhbiaielphiRoi,-n s - Tho--Madonla- rosa -i :BnigRten, -su Englgnd. lia hecemie a s nalplace L ladieso ncyie EMPURIE M. GOY. &Bdcme5. moe 878 8 Total 0004* 1 79M0 6 1eti p.i0eu i ppE..15 »bnte L . Bonus 6R.L-6.-Bu 6m,900 re >aglus, No. -.805:GO 8m50 io st& l ......... g eieu~b ma00 sueet L U9507 Gat B Olt ..n.u4i... 40G AL LOCAI sud e spsing NOWi Whitb Meae iag lep Nov ii - thetet Trqepe h bois ual ; t 4 fou. tlav sakOna ,li lagoIeb Mut Of l.IDonald r bs tuam. i - -if w i I v.- Il Mos nain a Oa~lr Lake, are un -os,.. 1 PJL JL

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