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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1883, p. 3

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'3i21 p o IL KINDS! -AT- BNARD'S *Broac-,_Dtet, Witby. :UýUN g Ijpic. APRIL 6th, 1888. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE9 A budget et 1IveIy'nes uastef gleaued bI Chronicle reporters suid correspondants- -Sprlng rainea& eti. Nov hg?& for beautifl suirine. Whltby Assembly ai au eariy day. Marbi. and top filz iu i t theboy@.. Miulaare privaient in Pickering. How do you 1ke aur appearanci OilÏsvs beainuneually rio;6 dur. ing the past veck. Nov le .opportun* ime io clear thé strette of fli. Thé. siteriloni in Lthe Poit Offie ana Bearly compieted. The ltvpj>s.a4ex2pect liunew in*' alrumnieuts di , , - The 10751 Hali luabout tb change baud." . rceros havlng soud. CantýUIpeed marketreports al. vaye 1&0bbë onud lathe. OHaOICLr. il»Moblnillageri ame tili agtaied Pièan a inlupreparation for the Sebart collage ou Brook uniet, adjoin- log l the H" stable. Tbe*snpply af cool conient&esoarce. Dividing 1> out iu plsa..mes atie canner ofi flhlag nsdea Dow. ,secure som. of tboneîe lai yards long and 2inches vide for 15 cents b.foue a&U iold. Ândnev M. Boun. PILNIAMIN.-UT. Devenul, builder, lest veek begun hie eccioni *ork, on Mr. Barcîsys lucompleied rcildense.« ballu là*!lyrta b$L4 Porl Pury le to bave "10l iione Co- innulcatlan vih Toronto, NMiiby, Oîh-. Wa an d ailier points on the fbouliers. A numaber ai clti<aenm"avaiiedthera.- slves of tb. chesp excursion to Toron. to îeZ t (Tb% ,&ý la do insine> anu t Everyan wha le desirousof ai ng a sood a$"« gsuit. and vWOU made, have lhiu aiast thlb ryGood Store of AndreV M. Rosi. Wltb sauexpoeoesilMonograpie riporler un 1. HENOusiafull, aud cpm#,,s ,Dt.*pUla 0 meeting$ Wii b y gt~l0.~Iit The. latuit pun iile the Ajîmer Eoepree, 1'Whyaàe«lte London Mes- ans onsdersd a dissii lot? B..- cse lhey $igt16,000 an porter in o»n ichel" No lues a @oiumhan $25 vwu cntri- buteil by ouï, persan tovaade tieiauo. b iphun in roji &tienby tb. Young = . 0 Ifbî. Andrevas Oburob. Old pupils aud frinde af the, Collogi. àeusteIntutu Wini vail lu lb.lecturel room oiflte consent$ls o.day (l7'lay), te bld farevel teta h.fr aid principal. MiRobineun. oWleiay lun place of Tburaay as'bine. lofais, Ibas givlng a betten opportuniy ho publisi tie full nvaiof cciweek. Forly.five do« ta% dehînquents have baeu mmmoned te appar befon lthe PcoceaIstraLe liii(Frlday) evenlug. 11.t readyio soon as tboe. arediipod of. Tb@ . ine iàsd odiloral mromiof th im u z are boing tlaelly palnted, and papered by citizen. utes Painaqr. a"h oisbmsfthet i mm.ml 'stpposd bh. ýionldUbisuvvâui bot sa s u budîsuce of wMer waa eicuw dml&adepli lusa bod .1 samu lylugOau lb b.d Mr. bMn. . luouin id ne on studay s'bat hus vas 40 fcîolvals#4r andiii iing. 7emes' Autndlthebsie. Ladies, ueseaur new stock of Blj«ok Eâh, jusl arrived, cfithé celebttedl Ponoh brand, acea ur Salin Mmmwl- leux. For Maudesi, iheqq gools cannol bo surpassel. Ândnev M. Bou. On Suusy lest largeocongregailoni atlended batlle marning and celrn lug services ai Ail saluts', in whici the Incumbeni vas i&ted by bilgown ou Mr. Arthnr Piller, ai the roading deek, end byth. Rer. EH. 0. Parker n un Oe puipi. Sermonsi rm eoitextelWhat. smuver s man eoveth, thit alec o eap" la t ticunonnng sud IlFaihi" IluSic evening service. The &ubject oaitél-e déplorable growtb ai Agnoslicinm ul otior Iluotingisme " lu tus ldaye, vas handildviti a master band. A Fnaa ns Soan.- hviaci de. ligt the :yesud prompts lie palate lohsbeet, s& eplenlid upecimen aif Canadiencorn fed bief lu the miiepe abs baW cov, vau ou etixiion luin foni of lbe market ou Tneolay momnng. Tb* animal vas purtuhsssd by Messie.* Sténo & Morris. butcers. foi 6 cet&a na uJ, i".veilil, fnam aur tavusman r. H. W% 4unes, by wiom ilvas fet. teail , eo hg inM thé usaI sun- of 886. moch erelltIot due Mr. Aulnes lor bis @ncosinluproluoing aunfine an - article sud gothé e. ntorprite of Veus. Stone a Marris inu econ lng fobr hein Wbiti by trade. Là.na.-Our grand opening days, Piiay *sud Saturday, April 131hand 141h. We viii show a mgnificent di- play ol evîry lsadlug aud mont laubion- abieHaiu muend Ronu,ie liattchapes, lhe nevest atyles, the. mont desirable tnimmingi, from tie marketsuoai bichon. Note lie dates, 18ti sud 14tb -of Apnil, sud go ta Ibe issiionsibie Mihliary House..- C. F. Stewart. Mn. Embres, lb. nsv :principal ai lie Coliegiate Inititute, viii enter up- on bis work bore on Mondîy nexl. The Strbibrny Despatci fsrrng ta bic resiguation eay-"Mr. Embre. e oae ai lb. beat Head Master. in Lie Prar. ince-lie bestet rnplacad aven Lie Stuatiroy ecobol-anl ta him is, duo in very large measune Lie credit af lie p rosent htgh standing of the Stratiroy Hligi Seboal. We siuceroly trust Liai tie Board viii cucceed in obtsining a wertiy successon. Mr. Enubrai bas oui boitl wlebeî for bimnealiand lady in lie frture. ButuzWnDzEÂEop à, Tusu.-Onàe ai ibis volsring profession, glvlng bis nome us Ga. Bravn, esilel ai Lie rosi. douce ai J.B. M.Willoxz, Eiq.,on Tues- day, asking fan vanb. He was given came Wood ta eul, &mialibe vaîwokel iteadily onougi. Thursday ho onatinuel ituadily 64 vork. B*Ulri« about 8 o'loob tha$l-ivcuiing -o osal quartais b.iug made lforhLu 0i b Itaob.-4ue lime afleirda a flutg. lligaule. vsn isard by intifales lu lis adjoîing roona. Ou going la le ie b-i en thepon ltrmp vas diecavard n lie lest tiraes ai deai. Tii coroner vwu caleuIpon, but dil uaL cousidon Il niceseary t la bad a~inquest. Death ocourr.d ficus naturel ceuses. PERS5ONAL- Igr. jae& 134ys le convalecent. Hou. Olier owaeteL I WSyen e fego. Sir John i M0 Ânciblhop Lynci là roported au being uer-. Iy couvaisciiont. 1Mr. tîsmL EHaLob cliii conti.nuoz sony loy- 'kc; ;tho.ehto be monding sons.. " ke. Un. ,Pediar, ai Osheva, bu asmdi anau s@uiignu e1-r Ulh.benefttof i creditors. lin. Jo"tn oîcen h&epcceoiida position ta the bead otle aitie lfi4land '0Y, st Peter- flonman icmoke eund miss C.akmson" tram 1eW Yorkfor Burape(moi Uarday by' eO<nOznauds Citeyne bas ben aunl Uew (Sah==eI SWisn %*ebauïcf I t ueu -4.n~M 1..t ..5 4e the ab-Wvo Dru& - Elois. Iligular eUz W.I Rswarded. . A liberai rswrd wfilmbep.lêt. suy Paty vaWho pous ù oLvr une, or Stomabeh cmplalalthbst Ding ihoux along, i i ocil you natta.' înn otf*M ll icllrevstdedfoyea '. troUble bulldes. A1l BloOldlseses, aud d gnaldebiil>' Lia lély c1àrad., Ct,flàfa i làn gÙ s àtuê or aney r.. funded. PrIce only flfty cents pur bol- tic. For sale by Q. A Powell. - Bsuowasvna.. Oct. 4.1882..- I write to tell you of the grial a. listing benefit1 bave reoelved front 'Dr. WVilson'a Pulmonary Cherry Bal* »Mn. I boa d liss aiofthe. lange for over lvi yeare. Aui lie doctors I friel aouslded my case hopelcîs. A friend roonmended your B&au. Wben I began taking il -1 bail violcntcooughlnqg fits and straigulation bain phiegni; my fel and limbe voie evolien, and bectic foyer bal mil posseesion of me. The Balsam rolievol aIl thèe s mp. toms and maeia comploe cure n. me. I a&m deiroue of lnaing mwZcure knoov. B. Witbers. Stt Talk. - How mach botter yop look, Mr. B." Yee, I bave gaine 2 pounds on Eal'& Catarri Cure. Have nuafl f41 o plets. cure sud le vot 50 a boula b ana'oeiaI tbau tb. Calai-r." @n1aÉéto ibeàw dr.Have reoei, fu lscovery but not ai vonderblapr o.Di lHaII's Catarri Cure. Sol by W. B. for SUMim Hovee,OCbeimist sud Drngglst. Wbitb>', Lyon, bimo The GRE&T CERMÂN INVIGOB. tieS ini styl ATOR le Lie inarvîl of the. Médical Froge, fine. ýWorld..,IL nover faut 10 completely 1and White cure, Xervous Dsbi lity. 'Impotency, o Mental Deprepioanud ail diseseo oaused rn excesses. The leetlmony af tiousands cosu ha bad #y nrml"gst. J, CENET, ?oledo, Ofif. sole agent for the. UDIWed Staies.- Pries 41.0per la àm-ev tu fcit Il box, six boxes for $5.00 If jour dru'gfiton ésitRO glt doei ual keepthi e rma y,'#"d 10 heal qua-lare and gel tbe Medicine by mal. Circulais sud tesimonialescon appîietila. Sol by W. B. Hoa, Cienulet aud Druggiel, Whitby. Tu I Tees, Bugs.i . Do Vour Children-AUoM Have fils or canvultlans, gina lhii Aloft tteh, piok lii,* noie, bave a badl breti, or s changeable appetito ? Are Liiey retlîs or feverlsta nit 1If ia aili youî druggls for Dr. Smit' Ger man Worm Rumedy tak. no other), it only comte 25 cente. Io simple. eafu and pleseint ta tube. îfbstiesais no worms, il removes the @lime sud'bile LiS breede thum, toutesop Liie system, ET -aud vlU save many a dodto:'.bill. A word ho tthe vlee, etc. Th'onmoe iof . testimoniale. SPECIÂL ATTENTION 18- caliol ict be greit activity of Du. WattLam's Compou lBixin of Pios- phatucsud Osesys lu reetoing 'Ibo vital power lunail forme ai debility arleleq houxthie nueoai pinisTobace, Opium',and tuatl fm of nerve exbaue. tien7 boi ýdépraveol habile. ' Ilis préparation oai hosphato s leb ly agenitkat h"anvu iI matisuanthie non- vos Oât6'n tyiIi de t. he luvlid aven Ibat penlad ai mental depreaulan vhich muislbopasad lais r.cavery tubes q7h Verr Latest Neva. 0411aw. yot bsard litheel usvi?" euid ane City eveil ta analier. *1No; do tonime Wbit lie" -"Weil, I bae ma1L got *d of$spy ceesm byonmal and as Imkov yours ureevun ve tbisi une yee,1 cooldu't pa vwithout tei.ig'yau ta gel a baille a ar drnue arqa gWéi'. I'llnarantse I iiioz '*cm .cOu5mltab:îlt edsure, prompt --md Id 1 veryvbswe. Bevaro 01 eh stilutes and imliaiou.neI. p. PL SON-k 0col Kingitan pioprialor. Baic-0 **" Ese your glace nAYour p. , o%* Place wfflkscp yoa." '»Cuîyou aomuo expoet la keup yoen puace vléhbut beath, the iéundatimof a. auil mse Iha"a sube 6raifrosa l enf la *r AWObiàg-U ths empo ofliaoÇ L&. pau5 B. iaBm on. lai b in gruy affectel vIw" l5élD55Zbu duaietefor six 'mrs M St 01for 7O0W h*ab boircs of Kfdusyimuabnd -noirv wms,0»le1#4 ;egulail 1b" m ~3Patbcis, lbbau~ oiva cmi sIL e - urasorme~tof00o a~d Caàdin ngsare, unequalled.. R~%i TAORI , P,'R T ME N T tnvr.SAkOi~dc He'Pec t :t J- i<l! se -e ."2 - -3y re Our Goodsý.are ll --warranied'a erse1e r oe eunde-x. - CALL - -Il AN RiE GLASGOW WÂREHOUSEU yod a jurgeport4ow aoft irse Goôode it rudlee- vai ier Suitinge, black andq k: an&a ooloreâ s atina, bi, lih Prints, -L1aoeg; ilcsie t,Sootoh Tweedse, new pa SMoleskine,)Cottonàdes,ý ne and -Sheetings, Tiokjn . CÂ>IP 0' Ace. A lre iocitOf Ra«dyý,vMao Olahtlng i ous &a,&" 8 L - Oversll, 8mod&. oic. il lb. àlpicai ,he abôve illf be sold st a amail adYance on oost, as we are deteriuined to do -the leading irad e ini the Coumty, IONAL VIEW, OPNiiLLRS "NEW NODEL" VIERATING THEESHER. etum d by the JotepJ ÜXerso her. the. 1 3maux. 89LI 17lb, legu t. I ed*m& t B élr««, $le 8OIjICIS W W. 2 THEBIRAZILIAN WAREIO1JSE. ANNIJ4L CEARIN M 4AE,'- S. m' PR aBRvi (1o4X ebaol>oehh ioea bsImnealokof: 'Chna, trockery &G1tsae - i 1 Louise Baking , ieNgss"lon au. rel FIELD 'and GARDEN,' SEETPS; Prom aild Wriliabis, graver.. Don'lforge o tael ud gel bargalus i b. oujY. P bd lise1 881BS NOTICES. OF iurisînsr T6 zxvnaa oi7sxnrs Gayordu1'c al o elai od Tsylaài -à - m -a- W~or cura y J .4 ls$ ç~w ~ t IRST cL~

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