c'a bornions la ai. I a vi' bu., mors ihau mie h jr o a il 14"Toek Âdauiier. mla «. iPt>L- ew York Advlr. 'leérkk Nev& 'T*sto oi a aisulrà TLhe u btemiii.!. bof te f 8u.hoous uaist vays, b. 0aus$ thé smamg sl ln oybean ba..- [No lv*h. mollo fh the tpm aêr 1. dam ~.ud u efooarIl -OQ& [Tb*hsddglI Droi t te m ie, m.,3 MMI. "M leat"t 1.matter vui b mis*tu." la~ ~ wb IMpisi...(atou"asr i v'.qSli. sasud lt. 7ot - A4v4slleer eésd iloîap t. IlTisa in, ta. ttt a. bas bosueas»-"ait!master." no ta $Pek-(Bo.tou Star. à jeakomo oimttmtmsu ishie "h'ltlhrto ooo heonv IN la lie, h bsaet biseamO.] sW9Pe.- 0iKoerArseo5 - llroes a, Ye 4alqus bis la emr Ibas- .of 1>la S.ipbwa t e'; lei jd foiat1so,'r ommaa «,uit r m4mlb*e bê e IM o peute e. lail (sas- - (se.. al aiW900Jusrs aao*4 1 o>oe em 0"isa o. ceeauliI, l miuk«004 q»bous 100 yetxo sa.- t d»oaWua a.Metm 6ML;p ls. oi motrtt foer mp dur"slui'fBe. tsa. - oromua, aus quart cfuriiik, warudd <- po'ared over thse orrabi, yelks of foui oggo, vl oit ba uW0hobe * 'f @gir sud ana teasp o 4cul o lsbfisa bakaS, apreaa coer t tis ealayeér -o Jolly or la<.eerveat. Boa' tLbeWhitof ihe4~ add iwo t.sbluoenonus.or ~Uhi browa. tien. en wlth sauca Or OOld wil Ug'or aud crasm*. AvOstLa Fo,- oaoy na bali box aifgplatin e nouua Irt Of wttk là 6t, taëtbar thse '791b of-tia. cué aup cf a tisd'te ua rc f anf Icusca;mir -b t ntisthegelatino and mitk, and let il juet couse te a bail; 19 wk0 t ii £jt a s tiff froth. and atIr throagh the acatard, Pour osto mn ud ndseta%"y y9Ol. Poos 194as Pa iurNrna.One bitu of viiol, ihoraaghly vube, roe foirtsoup of sugar, ana teaojedlflll af oluiasmon, One aud One ha f quarts î4q ootulk. BSuroaalaly -d ask il bil. saway, untl t la o! tht ooatauayof ai ik aream sud .qult brava.-. t 1- I t s- a- vers sgiu -Port-vlne jotiy for thb. 511k la made by meliuà qqtwonueqof pl4tîce lu a aald h4:, ooa"tirne, ab uns p .1 glun arbi h lQ, tu.i- th ea airain ta, boiils or jeliy toablea sud vissa coiS th*e liy vUit b.fouad bard bud do1çg.. takissg pines of mouton o as rslbotling titi tkader, Addlug aà ev ow atiaelmo# gravy. 5eaaS*oô,t ' titPOPp'and. sali. Rave ready aspanaofal bosimite, ,épec thuat-and spaesd l n£adeep dinh, snd pou th# aloi veî ihts.This la '~~ary .nead*oxe vheleomathan dongh batteS vith séueai. À çretiaoent lasiahot le oet satin, estlun1 vth -îh. initial of7hêvue stia, au whlhsailbunoh o! dalates ta embioidèed.- Tiser. Deos"ta b. oae thiaknusaf cotion batvee a to p anS thse bptom, on- whioihthe per<nm. p6,w., dèr it soâlleret., l'h. sdgesslartied euth lace tva taches vido, ver>' lui> at thé. oo#ws, sud lIthe "lm for abuh«4. lig binas tiqiribbon piMted iu sheila -~ ~ ~ 4Àý> Bolo ol. fero oa a as 5h5"e oitCe. ia*' f m sSt vii a*».e. iiMU n t he niauthe of tbo ahfdie. 'o n.po fi"0tS talois - - tpuu fter, d t ê ter ab la a biainnu th. fie ta aiflea, but ualmal;isha al rb il-.nd lb. Suiý togoher, thon kao41u1h.m ar. ol ont là a.. aboit lwieel" ïw*,b . nt lh.p> ar bb brava."" udelighi jb>' 1h.u»set fsod* or bhoup5 povdor, axiSthorapra rethco.eWso for vailles ialiare rismS euh osl, an ry: On.- quar bofouir n od sil sieont mîils, tira tsblospooufnia or aboiut hof uduw-8iza ceq i or asi, 84 - ooUDu -tnikesoonulfnl t. MLs X we~I a' jýet w ýstand ail asght.-- la 1h. wciint 1-lir ta eue tablispoaafui aet ýýcte- uttèr sud twoWeil-baatsnegg& 'r m affih'eiéons, aud eut witbonl b - -. ürtd ateA tts papite go U SitgËif-by, suacoan. lIe c ., iures &,Fttobetsee: Care nr.. tos 4,%"r tai the. aIbldren ; shorta ci.s>jtesssy pobigoiottbai.k at, andl au asusosphare ai freodosa, st4hslt eh.î zumd works ematily lu harnoas; absorlt* tisai oeutal backsultohiug by vhlcb hait ibat if ioaraed ina~terM il fSoren iun s long vacation; aneounomical oae af ever>' moment d o! oooi homsrg o Ihat vhilà i", uohllâ ila shaol ho tanla aimueted sud sot.UAta hlims.it;s»d lemliag vhraatPomibie, uAI=em - boake -tesoiser, exiler balacloalgsrseusmua., ém <sf utr t ,salog sx$ tise e 111DIAU PU»MNtG.-Âdd te one quart boiling milk, tva vol hostau saga, lbreO leblsjana I udian meal, eue lAbeiooa joura , ltte sait. Bake ths.qnartera cf au heur. Serve vush augai andcreas.- OtS Oà xi-2 Pound* 0 !ai -2 ponade af angar, 2 Pand* aiaifp eloneS sud choppS!,2 'penude a! ans sauts, cissued, 1 Pondof citron, ont in htripa, 1 Pound of butter, 10 'Ra, y»Il boitée, 4 teaspooufnta of bak1ug. miet! vush the ir, a piat .4f wesi 0911t, l.maan, nuiaxsg aut! ausipice tua es and a tiggie sait. Mix sudbhat tboroughty. Put lu pleut>' of epic. Bak. four or i" hotu, sud thon tee. Trim t ilh ubbaUimratb sud braucis. Gaie HcMor" Noir tA». - i Pound fleur, 1 Pound of sagar, tissa. quartois of a pans!oaIbnttst, 6 eggs 91uE5po aof mremo! tartar, 0800of "a, hal favat .,LÃŽ h ara io»ýLy, &bd thea î#tr% s aimti ure of hiekor>'uIs, fi..iAt. f énervéaiaktng thora from th. aboll. Iake lu a siesdy but aot quiele aven. Tht. la avery ineeake. ý PIoUe GAza-i ep ofsf ae*r, 'cep of baller, 2 eggp, j cap. f;nweot nslit.i leaapoount af crossa ef tatr .4 lt opocaful cf eda. Mixvvtlti2 ftcd fior la téle - eauaebb*oy of cootcis#. ct ini itipie, #lslhtol intapowd#,ri pd asr sudgw ivm nge ronnd c.,tis. illrUr-a 'Very' ligisubrava. PAXAL-6 Boston craaiýrt- r l r", 2tabîespoosifais of visite louligr. n P.-aJ pinos Of sait, s itutle " s'- r ianughb bilîti9 voter isu crus .' " v Sl plitIsle areakere qasiptLr-i11n bave! of layers, sai taud 1;s Aointle aMOag thora. Cover wili isoissrý iV, ,er anS sel ounigl>eleart,.witi sua cje -top avs'îtébd*, lb> for ait hs&êt t usr The, erskori .shoaid l6o lmcai>teoar ý& he ibvi, wvus more sugars' prmar- ledl ta if YOD visi L If praoer>' made lhia panadaela vor>nia. CuPs.P0Daruo-î 1 ablospoonDfat or on,1egg;. iaith us coi tk anS -a plis atlsltaeskbatter. Bâti fflen "Oia ule a a buliered aup. Pot wvus aUnceOUMrtorplu ensgsr. 'abona Saur, lou viai or,Sabe n>pofuu, a uîed batter anS lard, i Ishîaispooraful lighi brava sugar, 8 cups aille, or euougsifor pf ogs ti trsoônfïta aram o f lariar, sifted an gour, 1i iapoeuafa's4li. Cilop tisa1 shortecn nt thie gour; sid engar ad satans tq 1et the. sain, te.ebjal t4 1oms ha beka Pput.IIiilu, 0j4t ai ÃŽTÃŽ0U 4 hrdi n as les7 ybe, jute a ratiser titae aieet.et ltlerond suies, price vus s afont, Aud l'mIe tus- uediateîy inaas bnsk aveu. sieb. ailds are ver>' goosi and'iW0vusomeéu. ris. Faihicue. Mousquetaire giaveî Lave raceirad a srety addtion athebmshape' cf havi Mpd tqsg e-4tofu4a ss riba. tgma4~ Made 'U th. 91011U abou&t tva tas roms 1h. top s triges over an loh deep. Whoea iserbbou t. fasienod lbe tap ls sihO ptp l0r11 - -«- L Lou Inue 4avuère agasin lu "tug "olssdAère riohl>' Ornamentled Wllh .Mbgrsy lu .11k ar irlS.ssspâ.-1 etseai, th. oiori aiva>'. matols t h flheIrsthe NOM lahoahl u or wbe#wu"ei * 5Wb plu r-ý ai - - - Ta~IR~. $1 eno ÇWO II M me 10 rc.~02~ 5?0 uni "-- 6t.&a m-I LuS~ ~ ~~M aiMdua ia aa.Jeps .5~~~~~~g taUvN,>~, cja ?apukDan 1- ls iantt tas soseperlor fur Albert -nil - ---plà "di at l4atieuaiy res.oted u ry onceffltob u beOm "IiroOd Ili the 14for ~Lino. K~ANSAS,81OITY. ilVERPOOL,..LNONER GLASGOW, 148 emPeos,sgi "d 1q* llotet4o Budu.".à (w 8-oraga f0r0,71Bnýgiand go Canada. 'ý" traIm Lam- dUonIoeiGalwayfui, Gtwsy a0 cq ry., - The Oinit amer iram Liverpool ta Que. boa wii lasv. Liverpool &bout Infi week in à lioaaaiîn from Halifax, lob. 94th. *Nova Sattatram Portland, Mai. lai. "4t *d Hlfazx, '« 8rd. SardlnIai ram Halifax, filotis. fa i= ra Portland, " 11. -~ Hatiaz " Ith.- Cabin, Intermodiste snIteensgo ai lovait ratas. Foi iioketsansd eVary Iflrtoimanppi7 la-r -9 a U- & &ire w %of Ai- Er.1 1%e The, I4rqest and m7bât oarefùuy îejecte4 s,,tock in the, - co#tyi:ùs"d t pices. to de4 zl o n-.ttixr AND GNS U~IHNS Garmenits made- tq order! dr~nthe, siortee't notic, ]READY-MADECLOTELING (i-onsf>iantiy on hand.-Something- nobby nobby in Boys' Suite. Buffalo and*other Robesin great vâriety. JOHN FERGUSON,, Msroh 29, 1889. DUNÂS-ST.. WHIITBY. PH O 11T- OC-RA PHiY. -WE ARE M1AKING -A 0f Phità grapha, - il sipia, life-size, 9Aà 'entiiely NEW, SPECIMENS ON-EX ITION. Cards and Cabinets furnished inthe, latestl style Ã"f the Art.- F r p é s f a ai es l-w y son h an d . ~'r~mes ofA. BrARRETT, -*-PhotogrApher. 0'oite Onltarjo Bnk itii yo n é ffis t 4,e ir n 1879.P ot g sp y v i fit IEAP TICKETS*@ NE W TIN- . SHO>0F . liraih« Ecb iurmon for XOTA and MANATOBA, ,J '7T 8 A..-2TE -VIA THE- ÉDIT VALLEY, and BROOK-St-RE ET, WHITE3V -CANAD4, SOIJ'HERN. l r Next Doop South to Jamtes Johnston'8 i'OoIdsmith's Hall;" grood chassa. LfaveaTOtON'TO &i NOON ou thse 97tis of MARCH. TRIS BOA» 18 NOT BLOCKRD WII'H- - ^ FREIG T. elkt~ alsrt nfariaa nappt>' b Has opened business ini the above promises and je now runnminl fui] blaet, where everythm-à pertainng to Tin, Shoot, or Galvanizod Iron is manufaotuzod lu a workmau- l1ke maânner, on SHORT NOTrICE and at roasonable rates. ELECTIRIO.PLATED GOÃ"D-S-cof- UPERIOR QUALITYJ in knda ot3apÉanedTn, s=d Sheo.Iô vaffoutllykptluso. 'RFEPÂIRMIG doue cheaplyaund naly i wrhgs, êjýn-sdCanadfian GOAL CJI- l-,~n hiuos J J mby. 941h. 1879 I TAD RAM TE3ID3,Ar TUADAI BITISE AMEBI INCORPORATEI> 83 rCA WblltsyApet Mou ou. - Spedal Offer. Umm Damb WTIL U. 1,1884, g MO&TBS FOR ~5 eEt~Ts, -81U11408 0F THE DV810M4 COURTSi COUNT Y Ã" 9 TÃœI ,18 3 L Wbiby ..91 11 1 8121 1 2 . B r o g h m 2 9 4 2 D f ' C ro o 8 2 B-Port porr.... -1219 718818 510 4. Vibrdge..18920 819 -4611 1 :1 ntn 4~1920 5 19 IL Doa Sri&n - 12 21, Ç 28 7. uptergrova 9. 8 22 7 14 By:Hx -Ordar. -S.W, T!e Gea0 A meca RZ e 4t*hc aot* dm oeou ~ RAY' SFY RU.,P t.1 Mans=a,4 fghvgr. SSPRUCE~~ a tea made T1f & ~ Wrm thé, GU MJ. à iL1i topsj ae 0.l ifs remarkablep Mer in rdlle<ng certnforrns f Bronc4itisawd *4i dlmost speelflA efeo-in crn ~ 8tinate hacldn g glU'i omwl kônto the publie aà $ e., Y- or mwo m KERRY, W4ýe J8 GI - 0a(lO- huOr a =4cu rap .tl rtab 6 amIe W i.- t ~ ~ -,,rrî~ - -. ~ sm-r ~o1 a mci. is Dia. toit y 'brldeet!la ofi aIhiefour cornera. Jaoket. tiltS open fronts sutîra.tatr. '14W !Voile fanaýpart of, au s-ssdy--s>în strbao.r .Pig t tr h, t 1 Corsage b0Gquis sre rsp1aaîd - b'Pr-tr >iôei 04wis)z 5ri5 . ro.- *PÊRamn@ofaasaqueôr roundasiwu t- t 1et ua peao0atçe Icatisr a1111, -Theo Uufed1 ~ii if lsti I -t - i 'f Mues-e usaseji'.. bsar,.,vs fra~ 51k.a~ .1 iSsu. io~U. ~ lsps, ~ Bisyba intbiaihycal~rrtttssîrsearre~0fvs$ sussese et lv oevoepesfsrsC b~.te~iaE bsn as iToBT m-K 1 -