" ,y là t. O 9 bIe li b Âun" ~IJa 1p, 184,for os oeià iO;fret to 1.every aubsoriber, large litho- ~rPLortwet 0ofBon,oUvr Mowot- min 9 % .'Ià iarly sul9sription rate o Iaizra 1inavance, la1MigP-re4iul aportrait. ç7 Rfobertuon &BrS Chronicle Building, Whitb5'. BUSINESS MEN!1 T3he -faeoiitioa of the (JWi MicLx Steam Printing Establighmentare uneixcel- ledby any printiz4g office in Eastern Ontario. Contracte for ail classes cf work made on closest terme, an& work in'ail cases guaranteed. J. S. Robertson& Bros., Pro- prietora. John Ste.nton, mnchanloal superintendent. Nom 'Adrortlsements thia Day. "od £eau-Iao. 5&Baniad. Uptg a"di-40. aondera. mm S*te-II. hJ.cmb.u. am knia ru-U1. y. MeNs!!7, Damiafor a1.Eak of Montrent. lý4t VaitWoae-u. . IL .Phllp. Il)#*%* qlasua "ir. W. Rlinge. B.A,, Principal. ONLY' Si o* PER ANNUM. WVMtby, 'FPdly, May 4, 1888. A. Taie wth a Moral. Armble townsbip farm.tr, 10 quick. on lttcir Appetites, killi ',Ur cattis in qua4pd for Ibo buteber, by ulutflng tail doy» Ikow..Thy died. li. oatd It wa» a nev and fitai ime.ai o maleéý, l ial aton by a ilarol neighhouers, byluqu tst.proved the falaq f bs aoorlB and addmd the o ute anlvesay of U.nq uajsty 'birsbl Mbuoo bhor.,nwhasî loto b., don*, by Wbltby tooe.lsbratt be 00011- Wîî.A , ni g 0 gai.my Jekuep our ow» popmb i e but aso4180 t utl m *ri bum £ounotoLn op by Ihéê *ho bave o" fouanm.aslntbienn luee1a usnob ' taudabIe enterprlse.. roet. WWltb, by raina of l4 rallvay uoilitas, te oay niolg of bc hbour, aia obua. .1 fbrlaiog linu out*eo- lue-aOMptp baleL t. aOoewDaioo, in a epitaloulafor omffuga(Lug îghte»e. Lelà 80eeting f of bc.toested b. o.ii.d et au early date te asoîr. tain if eoM*tblng esucot b. doue in &bis à mnjrlly ofthie Ceunoil 1ah lb. iuwtiugi ou Konday oveong tI t o gowune werofftîtinurefuug lberoquets '61 USe Union Cnbebt md Lams Oelabsfoebst fton doltiz., nm chargeai tr Rail on t16e ouleaof 16,fr ment publie o i set It s admmy vi i fr ic oua ~t.pn4ic4,veslu ou*e paï o 919,6tit srevom-n fei oS ule bullitge, boe".ne couplea onu$MW é l sslmbowà ; 4" ,a, ', thahuewbo vot4,aéýI. eb. prmesa , roai.,~t8*epMel cses wM, mc la n ooettoa villtorr W" etqs us of p$ i4l cle, ti tal h dot VSt tuble 4ero 0 osi pt r ,s t i- o "mo th lyai'ul"-o ose osr t tnve o Ie dbes à sg aw guardmund ur uguer»«aust bouÀb!y remetona-wb le.a l'boni- .01 cesootlb ler, t beuiog to, th- tovwnrb abad. Il ttUve a baf -droAiOf.U90f ign, vib vssbeauem alt tothe cocmeprm eto(16e-pae o q mbaziio' lnsttute Library 16oliner,&sd4 luturout vobUlatteod its rt-'>Pezl»aa *anal tha ptbitofuko4 ela depi ivedl ni #*eh a boon -wcu1~i iraaidaely te welcotuie srâtomatloï, Iu tbihwvrteDirectora havbn dhuaappoioted, andllb cthue ~ -~ butta furcealupou ta io M l a toreinluthe . Maithainî ttilte ia-Âb razy ba., prata' lly. ceased. - 1?o Ibýi& dîoouruaig*tatao of'attr iau 'y ia- &ou$, Do donhi eouarat)eough, lai,..bean offîreal. 1% la sata tathebdatly noe-s paper tabomnoaecrly lil ýthe mpsutWeý lb. ordbnary realer lbus iti@ commnand) snâl¶atb, oes!aly for ftua young, lb. light, guusly ilt9 MÃŽ ouaui -eg atbmrbiug oolumauta a daily journal bave aell &%tractions. Then &ain the chiapnsu of ordinary litemamur. là muais publîma- tions as ltae Franklin Square and Se& Bide Librarlee enabîpe taven peopleoaf th. montI lunitet)resouroe tu graty lb. deire of poist4osiug books for thons. seives lu fiel ihere tu ino uealtego to a public librairy for any but books of refereiaoe. Por a very tow dollar. ou. .uay gel turae anal btter books nov-aà . dayo than waere ffty yearo ag0 Within the reauh oeunti7but Ihe very ves1tby. A tIbrd reton bai bomit urgeal %bat peopie, yotilg sud olal, are vSolly, ab- sorbeal in plotasuro or lu acqulrinf gain le pay munciaatteon o soclial'lIter..- tur.. W. foerithe»e t.a mebotb la i tht, anal Ihat everyavbore th. oulllvaton cf lbe raind s à source of trengtbandi pleasture in wbdlci ubordnalsito thb. acocnnulation fmateriaittreaure. Thero la ual the toast alcubt tiaï theb ,resont age ia thorongbly maorlalhod andl that ne avenus that le Dot, piv.d wîth golal bas oeany charma for yoiug andi ager foot. 'And go on lgepu touà e0oung lo 014. W. butntdb ut the authoré anti books *boelaeb U, id lustre le lh. Engbih naine.,buteor-I opt oome ocisbtozet) oludent, vho riada tbem eav'a-day.? Tho n.vipaper sud the nove! hav, Ibruit ou% soa à large mz- tont tii. solial ilémature vbth zeprn oute lb.helife cf lb. pust anal W ila bat donto riy mucob te mquld lb.ý lite or the puaenet. Howe.r, l ia lu valu te cifer regret&. The varid yul go on lutssaura.andl vith tte reaat lng, ai la evurythlug .1.. vil! atrive lu bave Its ovu Way. Oltoer reasnueno doulat ooald b. tounti tor thé doay of Moéhanboé, lautitutea, for cure là Dntth&b.only moribond Inati- tata, but *nongb hubaen atated te, show, that limas are altereal ina. mcati- tuies wore ealahliéhed,and that io prob- able that lu the. changeai circumsîtances but few eau suarive. 19 eora a pity &bat snob a vabuable institution as our ib-ai-y ahoulit hava lu close ita doors perrnaunnly for lack of ru-adere. There are always torne rend- ers or cour*e. but with us il woulat ap-- pr tloy ara dimWiuihiag;andl the few th&% rein are0quit..Inat.eqna±e le koop Iboe ibrar lu fu i vigir or, lu tact, aliva. Thn sheoIves gi-ean wiîij erceest vork, carefullyland jodiconosly s..ecl.d; therea i a wlesouae variety aind very considerabte quautiîy, but stul lb. read. ers are Dot tu bA fouail. Sball Ibis alite of tlaing8oi~s.ncasud tshah uail âitu- lion, tbat lias doue Po mucla good aud lason a sourco ot pleautro andt profit to laundrede libtis town an4al aorotnding contrlay. be force.) lu euoouub et lutl 2 Wc hope nol. We vaulai bu glà d. to lea-u tha&&te- publice only neaeedIbis remindi- cfthhir plain duîy te a vorlhy 1o4 Aasiltou andal bt coca lb.eid- fA in o cr o ci ehaului' Inoitute vantai imaprove. Wî ahaU returat, batbl-, opeot. th -écew* -Lv, bins CongHeotu.teo cos.' 'vae a» s ndlb MaeliSyttatê pof mIssin ' b 0 ' ,!.grot albnà un*tiorlqflyare ar tody. l oar. brit reuti- Za Svh yppnd 16.eaelare vboja» ilvl *vi rtnlsbt tato$e Bbc olky anercisf*roit din*et*sios unthébI omutr' vut. GoQ&aud a thegoo ooatiay vo ver.ulo url brast. mentand aet a arty io ucflbhth&oul 50 nipnesapla aslhe ~Ramll rein igainst o Ppçofapiôr T liatl.opr1mPair waa hel a t Bi-etghaea 1io T6uraday, and linpte et tisetuo1emet l ealher-thoto wèo * Ãœii anal e4bm-. olle Wîulniir-e v lb Prise IaI. vbh v aut of spafe lutI vieS compelloal né ta lold llui titIs I.. elte. Judges of beavy horseaid bul.-i Messsrs, Alfredl Magon, John Little an inalgea cf liglil hoas.-.sioai. T. To4d, John SlIWh-azadO. Ray. Import Drauubltillin aeten. trie-laiJa«. iter>', 2ad A. Boyce, 8rd Robert Oowan. 5 yenr elal importae! Bhaliton, Ba su trie-lut Wrn. W.at,2nd David Andon. 8ral A. Boyce. Garriago breit Ganadian Stallion, I ent-y-C. J. Brodie. Road 8&talltn,4 enule-lîl John Oulbbert, Inal Wm. Gprrov%ý lm r&ed drauglal broodmnto, à e-. tries-lot a261 Soit*oaamsiller. Oauadiau drauglal br-od mares, 6 en trio-lit David Birmol, 2nd H. Pliklk. (:eneral pua-poserdo. 4 .utris-lst D. MoPherson, 2ual Geo. Alger. , Ca-niage or road do, 1 ontay-S. H. tese pn boumes, eulîoalîlJob Miler, ând D. Bir- Génralparosedo. 9 entri-t-let Carringe Icîtu lu bar-beus, 5 otil..- iét G. Daidâon, 2ad L 0. Widomm. Bling!. itiving oes luharnas 15J binai anud ovin- 8 entrs-let John Tworruc, SudJ. SomerviUe. DO.Ounder I1161badét 8 Outmise-let O.W. Mattbeva, Sud Bobert Mier. Do. tadem tiaré e rniod. 4 .=trie- lit John Othbbrt, Sati Wm orov. Pasteot trotterni-ar or geldlng, 5 ,entrie-4@t James Loui. liait Deeker etéwloSdo B blrie-let Wai. Ger- Ageit Durhan t ul, 1 eatm-jobe Tv. yîîr .14 do. a enui-it John iler; sudl A. Jobuiton. Que year olti do. 2 ostdule-à .- .Iolautoe, td John Millir. WRITBYh&EBUT, WITBY. Ti" l ain hola on Jatdaydu tho Qu'y. Aomlculterai Gretundola the, Toéo Whlîby1 vas ahi. yl vg-cl ofs Ttho day bmlng fine anal the rabinf th1e day bofore givlng lb. fîrta>a»Mo excuse tolhae their voa-k anal lako a holiday;è tbm attendance vas large, Ihe tovu preeenting an anirnatea appeau- maou mtae large number of viion. Aller lb. good tIblugu provled b>'"ine bouts" of Wbuiby, bad qalieda every- bey'oi n»r or n, mveayboély tumued soullavarda anal veutotehie fair. The fit-t tbîag te attriet attention on enter. lng tihe grouda -as tbe fin. displiy by local manafactureretfagricultuvali ir- plements. The darU cratory of aà nain Irons thaeeat nVho vaucracking up à a maclis. vbich beas-.hls, nane of eut ampblbions fdstt.ailed national emablens vé ash noadhnreit-too hailteb vaste snitob và âeason a oprng herse*taI.I Pattireon & Ba-o., vîtîb oroitabeinter- prise .hov.d a fuit assotme»of 1rep ers, movettý otlky.rakw, grindotaAm ailz"* auntibeir Whlbutatlsat they ais ho ei ampealonthe pnB-- tena oni-- ve tr" adet WUs suomauefsi r hisha s.aebisà ehIbitstby tl b sh6wto'I~ Jidoïo* bt tb.em*ble alUhaa- Ore o r.' 1 shealaj êant in t ,'ohn thbe aVîbrme &"-. moreaeafl bWoods a"al te d iogslIumtoio efth1e juadgec. JdgI, lita hpraidrattggiat bboi 6.16-,Is lb.l pwe ofte 6eetoatomusuMd -18e tb'ore.tjdgilet d ofvi vas-,B nbcb.oniterea nt, for the, horssaoovirveosplendd peulmma Ot cquite power anal htauîy. Jefr.ya 1Bros. immoul *Aýft cotvuè; n THE 13I - XDS OR~rU~~! THE LEABINIi - - - - BOUSE, 'UN I EVERY EPARTMNT COMLETE. ew Dress Gocids, new Trimmings, new Pins ew Sà eens, nw Ginghams, new Carpets, new Mantle Si1k, % antie Ornameintls-new Frillings ewLacsnw BibonS. The Largest 8toçk ofi Ný9w and Fashionablo QQods tgQ 8lIçt from in Whity Tapestry Carpet 50e a Yard. il Union Carpet, B.Oc. a Yard. Ail Goode marked in plain figures at lowest possible Cash Prices, Town gathm olaun Aiain. or ro*u 5mb È*"memb aaant w* immm-A *à mnkomiktis i&u Em M. »V a Wub i"ô 1,5. oob*ems-a 01*? ft Ob étéAz.o*um T» vaux Tbe .un uilmbWsdMoud"ay -b tb1xayr in thb Ob Eav~ sa" s udOmmuLn oDictouthe incmiu bv Tare. nSaw7tea fIwvbcb âno topOor) ............. ......15 Total amouat of taue0unooRuew for the 7m lg l..t.....-i.' Tbm oonmittoe rfo.mmmnded lt lbà roÃ"I =fOr 1CIb@ aeptIt antMi b*ulb. cloouStatement b.re Uvet baretoi TatUs MÂn.-The cotor maSos hi* ostb thal thon a«e no gocits for lb. amount u t b. ibnil tem, aud m for lb. partis. roepruntei byl tim9.15, to.MOr- roW they wltt b.oans.ed vita 10%internat -boucs Our meeting to.ulht. The rot! wu tflbogbtyi o vm r tb. Wtovu altir, lte ztani t t na6mutimO"a .ho tIat lii. Bovu bai ula cent. I1Banheb report aboulai be conarmd. 5?SEE* A" f= =1'85, epncofMr. 'Rut Wilso'.a st 7oints par ~ ~ IVU ar..blgle vn1Qmrte4 NEWS ROUND HOMS. ,fmstOMTe"LO<à Lp*tiIgAN!oh-ira el'ucut bkIuj5olIm*. lgpbtit' dailua &M tebe renodeli d at au ootm000.ý UerVln maie lti Ogoday evesingi OoanputlboM M *a dilu utprogmo amouge abdIbuumibui Wed bsomeé -itte iel spaet titip. s 1a dvioisla bmped tir gran %ea.sp.oulatlonas B, ilme probabl aele udeo UonnlmaaOfeur laie nI Isebs.iibybaaone amont Ibat Iv Iosies(elmo tian last year) *W,6egrait hi lc oto Mn. Dtyid bosot, Plo&mtlg, lIon for the Norb.tMIWlTemltoiy lest vieS vilt buert.*utg89haes, 27 suiklkypi. sd aIez1mla eaa provis. 1% k*Ibltas Ieren vicha ihongagea forithia. sunui, pay- ing them fraini'26 ta *2Épen=oth -sud boa&d.Tbsy vil h hoseinl touts. e-' Mi-. W. Wr., t*bo livesoùoà thb ctou. Ptceeind, -b. lu laitpautîr> yà i-frornjiunry15h- ta April '1h. 188, foay ua touwhch ehe mold 109 dalunofetggs aI au averoge cf 4. cent. por dosen, or ia oxiot figures, $2t.89 -;in asaiitica *bis, Bye 6f lb. bins have abaitbroesof ebikens ani tbmttia 8* btg. 'ha-gva ava»nwQ p!57 enuts pin eèash,bo- %ides ohtimins nd &fai .gsémitby Lise fmnlricudnthatluo 0Coneon vlth gbom-fos .oig huf.vlag t ais atPkr 14vltlo evieariaba at4 otate 11 ce 4"Itutat tes qao)ioia, s gi-~o"qp à i tb-eUéma-eB . m uL Tho oxolteznenl caaised lay Ibm ndlbn dbath 0otlb.yog min vho dut lu the CouncoftObaber les&th rounda- bas iabetied, althotgtgheIbmtis. a bhis neottoa l1ic<wilIt bine l-ticers lbi ooa.tdmnihle dtsousston. cassvwa, May Sud, 188U. Esumxi. A,- -ePlemporuy teile Out 6amble v.gl d141 aas8 ame othez; wbaopesa t vl v tnia Seoian à aemod perteoty froice Mv4)inLegrnlL-4 on. ofEast Whibby, b»-* ov vwhleb nIvoit on, the Il ai ourantlegs, Ivo laIga le, eti as Il poe. .ha$ lees t'iIrded -te Dafryià bplo '1e torw d, ti oryln& evenal ibehr ~soIj.a 4dre .dtg 'Mr.,jae £604614fiio sist, hit Lab4e, Uppr Cnid, NrthAi-n'oias, !isite states..' I ban Ibhe dtouika 1ec Sheffllit, Livà ï ý.- Defou Bo. ce- bridgo,.lpissig, oIc. I lgiite à a no tbeshey, poi-ly-looktng ilatter. Ocrs undo$btrdly I1 Carry the Neys. Near TUs<sabmw-, Oni. De. 14, 1881. Un ba sbo iling for yesna its Billonansseinal flYspposl. nd vau ra. dutamal go a i-borsenklten. LuaI ballI vweighid only eiglahy-i poundu.I v#a In4qd' ltegi-y Zcs.sà b>'-tM.; Tl4u on { b. firmn-et Q, - emsou kr Cadngues. oftils placee). snd, man>' F bnougb tsi Use oM "'Downov enpaued, MES. CAROLINE FOBEES, ère uevumuaw fledor raWJd M Tits ftailsspang np. satboganla t.êlIbme nolIsas lilela lb peme aapeoplo cf thm temauti>' la mmlbetaiertueut1H.L B., sULPHUR - WTI-ERS plÙaind u ther wwtagdisut BITTERS enrichro the blood and -puaifs tbm syaiem; ,cure% we.ku,4Ia&c et SULPHUR IRN BITTERS- SPRI-NG GOQUS 1 'iry the Boot and She Store cf NORTH STORE, MABRET BLQÇKI flc~SAND HEi ce ' ffRS 8QUALtTY ÂNDe'SUITÂBLE FOR ÂLL Latest Styles for Lad'es, Gon'ts, Misses and Children, selling, at clospr!eês,ý for csh. cJustom anai-oiard wcrk cf s~ro make dfishs usifal. 1-tE -Punettalty andi chespneesi xr ll Ihkng. .<4 ~. CONSLMPTON, COIJGR8, CODS1ý TEE BEMEy POR OI7Bfl9 Aethma have B ~ IDimaasefUThr4~à dm JOHEN SAUNDERS, Watchmaà ûe a LOCAL AND 07 WIIAT i 018 INlm TOWNI BUDGEOF LY RITSa Âu' luth heU pre May. -~Spring voathen at - egulan meeting cf1 4& ~Y eveniug noi. Rave yol men miais.? 2 .nt il neat l a hovera Thuradà yý May lt sbb atised -ecucent tl e b. gm lx W 4Tf aib efi t-Tuesdaî.- STheélausy burgiar la Sbcuring eomuila Adveiie.pisb t li rgelc4Ji iunbathe unt. Ilt. sexpeotleai lia buta canada Ibis yoa lOOiOOO peonos. tise llautcelci la ma is imiO Ganta' bar Elabo, ae. t, Itgoa,tloi A-be*Y> o man i ess *asaouh Bo*,As ti V' il -i ena .4!d ui4er, l; ' u bt lS zb atura .11fI tbat *utheb.Aitatlia <Irdi Mbllet libhtwà lly aon rty; 1t reou-i Terl- nu». wIi~JrBY 121-1 Brook. Street, 1 Whitby, May. 0,r i!88, il,