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Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1883, p. 4

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Liteaitothe watoe.mill Ruth* u Iotwb 4 JL>w the raking off tbe -whel .e hiouris way Lsnguidly the, wator gides umsoin the Neveroming back egein t thevatenuil. Andaàprovérb haufFL5Y md as hh*é» "Ti.ani1wiflnoyer grind Witb thé vater lut lm - 'raM &4ene u tayourmuf, lev44, hert and topmigbyo,g'ua lsiug, Try to make the sucet o01 lite, lm eno honot Âfl thsty ou coeilu your awn lies ln tÙ4 Poweèr, +inte Uetand .Lrengtb nier not, con- T =W ill never grind with the wtr Oht ha. ornntf.' ta ae fte bOl1 b. en t lbabe v*itb tm u"st ertonehaesae .t butaosge worecn mnestt 4 14 ibilim e ur ewat Btko hticu c ozela ai, sud polash rindwith cheik vet Igtbo m ubi pacme lmpcfsue ild luckorm ildpesa.cok A suil e sbt d te ale dlh erde sert v ed e yctlgupoegsl Tmcli pece eden. pcune tn ve tbsm ord ndeb oliled whouedari.w with oùe. gtting mou la mtftte atue adery.u in'whioa11 b ot .d lae umpilofb. vare inlaiqltu ,t absre&Hdat l .no l à*simpe. bt dlicione oa ifo es- sort .mae .bottr, p rngsi whaih eou ae t veab win osyo will lm ied thetlie urenSepvet sth akse.,il.muimneay removedlétà noif doi e otirlth ae Io411o tet lu wôib i oér in ove a. g. in besmor.aà , sM If %mq py, on ecoont fe. tAver her en le utln teer f ino burn wibe lmed m igernbbed t ot ch etkinp, e .d-turne, adeiiored 10 n- ep moe&nid pr tinelà 61,. L it iïg -le fubte?ban d u St i' Pr ci Puuans.e &maklug, manrl onukl o ot f te taoafu o mosiuer oe thi.btor ionvit tlau pkipe msit; bet nt olthen provst e aorîm, abdel ae te mrot maoisl fiht.Eel flowrwae Li eli Lted bé~ aat king wikoa gpinet&utbe ff.valdon eoat of dai, quile ad &&IL;er itDt niroa strdhgtend. T chuCrg oowdbeef th eet rouell. Pound of bsn jnicy beef one minute on "watr-wtd. -utIt Insuttp*U Pour over It beif aocap of boiing wet*. lmn moly.H uvee oa bô ot, ""t Dot boa t thejoie@ egin, cas i ii Our. The. pudding vhiob ehould îwvarlably aocompany a bolled dînnor te the. table itemade ltu tvaWby: Ouie plut off.# or tour milii, ta«T.ee tofetiia.mee soivedlnIo o>veter; aid $voeté. mies.ad.kte »bi at1è su beurs lisb.gr; mekéwfUas.ua Our pudding eau.,. Seiectlng a Pattern for a. New Drasa. [le ateod a long, lime gezlutthei ,windov cf eoent onarlargoediý.goode atoe, s"rig aI telie rperiea cf mev opring geodo, eud tien boboldly usmab. ad lin, fer hblied pnoied to buy hlm wlfà c nov druà îlIe velghad nieal. a teu snd fl& ' *bcut 'as bmà*e sia mh.eop, but i. pino'edu> and appreaehsd a gnoeanlmlen wlîe vWsdoing op uotbtng Ilu a Paol. ,lazd, l hieosamort etfvcaheoal Thsl viii dépend upon thé aumbea- off yards yen rogin," suld lb. .h* tt umt.tuppe.osO., Ivant .rogh -I mass ormy alvif f Omotâà- -My s *990 ' ut-80éWUhii oIéiettilglby a&tqfvtbawus ptUwmg flw& ue p -mod, i tordlas buoU. "WhaS6i o4boieaL Ion toiwheawcodetrna1"athee4elWt « M"i. tahcoloo?" Inqull.. "It',hbui t Tryyneve t-istu tou é lae ben v#07 ioh Ibe meet uklîfui Physiietns, bult uey dld Îo4 rebah st we t partI, l'Mn 1 sud hbsrb veulddu[ np e n t mi >ralo m d uqfêl'idI: Z bad trled'Hop-'Bitters. k I>voo bottles. Thay helped am. veyMnah lu- debd. I took bye more; sud m veL, Thon s»a 1lofetsiok flktou e. vta saevto tîe iy urea me, and tiey umol tiem and are cured, and feel as tiaub. fui us I dc. ,maeki.lîà G. Caào. BATTL CasIC, MC., Jan 81, '80. I bave usegi sevon bctiee of HQ Bitaers, vidaibave oired au. odaàeW vers circule diffiouity off îi; hidneys, calied Bright'@ dises.e by bie doters.' RODNv Pu&u*o<. WALxzy», KAisal, Dec, % 81. I vnile ta luformux yn batS5l!AS e 11sf Igot froin tekeng your Hop0Bilt.. I va. mafferlug wiîb neumsigia, dyse sie, nerrous debtlity, and vmn troubles. A fev betiles bave eDuw3a1 cured me, and I amntruly thankful lot me geod e medicîne. Mia. MATrIe COOPER. Czusa BâYou, TzxÂs,Oot. 28,'82. I bave beu btterly opposéi bau moieime nt preearibed b y a phyita off My oboice. My vife. fiftysOià yoars old, b.d oeme by degrees et dim& eeol lev undeve, and deetonu failed t ben. eist he. I gel e bottieoef Ho p Btors fer ber, vhich seen re.iov6d er W.~ ma!y y. My kldueya Won bedi s#hoted, sud I kola tveuty domea04'd féond mah relief. I ont ta Gelveatoni' for mare, but word cemé baoI, noue lua 6h. masrket, se graat I. Lb, demend;- but I get smae ee It hasie - storea bti off us tui goed baalt, nt. v. erte dly gretefui. Tonte, L. p, UMLRcOs:. NsCw Bi',XnrnLDuM., Jeu.2,WS. fient-I hav eaou snfferng fer tii. lai fi"e yeam vftb e severe ltohiog-*Uý ovr. I bau'. use.d np four botble p( yocHpBittera, andIt hbatdonesans or udtheneahu eeeues inediainei tbey cculd ta. en'or with mea. Ieam eidend peer but féal tobîes yen for anob e;relief froin your medi- omueansd tormant etthe deetors.1I sha-hdjk'lenudoor e n '"bt it vawuniaokous. Nov. atter thee foiw botties of Fyour medictue, I cm Well, and My olalu t, veli, olean sud amnath saver. - MLTeN, Del-., Pcb. 10". 0 Poins gdid 4b: ae41 bor ta t7, se s toula mediecne, il bavinst me muei tmpreved tny feeings, sud beuefittl m My systeux vilc ea uvery muci eut ' off toue, ceusing greet feeblenees for i yeaumu: -1 as. * iia Devis. IKÀLsxsoo 1 Mxv., Veb. 2,1870. 1 knov Hep Bittera viii bear receom- mandation houely. Al Whe uese thei confer upa hbsathe igbeostennemi. Ume, and Rive ýhhemarodit fer Malag ours-al the. rprrletars élalinfor thein. I haive kept thezu alne th.ey vare firat offéeuc te the publia Theyi teck bilg rankfrminthie irai, and main -x alothers ccmbiaxod. 8B«ogeug as tii ommen theon - smomthingI 1have nover beferodon* vitbb ny ther patent àM.D. and DtuaglL,: -Ipurchaeod ire belte'ot> àa Bittais f BieopàhCon.lat ofr m deaughter vb*;bad be e lkfr t yataâisS a, vil 3ese itb ail b h. irneinea mii. hai teken,sd haes" buai.r puetatly ar.Uau-r Hep Bitter O. It-1 vas -41vo op by thactorste.10die *1 t»prdüla aon ameion., Twe bottia. a your BDï ,vued me. Tii.y euud MY lite, -»"d 1 Hep Bitters are the moat vluable medicano I ever kuew. I iontinpot have sny metter nov but for t i.tu7; I have. been. naintg Hop Blîliman sd adal fover. They are superior t. ail1 P. M. Biatna. Qt5wr, ., 19' ?'P Mabo se-haI l flany ý ee olied work- vinter bat. Mothes 1MouiMoptrt tth.111 Arey9udige oi t nigbt sig broean Sg a btti. cf mâls.* nsLow, 80HN SYRUP. 1 i i niteeve the. poor litIle enflerer lnmdltoly- aboutît' iLTha le net », mothar ou eartb ho.bac ever need 1..wbo vii not belIl sa t once chst l iii rük late thé boteelad, ud*fverosti; Z ô-J tiier, and reief sud b.altii to the ohld, sife te use lu alt-ibeot. td leâsut the tamIs, sud le lb. prescription cf one off the eldeit aud boat fémale physiciens sud »ursep inu,I.Unitedi BIisa. Sold .veryvheïb. -Tvouty.liv cos a bo bt- E.turelng the s t, meenough, but loy About botroving .ona$?1 Drouiste tbmogbotthbq009utryau ipeb tly e r. CP moà'Blt te., The ginser opinion .xps.em f lath it gîvea the. beatsaettfaoliouofet y Medicine lbey sel, sud neyer bosilaIe t e r e co m t i il o e a8 3 0 8 7; D I digestion. Pic a0 etssBottie. Hop Bitt esu d cando. The laIe lMt. Edvamd,, elsy. of MontreelleEb $78.000 ta b4ht, , btieta oume Dr. Oarso'm StomacI1 it. cOm lb la ïdm111, y.1 lamative. freelng tie Stomeob sud Bovela tram AUi in puli.,ntones thesappetibeiSud aid* à ait Ezeetge. a Will'yen ezobsuge. echmunle acmeoff yeur digestion, reain enaogy, caimfert, balth aud spirits, ail for 75 P A single bqtL* 9 Zp i j uUMhi1 Fer Biitenmness sud Dyspepial bi many formra Zepeselua wpiinc.A"j odal warrauled to cure thei. IL acts epo.d- iiy sud pieesauiy. Try e 10 cent Keep your nggemenl ts0 lt, nething delractu-inore freux a marna ~uLation ttu Dinattenn o prom. Wliy Be Dovucast Truc, yen umaybe la e mi«Iuaeem- ditiea-yen mey ho verikk, paiid sud norvous. -Ton oaunot aleep et ulght, whylIo"eh.art ?iss huaof ua 'ti ïa helh u pesos OiDD flodunoa.yMot u«.A aveu & die CADdI tus aI e t~.e.4býS-,,O boii4loxaIqr%5.00 Uem dm-7 c%ýaies sud teatium ueiso Omplpt lu lte pins vmode hem bee r cmieidSdta conumptv ica u lbe, . Murray, lu hlm on Use"bé AOLo I, mentiona a romaab.cr eue affl ictlvth emorary diiease cer Bravi' or Ban ravsfucaI~i huda ntàve niedicl gaink.ie eu 1 ma It L lava for -We are ireieving th.is week a l e umr< Nuus eiiii4.1 pu4;black i#i,,cor ; ew loes, i a~~~~~nd~~~ S-kIaaôs Eboare n $ery", alarge-,asýor - làtà, Flowers, abrs ltpsadI We are oontinuing our business in ail departments TH1E l'a <'a -1 ~d Qnisifg fnwDesGo~ ii blI a~d ~ Lisie; newLaces,- fancYPl~~ ionsý,. for our Milliýnery Dprmft andofer urcutçnmer special BargaiIl Cor. Brook & Dundu S ts. -HAL-L' Wi»tm trlem H8l'Catarrh OCure 7 ricoatis a Bottie. $U a DmS The ouv ly Seuir. sm iluG~k sfsetumi b! F.&.CBENZII W.e a itls GOLDSITH' HALS ~ *BIUIIOS F THE DIVISION COURTS 0C01UNTY 0FP0ONTARIO, 1883.1 NEW -o : ENGLISH 'E ELLERY Reay -ýMade Olothi g .of firet olass quality in Ladies' and ' 1. Whitby ...21 121i11i JUST REQIVED.. Chililrens Underwear, AptnPnfrs u-asad2 Duffim'a Creâ 8 2 781 1 8Port 1e6i7 1,81 a 6 l Colored Gold, Settu, Bonnets, and Infant'. attire 4ople.A'o :Uxbzldge... la 120 8 19£ là C0olorod GoId Ear Drops, a~w~ ~ . trîterimeve' a8 -2 r 1 tJolored "od Brooches, R S R M IG$ LNNe Colorea GadChains, Neckletn & -_T E.AEBL - 9.~~~~ÏlyOenothPea Golored Gold Keepers and Gem Bleached and Unbleached fJotton, Buttons,' Laçes, Em- onaldpiarfi ~ - 1idery, Ladi4s' and Ohildren's ara> O P & 3 Engliah Plated Jowellery, HOSE .A N D jI. V E S YrE IASEEM4-j We4jthamE1gin & Swisu Watches, r Stor. bo ic prioca, Mary st, 2nd deor uUàth of Foundry. Crue, Butter Coolers, Kalves, Forkh, Spooa, etc. Carfi4tde ra ~éM W~iS VW Brock-mt., Wbltby THIE FARMINGu: LANDS -OP' THE- DorOldaadTO. r1oTd.n~ & o tg Lud ___à; &EDI IN -GU_ _ Its remcirIablepZt Sîtuated in this district are nov offered for m&le on most favorabW erme.nfratofJroc RVE F00 4PTC% an Ca meestira Texntylth capital, wcth its eeAntlly settird by a recent Orilar affott ,vciZ féti U%,t*tavery deneuzea espeedy nac ni veluein MaleeadFeilc. addto otter obvlouedvantegeu. ckèpeixat )1, NighI liveet, PMNEFAEMBGOOD W&TEB, FINE HY XMEADOWSe. Tfie Wuac"arrt iv'«- uLo Ga idies, an& àabut ElRken les Bai cf Be o.the ~G0lm SotS1*0 th fouet S ca,'a aulie go dt M Mrh e ) tojm m-owling sgezte, whoI M oe hv hie. lPad Notea dMapsepefiu 1« a 4 p âtspsuledvth WATT ROB%, Winnpeg. . l e88ON Brandon u ~~~ /7~I . MTHOMP8ON, Qu'Appelle fitsio. JTL eia r ý,o CWRDO SKER ~tté eerel Aput, 0weugo natiem,;Aee u byaee.sOl -KARu huSaHË1iLLIONf 1 î ILz fil TmatOnin t.aituea td ro einnouair sue- e «. l ta. *FRiDÂY lbau gau aiiep J; -.Rob, TBBMS FrinI insertie, aubeequeutinum Displayed A& wuI obi e t ALleraidlii mts by thed fret inteuflC uerlien. vo raipeudeuti are TidsD9JIb rHEWEI oe~~e Whly iyTA OTI mýým - 0. w ~l v'-~.'a-- 'a~. n JQ~ j fena-av uedtwo bott"..etHo ts. beet su.d!cueeoiadi - Ba Getiam.n-Rving b.w torsa nomiet of envt mad gonorado4ibe y ti.niam I' u le. 0,pelg oragr adodmo notraF nowdrsem thé doux..' ýW zzzoi 1 1;1ýiw*qRM -f-J c: wl Il

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