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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1883, p. 1

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26 VEARS, FRIDAY MORNING, Yrorn the OffIIOjxoU)MICLU Buldu rook ?R : 1Piao ANNUX lx AI>VANOM. Tha CIIIIOICICE1ha0 a Iurgercirculation than &DY Other paper .in the Oounty o! On- J. , RIobertson c& Bros,, PROPRIETORS. TBRUMS OF ÂDVERTISING. Finit insertion, par line, 10 conta; eacci subscqacltituertîgu, ô conta. DispayedAdvetiseentsare anesurel by Rele 1 sllaNouama ud chargea socordia c'y. Advertlscants saut wthout vnittou lu. tructions ineoertel uaillforbiddsu, sud calrrged for ful l ime. Orduoe for dlsqotlnung advertlsemonta muet ha uinîrtiug, otirerwisesthe puhlirers wiiinti'. rasponsilb. ÀA iberai diaccunt for contraci sîvrtrise. monts hy tirs yecr. Cep>' for chrages o! contract adrartlseotsabsoul bo handel ira nit ar than Wednesday ; snd notice o! aayylateanled changes airould ho given ha. fore Tuesdcy noon. Othar advrtlsementa irelval up ta Thursda lacoun. Busineas notices la local or cava oanarne lirai Insertion l15 cents lper linao!1Nona-a rail, 10 carats pet lino each aubsequent an- sorllou. Fîva ceaie peor ina par anauru. Correspondance iollcited troan &Ilparts o! tira Conatyor noighhoning townshrips cor- resprindent« ara requetel ta sond ia ibeir .ooaemicstlonc ae prnuiptly asepossible. JOB PRINTING DEPAITNENT. Tht. Deparimont ls vel sapplieit wilr tire Neoat andrSHndaomast Styeof a TPe cultabie for avery classi of Job W ork. Fine Pnlntlng a-qes<aty. Tb* C era1àin Ibis t6spec etla 8 OU cl, nde l1a, 01kecet by asýy oficela * Essiern Ontario. 8u81n888 Directory. T1WESTERN BANK' OP WEITDY, - ONTARIO. - THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whihby, Nov. 7th, 1982. ]y-47 ONTARIO 1BANK, WHITBY BRANGU, Break Street, - Whitby, M FBSRS RITCHIE &.iBILLINGS OARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RTâc b.i t l> y. C. H. RITCHIE, Toronto. W.H. BIU.1N68. wlrithy. J011N E. FAREWiELL, LL.13., Y)ititisTIlt, Crîiv ('revu /Attrucy, 1)aad Connty Soivior.Offce,, bath er-ng, Court ilouse, W'btby -45 JAMUES RUTLEDGIE, 1 ýAII'IISTIIR, arq. Ollire fornrrly oe- ru planhy lFarewvll tt& Raledge, uait t.a Ro.yalHotel, Itrocla St., wVirtby. F)AVI>ORISTON, B.&.. .,ýTTQRNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN suaceryCouveyasocer, &o. Orrnet-iai tire Officeo sontla o! the Poit Ofire, t in cifillaus iock, Iluocla Street, Wl.ithy. lylO0 RîOBINSON & IEgNT, (LAT& DUOIrN Ru iioerNSr.sou B ARRI.STERS.AT-LAW, ATTO RN. eys. Solicitons, Con veyancars, atc. Ot"FICI.-tni Victoria Ciramheis, No. 9, Victoria Street. (Î. TOUNG 8lIMITa, L L. B., A IRLITSTR'.Il, &a., hc.-Morroy to Loaoo B 1aioeri Marrirega Licences. Orrca-vcrDarireonBarnk, whithy. Tanu 22, 1a4-8. JNI>. G. KELLEVI B AftlSTHýR.AT- LAW, SOLICITOR tua Chsucory and Iusoivoncy, Convey sucer, ho. Offie,- Doverili's IBlock, llrock Street, Whitby. Ont. A ITTORNIEY AND SOLICITORI, CON' voyancer. Notary Public, &oe-Post Offce Drswer No. 11, Witby, Ont. Farine bouglit asud soli ;Marriage S8.10e- iniext, NVll anud Trusta ruade S pacialties., Lomme oegotirstodoun &a i rtde cfi Property. 42-ly L. T. IIAlCLAY, L OCAL REGISTRALI OF TUB HIGE Court of Justice; Iloglstrar of the Berrogate Court; Clark of tha Connty Court, &c. Office in Court Hoira., Whitby. JOUN BALL DOW, BAltfIBEl-ÂT-LÂW, SOLI01TOB Olflo-Devrrlll'a Block, Brook Bîrsat, WhiLby. M0Nlit TO LEND-Privala Fundo - iu sumoe up to 6800, at s lova raient1u. tarnt.l .5 LYMAN ENGLiSlI, L L. 9.,, BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN 13Chsucery, Convayanoar, ho., ho. Hlm- Co* Street, Oshawa. 9R- J -GUN N, JM.D., ClURGIION TO THE OOUNTY GÂOL, S Byron Street, Whitby. WM. MOJJRIEN, i.D., M.R.C,@., G VTY' HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the oye R. O. H. L..Ofihawa, Ontario. OR. OGAR-r, PIys anI$rgoon, Ao,(ouchtr, &o., &,3. ,Wbitby, Sept. Mih, 1874. W. 0. JOIINSroIL, PROVINCIAL LAND SLJRVEYOR. 0sauha tonnal Aithe I aw Ozca *1 J. IG. 1Clly Bsq, Whitby, or ut the resideuce of NIL . J. Il. DATE@# gtNespaper v..&dvartifsaag Ageut, 4-il cr lbow (rios ilt),RaN ewYrk-# la *11triorlacal tu ooasarhiogfor sdveflaaes enéiota lu th ai HIoggICtlu: et el bout rate%.. Al)RZOH1 18W of Byron au.d (GliberI s$pacq. I ENT$ jWlth calm Prlaîed v=aganttoiùa'.a4 unti nduair>', ve adrocate Peace, Progmas Knowledge, Brotberhood. Wiutrlng. >2- j, uI WRO -airT.VITua' au lm un LEPT BTS. ayos bat st. Vitas' lance esud, censequent>', ta aPt Theig eg dcoan't mesu. lu lu len agt ammii-Oharley vas lticnocftIl go be veutt m upoth. olet3 md called for £ lass "0f" ang - ih The oberk va ckuowiug ;pla"d-tb ion 'ho kept i idg h.9 "In tb,! a bitoncul Thre oops.book-,nooetton tI nk niedesail,- "Phtin ouaon lebrthat, for the md'l wlnk, ouI £ v arl ae suful for ever>' aIdiicual s#c4o«api tii. Macu i tho rïcipe. uhonloud ha vwinkel more hueaInereaistiùei oui>' loftao mîccitmûrgin hieq lb. ben tha clark bel tallielobpb 'ho oonaflt(ouil$at, su the quit. c iado no provision for ibis froiWmul b-sot ou bis ovu re ' pocel. effective1 gove Chro>' aigirt'-iuagers lalagel rhi-, Ohenle>' ad--ib -arme sand la>, rbe bic bhydon'l !outard à au' ~ ~ ~ o loonabI." cfl, iuta ut te an actibiel r 1 the tira n uurpriae ase s lb-'ç , herop Imupdrla stâés aud tlb. higfi pilas point laa Bra>'fo mmetsthe !the legs;! >nid o'r , Ol 10,'it tRglaer 10 *8." Obnl . tbougt, frojg, fer ot!'na of lb. anoionco , of ueiag t à. y e r va. s àev ,eor 'm eansils Prcanllyb. sarto 'tomiug cf,41 biéhrp oat l, eithero i. nè bd lad s0om'ethîn hl'b>' virtuel r, e.o vas"dona,ely ikieking.-s e. ponelo hmsu ation.-f Ig ara, Élueking f utat* l ecol -rosi ydiolrél btnatin 'amoocmpliel mn bts. hongit thn wtioaa-l t bê.,tbe ebnautionoon te 82 ot PU~E 14eL~E8GRE, 30 CEN T8 PE!? ROUND, -AT- w. R.n wiB1YW O NTARIO. Dominion Wood Works, 1WHITBY. Geo. Cowicmok L CEBRRANT & BUMIDER. ZLOURa luoe .malretafi, or by by th lob a. c Planing, Mouldinga of 0 vezy detcrip- tion, Floorinceg sbtlving, Re- etc., etc. Witby, ODt. 111h, le8m.4 IF e BE TERS, WHITSY, ONTARIO, ImpoatersDauber.culaufactmrm ofau i KinIs o1 LEATHER AND FIND1NO8, Watches 1 Watches!1 Cash paid for Ridam, Ranit sel «* Egn wisen Âeia Lacley rer sanr ichaon. fE'IBELTING MADE TUi ORDRE ONT SHOBT NOTIC. May, 1le.m PATENTS CANADIANS caosca. aSsisla thé UIttI StaSes on 15Up paetDevs tle'wlIb lIli moa al" !?J1e Sao iroigi. nly85on mk m; pplcl!a ein?5BtIOir W AAd. 8 . A.SW$09&oo., oses* ngiost, t. 0. Plus". mentionwbereyou MWv *18s cIre usameni. -61 REALTH I18VWEÂLTK. Clock S, Jewellery, and Silverware, The Best and OHEÂPEST CRtJET IN THE MAB~- KET for $4 and $4.50 -AT - Aiu RepairaProoeplpratudulte ilmieeaagai auamNilm ~qEssivboaioe teioi îii. bare foot Boy that drives the hal bal rimeq to look caIlle Home. S b@ ainergol again, s - 1>' altorad. The gra3 'Tloven1asd the round, red sua eiakesural oeabe The goyers fpld their Poti" up, the hirds fly aictfca oe ai. t h rrPe. i.nr ed in er bonnet, And tidah-tsakle up télona thée 8eUsttin &asthlnaiea u Lcatejo rmbscraeloaa child, it vottld have bi on ihem ses they om -who vonl have kuei On them, an$ on the bareoothboy thstdrive elderiy womsu who i the cale home! baegabla l. etripe el "Ials, tde boy meysto himaéf: I w, b"Yoa'd botter ke that awilioaire, ev ped, patting ber hag 'have aàajc for- my bornéand aei more'. hand. 'They, Thera as nu vlah ;hat heari caq frme I "ToÜ n eh rs grl! wouldaot grctify I n argil1S Therée houl notaielll the land a happier I muet go back to my a"rnau 'il lcewhreseoif IoauagetsOome1 1Vba. joy bc ta lbcd a uewer ight wiih tht. littie Car ma q4ivr coma, be vorn out aima." Aad ho nojn-a ebeout boy ttdriv tire bli!" vos - ute sl Th:la" An te ih ý» at u, i f M M 4àn.Jckeon,i cadeu h lov, 'Do Iloaltoe)er t A"d esgo t ce If ocu ercl obé" O, rd glrp my pàoS*ad mny yacht that "o utoka i sals thé oceaifo rjoneie in d -in To ho once uwo eteýbarefoot boy thal drives for Mn. Général Chu theécaile h tm! »maood. dow ber-' golden hair sud rubbel ýTUB ROOT C0F ALL EVIL herebchis nd ohxu VOLU E II. i which, vhen donc, v VOL ME II.Thé eonfdertsln .i obSe . puifgalej *11 cH I1 IL oueanaluncartftiad i -On Ial var>' aftern o'ebe r!t lifIli hal oar te boea howýpj catorIÉtieiy. *Ton lIn',up À fine bhappelilt ald 'o do you thiak I agola' le tbrive if yenl vilteIls.corneyou, lut bit, àud-3out y ou est.y buttar cal drink yoat leare jou for the ntghfi nouraaat" "Bat l'an go ala.py," ewiih haif olosel, bary a mile of oorAatmens face that memel to for noihing but to ie hat 'II don't kaow boy ilt I oolila'lraies my bh 4adj ba4y sems ainios eWht bv'ou b K 4b "Y1ae ,.a" 1"8othlabut, *,Iuint "6M a a 110R manz" soya on t.-the 89" .1 Pranee vbcre vo eau procure &cnursefor the Infant. ,and bu11 hal itor>' vb 11ks.Il have* gene"orertliabanaus agaa gdnl, a oinmoi »Yac s>haîne otf aîibare Tbeairn mpoutanttIg luta okoep Lsd>' Woisa a i gnoran.le -1téaeoa 1111~ ~ 010 ti.lfn o we4ks .11, sud I have arraçel for thal &18a.19 go 30VuoUioal ambi o "1 aalvrlt.aftira fer wekmsuMd g beivteliniI.detailai ual s»>' lat wogis va vsdirlag Mr the finI fortntght sud quée un"blat. telI me her mothearnUa, =4 MI boal wms go eomploe.iy aw lbsd uloisr aud aiet' t.vK 1oooal at alof su>' Plan wbieh te proouseiL t lb.th sMa lime vo " lali he Sio nfau bctscla tnbhuubm olaaale aul =hepa ors Athe lb. mna&' rioh Mn rafed.Itl.. noeaesof 41,Mal, ballIeluMnChue. Mwaghf* «kirUm wi iuin .îF11.A& sono ualtaor cI e lia i"l sab lu urtnély é preli v>'bf" thé oouthofet ae you iii a n t à5 dame. vl. lIan M a ppoint._ té nlIhbcul bllaio sma fetefiw Important baby. W eI lek 1 Mcia. OhauManap ýWDUI&»u>'eal raeMbnle me? o v L i if luie MW. ,and yar Veil ilusaO thuek Il oonipleto4y hid7oar factures. Jbve you got -the mo9l..v "S1ale tu My>'pure.. _ ll ve go t..0 galber au tar as lb. sI.ou w tIen ?, 1 i , 1 .aaingCro 4,l 1t ee l a s i l ic i h o m lin a Ié ý o Buit taire ocre 1h..mnMW 40o0%tfoiiovï ~or es ste me o i go. If yon rou M' ina seraigh finlme75liey me, boutât lai, thlr 4 wihs4*7 y mcretiraso-u let -be tai»ed alo> aiuêctaae V«7, jod1iâ et ersud, henf Iveput ltha youngeter ou4tp '.a ad hoé wascomplote. Bounie abs ohoope. ta taIre on ut t 'y vigspectacles, cU& oheek me, and then- sOb$ 11.1 PIE mmBa"P5 rbandIbag. 89v,- down the. itreet aforo .I oould'alo Dr. ANCE hal beeu hastil>' "Âud rlgbt, tao, if yWuve, rob 'or s erlauson tic vas of 'or baby. Whst oelil'adyou 'tke Charley Hal rosi, ad se.as a four.,day'so l oreetare ont o of ac ni bis left eye, gain. Loaivil3g tha. Ier'sbrest b tum it oveçr-to mng- toay >'what he und vithoal the oesa? Ugh i you anntAleri, . à Ona day lai aa c laver achat AndI acybe you've killel 'era b tvfor ver> tbiraty, ba )wu hon for th.ehIV&w>' beliof Boucle ylne tf gie cccl'>store sn has oomploted the oVrr Bach à trabblo.' ec'o ohop. . ','060 'o lp lb, if ahé onau't hi iMan,,cuâd vi p theasoh. vhis' gone,&O aio va>' le kil 'eruifin ,bu kacpt t411y onb 1 flilo b&sé-haao eh.ays vas.a f1l0î'1 hlO is oier mc>' bo usoful to ehuAalia'îyon &.g Sg rter> 0bopcfi -morrow.' f"Wheer'e .gond! 0 1 1 OUI , s"eaepà go the>' will!1 Bat wben shp's îlred of mna'ao wom ink." But rIcîgiaga nov sud ,'oeAgen."-oo nve aitance for the o"I ahé cin't brought 'orne ocm tun s ia wratoh. I shal.atreooer-thaugh muob yon'd cor If frOOlr9 W sha vas i Wbero's 1h. child no ?" Oýffteenc Wuks' "1Ah, do'e yon vlab Inimao p renêipa.hookmù laI>' oui>' kaows Boan hîse1t go aoîhera r' eea iiii and Ibis ylv oiS a r dy,>ala0 cteda'Jrilt..S g poor danghtey' dola.I'.ee aub nai. lof hridy-,ati *ot ta gRot qa . ýtoop kor ou, ýp4 tlaalae -dll.ùer !e.liIuItaalna ,of tgun'tl choose ta s11 'or." dtvealr to joilyfo b."àmI yona c-gain' toav ar ipé 'or mho that a iga1 oubi' a boat th.e te& Il nlihf if t~ bit 1k. ycurilf,"' 1vltb 1ber,"m a&Are, vwbi. yon aits ai >'Ou évor lrin doee l i wastra, '1Omoe, I spofe. 'Corne an. Bailllit Ol, ba vawnt semore 1usd cIao lucesamc aiek te Iockat 'lari., ovc -diy,"sd tas à eurling front 0oS 'cd- nr quarrais, Slin'v pe'nver beau Ïîdî1y of 'th% a où th -.rouga- ýos , 84 bail * -that, olI m. Tiras poor on00a-9 ~iàMal1ê tuaooturc'elids nov, as * sure as sur;'cul4a1oÎ ibi ite sfic ouldadilhi1 0Vs i&le lai hon. deaila rsy 'man over ti as ont mauob. -. o,.broaglijiorne merder ta ihat Mrnac roin lb. fr. hua pato, ild l' . -. glance., liat th 1hannuiright-î wu 4v.Bii'. wvaï neyer gratia tIi0 is iviciait>. aber o»i elili- fsed. Nor. a1..ahbtcuofthé;, igo sand va.es ougc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ é *y«ea4et.~r, aee s ej tloneer;oabout,' on poot'iftles onsaan rm 20triflng. 0 o n.,igbt on vblch ah.i*,evoke, hubal! ipeole roaic, iooaion~e u~1Ide4lîhUicopi4te.huwbusbapa'idsp;couily. & harïami a bad robt;sd ber of ber cil, itMa. Oarle>' iraM vais~ ~ ~t« ia>f tecnevèrwu -trouiWevhli býthe sight lbe cine ê n n l a ,'j o f, ,t b l a p o o r v I f . . A f e v e n u i r l e s v e r o W g r I ba n h a , irig lu e lhM tf@ y1 'iughouiriey a awha h seul> nS anc bouli fothnofIl ;' cal ttheîanal wha so b aboull4b.gel u ghmalor h '. i;4d Ibý@nricd th uig, any',thor Ihal ~ ~ M tes Licrj~'~h a v er> ecly vihLnni, È fabs onl r tes. I oan'$j and hm obnoni.iWnhdI té11 Doougt e ksn AmI or c lng lme altbfel M v.&irures upo damn! 6, J ull vbouh is, vetoh cra l i orte e.ot noft po maib eyes,aupoenoor; mutiBnu ie's vie oes ad . sesipoasu pawal ore r ean eet, adressa> fao.ver. or seon lu oouldt't tllmi Irotehos.ppyai, -Bgurctivo l.ng a bat Iov td s Adfo ntm a If CHÂMr&. Ïiv. ' u Obarsy ;Bal for arer udwat ordoré,n. mot engou w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ he aof hai'ae. We iinOiumr cou ey tainr 4,m.lidh4 lié ar 8MuOmdOnfateugil'&hou a oed t ompn lîàîî. ip y liéd ees,' b sceran&bord Barlaa volet es band;~ k&e of e niberKi ii. lft n dre s, avhieh noyerwarl binin hoa oécal -'hi. leittons, th btis Dr u 2 Une gain.' ,latn .b6tkai nean op ofh alppy fa. a> foin-ha:l:l. oi ieI bi tatas h ane mcermor suIe. M..sma La rit 0Iiip-m> labttara;e, 4 ~. W "Lv lnlaIfa et'luosabuainosa, -for thea' for i mouse iy a gtuD~ sudIf physb d tnova ftl ti let be poil ce vote Ifn n,- donat b$pi- movr . tc. b aNif 1 l rink a y sce"sl isait-In forue 1Oata oa ioergntii' "- l *#ounae l apinbe N.0 wCir f-a 1 M mclf 1lîe ii nIft>' ,ýte baumn1 u ~ sono.a. cîy lngetep cul bi "Oh,-@'UlielI ZeJst use boylits iMblëe bcîeea0' h onLa a ILok ovI~7sj$.c tord Chfinesfonl.- p004.k ali 15 2 sudt ah.- inrcEwd thé'ilong h. oi<âtà cf chiI run, cl hovel Ùtbrarki a.%vanY, and liig (ipher lia àpohe. fi'Muiongo*lb-p.qau1 "So l b." souua~od Mi. ai..nd Vivian vas 'uI 'Thwlsoa, tom. fe> i msIiu4Mrmi$tfïîsnd*s vië,46 .: , rli'.yontgshieor belonewi t of î otFeiton altogatib euo.aohar ou>'herz- aïs-"1o.1',atrllayl Tb~ wiIlbe foun~ ons treair G~I. V~tTFIRLD'8 Meatbstdifâlelyto tb. beWi Lta w keep tiroir prepur1 b.o body -cfsc tetoiig hé,,- -ouy h oe haW asofbb imé iclOl' bast eau -ho giv letoa vheu Ithe arme ac brusi k the bsRfcopjng .ef tire al ition of thé cboajud-h t telen awbraet~ sofîhe waé. T. aeeMP l Ibmh sifbovammade laic as. 1ogtôethor, -'eîartlang Il der the chest. Inlankiag part of tIbm mIroir., ur ai' ai frarvard Motion amI-. - ud tha %uecrýîir, $72t 7bsý MUA vut -D The Palace Rbtlci Canada, Raturnishel, adUnni-raild. NW'Pêon: gar Elevator, ruuug gri iandl dcv. The aIed picas, vis -82,82dayan.8 Xem rs f Cubsandl cibare, roam&, vlhoul boarmd, 01i Se Uper dey. UARK N. IRIS E, Vel. 27th, 878. Propriator. f NTARIO MOTEL, sa.) Banc.Sm,, HTT JOHN LESLIE, . Prp,-wfor. (Late a! th. SlmoaHBouas, Toronto.) Ravingthcroaghly rencrattalibe Roues Ibis fal, Ispraparcd 4û .ntirtala hlt oua. talea. Tire bar itesokel vith lb. ohoiceat brandi o!fLîquors Inlpatellm chiels cigare. Goal stablinagau atteatjom. POST OFFICE BALOON, ToSeisTo. FW TUE BEST ACOOUMODATIZ N M for Guemi.(l.7 Tî oeUè»MIGflHi hgotWity hlm. Parmers MdlOtheo cing huhas Mt'the Harbor yul fluaigoal mcouanatia tir PLEÂSUEE.S inREJE8In yul b. proridea vIirts Araecam rates. GEORGEBEBOWN, Whithy, Mamb ut s, 18M9Ii BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook s«d« ain inrethel VillageofBrgb. Firet-elauwwcommodWom o u et Liq-m snd Olgurs. Go"10" blngMda tentive hoster. THOMÂS POUCHE, PliOPRITOR. -ALSO- L IBlqgEDAUCTIOMMUR for the Coantm ofYorksud oath aund Buh Ontario. Anction sales of roeletansi stock, e., atteaded at moderate charges. ddssT. POUCHEI, 50.ly oz Cr, Broaghl-t> Ot. UAKNEGIE HOUSE JAMES CARNEGIE, Propricfor. This Honsoiras hoen fIted up la tant- clans stylo, sud tire propnietor wiU give- hi, pursoi attentiion togpuits. Liqeors and Cigare cf the berne brands. itreelleut Stabi. tng and Sheds. Pickering, May' 17th, 1882.-2 B LACU( NURSE UOTBEOI Con. PRoxr h&O0onoz Srs., TORONTO. .ALFRRD OXFORD. - PBOPRIKTO». (LaIe of WOWUlnton lRotai, Karbza.) TERMS,' 81.00 PER DAT. Gond stabi. lng for ovar 8m0 horse. vPint.cacm. mnodation fer farmers andl th. travelling public lan gana". (17.4 TIRE HODOS'ON ]HOUSE, (Laie Timothy <YLeary'g)j DIFFIS CEKPCEI Tiera cmv premise. have been taken b y the uudarsignad, and are nov bcbng newly ftted up for the receptioln o! guette, ual the travelling publio. Uiest Wiuts. iquors, cigare, &o.XMea aIl houri. Good talling, shed roomn, aud an atten. tire ostler. (et-iWU. H(ADGSON. CDAWES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, H AVING iciren ont Liccuis for the 1.. iole CeunI>' of Outanlo, scas vin ha pron.ptlyatteudud lunan>' beolity. Mr. Alexander illaon, o! Ashbura,la My specli agent, ad Ailarrangeanisa Ie by hlm -viii b. valil, scaus a.made vIllamYolI5 Fsbvuavv let. lmS. t. LUMBER ILUMBER 1 c j0i LUMBEIR MERCHRANT, W WHiT By, Ham on hand a large supply of a&U kinds qf Bara Lumber barda, md il ueasr BuildingLundses. PYncng SauftTimbr and saaUing, ac larg$ quanty ýonhu. Lu&rrders tor Long Bill itf, 00 fru tshort notice. Door, aib.saMd Blindea swarïu lm Whitby. Miay 71h. 1877.ly PIANOS TTNI>. G BO. Te GUEPRICHT, Tuirtr xfor UMr. Maou *ElaBw1?@ate val bain vl4itbr &bout ah. aildllof'l(ay rà]RX»RT - la ehoëderénIhKm, kinon! Blck, Pomecpar b fl te, Wtfolraetr prompt attentlon. 14 S*00Eo*w~ oez LivrCmý! "Ove StokUeScne anot cura 'it' We;'V..tzl LirerPila vlrerehe diractioasara stvlet«lyoaiiis iLj Tircy are proyV ênoyer tsu t give satisicttuM éps <JAffl qb-onse contaumina 0 Ma 11, 9, ar u*eb'ciDa Tre geulas mauu!cclurel y M(3 WEST h 00., "utc F1MaJaersih;" 111 ILbt , iToronto.- y1 MONEY TO LC>AN1 ON ZIÂL BTÂTB EU~y AI lovest livingrae"t utêe"ML Monay seunel vthin 10 a>'. et AppI>' te oo'yy VO.XXVII. WETBYll PRO>VINCE 0OF ONTAIRIO, FRIDAY, 'JUNE 8 183 Ion:l,':sRI:OE Q E o 2L 1 1 si le lu ie

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