*@iwat (or *811 proeried cf tw 'CEBOI~O3LE rm pros- As A rWm.LTIP Ã"MY, CHRONIOLE fr four mointhB for 25 cents. Everyhr h OHiIONICLE i pronounced tho boll ûna bîghoat of ontarie (Go. veelilies. Carefu.ly and vigorusly eaitea.. .lways ful of uows. Côx- taining tenographie reports of Pub * ic metngs. à thorugh homeoand county papr. Wll and cioînly printed. J. S. Robertsonl & ]Bras lJhroniole Building, Wlitby. News Adert/sements this -Day. Oard-G. A. Powell. Rtubber Ciruls -Andrew M. ]Rose. 4on"bl Goods-Bc5PId's, Wîtchmaker. extat Giv bup1ulflO5 Sale - Singer 0" ®ria ~5t Waned-Mrs. E. J. John- e~#w S me-L. IKoore> Chatham. Bi. NoeeeMau-E. Stephenson, Agent. Opeeial-A.drw M. Rois. 1ure "*Iborn-W. &R.Rei. 'Thé, KitilciHU-O. B. Gibbard. Ane ton-Suiphulr sud Iron Bitters à oDldr-. Poié, Architeat. OeLY ,Aseo0PER ANNUM. * Whlby, Filday, Jane 8, 1883. spplumint qaeh veoli. Bosd h. Guarauled4 circulation cf Wbigby- 1im0iTioome00te baud egie this weok statlng thsttIhe Qien. healil' eentlncss very annstisfactory. Symp. toms of dropsy are bsginuing ta show themiéelves. Tac ANaux IBANQUET et dite BOSSin Bou#s, Toronto, on Tnseday oeong *6a cgrand *noes,'. As e compliment 'go a wolitknown public minu, sud ont cf tbe ablest journaliste in the Dominion, It vas jout wha t il bould b.. k? tii, meeting cf the ?.ontreal Con- férooe. at Ottawa con Wednesday, Bev. Mr. slafford'i motion t0 adopt thé oat f Union agréed. upon by tho Jont Oommià L&u@ocf lb. Mothdiut là uehoof tbeoountry was.oarrie by, té oW of oo't001. ItTIoN lias ,bu ééecosont 10 Mr. lobai Mdla., ol Toronlo, from the forlp sonbigbato f amis, maufacter. -l;iea,cthst la 10 opn in Boutonou Sept.1. ltat 1000 squareînfbuiblianbs Tma vair Liii rports whleh vs pro "uitI bis veele cf, Town, Township and ?OeaiyCououproeeediugs compel ne to ecuit oeusderable of interéat in the shape of oditorlal aud gêanewcs matter. The tact cf having cn the stff cf th.- CanoxeLs au ozprieoqd pioogrpie o rter milieuthé té. polsfU i, gatheelmap rhntod la les, eclnuus cfpoeiaî valueé h Tma Msntobaî of Eméron asapatht veoout osalt cfievmrment lInd vithla ut. Goli le .enMta1p1rov pp.sr laiDr. IWhSuamObam. Ulssrgs, iepubUdi-, vu Orb* W4 a Otay a 1« M&- ibé vos hligite h HeMJ-* ait wiliumOhaecsl>o à ;a cf Medibo l; t lbaen vas or of Imm., Thé 'deiéd pub. %i loor eculti hé ampreoom- rhasvo r a slong lite apéalin bI.src nie k f >Mitu*l cf good luemday b Caboolica' opd la mal, suit of Mmon ar. Magura:4 dng the Paî1 etv W eeks attlention thal js genérally gitn in a greateoT a grog l tii tue are 01Western and Mid.- dis Europe. Thé daily proe s iteeméd ies, sud, trutb tcosmy, ih. liong détail of iumperil magnificence bas pallé4 upen lhe réader, and isot very uün vii. iegly ho turus te tii. lesidaezlin g records cf eider and perhnps more stable eeamuities and nations. Thora je nolbieg, isovever, very attractive lu tbe affaire et monegufinations te hhoso who loe the din cf war and the gar. monts rolled in blood, but te thoe tudeci cf lîiatery thero ljeninol food for reflea- tien. Athougli Ecfope is armed te the toetb sas il wore,ad millions are yemrly #pont with laviel' bauds to keep buge irmies on an efficient wer footing, ye1 for thé moment thore je peaos. It wculd ho, ne doubt, e mistake te gay that tho var spirit isi dying eut, but it doe. not requtre muccli cquaintenoe witb Europeap affairs te ses Liat thé peepleocf svery coeuntry of Europe ar heîrttly tired cf ver preparatiotis. Tho miitary spirit la still aupromo îmeongsl aove ner d rulers, but even tbey, it vcldapear, vonld hé glad te Bcnd an 0ppertunity te boit theo*sWfbrd into a pfplcgl'shre. But the situation is stil threatening. A tiny spark May any dii kundie i greal conflagration. Looking Birtto Great tiritain ad Ireland, iLis cbuedîntly evidnt îlii the or oelf reconstruction and pacifica- tien ini the latter counetry bas already m'aîe good pregrees. The majésty or the. Iaw lu the ceao of the, PboeiPari murdîrors bas beon amply vlmvicatod, mcd thé power of secret orgsuizitieni for lbe destruction cf law anrerdér bas beon utrly bîclien. Rie goliues tht Pope, teeý, ta mesl sffecîioly lending bis power tu put dowu rigt mcd merdar and le queli séditfion, ccd Ibèeeisebut little doubt that thé lîijhfnyul l ine main respect bie docriles. Emigration, tee, je oarrylng off diiaffectlon tu lande whérs disifetion wtien flot fotered by meroeuary bates oon djes; and Ibère is sverv rasosute hope that Ireland' wounds vili soon ha beilomed uica shé yull rocovér l'sîltl'and strongtb. In England thé pregresucf legisîsk ticn cf late l'as een slow, le hheHeuse et Cemmens thore jeac perfect blocki61 bzieinees and owlug te Iis, (rom easo to session destie meesures of thb Most pressing urgency ire laid ovet wlth armiii chance cf sacn boing taken - up&gain. Cotrîry te thé polioy of the G)adetône0oeornmobt England je com. pollod te a4dd 1 l'or Possession$ le di. ,tant quartera cf tho gob.a echait of Empire ie éver anihn n d i seons impossible col teoon forging 1nov links. But for ocîcasonal ripples cpan tIi surface of lier foreign pollcy, Prenez wonld appear to bave rachel nt last condition cf plicid pregreFs. Theé au tant of ber malarial progreà s ftows dIci and strong. ginco thé deà tlî cf Gan betta there ies Issi*îlk of revengi, aný 1 th gay Parisien hie given up glory fQi ,Plasnte. Whother Franea will rosI1j tale up armue gainst MaIagatqLar o China romains to e hi mn. Sue vil 1net wiliingly dissipate h-r strecgt b t 1delivering niaIsas if heavy tlews in dit tant, lande, whils a poverinl enemyi wailing il ber dôor. Uer pride ha 1beau a litîle piquod l'y EngI .nds ai 1eendâaucy lu Egypt, but Euglaed wil 1talcs cars net te hofringe upon Il, rights et France. Souer tIbm bay &cDyhi-feeling ehe viii givé France s bare lu thé nov Suez Canal, nov bc D come a necessity. . Pru»iesia îUiigroins under ber bug à tSilltary despotiam, and internaI refort nichées but little progrisa. Biemard resloreil toa efair measure cf l'ealtb .meditatiug Dew plane tO circuonvent th adical. -But as in the fable ha -Li, ; svwnthe dragon'*eb and êvryvher tbère bai prung up a crop of arme 0 Mon. IH. May fer e lima boar dowu t t opposition, but vboc l'e la gene a ni à r i viiidawu upon Prussia. Forc 8 mut give plies 10 roason. a ItAly bas boon boneuring Ithemori ®ry oi ber patriot beoeGaribaîli au à lu thé. act gathoring strongtli and unilj o While Italians remember Garibai they are ese. Tbey are not slev puti t trength lu iron-ciade aidl * sél a Place amenget thé eatioue, bi ft h ei t e uolp safoty j te ie i do m 1 - nnméu cnrn-vtss'a raasr se-nos JIIKiII5ANTs-250 rit NuisEs. (S>scinZ Lo 1h. Glsrosticle.). Gss.uà r, Miv 1911e Kîsuisa Errnvs~ - I-Beég orna lut rm à dissaplateti Duhl#iiJIl.dees't appéar tgobu iusm> la pifflatullatalit NeON bio méolina ex addbrems.ale Co=il mliiiMll, as it'c uad to eoin et, anti hattin et Greq à usthet 91useuaeuoîvsry litho leerliha dq Tuse moerdnu t SuI Grein cîbniet -j rcd me -o1 *bt lashelualihos ' viii uxéed it ho btd a gÃ"qiiie cf il lte Stlaabonrp Ride vidithiseli "0, #V pé"sed ho, "a gelUab ime Iil Ip-"Anu thIs emme tanitér, - 90In Dai Green obréet zaito id sP& b, laileCes-U IWellihe ltar teout 4Gnoen alireel là entist. I musieA dÃof lie'-Seceolanie aave1 %'sIngédf,- le. Brady vas *xeeuled Mc tiuy,-eod-Da Cuiy catue.untihert baudse ofMurwood, (theim l hai mas, nc -oria putpese4cu do the -- -c--eV45W.la-l---,O ' rok là , ewp. Thick of e aite1 libo »:ibiu aa Il vhlfphe aunesinx tlo koth b emadl or gelt ter Thinkof the yýù i Ibyih bst, to h wld lhe Young wonmn on theo car vidh hie arma sqeozed arounudlie, an litaiva proonlaknsly th. oae. on évery Second hait glggiu & laffin ceà espn-" Arrai b. ap Il1" u, thé iquelluvas 2 tite; thini cf tie dùit upon lb. road; thnkof the eloppin upon lie read.te have à e mmii dbrcp ; kIbin iehhrushin like oeid an tbe brake-devs, ccd lhé hulgél bits an brolcén honnote, end what t li.raoli-thet thé Dublin Jervép ti, mîmmaybe yez vud like 10 bc à looki. et ou a'. the fucf comi firomu tie race. Comim tbrough théBytnay bé nIas esuf-for ia ong-hut cominfro thosrase, an gem lihre' lhe Malt, lh c etir cleeret performance. t--Galway, the slIp cf 1h. 18 Tiiribes, bccv commande me presincé, @sethat I Fmuet lave ont Dublin site. uebl I gel t baol-aud seso ém. -(AiDr.-vbat'a- luhs-naue lu Toronto, that matsslths t Wild pusses. et profioy, au vhg uudhor- t tand. thé ]Profits 80 Weill, vIalhé kno*i about the Thribee cf Galvay?2) b Glvsy, I neeéd't tll yez la van o the ,t meet uoted ould loves lu Ireland, 1200 ii bendhs peare &go il auppliod aIl Iré- a laed vidl' vine an brandy froon France d an rSmin au Portugal, an il bas bin le y the bnes eor since. But thé thrade is not so tbrivin nov as wbin Revenue i offiar sud ber Majésty'e Oulters vere s 6t Iessiumerous aun lèse atebtul. Thée 6- qmre aons bouse@, tbé-narrov streeta ti y sud lana%, viere enon of lte Thibet st d lire are a causheun 10 eaaai. Au le kthe vome cthé Tbrfibé-iî litit 1,harefeet 1 an lien clouâtauan havis a ovor Iheir hidi-Injin fashue-an may.ra s ho a ereel on théls bocks le a site at o viici et Orestvan like mèsif cudn't If g belp takin 2 or 8 god lok@ait Yos h ýr dont& understand about lié creol #Ws It noms. It je a soori et lamper, madie of o villeve - open at the' tp - searlp isquare cenvud hevîdt tv or 8 buéhée. se Thé sounthbtyvmai carnies 1$ ou ber y bidi vidh ber dock lhrovn ovor I14. sa thé lampéeinlafauit ar'uodt lit sa an lin front. It looks 1k. c ibromisa. it Jus BusIle, au villi Il an thé vomai gon about le ber barofeét lthe lafiE v-os-y ludîcrus. Thevwoma inla eppood ie tohrng sumtbn lto tou inthe oUl f mn t e lge sunithie homé e il Seau n or atier 1 thlng or bter. But I'm l se "odlfor a fack, lt a MyOf thevo- r moneWho CArryit do goofor eseinla in sake, s in ti lièp cver brlngas liug ie iner curry a ting ontutownovtu the 2- croéait wolimt't it jltas godsas a- u6dsfeamm othé mcnolzhre!e [n ladies snm limés pub on n luAmérky 1 it Tharé vas a fait boesyastherdy an à ig good many pige" veto 0iowd. an t vas i ttreit to nésau cehoarthie BargÃŽin.1 se One vas buyin vIaia e clloti a "a- Shbeu,,, a immii pig asite lurier tisai a n bontive-"Coan haé evell ? ie2xd tb. r- l'yor. 9At., le il 2" reorned tbe 'p @allér, "Maphe o-eatnt-aesau dhrink i 2 te sucoes l" 1I hlîlul "ivis oeosé" il thut was mint, but I vuint hé sure Qr everything le ced an dueinïluisah [p quare fashlion ho (ho Emerald Ilie-at ®r laite in tusse limes.i il Thare in a largo numbèr of people y gem eout (rom boe.to Canada, au ha ýs gril. péssatahcn. Thé prajudis agio te eur oounthry. on akount cf ite barin ls thé iame of balongin tW the Eogllsb, se iW sumIlile wfuL. Heusounder, c Ili urgte Maiuteom te town of Wlitby, lis wbose Dame saIlié ucninaitnncble, Té la ýdem ils ashiré.in mîhuai keovuthe. e Fret., sd thé grand, sud thé plintiltil, e * an lie shape' conutiry vohavaeg9l, ainvitére there la pluty cf room, au a go veilkuonfor 'am a ethet .1<1" of lte on vathor. !2f0lmbark by thâdo"Cain" cl aeameo f lie Allen Lino on suidap. ià Mayot Gaskilil andMr. Tub are re la, booking athet théir comofrt andi pro- te viden em witius close, &o., an I amn br. hlpin, an widh Falier Rabbitt, a bely ed pe»'Ut vbo bas en inle50 Miles itm .11 roffn, to séeom cff.1am lookinitbe tv their spirichuai au oraythuté oomforts. re Thep are a fiue maîly, ai vomaily, lot c people. An vho dano theth m- Inieharu not aIl rici ? Doeae'hPro- zd faose Fothos of thé Univerulty cf GiLU- y. gevr, uap y t: Tho rià an islatie d! toremeel maninla rapaabnc; for te ludurance for lelellocI, au for ail lio hé qualifies lia go te make a porfeci >ut mai." Au if ho bmé said lui. madh et ofabout theDLrii seau ov nîai more of aid hé net #&yab lou 4h. I"livoum. REPOTS e ooumua- ' utmera ro te- "s~ UPE"- 5tullY? Pe BoUBi-ý The r uWlstaatboftitheTwn COSuoll vas helmciou daitj i L t le- èsRont-EMaWoxsiip the Uypor {bzlthe lue 'hunlae#Mr »ýuew ,Mç#utp 5&e6ve_ t- Annenim;,Sïn lie Prom Mssr. Butahins tmsie bez ias- mg. t eothe t«à folêther1U -7 i0 Proni John Locktl4ge tW MetHHe. DI \/H .1 TBY A &GENERAL t1-~ -Ç -4 DRY GOOD s 0F E~~R MPORIUM. NEW GOODS ~RRI\TED TI~IS WEE~- - e t = Ms. Poz.-I got thé informnation I de- ing ferI Ire m ana m quits temi. perlp obh Ma. BLOW.-EUs the genleoman any ques- mendeti loua te cii? If the murer sud seconder cf "î lie seicîtion Ihink stili tiare iwss afraud lie o 9 otthe=tMy go. -liaI thi Mas.BoOenr.-1 do cieltiainit Mr. Fox support misai vhha é aid. 'X doe al ini 1 Bton séondi be resolution cbas-ging the ôont. mont c0 nîttea vith frmud. Ma. Enow.I thini liai liamoyen Ceeu. tona ont thatthen wuvas ttils secret lIait te viahet te kcov about.I.ticoccl eciud je ontuchimyseifas ti. Othe ombm etr5c the Finane Committele sud I vould Ufi -Qo léntmoyertemi 'thstheo latisdetitisre in tiue w» naofIrsd. Thé n ma.Psi.-Tb# rtasu put thé nesointion ced con Wu. lial it gotah ti red. tiove wtha the co tom, hé&-booc colmoti botiR a id t, ho* o rtsienr. b tuiilbut ni<it tha$t 111$ er. roi Ma. sarr.-Wijva oct arttonty i Pro Ifa.Von-! cansmL le ueo gI-ve Fo mis. FOrit. etVuorl me va. a ,N.-At lie lU iati nmg ofltslthe vi sonneS M. Fifl tasumere tecnsidel rtnecomeou t olethint. aovssth laie the te vii licous viagavé u. Fox *lité l lu- formation. ati heumehé -gPtthi pnlng- y on hourd hé ratier Iroeuaoy sud Umm-a f ulip ciargmi thé commttés. XI felt fle Âs>'lum vont of any aner o f thé counoil.,I1tirainug looli Ms. Fox as =y bornonsfriand "dsu b d iaion hi=m e lie luatsiontatho uIZtiitiSIily meudin breuts me iu thât mannes. ta Ma.» Fen.-bt vas net cepylu ormation i td ge froinMr. Smal iaI ch" esod ina tom-ove Prom ie resOîntion. of Cum Tm sM&Tcr~.-Iflite monior meusien ton praricle the Senti Word tlinghit thére wu ane- u a l.hing wrong hé should have gonotuate lb. a fonatain b1usd sud nol cet,* tethe Concil182 mteeting ch« Fib5lan o mtet 82 wili frsud.lnlb5T*5 IltO'5 ente.hi Wa. vouli havé gel ail the inforitiot i r- ~~moved eti. Hé abould bave fgee is and seeu île Fin uhér. the fraufi"mcainl. Soint.pe-opte Mit. hure very lae tly axcitcd lie coMntiuty. Cbrpee eaniid welthycltizan iî te Lb4 ldme agelneln hobeliérédtbare wuitto l rlig ublic Ms. ntetg, but I tiréctihie 10 lié rés- Fînsue. are t a0end ho se-idaul thé papotapd wisp il thé iet andi vasâtiafléi- l croedauits a havoc sud il bh been a ntentbe'iua propes. City cf 100,000lchcttsnts h. vanta perbapi Mik. hatve raisot a robellel. ne talla- y.m thé a ghas fieltheat mmbody bld hlm. Why-shoum: lhé vos ho à ta MW o ? 1îd sIuI the despti cicfbrloglng - threport a ~JuniM vaU. lin Me TacsMara.WAti ia mcilthla 1MaL. lb.e diaquietlng e1tlb. Plupos' ai6s.-XI ovéd dtiyth VU il lt ie Iattempt t heo a lent th* f50115515 cfim-p7 b. CoC ma. Lou.-I veulti l0e te, hast le optA.- ton c et h#ConclinerFaemho lie Houa. cf Rifegé for lie é on, hotuablé e eot-igInthe' infononUSlct t lie ounty Couzil wuh fetreps méu" t. loqnrra. ho lie On m-atlen ci Mn. Blou sO=edtby froili Mn. Lng, 11» COnesilruaw'sd ta.lfe"ba vut comonlt" toiob aa wu Mr..!1E'IO «" f-xl no icone information to bogid1. MIL unM. Lasio.-A commitiso ie uppotulaisIc-mi tg viel Newvonsn ié t hoir invssttg-' th le o usa mccl estitoy aid bnth"liatheliévs 1:1 = lt a c.i *tlsli0 u ityvouli be b olW leatoepthfan tie rreunt #y:-= Thié lom-atea cf"Iis atlitlution b«0f$7 cbout 9». Thé ce îWla*bout U60 petfovesw-iJ menti »Oh daxfug lie0ululr. The7- -'ma.- pib e uble le rat.luii "=love Mumorrot sawa g lI. eiuin500~ a b-lu htlie ca om-mîglIegtScugcg 10 lea»- ê"ivestgat . ibis -ew WE Couay C u 0-ilta c s th iec u o ur cThé 1a"MécpéiMi1 fBfgéat fIll eep Poimbole a ie er. li Pclouam iUaoS; Jiii, reortoti titl4 vs.pro- largeble to thé Jil, sud récent- Sthal thé dlaim l,9laid beoe ermentlat coz# seassen, sud inuuaatop stpe hétaien te tho clais. ' -eati l thé 7intioe aud As- cil adjonreed1 cil metl44ai & .m., fîhe Wutd.un minutes cf lyerday vetre sa EIsiNICATSIRI5AND MTIONtS id a0 fellees niMa id bofore, lie i n u1401L etallng ltaIst r-v n bati ln caîrsi&ue lt in Sed agiu»jUélice,ý ant i sing ese pau*&, béDotbalow oso, sont fit tlg ont a llcésee a tié luspector cf Priacu aanti s9 druvicg attention ttI-sWbd oe, léaes l itée »Of, Md -Von- in -tite ouflîy jef, ced receu- >g liat t nov druin ha coustueî -Danl M. Dockear, Govéritor nty Jal, e«king liaI bits connaulý thé ¶!utn Reyit boad boala mhilg, aid etsliîg hi. -Mv.> Dock- proriie lete ié. miso eembo: Drase.î secondotihy Mr. -Ring LIaI tb. petitien bfb refoe to sunce Cémmitte i [gnac.à .iobliiud bho ferrei Counîy 'Prepiénîp ud Jeu Mnc- nt ecluntittes. DufeLsa,-Il lsA quosilcu ferrlii s Cerriaimte.'and; 1dona'ume sbouild iot h.e -reftrsed te lhe comoulîhée. à ievéti -la atndmech $bas ,d --Pînsie. VcMmîté" "hi Dnal ind "COcfihlsperty -uuld .eagmauW laontti.On divis, opscter Ici Piaccib. 'trod le4 canitIe. on Couty Ptopenty a iagémnt. Caarisd. -- î 11 he Nmrteuf'i Bridge was ,cl ir »4. thallia -C*SMmtts Oaum oncluion alte ýpuméas iýti î-M;ey visieti 10uetwwih i - soti1eiýdvluubl* obuild CU iitigé. ete m pr g fiaI -the bovéél tender- fm mine t hole RatSevrnubnldg L86 ant oeWboiug only egu for $00 tWre.ould bé a balaie vhhb *ocrporation cf lb v ho suit lesve telulrodue *w to ppelaI eacre taler fla e bridge.,- ?885lîaE tT diENt m- - -c ceive mof a !vsrnlis, ad batthe roedl ho propenly repaire. Yens COanuitté" e ta contmend that thé druin running ttO a b. gutled for tbe purpose Of tesig ubeiliér PT altéatiioni are really neceisay, sud thst the ssmé b. dons during tb. preemnt Béeon Uby se tst th le effeo m-cy ho ean-. ]EH.L ongOf Mit. Sira, (EetWitby.)-i5 le tbeqppnse ? a Ma. Loxo.-This verli is a neeessilp, 8G aud peur Committed are net preparatiOf lu' ge thé.- information rèquireti, baft e vili try te.merrov. The vos i».la at- je éd, lioefo»t lioemitoo recemmeuti q, MF- CxMsrxr.-Tidsooeme te b' an nunal upy te brl.ng la a report, anti thon finti eut lie anscintcOf expens. aftéerad. Tiser. la no née&i te flet ont the eipecage if lte von la gg1 h. proo»esetitih, nov. IIluiiéa CommiIloeelioUuid ise anti aïk bavel ti ai igain. bnlg in lathéeitole lu oné res w.» ionet se hie use cf having île ostimnate if lb.hen la 10 t de doue ion* Ms. oacro-le briugini la Ibis ieport iI Il vas simply ho -#et Alonýg',viti te a vonk-ana va theught as ne luer Cna-il mlttéém veréprtng <w vnidt. MIL à ux i.a Mes.-I Dc ol see hou a -il beceos niffltai7!,te huéethings 1doués i-aýucihaste. 8 MR. 0gnzpM.-I think., éonae mem-b ber of tb4iî1Cammittee ehà -ulti gire an i ' 'idea cf whist le required et 9 MR.Lctto-The tient Ihen la the watert îo apt le délfuge the lieuting appanatne,1 tepant drain frem the jaîl je net - tffcsit1 'at off the '*ater.' The i Comoittee vent dovu anti examiuedt thé tank and mmv lie neceity fer thié drain. Ma. t c u.- udorsteedtrm'b 0Inspecter of Prisons communication Ibuit. litte irsèémcerrautgement about . lie jail. 't Ma. BuaRtT.-Is il ncecimay go1( er thva e6 inch pipe ? blu. Lcxée-Tbe comitlte avesv c t talion Inspectercf Prisene commnuica-c -ieocntaloconerelralien bsud havé prc v -ided lt a hedrain frora the -Jail hé gooded dutin# tîle presont dseion 10, 0test vbelber tliii drain ie noeemarp.-0 -L I va tbought &bat if pneperly floaded t il vouit deo ap Ywhb tbis. Il viii b1mate ho owncvi outi sud lien a1a a ý IdIL arra t(Faut Whitby>. Hou 4depMite danl0htoP 4 s- M. CEE5AL--I8tIare ne drain 1 %rou theappara b i.k Ir' tat geesfroomu le ahi but ls net 1ev "euough lu urryci! ronz't h. botteln ci It ibis firépiacé. MsI U. Bua»ien.--Tirooinche. voulti ocrylOff. Ma.Locc.llvoutinetM cryit >~ off. - Ma. CsaUTSm.-Ib aphtas b t me tr bat 6 inch tué le toc, muci. I1tice'l shinit I avez héard cf mpet. tise2- inci requirèti fer awugh spurpeé. "pochensnov. - ~MIL Bwo-4f My -emory sarrau eé i§Mo1. avlsin ekpie r«; h ýq ieiaub- -o, -em )ai for 1888 ana thit 10 per .ent. be 84 sien le equalize iths relue of poreonalBi ?reperty. - J Ma. Surra, (Eat Whithp). second 1,q I Zr. Cirjis eoed lIat the report C ftlb speoal commttap n the aeses- o appointed teamine o y-lsvs No's. t BOS and 840 reamting to lie iicensing ci of Aiationeers, Havieni and Petdiaers, reporledti itt thera uaa nothlng de-ý soltive. viii liesinue. sud liey voté quhte l iarmeny. Maz. <caoN ox eoutis by Mn. Par- 1 ker mnoveti th alt 'the repent hea dopted. 41 (Carriéti.) - - E Mia, BowuNÂD seonded bp Ur. Rosu b zno re mi th uït hl e C ou ic11 teslv e it a lf < ente s eemmitteb cf tlie vicie n theo report cf the. Standing Cemmniles ou roadm anti bridge. (Mr. L ure n thebé c chair). -Carriét. let That lteé Sougeg Bridgze la nol m li iely t e 'P r'id re ai ls-f uc l ry % in lie M an - i ter in uieli il nowi, san« reoemeud- ing thul it be repahted. - M . 0. GOULD.--On yen giroveh 1 MR. BvATiA.ý-We do col proposé opéding a gramitdemi f'mne. Thal bridge is in>unob.a position that there Wlinh te ïre money iîequired lu a short im . It l 1(t e oa peoal committee. t e e xa min e., I th i ol p er bip a $40 o s 850 1 u cver Lie-oxpeuse. 1 Ma.. Diiiea..-Lt vould h. e lle oput lunIbet lb. pria. ahell ual eioecd a ucer- tuin, amount. I wuîfamp net te ex. Mn.L iAax.-SblIlb.heameunt cf $00 be iueecdoà tred. Firea l aueadopteti. 2ud. Thé commillée fcund it necese- s1aptomai..povs o e reteet Lié ,,qègin i, .as, uecse i 4wôiwmy a- Waaiod rwp "d ne- ommendod a grant cf-$00 onbehnif c f it, on couditiodi liaI York Counlyi Couneil grant lh&lIke wateit. Mr. Revx.air-The çêufètelakes a cêrtain thelirti scgîe south l!oeheat fllup wjth5 ebtb. e baveo put i litait érhcf boel12 tet vide but, tiaï do»anecI prové- mufficiaut 10 Imite lte valet uvy.>z- Cemmislonér~ouUtig,,orted lith i va W» oesffl 6ry - 20bnw Xû ou' the esme aég-iiapreproseita- tires troa teuctp ity f smoéanti tut thep haro power tb nabuilti as iay Mn lloR. - Tisré e insettig v rong fi . hJe muù '.ionet8-!éepiok - Il i. the, s*Wl Nt c ltbrige tit eméant le out cf nopait. ýýThébrà idge ahua lp beou-buUtla-fevpus u veyi abouttis . eLr. Wili- thée emoption c f thav-sing 1 tunit thé- bridée. in ail Mr. GOULI.-Wou l dl lb. t' e.a veil tu have lié Basic of Mars en tIraI 10; W. Ferroster, Cem. gravolling on Brook tuimillu Srd con. $00; J. Côoocon. P am oe ngtn road opposite ot 10l, O; il no. 0 ' ' 'ern gtvellng lu SudCon,. evnLotlo a d11, $6; -8R.Brevu. ena. grading suag aelu ou Kngiten uadfroniLot OIbaser tulic,~ hI smercon. te irpaired, 0. G. EtnninTivr n I Vo3n. OPpe Ste T lt2w10 . tpio . ubbard >r. i ad gravolling r451con. hetwoop aumi 65; .c gt4tt, CeLU u 411 hCen. la front of 4Il con. te hé repalned, W. Uuhhszt Cent. 1ol.din sd gcvllng n =env Aro"mi tdPlcfeting station $5jfie Gorticu, CWbridge 6ui>9tbon. front il oï29 10 I .q ropaiemi; J. oMnkhom ansd Bd. Mey- 04 Corne.bridge hetveeu Lots 26 sud 27 in q&h con. te b. eperc;JOs.Monkh is Ch=. greies l th 1Conm=.- blauLots @à d 9, #Z5; Arthur Johuà tou,^ Cont. gradung1 0à Bastoru tovu lin. oppouité 611 con. on5 içudition thal Whitby g£anithb. ame - Mtunt,$5;Willim Badmnr -cm]- iedfing9baeu oti 10 sd Ilinf enh con be60 <la WI]a d Wm.Jaoison, ~m. ridg betéenlots 12 san inle711 n. o hé eps-r, C.Wilson and Abnram, Zoyer, Smo. Eh sudbridge On2thon. Oipouié te 9'2o, $100:, Thos. Pilksy, COM. isaingeon. th con. opposite. lot 80 JOB. llonkiense sud E. Meyer, cern., te report coet. op al[rin romi on 911 con. opYp04te lo 1,$ ; . orsplb acon. Gr diug mand grâvelling on wesern tcvnlineoppsite 6th and 71h cou., on condition thaMenkbam grant allike aur P. R.Hoover Sud Juen. Barkay ceon. Hil inu 1h Côn. balveen iot& 12 andi18, 60 *G. Mimdieton ,com.- Cul- vert ou 7tb cou. op. lot 15,D.L 3B@kolay cm Culvent in Brougham b. ropairemi, W.HRub- bard, cent. Cuivrt on. 511 con. ia fre#t cf lot 29 to b. repeireti, DuvitiTurne, ieom te report ceet 8rdoul'd recemmemi thai bridge and culvort ho huilh on lut con. helveen Ieta 22 siud 25, en condition that pýjetttionenS OPen saimi con. hy relnlair, Wnt. Porreet- er and Whi. Balleabers. Cern. 4tb. That tha e lloving, grants:he mad on condition liaI the pelitioners or parties latrstei coutnbute andapen&an musnt oqual'to j ef thé- amounl ofie geutmade bythe council:-Ou Ptit con. opposite lots 16 sud L17 875 - Jue MilUet.Cern. On Srd con. eflil19,M~5;lseac Prmer, Ce nt.. lot con., belen iota -2 -and S. OU 4,S. C. Brovu Cou. lu . P.con., helvaslIota Sud- cm n, hstvaau -iots l14 sud :15, la for every $1 expendeti by péltitionérs, W. J4 Dais snd John CoultileCent. ahb. Thai <lac. Dsvidion sud A. C. Buni- bclderbegUovédeitofenela lthe .4th Con. Éra op-poite Ibar rop.ctive'plae. Re- port recaivmi sud adptad., Ms.ZPristas'pûodenlet eport ef thé coiitea on cmm -e , l o beepby dog, -Which recommendedmi lii W .;D.Ceh *The term hydre may bc used t-9 i present any manifold evul. If yo vould baIlle sucoesflly with 'IL many-headed monitor of disease y vould, find -1$ expédiont 10 keep Mr %ikham'a Vegetable <compoiund a Ras ee ea s-ace for a amik boi's treusora. -Buchujieiba." Quiek, oompleto- cure, all annucyx iidney, Bladder and Urfnary Diseass #1. Draggist. NEW ADVERTS EE I Rew a usinss for Agent $10 PE DAY EÂSILY'MADE.1 Travelling or Peadling. Suitable for bo sexes. Sonad10]D cents in, silver for terim wbich, wiil b. reafl no your furt ond 20 simples somne, Box 174. T. MOORE, 2&1M. Chatham, Ont. WANTED. A GOOD GENERÂL SERVANT. Appiy 25-lin MRS. B. 3fJ.H01NSTC: TO,, BUILDERS. TrENDERS WILL BER BEEVD1 Xthe undersigned 111 noon on Thuraà 14th mest., foi the erection cf a yrame i tory for-the Pickering Chese ana Bu' Plans mmd Specificationan be seen .my residonceNnao Roami, Pickering, ana fier Priday, 8th luit. Notender' iI ecessarily b. accepted. A. A. POST, 25-lin Arlitet ok, )RIA. ,)uA 99 1A ing No deugruer a. aitmg suoffeTu S i a 8r.bs 1ter - 1 and 5 I beg;lo annone that I have- disposed cf mny DrngE-udnoss in this-town to ME. G. E. GFIBBAED, of <lt. Oving tu Mr. Wsuiý havlng red4pned bis position as ILanager a-a copeiledte take Ibis, step v*hich INrey muc argt Bs- 25-2ina. - G. A. PÉOWEId Whibyun2la, '8. coonoiltee an acconmte sud poètitionu.ind bp lie coanritte.eon diotagos tlusep hbydoga. <ubicli vas reand ltésee vsrel*timntesanai rematé.amena the hp-lau uppolulti' vonebip OMen>s,. On motion of Mr. Mitchell lie Ceducil ad- Mcxi and Tigs. OLUAING13 7ROM lIANT SOURCES ON A VABIE?!Qi iTETS. -lThe lady;ofthe bouise-Thé Queet o - It 8à ved, Mv WifWam Lite. -- aSM S is srÂr*slo1 ASSO RTMENT 1 ;l 11