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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1883, p. 3

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EL/AB4 LE BUvo~ w atsi .5s ihnIy yeuIbave aluaa-Pl ,ný eluasi et $#100 la $8.0, and If oi poil vs vil» oasis.yeai a prseMe o Antisev M. Rosas.' SaIurday's aaa Gsuetle the following changea llà b. se 4th 1'Ontarso " Batallian eofTaisat>, No. 1 Ca., Whibli-To ho lieutoit 2na lieutenant John PeihaunTaylor,- M.S., vicoc FBrawa s-signsl. To Se 2nti lieutenant, Etivas-tiSarope Shrap. spool Foi )ck, BARNi Vatclînalier aii Brock Staeeti, JUNE Stia, LOCAL AND OT WIIAT 1 I GNINostTOWN A BUDOGET 0F 111111 NEWS IM CHRONICt REPOTERtS AND 'A daearIi anig yv,- n An'i' t lttiIl 5rsat a nNov gooda arriveil thti Rossi. The camping seson Coi-ltIe Point. ENuîîrrArs.-WVll ra. faîaioaiuls coloîtr ? i Ieat value io genernal 4 C. F. stewaii. Anoilier intei-eptira . la Ladlis' obiner Carc'.ri nr tilla AndrsW M - NI. op. 'Thaerionili of roor-a.tlrn- s flitfhue 3ear.is uvula us, Confrmation will Ire Sainta Cburclî abauttbîe 1 lowest prices et C. F.ISCew~t Ths "klerryvsatlier vsa disy atteruiaun lusling oau thbu Court Hanse. The aunual piruse of t Chus-cia,Pickerinug, tukes r dans Gi-ave Wtaticeday usý The lacreese match Tues, belveen the In-slpenteur Coilsagiale husstius em-uItes rbennntte of TaLptietny ( abus fo:r mais for sale. eh- Bosis. Mr. Win kiaîos- anal il hiavc jusi importeti iusis ch-re dontn srfesnîîfrosan E nglanti. *1 Treesnny of Sang.ehci boot collection of Inu40, il aery homo. Thae agenat U liaky. A1 aploadid prognammes sports lias bren pi-spcn-ni for lie pieuta ai Gortione Gi-av. de>' neit. Gents' bard anti soit Feu -laI-est styles lu Sicav liais Stewart'@. An iI-inrant lasutiof muiao posi of a inarper anti tva 6 of thes latter a bînckeyst da playing on tin st-estil cri 1 gooti bushneesa. .Custorier calliug etarI> il wilI receive more attention il aftarncon. Piese leau os- B-os. & Law. Tva cov familles have cotn ibis veels, anti are lacklnig hanses iasdsiaa uitablo luiidî 1m&sýuf1tctus-eon la large sec. - pes-suca beverages. Ladies' andi chilaîreuas Hua und dsolorit, largze variai>', la -Largo stock of Gloires of ov Ses tIeonata C. F. Sievect'i. Dominion Do>' ia ta le cole Brocklin 1>' races, gamea, etc grand concert in the evenin OIee Club. Jusi reseive tiqs eet anol ment of Tapsti->' aipeta at aper-yarti. Splendid value. A. Mrt. Farewell, Co. Attorney' curedt brocugh thiasBengangb S Bureau, the services of a t>'l Mr-. Daniel M. Deciser, sou Decer, jaler. This is taseli-s the Ca. offices et a pricleent c liasse instruments. Our- bit. Cashmeres elvasys leatt, hat MWvCheaspricesae loufI>' lev. Singer Broe. & L A icuake couptition vilI ho s tii'e fcanre ai the pirg-amme fori- t ~Ciajholio pienie nt Gui-do Pinta-ring, on Wednesaay nexi. r t 10 nolock. Ticeos 80ct) gs tiieu bif prrice. LA&Drsît'.-Our Dre-sa.Gonoda i-etin style, qoality, andi Pi sîrecial>' Ithice stock of lIlat ïfleres5, Nues Clothaa, Broaile Bunutinga, Burana Cloths, &c. C. F. Stsvas-le. - Chie! Constabls Brycan ald -ýShieldaaof tise Grand Trunk 1 srresteti Ibres yonng amuain ai lian Robaert@.Franki SaisIes-'" TORIA. .RAM ýSON'S a:y, 011. ý, com- ZFarin neghbrei nr amis, 2 rami noas- - edoresi n equlppetid M"Ilglu- n andl 6, 6 and 'A a rail smala nf 8 7 and n d 8' r.f rame' n7n.-&o-res 18 and nn'tra t North-i .0 cleas- ce. Ser iiâ acre&~ 4t) acresg l iCt. ý-iln<5h- U.siib -rente, selIra" ,i P e- XII. Iot Reo- Per- ould i 'i '~1lX- i P <u 'r(liw i> o re wrIj -lýti,4y ny lite sgo co)mpýacer1t fingerg a atray and arrant Iock that haawn elya dm ritno nylf hi MiL C) A' i N l. ord pi l!yý.%1 Iiiioris.* aUr5aýsaurne. Iirprlt roin its lelloAB into my ieft eye. 0 al&iit the rIua'h cIoth of the ahoulder on ,.çor, d onot 1I«'îp-akfrg a littie absent- S.) liroi s what conesof tl'inking ie slncli -What has corne te you ? HanI 1furgvtten wlaih it bas reposed itself. ly, iville býre ye. stre y thouizh the win<low a grand an( d 1lsant tbi,,g. an this wril what y, u wers like? How pretty yen are 1 4 Talk te me, Nancy V' he sa ys. liq a quiet CHAPTER XXXIII. tu ths serene coldaus ofthe sky, and the Sucb a ov y. Batitfying paadise! Wait tiow well you look half-whirper uf hapViness. Let me heU Se this il; the way in w1hlch B irhara'e hope pIlildr'uop of the isnowr-dmlpsin the Rarden long nougi-iT have îlot hal to *ft very "on ri"' .iy L t; iliapaa ntillpi U4; tàeôud 01 «yônavoxce 1 1 l lck 'of 'my ties 1 0 Ir hopes have assnany wayR of tty- borer. loug for my part-ailt every sweet tbiiig then, with a sucl4na ad. overwhelming re- own;-,I have hal a glut of that ail thelle ileg as our 1b)ises. Surnetimes ahs-y pins aud h "Von are sure,."l »Y I. ently. taking turrne togis, liks hi teiss betvee o 'a icoection of the bileons gingery frutite and wenry. eight monias; tell me about thein f ail ato a Blow consumption, vs nirssng, jer light hand lin mine, 'tbat you are not teelh 1IThe exppeiencfi of a .few dsaYn ,-u tisetonsled hair _ 'No nonsensP" say, un. ail! lowVare tbte ail oy, are theboys?' $Ssnetimssi hsy fati down sieacl aud'enly. asnsicutaIld uow-thât noir, that Ihave my-my thÏuk, but!1 vas dcli te thik.ledness. me 1Ah f-(with àa sigbi ne irrepressible cised ta be oy ue subjet, the one theme Ou crue thet in full health, wth hi.os eta full p5Oprty sgmifl" (smling 5irrepressibli, *1 rei-5red fiSSo 15s015-tbO second, oh hua' regret anld back.basideil pÎidsa-"Yot should which 1waeuwsntto wax ilhiuitably dilmlse of marrow. and ieis ves full iof Ight, drope *ý cee eio y'ery Vo» 'withoUOIf ùou?"far harchier than ev5aitheflirai 1 have eeen me halUan hour ago 1 I did look But nov, at thep magic mine n l at wordleaa into the sasit worid uuaware. Tias Qsiacure, .14"-y l" luaing bak into, In a memeut 1 have taken my reanluation. nice tlie, il yoiu like." gsrrulitï overcomes me ; asiyt meornter. last bau been Barbar'. case. Wien elle 'Y "Pgr 0o0e11witb cofidelutaffectiqn. I amricing upsiairs. I have i-cachou ny "Wby nicer tisa now ?- (witb a puzzled brence of my von-le, ; of ail these le r blu thought il heathist aan ouetvlgorv>aslu n 'Asasiyou viii corne back en als~ on Ilroom. t do nofsummon mry meisi. Oas ie- smils that bch plav about bis besi-des lips theti meanunow taeileansfer frc.m-my own ta ta stalwart life. then the death-mark ýv.5au.rp quires ne assistance to enahîe one toesasbuild, ansi ga.yly chinas lu hi* steel-gray syse). Reger's broasi shoulders, swa!op dowvulapon st. T o natof us, 0. friensia. troubles are *sW heunyou quarrel" che sedweter li-face aaIe, destroy. lu a aeccd-in acoa e esu "Oh, osieranwd 1 never mndist1" reply 1, me. as great tokiaeet eUnexpectedly on a dipling inteo , latagis, "' I ilCOmA back Urne tisa it takes'meéta wrteit-['have in some confusion, *"It ila elong story il leis i-aise my heasi and epeak vitis s louded derk iiglat, vs'tnip. ana gresublisàg1y ètum- ansd niake it p bocweea yon." t«aaoff the uob-ciip, anal throve le ou the ut uo cousslquenc.e. uat 1 did." brow and a complainiug tons. ble, oursins andi anga-sy.bruiscig ocliibs. 'Y-ou muet corne befor tise, M aay ilvitb fleur. If .1bhuI doue what i wshei. -if Isad . lie daies net pr-osa foraua explanation, for "The Brat has ganeback ta Oxford," I To la ev of ns tise> ae laders, by which a prend @mile, "or yo'sr viitilu lkely ta le yiolded ftesmi, firast impieý, I eboudlsi aovhich I amn obligesi ta îm. easy, gloomily ; 4Bobby bas goestu Hong we clmb te G0d -b ille, that lirtt us n erer tielitltelY Poetpona d "hv rml upon ile; but fi-cm the ex -Nancy'," lbe says, vif a sort de heatating Kong, and Algy bas gous te fthe dos--oi e% heaven-the bsaveaa which, how ver certain- Roger cul I quarrel! We bath f5u4 abs tmni"ot peteslanse, I am proud'tolee bisjy ,fiettîupubs oc,"o se 8goiug triers as bard Éas he enu li ly-vatta vbatever nathewtacI precssiafl-i- denk se acussng tisai vs l.ugh li ColioM to tell yon tiâtI Irefrain, With rapid fin- You knov, 1I.Wlsieve-y'ju havs kept yonn pro- 'To fdse dogs F" (wi b an accent et ser- it b beu dtrostrU-dte n tat t ç . êtegei-i Iunebutton My tlue-velvet gown, aM als. 1 belle' e, 1 reaglsjbelieve. thet yon pri8eand conceru) ; "visat do yen meain? net here, nar there, nur yet a,uw mhere, we g-- sep auteof il, Ieving il in a oreati>' bnp on are a little gladtet ses m,-." visat has sent bim tisere? ' still daaa.Iy, with yoarsîaag tsarm an i high CHAPTER XXXIV. ti loor Thon 1. oc htie bigis foiding *'5ire you gladte ale me ? is more tu the " *You baid better ask Mrs. Zepisine,' longinge, grasp lit. Braebsevyl'ff-ae la my knlCht comel 0otheLordi <mors ofttishe "Mirobe, andi onnimy oe e ver purpos, ' retunu 1, descjendieg out of hav- reply I, bitterlv, thinking, witb a lively ex- lookei heaaiwaàrd. las ail hb5 rihb.Goal my baud Sister. do isy aheeks look weîî 1ito Contentai; bt*i înb%t. ecýtsuin isno en wth a pouf, arký rstnrnlu atiesal seeioa hecagd nidmoa1 bas m xed. Now, tisecere, lu thia grief (live me a litti bux on tise ear. abat 1i may seenilonger s'bat I seek. Fer s moment or tlvi jealousies andtiacsti.a of ni-fb, andi ta the AI I be.î lutsi een-doured, headot-ofg, that isHasa@sent hr-hl giiobe rit. &0 biuuh75s-&Wtau ho -stand undecided5 tison my sys in caugisi by recoileultiantrai tisIyei unexpleluesi aigb -and-unhia eti. tisai yas cuts noue tise leusa tyfur g She ins eeros grmet nov. ot il ad, ngatinW ae1 *Zehine 1" (repeatiug thse name vitis an igi-ole, anad sxclutiing th s aerty Thonslmclar euanpre Dow ibmat oner1 aie asai,1lanîedandih avie -gAnIdagas.accent of tborough astonisimeni) "vbst ou sympathy. aise but ibranaf ber bandes vitha s abas âlott i . Aïihciaotives 5,57, itiseis isce kept, more as s relis tisa'nanytbîng Ho seems ta think t/ia t ne asseveratanat, ertis pan asbave Ioa se>'te il?" t cher coufidnesina Hia, andti mli er aveet te uie, looking atter lber, that nu foyer ever elle-agave of tii peollaýr saate of set- nu arong adjectivtes or inteueifyinga.dverbi, "Ah, îIscit?'"reply It, vus oraculer aVes wi tb s more r verent surety on theie asiea emodesisi- face, e n orsetielacats bloomi. le', bilions, Bismaarck utaoovbich is tise necailiug up n SUDu, and moon, anti stars te spit.; thisa. oveccosue vith remorse et the rame coansoler oi maunti, eao, troi His a Ibadti tme ta teunk abouat il, I shoniti fret mu't trylng ta tise patin, a i ofmy akin. heer vatusas ta bié gindueus, casa inermae wyin vsicis 1 vas embitering tise liraI g~~.ounsly Brrtre enycue outti ay -.jack R.>tÇanon,' the toi-ce ai thiosIvo tiny weids, ase oadissmoments ot bis returu, Ii-e-litaiy my fa.ce an ,ouare-iekavsr bsgnsain e;b4Irs, bas loukoti royally downothb, toihîg' sorsly asuer i.or-, 1. asiaçiçv atmieat i vn.,sud I am n luit. Then,vitisout 5Donc. bis aboulder. aliove a&U generationa, ile labuing-.and, as The cca e gO M taiseesber tétise station e'tirtpactlug sancoib ta tise hair, wbsea tise "I vonder liseuse Bay 1, lu a raier esaky "I viii tell Yeu about that to-moi-i-u," I1 net s few tbluk, senfàlat'Zo-0 dicrovu. ila0to at atan boni-, andtei sebriug liack tlenut ole-aring c my Cap muet hase andi siamefaceti naunaer, mnmbling anti sy ; 4"ta-day 'tsaeàgos day, ansi ve l Te bier, Hie kingsaîip la as us'qaietioue'l as 11,gsi-. Tisoe nsi, iberefore, ual moesthan rougienei asd aish.i'led, - go xiowe stica looling dovu, I'tisai yonverseut in a a ik only of goasi tiingaand af goosi vison heretaceansd payanis u ltaiatuta>provo it. enough i tle oi-4sue tamate tisecaretul asd and n-enter tbe boudoir. As I tdose i catch greeter bnci-y ta gelt tri'ne?' pe0>50î mmdaleya.vr. ie Olten, duncs thon. lu tkose vain longsnge Iengtisy ftalaion visicis 1 isev-expentiet su an accidentai limpsetfmyseit lu a glass 1'In c greater kiwi-y 1' horepeata, lu an H usntimdaeyase.M e that coame tue acisf uni I uppa-as, t ti-ed auanmutipalnactaing thon g hIbave sieasti Guo&Leavens!Cen tsi-se miautes (for i accent out crnte surri-as. "Wbhcisilsi, marki-kte aavuluied him ini thongii. aller tisys -sometimea I try aîow, te astr-ch making ih tili nuv, s saie a apa-le TI-eallyhave n.a béenalanger ,boaî t; bave what are yen tàling about? SLce vs Pressntiy aebakea off bis distraction, sud sny anas out vide he-kwarl toverd thie aiajnty fresisassaas il 1 hati jui omerges iagist sncb a monstieus metemorpisis!? lanada. I hbesnoibhrerîpi Dur saton. 1 speake again. ps-tu spcak tais verda that vouiti have Iron tise ma.nifoldsilsuer pepers of a band- la evecy voman an utterly dependant for her droverivsti- srutaOiaLo>ndon, ansihave bIssu ofAnfl Barbai-e? ow is eabs? Shue s bien as sasnly spoken thon as env otissi--box, listons hlm vben lho arrives -tisai nt a sarce nallwSpot e /aa a 4isICn ii n train sve incn-" eut" (bisnniiig talaugi)-*sk bau ual tisat ne earthiy poîser cane ever asate spokes hai- of my finxisond suy lie dialaceti from a .ss~svulpMsgirl beo t h-ansng, sBat- dten-tis-and ili--.eteioia" gene ta tbe doge, I suppose 1" varda uow, of sympatis>'anti approciation irici ilky aveep ; tisai tisons asy h o risKa f shape1>', Bit4sismapon I contemeplatel sg5t iwy. sînglisebliaIuea,"se'I. slowly, net tiiuing of visa te Bi'arbera. Vick jumping up anti defiling me vltb mnut-vi suo lanaooely plote-ls a"yehait an et tuseisuttans oi hi* cats; lise vei-y ans tisaitaa es7iu1¶but vltis my tiougisis vandor. I dîi se>' oving things, but tfuoy seesuatae 1>' pawn. hast keov nurespeoc this, boni- &go? If. lu al my steslgsa, I coui i srforsernsi-sfficsties 1 uiedlaayata>i-saura uingoff ta te. gi-saisitandsorpiest ef my me- nov an have been seant ant i siahiy. 1 taesa long lime overi. I1siaul My have tise perfect succes si is hescraosdtiet. affihctpas,.-,Dot yet" Wsrv(JiîIl 1 nul sey àgreat naaum o re'IIOh, mutid more tisa ever 1 tiltinlumy fite liefore. my effortést aalf-dhsâaremeni, 1t aola unîti lie " ai aI bout my-vàlking up?" bho À"Ansi {ming) "70 plan. Ses visat a; 0 You viso li-vaî tisosthat ansetiser- But 1 am complets nov:;tetahié li«tpin I aoXigthse niait prosperous et my apocies. esa, iý- tdlansi vithont tise clagitest a goti nemory 1 Iaave--your-planaoumari-y or tu yoJu tlien tley seem, b tell m cèever>' am, flniuled. Perisapa, Usougistli ds u l i ouU adioaits ualwa ie rcosutt naciets-iaed 44jgbit ltsrv, o estia ot aIsy' oa' muci yata lov emSin! ath is îk 01 trike nme ililthe Lait aomeat-poebepu 1 dimensions af tise rcouac viii sow, oel Yack, a dIstnsd open look af pleaure; ",but, "My plan l" ci-y I, tremuloanaly, vsile a -fýrqrlsg ibean, teli theîaî, 1 rsy you ; il ana rather, iii>, more ibuna ràeiit ver- bo*S 5 et-t n iiattiglyansi doobtli n y dariug, bow cantl 1tell boy long se ensden tairelit aifscelet peurs ail over my w il! ace yun, perliç apse' allater pan.c uresseti for tis* occasIon. But .ni-ely hs ofa lier receplion, np on my lap. and taise ea olt ksep Imol Pour his veomen 1" (lie- tacs ansi ueck.. I Ido nef hnov vbal TOn I tbrik tisai, ai tris tuais.thers ans su nie su e person wbu bas unlti -iag been lu coin- bock. If la tis eussus nai-est %umynaja.1, ,inn'ng ta laugb, andtu laput ls bac . ai- ?,e-tiiagaisoiit LInove' lied any sncb N îcy-a~aaaNancy, assiose'is mata f ini laedaues and aven lu thet choi-i nsi t plunge Inta if iscp-bezurd ln taie miai- tram liii Ionuesi flroeadi. "i-1ans af-id't Plat).1Pissa'1r (lifting upibe ai-mibaf le Naicytai ce o etaal ts'c-lsl nt la- am laa es e-cyfs epuiuclue a aj clstsu ul ess fier w<ien law ber standing round my.wsaii batil ii-m t , cieicsg asaliateilan mpii-ta tisaitstuc terla ae if aise ang tibm, is pardonable. This u is e sentence tisai fia-afgreeta me - et ber gate 1iIhalld. l a e uid toait bteanti going ta the vindua'), "how bat tii nronuld Lsagb quit. enctiiy agaain ;I-be Yuaroaenber-tht t ic Fol-uer>'- Wel.as Her wbhe hesn-i v 'a laber loy. lbeofe. wvi rauibi-saeer lime voalsi nef do as volt; roornagruvaet an etternoon r, ottrtlîc utuîarly andi t-iumphanily gat.i-n ii utaevr psde uvshftn ear e-sts bsloveti bim toc muc- ut se oted su sager late ni about bier [TO BE CONMIURP. Ita a>'fn'ss tsas r rils eeu u erahneanac t. Ù &thoence velet Ib11m cr mu"et â - himiel-yet asecould net bu.obaz-d->5>u tnav 1bave been seeing hlm tae ieagbest degres îimprobable. AusI Bar- iark seppiie, tlilmea itusislver fox tui-; heuir tepray ta have ber love toi-lber eobus 4t St Tham-sach s viattul lutile fc- 'TWO sirsage isauUu laahrefin on the aide out iiilatter. aunîlmy lieuticrowedsti a b na-cep, cn-leseene." andi I tnsv thâabscceels nat keep nme mors Fi-oaa usi- opeful speech said her smitlei, yen eruani-w bic 1I=an ludonis, ad autitlli e Not a very difficuonve ta cuastrue, in t ? tissuton menates; ansi, ettugetissi, vbon 1 Thie peuar taetuimho if vould iktlaittsi eigooi neya bail cocue necvonaly glat tave tise bey ors li te e- Abd Yet, beviug caming tiste end, sant ought uoflier lanelmnaeic and My owvent apacies someiishave, for escl etber lu tO ber-tisai cise vu.on tise eve aIfcccii igisten uneas te a ehes-it lavery becmmng founi tisaiit couvoyesi Do glimmoi-ing cf an îuck ___»quste remrare; aingulai- cass ofthiis loniz.looksra- for, yetbacrdly.hopetiprosperit>. or rather iliienlaus, Tise abject outhlAe maS- slstm'miIlsnii ver agalla. Seh-Us t. is r su oiâiyrcris. Ts Nro rt abcshele icuaturaL->"ai-hysiei-icaCly cap iu ta approximate my age te Roger'1, '*Bervisola u ai- vasun er u. lSbi- fAre Yeoan u e bs te ons1>'Il' 1 se,' loivna fi-rn tise Pihieielpiiasraflinl usi>' -an errer ato wli,- Mailly. makinansd tlaessure ali scS as ths vlvet aud fui-orsale's -a aslveihmwo u i t aulaaninnocent air ut aasklg fer informa' amoug ls eisnnar obv ot e sncb anu ent sudandîs-ni-gle foi-selfconuua eas-e in douhi, tisa lam eutiled ta taise mare aban G(;,iimil->'ef abs couldt dalaln, and ti euh vakiiag baril ai fis. buttan soaie m voniti tau. Bai-bars s nlis vas nover rai>'stand anuong tise pusil>'as- of utBritish Issus-te -Ir" tahaàve ber ove-far ber ehild --18pepe ac ave>' ?" ti hei b se Zolgletheiosints, tise Putresae aoiy, sasmine aai -listh~e au < tn ua si nata'ons, essrred.bane re .. Ptise pe;cul arens exsth leleen tise lerb a ps-nay«i. ihaies ieu ahouaght csi. AIgy vasn izhi," aay 1. salilaquizinia StilliLso boter! Wbatiluit aul about? aHs îooaSat st ng>'ly or mmet; he.p duiarrlt i-ittIns. etep>'th e<srtiaiii/ -ahi- veepe as @cisc pi-ys, but Goti alansi, as 1 tasiti efore tise Ian icsvstissa.. "01cours" absei. louel>', per tli e fbarahe c u-ia. i Iie a oe wlso t ai bler tsars, &@as , aisutis a lack har g- i hsniî y Hsi- whaeart vus lu ber boy," etc. îhing!f'lio as, vas-ml>'; iibow coniti abs bi-a& (Hlolr" c naeeu ,of bar prayeru. fis. ha* slwayb been une te visaislaid1 carr-et mv en-riunthe pr'ofile, 1[go tbroegb I-is pi-am stee times. I ehonîti help 1h? lMure.habian the oi sartiio r>' ncis0'a ~o alessuhe pîsnr, lan o br ur-oestorse-quartera or bat-k s-sw; "ins anetgo tisceugis if lysa', or stop tsi-I-y, tfi- 1 A ligit paueresemo hbte sou u e,115wIa.v atomu iru nalvtisintlier p 'a>',ebutuofberisuetailyoansi blSorviu tle akà fi lb. te te alevil niver grvc s morsel teaia ne n. tli mai bopelesu tîi etofuuliness. Ifinleasmnresolvodti 5 un an insg, but a b tiat h 1V64ýe bougbt 1, bsrdiisi vl d cn ~e ta-bu stigsa Her ver>' quineas untier Ses- trouble- ces-talai>' moabouaiaae, i' tias.a bersienc iade i-laer equsuiuity-iil- So *ayasin& la>'Wtiovu tise banal glua, ansi sfi-ul -i-c .tcýes taie sazusi alà iepa ~t tiseansidavis lietvnSoatlie lakirestanea ,itb Ms-s.. i~a u acw*dvlicMsb leade me. 11il;tise impuuisoci an>' hurt tbîng watt cedetet>' doir-a atira, holdiing nu>' ieed sf5- 1001.ItAsa et lbenfoinae'heîpelu lu Ztheoo, I oas aeU en I'in VIr1 eV ont.. Jmybelthavle clways doue tu ailli- e nstud lo1kng ovsr My soulsior.firme-t beavip. and yet a%4icter, , n Would tintlbey 1", hoea»&Wero indiffor- A lle utspul ie liusit.l tng 0tuiîik ahat ila-araiwoumad caumia .e pOiiigdavu tise stepa aftci-me. % t1o t y sir ple vf c aoa e rran kep s rm saiPg ous*ta. li-e>' rydeep, eý»e voulti she shi-nk and i À-nîvsd iu my boudeur, 1 go a fansa>'n utsdiyeiolerbrl blIcl tll ni fiakti' llyt wih ahin*,àasi kep as vrm.as-Sait b vrllsbsacl s. eI aI a eia la'tise wi"dov, llie4gh bliore si-syet -tS mIn- ZSatsbai s4sa y aa.tvs uai< ildPSiSSaS iOI s-i jhlsu 4 k wa-tb mercîlosa elesîgls, about Roger. I go oabia- h utsi. Oape-n tisecase- ametbt. »le 1su11164,be liftee us lIiU1 - u ni thrngh&Ilthéolà"ris. 1 gai ertte met t làezi bu batil cxre t mâmtbis and aliy exare sMI fae. antiarsve--nOoely 1»Ài-.4,55 wit- ineosalrutie aise Zron,-luts uaswal"4 ie- ouiutaxeetih -fL e m nith frmr oclsinIbt ss id î sta rao ~'sfm Sii. r ui b e 'pae, beorsai. clii snd brl tens ie sa epibseonîà- - e.;., ai be-os tng yeqnrs oldtir, but &se-tuit mÀpi Teang1, ort ro n uue d fiuu ,fid o ass eli m tlsv ~~ <'esep is suvaa esvs>là i- ltin m a lis reots -e X bl s kes bina a *qlitve ugl. lon lhe I>'fteif«M*&$ ôte, ~ tI~éK ..~luntrlszo. l~Ica~O*'l 05. ~Le ai<tttuOféePlie wr. nt the toyatl lima.n)ra. y sloi>)ool llfoke er cesieti, p faiteab. frasotii, anal î - vhthei n>'palis-vII e bdieubarlt ite biiaiIyasl siairs'ulý !W 4'an 0 nanl, ).bse#oJI N rulea&eIrate UIUIUte tn -ain enav' te alku tis the r te u wnd h -1 W - itrwê cf aoand-dgWugaiat. 4 c<51i tt*i1on Xese owus,,iv À un «sjo - nied plaitsm fri AniIislts ae'I b -Su tamudni' s-al.ius t eap15l-- iti,5( > -of *onwv; teOn te ni>' lI rrai eotin e vus ing sandlkicorcs- usildsa, haith etha phoyding n e vor-gainut a deUcený-Ms i-0&Ubm atruueo li e-ocessIue5li bisê * WhýmP tiàuçtutu>, and r y a lgmroun Se, ablsb eusa.n lciias y ttpna tn.S 1>111. Noî 0 t,-d50 Mpthe ccAn thaimeil' n a o& i te udy ou. C" qd tml-e *%"bu i, My -W- b yeim»Oa 6wïtàel tesltTieot te b in hsb e thesancathesIdd -igtl d iëýy. . "Te"hav vir init me i'nguWi.Tise iu4tsurt , lntesd, liqi vhisaM ali, narrau. 4 bSt sacen>'tle», ciIltistte ina, Ud -loug r@ ê Cafonnet aat> ve q$se uedam eliitdsi i IratI oamsa u o Isssa>'ldy is > h' disluI - Jsr ips- ' oni 0lan ailU1I-.. 'yl b nus-t Mvihluea. ncs.ktu ns fnal>' dand lre undnatlelienliîfsi "ialusl ulsywayYdMtsoyt rbyoutisine ut isoil b uts anal ha r e-- r~ hbie+Znibous sa vorti ' IL antan otepuLnwo- biterrt atid cal>n l>Ie àu, t,1 ILSdo in Ioge r OW. Tb ocu L1ntningl I deym lay s e aalt ise vay;onbativyniteDo h wit saliuasOee rAv çoe in tm*IL ai t .' 4bt enhZ qa, i5 J", b4ae aii 1.11 hm U i> toulstsadi I lu, oI&eêkiidem- inri n, 1kl àne, l n> i-5 ili oii a tu aLr~ r~s aays, geutl>', wvish0e nnounaces ber anie-ets- l Smn - gl dmi l[pda laberant -vl4t a l- emiaish - wastC "tll-1 m uae bi àa .e-- .--- F' '-- -'-' tl ogang ome. "Hewl.,ikitlbetoer.bs Jn5o i hei~oridyla tino ié uau I hol lvi u, elyuao>,rcl- avi m>' tape îutbat il do; leîin beymisIilv:s, ini b y1are- Hef. eis St tnM d e onerm um iï-r - M y ni t tlOti itill.u$o'i,-e lecting ho much ltamé m ind ow Re Ui , ' JO"avd M 1 > e l 'I aei ýrb hq n s. açrent i-efn1 tn î dln J c ~s - ~p~rnuo.-a.~ 4oYfl r ra n -n i nmal --- fir1e-r- $ - -ni eu) a-e N ri G-. SUPPLY 21 - - .S- a- --n-n Si Àdin lu - - ,Iomwma - 1 :>

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