26 YEARS . ESTABLISHED0. THE YIHITIY CH8O1IC IF FPRIDAY ,MORNING, From lbthe iOO2= xrnoNIà Building, Drok wbrotlby. TERMS: S61ipa uha ii ÂDVAOz. The Cuernc u a largor circulation thman eny ez opaper in th. Ooualy e1 on- tario. % J. 8. Robertson il Bras., PROPRIRTORS. TERMS 0P ÂDVBRTISING. Vintinsuetion, Ipr Une, 10 cets; o&euêh esubéoquent insertion, ô6 et. Dispiaye.4 Âdvertisementa areuaured by a imaje of solid Noupareil, snd ehargod .Ad 6orent sont wflbont wIlIunla. stutoote.rteil unil forbiadail a.d un th o i ime. Onoe o dsontlntlng adventlsmenta must b. in writng, othorwiuo the.publishe Win nct h. ososll À libosal diounlfor oonrt advoIa.- mente by 1he year. CopyT for cagse coctreet advertlsomanle ebould ho haà le in not 1.1er than Wodnus e;il notice ot a'y intonded changes ohoud M givon.bo. fore Tuosil» noon. Otber advrllaoments reee' upteThur.alsy faon. Businetu la "tIe. or nonsooluran final inserton 18 cents . eino of' Nonya- ra1l' 10 coula per lin.oach .ubsoquenl a metion. PAve oM1opet 1"10 pOe nfure. Corteepodnc.e olicitea trom aU parte et 112e ouity run.ghbenlngtownsblp..cor. respoudoull are roques t odtud la 120r Soemmunications u promplly aa, possible. JOB PRINTII6 WPARTMENT. This Dopartmu n .yel n Hoa ie& th Pricting a sp.ciaty. The Cuuomvi.ms equipmobt i is rspttinetpiai.t el"@s, ead l Io a.oMt odby sany in0 8u8sine88 birleotory.. T limWESBI BANK or. WIirITBY, - ONTTAMO. TELOMAS DOW, ]$anager. Whitby, Nov. V14, 188. ]y-47 O.O'rARIIO DÂNX, 'WRIITBY BB A NO0R, :3rock Street, - - Whlthy. MESISb MTOBJU hABILLINGS ,.eARittgTFPXS &ATTORNEYS &C LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCKRY &c «ÇV . l1«y. 0. H. RITOHIE, W. H. BILLINOS, Toronto. Wbitby. J014N E. FAREWELL, LL.BU., B RUTRCnt Cond Cqunty solicitor. OfiOe,- ou. wigCourt Rouer, Whitby 1)ARRITEE, 000O4cfonrony 0.. to oyraier ïroc S.,whitby.on i7i-QaQ9df t D4iYID oaiBiTon, a.A&.9 A TTMMYAW4AW,6OLICITOB IN Cenio-In ib tofce ioutih 09,046 Po"l Office, la MoXUflane »lock, Brook Street, whltby.lyO B or souitors, . Rusmmalo.1 K&0. Orrzoa-Over'Domiaicný Bank, Wbitby. Jan. 99, 1878. (ff P . i. I(LJaY, offce- Dvsi1V 1100, rock sIroot, l'Wbiby, out. J. IffAlER GREENVWOOD, ATDBXY AÂND 8pLI=', COU- Ofcé %Dreyer No. M, Whlt6yv, Ont Ferams beught sait sol,!; Mariaglet5.e1. iuentg,Willo mg: ?Uutn clade.Bpoiameso. Losus negotlaod on ma indae!f Proponty. 1LIOkL PGISTRAR 0F TUB HIGHI Cour et a sdal» t Sth& ¶BUrogale Court j Clrh2e! I couaty -Court, .Office la Court Remue, Whllby, Ua oursep 1«P o #M, ai 6 loy rate0f'kà Qoo Street, aWs.Bl a. J. GUIN, Nc. D.9 S URGION TO TRR COUNT! G61L4 ByronStnem, Wbitby. Wm. cREND,.,,. (rUS HOSPITAL' LONDON, :$NO., 'J e eb ye lH. P. ]H. t..OhAW0 Outtrl. fA iD. r ,~~ 'A AA~\ A VOL. XXVII. j~Oi9N ROUE.-TROUTOMIN L The Palae. Rital of Cà anada ée1tà .a 6%ep M s.-vis a a rooms,wilhont board 1' .rt j Feob. s71k, 878. rpi, ONTAXIO RTL (Lat* of 1h. SAue.oRoa.,Toto.) savlng thorougb]yrouoe" *0 S oms tIfa, isrep.redt'enoterta mes ou. ,tom«*. a a atook.edi he oholcot bradc i o 1~r otl choie Olgar. Good ta ling &ttie POST OFFICE SALOON, Tomomr. -. Tan 1319T ACOJX=ATIOM for Guost. <17 wisboe bis mry frisndte mung- ma a il .ab o re à 2ld oc ooa oaft. tien. »- 1LASMJEE4EEEElan ue Wb.ibyi KMarck li, 1882M L(JAttNEGIE R. 18 JAMES CIARNEGIE, Pre>ridor. T1&laBous. bbhen 1sdà "Iop ni ou:ie.tye, mcd the propnietor ilgvb Pffosnatnion lustits. dqncs m M Pickernag. May 1'11h, ISl14 B LACII HuRlE MOTËJ, Coeu. aoumv & Ososos 8e, TOROS'PO .4LPBED'OXPOORD, . PBgOP»na&B' (Lat* of Welllngton R3ot.!, Kskham,) TEUM[So 11.00 PER DAT. Good I. mng fo r or800 here.o r a itt-olas boom. modation for fanin d thetravellingr publie in generul. <(P- THE HODGSON HOUSE, <Late Timolhy OLoany'i) DtTPFINS CEE-I<KRIG The abovo premla. bave bo u bnby 1h. uuderulgodt süd ane-zacvboing ppvly fit. op for th. reoeptkio f gte, "d thea travelling pbULc Bal inslquns ~gaLe N à aa aul houri Good stablina, ah..romu, Mcdau Milan tire ostlor. wu ]HODOSON. 0. -DAWES, LICENSED AUCTONEfl, PORT -J'ERIT. TT4VNG IsUà m M -imoam W er h Febrnarvr'i. 1889. LUMBMR ILUMBER 1r1 LUMBER~MRH.T W H ITBEY. BuiliqgLum . g P seArWaistorî f e OP o, tteDeti aSpeom é *blemd uet M dsa VPp.g Cep"vl cSoO1. OL~uk 22= ô.ashfwbadp lais rg fuiéiitry, wO advmie Pompe, Progtoso, Knowllodgie, rotIbrhkd f I ~~JJ~K 22~. 1883. ~ - PURE HL. 'A- 30 CENTe PEif POW, --AT- I l- R. IOhII'i DRVt~ SUEZ j 'f2-. WfflTT3Y, ONTARIO. ZZ Do,> TiniLrn W6~,dWorke, WH.SY ONTkMO ImEEE Ke CRAfl? Wrnoubotu ofen. LEii TERupANDcfEIND'PrIak-, kibPut iIdi ?w tmollings, ORINTG ROTETI, D C WMRIT!,OTIO, Iè mpreaDoa. n aueirscfa siiso ' ý'ATENTS hUroIl-,,n , . 1 env Bis Prom tes l hmc Beonebe te tD4& Owu bnlp ob"lA Ire à a'tfn.Maa To dinad Belvd1vf But Fate wv . Thoe & Nor «ser m Ils <nord. Non lot us hl The von).!'1 GOthen, WAs G136aMaifk Boauae, te fer tan, rphasure, a reseurs TI E 8(0? 0? LLL E A V(L'U~fl ni. v. - uh1~AUt W 1~aenêfw oie ness.m.assd I.te.eî. Watches I Watches 1 Elgin, Swiss and Âmerioan. Clocks, Jewellry and Sil'vem'are. NO. 27. 'h*bloodsd wllhb'aer aid. Â&èy abrigeÃ"ha"yI~~"I ~)hnisoofiiver Weedell oim' a if the>arouui did mot <al lanlove Belo»,who.waod atialo I- in ,ao POhibýrun of i êiu,.u ei hn'é'ci. ArVir hange theïr., guinass, net ,lIa ~un him, knuo ptyê, bot looÂà biu eý udf iÉiroatcer op 0 é-o odhooorl.~o vo goht~i4 ui*,- Pnt ot youir trùà t'in moncy, but putý hbecamoevy In l;aid lagimate bwvr.hl ok ao'qe~.y~rmone la trust. vAitber, ail lookod forward vitlin: &Z sI au o.woulà -mé ' ., The scieutie'die )f maotnuis the Ion.» mtee @ting lher again. WhOU ho- very onali' vagos (Misa -Neti*éôo iio st &moult: -iilbau eof know- t. EngIaw-, ltg fonud more, V.ry aingye yeu know)'I lenWgofMbtF ores in lusà ;uiO b.d ansi.. 'flz the situation, aud ob*en, riorJds pated, for the raese nt Clarence Lodge bouseý-1 felloing dayYenrvsy qalz oo ud ie voft very strict; but the uueortainty "Wliat 'huau ,JIthis gel W tdo menlinu u h. sanie.,way-aud the 1foo8e yôg &te. yboie ot, ýGoCble«e allPgood - -o; o hi Mm who ha.> onsldre4 Il aipisno yûA meoooth Sali 'en I oI «haudesud pityinghearts we muet and a tronblO, to bc obligoe, enda h a ~ddai ui- Wtthis1gin'51 corne aI lest - dininer pmty or,à a ball, zaght often b. e du brho lties, and> t w i fiud thêéimî IitugïithUbi- r-is sein paoing unimand dova s$Ooe eloot.. fdi4.niras. a mys tony. _41t Oso much-where *wcstanxd, aeiu what sp ino t a tJobn 'a Wood for heure, h.er. Sqsdleoydrnbya i i reîloearenvig waiing Ontil thé requiromoenta cf Mise I ehavi beén ke P't. wakè. fo0roen We togri ewibdih Nethorwocd- Pormitte.> Janet Opniotnn --brebbing 'snd te *h*si loarig.!ema elIie'slsné beon I tbave 1h. houai and> o10 hm.birék.u-a5nte.mi i nuore -à -li.bl galit wedga<o-fgod lU &YW&bef&âiýîé_la~ lng.! ,ta$4berw hYiias~dWî~tubc ove e4~4o .ihe hîd aive i*s ô aecrecy a aiî mt~t~~, à à k jpr opmurà ailyýwanuîyour Wk 4- a yief-euanieia as. ensiles Ihailruc Iew* ~ ~fA r_5tlafr t os ù f i u..n the asmil es . fait4rdroi ne.tesuy rsfib'h.t4<tks tfgo b bok veto~~~~ it tuugoeuW êtbruhilij icl 1156DOL42cu. m rf wyfonhnha u (bli i b ro la theamaroôki si Ydf ilho W$ ' haid'e hv b - *à prnuee 1-"er 8diï a th se -Wi"Boas e a A. a toofolie ut bv ~ kr rw two; nde-WaaIts»jX&e"r bubadd, èaî noee1s uýs7ngo fr ~~- ~ à oh. laiïeui. o,' théu~a g m"Po bcpo ',no pea. r py herhe s te bs -rta Il. 1le9_ -«ca ,Ps* c torýye laall,to. "Bae*rfoVom»- hW g l tt' toon foma va rals~iut u ou t e»$b 1nia~im*h'ac«.~i1 "Bat r. burl. "1 a'io u.cand à uey r cyl.doer, ql ~ o~1d*lAa<e very vek la l, pan a 'iilé ly> -b. é iese. o 'e aa>,e "Ieept oùhsortwe.. e I~ounonut 1. bli -' es 8at w. »un. o isw nst q oe ry WhnIans I -. The M -ur' Pe c&n6tVltiuihIlhpo>f OLii ts. , oad0llo hye h. oclod ber' - 1-1ý ý ei"w -.b .i o- Thbid!lahn ihhi reae,î .- inr er uyla>ni Ihmhku~ h Ua.bloe.>hava.>eoii 1,.ct evd mn, hr. vold.4i uthn ; , , Yra. am t6slu« ia gitb..lolhià r r,î. >h.-uonp, aid i a on ie'bfr 6Obevcue~fr foc.> , l,ara dl5 îroro~ 2 -ÂtR-ô ù- fWy r boelk-4re;- T. G.veWHTIerLIYS OLD STu-aND; we Ëý- rýêà à Îêùtl fOUR CULPBi t'é'ag1CieIY Thetarnoin tn~~ xxac-TJ4msbo~< t~ iWhyareciboes 0 . ngeos? wo ovethe bet h~di~leye e We~~~e &er, oofouýkrg .1 Theb Dest mi HAI8 KET for 4Wz t~ As lm PIBUpil, Iud RuiaT K l WMULTL ~r mye%~ A'ý *DcOO ew OR. OAT Physliie, Bangefop, Accllopr, ho. Wh itby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 W. 0. JOIU NMtt)M, PROVINCIAL LAND, SUJIWR c% ho foue.! et 't o Law"ceof~TG Kell, Bo., Whlby,ér ai lb. nél4danof o Mr. n" 0,0»t Ferryu street MI ~ ~ n A Wus41Pi authorisu t o n!t eflfor Mire 0m momieIel& the eONCI itt bu ais LLI 10Aif if.ve.i mun? eý bDeaf 1e2 2,a me Sgreet de 944. Md whoi ýTon 0 aile,> ilel .i p l,1e j:' '77 1 A,ý ý !F