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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1883, p. 2

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arrived, and th. Sohool.world throigis. iD2 Prernium Portrait Hon. 1out tho -Province is muni aud vialbly - Oliver Mowat (or when preferrod of1 Bevy. Dr. Wild), size S2224, THE OFFER 16 THIS. Whitby OUIIONIOLE <rom pres- on s.to Jan. 1, 1884, ûend pro- mium, for 50 cents, or Mo TAL TRIP9NI-Y CHRO14ICIM for four meonthe for 25 conts. Eyerywhero the * CHROIOLE1i pronounced the bout ana -briglitest of Ont4trio 00o. weeklies. tJarcfully aud vigorously edited. Always full of news. Con- taining etenographic reports of pub- lic meetings. À thorough home and oouutypaper. Well aud cleanly printed. ~J. 5. Robertson & Bros Chronicle Buildling, Wliîtby. New. Advertlaements this Day. Board Wanted- To Lot-Jas. Johstom Bpeeilai-C. F. Stewart. Rolînan Opera Co-Town Hall. Pure Paria (lieou-W. B. llawoo. Plain Trutha-Soiphur & Iron Bitters. Ruai Ealaie for Sale - Ratier fBradley, Brook"i. ONLY Si oe PER ANNIJM. Wbltby, Frlday, June 29, 188M. Elfppleent esch yack. Riad it. Guraniacd ofroulalfon cf Whitby CIIzomoLu 1750. Tu Vimdicato rIbis vuek publiahca tl. 111.,of Mr. Drydon,whloh appear- id f insthé lONI= Eliai ivik, -but wbioh hiba én ln the posseccion of oar ootim thrii votât. Ih euhliolake the manllniui, howeverie apologize for the deliliratauntrtutered. Docare hava hein rafid in the mimdè cf aoule by the tatieet in a local contemporary liaI Mouday nccxlàisa publie holiday by Dominion Statlute ouly. Thièlea no& the case. The Do- mniona Statut@ learly provides liai wien car National Day falls on Sun- day il #hall bo observed s a pulicbol. fday the Menday following. Tbo TLocal Leîlature had net av provfded, but iu M&y cf 188% 1h. malter lîaving been brough e faaice rclmto via Ibftlb4d, snkig lb.date uni- fonn-wîth thai cf the Dominion, for Ihat ma dfuture leum., T. aitii TMarquis cf Lansdowne, or nuit Gorercor*Qineralwhuu a îhild, vwu eocerupaleusly tendud by a *-dotlig young mtuti ece ri nor butter va& îlloirl te pais lhinu- tant*@ Upulutit fi couhaiar a delfoata bomsplîdon. The salai-ai resuît waiaa debi lity and .f.kly palisouuwhioh var- smnid favokfng the adice of the go«no pbMoi» BnBojaminDrodie. ««W iâa ruvelution îL the nuutory by pr*iaolugrenrarummd feuht but- 1er adUbitunc. The nurcei waa b-n elrld ltaIle, thli 1111.fille, te &leap bs is ubby liste and arme te 1 h. *ibowc If lbe naScot Lord îhould fiel disposid, ce tisai gruau mughi enter lie ehwda lbbuneiug Lordllng. Mn, Coi, Ganural Mager of the KidIand Ry., met the sei!.1 raîway oommuîsee oflisa Couoeul inte Town Ourks offlut on Tuecday. The quoi. tieft1he bond vas folUy dioca.d. The mal rfght oft Li Ce. ta kiep lu puaencertain vorkshopi lu tevu M.o:fieuîy admtted-tbough thi .banleua& Thittrnrwtisrnuguont tbeouseil alu eildsy,sd par. hae Waptblomcutng oteliuenevwl jbu e - - UnfItbon, 1(ÃŽhu eitor cf the OMU" OEboing à meatr oftthe CoutMOli hmlO,; w. Ibinkit to tispe have aboie, a cu'nm of et sireally Tm mmuSeS ncasa that bac attend. id tIha oloilng eberelses of th. Q!Dtarlo idlotediW is e ePort pi tise etveal ~nadleg Wischippeif- 8nethar por- ùi of Ibisw a'e <3joàIOzE.,Wlth Xi.1*ug, t ~routo, vlvlugiàà t. ther o la~îî o oa !" 4iý5#ùct, ý a çisu.i Uah oxercised lunpreparation for lt.e variouî ordeals. Dnriug tie proseul ves, aud for lie nez& Ivo weoks, Ihere wil 1 ho muci anxiely upon tie part off eschera and pupils, not tq speak of parents. The Entrance Ezooiuation t0thie Higis Soheole, the Inlermédliate, liehe n.Pre. fesional for Teaciena Cerliflotia, 1he Jagior fatrlcclation nt Tarante Uni. versit>', tie Looal Examination for Women aud other tests, lie objecta cf ich are knovn ouly le lhe iniliatid, yull command a large siare cf local anS individual attention, and ougit Dol le paes unnotioed by the public. The pcb. lie, wietier il pays muai attention' te Examinations or net, bas le foot tise bill. lu the aggregate, toc ftista aprêlly ig bill, andi cortainly does nutl grow les. frotu yeatr te year. But aur con. Cernuh otal t present with tice financiai aspect cf tie question, wiethen lie couutry paye toc much or toc 11111e fer the iigily elaboraecd sud complicaaed Rysteme cf Exainuations, or lie net 1080 interestiug quetion vietier seme of ber inaney uaw epeul upon theas p ationocf ouracohool syslem Wiight not hamore whcely devoted to otier eduva- tional purposes. WVC May- some day relum hto a causideration af lfaese pointe, baut for lie preseut we ah acon- ider if sa iunuy habonlous, andd mci rigid lesta ne uow chtain lu aur Scheole are ueceeeary or nieful lu themselvee. The viole qîuetion cf Sojiool Exami- untion inestill tn oducatioca-l circlea un. settled.- Scne advocate tic oral mcliod, tome lte written, ami otlîêre again urge a union cf ohul. XVho shah eîamîne 2 Soma arei epiatiaally,tho teaciier sud hi sioe. Otiensa sepoilively alIBrmn a slrngeognee wio bac neo "anictleD vilS lie thacher, liee cb-iei iid the pupi. Siouid a biachi e buinraer- once tutehle ezamnatien culy oron hli io treat lie ciebject irreepective cf aIl examinatiens? 7'Fie are veny vexed questionasud isppily ve are oct cailed upon ho anever lhîem. Frona lie pro- gramme of lhe naît meeting of lie Pro,-iuial Teiciene &iAocitian ve igo lhey are lively questions amonget educahionista, and v. chili vailunutil w. bunr vial at sta ho saiS hy hem Opec lie snjeat. 'ITeora are eomo feitorea, isowvea, cf tii eumtnatieu eyctem tbat ancre-s comsng quit. patent le even h. non-- profeselocal observer. And i rsI. in ail eur Sç)oola, from lie Primary t e h Provincial University. tie teacbiug ls aiment wiolfy lun ofereuce bte eterm- ÃŽinal eximination, th. teacier more or" las cf a crammer, tic pupil a necept- ale nalturally itroug or weak, but tieo- rtciaaily adamautivo, sud lie natonial naluralf y heterogeneone, but praalicaliy sud ahatintitely hiomoRmueons. Auj giron day, in a wcrek or Colone May Peu ont hie vatei and say witfo cents civ liai Ma aundred or more centres in lie Province ihîouaudefi fbayesud girls. youug mon audYounng wamen are s rngqîing with soin. wrettuied catchà in Algebra or quirk in IlGramnian - env probably as remoe. roux tie truc pur- o see of elunallue as aoytLiig easu eal e , wÙile ponbapa jv on three bundred cf veary sud sctions teachons are spe- olating iow luis pupil sud thâaI ppli mmybu doing eallie eisnanaallec. lI faw veoe h le. viIi bu a long isI cof eoioole aqd auuoiislclin proe, anS People .Will upeais of lie "B8uccesa" cf suchand snob taecbe lanS suoh and eai ha popil. -Thora viii bu eawO detraclien viapuvod about aome naturel uuvY, tiare viiibe uo a goed deal cf disapponlmenl. ,Thare vii CrO 9reu e ica tombe cf pniggi'9 ngdanS buinpapers and iomne- onut ezanlene. Tiore viii b u tise pelty and vrgloel ieiing" on lthe failun, cf a tev -marksa, and maay a precualug lad sud lais yl, minuceo.e quence, Rive -UP eciseal altegelier. AnS 80e thi ihg 9oca on fncm jean, te jean. 1h in limeu lea muScenqcirj-is Ouv examluatiou ijatein enllrely uaiifo. tory. We bave eun ovu opiuion, but vo shall patluutly wait unta i earéâ yuhate tIchona have le gay upon lia queation ilu heir nexl convention. TOWN COUNCIL. 8l'icis LIIIGOaMUîÂzMF»l Omo>. A. coi, E8-"IMy515LDe' STRUK OFF THESTiiOF TOWNi MENDI. OSMiS - ADDITION&(A ppitopltjTUXOS FOR STXXETa ANI) VOEîiT-» VEitTIsIiIFOR A CoMLLEVTORnpOR1 OF TOWNvNI) e MÂR.T. PPs.Rr Cei- MMTaE-aUMUER &ADUINMENT. A, apecisli meeting cf thi.Tcwn Counuai via helS on Mouday avenlg,5t1h mat.. Preselt: 1111Woasip thiMayon, '(un the chair); J.Blow, Reeve - J. H Long, DepnIy 1tee; meusr« ïFox, mthSAnLes, qRuraa WeilOY4. Dbsvny mailBogart . *.: CCLTIOS. A t8hegnani <rom Gao. A. Cor, Esq.0 PrWe ituc f the Miiland Rsilwa CO.apMan, whi e aaid h. veumd ee ltte t Ib depttuton froutisé Towni Conuiion wTina dap-, the SOntis uahvsred. Z&aIEF COUITTE subeithed tl oiloving caceunt rom 1. sj*meson aa Sin g correct, anS recommeD- lag paymenî cf lhe smime: Anl7, Goals le lamu eshola $l'oO 23 I" - x. Iener 100c 27: " Mma Goodumn à 00 May 5, " Jime abStila 2800 Il " MmRc.eler 100- id " mna0odmmn i101 J une PO: " ne.Heburen 15 M.P. 'Day'8 Gorpespondencti. TIm on Hilf, "Pen!Tiravela." uNPnO»UOIYE rs iG OfTràx - =9E 11H I.GU#BOAWA OTâLS -SONS AMÀUSDIG siozuuior mies BuAvIiy-SMIGEATIÃ"N HÂTTERs. (Speciesl ge the Chroniote.) Galway, trelibiâd. MIBTSER EDITIE: Tire aU uIhee parta the. insu languAgi alone lea pehen. Cemparatfveiy few opake Eoglich tt ad. ÀMau kully me native (3alle--allhe I notrer niw but a pacain verd er 2, has onn back te me naeb"rilfl De eà elme ts stery te Chaniiy OMley, vharà lb eil brots cf an Iris Boy, Miokey Free, lu taichin 1h. 8inora'nc vallin maiS he~ apaku EBnglich ? Cbarley aid Mick ; thala6tise cac. A"S Miekey anaer'a hlm,: 0O ne, yir houer, I'm taiehin ber Iriesasdce tis iie Ecgliah." Oharley'e frnud, Captain Power, mete Oaarnsuiou lie clairs, aud smilinly sez to ber: IlSe yez are larcin le apaise Englisi, Calarina ?2"lAnd abe, laugi. ingly, su wîdh a Couablons pride le show hlm how veil cii's cucoidin lun ber Englici undier the bowîd Mickîy'ea huiilage, saeera bacis-Hénucean diaui Power undhirctaudc lb. na- tive bung auffisbiitly t. No the mai"x of lie varda, Az auy of me Irish flindeinluWhitby. cr eulmivis, vit tbey are lu Englimi, an thhe, ji veut bô eorpriced tiat the Caplin Came ner d71n widi the lafflo. Well, lie tri tht Vve biugoulun from lie girls au boys of (Jonoomara yull, I hope, bc bat- thinthan tial. Couimara <t ilsDame from a amart young Ceeu vise marrieS thi Klng'a daàugbier, Maria. And he wais rallly tie final au orgIgia Cocu, an net tha former mimbur for South Ou- tarie vie claiaid ,tise appilwaiun. Thifs va.- wau 0rao mu levadlu, athi e jyo ("ouuîbr'. -li aurbaouts, 1- vouldn'l -givi oSomaceof «ced land in lieCeuty of Onlarlo'for 50 miles cf the barrin vilS. Hov they have Ceu- tbrivedto livé hveaîscil&aIabiUlelca myclbery, au a tunISer teslimouy to lie grata indurancu sud vltality cf lie Irih rae. The nachural urtjeay of lie people aiceed eivirying. Iu thair ducire le plaie, they vil promise te do auything-vhilier hisey èru aile ta purform il or net. Hmr they Sufer fram lie Engliais, vio ane mattier cf fai lu verything, an to Ihair crudil bu if Wad, wyul ouly promises that in vhish tiey eau keip chéi iord-anS the vord vinaI «ien yul ha kpet aI au expluce. Bol as traitaelunlthe nachonai aourjapy, cf viat vould buca&ied lie Laver eridere in ftbe Ive ooutidec, lit me minchun an inoidicI :-Whila in Liverpool, 1 ihhroled l hrev ie éFiai Markset. 1vu ed e4te "buy;î boy, nice Iihto.day.' AI van i tail a oom- fortably diSd, atotculd dame, axeS me if 1 didnt vaut le buoy auj, euz Il VS a tanuger, bol, vliaî's lie pnicu, plaies ?"',IIIf y. don'l vînt ho uy,"l e-z aic, niortly au gruffly, an luruin away ber iead, Il1 ocaut ba threubled ho tlUiug je tic pice." Goiu 1mrew the fisi market of tic Claddagla, an bearin tii, iu mimd, I vwa a litIle lina- crans whin aied te boyiliai. But I tîuk courage, Nowuî they vur me owu oounhiy peopleanayvay. "lihhe'a thi pria. o tie ciao SoleP ' sez Il to i vo. mie, banc headcd aunhaue legged. sud iaainly oerod by a ragged bit cf a chawl-"Imoual bujin, 11'a a aran- «cr.'"T Vane matthen, jer honer, four pince for lia pair." Il AnS chu maiden rayPand the od ? a"S tmsa mg aise auj psuh? " se ce1 Iidis a.eatagnry cf quMitufr, il Sv wiic Weu aus- vernd lu lie meut civil mnner, net rtèly.by t e wman haeaf-btby1 toiîettluueaar ihar idisbai"e. »d4 hRazos oe nrljaa tetiseaclissai0 Ott. -Aunapakis off lis; Samca la «A bure lu grale numburs but 11111eof aUj tilan buslise pendea. -11 e laeua4 210 and 81parpound, usûdou bubot chiper ins udon, (vhia.4i1ail eu) -chas on ti#sa pot vrisa. I I, l1 WiaWnthale prie. o vhiakuy ? mayhe jez vili bu afthen sailn. Noîhin S.inl casb h aS undisir a gicny a giRls--a giuuy vuS bu about #5M2. Boeh class, eilice là cisargeda ettlb iels, an four pince at lie olien plaoes. Tio voishuau npnlces ef the came article le mcamu anain. Taise a puin bota c f Gliais ctoust At lie hohel visai.I a.m eioppiu (av coorsu 1ia a avili on. Cern) ailpina ilutis echarge; aI lhe seit clama hotel, four pince àrauda lover, tirea pinaauntaIth. reglar puilfca twe pince 1 An base uin ilS, tie eiue o tise bottie au tisa quality of thes article ichuecmam A9 ci graduabus eitindc te ýbi e@MWu ride vîdi cuier artiolue. lise priesa. nin, abgood Sala upou the Toue o4bti se vian parohied, Tise Big luo,lesu are a frud. Ten Sen't "Yu&0maëcehug day tS' yur buS -and vittiai and b. Semat widi IL But -llc-.isi- e. guI ,y« Tailoring, Establishment Alumnu via givenu ite Colage, building, lh ic pcliehall and iandsadmon Seing hlgSiy aSehieS ocenpiy, ieapa pleasat heur la social ne,WrcueX:...eu Dntng Monday aSd Tuesiay evemlng sund the evanlug 01eh*-tiitic-";% Paulcire i cliu'vas tr en ta thic publia. 49 op «%0na raceS thewvsls, çosistiag of ver h e in valir aciers, clay- on, and c1l, aicne beutiful dravin 4<em5l' Tiece- iepavtmealftee i 1- woeahled for Joui praime on ev«M anz; Visitons f vo itancmlue wuremoul pleaiitly aurpniaid st lie maguif ocf- lii ieplay. Amangal lion pnmaetlon Tueaday vasthi. Sicnitaryc lii Saee ct Ar"at, Torntno, vioe amifu]ly auminù the dusplay and uuedly salt ia lier. vwu ne o neuhlislt iaTenante, on prob&bIy la tie Province. ààAIuuL Ocssa. Tia Important publie exhibition oethlie =mmal u& acomplileed vithe i cllage vwu helSou W *a aiiai ndir this e51 i o f Mn. Rdwù PisSer, Tise tfoilg rgnm i pr aned iloarWe lrua ils ne- niarlblu ciiiAsd uhiII, R augmga!. fremiiomautW iseL o ie collth ge maS fis mimdlreatora. PAl? I. Plane IDouble utte.Ouir fmaue Boas, Valisa M Bilaga m.LFri- vzme Mlbn, 1Wb, Pll adAunin«. VcJTnle.'nvitation". .tLàiaer -misses Fkaij'5peIýhl and Inigit Plane olc."NToalunue' Op 9 No;1..CiopIn Misis Friser. Sang-.... Aiis illa. Ko......JC>ke Piano soo. ..8ogLtont vends" - ly0. 18 ... ..teudelmmoin la" Léord. Sang.. 'Wien thi Heain laYoong."..Buelg, misa Broyai. Vielaie -.."A r n"... .Vaa Henbet, Mg. J. EcYiey Cantate -T.ic« eWîter eFaiea'.....AbI choril Olsaa. iseDuo ..."Taetelhaè." ... Rai mmre.Han.msldMi"a WIlsn "9c..... Tse arUie. .. Huilai Pin o Inn Poanaa ýV Daa let. ."om, Ia........ .r-rSÉ rýGuas mi saes Hur« e a od Xian Buttery, Bmuury ail M.Dei. Plane Doublaeuatat,#.n"b Brillante.. -..Schulhoff con, J.Ue Lonctrang, Havis mai Tiursday rnomng or tain aisters bld famoeehiale ecileigebaasfera vacation NEWS RWND HOUE. ;'»»x MmE LOCAL PlIes Anqa> UIL OvN két'aher Ba agleiiTuaiS, 'fera% M- ,'au yu ïMunSceleurepopla da ~ dfu pa#a t.wubelli t thé resu. Hep Bitters ara the Punît sund Best Bittera £ver Made. They are aomponnded from Hope Mal, BcU,Madrske ad Dadolon,-tie oldemt ht ad mailvainsile medicfne lu the vod, anS conta!i I lie hastaSd mail aur- mtiv. ro ofot her rernedies, being ch ractBlood Purifier, Livor RIgLabo and Lifi aMd Hemli Roéitoring Agent on eunIs Na diseame or illU smli can posaibly long euial vherothesa Bittera are urneS, su varod and perfect are tsein openalions; - They givo nov life and vigkor to the ago and InfiIe. To ail whes.e mpcyene cause oý w rin an Appetiser Téniô and mild Stimulant, Hep Bittera are luab1e,being Slghly curative, Ioula and ahimolatlng, viti- ont Inhexicaing No malter vhat jour feelings or syxupterna ire, vhah lie dhieaseor cilmienusnueHep Bittons. Dou't yul unhil yon are sicis, Sul if Vou. ouly feel bid on misérable ueHep Bittera ah caca. Il may cave jour lilfe. Hon- dreda have been savedi y ce Seing. 850 villbe psldfor a cm eiyvillunetocm or W o ual meanon let jour trieudS uler, bol use anS urge them teoueHep Billons. Remembér,Xon Bittera-is ne viledrUgd Medicaine even msdie lise IlIsv&Wida Fiend anS Hope," and no perion or fammiyeshoulil bc wlit hein. Try lie Billers to-day. Men and Tiuge. OLEANINGS RMu AN! SOURCES ON A VARIETOrF UBJEOTS. 1-7Old tinigi maie nev by Tri- angle Packagsi Dyes. Taise ouly tie tiree corneSe package, thisltj (80) col- ors, mil guaranhe. Pnica 10 cent. For cale by aIl druggieie. ,*No," ssia a Piladelphia, piilan. tiropint, "tIIaoued nehilg abisul lie svinl ;I ouiy eoueSdlise manasein iot cf eisazitj. -Tien. are 65,099 la,- jere lu tie Unihed Stalas, anS net mark fer tise baU f fisjm." Wiy Wuit. if smgfein -fvona pain, -but go ai occe teo ,e Su seeanS huy a ou- pu.e boîlle of Po1aue NînEnM, tise gréât;pain cure. 'Neyer <f" tlegive I edserelief. ' Iluiv*liaîle en-m poiad cf th,sIn'Mt, [I pin-suis- edorseS by' miamin - aSryvisee. Don'lvalI a anmgle hurd hotiryng Ner ies- The boulmt icnelà tise trnde keep ilmth e u.lun emer- A érised eold'Iuo or caYs: "When vain filkiis e gel thisbiggon'hiliot tise umbéella they an. lovers; if lie Curyle News. Niar Tiliccbug, Ont. Dec. 14, 1881.- I havi hies affing for jean. vilsý BiloussesandDw~psia. anS vas ne- dacd t amor s to.*Latt <sU I veigisui cnly ulgbly.six - peande. t vas induce-d Ile 1v>'Zomnas bj Mn. Thetusa (ethe flim tci 0Thomn2e& Ce., Srugglala, et thîs plaee).-, iny tisankste im, ami wnovin' eniÈr1y nev v oman anS velgit 124 poiu de, thiough the ieuofétiss i ep OQnDuS. Wia oftMr.lG, Forbea. We A»re uuSthe question if' voter Soi" et seenetimis intlomeIa -Il- Oarreis tsaI ire a "Igsol ~bfi T.-W Tlis &rm a. Pie I1 V\f I IT71-BY DRY G--OOD s E MPO R U.M. z of SOUTH ONTARIO. Gents' Business Suits and Dress Suits made to order i.n first class style by No. 1 workmen. A perfect fit every time or no Sale. Cail and see our large stock of Cloths of every description. IRQS ipaut smaignoté in'tellin lteplaia orsythué, a I diS, liaI hhe bell in yen rean i o nt oftordier, An dualareliaI it muaI bu repairedstaI vau-cie yen kisuevi ahél. cae lIme, tistaI ha bll bas iseftinâes"megletafort lulat, aix moe. âsa "nS chatIas beau rgpevt, hbeeula fr epil ioq esnber ir eai Brogue are vinssjoiftetOa*&àthse binde off' tie buebeaï Aàtier<clu ip- claire, lie momentula fi bSout notice, yern liaso engage& lu -l1nh* oe tiaI girls& oomillican ciD min- Der, sud cf hem nie. Iriai«fr inluber pocishon ara ginerally, ma.maybu caijim te jrcef-vsula louiand pillis e aisubalcllaicia pLaoa,vastlisar aviatnu enostii descni air . AUlii vinaI vevahes loatie fieS tuMthe] crdse, isamDot bLa, m e , an y. von-, Sir »pondher M wvanuntilalt m# les bey blunrit", asI bey infu tra 1 oçq lime, au an tireS su vauttho gete bua. Hovsumdsver, je. go Soirs agis tg quubtq te firyoung oraytbun; y'e Rad cbh saloft tisa cil. The Houti- keeper, lie Grand Kan of the astablielà-1 ment, cnes te jar vellut. Bse s aboes- ea hal yez aboula havet le aS Scn ctairm i a U ou, di an ernd. Vis ahail bu attend til anct ; ltae rdier yul h. in yen roan as seacua jiracît. Tuas lime, jer iaye *&y, ai.1I d, jez wuS taise it up yerseh1. Si* ond'nt lielt ea i ha lig, il vuS hi smn-q tiu oulnagiu ail lie liradiliona ofthei graa leael. Yo. go np agia, detaimin- id ta lave lu tno mornin an indifférent nov mt ta visiter yen cili bu carveS .o not. But yez anc scamclj inciSe the Surs viu PiI,wiso faret teeS the ordiser appeanea wMlii vat yez vaut. Ho la profuse cf apologies, faiaii ofezp.iaNa- ahuns anS auuua, anS vl gainU otj hiarney an eofî moadler -tisaI je. - ar obligeS te <onglve biqu oftaetyOw golf. Allièbis 'faadj.i'ub lx%4p, Io wlse u -aq~ "vidi ma., Au 14eIreb@ "=tiM4 cf Hevts1 au lsa bM ~ e nc thei vu l.ay Ï9 wbi.1ti vas fî foi, W Vqtuom ontu0yeriâge 1 Ouant, thfnk utavt ausrute çna son, Md «Ivc t4 te alitheati ein'l bau ltime lantsinkin, gce1 i n u lish haecylu, ai acmplataly mai dem- Ter chine <inSl, - TilBi ODAY., Celligu Weak in Wbftby. on8e WRe RucisUaor y At ars COLLiOS-A HIcELi VOsilL? mzon uOIjA-OOUizxcuuuui usas ageân hofiday. baue oqsa'ee4~n lii vaileof Our Ladies' Collegivsil for lb. pulelu maubbe bae a& Ianttr an a eeadg *«re $o neamik'.o]r re.derav This a~rwu lt~eby M 4*in 'Boy ofV3~9~ aceanun=known. Be truc ta jour feiiav creahures sud-neyer luipisei choir motives. aou-go fror ixtitkho beauwifl ollege vilbe riaiy ho soi$@ &I oppotonillea mak thie beat of yolwvem. 4'Wioae f am saS vior I ae"loIt tis S aur Oetlo anSdtMy. lMsy GoS help YqCo t ye aSnd forHu Ra. Ancu on n-oaw âl vs li& fautur-etc tuoveang, rned nlua mannrtuteuor. ta~ny neluoti -maS uned th ie par- iculir bnaoboâolW#ekicmdSutuby Mis Fr"c. Tiihella g *ents « liehe ks exer- cises vire heu lu thse RyeronRUHaitlbi li colleg" building, viaivia literallIy pahe ohm palsem tO door. Bey. J.J. NaeM.A., pieu eS. Cocup l.'s!i"a an thse plaihtn iVére Bey. HugiJoinslon, X.&., of Tenante ; S. H. Jane. Rsq, To- routo-, George L Cox, Esq 1Fvasient of lhe Midhanf;Rilwy Cp, ), Udngt 'Fnat.;Ru. usBsa.' e etoo PjBmr«"*peýiSt,éG. V. BasSE ', ]EL B.*ý*Fe â,lifrutZiàdge t . B. -0 Ogecrler* mal TuiS ,Rbi¶y, LBWl'Eq. i ton, overeoe hy-mujw Inarinida," Bon#",4 eau neMiureby luse Dundaa, IPiare on, Raianoa, PhilliLM ivlaBrovu, J. LorS, ma Ple ril fin Mhl.Esy, "Iu Scioci" WM - obj Mnisî iH.l Clm horus, 'V0er lie criai cf Vouie, outin," A.15, by Choral Clame. RBaMay, eaiticism and lIe re- lation te 9y',neas," by Mfisa P. Ravinags. ou the vaY b iSiruMM lis joa ldy vau madi lie taîgel for achevrcfboquets, a compliment her talents F.ra ymee. A piano Sole, oooasahug ie il iohm ,o et Bieh1»ven'*amost ilull Bouclas, rnMeS dbyMlUwlako, ittovidplsy bey veili eàtloâ" , Ù4on lady via 10 the ecie lS m', fr »r nbiih Sanid- min, muaS ia "lovqr esSau .saaj o "P,bleeaal d Tbéerenvd ai I ulsaibequef vaupoabeWr ~utsaaslil1ogse> Fl ia'lse ~~Ëmar*ei -0- lae rate". ý'tt0v GIM rnsra ua o ieMi aUt a"iaing Wla . ý u nsiMliL ies Oover, preuialby w viii apriaa.rmne Coluegd modal fer em uilglmait 1 ., tTeote lIer.mu0ai fer~~~~~~~~~y Wetdu-is ra -sa eetMs Whitby Dry Goods Emporium. Ksxr..tauzaa, Mica., Feb ý2, 1M8. t kuov Bep Bitter. vill Sean neccua- meniallan houeshly. Ail Wis use lieni confer oponthema the higioml cucomi- unis, ad give theni credit fer making auroc-sil thi prcpnieters daim for bhm. t, have kpI. them. since thiy vote Orat effareS to tise publia. Tiey técis iigis rauk <cmtise firet,suS nmintained il, and are more calloS for tbis &Hli auna combineS. So long au $hey Soep np hheir bigh repulaticu ior puritjan mauSeum, t chaU continue te recmenmnd tiim--sometifg t bava neyer bufeve doue wili auj elier pit- ent Mediaine. 3. J. BÂBCOCKL, IPD. "Ma, i. LengBruinaisu avful dirty place 2 " "Wisy ne, my ehild-visat miSe jeu tiiuBc?"Il "Why, hers la an adverliamnul tisa ajait in wvicieS b>' tise lido tvice a day." Dr. Dursnd's Freunis Bougies. fTIHH cemmo enisi Rirnuiy for th. cure 'LcLGcurioea GIeeit, Opernarorauie No. oee(1) ourem doaor ni fou dqa or lmn. Ne. Ivo 2) cures Any ciao et -Tileal (8c ) liai aO lcuj eeiy jrfor exual isiSes nvcluntry loa, etc. PoiI- ively cure. SperrnatcrrioaL Soie mgenoy for WIMtby, W. R. Hovie, Thi bamn is directly opposite tise ceaie, becanse Il le juI ovin tise veigis. Edison'. Electinla Lght ia a vouder- fol Siscover>', but ual aa vendenful as Hill'cCitarnis Cure. SelS by 'W. B. Hcvse, Chernisl anS Druggiat, Whilby, Ont. Boulf ies onare Suov b>'te lia en- pany thie"-cn't gel lute, Catarnah cf tic Bladdon. ehluging irritatlion ianialn, &Ul Rimne>' mai UrnaaneCompiaints,. auneS b>' "Euisapaiul" $1 Nover acm u tle -lima-To-mmrrev gnunine relalraeerueted ackages Slluglhs icufromtis lfa.lai cmca colora la square 1anvelepe. _40 coloa.s.eitac1ln mli thiir u e. Balla faction gormLec>.PrIai l00. Fer.sl B3roraiuenlsePlcing cul lie #4 ougi ounliats." Cleurcont ratg moélesciiuukgoin.1e DW evirss a W@asviPaispie"ý Wontu a g.cdang foru-Sul, vall- E'ryoiple, BanfulaBll Bbinàm.ý Eruphiona, ail leescpt1he skia, anS, BlocS araensPitlY auneS b>' Bur- humera trom tise systez, impanting strenglli anS viger il lie sa imIb. Tie fman 1bv&i"et8 x"' lpugisalun# the Wis hovis ilveja oses- clatira *Ater. weonau ves-. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- G2OLD8MITH'18 HALL. IIEW 0GOGOS f Necklets & Lockets, Brooclies: -à"0- Ear-Dropi, Genlte' 8oarf Pins, STU~S~ WA[IHAM Peisonal Aftenlloo JAMES Prie LOCAL WHAT fi GoibSi RUDGET OF E2T0 ~a A ahlil to Hp~Iî~ -Barnum ea -clouda roll bj DomniinJ JOEINSTON, viii jenu MSol Wilcluikar, Dr. CranSe beon Saink. Brckirt.,Wistby 'Pié est]a cleru up-wi DW'Oine Fi nds enBg pecelbettbe ofr theielvs.--There's -uti!.but miser>'anS starvaebows-nd t dainfor mo«Utofet i hue. Tise«I iPolice, t b.e, Polulo*insu e, lia ô0ers,'n ea mouopoly,-otheii.unhappyoouniliry . Alsel~erramaikale- kaxg.seengt lise eh&"iana e'paSs h-o iaI is.e onier Pgnng75ceuis a to Jhe Sildunov xeiB4Cmi t i. Iuo1ud~ The LEADINO Direct Special Attention tç îheir Tailoring-and Gents-' FurnisbiL Dept. BI~OTEIEJII8, BA 1-. <1

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