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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1883, p. 3

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-Napkîn'Rings, Cake Knive*s, Pie Knives, Soilp Ladi.es, z3 . 1oe REMIS. ltODGET'S AND RUBSBLL'S CeIebrated PLAIFO - utIary, AT BÂRNÂRDS l3rock Street, Whitby. >TNE Lth, 1883. LOCAL, AND OTHERWISE, WHAT 18 GOINII ON IN TOWN -AND EL8EWHERE. A BUDGET 0F LIVELI VWB MATTER GLEANED RY CHRONICLE REPORTERS AND CORRESPONDENTS. "A 3iluo'aumans y.', taltin' notes, An' fath bell preutt." Drink Cronk. Evsrybodv drink. Cronk. The Hoîrnano Tsday nceit. Barum etaIOshava on 1211 i at. Tiie popular refrain, IlWait <111 th. cieuda rail by. e Dominion Day, Monda>' nox&. Hov vîli ycu tpend lit Dr. Vronk's Sarsaparills Boer i. tho boss drink. 'V ~ Th Tii votier Thunada>' afternoeu cleared hp wanm and fius. DIra Lrw.-Ths Whllhy Pool Office ha nov Closud ai 6:00eM. Ti*. Houssmas hna"Olvtte » lu tb, Town Hall, Toudey oeaalg nout. Thseanai paeetug of the Sachety' cf Frhonduon Suuday-vas .J.latteudod. Dr. Croul'. Bercamprilla Rosi vil punrit>'yonr blccd.- Salardy'pnl~hatac-»UIlattendado and biness wa laniethroagbout the A big burgahu lu suou's bsavy cotton Soi at 15 oi#. P« pair, at C. F. Sev- Whitby la b lie favorsd villi a vii fris lb. Holsusa Coie opraCo. Tusedy cf naît vssk. Mr. J. J. Smitbh . 4cpi . Y. ,milla, Esq.. von aibltps BankSports in Toron- to. on fiaturdde lut, <vo modale for the finit and>soecond pla... ia th. 100 aud 2W yards mrac esesthvely. rrîs-Cal sudsmo lhe nev shape. sud styles l a ts sud Baunnit.re- cshv.d to -day at C. F. Stewart'.. The «et voather <is veok bis pro. veule e fi. ressa (rosa practhciug for thes beserelconait filuOshawa Deuait- i on Day, la vblob <bey iateud Rskiug jart. Itilabopsd <bey vIi lisu uces- On Saiarday oveuiag the Baud play'- ad coma obole. oelscthenm freai. hein rq>ertoiee.'susarnesot h. excellent pragiammo in preparatien fer their concert nert Thurada>' svsning lan<lie Drill Sheod. The ceune cf attraction for lb. ladies un Brook St. let at lwday vwas tbé dis- play of Missesmil Ohlds's Druese -made b y te iennMIe .MeInîjIro> a'd on exhbition lu thoir vlnov. Strawbenree <atk opdtn.mare g.thng à lhttRîs clasp.v, and ther ho qnet mnch change tio oe. li the' style Nu, cf boxz fa sbooable <is. <sason. The aide.s laut dovwa alittie som abarpl>' and lb. botcs. aru a lit». kiglier ni tban une. ?lest'il I GIoula before yon bu>', ao* &bat -colid quntearablo Tweed. selhng aS, $12.00 a dcsuit, sud tboN big bargala eof a $16-00 s0 uite oorder in boi1 stylo sud vorle at C. F. Stewart'. E-On BunfisycsutB1hYvMn. Starrpnmseh- eas lolossrmouo la couasctisu ntb <ha pastorate of th. Taboruaôle hors. Li e baves next voek for Newaiarkst, bis aev field of laber, 'w'th aponadat viasosfor succeso.1 MILLINUE&T.-Jnt rsoeived ts-dz §Omo:e::h:1mesud popula eÎÏ les hp- feFlovara, limathens, Oraneisto, fe h. ai C. F. stewmdt'. - The luveatar cf mlpnovéd fasM gâte, vho WU b lém tai»>'travelo about th <houentry lu a bouse-on vhieli, takc- iuueaRvao f tntnoduei io bi lavr- thi, hba bien ia towa lb o voole, bis novel Ilhome la"ains ogcoasldsrsbl tgnotice. A eCughathe nul»uang cf traits on Ibis soton of thc Mild ai wll, iha sasd, <ale placu it Wodnesday5 Jul>' 4ib. No offisîi maoaaeeznsent, bey- over, had up <e lishe ur ef golu2 la press, iaolaad tho agent of the goal * îîblbysa lo tioàaed MLeaLWgI. h.ld l A S4a<a' (bunolbon FM'dY. sveninla ma, VhieithhqdSacmnat vao eitended b>' ýs-,,Biglai -Bev. Bih.p tivrsatmn olnids. oing vosea 5oi. â Bs~y.btro ian4d o Th1%à Cao iWaOdfsfleooforod<o rua ex. ourdlou tra ions om itt Ky8êuidaqs irait sud rebum #5. iTdollda 1retinmi #060 lqktbsodaj q for Ç la <hedite e J"i. i1a!& Vps.rl (1k a. ullua.. -Whitby marketinaOM$t uam Drink Crock. For amisever"vwheg 'rwo horso.buyors wsre 'la towi Thursday. OU Vut 8M dgestondrink Dru. W@ bt* aeulvod th.éIfoose ta* Newsn, a voll.aonduoted, fleStly.prlnted4- 28 colunun weshly. Wib OIIÇ(LU rom Doiw M4 ).4lrepreminui pour rait cf'H I . wt or Dr. Wi1d iOW The riWay at4tlona* vo al on Tburd&y by the. doparture for bcme* of theohndrdorso eof -Colloge ladl@g sud frionde. This ha. beau a poil weok- for tbý' batelas sd bustaamei froin, th* 9u~t ber of straupî aRevü u attendink thb, Fn rais th.nunibeo f oxtracte appear hg in aur saoang.s, it la evides<t4~ the sorties cfi lttera (rois Irelan b Tîs O'Day are bighly approiated., The Hoisuana bave béseo ral crovded bousse stathe Zoo lath.ecornu !pera "Olivette." They appean ln the Tovn hall Tueday evening cof pit voeek. The article upon Wbitby's OÙ1 Prs. pecte, wbiah appearod iu thoe colurns recontly, ha bohng noticed far aud wicle, The 011 City Deri-ckC, t.he laading paper: in Penaylvania ail regiena, givesa t considerable prominonce in a lite iseuQ. Tho firal beaanable wwe bo ave beau favourad vith <hlm Ilmaier cois. menced on Thursdiy test, but vas of short duration. The raja vhich ia gsi. tiug too dangeroumly froquent and cap- ioua for tho gaod of tb. groving cropa on &Il but the higheat and dnieca cf lande, met in aga ib is wajek aud on. <nue vl<h sauh tubborù porctstouoy aà te aan cause groat auxlety auîea agrlcultunlata rogardlng th. inevitable résulta frai s uch oatlued ralafals. The sentainment * in the Baptiat churoh on Tbursday o!fIlut vsek vau eue that gave UnEUSalsatisfaction <c every oes promeut. The readiagi by Mia. Fraîne gave ri" gosoee haty encore folloviug anothor. The sing. hag cf Mise Dick, asa hoalways lb.ecase, vas wanmly applaudsd, vhilst the selsetonti by the chehr vors cf a char. atrtoogly hn keeplng vlth tlis s=erai ainsd eleverly reudered. Tho chair vas ocoupisd by Boue John- sIen, Esq. By tho changs ha tho GT.B. Time Table, vhich wvo hihlolssvbere. moes iaei.nhagiven lu Toronto <han preoaly, the mrnraeg trali geint ap about bail au heur es.'iiersudI tho eX. pressasi uigh l eaviug the City tâter. à locai train is novwg=non Konday morniug. An oîpgo rain lsz;-ave To- routa for Montremi an Snnday alghtfor thefr li i. lun the hlstory cf the Grand Trunk. The mail Icm the eeut at Dhgbt nov reachfe .Wbltby an heur surlier than the Westorn mail-but bo<h are ber. by 9 o'clook. TuE Cînoc.-1!bo "ôircuà" arrlved on Friday uiornlng (rom Part Parr' and ptchcd toutâ lu the yard of Mr.M. O'Douovan's carniage facory, vhicb va. quit. large onougb te mcomodate the "acres of canvas." The. luch md Vertisadthree-headed lady la cal>' a Passable optical illusion, white tht rick of the olectnic girl im à, concoalod Rat. vaule battsry. However th. excellent boizotat bar. fumbliag ba trapoze performances and the excessively funu>' antice of the traiued doge centributo ta malte a show net quite se bad as th. street parade vould aulggost. Thie ut- tendance lu Abs afiernoon wva mal but tho cruiti at th$o.vOnlngexbhbition mtuet have hbeagratifying ta <ho man- agemenut. COLLEUr VIsIreu.-Ths follcvlng ladies sud gentlemen vers e rgiutrmd at,4h. Royal ou Mévda>' aud Ttwes d atteudano at theacues et s- choeset théIeOntario Ladies' Colleag:- Ga. Haf,ppell, Hamilton J. W. Hea4q- deneon and vif., James 1i*Yu" 8,]$9.. Fishber aud vifs, Mia& Whltb.ek, BALE Jane. sund vifs. C. A. Mastin. 3. Mo. Luug., Dr. Oldrigh, 15ev. Hugb Johu- sin .K. Burt, J. E-. Aikoubead.bMia Aikeuhe&ad. C.8-. DeOU*ld, F. Chis- boli. B. Taylor Freshman. Toronto ; T. iH. P. Coarpenter. Whuoum: J. Rasa W'ay. lira. Dundas, Misa Fiavello, Miss Cooper. C. A. BLoà.. Iauday; C. 0. Jamesm. Cobaurg; Albert J. Ravlug* aud vîfe, Porat; B. 8. Vantong. Win- ai t:H YouaBelvha un,. John Wasou, Torouto, va. ln ton eek. Mr. à--ran Bru B effle v c ais fg1 , Mr.9:,c Mm. 8M. D Cý*4 i soî s u u vlul<lg ti <T.Wtby., Mklaowa ikr nioruue ta Ii iiMnidn ÛOOD THAT A RE . ~OFF RAPIDLY r> AtS.B. & L' Great Giving-up -Business Sale* THE BEUT BLOOD PURIFIBR. There la ouly ons way by whlah any dia- eueo be h curai, mai Ibua lale brsmovln* the cassvbt?é Mhray h.. Thé ra tuedlcelanhoritisof théday dNole ta nearly every diseuse is caad by derago kidneys or liver. To restore theme th orer la the ol e yWh" hheahth caunc h., curod. Here la whcro W.uuRxa's m (uai haa'achieved ita great roputation. It acta direct yupou the kidneys sud liver andb pl acing them ln a heultby conditlizidrive. diaeaae and pain f roma the ayutem. For afl 3Lhduey, Livor and Urinary troubleal for the distreaaing diaordera of women; ferlia- Iarla. sud physical trouble. enerally, thia great romdy bha. n equal. B.ware of li- postera,îmitatioua ad concoctiona aaLd to b. juat as gond. For Diabe. ask for Wà,=M% &n 8 For sale 4y ail de*lera. H. H. WARNER a Co., I-iis aa dthai whou Jay Goud tst. ea hie yach&t Atalanta bad aa aboya the quarter dock, ho remarked ta Mr- Craaije.: IlDo yau aottWink 1l#itsnob an elegant boat éhaula bave ai leait a half4tllar dock P I am"dis ht aBford MAE itug < 0 aT. O EBE bTri"a a. 10 s tee& Pc 0co o Havas, Whitbi. Young ma Wo urin ig" sent h gr , puqw. ing, "m tagsi !~.ar? hng4lbat gisais cicr th. ïsok of a chair. Theet o cfa ta a tary erieic srponai. t e r iaqn r h wlh ai"moe a nl nvr or Tle voof a salt mether-în.la liumbugged Agaln, 1 eaw sa much sail about the menut Of H10P BiLttraMd MY vifs Who vas alwaye dootoning, and nover woil, teas. id mes so urgenily No get' ber sois., I cencludod ta b. humbugusd again suad .1 am gâtadI did, for inlu b îd I moatha' use ci tho Bitters','MY vifs va. cuired, sadsah.bas rerna!ved u@ for eighteeu inontha ince.. I like suoh buoebaggig.-H. T., St. Paul-Pio- aeer prose. A..amrneratorn - borrovhng.. oui usighbar's lava maver. For Crampe. Palh la <htbomu-"-1 Ilovol Complaint or obillik de*s Pe Davis' Pain Khllor. Seo advt. lu other à time.ho noured court roca- Thé frant parler. * That Hoaband et Mine. le tbre. <ie. tii.mmu ho vas befors Sosing "Weilla' Health Beaievsr.', St %VII'MMARKY1B. Cazouxcx. Orisîc. Juno 28.,1888 FOU Whst..........i GooseWba. -40 0 -b llour. petr cvi* ........ 280 a*260 po ..e.............. - 05 *0 8 psu ...............7 8 ...l.k....... .8 * 08 ....... ........ l noz................. OIS M ali aai? muflYmu.evmon t 1.roronto thé gulsot 0 put om, loftIferTit t! 'ni ~RMerdý mBIil,,Zh eues IJrss oods, 1vs Hsey i ~ i - i pi s, Theise Goods are 110W in-Great Demand-, and carnnot be bouglit Wholesale at- *lese than -our prices. INQER ODDI RIERBER 2BFtO r, PELLOWS' HALL, CIRCULlRs, LA w s WHITBY, RUBBER CIRCU -Redueed, From "'$&à50 -to $2 ~AND WÂJ&RRANTED., 'GENU-EOR- MONE Y'RtN~ SBecueone before te r i oda ecuo replace them.' Webhave Them as low 'ýas* s I-Z~- - . T~AE'ES~JIRY New Assortment this week at 45 ceflts per yard. SPLENýDID VALUEl. ANDREW GLASGOW WAREHPE,~ R & J. CAMPBELL have reoeived in stock lbis wekPnSf.l S8111w tU<ho leadiug colores. Extra value la Bhsck 81g BakSti o ma e C k Geats' Whute sana oedSire * ~~Fast colon ls tcel! Ih 1kCok TIhe nov Jersy 811k CriovSll rs. iwms~i' ol,.0 Whi , Ïl vs 1oI1 ~*~ Trei j r Thé Grdoe Sy 'la thorougI4y'ea woùld t M . RO4S* ""es Ç$~TI0NAL VIEW O0F MLEW&S "NEW -MODEW " PMTNe gl ~II r A:: ~ t,-. - 'Z NEW JOEKIEoi TOWN HAUI 1- -Yos Y-0 rj, GOl 1 irr 1

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