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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1883, p. 4

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A, Votera? N3emeator. PA PO Lt "uslT fL&, AND U» ut »0 TO BAY Ui'ON AàIDEJEOT THA ouitpuajwlux. (Nonw York Times.) Nealy forty yoars cgo a young man, eit ununal ndawmoents, bu gan ga mould public opinion upan a aubject of vital 17 nosllc. Liii. il pýcuersbis - ahly efforts were unuucceafnl, but hie abthty and! th. value cf hie wvon accu won puble confidence, and to.day thora la ual c village or hanilet lu th. couD- Vbrytat basuano&been Ifune!b r DiaIMowl4 Whou, thoreoare, il vas earnuimerda7 Ihat ha .eulomplatled the-« "m et a large magasine éortant th a reproeualive cf 1hi ~er wvas oamznsaîanod ta aeehi iuaasaceitclu the truth of thé rumeour. Dr. Dia Lewis lacà entleman of sixy crars and tvo huudred pauuds, vft uow.white hair aud beard, but prob- 0b1y he most perfect picture of health ýnd vigor lu 1hé erplm He is a iVing expocent cf bis teacDISm and! iowilhalandiug th. amoana a *ark 0 se already doue, pramîmesatmi mrater ctlvity for yearo 10 came. Ho eolved lb. interviewer mcml ccour- ecusly, and in repîy ta a question i .. Iat noru I bave oame ta New Yark ta emabllsh à manli magasine. I have came hors for h. ame roaman that I veut lo Boutcn 25 jeara ago. Thon Boslon wum tbe bout platferm lu tb. country from vbich la Peak cf éducation.lNew Yorn bas nov bhomoe piami hoptable la progressive tbcughtsi "nd especlally mc ta mcvementmaon b- half cf phyical trainlu lI have reaan ta rncv he greal sud abidiug lulenest cf h. Amorican people lu Ibis _aubjeol. Tbey have came gole euethal tb. future cf cor cuuutry pivots upon our phymîcal vital. lly, aud! *pcially upou the vlgar cf Our vozuen. M nov Magasine vii bear th 1111e 'Dia Lewis&m Mcnll,' and! b. deoted ta Smîilaryaund Saci Science. I hape thrcugh Ias pages te Inaugurate a nev dpate lu hy. "Hfave yen uct wrillen suvurai boaks au tbé ubjet ?" "Y*@, nine volumes. and tcme cf tisez liii. 'Oui Girls,' publiahod by h. 'Harperm, have ad.!au enermana air- culation, but . ébotvork of oey if. I shah glv the woriM lu th. mpv ma«. sino. Forty meaa0cfsklrmlahlng oughtgoe ed vlhieny isu« or. <aisi varfaure2.. "Deeot, vi e thé lbocomion of Ibis ne novtlut in heallb quesllont?" " SIl bus Omo lhrough smuffarlug, W"leh methéb.Ouiy r.aittmolf@ kuovlsige. Thé stcmach, hourt. kld. neya or iter féâi mia trouble, happueisa h cgeu*, and! theu people gîta attention -toÏhair boalth." WhlO hffl u.organe la mcmlfrO- c~en!V mb e o cfar rat "0ae "iwi" tu .put fev jet disâese cf 1h. binseys have greatly maltlple.. Whon I vs engago.eu practice, îhirly. five or forty yeara ago, erioue disease cf lh-kidu.ym vas rare ; but nov dis. trtosingly frequent and! fatal." "Taowbat do yon attribut. lhim great luoraso cof kÏduay troubles ?" "Ta teé use cf stlnula$ing drinks. adtltsrated food sud! irregular habits of "lDostor, have -yonuy-o inea u tb. remody cf which, ve bear su mucb naw-a.daye ?" "'Warnen'a liafe Cure.. 2 "I beliove lun the ounu..of prévention. rallier Iban lu à ton cf cure.", "But havte yau noticed the remark. able totiiouiale cf Warnows ieêmedy." "1 bavyé and! confeu tbat tbey bave pozzlod Md atonilbe.! me. Th* cmmanditions cf propriolory me&i. chi"us ~ly some tram iinkovn pe«> aaxealdcg lu back oonllee Bu i mos lu oui Mcst reputable nsvspapr tb. varmoit praime cf Wargar's ate Cure frora colletéPfeiuom, respt. ahi. physicians, anud aliter permbusof bigla intelligence and! obraUter. Ta bmat sun otimeny sel.!. a=ay ho Profeolonal, butl ti l peunmly, NO phyian cau for get ltai valuable adt. dillon la aur àMateria iodao. bave pruug tram jusl snob Ource«. ji v 00 impies...! vIlle hua eloi 0; vissais 08 thal I Pnrobame @Omoeboggisof Warnei'a Scie OurW at a nsIgbbcu drng sMors, an.!an od oneM l. houpes if it ceutanw yIlgpolaopl. ott. TLeu I took 0cflth e . The Shoop Scab. Saab in sbeop mla eocf lb. Most traublememe disoansa ith whf4b teé shophenti ha. 10 cantene!. The-uou f lb. dlaease ilac minute insecl, Ao4wt4 àc.zbiei. vhich burcws undor the s*i derua,produclug irritation of thaeskia. Boeall w!tery blisters accu forra, viieh flnally lbecaoedry *ienaruseifarm- iug tho mab pioper. TU . sogpo duce.! in varions Parse b-oy canas tae yod tae bemmate.!,ma. thbe sop, te relieve tho lteing or iMul talion, tub aginst posta, feu"em,1, an.! tea thei yodloto abteds. glvlng thora a vietoes appearanos. The dl- sau" la apidl.y sprsad in a Ilock voe beallby seop coma ia contact WUt thoes encea, poe;ted., for thoesg@m cf mile, or tha mite iblef, mcy ho recdily transforer trameb.beep tle afonce and fra thoetane ta lteé mbep sagain. Henue, i ii harly b. nessaty'te caution agaist aflevlng heallbysbae to- bein Ibe meIipeu or fiil it lb. saabby ou@. The Ouiy method cf riddiug lb. diseasi soop c.f th. soab iotao dip Ihera jute a h qunidl hiii p@etrate and! otIon îthemabby pot. llcus,aud aeunthou il often la neos»Mar te tub thome places vitit somelblug rough, ta open th. saabs, and! lottlb. liqui tabo offset. A sheep dip made of cn@ aunceofetsuiphur aund four of ta- bacco tha aoee galion cf vater, basobeen teunu.!very effective. Iu 1h. valet, wbicb should e ehoaithe biling point, sleep labacco stemis or leaves, aun .. lb. suiphun lalon; thon aliow the liqul.! tola oawdn, vbon the sbeep may b.s immersed. THE upA EIKÂOTS IlSOli JULT AU19RICAN AGRICUL- TUaXBT. Rase Rectus ad Pit Thera. Ons. groat objection la the taislng cf .'ool oicps or vîntes aund Mprng 1fo"ug Ilthe suppose.! dffiulty of wtt5fl thazu. If 1eh. av e o ,orin lu116 boum. or bain collai, bl.v the mablOs, au aexpensivo pressa. Tho recta oie apt te bali inlargeplas, and! cïns cf tbsirat. For Ch. -firmItias, la" Novembor, vo dtri. hé o i et cf vlulerlng boots, lornipa, an.! garrts, lu a long uarrav pit neai lb. stable -door. Tbe gtoune!asolo.! v aa a gravely laam, naînrally vell draine.!. The sut- faces»i wusremoved telthe depth cf a foot or more, *bout six test lu vidth, and ofaufidoul lelngltte taw in the ercp. The toota voie dropp..'Iato th. p i irom lb. earl84 1he7 came fror th. n ie, an.! pile.!inu oammau reot-shape, ho mbditena vli. They vers thon cotise! vtita focof bcg ay, and! a layerof eartlb an.!soda place.!upon Ïdis hay, about it luches lu tbiakoou. The raola voro lbree font in dopth train the apex davuivarti. Occaional vetilateis vers loft in te root, te bs stcppsd vitb bay iu th. cldeat voathen.Thei. t vwu mcl opone.! until.Februaty. an.! 1h. ramaeoutinluporfeot condition, os orlsp aund juoy lu April an. May ua vben <hey lver. drao e uaint he pitL à fnsl.prof roat celiar, ou the sme lovel with the stable fonr, mighl keap racle cm vell, but oertaiuly ne bter, au.! it i mcre expansive. The kilclose le the qables, cau ho exlesuponzod on eveny fanus, aund Ibis greatliuxury for caIlle lu sprng lime, prevido.! by a&IL Âus.lyis do& net show a vciy high nutritive value fcr th. noots, but il la possible %bey may addle! te .valueo f th. bey, cotu.m.sd, an.! hueemeoaaI, and! lbe grainasan.!other rallumaua- ly f..! vilb thora. Titey ortelnly lut- pravo tse thrift cf catIe, an.! luoroame th. qnadtily an.!qualhy et <h. miib su.! bUte. Do net faUIte lry a pat¶ui of bots thîs @m.a"o. à omomon, an.!otten fatal, disou Liter, aM4 e0amstha bloc.!WU l ur. May b. apodiiy ours.. The hope la auto iticit buails &oma., atiauluïirtt.. Wonl.! yo.&aveu-the Rllry0m. plinlte Incidentai te sprIngsan.sacs- mer? leaum e "b.mStemr wll Box- dlock leio.! Bitters. Ilt glislté liver, bovels, idusys sud Moc d a. fa th. purent Ioulell teé verl. Trial baIlles 10 conte. Lock ont for lb. haloit.vsighifaà hen makea bsr neat au the hay scle. Lii. In lai My Awo ", l mu ca UV 515 bo <h nit lb. Wb",s abat, narrdaiors tinetd cul. I W eptifa4n.ta The bloc.! ja the Ibunda- lion cf l'fe, it circulates ehrough ev.eny part of the body and utlei e.t us eure aeid richp good healh la umpossible, if ciâcaqe han entercd lte as- tein the only sure and quicit way to drive il out is to pu- riii> and enrich the biooci These simple tacts are wel kncvnansd the highest medi- dicai uuthoities ngree that nothing but- mon viii testoe the.blood te ils natural condi- tion ; anud! iso liai .11 the Iron pepaatiaat hitherto maie acken the teeth, cause headache, aundar otherwise Wnuriaus. SULPHUR AND IRoNBiTTERo viiltitoeoughiy nud quickly assimulate witit the biacd, puifyiug and airengtheuiug il. mnd thus drive discase ram any part cf the "steman sd wiilnet biacken te teetis cause headache or constipa- tionen slapuitiv'eiy iraIin:u nious. Et. Jbbmty, N'aat Oc.Olu t u. T.xY'- rsibave b.ea a pua .w.ff= rom i.Cdibsasodyspps sud ceseatice sudbocume débi- os s'y seaisIale a d a"oes ioasabum, a" Wbusbepa b.d alawn hà m e, 1vin5ldeaS l Rive sw>ms aAND lseou< Ummssaà ul 1 am sov taklng thse I liet. aadd lsra .et e t»UO infla sizyau. 1 dc esataI. TUMS effeetmmly curiedya. pepsia, indfiguktioad weSk- ness, an.! rendors the. pea- tust relief -sMd benefit to Pe sufenn from asii disase askidney and! liver complWnta, dyspepsia, indigestion etc. Mold!byuan Drugghatàansd ut Depot 150 St. James St. Weat, Mottreal, PrieS Do. . ga is ntunte vite cannot bear mumfortunn. A Volcestromul%» Unied listes. I bave suife.. for the laut 20 year vitb dyspepsia an.! <soraldebllily,and trie.! iny reindiesbu i l ile o-_s' onu ant I ûW ZBndouk Blood »Maïse, viten relieatvu quick an.! permanent. A. LOUGE, Aipena, miei., U.S. The mat muat b. <oeil vbo bu suany onemies. Buelen's Arnico a ,lve. The But Salve lu th. voit.! for #'nIa, Brîes Bores, Ulcoa, aUlt heM Foyer Bore%,lstn laPe!Rns hllla Corna, an.! al s niplion. a. ptive. ly e.« Pila.. Il la gnarntsed t gv0pt fmt'satIsfaction or "oeyrefunda.!.pi. U ou-Mper box Par Leby T.G.Whit- fiel" To the "poobet" aill"lgo are poor. EItte.! Thouman!.. AUl ovér the land atm golng mb os.> staey ever Dr. Kin's Nov Diao.es for Consomption. Their asui root.ry by lbh0»useu ofbi roI livt avlu rsnuedy, sausastké Cuilda, inatbuo Pr",aPet lasIt bote ieIl O. e -A o o'a Drug atome. -Laog s1 ~h1PIl5IDa, itleout hunting Ici mieewg-, ve.ypn saMaa "My ay area.!bous r'Pal reponde.!: -Faix b.w ecUl elItll a .hray pig froue amy A Pair Exulange. Wlhyeu exeie a sronie case et Dyspepata, ct-aie. te break up a BII: Mmn Rivsawn- e asyour loi- »iW liter aotltty, sud ltus ostronu Foui digstion, regain e@er", sortr -tianâ sptdla, aU for 75 ? A singlo bothim of ZosmA Vii do titi.,A ew doimssuiprlsbtm =h o. tyZps ySt Buiaseu. De.psa-atu1 many forma Zopul s a panao andas!Io vanustei le ourm tem. Itasoapesi Ily and plamantly. Try a 10 essl Mmple. awisx Wauur iM GOu.-Ap averegl Med w&nm - i- vSth br-*SMl <oU, vai.!b. sortit tros 8254O.$o MON100 Tite praverit original e. h -glP vusortit moretlit lIe vr 'sema sertht lou. A ompos lm",-forCaariDg ,Wilacash baillethor4 a sIuel asl m ýebioe lb.- me.igue"# e* exr hrs W, d, -.lbis 0- 1911 *Û 0W$have vu.léor - -M$btdte cIàb smiuy ovor sol.!, a fov doses taably meteauto Nestesa , ' -i~vwrs.ae etCngu Cop, s !Mental D a"em au 1h. enOu emunIiê ofto b uaruell tlttnlthé y c me ne. 3MNBY, Toedo., Ohie. sont Iio its irmI dlssotery Il bu.boss iàit* ythe t..!- gte& .ir. 1.0pas ,01er medWnelu eau ad.-i r*Yen lave jSidu om lkoô the tdmsy »sent a* Cougi eearnoutly uk y ou te tri I. bodquae&n mdgel ltsh* = uy igsesoreairb aé ase ion,- hlta PomonsPlulera.W. B. Hc#se, Cold!by W. B. Hvas sheraiean.! *ýotehaaan e sdtaig ginl, Wititby. - drug i bo, - bxx. "t e doasy wWarOMIu A jculst'meui-tho pencil. descrIptinForaTvaoul chui Are you d stunbed ab nlght and brùoeu lttbrobigl*ds. ofJ yorrs y kýWsuferiAg t ouat bi wo& b est aIsatîa ~ I b, £~ £T~"O Àinu[.q .As11 sUe? tbo 4e*u and W %q rvv iO5XINIO~ Are FuIIy. ~1 Anda ér selling at astonishingly ncs ALRN OOD~.W ave diàposed of -our Grocery Stock, -nWii nita'o h eAi- -of the month. nd ýwP D1V'iELItd iâCD. HALL'S AT-'CiH.zLIJRE Oit! IlERNAL CURE FOR CkiIR § W VTM INASES? m~,~an$ a s masma"e W~ . .MCL& HaII's- OatairhiOure Ilia Unit. te b a " n! saa 76 Cent8 & BottAi,.$9.00 DOBS. 1I Tikiblo ai1 kt t o l 1 COUPMPTNG two aareaof land vefl feuced surroun4ed by Jour stroota, aiuatad on the. va nue ofBrc Iû- lth. centre of the TOWN 0F wfwHl73,on Whloh are 'Ometed FRAMEBU=LING<No. 1.)40zU6 10.1 *4 seliat 9ft nWa in9t. 8in. b 8rà. aorg .61.bgh. Suit- i a mnuaoty, wokshop, store- 606i ieppyofiaad va*i rtwo i FEÂMEBUILDING <NOA S) SOZWIO 06 PRIX MD INDmeh.(No. 8,) MaU fé. i >*iekIMf.1 ulcry, and iSsiS @etý, BUILDING No. 1- dx8, wth 1acre cf land, Winl ho»Mol.mpaahly, (if ioua...) Whltby. Jcme let, 1888. iby PO 6ardsêîs d ~ft Gronîrs. Wbltby. Oea.!frama bo% um. brdmai sefl mudtba~a.mee b& f"ctaof tmiL- dmtai..! fr ut rdn, hem. au pcla.Location goc.!. Tor=a eas. oraleparllcularaa lylto ~n.TBRAlN & ARKF0 For Oie cd Yoneg, Male and Female. mls~k M.euo rsof BrasePov- ~ Preslahlc~,, Nigles lysaI, om mn. oigor te lb sxithd «Chrahiv ransIn elhr Pd. d l ea he friz=~ ak4. jtopneti villema lau do~m~wq 6 l 'en toiWglen t -Mat i lKemonsy If ih4»Mtnusa du nt.Ill b. CqUraa i ne Mdiin t l1qut 1 wm-vr.Px,4 vmai Reaayï.Mad4.-Clthing of,.--i'st class quality ini Ladies" and Cide'Underwear, Aprons, Pi.afres, Sn.n-hats and Bonnets, and Infant attire complete. Also DRESS TIRIMMINGS, LINEN, 0Iat4- and Unbleached Cotton, Buttonsl Laces, Em- broidery, Ladies' *.nd<bildreti' ÂNIý -GLOVES._ Storefor the rmsnt, marul~ ~tO~ ol !!mdy Tho logiai ul <firin THE FRIGLANDS Com~:oimILm-Cou Situae n" titai.!no=wcff« er ow teonnol aablt q« iu ta alliain abvicanota vanàog ai. TEE-égn lAD O e OP ath ntre cm uxednl agoa. leat. FIllE -w FAlI, .O WATER, FMNE AXYIDOWI The WaacaaRiver pauma thrcugh the lands. Tb* landea re la ranj a A"sA17, aialciet leven Mes ".Rasf eina'. and! on the lUne of the . . PL.BALGOM B 8TATIO2X l'a beaui oractle fl sof thiaOCoin- pmnya l'anda,ma.!heb.but EAIL WAY FAVIITIEZ ethu affodel. Âd.na tanlc malien anmilterra.may. beýék9olhaeifo m oflowlng agents, who ave the Fiae.! Note n! eoe§ni U9Ofor «inspoot1o WATT ROSS, Wbiuflo. F. H. HESSON, BrmdmaL J. IL "o uron, Q 'Âppefle stati4 .8 LT LR B gIa BLAKENE- & HELMIYTH, ondnnt. SMTINCS 0F 1THE DIVISION COURTS, L whtby-.... 121 l 8121 1 eBro unal.. 2 42 Dumna Oeàl 8 2 2A 8.Prlery...1219 718818 510' 4.Umbri4g....1820 8B9- 4 611- 5.amigqu.il 21920 5 12 &oa dûloÊ-. 15 22 21 6 18 7. Uptergrovi... 28 22 7 14 Z 3 . FAEEWELL, i.Iy Clerle cf tho Peuc». 1wGWdSm VWmt bahm Jem'o ta -Pite,#ea Wou and eUsps orer thm crunt Poee, de,. GUM qfsmu w -a -s ~oe *Hcvlug the ulmoit ccufldouce lu Il. menert. arlty aver aul cihers, and! aller tusumdmo0 leess cf the Mxost coumplioated sud loveront cases wecocuid fud,vwe fuja-aiIle. lucftering 10 forteit Cho Thousanu. Dollars for amy ceas a1 1cuh ,,a Bomre tbroa% linnra, homre- neas, rn btla, ouauuptlou, la Its early. sages,vbopzg ccugh. and! ail diases of <ho tfn-oaê andrags, exco-.ptAaelna.for which -ve onlrTOlaim relief, %bat vo cmaI cura wilh el's âOCoMUgliyrp viten Uten aceordfug <o clm 1 a. Raple ~lÎ es 2a5 a.!SJtsiar bg2mle on. dollar. leuinewvrapxsers onlyi bie &Ul! > .1dnry or senh bv aiprea oh rocelpt of pie. C.'WE13T 4 Co., GEAY'8 SPECIFIC MEDICINfE. TRADE MARK. Tio &ma** TRADE MARK. 6wdire 'or Poem, ~nmn.i~i.Abne~aslmocf Xmoe TE GRAYnL EDCINal1.EryCO., T. G. WMTIL3>, dealer, Whitby EtARS FOR M-E ILLION I3 Feu Vho'& a8a918m of si1 Peslnvel Relasta teBeangali la lbe QUIy.bouaCs o licEs à,nd JOH-N GOSS, GonnAen t, m420 fw eDlgut. ]Eus, 2OBOUTO. l Carr age Wrsj-Whitby, OnL- Os iarhe ipubi a large sboàk .1 PIESBIMAGES. omslsttg cf opon sud -- {ae Box,.!.iTm *ons irek uTm inBgis X' TWa nt 4" imiatsRi ru Md.!voli b. soi.! al"1v ises.for e".eor on tms te suit pusuitamn, , Ietiular attentioit'paid x Bor= vorib tbe e- 'aloi 'Jo witti-Wà ~ .srabIeGod * 15 FRIDM Fumihe OU. TEBUZ: Il Tho Casoar larin~ EM ROÉ-SE amy lanteni fore Tusala real; 10 cm& UAIULI MI AT LI 4 ý 111

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