IOLD 0OR a SLACKSILKC -oxoezox- Wfatch geoqsl! AT Bamir. J6 Our, Town' Ohumhos dom »c &ive a hem !ý » tantl4 A- MTÉM U. vastI amvibAt > m Ie. -6-Pain. nom ald a UIL . RW1s(e.siIprn pauv * ~ ~ or ve1cbo oui étl&m»dpjn v bod lomessother fir ie ïtt%6 cf ,oiMisa Nowa I& .",, r âZ P=ïfitr Oftb* ie, amongthfi ucpev.a1nwm The baà gpy man a l Kr c. pocf 8eSbrae w are u foii a . happu8cill Sn" creaale end Zîm*oeliaea. ,gmr Bsw lft vwb, fou mal a<o a brge ~Mimm ahut poh- sIge a 1e.ds Gao.r.a 'bol&y va=*lut.aijes ua- « ,l Rate"iOnlerlo. Ple"ealwayclé".., 'Wmav us: aaWi, o~gthé guei 94M 99- ThOma.urmffea.«Out for the 1 'ian. r anas msuag. gh te eand heU. Afri. ~b, 1888. - LOCAI e ilu an 1c ,Mi. nd ]EL agent Tor- adAy uLne, Mer Geore Lowen lente here, lmve :put week. llo ô'Is otisot IL Crleon, etm ag n bthat ~ti 'fo. T.,o&>er, ;à vd tht ffit= wceHMl adPatberen, raLog ccnt9v etoftheorer of Royal TOMi s.GbtTorcto, vldcv cf th* .lao age boe to a hrgeo Wim Walace, le spenalng aà 1ev et hie vac«on n 1»tovthlawce&Neft1 ýbe ho aves for Oak Park, Ii.,*hmw "the; aûtibrotker James, recdet tbybey4scin qdlU phicemnmer on the ia*mnce st Glnar" vith thlJi.lAi must viRa there. le tow. X.E. WM4ighy,. M.A, Mie Gbaer WinM ghblýwson cftht ei WiIhby, vws amon lhose Whoc ~ ~velsaoeetart bi . Y. GOs4.c 61cToronto, at"domel Idmnti l WhtbywtM .Ehno t1r la*Me Io4an alToronl, .htg oW ssetëuî"rotanr Fr ve on thaecame steamer wlth Or eo i.and unr. A. 0. Wilon cm; eon lenclng Snmun- rveertdau em bhomaeof the Sel. Wb*vhrc the young tiaroflere ha" elcylabga short me*" h ord Cci.' à dland UaIWSVybaus set Raflh. ~Ic .W ,& MON"ealu y- be Uzbri*dge (hîtirria anunea withln a rmouila-the cou chop# lM village vil! b. rsmovcd-tlaaî la teahiinery mnthem-to Poýr1Uppe w mati the -Ba s Btu~ o lo réil Climerc- I ýN-JTK R S ODDPELL'OWS'- HAL AND Neyr bb <il becela thecwonth, eelal f h a l. 0i11Revolver. The Blues. t er e" in 1 bov ESiuiy as e=6à th trav bal hec &LA ,I rv,-*~.-- ~J - Y ~~m.~ W&athern ai siu lsial the lesdingcokm 01-' N PRINTS, RURDER EIIWULARW! Reduceci From WÂftRÂNTED GEsNUINE- Secure one before, thley are ail sold, as we'.Caunot New A3ssort Ment this woek at 45 cents