et muvieWIOUS eh. bau biob.UUP1 itS W S btles «"Q tbugr. But Il id fi". yon a -kans 41 am sot on 1h. s mine èà salIth Bar bio, ind already au m it 1110hae un» ,bretirell, 19dbu tu di, â-lmOkoonou ire impossibe 8k impie unha too*h, the wary &W l. D'il ýwheu lb.di amina itaun the loua UIIIM5U~avil..Tou m-, tw.y oor, am subre0K s1y eiab aube *uà l* vwls* ii 1owmul.t. lava' fl , Oull Pd o ave no ise .11lug.unoq ma a da*ie W Lmcn glu tihU lmlsaius-Tho. b ,Ce= * tc~&owledge tea.!mployed lYha ile tribe icsie, of rt L.~ 4 e o tehl lilu s b rmd-41» iicug mm. theb.Remral gr.ieilyB dîhe is leteso* tmg. W11h «m forem %a h eleouar<yiUefor botter, oh.e I»i IF W"afa&t of 4114ma *»Mtdbwç e [~ iwed e boomiag a in b uie y boy,.ld. .47< $an b ,o f Was bo iDl,oh be. Yome, "a-2auwihn b Uoit" isu Dot lm, c. i TIE .1 Ibsu au Jh My ui ~rei1; thé c r]