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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1883, p. 2

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Electro. SP0ONSý FOR the ao.rearhbfasr lu tbev aitsr aDollser of the O r.~ ftousoit"UV* 0 'TiRe Tuy R Atitrmu aIl Orderu J. M !Robertson & Brou ON, THE WING. Tirne of Arrivai end Depitu. of Train%, Malle and Stage.. WHITY TINS. 0019; VoIf. 1oosa 8.00 ik.m. Mlxod 4.10 pin, Uxprms 10.00 I Express 7.40 Bunday. 10.00 &i.. Exprss .w s. ILocal 6.00 m Mliet pl Uxpm. ros 8.60 !n hndy .0p.m. DiUK. &£X5110. MA am.1 xan pie .. 7" tu -VISI. CLOSE siexN? 4.1" 1 .I 1.8 anî -Wm Imils ARUM OVE mam 8.30 MOI &.ma. Yb bbmiUJpsolaiose .lm. &0pm - te l.Ou" Bflttela-lo pserImm by art" m .aUmsy OCréer DUUM o ws4mades tbou l or het b SsvlaQua aa=baidu.tlé.ho»s er ,05iliS' unsé b.esief 16 minutes eurtb 8 M . . mta 0&30 p.m.undays ex-' bomais iibf gâte île Postai *mloielet Po"i Rat" ibtfl Itd, AMY s Labd ,àwg, a.esColonies nt III ai S. Thomas, liewm2r tcents for 4 ounce&. Rgistratluu as & oints. For Ad«n, -arpnîne Confoeratlon, l1ra£1l. atit Ub nies. y'on, Groenland, Frsen c>olo. sis la Aidé, Liste., Ocussalend Matissisp Si. lm awodM'on. Pe Vrils, vaPrti ot lm" solenies os Ot. uaeu __ fl-Culs Md iP«o.Mo. lista Soupes., Pesm = 114 mile a- Ussaasy. ?pmm" bryubssIda03100es à ~ tap e u WiVuoI> Moabêa ~Pis~ tenta thia Day, je. -SpUestil. Noria. h L Osmpball. macarons. un SLamona. !uM-. X. N6. slssh Bro bat unmodllimO Wmn-LydL. I., Sibb c E1a NIWM Ag3,18883. suâbuof, Wbiby muiSof (am"l-vise TY1 vaséte sac ecorrption Glu ZIet" vo have tis b éôocf sncb eleelions As isai la btuekoa, tise tial ofvbLehis aa iel been couetudeti, roaultiu thntie st. inir àud.probable disqualifleation et thse 8edm fevarbave aur'el6etion'e'oarta revoaled a-more diagracefal l taue aof visolmasle 'bribery sud dobaacisrotfa the electors than t iii.s u. Tiser. vae tise centre of oporationa for anoi carraptionisesas. Pingls of Ooboarg, Madiliof BaetuNlkno f Boy. maue4 Smith- cf Peterboroughs, Oou- grave - sud Bqrk of Torouto, Andersan .of Norths York.ShoppmrtiofGumSvamp, sud, Cabsil cf Pet4rborougb. !0f thea. cegrave, -Caiili aud Wilkin m t members of Lise Civil Servie of tise Do- mlin a vngsa"luit«ufrom tise pub. lic tee&îaury, Oue sa s llrk Lunlise zolabti Reyeouue ServM .,stdibiul and Wilknsou as Inspectera of VM-ida"at mesaoiee1 ancltijt lil och au sotit. puari.m, oui Ocnegvthe 00fm>u&a. umA Fi'. 'D for ptet -à pont lm .ou Ul "béyFuils braveli'or ofi* ea Touem Kellery If Usler% Munn E E»siRm. l'mn on tise Mauntaisu Brov, wisare tise green leafy Tistees are Rintly wv, * l, I'ut On topp' MeanaiM ellortyat tise Great'Irislî !sinutirry of tisa 'rirap. pistf, payis¶ tue reapeeku te lise Holy Âbbot, Prieste, un Monka, an makin nme sowl. A&nd bu mue Sowkina., if tisai. is wan place.. in ssii tiis vide vorl4 wlsare a poor sinner eahave sacissaca of uavin hie aiful BoyS, I bive sim as tise saisie dsrlincoald Iris Abby o! Mouvnt Melleray. Tii ail prayen su festin ; su vatchiîn, an failin su prayin, fron Inornin tliinigist, an from ulgisI otl mornia. TaissIj, zmmd, bi tue Mpùsk thlm.elves. Wisy, Sar, W-na y sia 'tve ? They gel up -te tisait ai s fissau Dîvouhun. s puy aM vsu o'clool, b4 Dsylight, mu romaiat em-elcopî visin they are voiin Ur- widis tbiathand,-iamrsuanotige, np te 8 o'clelok as igisit 1Tlsey ti retire ,~ thissusthrsv pal eýwlte wtls-lio proyei pesla lmalcepfu se l i vhps-vi4eavale. We have just pe e hoice seleetionu-of New Tweeds, Black an&-C ore& -Wrs«7 oatin.s n.a ulueo Gentks' Feit Rats, Gents' Furnishin-gs, in al the leading' o noyles. In the Ladies0 Dp rment, 1we are iùôw1,fioiin ý-beui1asrtuto Dres %9*ods in ail-the newest cdesigns for the season, Dress Titimings, Buttons, ëe., in choice GO-od;s aýt liet rc- é-ali an ttsee'MeN w Goods. ROSS Whitby Dry Goods Emporium@ -'TIhe teadig-,Dry ýGoods flouse. baetuh- aad b b.d bo *m4l b >m * baw~eoia ai Mertie etiitt; Say b 8d=9ueinto Ibo levaS and eloitte a«n lbrades md Professions, soins bod gos. ta -th naîgisbo"rsg republio1 8050e t$0thse Northwesê, sud Dot a feww oeseaugge tunsouus sort.! of smadr9en sapte AUl tht. vus plng onoce ispidly l t i s bby va ab.utrorn hie home tweuîy [ aît e wouM ldons réititrn'but hvo is.OocompaniLe. W. tisefi to;lssi 61 s aoorroat pie. tui.of thse vhoje Provlnu. In ttua »ev udaesll.s O8unSry, Change lp ju. evilable, sîtheuglx tn people r&iod la eider eountre sud sceustometi ta as more stable order of Maige, the viiolo thtug aBona inexplicable aâastoppe in- toierable. 'Tier. las àprott* î'trong, abn oho f complalat from the farsers thîmselveis &agminiistlaie êftbtugs, mua il àt omevisat Pauling sonniaely tate baIewst #rt lhaï sueafor te lI elsbiliti Saudi-usrst. . 7.hé faoo, :arel vent i40lsy lth*blaumalf mmci hIaoàd but lBefde, elL Ii8a~ estion u mte«LB t.àtrie, igiiertest«. sud pleasaume. ,o es up a u ee theasa vitch aim 11f. oz- dé4nés- t Iben. Tison, loo, l.rm Mle la quit sd ramote fron "tise msddîug tirevà - t &Bsd yonth la proviîbtally fond of 64lite" sud etoitemonl. Th*e oty ti. tise hauct of me.,'sad tisr es. lb.isof humais lire buru»4eaut if not oleareut. This, perbspae ti*e realreacu hy go manY lue.the a fam. To beout oinCethe taare mlmgmu# et .mde attractiv. *Tho. vil benoatint of work; tise Cinghâtt e hareguls, relametiou. Tise ta mo bout o! 11f. va Ililis espable cf be- lt made more -attraetlvr, more digni. _1ed, more happy tissu thse fariner'.. But tocofam t La ouly 1h. îesmy sida 01 ilt thtaproeeteil ta Ith.growiog attractive in the aramhome as -'&a' the urbaîî home and-h.osPhnuld ho taglit l aujoy tbein. Far frain thinking tisat Bancs tionsalures matitroua the. [aria vo are uîrongly tnclLned tot 16mbtisa t of la. pears in Ontario le diaposing tbemtau teI. Eslucated mon every. whero are giving Ibeir attention 10 it. Nor are veo f tlise tisai regret tisat forarier sous find tier way litolown sud oty lire.. Wjhout attomptiug to dipasrage auj postiton of lise cooemunity w. tluk tisai tie farmtn' population ha. supplfed by farthetie rger propor. tiou of tise iacoeesftsl business and pro - feosional men, Talc. tisat oeeat away snd tiser. would be aus amating blius. Itle isot mucis vie thon te b.vsil tise iliUc' order-of tituge.Mottera viii rigisI tisemalve.. Ym&=ulfe vilgrédi. uslly. owllsce lis. èddfason.1 admis. a"m ati a ulplto"of lbs~s tmg W"plimesbonome moeess le iLevlha"ehtuig, M» Jbeeme""aâfmuiuei vi h h eompe.ur of the profauLcsMi mas, su vila sriduced am.igr ace hi ome luIs fleti ing hlU 4t amok ti l,,.IL. Ounlb.eBont od Augui v fe eth&is OBRNILUfe %lebaisse. efisey$e$ iie monlu. foxbrty, .emto. Tii offer vus a gftst ai8110 slsaigàrÊuM, libdrai ffer, nme3 W. wM so e.4is Catmaozufoirlth, balac el, y.ar, fou months.,for 25 ceula. ?4! canon.- Z= Io leieoglz.da veryvham iIsonÈh.! oui tis. comty a& ltse -estsandj brightesi of llsivesite, an4 tier. bas amlbeea àe.ktiurluis e putae 1 momiha Wishoutn.vnsmea bcng added1 to. Ourit.sNote t1;lareba.këtfile 0f pèe.plase! lu thse Wiitby Poe- office yery Thurmay celin, vicis shows isov exteupsla ca Or mmlilist. UIf yon, tmk. 1hé. xoiIOtLEhndiy maie a thfs *psiaobr kuova b oux rhi.sti Au n" narlcaung O= mis t pm«durfa Bcha ar Tbe#amlgbuis., basu u. .be, e bada. bmic asoi*IIw af just "ueh s e-'- .a.t of1'Ibiüi*" ns ~ ~ ~~a muadufeil tas li....5 mausn ulver oa riiepor. Faiasi vmy <rom Oscpo-c»L obsatved to MIalresOD», tie Place ý-meary four an"Ou.-1 yul ulver do fer Town-Oonci1esbiried tiheprhnaplea cf usor fer eura ladieeof Me -0akyinaée or#l-ieslogje.y, ime BShe ioped tme 1mai oheaavslioa vue tbegusie repruve ii persnal.But-t e t ule isarl0 as àtisaI, b. béain rid a axeis er bey ube ouI it eba ai mis elat hisPaibbo upen vb isIa!,au I1ligaged makia forTMATisoUM Sa eu tui.ovl 1 aefl4leat WOUluas .d, rm onuthe mnw luviaa. Wel, as lwae1 Blrovesu I1aiuibre jes, Qallis'Igh up, .atama ekt u et -of -1 ran ina lovly etate- .nuff at me Pin. dhriskinsvhlc lb. Ott â»ne. 'm surrounded ba big moult' doL tbir oui*) uiare lasa t ILl entsiaine uanas.Ik, -stha i"i mm. s..i La. i of oldyhbeat, cftnly six mentis.' aup. Pli' for the viole ProviCe. Tise quan- lily hall b>' mSl mm ttLu vare heneauhaa mai beea aained, but ot i. mot large. nTie«»eof B&rl.yýblm tloa an laut jear Sp 94M000 ares, msude tise amted piodue bi ,67tW , biuboea., là 1h. western o5lleaof the Previ àe t*as thJZ~e esose a w snall 0oUnne cf 111e moi 4,8004 sample. lu tise epu ittofYàk, Durbaïmu , lortbum- wre* "à mmd Pince HdvmrA ,a Rsrfe seag. e b em.sp.dA mm l s Ma exaicelleoondltlou.»"d .I ,Tise aoreage ste lei. lmt-ht 7earb& "1»"lat y.ar, #*àthes. rop t. re. pOf tedl ob. as e eale o4 u il si Tise uthuiaMdproduei b"suprss'. Byée l.lvmly odarmeY gocd. The. wVinter V*4017y1fa&W bettert is tb. FS11 Wh.at, butt hé, prliAla ye Waain- jur.dbytaLus sud tise Sandtilvas Igot ,Peus-bas been agood orop lu lue nortiseruasd sowhb-=aalquonu. lLee'but lu tlb W.a faidWnand dLake Brie ceuisties il vas eitielorirovu. edlu ttbraias. 'Theoasaesome.' wlaàt les. tiss laut ysr,- but ltheeil asated Produo is 775,000 bubieIe more. Tise folloviug table aseh is the ea and prodace o! tison ampile crop o! thse Province for 1882 aud 188' Acres. Bush. Fail Wbeal ... 108M155 1552M Spriua Whea.. 58OMM 1000 Jarley.>....... 77M M900849 Dis............495599 5672M04 -1e...........85550 "577774 Pes .,.. 4M78 118889 Acree Bush. i Fanl isest...1Umm0 8115218-i SprlagugW t.... SUBI * 96M9 Borley.......6557 242%M4 aye...........alem imo 1 peau......51? 195 NEWS ROUND HOME. FRON TES LOCAL PIBS AND OUR OW* PORT PEIMA?. 1>0 #MMoo ,of Sohool deheatros beu¶git4ît t a 6 pet cent. andi pylein ton jurs, baye Sesu aold et. ev.ry $100 of debambuire. A nombar cf mrbsts are cisaging *bout lu thse*rmprens!e Mri. D. O ove0..salm i rem.outherougisi>'repaIraI smb" Lprove vitisavtevto issdlag i éè asson'a grain vils rester il ptoh; h.prompt sud obligina buuimeas vaji la meeting wvus mach faveur. Tise aprng wev s. te Sesa Mm aHery BLekeli of Broolsai been vitM r iN. W. Hsya isoda$sag Lu Whutby an&iBreociLm.. MIL aberlff Paxton vas la lb. vIIWg lest V.sk. A bsarrait feaival nder the auepices of tise Chumreo End vill ha heiti derla l dariug tise pasveel. Thébe y.v lte previde, #5,00for purba"ig r"si astate sud erectiug la mnarket tiaeon, vas csrld by a large irajortlstteIple vting laeiMomdsy. Miit. A. M. . Gilpis, daugister of Sheiiff Paxton, is vilsSer-ohibld, rmpldly rec msn. Ms. Pombettou t. very acfoît%Ïnste w ila isa <inrditan ouce. It bao itt béen r. 4uitalr tise great fire cf CaI spriag, spdmohiapg iLutlb.tissiba bean completa ist lbp . dccl- 0aif a v.ek ago aàciLste h ulliâs>and it.Otoppled eVer, suetunêfürtbar lma l Mr.W cl. ~bua eturiied .freéh About -a score o!f thé iprve gm hbitbde.4aesrasybis sessonaJe ~tos. le;"o io, h, i 'Wri:.. e n aierefrmh,àê vomI vi.tiug a et i er'aM.Walkoi. pl in as mmpbell of Ouassa is. bers *ajgMiasLe-u ampbeli. - 'III~ atheven basgene fer s trip ' p~saalle. li.J .Bickel sund Mr'. <1.. lobait. cf Toronto, formeily reuidoite cf Broablin vote isere Pridar te attend tbieral iofhbei luge freond jan.. MàHalano of Bu*LJo ia a t- ýt"g viii 1r.. T. J. Holliday. 1 Menansd Tisg. OLEANIO. tR u MAtSOURCES OxN A VARIE? 0F SURJEOTS. Declinee!fmn. Norvos .Weaknoaa. Dyepepsia. Ial. poleacs oniDes tpeby. ccnanadmm .Tis come@ freintise tact tisaI lis.7balt ogive snythinga4. Bovel COmsplalit et Chilis, use Perry Daile' PaiMiule. Sesmbvt. in othet OnyOne Packàge C:raDseaa Ouly à dollar packago of theirowfoat Bitter.scarcd,,mîof! Dyapepoia mter .ail,, otise rewtifofabd. * I T.H.EAtON VtQuiatin d'a t:iA lue q etemie apsu c8n wlirtto f lue nervosuid curisgai 1orme cf n'Vous 0301»Pait.gvsgn- Aiudluo biItl.oi statglyà NWADVERTISEXNTS.- Pr enda' S i lfor belis sees, -t 'I Henceï, vises tise..remedueqsare comý-~a 'Pressng baineseA~prlter orcler tea.ifrusgse advsu$sgcsofthtis .lCtdnay Diacaselege itý he tla & i"of ail Tesiing in Pain, Irritation,' Baeti, -Incs'tiiai-tdolugonistia- d- eee1brecelie atudent st *1 4litge 'durfig tischool portion iiseweek, 'Buoisnpmiba:" - t1b - "hIpulita are goitig ont of fuelion :0 Mndy tl Pia, but igisi mneyer*il. At a r.ed ato.. Catarru cf the llder Sneae mlighaea9 u~uu a LM , ý- . o0y authe ptivil.gea of tise Il aïkmu oucre loy "a Dobbme i O-tise! 0f Rogmr' Bra. a BA Watchmakerai Bro"%tre Our Town. XMITRS AmmROI Au unqW TCR ST. ioHN' cuÉas evmr oei CANADA METHO M Rev. l. Abmibby BÂPTIST a Bev. I . O.Spoe0. 5ev.pFsuier-MeOaul. Serviceai Il mn .AUGUST 31 LOCAL. AND WHATr là SWuia om i rm BMEOUSE F IJYELY * "A -'A 297 au rigist hors, au I'm ttivella svay. imma the. story cf me Disciline. At 12, vt %be hûrh -p , n -biaus! ne«. ual readln At0, dMner ursraym. .ébum, tfoi botb of -v", au heur lmuaa isalt.m «î=ve. fHaitpeut 8. ehaicis su suua s ad p rivat. lm per oe' hur. 67 Oomplift tise Aieu, au' other, bout vuslisemumimsumof ota. slj Oe -privalaiie àshuaaàMod-. ilabaa..10-41 OU&'tiLgiausa in- ~rus deuve (clidEnmmy1 M Ukaslo)r lhaBéa brmec may Îst in îrsedm »a - pao. stâi ,Ls o'ele sert momsis;.orci' mi. wsbesed ha th& Bell, whieis keep o onataut Ooablma eaitiaBar agis for ameéhba exammnaisunu su resa'iskliu. But a&R thisapyylu suimifeérisa la only se. saaved foirlbhefaithful. TiseProdea. tens. vi. en borein Iuve, (aveu Prodeatan. Mnither. cum,-aa Fiel. estan Lords & Ladtee--) tsy -de sastisa plaze. Tliey «et full su pliuly,.of thse hast cf oeyiln-fl.au vines, au sles au porthe, included. Av coorse no Prodesasu gulm4a vuti ax for Mate'ou Fridaje; bal ifbie did, I vorit ly b'Iive b. vuti Se-e ethe. ls.oa. piable Moula, se «isvsudantiÏ%ler- oug; anunuutinfod lutishait boapitidity. "am noebarge med 1 Notising te Pay 1 :Nothing&sed forlt Bal sth is îoi tise case, b. vould bha a=mno cisurlLus. deed, viso wv at lais.astsge of .so mach klnduaa au mot lave aum - tie octitbul4mu is tait Pour Box. Tbslre s elory aud cf au Englisb >amau wvisetaioune "a pint & tort- ulgisîllalise Somiu sa@ àgue.Bel VaM tialtlike aSU the etiser gaete- thares niuver #»u, ditackun mot- i bebin l.N ntc a tie i lb., indes! b. rAther exp.cledgo b. àxed Jr anmin.' Be eum agi lb.' mU«t- aoi u etoppetia àols i, ht(i ,fort"ei abA tia- forlaltht, di ox. listio i.e â0â for, guest, undhier wbls 'i n as &wtsmee)mu&iT*au sUlim aou ý 1 ViE a'

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