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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1883, p. 4

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> m t m j ~ a s e i o u , to v 'M d ras s e sli nei lu lin ate ree igoh u pue Wb«ea vilcibu&or chauo agéi lai Ami wrc«mgbthtin ecor. But .MM11ber basai ib@kept Auad op4mguusd luit niglil, hurug i bottai "àlé i lb,.. tile vawum ilep ;RI; iaeii irtbmaeoeils. Wbo *Mturibore, Oh MMa 1 Régithfl hon baisten iluit. euly dawn P Rave edont. o'maou t ty purpose. truat or The Mcml Worahlp of juggernaut. Juiaitathai relation 10 lb.hé hn imytholic ,viii partly cxplâiu hie truc nature. .le one of the maifestations of Vishnansd te cmu«ood b b. ho.h smre ai Krishna. Teforméunder wo aVimhnu fi orshipped aue more or leueoonnetted wlth love, ohile the. maulfeetatlons of Siv.are,on thé oo* tray, of a fleoe.and Icatible klnd. sai th. ohurutor gire on Jaganuatha bêtentitrlbuted go, is mothIng 11ke t tiction miglat heooud fonit. Theo N Pantheon a dlseumlen had aison ai te terepitatI.. 1 le Phojm ein es. Omiéoof th. Draat =&$sutpropas- cdte t M7 ra tou et by which the mau«terzibbe ietted. Bo h. wen& j -pad UebSi BiaThe -reslt vau terrible; that 0"ibon uto a soli pau- i 6onamii..neyd sMeM»millions Of Ms. bel b" hi «1" i4d» i<aln. Tii. Derathea klohed Ersima.This dolby Uaen lateame _8&7, adgruble and roled a littho, but di nothin in nilula. Ti. orathen poac lalana, ve vas aleop, bu avoke lu. MM onbointb.td. Rba eaght th. look MbM "athe.blowsnd étroit. lut b w% h aud, sai h. oped ih ves bat husrt, a% tic caème imeamni. selin a vara anmley asmif ho hod benu tmesaof pain tothé Doré,or as Il hi bai donsen aau lnjury. The foeling ainaut Lahg lite, sien of the niqti laaqSwhiohbmà witb heb. enhip of Vishnu, or is de. uitod (romn Euddhuusutvolorm of failla * wo IMstlongbt ta have beuvery dolooy related, mliiibt of vialoh moi to haie bdmoit oethlng 10 do villa the oniginefthLe vorship of Jagaunathra at Part. ?rom " tii.ill hoi b. een th& the. detruaon cf 11f. touit ho utterlt? apposie te snob attribut@@, sud thatt woldbeo ont of hammouy with 1h. siri « J wbleb ocU glala@gid lu the vorehlp of Vishnu or Jagmunat. Tho Temple s errîeésiproet aï' wlth au Ilustration 4of thle.. bould, by accident, au;yp eion aie viwolnthéetemple vallm, to. ocre. moule. are at once itopped. th. off.rý loge are ausîderet am polluted, and have to ho carrici îvîy, and Lb. ohole pl» almloobsi upon ai elug unclean. tillthI.bubeupurifed. Whou th.eRtba Vatra, or Car Pesi. rai, tah. kes , aidinte do happeu; bhie re rïtboÎ4 '"de puIllig thue -Topes by vhloh the oar& are mored. Islàa. in. possible so @top snob a maii, sut if auj on. aboula fait. h. may b. tramplêt a uinby sneba a ugng e¶ord. aud th. Wseii of te rmâr easy alo oer ti body; but th. frequenoy of snoh evente bsmhein orsgg.rated, aud if thene is blame, I i doubtful if Jagnatba abould ho emid@ aumverahlc. It has oftttu hippmnetwosuth. Quais or 1h. Prine. of Wales bas made a c"te riait tuth ibm aj Iat mrions accidente hare erred, atlended villa l0cs Of lifo, i 6 a malter cf faut snob -eta&eproceesion& Ilirougla tbm etreete of London bar. soi- -dou alcon place vithont soie nseein th. orowd iosing hls lafe. During lb. Car Fetival selfIlnumol4&iou labos place This mime bu boecu ery mucli exagger. atod. EHanilton, lu bim Gazetleer mlmtem Liat *turing th. four jears prier Le 1820 only 1h,-.. oàami eccurreti, out al d te ho aoidetal,and th. cîher tbe le gel 7 rid of excêociatug tdiem"@witb obicla the rictime ver. torment.d. if tliil anythlug 11h. a fair ctituate of tb. dealla rate, thcrc ued h nb. eaillaion lu uuirtiug, ou theb" hio f statlstios, Iliat the Briliea cab i. a muola more bloodthirety insitiîlon Ibgn the car cf Jaganntbi.-.-Praer', againe. The V ra cf #the Flinnel Sthirt fors. Veb a inge spolegy eau be mate: for thi. garmeult uring 1h. sommer. It dciisotadapi iWtceIo 1h. lan ru attitudes itetowhb b. dfure allove it " f o-droop duruuteM2.aid terra, tbe Ieading cf ils beoiom il tarcb rendens il impreriont 16 sit, the unuamed portique ohich depend belôwv tbe valut ireef abucrinal length anti noieeîily te he duposetiof vhen Ihmi n.c.si&ryarticle of sttire, lb. Ircuceri. i. dravu orer thein, whiie the rlgituty df tb. colleasand cuffm i.s imply unen- dturable by ann insu oho bau spreper idea of oomfort. For sitati occasions, the formai, dlncr andi 1h. gltdy vbirl of the dance-If people muai indulge la soohfesivlties turing the eumeur--te expansive wbite shlrl.freut is net out Di pligce, aithongi vo iuit oeufic tht- the 'Most pictnreuc and oeal boll ve #ver attinded vas eamlarge.lmes-' shore hotel, wherc lb.e ýp4 oufpr the-motjart apa, f ue o~kpe- bocheri, fanuelit swund ase imiceti et the peleetralu aud camper out, ort th. white tuck sud blue uniferins 0f lb aqpjthe 1ta0.evîîh th. ladis lu thitioénafWhIav.'ii the nauua On heti ýýU 1 cu10 gnou deai t meyo eo ohiomemiud t.soi ôut ite et the o oume vomîn e la îe obai Der lu lit.i-ia* bis hoe a place e Mau wlth miii, Inicij nsthl.e tld, *b meo-Mau n tueus cnorshyaome. Wo.l -d'cosres -te nees, xýt l ,rts, milb en ni gmfty liai trieut tic, Wofo ellu tb. home oiele floa nohedy lme bove hlm muan Ciiedy nu- ajuapathote i lb hlm, tai Iflie vers la a heaven ef ouse anti rlalion .The drawback etfhooe è, tu ojaniug pemibillîiem et Inslpdlj, ne8i4 aud om emt oesrawlm âe. preseul le snb. bmin, R.efine moro bon.d Illa thome than ,Wftb aie.p. Al th. mentn nedejmut cness ef lite ho .noennters oetae. tc. le'-ibmth eu1 requli cumant excitemeul, ual is home' 1f. 'nucutûrabu. go squ groom veary ef il, mut couideri oe-r!. Ihiug me tains thaï t le'lmimposible for hlm lobeo happy, or ual to fel 1hatbp la leiu uiappy thore than eaemr. W. d te 0ne 0t muIal lb. truc d"mis. tic Mau vl b.o alvmy- -at home. The min alvaji et home bui uqt hâam chance et tbe man oboi. ,-dttj--temt. mîdeto et , for h. cauct h.lp bclag omotiuem llb.thesWb Tih.pont for thée vIf. Io, that e 166038Xuoes hFi he i t hre; andthliIukngoe otent, belougs O firt talote actseive uni trong andi teeply cugagot, amut el L tho lounger, orînin rcsiyniluietýmas. Théoenly point te guardtagalust le tuat he dosnot hiome e 17.eau lu bit bumuneme W a wothblam and mQ4- r wle fthu But lu ie l o"s 1*etl~i fauiltfer lis mot 61i" h b ndl aut if ohms b.d bub lie tact te moaeIl ent.rtalninq for blm,an the mtilut t bo uLtertalned by auj ene, ohcvoni fini thai unch a man helb.vcry iman te Most approdiate sot njej the scel- #by mudtheb.roeta»d ifadImetfei ane Iae homo affordet. Nel Born te licDrovucti. A, 1>0 TAXES A THIP ovraaNIAGARA FALLS AND COMtE OUT ALL EIORT.. Mr. G. Cheman, imys tbm Niagara Palem qt,,eec, au- én bis posesion ~:~~îo o ~ o 'bI ne barleing sm e a unid omîriaoi ai tbey cern. aba&lb. hetreet, muchla 1 Ibm ÏsoayinOfe et 1fentma, ;ho bai tricdt Lebroak hlm off the babit. Pai- lug lu hit. toeînge, 1Mr. Chorman t.- cidmi te put the deg eut cf the oqy, and, thinbing a trip oere h falls tiie most effective, procestet early Sunday morniug, viii. tbe ai*asce et eue cf bis cmplcyc.s, te trop lajint laie b river frem the odâtrc et Goal Island Bridge. Biddlaj deggy geai-laye am he iloste dou le rapies, hc retumnet bome; buI doggy veuld net bave it tbaît oay. Dunlng tbe sftennoon a mtnnger, walblng acressi th e mus- pension brid ge, obserret ea dog under tbe bank, andi notificti the Rate.keeper, aI lb, Aincrican end cf tbm hridge,wiao, weth agis, rsoogniue4 tthe dog, aud, buovaeg IbsI he bt hem enet orer- lb. abs neid Mr. Ç9 oînm*l tbe-dcg vas hiloWthe hanS, Lab1eI the dey 1Mr. Chonnian veut toon Lie inclinai!raivayJbat ceuit net finitLe animai; but emrly ye.tezdtymo arnlng bis sonuvont ton Mmson dt.onvcred the dog, wooiemei sfrsky am lhecgb notblng boat hppoee. Alilut oee L.dog hbu become the beoeoe thhe ur, ant i ou nov lhoallovedti t r"Main sud lire eut tihi full moesurs et his dajo., Tliroo Up Your Chîn, The obole secr-let ofbsandinugmnt vslking ereel consiseinla mpi La chin oeil aoray <rein 1h. breat. This tiros tlbondcetupouariand bacoati cudti he abcuidir viii nalursiiy setblc hackward anti ho Iheir nn. peusiion. Those obo mloop lu oilking gcunall lok dionoird.The preper vuy'la te teck mlrigllb eitiuponeum ie le vil wlta ycur-eyes, or if yen ane iuelined Le nloop%,until that leot.ncy as erercona. loob raîben above Ilau below tbe loviV Mouataluaera aresai Leh'a. eIlutnah usaa arao," sud Ibm reason ia bc=&m 1h07 are ebligedil tecôk upoard sm mue Iu i la imply impossiblle mto etp iu valk- ing if yeti beet andi prautico this rois.. Yon vwiii notice Ihat ill roundt ebonitcr- cd persons carry lb.ebin curthe brmut anti pcint.d doonwarti. A GBNTLzNtAM in Brooktyn, celebrat- log 1hrh, l O f a daugialor onrb, -a cf lb.e penlniz cf tlebridgze, prosm te cail ber Victoria. in houer cf the. Qileen'a blntbhay, ohereuipon a tri ent (net uaiteruam) iugg..tld Aba.more apearopriate nainmenu dIii Bridgeaý.' White of e9g, beale t e' 212 degterea mut kept sIthat limperuluro a obilo, mop"hmdtfe-aýpt heroy. If Ibho 1.4 ià opied s littl. foriber il laeomm ohOrhtiloto iasubstance ohichin me bard andti leglathît s ralu- ablc cerent lse btainet býy slmpiy emmenng the odgem cf tbo article le ho cimented tlbîhietf gg und thon bsmtiug iL a-lith iabovi 212 degrei. -Wbocu bm editer propomet and vas abepe, h. sai tLe hie sweclbesnl,"I wonit le glad ti iyju voulti give nme s kie!!ln-obsorving ber blomb,hs stidet l'net ueesurilj for publication, but se A French lion lamner quarreilut ouah »z. vif., a powerfol virago, sud vie 0kamit hy ber alb erer hie tont. On b.- mg goreiy presieti lc took refuge li t- cage auxeng tbf lion@. IlOha t Yencou- benptlble ioveri 1" oh. slaot4 'I-Coue eut if yen tare b" A 11111, feliov, ibneea et, b bat nmvmr stan tromletl cakec, asotaIa thbm "able fer a pi... cf'* Ibat oeh.illa piasLer cn il."o The young ta in uPeensyiý49Ia oo va.4ee bvel ou scil ing'. ta&U*lter,ý sait bo thouht petreleyumruqu -,wae oipllen M ort4'great bpvp4îI~oi abandocu hope outil yen bave biet Rn-.'- do fery. A wUl* »émib'a Dcre thasthb. va.bora &aposi, gnv laie anu-vweol w ya' ëiioý more ttei Ioiag9 boill, mr hur aray lu. hi mci~tiembah l~4ilea uppeuctiby the eouclemtuinr f tic wax Oth e Lb Miul4f4~e ra e t kovà ngn hajstuki aidf&rru bulldln May >thnm b, eceenutet for. A Wide Awake Druigia. ianbclahie bÏund u taene pauateseUn- Ib elof every Artcle fl hlm lIn.. H umcuat ta gency for lb. celebralet Dr. Klug'm Nev Dis- otýer,> for Colaumktiois. The ou ohe ~ ~ ~ ~ o ba eueiaesyuthelHet the books, sud nover pautlu ont veeti turnipi, or pumpkinm. -. blob's Coneumptie;n cure. Thisle boyent question tb. mî etuoceWafl Coug Medicin. vo bae erer soIt, a f.v dose. luvariably cure tb. ermi came of Ceugla, croup, aud a para1l1einluhLb hltenyof medicîn.. aCeugh we annely »k yon glry it Pr e.1 tm. 50O0e,.sud 11.00. Il jour b lea. orolàamatetÏ. W. IL oUiw eholeaale mot rotait agent, Wlitby. Neyer lok a gàfîbouse. in the morV gage. Street Tmlk. "Hew moch, botter you loh mn.r S.' Tee, 1, hav. gaineti 82 peïandi on 11l'8 Caarrb Cure. Have no# fait me0 oeil inlO0 yemnîs. Ithmus'mpde a com-. ploe cure sud is wooth #50 a beoule te auy ono Li a t he bCalarnh." Kidnapperm-Bootbing ayrups. For Toothache, Bura, Cle ad Rhoumatistn, use' Perry Davis' I)min Kitllr. Soe advt. lnazmother celumu. »ète~w -0604 eoeMachine 8HILOH'B CATA"H R ÉDY., À. marreonoursm for Oatarrb, Dlp;- theula, Cîàier mobai Ep Aowub. Witb emci boulee Ihere lcara lugeabio6 nasa inecter for -the moret uuc.sefn troatmucaL et tie»e oOm ante vot extra chirge, -..wJL, ovue, Wu cal. and Be"l The olotu uo vren1 otronger thuma vand y~ et vW*hi- quebtly hopw'of tbekiir ome depat The GP.Z&T GERMAN INVteR. ÂTOR là the marrel of thc Modicai Oure Nennians Dobiýiý int ifentalI be'P'r"o, su=«Üd,'ac cansîd fregu exceamos. Tie tectimuen of tbouaindmeu h.bat by oniting V. J.- CH[ENEY. Toledo, Ohio, soo i ' for tbe United Slalem. Prie 1.00 par box, six boxes for #5.00. lt If rru mai*.Circifla ndr mite@tnaui0mo Boit by Ië. É.' Ievu, scheinist mat druggist, WiiLby. i OUT ef igbl, Ont cf mmnd, aithe dl.- Ircnsed vif. returerbot henae. eu ber tuautn comiug home frein a aigbt out itthelb o f-ç r- Moularu1 Mo 'ralih lt Are.jon duturbed'aI uigbl mundlroken- cf yen: reel by as sikobtid loin andi m . a 9 pffoin Rot cu&"?bpa soornNG8 »u'I gel a-bot 4f 14 W tho vU Doct Wiul ju atonce " is it o uI rognm the bootelm Bt e rut t oLemo-0 ther, sud nnid-» atilo thteii operatin;ilhe 'aqlsrItluli.sfuU mate te nue l inýl cases, and pleasi to the taste, sut le Lb. Prescription cet qn ofet Ibm ltpo ap ,ut-bmI omai. p4yolel;u anti naarslu the Uut Statea. Sit everjohbno. Tv.nly'five oeute at bot. die. mied-aa he Rest and Cemiorl b lbhe Buffcrlag., 'Bilaowxs qFaasîïeWPR4Fite Ù ine oquai for reli±.vng pain, bonternatzM iapt extemrial Il cignepala inLsi, bci tha= ZhUia4ig h ackw o nq. ai MUte ina Pain itehi4, u« cf de u te tr.uglb cf au obimir, ~.Llituit-t e vont, siainluevcry famllj eaiy ft n.. whon want.t, 'las Ircaly lliahesim rouaedy ia lb. weMzldIpu Cram, la inte leluu,ati f anodd b ch«. o &lui kBns -Dnis-Sarlo*lou.k.eWperaggprofit Dr. Dunand's Freuca Beutîes. Aiecobiiouanaumeatedand; - aadé, siëk by tue thought of feod?_ Is tiare Sa duit, dras *g' pain- layour right side?4 Pe -your. bovelq.s.ucla±î'l e~t sq&wifrtheuut anàyapparettt cause ?l 'YIehie W'iîites ,0f veurtiyeztiuged, Wiîii yew P -OU ski tyerwan,-clammniani 1 coppeuýë6Jored? Dems our-- mouth taste badiy LiiCe mnering? Are you cdsî ivu? De yeu have frýhirag piles ? __yctur o 4Uéý.îyou dizzy ý d MMeigh 'ëd t îimcs? Artyu idmy and despendent ? Ii vour urine iighly colored? ,%ra yeu nerVqiis and ýfull cf b. 1 feeliuge.in rll parts cf pour --bd? If se, be advised b-n- your case gets more seritn.-- beforc yeu arc scized by so n forna of loy fever orbeconue -otherwise hôpelessly sick. Take Sutuimua A-m IloN; - flmitRs.. The trpule i.it I p uîi x thit your Lver is oli of erder andndrceds regtaktin; - immmcdiaîciy. SIJLPHU R A - IRoN Brrr-s wli heip yçil as nothing cIsc ii-tliîe shapq cfmedicine, cnn..- -1 Regulatcd, rtimuiated t-lli Farmers Pleas Consider This. msack, to cur C"IholesC1soi.ra oba cIl i U »Il marnr complaints cf a è1.1. For Toot.aebc. Irurnm, scalda, cua, Bruits, &é. lb., rAI u ER oUi mbe round ia ollla aI a rsi" tou -aîd st a Voix.bï4 voule, Craumps, * ery tuM erseS, jW~e. abd: ît ba SThe. PAN 1ç LLER la for -1,0 by fluiicOuauTla Now York, " mmdb mca "Ç~tla utsi., N àt jU.dWiispf Lu.t lineà ha1eu a eÀpims umfetrîabie laiWg mr mffectla Lie pouf, WABtaLA ké~rnp o- Ayei 'E olimuijlot remtaîâud Jolaf IlImot mc~m~ tVA.Offintc mut uI h se I - bIuârAý*Ç m otatbs rea eueb ose.~ ~ ~ I cfOimkI kn.leeaumâÉera U=. tueigiOfiO' Ta b-7 onq 76 I.nt OgmmmT O- 48-09. , S e.e.-Hrm ewoIdaIi'Oub * a m. el tai ýer sdIuie uiomUufaetLoo I! mur w mua ll w. v-. ewis 110y;, -ON. SATISFACTION GUARARTEEO OR MONEY REFUNDED. Auetrequafred teo I'. . oUer.r OaN* re MxBe in iipriy lahe leed,- 1r18a*ug.irsnmIZntm thlbe comm plceltc, or hoU, toe m uoelmalt- tamuI orm cf mrohuicus ucer. -0up, -r Sm Berns, lmzOcleuaaag Li -bloetii lfy Lie çumplAlenfuma-, ic-wuest, ama uieant :klco -remnltl froua imperfecel nouriabmeul t ofie body, soaenfou-bratb,a"di Maovatc tic s«- tirea ijseei Osa vo Tio Bernai vil ecm endluu7- oaattpatiea or beuireneii, lborby remor' lung botiedi,#plie, bUicua. cnt jaca- dç d &U d i uos rcaaltinfi m e :-rpt * ~Uvo S Berr*iby cesln lat el bloci, lmprcring th$ goumnsl lualibanda ir*yaL tem gau lmthmntfÎs uelmiin ii ame e~e, udlI ies thictlr s>uwm, cnang am" evam-~e ermi iebity, b»*'amlevcahn It i mllcudant neied. 9 du 9!4Z PtEDOLLAR. n AUL DHPftîîSTI8Td- DEALERS. Thi JHNS-ON "In Degerdll'ia Stock for gyour - li/BIfTURE a! Jî i. im iullom m Ut"cd Uuggu mEmoud hrcuthesudlts. Mdhvrai. vese v.Memloe!,laieaeiy- JIow 'Lost I How Restore I( *'I~ e bhare roeutl pblibe 'neo ediuion e u.Guri th. raiclai permanent cure <vitiacut cied ueNrvo1aaDcbiliy, Meutlansd or tw postage ilampu. The. clbrat uher, li hi admirable Eauea 4d cir1 ê eaaaarme, «ýfrein llilrty ccmffuqum my b&j ue adicaly curc ii- eut fhedagernuse oet internai metichii or lb. ue ef tueh" lte if -1tiegcu mjode f et u"oceipieraiLn ma oieaby lnust ob1ela tvcvry mufser, no maliern ohmL buicondih2imy bu, May- cure lammacif claespiy, priraalely uni ratio- Ally- mm-Tht. Lecture ibeuli bla uthe handi et erery youlh santi every -au lu the lend. THE OIJLVERWELL NEDICAL 00, 41 Axan St, New York- Jo ~e W~ks, Witby, Ont. a large t so*FIEÂBAGS coniing 0fopen m ý ',u'cWggona, Dexten uenWlziteeimpelPiano Tliei. berbve ille le uxnufn.olurca! from l t ilo pracci, for eala o>#'iutimtat.l oui purobAsei attention .pai to' p ixý à td r eirinfl 83 Srin CIohr& Io noxrshowing me thecnewcot goodu- in Seo~ch, Diagonale, '83 .A L. StYR PJJ -N~E J OUaL con cTT]% li. ycSocl 'ScofCuà,UlbA ulf4lePaom1evicon. vbmc tbhe- pi M ept u .- Bl £W. B. - IHese' D àzkStore, biby.' IWORN U- POWDERis. deg4royar of worms in Chiltren or Aduiai -Fit bemp Excursion for Englàh, nd -Canadian Tweeds., DAKOTA and MANATOBA-1 spFing Overeoutiage ee nBï>etc,,M orderdoo~ig J'ohn F'erguèon, Merohant Tailor, .Whitby.m4, ;We do a Cash-busin«ess and likei ourjOsoer obepO8 mont. Ail pools sold at o6zie price, thé6 bwest 'Cash pai for ail produt e if -ýa4ted. NO T ADING- HPT1V. B~own ugar,- ~-16 ibs. for- $1.-OQ Whuite Grii. SÉugar [~js ~1~O Teassfl inde 'f'ey eo Piledoubt their yaiie.- GROCEIIES ial LUnes. I-TALIAN WAýRE,__HO:USE.- S P [N G GOQUS CRED1T VALLEY,- ana LevaTORONTO at NOON on the 27th THISB NOA-D 18 BOT BL0OKED WITH Panti.eU ng.»West o. mmSve lima aua expeni. by tà]Cmg" U11z route. FPir tickets u1 tand flio py te Railiay Paiscuger Agent, O sie peiteTflay'i Rotei, Duda-el,« au-ar ïeîMtny. Hou6 ei 0ersor fc onBale le. 50 A orcnie u- cir, rSae part ol, biag phlfortLet 8, o inbi Co *i ad. LeLeTreet luof lb ou e10 IWbitbpy ~r~tielÉaÉI e MIS. WEGM CX0D th188,sud oessd'ipo uter Apnil Tiy the Boot and hOB Store -of NonlTH STOIRE,,MIRT~tC, (V1~ A 1RfTi setiing au esosces Ali Dr.~ Soit umu p il W- i, ami -s 100 V'l . 1

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