Wlth. md iwtltlug .1. XXXI. WHITBY, ONTýABIO' lu !truik abliahed 1856. Weekly In OntaîloCoty o cicpmet anca b451i forirahed Jb prItUng plant ln'u sern W aP ble o f ! uin a la e@o a. with is olebraisd N. y. Goitre»î inu peu end other modern couveul- m. Rery rderrecelves prompt, cars- HENDERSON & GRAHÂM, Propieicru. UN STANTON, supI Mechaniosi Dsp'i. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., AÂRRISTRXI County Crown &ttorneyq ý an cotntysoilcitor. Offie,- south kg, Court Hous, Whitby -48 JAMIIS jtUTLEDGE, A.B.RISTB, &a. Off±oe tormerly oc- 3 cmplea y Pareeil h utledge, noe UovWYZPHetel Brook St., Whitby. -DAVID ORNISTONsB à i,o TTORNBY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR INI omoet-lu th. OfficeSouih cf the post Offce, in Mohfifla'Bloqk, Brook Street, Whitby. -ly-lo G. YOUNG IMITH, L L. B., B ITR, ho%&., ho.-M'oue ho LAM Issuer of arriage lcenses. Oixo-SmUiBlook, uuth of Karket, Brook St., Whîtby. 17U.9, 1878. <tif-6 JORN W ALLDOW9 1DB RTBII-AT-LAW, SOoLQTORa OUo.-DoyerilPsBlook. Brook Shoot, [n'tu 10 Oo, sta i loy to et O'nhagoery ovue, k&o.O 81m=- s Street, Oshawa. burgh>, &Q. No. SiTl TERQ, BBNS. WH[ITBI. Gwl3 R OSPITAL LONDOPN, ENG.' th eb ys a. .0. LL sw, O lr 4- TOYS DOMS P. ÂRRN, LD., 01. (oGIL W. CUTHBERTSON, M..B. (eot, OIrrLCE: BROOKias. fUIGGS & 1VO-RYf a.; E. cor. Ring sud Yrotge Il., frouto. B 3T TBBTIK.4 Hae exracsalb: SELLING'OIJT ! Giving Up Busines& Miss FITZPATBIOK Boguto lntorm lier fblendeand suoatomers ihai lier stock cf gooda mnui be scld by 3auuary lut, 1887. lu order tc, do go, sah of ihe fdfOUwlng vii le s oldaicout prios. DRESS GOODS! In Cashmeres, Costume Clotha, Ottomans, Flannels, Plaids, Winoeys, Ptints, Muslins, Plushes, Velveteens, Linens, Honeycomb Mentie Cloths, Trimmings, Buttons, Steels, Linings, Skirt Improvers, Ornaments, Claspe, Ready-ms.de Clothing, Quilte, Batting, 14 bunches for $1, And other lUnes i Embroideries, Laces, etc., tee mimerous te mention. ÂAU te be 8OLD AT 0081.I NO MORE BETAIL PRICES M.AAiqi; Fitz wtw - 7s DUNDAS ST., WmTBY. Ueo. SIMi 86. 52 COROWQ-OD FOR SALE le Geo. Cormaek's LUNBEE YARD, - WHITy.1 $5 for Single Cords, Delivered. . 030. OORMACL Wbalb, Oo 11h 18titif THECOOIC8BESI FRIENO i aF. PEASE FORMAE COMPY Sole Muautairmet o! . elbrat. TOItONTO, -ONT. XMA8. OOD8! tom W.' Re. HOWSE, OEMST AND DRUGGIIT C W, Ladies'or Caxes, Mirrors in Plu8h, Toile t Cases, Large Vases, Âà nd au asortimuioftotha er ils u iabis for preasIs. CoU a nd EwiOur Stoc* Bof.rd LAMP callm au-th. e mma..orlm This l fhom a ,Mr. cordini 10 repi ed. 1 Elan Of blg tfiay 1 'te hi. Who! Who et of i3rass and Bronze cor Brook ma dDunâsa Strutha. BOTTom.,PRIOESW1 OEà LI£BR&?]ZD HARVYE yLAMP." M M ,for we ua# ore long h. vwiii ëoted oue.-CfLOU ideroi sud à a ior himueéia, home m nout Ial. Tbe r- osipte *70. 140.he iagoof demi aboya the verd r aadi a "mhrl ~~âarke's00, meoin eme so &#e ancouobed inS e wr vote o >l 1:~ o *iioUlOtliéItO aE4 t7: miss Mary" Wisnô fii eg-a .vnn.T"-. ebwol.bus& rhood, W Mýý hi.hoa. Banders oi RgfilUud. Mlî. Wilson o@Oý rougham; sud mise Bandera W bg ehaîr. It vat* expetd thal oughim to Mr'. Richard W l a , *dn wold hbave bn -pissent . v jcniy; M~r. W bb o! thia vUige ul ybu other enegagements pýevent. Mmdii of tie ame tt1ement * li,' Lake tola hi. aory veIL. Âifrid Balioua o! LisaIs W xMi s Véry weady sud tobi. seaker J à Barkevo r o kin; ddimc me"n ho 4. Y«7 uid. Many s te end of t" ethm*gail noiyet.fa 5 em n ,hoovïe, w111UDo B, zWmur I otuolbl. O ->-,, - o , Yaka hald v, meeting hors ci,,! ýb o!, ColSums la sellngto &haL Vau. s on Bnnday augday-gohool 1 the. ochool lus and entri. 'lu VETER!NAJIY &0o nioe Pr ~IMuffs, ii Mandles, Z 131k Robes. ~8, &C., whioh 0DB, -ýShawls, Overooatings,' 8.0. CRÂWFOKTU,' -7 1 1 sud uà tü4-ýý Wih-