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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 12

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* TBÂVBLLING ne COMPÂIO~S ton EITO- ETO liii the SUITABLE FOR X1AS. ly -Pol bac ba gL1~~.4~th furtoNL10uY SiO PER ANh"ý onM TI Ws hitby1 Frao .1 , 1886. . Thefr Wigur e ecetin farcanesofl h Oshawa" anad ue luofEast Whitby. Be fer ti. couty concl f à i o uld aity T v leýiýo un hang d of laT orto, h oP olootinstincorn f et tmay brizeg i flguod trMesr. . Blark e, o a Osewa, an Sntuihh foEeofthe b. ro Yowx aperaos pl woule nee a if Myor dhowand cer, fTrot'b e Te n h.e aftiarnest aeget oes gfel oetod fhie eod em.r.D li a i p raste n oppooft, ebens o! te beoet c aoi« ad tiscsuppte, 'if tbpe atre i porte favor tho following;-Toroflto E. F.Olarke, Hl. 1. Olarke and John Leys; E.okIG. B3. Smith; lNorth. Ycrk, 1Dr4 Widdifield; West York. Dr. Gilmore .Eaýt- .imcoe M r. Drnry; North Ontario Mr. I J. Gould; Wet Victoria. Oruees; ,East victoria. Feul; West Peterboro, Staton ; West Durham. Dr- MoLaugh- ilan; Easit Durham. Oraig. Ar, the nominations forcoonoeilloril, Sheld ab Brcoklin 'on Monday last, attention was Called le i. acdthal 1h. proceeditise cf lh. Wbitby Town. sahip Oouncil was often omitted froci Ïie colmuote lb.OBNIOLE. Il Wae offered li axplanation tMat the. 0nisoN. 1IZLI sometimes declinoci te publish 1 hem, W. wish bore te state that lbe o xplanaticn made, 1.11 an erroneous impression.' W. repeatedly asked > membore cf the Oounucl te send us, or .ha!. th. Clark sand uis, a full or aeo. a oondoned report cf 1h. proceedinge. ~ arge majority eoured by Mr. . MUwï*t will have the affect cf killing la gocd deail'of the lutereest lakenon pro- <vincial politios. Tii. qnabblo i. nover se keë s wien botbli aides are nearly aqu In-àBut. aTor nto rsewill Masu an tii. lion# ML. Mowat. Wore )Ir. Mowal nowv ho resigu tie premier. mhlp cf Ontario and's leader cf the Ontukrla wing dî thie Opposiition lai thi Domnion Pàrliamientl, join with Mr. Blake ln the. appioa@biug eleotion th Referma»Paty wotild oertaînly b. li voslt tg o oWOiud more and bot ýlitin*,aterial thau lu anby elootiet to theDominion Parliainent suio aeration, ~eaul$ R i he lsolins shows the *&ian i le Ho . MKowa$.Ho&ew htbd lbhe mi eoft h>i Tories -w.re engage lu mkln hilnpresay for eti1.1DP) inlon elohlîoflh,àn4 weàtl lýe 'btonLA rery 4ee ai r asn 5jqueStions at ifflet il bi bllrrO ry oIft and has 1o4eparI t b ho0l ld &tien Il. The 'min, Wiose 0n - te p eople, while, Lor& Harting-pason rouaed, is,-not- open t ï i andi Mr. JaOI mb. rlan ave <OOilet i, andiieaty hasprd oetain exttent failed le coma up tlethiee othierp, soo1ls a ahitg ba, h standard cf lthe Englisi people's ase au lispssifgton e t heh h ea.Lord Ohilahl'as1,bldness aandpil gh ran1.eIr~ ýven9s, dde- o,? th fët tht he'The lesons tal ýhhy have be*n tbugl4 ivemi08O adaê h h.tact'iI b me b. cf« erivitée>- ate'hem, in fân"e G if ie brifluant and olever omlo,ý p dib'3campaigne.' Mr. 1D*yden's majole'y le fit biàà ho beooma à ho loador ofthe a etç ade oeta i-8m p i.. Hèindependencoe lidesertiing 8 O.I 'dedmr i n sm lo ld ii oypmyh rnhotagi supporters axpacteadand neer- Fhimeoif will eihe bel bis oend, yhwe iunredmrtin ispe IiticaIlly Or W'illanablea inÀ hogo eneem WiIighocua bm. bek amnog ielae oi ie nnds se The banner -townsbip o! Pickering . os f hi.I pamlithe ole ofairly cutdîid itlsf li s s upport of Mr. nglaud Wüuid ratier lie latter. Dryden abid .Befomm pDrinciiples. Vory 11111e change Bseen toia enplace TEE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i filtheemltrrgadn heol b ther divisions save in Mr. Lerke's cwn town whici . was expectod suito! thé elections e, liaI thi. cierges te secure him, againel a crugiing de- TL ginst the, Govemumoent ware weak lai lest, but did not de nearly go muai for E- rat place -md nwoem lmst ebandoned hlm as Port lerry and Whitby. Mr. y lié Ocasrvetiva party to lake 1'p Dryden le to e ho-ccngaluletod onies àe N Poery2ry An inthi thirvicfory whici reka amog the gretaBl i. N Poery ry.And ai ie Ioirin th. province. ,pe cf-keepina eportion cf 1he Catielie _________ rte made thoma w.ok lu lie kaees. Ltesfo h epe 1e lesson le b. leamned lmom tlâis, and Ltesfo h epe rom al otier. alections for tiaI malter, Tie School Questiori. a liat tie paty wih goos wiole og wius., The people don't care forEdtrO ONL: k rligionuetelifeaiet any lime; but ah any SiR :-Would youq kindly shlow meG îlte cenuol b.e tirad intccite by a a smail spaoe ilu yeum valueble -columus if-hearted connivence at securing the te wmito a few words. ini eply tae-"A otes cf bath Bides.- The Conaservitive Womking Man" li your issue of lie 17i arty repudialed lb. Mail aud Beform- must. Wa live, w. are happy le gay, me inerely bad hto oit down and lottlb. lu a fres country wisre ovemy one bas Sfail dc tie wcrk. Tiare was just en. lie rigit tle express hie opinion ou îugh noise aised le hurn aIl tie Cath- public mathèes, and we heail tas an )lice but aid encaigi te taira more tien amen for good when w. set worklug- à f.w Protestantesthie cher WBy. mon ooming tealis' front, aud advooal- ____ >______ ing by pou or veico measumes wiich How lil c noopportunity has beau offeet lie -woll.beiaig ci Ibeir country affomded elther our lown aldermen cf and countrynien. But ws should ba esBt yeîr -nom the aspirante for uexî yesr cramè lnet te abupe hie liberty by to adrss heeletor ad explai, th indulging in a Nfalt-finding spirit or ~e adree lieelecomebelillling lia services cf ochers whe, ta own affaire ana iaas cf its iâtemosîs. tb. beet cf -their ability, are seoking.le Aset es naimbor cf mon are sel up anid peormn hemr duties as publie servants, X are jnadgad by thie electome in lie light sud wio, w. bave a rigil ho assumé oftorpersonal populamihy or financîial are, itlelast as deeply iuï4retea ilu. .ý ofIerweîî.being cf the' ocmmun'ity, as eir 0 standing. Thie may ho itlnlbuted enlire- îeulî.findems. W. are sorry te sayliaIât ly le theo-absence cof disonseicai. Per. youm correspondeail'heu besai led te ispB the hast available mon go lu Indulge lu the oaptions spirit.p but il wculd b. one cf the won- (1) Ho finds feul with tie Oountl dore cfthie world if alacteme took Oouncil fer eppointing men lu the aaiy intaeet li municipal piliic, à Sehool Board, wio have e voicesudJ subje$t on whieli tiey never have an vole on aIl, questionss effecling tho oppoftunity a e heng aaiytiag. It je public sciocîs, altiough the coainly a e-galar tig, teo e On eCeo oes a not contribute in any way te Iheir for ho notice il, how eloqusait oseaof our support. Now Ibis statoment je lu- lati town fathers eai fiy off ou aimest auy correct. The county indireotly does otier subjeot, -but can neyer b. dragged oontribztte&tethie support ef lb., Public lite aay discussion except on tie Great secools. Il dose se by oontributing le Cow Questien, and liaI ah lie Ceaiai the support cf lie Collogiete Instituts, o! board. Wbitby towniship aspirants are wiere cair publie sohool teaecers gel a holding lhree meetings Ibis week and gced part nf their training. The we cent Ose wby enr poliihed lowDB. training Liey receive thon., represents mon cannet take lb. muet -eut of lbelr. thecountys contribution le lias public throahe once et loiet. sobools. B -------(2) Il je a mistaet to affirm tiaI lie SiNCE the change mode li tho Postal counîy ceiiaI noprosentaive wîo site service on lie Midiand Bilwey we on lie Board, has neyer id îny taxes have been ubjeet -la ýgreat annoyance anid on tlii accoun t, bas ne rightta oW: by parcels cf papors going astmay. W. vote. Bosides, car public and bigi tend a th mailng o &H or p ebhocîs are se closely linked tgeter, tondte ie milig cfmliour apee laI it le impossible for eue te wonk porsonaîlly and tie diffieully lies witi for thie intoresl cf tia Higi, withoait et lie pasl office officiel on lhe trains, lie saine lime working li the intemosl W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- wet-ve-o-in o-atiralstcfle 1ubi soheois. 'Whet benefits 46à Wonking Min" included, liaI we e TEEi annuel report c fthie Scicel have our own Board, men wio, wiile 0'Board, as prossnted allihe nominations oppased le every hbiug li lie forni cf ,e oxtravailiOê,bave ufficiettappre. o n Wednesday, willî ba foundin another cialion of a lemohars mark and office te . pageocf thie issueO. Il shows thhet hemo maka tissu williug ho allow a lîberal Oare 691cbildren cf sahool ages lu. hie salary te e loacior lboreugily qualified th litown, cf wbiob 806 are btwen thie for is position. n ge e o f 7 nd 18 and subjeol ho tie pro. joue J. CAMEEoN. ùvisions ofithei. aw as ho., oompulsory The Mense, Pickering, Dao. 28, '88. atlendance. The. total attendaeiOml net givon. Thie Callegiate InstitutsCahin onalda epas f*5895,o The wonaerfaî suecescf Dr. Smithos 'wblei lie Local Govenaimênl and Gorman Worim aoy has lnduoed 1h. le oounly pe.id lu oqual abane 8 2 979.26,, introduction cf sevenal vuei mihatlons, Sl féeas ame ta 8582, -mnusil i*78.50P The word "Wormarin'e,y" a eerl5l ~trade it drawing #87, outrancee *xiàiliehipol mar,'la alampedon en oi cke, without la857, an-h mncplwhioh, nouse ara genuino. Use ne ohor. id sd le mnicpal é8<efl~hA. box lu hlipahose wilI save msny a &MOUD tho 42,188 only. o! lb. -x .eee' ii Spenditunereeh ar«d o hieIe giitO ll e tdbtL h brli-e ry IùsýtLute #i50 shoulfd malIy have been Wtà cf ha"ed tolite Modal Boheaî, as one ofchg ml tiradleLd n holîe Itie staff teacbi3estadoring peasW ol-W g 1h. Cal ual: T i0à d liaIr FULL OF ELTI uts shi Netat, and Nobby: - ie, olas,Çff0,SXe, BraceS, BreastpillsColler JButtons,1 - Bleeé Holdrs, Cif FlodersStooking supporters, Udr Gloes Mtts Scrfàl> Toboggan BitTobgaéahs o Jackets, Shirts, Jerseys, c, c FursI a'dies' -ents' Furs~ i Fur Coats, $25, $30, f J 38 $12, $13 $14.9 Ladies' MuifS, gls. S.eal, $20,.$.2, $25. ý Caps, Ladies' Persian Lamb Muiffs, $8. 50,8$9-50, $1050, $1250. Caps, 35 $4.50, $5.50e $6.00y $6.50. A.lso a large and complete- range of Muis11 the following: 131k Coney,,Mink, Otter', Grey Laimb, - Baltie ýSeaals ]River Mink, Skunk, Possom, Astrachan, oky l er &. ofo 25 up. adie Fu C ape t $5.00, $5.50-$600, $I.00 and $7650.And a complete stock of Fur Trimmings ini ali widths and colors from 35o per yd. to $1.50. Fur. Sea X $5.O.Peria Lm,$5,$50,$.0,$e0 65O 70,$75,$.O S.S., $9.00, $9.501.00. Te largs sokinutLnarb,$4.0y select.5P from $.5, $7.00,t$7.eal00 a,$8.50, $.$9,0, $1.0,.0O$0. Te Bar e vestocaS,ouOaotoeae-r ,BB ich Seal Top, $4.00, $4.50, $ 5.00, $6.00, $6. i0. Mink band, $6.50. -~ Imt. Lamb- Caps, i Grey ana Black, 50c, 60c, 65e, 75e, 90e, $1.00, $1.25, et 1 IE;?. .aS"lh elechoral Dialmiol - of the 1T SouthRiding T punty o! Ontario.) à àWBQM i r i t U n r nK s JOWNSHIP 0F 8CUGOO. WIT UTBX-IC NOTICE Dandidate for thiesaid EBleotoral District the Election o! s Member for the Legis bveAssembiy of Ontario now psndling, hie appoinleâ N ith Seotion 546 o! the cnoiae Municipal Act o! 1888, that the Council of thieMunicipality of lhe Township ef Scugog in thé Connty o! Ontario, intend ah a meeting of the sùid Concil. te be i eid lu th. Township Hall, Scugog, on Saturday, the' l5th day of Jan-* uary, 1887, At Ons o'chock< P.M., te paso a By.lsw ho stop up and sel lie foUlowing original al- iowances for roade un 1he. said Township of scugog, via : TU TWNHOMIP 0FY- SUCLI N OTICE leher5y gven u cordauce withfh cin 4 th Ouoldh Municipal Act of!-1883, tt tir Ls Conoi of the Muuicipality ofthe Township cf Scugog, inuthe ounty o! Ontarie, inlend ai .meeting o! said Gouneil ho b. heldin thi. 1% Townhip'iHall, Scngog, on Baturday the l15th day of .Tan- On.ary1887. At O0clock, p.m., . tc paso a By.law le stop up aud salithe following allowanoe eehablised for s road lu lia said Township of Scngog viz: The moad establiehed iu lot i4lun he 7th concession, foirmerly Beach, extsndihg from RUOBERTK JOUIHN (bUN N, The lowanc for rod known SB the0l the centre roadun&- wesseruy =UOL Wu~ Wbtb, n h Cuny fTown ln ewe os1inte6hCne-telaie. the Town o! bty ulCuh f sion formerly o! Cartwright ana, 24 in.he Onari, Sequire, 14.D. his 5h Concession formeriy o! Beach ; also NOTICE le iemehy futier given ho ' * '4 ai liat part o!the said old Town lins ex., N any person or pensona wio do net FINANCI~~~~~~~~~AL AGEN T, teuding from he nôrtieru lirit f h. Pins esiel.frgou od-eh edu -Point noad uorth to the sioe so! Lake Scu- and sold omaekncwu Ihoir objeehuma le ordinq ho tie Shatule lu liaI case maade gag, excepting tiose portions wher hé the sanie at afome meeting o!fCou4l .d provuded. sa mie j crossed by tie (Jenre mail sud By onder o! Counoil. J. HÂTa!FERRY, other cross roade. JOHN POT$ Beturulng Officer. The allowance fer moad hehwsen Iots 6 lrTanhpo ng. 7hty,2naDc, 86.42 and 7 lu the BIh coneesdion. The mîîow- lerkNv. 1 T cwnh1po!86uog ilhby 22ndDec.,1886.4.ii2 anos for mosd between te 6h aud 7h con-DadNo.1h186 cessions fronting lot 2. The allowauee for moad hetween the 6h and 7h concessions, !onmerly Beach, ex lis old Town lino. The sllowauee for road between the 7h and 8h concessions, ex- hendig f rom lie eaid Town lime eaatwrd PUiBILIC INOTICE lo tie centre o! lot 2 in the$8h concession. Tho allowauce for roýd between the!th Blsctoral District ad 8h coiRceasions !ermorly o! Beach Iu vew ofhe useapproaci o!he of the sxhsnding from the contre rosd eastward ho Souti Riding 8S HEUR BY lie western limait cf lie Town lino. of the ~~G I V B N Tie allowance for moad belwsen lihe 8h O I- S SN ounhy o!f Otaro,ha and 9ti concesione, !ormerly o! Car11tL D Y SE S I Wright, extending Jrom the. Centre rosa I eg te announce thaI I have now on hand JOH N D IRY1l 7D E N, esward te tie esermlirat o!he Town a ful and Complote Stocke!f Canddat fo hi ead Elotoal istict The aihowance for road betwen the 131h a o i i Cadidae fr th sai Blctorl D s urctad l4th concessions whsae il crosses. in a c e , lr lie Elechion o! a Member for th.Logis- front o! lots 10 and 11. Àtive Aseembly o! Ontario uow pouding, . And alse ho stop up and base for a tem has appoinhedo years lie allowance for road between the l k 7h and 8h concessions formeriy f Car- T. J. HOLL DAY, wright extending from 'thre sateru lirait 0fJ we 1 r 5 1 lot 8 eaetwamd ho lie lske.-0 FINANCIAL AGENT, aocording tethe Sîstute l iaI cas oe made and provided.« 1 J. HAM PBBY,1 Beturning Ocifier. Witbyo 22nd Dec., 1876. 4n2 OlTBAYED.-Â ÀWhite Roi! or, lwe yflrs 0old, neddisi neoit.niche lu nigi ear. Finder will plesse communicata witi WILLIAM PEARSOX, The Deputy-Reeve8hiP., TO TE LEOTORS: In auswerhto enquimes frm tnoauy friendi, 1 bsg ho shale hiati £ would tait. pleasisa l contiüulu*g My ervlcou on our council board luuld yen ,cali upon me houigWn oedupy- hie po, lhon of! Deputy-Be.vO. 1 ,idght-ada lat 1i arnotua auionefor office hiavIngplouti of other. business te attendl ho,sud woul& a7pa.too a ablar' person or persona who do not tdeaire tbe foregoing or any part of the foregoinq alIowances for rmade to be olosed np anci sold 1 to make known their objections to the same at aforessad meeting cf (Jounoil. By order cf Counoil.« Glerk Township cf Sougog. Dated Nov. l4th, 1888. W ANTBD-& SITUTI~ON ais General Servant in a uialY&fmily; AVp1 to cazef Obronole,.Offie. Sultable for HROLMIY - or -WBDDUiG GIPTB, 611 o! which Iau ýprepred ho offen allihe Lowo8-tPdtsibIe Prioes_ Hîvlug ~he welary ui nae for hiepat1 r fYBEanS d Iln gaued a repuha on for houashy lu ailz ruiess hanaotlono, whioh 1 tn!a h lonmp1ete th-an ~BAIRNA BBOOK ST., WHITB7 LOCAL LACONL( 18 GOING 'ON INI AND AROUNI BUDGET OF LIYELY LOCAL NEWS 81 BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS ÀA els amang ye, takin ni A'faith heTU prent it." OKE of the Young reoplehl Wednsdayniglit in lie 1K peaking cfthe election ~a -young lady asked w]é o lootions were. being hold She said that lasIt--t hbeld aI Bowmanville, -fa ,,thon visting. Tbshe-eseason fortun )af, and ws expecîteto d- aylffsa0tiflg a lit Of Ibis> kind this e yar.- ' tum ovor a few leeves ou soason-HIavaaioves. sk uw ho hurm ovor a fewtei UNICIPAL oelions nexi e will be a contestt hhrou for th. position cDeiý a centre auid Sentihwa ho a pull for lie posilio_ *The northwerd ceuni acoli.mation, as did lie% thi ward bet ween the reti *Mr. John Ferguson ahd quhareon. For the ci th wards, -Mr, Chas Kiul fedge respectiveîy -woee lamation on Wednosday. BEg amounh cf betting dci ilion lu hcwn was Rsala re .criss-crossod in such & mcstly ailthe boys cos= àealy so. The stomias go ýho centnsmy are fslse.1 Imacki of s man w$' lestI nty dollars. It * qui te t wwill fly lu the exh eleol a recent meeting cf Lr. lhe ladies movod hha 6s vole cf tiauke -be Pr ýÏwerthh Mayor for hia-] ~nting hem wiîh a lber them lu their preseni id in their womks cf cii *accept ti kindlnsasB - de and feel ths1 h ha ssid in regard ls thougbtfnlneslu lii s lown iB blait witi aI 11Il boys, who don't Deem dîoy c. If a ions. le1 witbout ieviug everyt] _pmotscted thies. youni euhthe windows sud ly deshroy every ini, tiefaincomesluinj d vÎicieus idesîmnelion hard te say ; but se ho laieto estop 1th' t6ie.beys were irow. oavily, or gne cf th le resl cft hem etorim ce. TORONTO i; ?,,. 0 CD s Heçry 1 r ôf - me g troin the 1 xpf urso y

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