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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 13

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Silver are NOVELTIES - ANDl More Complote thoan i4 7a 4ever been. % Bittc Muffli Cardij Je Se BAIRNAIRD, BROOK ST., WHITBYV- of, Muffs ini Seal. :River from $2.50' 016' And a 35o Per yd. $7.50, $8.00# .o , Baltie Seal Ind with Seal in Grey. ana 8OUGO09 ,iven in accordauce )fe têConspidatedý^ that the Concil the Tovnship cf Ontario , intend aI 1to e b beinluthe Scugeon à day of Jan- paso a By-iaw to lloving albovance the saîd Toi*nahip b ot 24 in the 7th Dh, cxtepding fnom' terly direction le funther given te sons Who do net 'toe b.olosed up ehir objecioas le tlng of Ceupi1. imshlp e! Sougog. ITH'8 ¶Omach o e 'EASON LSVeo no on iisnd se Stock cf iwelIery WA.RE or WEDDI14G amn prepared MPr/ces a be sold. e Jewellery ui Y YEARS, sud for ionesy hich I =ea te, ,y on ail articles IITED. N STO Np aken, rLE -UP. retal busi. be> pstd on or Ail7se- be put J.a "' theOK Wbitb~ ~IJronic1e, DECEMBER Blet, 1886. LOCAL LACONICS. WHAT 18 d'Ohý8 ON IN AND AROUND TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 GLEANED BY OIIRONIOLE REPORTER8 "A ehiel's3 amang y., takin notes, &n' f aith hell prent it."I SeKE cof the. young r eople had a dance on Wednesday nigit in lhe Oddfellov hall. IN speaking cf lie eleolion lie chier day, a young lady asksd wiy il vas the oleotions vers being held hors tii pyar. Bshesaid Ihat last lime liey ve.beld ai Bovmanville, fer aie vas ber. lien visitinge This is thee season fer luruing over a ut, asud w. oxpeot tc, hear cf a good Mane' unansacting a 11511. busin- ose cf Ibis kind ti year. W. genen- aly tura over a few leaves enrsesves at- liiseason-Havana jeaves. Wilany- on.esk us te tnrn oe a slw ton contera? MuNmcn oselions next Mouday. Tiens viii b. a coniesel liougiiont lhe town for ths position oce Deputy-Besve. Iu the centre and Seti varda tien. yull b. a pull for lie position of coun- cicor. The noth yard coniors veul in by aclirnation, as did tie Reeve and Mayor. TuaiE vill bs only one elechien for ths sohool board- in tic tovn-in the nonli yard bslween ithe retiring tuera- ber Mn. John Ferguson sud Mn. Jue. Farqubarson. For th. contre and eoutb yards, Mn, Chas Ring sud Jas. Rutledge respeciiveiy vers elooted by acclamation on Wednesday. Tai amouni cf betting don. on lie election lu tevu vas small and wagers, wer. cris-crosssd lunsuci a manuer tiat mostly ahi lie beys came cul even or nearly se. Tii. atonies going round to lie ceunary are fais.. W. canuol gel insokof a man vie lests-iighsa twsnly dollars. Il is quit. likely lh. 4duet viilflinluthe nexl siectionlieugi. AT a receul moeting cf the W. C. T. U. tie ladies moved iiat a unani. mens vote eft hanks b. pneseuted te ogr worlhy Mayor fer iei kindnose in prssenting them vitb a liberal denaiion te aid them in them present -uudontak. iug aanl lu their wenke et chanity. The ladies accepi Ibis kindness vwith deep gratitnde and féesiliaI tee mach cannot b. said iu regard bo Mayor Long's tioughtfulusss in tii malter. This lovu je bieset vii a vicions set of arnail boys vie don't oeemn to cars viai tbey do. If a ions. je unoccupied À day vithont iaviug overything break. able pnol.oied tisse young vrelcies vwiii smashtibo winddwsaud doons and geaeraliy dostnoy everythifig lbey eau. Wiere lhe fan cornes in in sncb pà vil- fai sud vicions destruction et proper. tly it is bard te say ; but em means should b. taken tb stop tiiwork. If a fev of tisse beys -were brctýghl up and anod i.avily, oi eue cf-, hem sent .-up a vii, lie roset hem vould tm Àover a nov eat. ]PioXOTIoNs Henry Street Sohool. Namss in order cf monil. Jr. 4th-to Bn. 4tb.--ýGeo. Hillary, Estienr Harvey, \Anihun EFmbroes Minais Frost, George Wilon, Mary' Mitchell, Tios. MoCon. mack, Victoria Gordon, Cias. Warren, Mary ,gice.. rd lc Oh Div.-Rcse Oamidgeî IMaggis BelloEPlrenco Mur- ray, Kats Hillamy Bertha Bryan, Frank Hopper, Ohas,' Bell,.Geo. Lynn, Joha Wateronhuoi Mbel Bics. ,2ud t10 Ord, iDiv.-FoMea R01Bou, HaÃŽry Beweli, Aunie Ho9 , 1 -irenmna 11i6go Gso. Bs -0 n Wlô,iV BoBsi MVusFboreno, cGlhwry v e siunie ber clase, Ol, WaierClo re, iChina Painting etc. li heW. 0. T. UJ. Fre.. -Reading Booms on Wednesday âeit, Jan 5th. Miss McGiffivray -bas, pneve& r»earkably succeseful Dot-OnlIýy Ma a atist herseif but in ber effo-erts te- ",e riste cOf others. WO wish hncn tinued succes. -and .bespeak for ber d*,large claméibis. vinier.- MOUNT (JAIXL achool report : Third clus.: J. Wfadge, L. Squeboh,ý Jamnes-Rose. Second clues: E. Hezzel. wood, M. Wadgs, S. S. Cansicadden. Senior. Pari Second :;Pi. Wadge, G.' Malyon, E. Wallon and I. Thompion. Junior Part Second; B.. Grpse, Je Sqnelch, J. Thompeon. Part Finsi: M. Gnos, R. Squelch, G. Grose. Speiling: Libbie Squelch. Writing, John Wadge. W -are very much pleased te heuar that Mr. J. C. Wesley, lais cf this lowa, ha. purchased a merse exenuive sodla water -business in Port Hope. The' Port Hope people wüi find in our ext-qitizen a.man cf courage and enter. priqe, cf genial'qualiîies and hhonougily rellable. W. trust Mn. Wesley may ha4!e a career in Port Hopeeso sueces. fui as toe sdipse bis Unusually great succeàsshlies. Tai promotens cf lie Free Reading Boom' are having lhe satisfaction cf deeing their efforts appreciated. As the vweather becomes cold and people settle down te reading more, a good many- visitons ce umence te tnoop in and look ovqr the mrense amount of good reading malter to b. found on their shelves. On visiting the noomn on Wednesday evening vs found lhe tables and shelvés aIl favored viti occupants. The paperse and -magazines embrace eveny kind cf peniodical literature. Ti follcwiing- are lie narnes cf lhe officeý's elscted in the Cana- dian Home Circie here on Wed- nesday night laut :-Paet Leader, W. H. Warnsr ; Leader, Dr. Adams ; Vice Leader, C. A. Hopkinse; Secretany, C., Taylor; Treasurer, W. R. Hoves ;' Finance Sec., L. T. flarelay; Ciaplain, Wma. Wicksi; Marshall, Tics. Ellioti; Warden, B. Patterson ; Guard, J. W. Halîsit; Sentinei, N. Scoti; Trustees, C. Taylor, Wm. Dnnklsy, S. Fraser. The Circle hue ai preseni 50 members, viii ivo applicanis. Applicants silîl adrnitted ah charter fees, which . et11 reduces the fê. Tii. foliowing are the results cf lie receni promotion exarninationsai lite Model sehool, the names bcbng ar- ranged in onder cf menit :-4th j r. te 4th . sr. Form-Frank Hans, Wm. Pringle, Jennie Stewart, Wrn. Richard- son, Geo. Freebette, Walter Barnes. 8rd sr. te 4th jr. Forrn-Leonona James, Edith Shrapnel, May Bannes. 2ad 10 8rd jr. Form-Annie Pningle, Clayton Hurîbut, Maud Murray, Frank Ganft, Louis Betts, Bella Garfai, Helena Cocirane, BoLlph Devenill, Joseph Kean, Dan Campbell. leti io 2ud Form-Berta Biendeneon, Mary Nicholson, Gentie James, -Eva Hunîbut, Eva Shrapnel. -Ti Ourlons wers out in full force on Xmas day and a roaring old gawe was indnlged in. Tii. managiîng committe. bath echool on- Monday evening lasI was largely altendsd by beti yonng sud old. The Bey. Mr. Willoughby cf Port Penny was preseul and received a warnm neception from his many friende in hie old charge. Tii. Bey. Mn. Boy. of Ycork«vas a&lsp presont ana ut 1h. ean- est request cf thesohairmau took the plat- ferm and addressed a few kindvende le 1he pupils and leaciers of -lb. Sibbali ohool. The Cbristmas -Ires vas beautifully deconated. for ths occasionà and thhe eits cf -the lUtile ones eve madete njoice, oven 1h. many band- smre and coistly gifts liai sera plucked fron 'ite branches snd 4zslnzbnted. Me. Fr.nk- Powell lbe supeninloendent. of lis -sobeol, meisîed i by ho Rvo.' Cierman, Willoughby aind n, rtý#ward- ed the primes 'and dislnibulsd 1h. gifle te tics. teo xa. ih.y were respe,ôtive-' ly -asigne& "TIi. liias Ires vil! len-J. rmeberclby lthep-,ilh cf P tDbU4 7. cal on- Campbella' and Seo t6iir mïelt"ôro l t lic h and .12jo e e y& cakes %udcocnfetio in towrîmnlcf had at Oain's bakery.' Use »r. Dorenwend's GFret GerMan' Haîr magie for1.biddneus t gray hair, iél for salle, by.aIl drugg i. VERY large stock cf Christmas goodo and4 Holiday -Presýente ut,, Mrs. Alns Whbitby Book iand Muafo store. W. RÉ Howsz, Oheéiisi and' druggios je agaîn tb the front tbis Christmas with a larger and \ ,cheaper assortment of holiday gooda than ever. SPEOJAL Offers in Sunday achool libraries and prizes at Mrn. Alin's Whitby Book and mnusic store. Largest variety cf pbotograph al- bums and plueb goode ever opened in Whitby at- Mrs. Alins, Whitby bock and music store. CBaRISTMÂa goods-W. R. Howse, chemiat and d1ruggist, is shcwing the largest'and cheapest assortment cf Christrnas goods in the. connty. 919 pairs of colored and black cash. mere gloves just received at the Bank- rupt store, Whitby. Buy a pair; they are beauties, and ho cheap sas chips. JUST reoeived-a fu stock cf Eng. lish, Germaan and American xmA&s 4JÂRs at Sarney's, Oddfellowe' Hall book «tore, Wbitby. The. boat value in the ccnnty., BEST, Canadianl COAL OIL-20o per gal., beést Amenican do., 25o per gai., 1 to 5 bbis. do., ai very low figures. Leave your orders. Wm. Diokie, Oshawa. JUST opened ai the bankrupt store, 2 cases mens finsi hand-nade cordovan boots, te b. sold at $2,50, tbe Ivery lame boots es sold in regular boot and shoe stores for 85. Ses them. O, ye men and boys!1 orne te the bankrupt store, WhitI4y, and bny a suit of ready-made oiothing ok an overcoat. Away below what il cosite make them: We are going te beave town eacon. Hustie up, or we will be off. M,.Ms' and boys' cloth caps, with plush baud, 8 for 25 cents; 6 papers pins for 10 cents ; beautifual white wool blankets for $2; ladies' manties, $1.75, ai the. great, original and only bankrupt stpre, Whitby, and cheapeet spot on earth. A RARE CHANC-Taylor, the watch- maker, wili dispose cf the balance of hie new stock cf watches, eiocks, jewai. iery, i1verware and spectacles ai great- ly-rednced rates. Go te hlm for good bargains. Try hum first 1 and save monsy. KNITTED GOODS have arrived. Ladies' wool shawls, ladies' jerseys, ladies' sîsevelees jackets, ladies' cloude, chuld. ren's dresses, children's jackets, child. ren's obouds', and wil b. sold for less than it cost te make them, ai the Bankrupt store, Wbisby. "1DowN cornes our apple.cart." 21 dozen silk handkerch'iefs still in stock, and uhey muet be sold tuis week, ne- gardiess of pricé ;, men's and boys 1 silk tis, braces, sox, fur-top kid gloves, and mitts, wool gloves, Cardigan jackets, je simply enormons. Anything and sverything, frcm 6 papers cf pins for 100. te a 612 overceat fer $6., The. store ii& daily crowded with sager, delighted and satisfied bayons. Don't take our word for il but do *as we have dâne. Compare hi; geode and prices with others in tcwn and you wlll b.' convinced ihai ithe bankrnpt store je withoui any, »e;e epiioti whatever ithe oheapesi spQt- M*Cat.nda. Tifdllowing are the offoees eleci eof Wbiiby 'Lcdge, A. O. U. W.-P. M. Workmian, Bro.. White; Mail Wcrk- man, Bro. Burdette ; Formant Bro. Haillet; Ov.nseer, Bro. Jne. 8mith; Recorder, Bro Hoe; Beceivert Bro. Stephenson; AnBe., Bre. A.. Bo's Guide, -Bro Draper; Inside Wàh m ut iBro. F-ôy,; Oulside Wa omn, Bro. Judd; Truste.,e. Dow;Audit' COGmmutte, Bros. Toayl:rè' Home and Bareiay.. ThIi allation cf lb. above. NEW «WE&D SUITINGS AND OV-rcÀ No trouble to show goode. Everybody: výelcbm. ThIle Great Dry Goods Clothing and MilIinery House. laae, HOLLIDAY 8 E MPýORIUM,BROOLN Is the riglit place to' iake. your Sele tions of Christ'nas-Godg. i stock i S -large and, well assorted ini the various departments, and lielias now added many- Novelties spebially for the Christmas Trade. Besides many choice articles in Dry Goods, -hé lias a inc& sélecti'O f THE BEST QUADRUPLE - PLATED SILVERWARE, Comprising five and six-bottie. Castors, Cake Baskets, Napkin Rings, Knives and Forks,- Plated T HE Butter Coolers, -Pieo.kie Dislies,' Spoons, &c., &o. GIROCeRY DEP-AR-TMENT. Is well filled with choice fresh Groceries- selected especialiy for. the Christmas Trade. You will find in stock choice new Valencias, Seedless and Layer Raisins, choice New Currants, Lemon and Citron Peels, Spices of aR kinds, new and. S fresh, Extracts, of the best quality, Canned Goode, Oysters, Finnan Haddies, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, &o., &o. Choice Teas and Coffeesof the best values, always in stock. Tr. J ILIA MOTHER IIE uM B PY SISTER WHITE- SEWINB MACHINE. Special Styles for the Holiday Seasen. For sale cheap by L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent. Aise Agent for Ny.'. celebrated Arctie Sewing Machine Oil- Whitby, Dec. 16, 1886. Grand Trùýnk Railway Ocean Steamship UPTOWN Wl NIER BE?,OQXLI1~J- BARGAI»NS a PRIESYET@ TRI OWEWST Overshoesff Gi and TICKET. AGENCY. Whitby to Winnipeg OnIy $21. ROUND TMIP, 850. Whitby to British Columbia $50 Dakota Points, $25 Tie Grand Tni.nk expross assonger trains run tirougi daïly from li -te o Cicago, Detroit and Port Huron vi ut any change of cars. Baggage ciecked through from Whitby te destination. Special *attention te passenger tickets for Manitoba and British CelumLia by all tic Rail Routes, O. P. R. and Nortiern Routes inciuded, Nort hein Michigan, Dakota, the Northeru sud North Western States, and Cahifornis. Single sud returu tickets te ail points ou tho G[rad Trunk sud Great Western Dlvi- Sion, Chicago sud Grand Truuk, Detroit 'Grand Haven sud Milvaukee, snd Inter- Sp i; wîap-s. eug, ugmle, aud ne- turn ~ ~ ~ ~ e tctst su frm ovYork, Philidelbphia, Washington, Dover, Dol. Flonida, Nev Orleans, sud Caliornian points. Tickets for Ottawa, Montreai,- Quebc, Peterboro' Urilia, Brockvifle, Prescott, Kingiton, Boston, (via Montreai sud alse Suspiebou Bridge), Suspension Bridge, Buffal , Detroit, -Prt iHuron, Chicago, Winnibsu ad alpoints ef any importance îl Manitoba sud the. United Btee8 1 or sud from European poits, with choiceof seven Royal Mail Seaship Lines, viz:-Wmte-Star, Dominion, Cunar, Ancien,. State, American -udand Star. Chea Ã"icets supplied readiug' té or from Whitbto Livrpol Londondyérî,Queens - toG1,HulI1 Lesds -Beotait, Lon- don# c eserBristol, Candifif, 'Dublin, A ancpsd paris eératcd1 at as low as the lo*eot tes tccragey Intermediate, FineS: or Second Cabmn. For- thrcugh, loca, foreigu, single and round trip lansd ocesa-tickets apply Uptowa Moul*oai and Dominion Tels- grapi and General Ticket Office, (flnnnsalte.Hateh Bren, Adlaskas. entiemen's . Ladies' BUBBERS, Soli-Acting......6 975 RUEBERS.. ÂLÂSXAS, cc...... 1.25 &L,&SYAS - OVEUSHORS, OVERSHEOEI Superior plain coarse soles.... *1.50 Superior1 Wool-lined ...............1.75w Suif t'wil Supericntwil white wool-Iined 1.901 1Usda.... Misess' RUBBERS . ...6$.40 OVEJRSHOES. 1.35 Rubbers. .6 ..a..000a.45 wool-lined...........8 hi eut buttoned. .50 I ilu cloti -white wool- ..-. 2.00r Boys' -sChild's OVERSHEOES.. 1.25 OESOS .0 GEIRMAN FELT TOP BOOTS- MEN'5 H.LF?-FOXEDt 0.00 AND 62.50. MEjN'S ALL-FOXED, 62.50 AND- $8.00. MEN'S LOOSE BOCK, 6#.00 AND) 63.50. BOYS' HTATLF-FOXED, 62.00 AND 69.95. LADIES' FELT - GOODSW FELT BUTTON POLISHED CALF, FOXED, 62.00. F'ELT LACE, 61.50. FELT GAITERS, FOXED, 61.50. F'ELT HOUSEWEÂR, PIVE STYLES, #1.00 TO 01.45, Bweqping Reductions in Prices of Leather Gooda during balance ofSeea0». PLEÂBE 6ÂALL. BURNS & ;C-o. Whitby Xmas. Xmas, Xa-s. 'lie Whitby China Tea -Store'is stiJil alive, but gol. a new nam e, the People have, ohristened. it the WHITBY CHINA H a1L,.at -whioh yu* willIfnd oneé of tke C.hoicesat and..1argest.Ïtoôk of- Fancy Glassware,> Chine'Tea-,Se-ts, Crookery &0., sucli as was.neyer,.sIhown -before outgide- of Torolltô, ail ofwhich 'will be sold bhea for, cash. during the ileit two weQk. * Core ne ie, oome ail, and-inspect-for yourselVes before piirdIisinge8e wher, wethr,,yoii bvay.. not. - lcNI i. t9ok ofi. n bAlo0 a'. fi RCH'I 014 r"Iv

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