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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 4

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-Chamols. Toilet Articles. A ýJOB.-LOT -THE MEDICAL HALL, ODOR OASB - DBESSING CASBES WHIISK HOLDERS TRAVELLING COMPÂNIONS ETC E~TC SUITÂBLE FORXÂS CF. E. GIBBA RD. ONLY Si oe PER ANNUM. Whltby , Friday, Dec. 31, IXp or soi for on.. p" .O he 04p to be Pymo up 1r. of ltheu dmo Ial Tlors cfeîle * ard.4î th lu a ON W boys fine Wndows- trouble i1 refugs.'t 0oalook, -i 'Dg -partt form vwî but-Il 04, -x 1886.1 -WIrru lhe exception cf i change lu O)shawa and one.i la EsI Witby, wo f ar lieaenty counail oet lus oonsty àa uuehinged from laI year. Tho electiens le corne off yel may briqg li two or tiroo meu aI meut. Two men wyll bc mised thougi, vio have long. figured tiere-Mesere. Lrke, -of Oshawa, and Smith, cf Eat Witby. paixappcarmuees il vould sssm as if Mayor Howlaudpof Toronto, le to have a fightin luaarust tg get elechied fer hi. second lerm. Mr. D. Blain, is prasent opposent, lu ene cf lb. beat kuovu aud meh popular mon is the oit>', sud his supporters, if tbe>' are lu esmuest, have greal hopes cf elealing Il la impos6ible te give tom a certain- t>' the ummea cf membets elccte close &rousd 1h count>', butâat préenat. re- ports fayorthle.foliovsg;-Toronlo E. F. Clarké, 11H. B.lark. and John Le>'.; E. York.1 G. B. Smiith; Norh. York, Dr. Widdificld; West York. Dr. Gilmoma Eset Simeoo Mr. Drry; North Ontario Mr. I. J. Gould; West Victoria. Cmuose; Emel Victoria. Feli; West Peterbomo, Blattos; West Durham. Dr-- McLiugh- Ian; East Durhamn. Crig. AT lie nominations for councillons, beld il Brookln ou Monday l1at, attention wse aalled 10 lie tact tuat lie proceedinge et the Wbitby Towvn. slip Council vas ofien omittad tram the coIMue Of the CHRONICLE. t vas effered lu oxpîmomion tuaLt theORSoN- ICLE somctiuies dealined te publiei them. We vi8h bere t10 ate liaI lie explanation made, loftian erronocus impression. IV. repeatodly akcd momberaet the Cousai to te sd us, or lave lhc Clerk coud ne, a full or ovenaa oonaonsd rpo f tet iaprocediga. Tia largo majorit>' socured b>' Mr. Mowal viill ave the effeat et kiiliaig a gond demi efthîe interet laken in pro- vincial polies. The uquabble la naver s0 kean as vicu bell sidos are neirly equal. But lhe Toronto prosse vii suifer verse lIaauythisg else frein lie fact liai lie certaint>' cf Ihinga li Toronto viii remove the intereet in politias ta Ottawa. If Mr. Movst'a mséjority lad beau a barely.vorking oe, thon somthing inleresting azigil be expeoted te taru up almoal an>' urne and ticedm11>' papoesvonld gel weil supported. The>' made a fat tiug ont eft he briber>' plot._ A tialmpiant ratura te power with i largel>' iucrcmsed majonit>' atter fourteea years ot service ila something liaitev wmon eau boast et, and ve think la quite auffiient te salief>' tle ambition et a more ambitions eates. min than tic Hon. Mm. Movat. Were Mr. Mcvii ne w te resigu îhe premier. slip et Ontario sud as leader cf the Ontario ving of lia Opposition in the D)ominion Patliament, join vith Mr. Blake lu the approaeling olection the Beform part>' votiîd cerlainî>' hain a position teoommand moto sud bettez fighli aig uil t tan ln an>'éectaion h'O tie Dominion Parliameul aine oeufdots.tion. Taua result Ri lie elections shows tli sh leul on.-mlu inte Province mde a goed calenlaàtioli of bnhapo,ès. 'Ph. *Man i. Ho'v. Mr. Kovalt. R.saw tbld the mnlda et Il. Tories ver.engage96 in making hhiage resdy for the Deomr In a leotions*,And veul * 90 i.c'i sudScoered &sbligvieoer>' la lthe nichis liane. «Neqtezipoiting any',snob' ave; ah préent the iTories fouuê lhnasgvel withlittie beot han a fragmeantai. -polloyo and 111e don'I 0atchitbê pracliol pîlio# etofit.eProvince. s li,<o aszvàtives oarrIed a -màjority of.eaà mhold éceveilspapr nt ite lliiaccommodation, sud additions té the Frida> ulgit and Ihey will conter a staff, île expenses, s a necessar>' con- great favor upon ue by prompt1>' noti- saqueuco, have increaeed, but the fyi ag ue of mny delay. We -allai ne expenditure las net been greater than blame te lie Whitby office. Iu tact vO e absolutely ' demanded by lie may say t leîrks oet laI office bave circum6taucea efthîe case. Ne Seool put hcmelve 10gret iconeneeBoard, wc venture t1 amy, conducte its ou several occasions te aid us lu gelllug affaira with strioler regard le, econoni* off ont large 11.1. The dîffianît>'. teste Yen cannot, nuw.a.dmys, secure s elsewiere and vo vil have il ractifiedefcin laerwhutpiga Immaiate>'.liberal slary, and w.ehould b. glad, «"A Workiug Min" iuoltdod, lihat vo TEma anunal report -of lia Sahool have ont owu Board, men vIe, while ,Beard, as prasenlad aI île nominations oppoaed *0 every t11kg luthe form et on Wdedyvlhafndnaoerextravagance, bave ,suffiient appt. on Wdnesaywillbe oundin nothrocation o etleadhers mark sud -office te, page et this issue. It shows lIaI Iloe mû. hein villiug ho îîlow a libaral, eare 692 ohldren et sohool agos lu lite salmry le a leadher Iborongb1>' qualified aîle tevu, cf whioi 806 are betweeu Ilie for lis position. R agea cf 7 and 18 and subjeet *0 lie pro- > ~GiEN visions ofthîe liv as te .'oompul sory Tii, aume Pickering, Dae). ,p 864 .1 altendance. The toal ateadano. in net given. The oUüeg4ïl »tIaalnl. Caution. *entalled mau mens cf 680..et. ewiwofraia fDr ml# whiah 1h. É%eaI Goveurneunesu le ry va IUtuameuî by &sppiyuug wVery MIDU& -"- T'ý----d ssy ppAratus foruthe Instt1utias thora I 1*1lo oe t thlle ,mpa.tgu was bshzg Ï8'a rigular grant of twanty per conte most unekîîfully miasgëdby the lead. of the whcle vane of such .cpiflem.t era cf th. Tory party. 'P he Tory prose comiug IDDUBIIy frozm>it1h.Provinciali ddmolre tb deféat thair candidates Goverramaul sud the oounly, lins psy.. jtbmn lb.>'will b. wilung * acknow. Thia slmply melathil W. May have logo, hast thé Beforna prouifoliiitl Our Uohoole .quipped, for. uothug if we Viteuuueoarfry li ti. inleresî of wish- 10 adopt th. plan provided bylîhfr parte,'t ho item thé i, 14 f iabuse Goverumerat . ls;poured <orth . from sheéditorial sacotepua of Mani cfA1h. hot.beada'. Ia< aeveriug his cOnuection with 1thO, *Givè-ehem rope enough. -ad îhey wil Salisbury Government Lord Bandolph hang lhmselves." waa*eXemplifted >in Churchillisle redited with living aoted 1moral cases "hn oue. When lie pres a very -gaver part. Mr. Gladelousie la otOlalmlY sud boaestly diseus e h hi 1ol questionsat ! ses, it bad botter Dol very obi suddlias loq> part Of bshl disonse, 1cm asta&H. The "man, whose upon th. peop!e, wile Lord Harting- passions aeoaroused, 15 nMot open t10 i ton and Mr.- Jos. Ohamberlain have to oouvia tion, and 1h. party whoae presi & certain exteul falled 10 oome up, *0 hae no other objeot, aeiemiugly, ta tie standard of the English people'a 10 keep lieue passions st a whiho hbéat ideas. Lord ~h~ilabolduesa sud has au up-hli figit from 1h. atart. olvruoes, added to 1he faat that hie The lassons thï they have beau 1aggh% wifele riliau su olvor10o peullr. ay b. of *service t*0Ibem lu future ly fit hlm tb boom. the leader of the campsigus. Mr. Dryden's majoriy ia people. Hlm ludepeenslai deerting il leama a bundred more than -bis uaost tia old linooyprt obânc u angnLi supportera exp.cted and noir- by himueif will elthet bbs eend, y woyanu I or han hig ctiio- polticllyor il enblebit togonents -wcro willing, *0 conoede .him.ý pob i ml' o il a al ia 0 g The banner tow usiip of Pickering bok among hie '&te poliloal frianeuda afairly cutdid ituelf lu ite -support of Mr. the boss of 1h. parti'. The people cf DraaadReompnips. ey Eulmd oud alir h.late. L ittecange seeme le have taken place Tas tact of tb. malter rb. lu the ib e othar divisions save lu Mr. resitf boletinsio tarth.argeaLrke'a owu owa which .wam expeted restto h.elotousleIht Ie harestoe9soure hima againet a orughing de. aginat 1h. Geverument were weak lu étet, but did not do nearly so imuai for- finIt pla.e ad ware almoit abaudonad Mm s Port Perry sud Wbilby. Mr., bylb. Oonservative party to take up Dryden i. te be coogratulated ou bie. téNo Poperypy. And lu Ihi. their victory which tanks among t.he greateet hope of keeping a portion of lie Osîholia _intheprovince. voter made.hem week lu the kues. etnfo thPop. The lesmon *0 b. learned from 111.s, and ~ tesfo h epe from al cher electione for -lIaI malter, The School Questionî. le lIaI 1h. party whieh goswhole dW BRILE .hog wius. The peopla don't oare for Eio neîL a religions atriféeta any lime; but st auy Six :-Would yot% kindly allow me rate canuot b. atirred imb on. by %a a mai spaco iu yonr valuablo columus half - eartud connivence at aecuring tle to write a fcw words lu reply to ,"& votes cf luth aides. The Conservative Working Man" lu your issue of th. 179h party repnzdinted lhe Mail aud Reform- inol, W. liv., we are happy te say, cra merelybmd te ait dowu and let lb. iu a free country where avary one bas Mail do th. work. Thora vas jat en- lie rigît le express hie opinion on cugi noise raiacd1t tunail tie Cath- publie malteransd vo hall il as an olios but net enough to turc more liai amen for good wheu we ses working- a faw'Protestaula lie otber wiy. men eomiug te lie' front. sud advocat. iug by peu or vola. measures whioi How bil no opportunity bua beau cfeot the well-being of their country afforded elîber oux tevn aldermen of sudcocuotrymen. But va shbould b. lasI y.ar nor tic aspirants for neît year caretul not te abuse luis liberty by to ddrse he lecorsuâd explain lie iudulgiug lu a \faul-fiuding epirit or,, 10 adres Iheelcoorsbolittling tie services of othoe who, le towu affaira aud ideas of ils interes. tie beat cf their abllily, are aeeklng te Au il lie' number of mcnaae se up aud perform Ilheir dalles as public servants, ara jndged by the eleotors ln tl. ligît and wio, we have s rigît te, assume cf their persoual poputasnly or fluuani are, ai leaul as deepIy îiut*rme4 d i vell-beiug of th. oomuty, as ahir staudiug. This may ha attributedl entire- fanît-fiuders. W. are sorry te say'liaI ly to the absence cf discussion. Per- your correspondent bau been- led 10 hape lie beet available mn go0inidulge lu lie captions spirit.« but it wonld be ouaeofthle won- (1) He finds finît with lhe Oounly dora of the vorld. if eleotoesteok Conseil for appoinllng mou lu thc an>' intereat lu municipal poloisa Sohool Board, wie have a voice sud subjoot on whici tbey nover'have au vote on aIl questions affaoling the opportunit>' et hc.ring anything. Il le public sohooîs, although tlecoonuty a singalar thing, too, vien OuonesmO does not contribule lu any way te their to notice it, iow cloquent smorn f cnr support. Now îlisetealeenullein- , own fathars eau fiy off ou almogt any correct. The coouny iudireotly doos otier subject, but eau uever be dragged contribute to the support cf the Public intp auy discussion except ou tle Great sebools. Il does 80 by eontribnting te CoW Question, and Ibat et the Gouncil lie support of tia Collagiate Inotitute, .9~r. Whitby township aspirants are where onr public sohool teachers gel a 1holding throo meetingsta sweok and good part nf thoir -lraining. The w. caa't sec wly- ou'- polioicd tewns- training tle>' recaive tiere repreaente lIoasone-tls.- eiobde. iffirm tha,--&_ 1h. ent'paMin luequal elaares 82,976-261 te,. cam te 582, music tees #78.60i draving 17 nrnsexamiuaalles 857, *md the Municipal, a.eetmeult amonaled *t0 #20188'cnly. OîOe -peadllur lare ohsrg.d ho lh.ObUegliae. si 63 S &pec1a-for the, Holiday Trade. G-ents; Furnishings--New, Neat, and Nobby: Ties, Collars, Cuiffs, Sox, Braces, Breastpins, Collar Buttonùs, Cuif Sleeve Holders, Cuif Holders, Stookiug Supporters, Underwear, Gloves, Mitts, Soarfs, Toboggan Suits, Toboggan Sashes, Toqués, Jackets, Shirts, Jerseys, &o., &o. Furs I Ladies' Gents' FursI Furs!!! lfore. C( Buttons, Muflers, Cardigan 18 8.1 Fur Coats, $p25, $30, $35,538 Ladies' Muffs, S.S. Sea1, $20, $22, $25. Caps, $12,, $1.3, ~ Ladies? Persian Lamb Muifs, $8.,50, $9-507 $1O.50, $12.50. Cjaps, $3.50, $4.50e $5.509 $6.00, $6.50. Also 9, large and complete rangie of Muffs in the followi*ng: B~I Coney, Mink, Otter, Grey Lamb, Baltie Seal, iver Mink, Skunk, Poesorn, Astrachan, Monkey, Bl k Bear, &c., &a., froîn 82.50 up. Ladies Fur Capes at $.5.00, $5.50 , 6.00, $7.00 and S7.50. And a complete stock of Fur Trimiigs in all wi,-dths and colors from 35ec per yd. to $1.50. Fur Caps--Special Lines. S.S. Seal XX $15.00. Persian Latnb, $4.5-0, $5,00,, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7W.OO, $7.50, $8-00, $8.50e $9.00, $9.50, $10.00. The largest stock in Southi Ontario to select from, Baltic Seul Caps, $2.50, $8.00, $3.50, $4.00, ý-I.;)O. 13eaver Caps, $10.00, an~d Beaver 'band with Seal Top, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50. Mn band, $6.50. Jmt. Lamb C aps, in Grey and Black, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 90c, ;P1.00, $1.25, at ZRpojOSS cf the Slouh Riding TO WIT Oounty ef Ontario.) PUBLIC NOTICE ie herqby given that eJOHàN S, LARKREJ * Candlidate for the eaid Electoral District for the Election of n Member for the Legýs. lalive Assembly of Ontario, uow pouding, ba ppointed ROBERT JOHN GUNN, of -tie Town cf Wbitby, lu the Ceunty of Ontario, Esquire, MD., hie FINAN CIAL according te Lie Sintute ltin tas e made sud provided. Whitby, 22ud1 Roturning Officer. Dec., 1886. 4n2 PUBLIC NOTICE, cf the South Riding of tie County ef Outarie. Il~ HEBIFBYI G IV E N liat JOHN DRfYDEN, a candidate for the said BIlectoral District for the Blection of a Member for the Legis- lalive Assembly of Ontario now pending, has appointed T. J. -HQ0LUIDAY, of the Village of Brooklin, in the Oou.nty of Ontario, Marchant, hie FINANCIAL AGENT, aocording to the 8tatute in tht case mde and provided. * J. HAM PEBBYO Returnlng Ocffier. Whitby, 2ud Doc., 1876. 4n2 Finder *iii pleagoe omui The Deputy-) ~h car. Tu WHOM IT MAY CONgERNI TOWNSHIP 0F SOUGOG, NOTICE je hereby given lu accordance with Section 546 cf the Consolidated Municipal Act of 1883, that [hâ Council cf the Municipality of the Towuship of Scugog in the County cf Ontario, intend at a meeting cf the said Council. to ho hold in the Township Hall, Scugog, on- Saturday, the l5th day of Jan-' uary, 1887, At One o'clock' P.M., te pass a By law te stop up and seIl the follewing original al- lowauces for rends in the said Township cf scugog, viz: Town lino betwoen lots in the th Conces- sien formerly f Cartwrgt ad 24 in the 6t.i Concession formerly cf Reirch ; aise ail that part cf the said old Town lino ex- teuding frem the nortieru unmit cf tie Fine Peint rend norh tue shoirocf Lake Sou- gg, oxcopting thoso portions where the same iB cTossed b>' the Centre rond nd other cross roade. Tie allowance for rond betweeu lots 6 and 7 in the 6tIi concession. The nllow- ance fer rend belveen thle 6th aud 7h con- cessions frenting lot 2. The allowanco for rond betweeu te 8th ad 7th concessions, formerly Beach, ex. teuding frein tle cntre rond enstwnrd tu tie ld Town lino. The allowance for read betveen the 7h and 8th concessions, ex- tending f rom tihe aid Town lino eaztward te the centre et lot 2 in the 811 concession. The alloauce for rond betweeu the 7h sud 811 cocessione formerlyf Beach extendiug frorn tic centre roed.cstwfrd to, the western limit o the Town lin. The nllowance for rond betwcen te Bih ad 9t1 concessions, formely f Car.- wright, extending Jfrom the Centre rend weelward to -the ensferu limit cf the To*n lino. The silowauce forrond betweeu te iSti ad 14h concessions wherp it crosses, lu front et lots 10 nad 11. .And also testop up ad lense for a term, f yenrs Lie allowance for rond betean the 711 sud Bih concessions facrmerly cf Car- wright cztending from 'te enster Ulimit ce ot 8 eatward te the lake. NOTICE je hrby further given te any iperon or persons who do net deire lie feregoing or au>' part cf the foregolng vllowaucee for rends te be closed Up aud 80d, to makeknown ther objections le tice smre at aiorsaid meeting et Counoil. By order et CeunciL, DatedNov.Clerk To-wabp et Bcugg. Dle Nv 4,1886. WjANTED-A SITUATION as General YServantliasmallfaxnily., .pply te BER s TO ~FIOM Il MAY ~ON~[BN1 TOWNSHIP 0F SCUGOG, N OTICE le hereby gin iiaccordance with Section 54,6 ofvthe Consolidated Muiuicipal Act of 1888, that the Co cnil of the Municipality of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, intend at 9 meeting of seid Council to ho held in the 0 Township Hall, Seugog, on Saturday the l5th day of Jan- uary 1887. At One o'clock p.m., -to pass a By-law to stop up 'and seoU. the following aliowance established for a road ini the saad Township of Scugog viz: The road established ini lot 24 in the 7th concession, formexly Reach, extending from the centre roaddin a westerly direction to the lake. TOTICE le hereby further given te INany person or persona who do not desire the foregoing road to be closed up aud sold to make known their objectiogs te the same at aforesaid meeting of Connid. By order of Council. JORN FOY, Clerk Township cf Scngog. I)ated Nov. 14th 1886. GOLD8MITH'8. LOCd BUDGET 0O S BY Au' fa SoME of lx epeah day, a yoôm tle electiozi year. She vmt beld a ere tien ~This laIl e, lfes good xMau ess cf tbie aily tnrn oi 111es eason-à iàne aekuneti ' MIUNIcIPA Iewn for 'I Iu tl4c cent v111 >.be aPl clio. The. LWard Ir. Je) y a rdi dge r ,matie: E arnc on lu crea.<- HALL. Iu vieof the ucar apprendc f.tho HÃ"LIDAY SEASON I beg to auùnonco uhaL I have now on isud a fnl aud Complote Stock et Watches, Jewe-llery SIJNER. WAJLE G iFS l -Of which I ard to offer aI lthe LowoB( Pdtsib1e klný BR( AGENT) jý Reiter. Itý

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