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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1887, p. 8

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GEexaN on SUI4D&T EYMNfl<O A large oongregation listened to 3ev. lir. Gorman's sermon tc, Marnons on ý,6undy nighî. Hie toit vas Jer. ix. 28-24: "Lot not tb. wiee man giory in hie wisdem; neither lot tb. mighty man glory lanhbisinight; lot flot the rich manl glory in hie -riches;: but let. him glory in this, that ho kubwoth sud understandeth me, that I amn th. Lord, etc., etc." It seoma natural for man te, glory in bis acquiromenta, sud truly hie wledom jie great. In art, science, literature and pbilosophy h. has ae- oompliebed wouderef. Ho bas oxplored the sos, lb. land and the etarry hcav. e. Man's power as an individual je great; but whon oowbiuod with otbeks ho may shako the earth. But wc muet net glory in theso thinge.. This great- noua io God-given: Ho pulleth dewn oen sud sotteth up anothor at hie will. W.e bould flot glory in these thinge, beesu.e we are oly the instruments of -hie bande; our ponr viedom ie as notl- ing coinpared vith wbhat we may nover know. 'Even a obild may baffle a phi- lesopher witl itis simple questiono Eartb's moeut profound philosophera cf to-day flnd they are only masteriug tho alphabet cf truth. Wbat ie man's wis- dom, or power, or riches, comparod with the imoeeneity of wiedom, or- power, or riches cf the wcrld ? None cf theee eau defend man aga~inst God's judgmeute. No man bas eor 'been able te plan, lot sioeste buiid, a bridge which will carry a aluner safe te boa- von. Gode word ià Lbhe oly safety and oomfort in the end. The meut infinential man in the world eau have nothing more teocommend bim te God than the meaneet beggar. Biches may secure a solace haro but eau bave ne influence in heaven. It je by ne means wrong te glory, but we muet giory in rigbt objecta and with right motives. Qlory in the fact that we seek toestudy and know Qed, for Hie goodnees andl wieder are etamped upen avery flower. Christ ceieate U8 aU the manifestation cf Godes great attributes, and Hi tb birth, life, death and resurreotien w. bave a leason of God's glory. God je Lb. great Iawgiver of the universe snd everytbing that inhabile tbe eartb muet koep Hie; lawa or suifer the coue-squen. ces. 111The judgmeuts cf *tbe Lord are truc snd right.oue altegether. W. should eeek te know Qed tbeoretically and experimsntaliv. à boliet iu QeGd is essential in crder that social lawa may ho obaerved and civil lawa carriod ont. 'Thero is a esd outlook for acy man who .doses nt believe iu Qed. Whoui we know Qed experioeentally w. shall kuew Him as a Ged wbo le willing te lorgive and save us. The Rev. gentleman thon addreseed Lb. members qf tbo Order ai some lepgth, sud finally expressed' his vieh for a bappy New Vear fer ail presont. "Bell" Organs at the Coloinial. PÂTnONizzD By ROYALTY. Iu musical instrument@, cortainly Messrs. W. Bell & Co., cf Guelph, Ont., bave reason te b. proud cf tbéeir euccess, aud it i8 universally eonoeded that thei diaplay wae about th. meet prominout The populaîity cf Ibis instrument is growiuu more extensively overy year in lb. Br*i*h Iles, snd on tb. cou- ihuent, confluiug the critici judgmenls cf experts, 1 o have prououuced thoni' superier te Il ethers fer pnrity of ton. and pleaui 'g design. Iu the Citsdel et Quebec, a "Bell" organ giraceg iLs drawiug.rocms for lb. uecf lhe Marquisansd Marohioneso of Lansdowne, and in far distant Victoria, B. C., Lad.y Douglaes selooted a 'Bell cîgan fqr ber uaer Perfoýtion jinàese instr=uioetobas onlybeen attained after yésre-of 4j perience aud.,tud y, by ,u.ln g etia materialsud-t o n~u oce b!tI iskilled aud praotlal,ïokmn Bell Co. biweI iprodueid witheel an equal., bave trled lheim at .heEî&hibit1ob have .beeiq delgbted. vltb Slhin, TheluIvap tieni,- a jour'nal pub&ih ud nLondon, uiys:-'hs epIpof worku0au- Boue Ontario. r THE OFBIOIÂL COUNT. Pofllng Pluae. Drydeü. LImke. Eîn 90r0g000.....69 62 2. PorngVillage6 88 84/ 8. ieroe. ....8 19' 4. Cherrywood....... 82 25 5. lade0.6 ...W..,85 59 6. Brougham.... A- - > 87 52 1. de. ......25 8. Whltevale......... 68 41 9. Balsam........... 87 !68 10. Chroent ....... 81 8W n. Altona .......... 68 21 672 M2 WHXTBY TOWH5EP. 1. Blro'......... 81 68 2. Brooklin .......... 77 71 8. do ... .......... 83 80 &Ashburn.......... 84 73 W26287 WHXTDY TOWN. 1FaW anks .........57 69 2. Oddfellows........ 57 60 3. Smith's office ... 88 48 4. Biow's office ... 70 76 5. Huren Houae.. 87 88 EAST WBITY. 1. .Harmony .......... 69 é1 .-.Cedar Dais........75 64 8. cou]ians.......... 106 48 4.'Celumbus ......... 72 91 5. Raglan............. 43 72 865 269 OBIÂvA. 1. Scn's Hall........ 95 197 *2. Aibert-St. 8. H . 78 108 3. .Tovn Hall ........ .99 67 4. Mar-St. S. H. 100 79 872 881 1. Utica.......75 61 2. Epaom ............ 49 78 3. Gregga ............ 24 57 4. Greenbank........ 82 63 5. Seagrave .......... 74 69 6. Prince Albert ... 45 67 7. Cedai brook ... 17 57 8. Mancheater....... 59, 67 425 509 POUT PERhY. 1. Market buÏiling 60 59 2. Town Hall........ 57 64 3. SoChool H6s... 6 46 178 169 Town Hall ......... 65 62 Ml51 2418 Maj. fer Dryden, 23W. North Ontario. THE OFFICIAL COUNT. UXBexuon Towusnxx'. Polling Sub-di No.1i.. 4 . id 6... livîsione. 303. .9 1 1 1 1 GoCld.. McGUIIVray. .... .... 72 68 74 63 ... 77 UZBRIDOE TOWN. 68 .... .... 64 .... .... 71 198 SCOTT. No. 1............1 i 2...........21 43. .. .. .......18 tg ....... .82 " ~.. ~.... 62 244 No. 1................ 83 4 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 4-2 443................ 26 .4............... 89 "................ 61 6 6................ 23 7 7................ 10 284 CÂNNINOTON VILLAGE. No.l1 ............... 92 No. 1..............= 56 e 2............7 187 BAETNVILLGE,. Ne. 1................ 61 No. 1.,.............. 117 tg 2. ..i1..1l id 8.. *.............. 111.. 48 59 49 87 47 46 281 84 26 60 140 88' 44 67 68 280 85 Ili1 130 109 64 67 61 617 88 71 64 84 189 ve 27 ........... No.: 4 BAVA. 1........... 2............. 8.......... 4.......... 5........... 411 184 io 24 45 86 A 25. 18 & !dB A'!II 1oroat-W. HtVo . ReIL aI. Oltavair-oLeSefwn* Bratfod-B Hny. LnayThe own-Wte.- Sitatement a~ votes pdlel for the mem- bers cf 1h. Municipol Ceuncil cflb. 'Townl o! Whitby, Brd jan., 1887. JOB flEPUTY RElIE. W. J. Burne. erome SectI. North Ward.'ose 69 cbentire a .. 94 South <'87 Mai. for Buris, 23. Jola COtTNUOIRB5. 77. 55 48 Centre Ward- Wm. Buns ......... 108 J. Halot........... 105 Geo. Hevis ...... J. K. (3ordon.....7 South Ward- J. Smitb ............ 68 X C. Fox............ . 9 W.-Wicke ...........563 Jas. Ca.reron ........ 45 H. Wilson ........... 20. Tais couYomLFoia1887. Mayr-J. H. Long. Beevo--G. Y. Smith. DeputyBUov-W. J. Bure. Es- North Ward Ooqnifors-W. Noble, W. Robscu, Jas. Maynerd. Cenre ardWm.Burns,#J.rallet, Geo.-Hovls.. South Ward-J. Smith, C. Fox, Wm. Wlcke. Municipal C01OU&o.8 OsHavA,-Jobu Cevan, Mayor; L. K, Murton, Beeve ; Wm. King, lot- Deputy Reeqe; W. Clthard, 2ad Dep. nty Reeve. Councillors : Mesere. Ham- lin,. Dillon, Diokie, Crysdale, Boys., Gienuey, McLaughlia,., Munro, Haro, Garrow, Borebery sud Mackie. UXBRIDQE TewN.- Mever, J. Bascom, M. D,; Reeve, R. P. Harnn Coun. cilloe, A. Patterson, D. Dowling, HE.G. Qould, W. E. Vauborn,W. IL Ham- ilton, Thomae Armetrong, 0. Bussel, H. A. Crosby sud John Hanter.. BowraANviLL.-Miyer, W. M. Roi- sey. -£ounilor-R. B. Andrews, J., Wesley, D. T. Morris, J. Brittein, L. Cornieb, F. Masson, H. Gale, IL Worth CÂ&ZUNNGTON.-ReOe, 9Wm. àMoPho2r- Fou. Ccnnalor-Joseph Merrifield. Adam Dobgaa,j r., Dr. Hart, O. Brandon. PORtT Pxsuy.-Iteeve, J. W. -<Jurte. (Iounilors-T. Courtise, W. M. Wilooz John Netti,B. Bruce. The curling club je gettiug rlght dcvn to business uow. lTh. e iin tberiuk is superb, aud lbe membera atart 1hé ses. @pu witb groat energy, aýnd, as&a ocuse- queue., have a roaring fime. fo'r oa cooomeueement on Tueeday lest Meuai& Hoaod dJobnson broughii-ui llief men sud played th. gras -,et.the riés. cf gara... The mu en1wrki ed .Tic. jans aud greet good-u.6 wure #îe. served througbout. .-Il *W- Asua tnek t111 neer lbe .ad, when hitunt turned la wilh Mi. Rod and gavo'him the fire1 victery cf 1h. erles by thb. folowiug score :- G. H[ardingo, S. HL Grahara., A. A. Post, 0 .P. Stevari,- L. 8eborl, Geo. Southvéfl, C. Jobneto, skp-18. Wm. Hced,ekldp-19. l'h.e sason's game ou WodnsÏday s.frenuas'belveeu Messrs. Beitb- and Arahtroug's rings and was de.ided sas follove - P. Mah, Ww. Boyes H. Lewder, J. Caxnpbell, W. I. Hovie Judge Dar1un1I, WS. Baih,slkip-14 B. AKrongtdkp-18 Tl'.Tllowing as lbr, eé«t O e - a Ihird gaa.- J. ILa T, . T P.. Paxton, H Miese gavurine.Dal'ey, of IRanafton, epeut- gh.=ts veek bereviellinget Mim" whit.I 4eld's% sud =ade îMaU'Yfrieuds during her, MrI-PF, Daiestenogiapher'for Campbel & &ksi. ure"en ah ego-px Tii. cure Î4 Dr. -Lw$o o m up. It deatroga amokpea orm. Off.oi- t -heDuliEixpress maya 1. O1hobo clh are boycoltlngA.rohÏ9ý FOB, THE COMPLEXIQN,-For pimplua, .Blotcogga aad el~o~ tumora of the à*i, use . Prof. Loo1 )Ir. Gechea hasa¶Zed to tae.LorcI Rn- 4oiph Ohurc 1aplc i h.: Saliuy 8"Blood vii .11el." A- face adorned vil pimples, boiIe, blotchas. etc., in not a Ipar- ticularly pleasant slgbt, and in afbl betokena an impure wtte >f th, bip414 Dr. Carupn's Stomach Bitors fIre-e system from ailgpos- humors, rendors th. blood pure and cool, aida digestion and gies a hetlhy apete- or sae. by al drugist in arg botlesat 50 cents. The German army changelarae absorbing a good deal o! attention athome and abroad CONSUMPTION CURED. An aid physicien retired hrm pracice, having hadt placed in hie' hands by- a uta India n*ssonaiy 1h. formula of a simple vegetable emedy for 1th.speedir mad Pelm-- ment cure cf con=s1 miplon, Broneohil, Oatarrb, Asthma and àal lthroa4 aMa Lung Aftonos, ia oIrve sud radical -cmr for Nervous Debili y_,aau Nervous Com- plaints, citer havlng 'tesld ils wonderfu cuaiePov.orsiIhouad tssof b as feitllhls dulyte makeil kiiovuto bie suferngfeiow. ctuated by Ibis motive and a disft6 W relivhunisufserlng, I »ini send freé cf charge, te il vhmdesit, thisre in mGerrianFrnch or Engiieh. viih fIlrecLtionsa for proparicg andulg Sent by mail by -addiessxg wilh -stamp, namlinf l18pa,W.. Noire,149 Pose- The Austrian officiais are afraid lbhe Bul- garlan represenlativos wvi invite Prince Alexander toý rcturn, and Ihus- provoke Busala te occupation o! Bulgarian. THE BIGNS 0F WORMS are wellknotcm, but the -ren>edy ia noi Galwty8 8e well deiermiued. Worm Powdera wil deatroy U&eom. SBIBTEIS. BuinGscs-At Baleiam, on T nesday, 28th Dec». tb. wife of Wm. Bn iges; cf a sou.e I MARLED. Buaa.ET-MrTOaLL.-Iu Gait, ou the 2Oth uit.,* James R. Burnet, cf Grand Rapide, son et Mi. 1. T. Buinet, of Oshawa, 10 Miss Martbhe, second daugh. ter of Urs. àMitchell, of Gait B4*oeuu-W T.-In Oshawa, aitlbhe resdÏee o! the bride's unele ou Wed. needay, 29th ait., by the Bey. Newton HilJ, Loren Bonbury, te Kariha, Wbiie, ahl of Oshawa.f idoonz-KvuMM.-Âi Zoc Oburh Carleton Place, on Wednesday, Dec, 29th, by the 3ev. A. A. Spott, M.A., Mr. W. Moore, of tbe firm Baàtolife& O., Toroto.. to Mise Emma Kennedy, .18.diu d.gter Af Jas. Keanedy, 194_19 fcriêlycfOshawa. WzLBouUN-ANDUwsf.-ÂI the roi. douce of lb. bnide's faîber, on tb. 28tb 'uel., hy 3ev. 8. -H.Bastmau, Go. J. We4lbourne, cf Âudleyi 10 Aunni. J., culy daugbter o! Mr. G. -Audrews, of 3mai WbIiaiy. B,&uaNUY.WHI.-In Oshawa, mt the residence cof 1h. brie'. fatber, on lb. 29sh imet., by Bey. Newton HUI, Loren Banbary t6d Martha White, ail cf Osh. ou tb. 20h mal., ai-1h. remideo f the bnîde's father, by tb. 11ev. Audrew, Ctuingbam, of- StlfoI mt.:W. -1. Gieenweod, B.A.,, Clauical -Masler, Whitby dollegiale institute, t hBla, ouly daughler o! Hugh, Caraphehi, E.qi MoNà~v.-a teeý 28lb, at the re- aleo.o!ofber - soU-iu.lww, Wm. Wesl, lot122, usai 71,- âon. -Pickering, Mary' Moalaged'.82 years. 4 POELL &O0. Have som e Ohoice Goods which make nice presents, e Christmas. - Spal Muffs. and Caps, Mink Muffs, and Béas,- I.L. Ca ps and Muff$, Astri!can .Manties,& Sealettes, Mantle Olothé, &o. A big Une of A. No. 1 Grey aua BROl 8. Silk llandkerohiefs, Gents' Ties, Gloves, &o.' whioh n suitable-gifts. A large stock of New DRESS GOODS, SliadwlS, -E Leggiàis, Wools Caps, Mitts, &o. The beet assorted stock of Worsteds, Overcotgas; iigs, Tweeds, &o., ever shown.i Full stoàéd ini Geuits' Fuùrnishing IDertmen.-il aind Clothing. POWit~ T~Ou oiPat CQMPL v!EN Til Bery oie

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