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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1887, p. 3

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TON~ i~k. to- CURE iunts and Weak our bett L;ATION.' scnibt'd by ti wqnst fermco rrboalrrt4Wguh nd. Uleiallos sa auid t.hécou id iii ospéciff fie. IilJ 4A9 a thé uteré il sent. Thé ton thére la eliée aléncy' ésro -an& réllevé -aches, Nervoui .That feeln dui, weight am4 nenîl> cured Il Complainte c unsnnpassed.' tit the chemlistrj :rnma functi-01n irep'ared ini Pi] :ttle, 87 per Aos 50c. per boit. ~UXD -C0., tîanfitead, Que$ ver, Heads.cie 4jick. rnild, lond. B>': M4 Inedieas ent ci ITION POWOERS rd. iséés damé Àiti LrVER;tbu oréation. AU] cohism 00ed. SkLI- Littde jgâgie HB3u. lfj rA4imb flbethe 1100k, "$de iln the a&=8 10 thero ln lb>' home a darling, Weak and f ragile from its birtli? MX&k how the dear iamb is tended, Sootliéd its sorrow5, wOoed Ît nmrth 1 op the mother loves it dear>' Since iLg first low feeble wail Woke the love that n6eé dieth Deeper tht lier lamb is frail. Close her tender arme entolding, Shield it from the winds that blow Ail its littie ways of wisdoma Mother je the finit te know. Little feet uncertain, trying Firot bard steps on life'a highway. Ah! d'te iother makea it easy ; .Guides the lfmbs that bond and sway. Mother, is thy heart quite broken, That thy lily-bud lies low ? 0, the love that oraveth, raveth 1 O, the toauastitat ever flow 1 one there je born of a woman, Mau of sorrows, known of grief- O-, thon s'&d one!1 lift tbou sore heart; R1e alone eau give relief. Know, poon mother, bruiaed- and broken, In His garden, freali and fair, N4ever Borry, nover sinful, Maggie haîli his tender cané. -AI.ENÂ WESTIqEY. The Parsonage, Pickering, Shameful Abuse 41HEAPRD UPON A NOTRID ENGLISHMAN FOR HIe OPEN HONESTY. Wm. Ed. Robson. M. D., L. R. C. S. L, M. K.* Q. 0. P. L, laIe cf thé Royal Navy, of England, has gel ieglo profes. louai trouble for wîing thé follewing open letten té thé éditer of thé London family Doctor. 611 bélievé it te hé thé duty of eveny physician te malte knewn auy méana or remedy wberéby siékneie eau hé prévented, aud il is fer Ihia purposé 1 write te give my éxpoenne boili hèresud abread. 1 ask thé pub#~cation of thé statement that people May be warued befons itis too taté, te say to tliém thal Ibère je at hand a méans hy which thé>' may bé nestoned te per- fect healtli. Lt je wéll knewn te thé -médical weld, antd iudeéd, te thé laity, Ihat certain* diséase is makiug a ter- rible havec ; that next te censumplien il je thé Most fatal and -that Whou lfal>' developéd théré je uething te hé dloué fer thé éuffénét." ".1Physiciaus aud ecienlistO44ave long beau tnying te thnew light/upou the causé, and if possible, find jet nature ' Medicine for this fatal malady. They~ bave ehown, abeelutely, that thé bIood- punifying organe cf vital impertance, are thé kidnéye, aud Ihat when thé>' once fail, the poison which théy sheuld take eut cf thé bcdy' is carniéd by thé bloed jutoeévér>' part ef thé body, déveleping disease." 641u my liespilal practice in Eugland, .India and Southi Amerlos, sud aleo whilé a. surgeon in thé Royal Navy of GréaI Britain, I gave a gréaI déal cf attention te thé study cf diseases cf lthe kidnéys aud urinary organs, antd found that net only wau thé cure cf abronie Brigbt'& Diséasé bopelesa, but that kidney disease was nemankabi>' -prévalent ; *mvueb mère su Ilian gêner- ally known, an! wasthé cause of thé majcnîty cfcasjof sieknese, ianfifurthen, that thé médical profession bas no rem- éedy which exérta any -absolute contrel over thèse organs inu disease.", "Sème timé ago-wlieetI hW a ae which reaisted il Hnegular trealmekt- ,wbich le ver>' limitecl5-nornpared with l)be psssng of atones fi=, -thé hiduée, 'muoliagaenut -My will I Permite m patient te ne. Warner's .afe Our% of which I had hoard marvelént nisulta. In hiseuae the result -wus sply mer- vêlous, as thé attack wuas sér one, and dévé)opmenl ver>' grave for an aigliot showed par oeetdc albumen sud granuler tube chete." "&Thé action of the medjéine was singuler, snd incompréhensible le me, 1 have neyer seen anytbing like il. Thé patient reo overéd. prompfly, sund is tô.dav a weli and bealthy mn. This sllimulaled wy inquir>' lettethé iéeits of thé rémédy, snd aft.tr aualisietg I tonnadite be cf pure)>' végetable char- acter,hsrmleus te take underail cireuin- "Csting aside ail prefeusional preju. dic j gave Il a thorqpgh trial, a I wa anionethl my patients- should b. retred te healîli, né* mate r by what Medicine. L p,/èzonbe illu a gréaI. varlety Of oseâ-âoite ;Ohrenieo Bnight' PIlE INSTrTUTE Ar PORT PERRY. Thé Northi Onlanid Farmers' masti- luté met ai Port Perry iasa wéek. Frein tbe discussions as reported in the Standard wé clip the fellewiug: FEREDIN O0F CALVES. Mr. Burnett saad wheu lhé had a therough-bnéd caif or grade,-of whiçb hé epcted te inaké a final pnize ateer, hé allewed ilte a uck thé cew. Hé suppoeéd Ibis miglit injure the milking qual.Lies cf thé cew, but ho dees net cane fer the cow, ether Ilisette breéd sud'dévelop caives. ThéeVS> to s.ping' the inb and round thé ferm, of the calf béat, is te do se b>' libéral feediug whén thé animal is ycung and thé boeé are soft4 Ho admittéd that bt'eeding liad le do with thé foirm of the aunial, but the best bred caîf wiJI not- resch a proer form, unlese wvéli etuiahed. Mr. Ormiston béhieved héo ould bu>' calvés sud steens for feedina cheaper than ho could raise theuü.. Hé bcught calves frein thosé net caning to fatten them. Mn. Burntt thougltit jIweuld hé diffionît te gel chéap eteere that' wèuld fattén wéil. Mr. Stonébouse aise theuglit il impossible lé gel sîteene amitable for fating. Breeders génerally knew thé valué of animals snd would fatten théru themeelves, rallier thaet seil te, éthers. lé aontéudéd that théeirt Jpar wu thé rnakiug cf telb béat. Hekdid not lot calvée suok; gavé them whoeé milk for four veekei, veaued thein b> dégre loeskim milk ; képt thometsabled tiil aflér harvésl, somfetibashé addéd lletseed té skim milk. Ceuld gvs hem more milk cet dry food than on grass; animais lèe likél>' teýsScur. gé pauh- éd calvea for finsI yéar, whén ho sent bis milk te the factory; gir. them no whéy, but littie mulk, sème fiaxud, and hie calves did vs))- Mn. Thos. Grahiam. favored thé praé- lice of féeding calvés vigorousi>', but net lu forcing them as mnch as sème féedoes. ,J Mt. Gerge Ormiston, loIturuipe; -2nd banlé>' or sprlng wbeatu éeding down wit4i equal parts cf timotby. sud' Ooevr;* Mmd sud 4th hay; 5ib-pasturé; Olli peas; îh. barléy or spriàg wIit~; 81b cala, thont back te trnuips. Mn. John Ward, lot-t lraip@àý Sud wiiet or bsnley, sud iseA ill isndIs>' and orer, équal parts; Mm gd >; ;ý4t h pastune 1111 about bharvét, and t li inme asitemnncu mimer falow; 5th Iarléy cr whéat, meded devu witb élever and ib UitIle tiencîli'asd aisike ; 6th pastur W.)but do you kwaoii the autbor ~ibeeP dreadfauIy -erecut.4 for writiïng i? 64E 0 o? 1Wh*t buho lae le te werft It "4Don. hé lias ipoken the t.r4li onýt cf sebeel' sud bis féllow phy4îoîano, Who want lthé publie te thik4hfýb-ave a monopoly ie n caikg disease, are terribly anRry with him for admitting prefeseonal inability to reach certain "6That letter éreated a wondérffil sensation ameng thé titléd classes. and tbe public. l'bis jarred thie doctere ténribi>'.The Cpllegé cf Surgeons and Queen's Ooliegé from whieh instituttion. ho waa graduated, asked for au xln atien of bis. unprofesuional 'cenduet, and riotified him that unies he madle a rétÎraction thoy would discipline hutu. ..The doctor repliéd that tlie allowed hie patients te make nuscf Warnér'e eafe cure, enly after aIl thé regular methoda >ad failed and when lie was eatiefied that there was no possible hope for them. Upon Ilueir reoveny, after having uséd Warner'a safe cure, hé was se imu-oh surpnised that hewrote th aeeletter- to the FamiZij Doctor. Hé regréttédl that thé facultiee fonnd, f anit with his action in thé matter, but ho could net consoiéntiously rétraét thé facte ae written* te thé Family ",Thé faculties of both * ollegea ré- plied that unlese lie retractéd they should cut him off, wbicb woold catur- aiy> debar îm from again practicing his profeaaioii, and aise prevent hie secnring aýnothér appeintment in the Royal Navy 1" Thé illuitrions doctor's dilemma i. certainly anunpléasant -one, éephasiz. ing, as il cees, both bis own honéstjr, and the contemýtib1é préjudice and bigotry of E vglish médical men. Thé mases, lowévér, liaving no syimpathy with théir nonsense, keep on uslog thé remedy he se hiRbly *recommne ~and Rét well, While thé nicli and il dépend upon thé prejudied doctons and die 1 Farmers Talking. at the recespt of or<ders froin rémots coun- tries, where they had never madeé an effrtfor its introduction. 'The use for a short tlme of HÂLL' AMRL *Rr.NEwER wonderfuilly Improves the par- sanal appearance. XI cleanBes the scalp from ail lrnpurities, cures ail bumors, lever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. Il etimuniates the weakéned glands. and enables theru ta pueli forward a new and vigorous growth. Ilie effectsof this article are not tr-usient, like those of alcohollc prépara- tlox.s, bit remain a long Linie, wbich makes is use a matten ef economy. BUOKI£=NGHAM'8 -DYE FOR TRE WHSISKERS WIll change the beard to a natural brovn, or lack, as deslred. lerodudèea apernment colon 3that willI not wâsh ava>'. Coenatngef a single preparatien, il la applied wItbaout trouble. 74PBE R. P. HALL & CO., KaskHal 1f. fld by ail Deaiers le Medicines. rou AULTmB roffl Scroftlous, N.rcuualaMd the beil remedy, becams the Most se»rehngud iboneugh Ayer'sSariiaparillau selal by &U Druggtsf; $1, six bottiai, 0& ENGTM ftB= 1 cmsSa" NORNGLBSLE IMON SDEB' POU BosP 1703 m Pm Bonn »B FPOOT , OUiEi, LUIS I WE~ o~APwz» a, -disé-o,' éeba missIon rý lm ,Aaerica.. Bendasefdre n. te thé e',y.. 3oÏÊRn T. bnaq,ýSttio Nàw York Ostv. Mr. G. T. Blackstocr is lo be the iO sérvitave candidate tunWest iDurhamü. Netbit gLlIl. "I was nearly nsed up 'wilh a béavy clôi&j, from whieh I gel ne ,relief "Mutrli 4 Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsaa-m. 1 foundi sur cure, Tb ere ie nothing like , a80e Edward Cousins, Ransen, Ont. AnothérnçnW and poworfal eéýplooive has-ý been added te thé listeof Gcnmany s e&P- oe of van. A FOUwrld WorM,4 B3uràeok Biood .Bitters a&et at thé ai limé upon thé liver, thé bowels, the kednéy and thé akin, relievbng on cuning Mi everY case. Warrantéd ststisfacten>' on mon-Y réftinded. Thé Frnench troopa have gained a cou-' aiderablé viotory over thé rebels in Tron-ý quin. The mEvMence ofaéta ute. Esquire Pelten, of Grass Lake, MIeýhigan, a justice ci thé peacé, was givén up te aié with malarial féver. Re teatified te a cure- tram Bnndock Bloc& Bitters, after Physi- cians' and other medicines failed. E1ALLaIr Vegetable Sicilian IIAJIR RIENIEWER iras the firgt préparation perfectly adapted te cuire diséases of thé scalp, and théefiret un- cessf ni restorer of faded on gray hain te ils tattiral caler, growth, and youthful beant>'. 1t lias lad many imiltators, but noue have se fully met all thé requirements needful. for thé proper treatment of thé bain and scalp. IIA LL'S Ala. RE<Ew-ER bus steadily gnewn in favor, and rspread its faine and usefuinés to ever>' quarter of thé globe. Its unparal- beled success cam be attributed to but one' cause: thse cutire fuift!ment of its promises. IFALL SUITS. j --000 ýiJOH N Sc'otck, FERCUSON I8 SHiOWING À VPERIOR STOCK 0P English -and,- Canadian Tweeds, Ând other fine Unmes of Cliotho, for Spring suits. AUl grments made up in latest stylé on shorteet notice.- Resady-made Mon'8 and Boyp' 8uit8, Gent?'- Furn!8Iilng a and INDST.rauO TIEBLI OVERLS iiAT S! HATS 1 The Dominlion Dîgansm and Pl .Are 1Better thau Any Olier.- Thé Béat Judges saylIts Toné ina1thé. -Il ie bufit with'a view te Durabilityj Béeauty. -WABEBOO BOOK ST.- London and LqncaShn Life', Comiapaiy This CJompany issues evéry ef LiUe policy, sand ha. dEeo Beceiver Génèral , m apprqi secuitié; é,vér $100.OO f0? èâ liability, tlxus afoýrding AB cunit>'. Parties cdesirclu'oet aaaurb Winl fud ilte -théir advente thé nndeýrsignad bélforé assmù ~JOHN. FAIQUJ, WhutbyIMay 18,"'86. -ly- PA HATS! Lateet styles in Hard and Soft Felt Hâa VEBY <JHEAP, Dunao'8 t-,$W We OmEo OTOG \Br&~k instance dia il spéé4lly éuée a oUle. "For Ibis ýréaéon.Id«ém I i>' yduty te giver. tô thée o dbestateiuent ne-_ gaiïding lb. Valué cf Wamnens sdé cure. 1 make Ible etatèent cet facte I amn prépared le preduce and substanciale. I appeal te physiciasesf lange practice ls kuow how -common sud deeeptive' diîêséams f thé -kidnêoye aré le e> ilY"de profession6l piejudiée, Siye thein pa- tients Waru.ers safo cure, restoré, them te perfect bealîli, esrnthetbé gratitude sdthus lie tue pbs, ans. M4I aminirnmMm&aht MT naa no matter whet.hér, standigon iléorfoztyyrar. isémd la nIappied once li twebïe dansandiloea netinterfère with business. Descriptive pamphlét sent frée on reéipt osf stmp by TORONTO, CARADA.

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