- ounty UQunoil. . AFTERNOON SESSION. Warden teck the chair ut 4.20. The Olerk submitted and read the Scugeg Oommi8sioner's report. It WMs referred with the communication' frons the Port Percy Farmera' Institate, te the oomcuittee on finance. PRINTflqG. Mr. Burns brongit up the report cn pinfing, which recorunende paymnent cf the following accounts: To the Warden and Council of the Corpor- ation of the Counity of Ontario. Your standing oommittee on printing bog leave to report: That we bave examined tbe foilowing ac-. counts, and, finding them correct and pro- peily certified, do hereby recommend their payment. H. Parson, North Ontario Observer, Adv. Council sessio.n, Jan., 1887..... $2-00 Adv. entran .ce exsimination, Nov.'86. 8 00 Henderson& Graham, WhitbyChroniole, Adv. Council session, Jan. 1887... 2 00 Adv. entrance exaninuation, Nov.'86. 8 V0 Jos. J. Cave, Beaverton Express, Adv. Council session, June 188 .... 2 00 il il Jan. 1887' .... 2 00 H. Chester, Sunderland Mirror, Adv. Council session, Jan. 1887 .... 2' 00 John A. Carswell, Oshawa Vindicator, Adv. Concil session, June 1886 .... 2 00 ci fi Jan. 1887 .... 2 00 Adv. entrance examination, June '86. 8 00 il Cs Dec. '86 .... 3 00 James Cu.-tell, Brooklil Timos, Adv. Council session, Jan. 1887 .... 2 00 W. Pembert6n, Uxbridgo Guardian, Adv. Council sessioni, Jan. 1886.... 2 00 il June ".... 2900 go Jan. 1887.... 2 00 Adv. entrance examination, May '85. 8 00 it April 1886.... 8 00 4 Nov. té .... 300 Keller& Son, Uxbridge Journal, Adv. Counuil session, Jan. 1887.... 2 00 W. L. lldmunds, Ontario Gleaner, Adv. Concil session, Jan. 187.,.. 2 0@ E. Mundy, Port Perry Standard, Adv. Councîl session, Jan. 1887.... 2 00 Adv. entrance examination, Nov. '86. 3 00 S. M. Newton, Wbitby Gazette, Adv. Council session, Jan. 6.. 2 00 3000 Summons formas, Nov. 1886.... 9 W0 t Regardîing ibis item cof $9 for summnous formes, your commîtteo would say tbat iL aîithorized as extra printing by the chair- insu of youî standing committee on print- ing cf lasi yoar. Your committee have aIso had placed in their hauis anaccount of five dohlars from S. M. Noe-ton, for looùi) jry sumamons forms furn)ished to Mr. Sheril! Paxton, sud would recommend thst the account ho not paid, on îlbe ground th&t the County is not liable. 'Your cornîittee have alec to report that the work cf the contractor for county print- ing continues to give satisfaction, and would recommenid thst the present forin cf couuty reports, etc., ho carefulby adhered to tis year. Council went inte committoo cf the whole thoreon, Mr. Baird lu Lb. chair. The cornmittee, rose reported the report without amendmnt. Tic report van neaeived sud adopt- ed, and the Warden ws instructeà te grant bis order on tie Treamurer for Lhe acocunts therein recommeuded Le be paid. On motion cf Mn. Matthewisen, sec- onded by Mr. Wilson, a by-law ge cou- firm by-[aw No. 611, cf Lie Towuship of Whitby, was introduced and read a finit sud oecond ime, aud referred te Lb.e Committee ou Bioade sud Bridges. On motion cf Mn. Smith, sec- euded by Mr. DobBon, a by.law vas iutrodnced sud read a fîretsud second ime te appoint Lve members cf the Board cf Ciminal Audit. concil weut inteo ormxittee ef Lhe whiole the.reon, Mr Burns in the. chair. Lu committee Messrs G. H. G1rieraon, W. Batoman sud J. Miller were unm- iuated. The firet and tant uamed were ineerteci, the latter ou a ii ivision - wheu the commiîtee îs)E, reported te tlankei fi lied. The report was rssceived sud adcpt. ed sud the by-law was read s third time sud paBsed. On motiou cf Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. MeFarîsue, a bylaw waeintroduced sud read a firet an3 second ime to ap- point Couuty Auditers, wheu conucil veut into comnxittee cf the viiole Liiere- on Mr. Bruce lu the chair.1 Lu aomnrittee Messrs. A. D. Williams, W. Purves, J. H. Brown, T. H. Glen- douniug, L. Burnt sud W. H. Warnon, were neominated. Tii. names cf Mr. I, Burnett sud Mn. M. Gleeson ver. li. isertetd, the former on Lth. nomination cf Mn. Christie sud tii. latter by, Lb. Warden. The salary vas flied at '$40 escii. Tii. comiittee rose ana reported the. by.law witi blanka filled up. Tii. report was received and adopl. ed, sud Lb. bylav vas referred ho Lthe 0O'mmihtee on Legielatica, but net vithout an effort, moved by Mr. Bruce, secooded by Mr. Baird, ho have 1h. by lav again neferred tot. h. e o- mitte. cf Liie vhole t. insert 1h. name cf Mr. Glendinang. The vote stood 12 to18 »ýdb rMrin t A mnotion uMoJo y1rMro, suspnd rale 2. to admit cf holding an oveeiug session vas lbat, sud 1h. Coru- cil adjcurnod til to-morrev. FOURTH DAY. The. council resum.d ah 11:30. Tii. iLnutee cf yosterday resd .and, ap. Yourcoruittee have-had-before thom thé report lofI the -County Inspector cf Publie Sohools, and'are 'pjeased te fine~ that the Publia Sohools of the'connty are in a highly aatisfapry state cf efficiencv, there being buto neé or two instances,91oi eplaint in re- gard to%'theù'ecesgary accmmodation for thd' requirements 3f thepu pils. Your',commitee have learned with regrtt that iii one sectien, notably that of the Manfila Union, Ithat 23 pntils in the 5th claso ha ve*been dismissed ftom the sohool by resolutien of the Board of Trustees for want of a sufecient ýteaching staff and would rec- ommend that the Inspector proceed at once to in vestigate the matter and and apply the necessary logisiation te, reinedy the saine as soon as possible. Your committee lu examining tho Iuspoc- tor's report are struck with the fact tint few cf the public schools teach the fifth clam work, and would recommend that the saine should be more generally taught, inasmugch as many pupils in rural districts have no opportuuity cf attending high sciiocissand are entîrely dependent upon our publie sciiooîs for an educaticu.* The attention cf your coinmaittee has been drawn tc the f act that few of the ppblic schools cf the county are equipped with a proper Iictiouary and Gazetteer fer the use cf the pupils, and would recommend your Inspecter te, urge upon Trustees througb eout the county the great necessity cf providing the sanie as soon as possible for the pupose cf more eliciently teaching English litera- ture. Vour commaittee are pleased te notice the manif est interest taken lu arboriculture by plîpils of the Varieus sahools in the county under the sohool rogulaWns settinga part ene day ln uhc year, known as Arbor Day, by which there have beon plà nted upon -the grouuds eft te varieus soel sections in the county under the, direction cf touchers aud trustees, ne lesa thà an 4000 trees now lu good health.y growing condition, tics creating a taste for the beautif ni aud prcmotiug tlýe health cf pupils. Your cculmittpe would recouieni th2t the report cf the public school Indpector, in which there is a large auîount of s;tatistical information, be printed in the jouriials cf the Couincil. That we have had laid bafore us twc a- con nt.s cf F. M. Hollaud amnouuting te th'à suin of 827.54, for sttionery, etc., suppliçd for D epartuiental aud Fntrance Examina- tions at Oshawa 'High Schools, aud after Comiparing the saine with high schocîs focr like supplies, your ccmmittee are cf opinion that there is scine mi.,take aud wculdroc- OMîuend that the accounts be bail over for furtîter consideration aud enquiry. X'our comruittee have had pres8ented te thex te commnunication froin Lhe city clerk of Kingaton aisking the co-operation cf this Cý>ùncir lu menoýrializing the Ontario C(ov- erument te, take stops toesetablish in King- itou incoÀunection with, aud as a part cf, its educational pohlicy at queen's University, a school et practical science lu which shall be given instructions in Miuiug aud Metallur- vr Analytical sud A pplied - - qbry, Moèchanie, Arts, Agriculture, Nav ou sud other industries cf the peopli,,_a while yýtUr committee desire te expzýg appreciation cf th. creditable q Àà highly praisewortlîy efforts sud Quleeu's University, we do nett uider existing, circumstauces iL h wise te recoinumend this council te. .BU l said memorial.. _Yo-ur committee wculd rec.mmetud that the following pers'.ns ho apploint-d to fill the %,acaxîcies .occurriug in Lhe T rustee Boarde of tite WVhitbv Coallegiate Institute sud Oshiawa, lv'xbridge and Port Perry 111gb School8, re-spec-tively, for the ne-xt Lix-et years: WVhitb', Rev. J. J. Cameron, M.A. ; Osuha- wa,J lin Cowan. Vi bridge, Ira D. Cros- by; Port Perry, ~ Mundy. R. P. HARIJAN, Mr. Bure moved that th. gem. of JudRge Dartuell b. substitute4,to that of Bey. J. J:. Catnern s for Whitby Cellegziata Insiat, -C&His Houer decîaning to accept ýl" tien, Mr. I3nrns ooved Mr. J. R. Ph'itp. a Mr. Gould moved tLIý proviens question wihîch sunt cff*a'f discusion aud tbis wsfi oarried by s uearly unanimous vote, sud the repent wus adopted sud a by-law crderod te be Inspecter MoBrien's report wus thon readdsasfollowm:- I have the houer te *premeut my anial report c-n trie condition cf th. public *ciiocle iu th.COeuLty Of Ontario Ocher thon those l in te one cf Oswa. Whlhby sud Uxbridge, neepecting thd followlng: Aimes na.-The numben cf trees plsnted lu esch townshlpÃ8 ad ifoflcvs :-Pickering 227, Beach 17, Urbrldga 258, Mars 27, Whitby M.8, amna 14, Scngog 71, Thoral 88, Scett 186. Brook 15, EBut Wiiby 95, village cf Osunington 5. Total in the. y.ar 1886 1,830;i th. year 1885 and previcus, 2,252; total numnber cf Ire.. planted Courrv Pns.sincuz. (bexmoy. - The reporbfom=ueseversi smctions show lthe fooing aggnegate suaxns undor mach headia$- Reespto for 1886:- Balance iu bruetes anda fromn 1885 ... ...4......... ... 88818 Goverurent gnu lm 8.......4,914 98 Municipal grnul 8......... 6,481 98 Trnu oei sp lai 18lm. bý...49»G25os Amoutno ce.gyreserves an tuScurces ........ 928n auset.,............. Bu mi WHAT TEE JUSTICES WÂNTe mas Tii. olerk read tii. fclowing copies vi of rosolutions paesed bhe. juslipes ofbo lh. pesu osf e. oouahy Au wom us amambled IJeSember 14h1, 188:- Thal ln view cf the fut6.1 that lb high consiable of hie eeuuty is net pi auy salary lthe juSticsof lix. p.ýce for bm Ibis counnu' Augênerai s essioni "'Mi'e n bled, recomménd t? the oenty ochal.5 lhiI a oenslable's-mil téc eb"osb. lb purchaseile lfauto~l. 1gb constable while attendAug oeurls; Tkat 1 wher.as by order lAu ouoil 1he fines ,- for contrivention of "ii. - <Omué4s, d TemperaneAst 1878" aâre now -~ abi le, ooucly wher.Autie" Sain bru o Ivi4d9 theslb.opinion,,*f, the - naticles ssions amu.be ht i- . isieni, 'o I~- .4l~4 e 50* 4. .4 tic I ~ Thq report was oebCprinted in the. minutes cf the douili. The coutcil - hox adJouumed for dineter. i- 1 AFTERaNOON 4 sEssION,. Wsrden toek Lthe chair ats 3ololook. l'ho Clerk Pnbmaitted and "'read thé. Presentuaent cf the. Grand JW7~. LEGISLATION &ND MEMOBIALS. iMr. Switb preseuted a report cf the O4nmitte-e on Legislaýîôn mnd4Memori- That baving considered Lie compiunica- tîajis frein the county clerk cf, Bruce with reftrence te the appointment cf a delegation te interview the Ontario (loverntintl reference te alteratieus lu the. Drainage Act cf 1883, recommeud that uo such dolegato be appointed, considering that ne neoessity ex- iets for any alterations lnu 5aid Act ; but wculd recomxnud that the Ontaric Govoru- mont be uotifled through our respective members that ne material alteration ho madle lu the said Act, in the interest cf ceunty engineers, or auy other clasa, without givlng due aud timely notice te thre municipalities particularly interetsted therein.' Vour committee have had before thein Lie communication cf .;4erly, Jones, Secretary cf the Land Law Amendmeent Association requestiuz t.he co-operation cf t" Council iu endesverlng te procure the extension of the Act knowu a. the "Terrens S8ystem cf Land Transfer" trtthe Provinceanwishlug us te petition the LegisbaturS for tis. pur- pswould recomnend, w viow of the Act havig given îrenerab satisfaction in the city cf Toronto and thet counLy of York, where iL bas been lu operation thrf'es casthat titis council do petition tiiheg=- =aturt extend the. provisions of the Âct te tihe Province cf Ontarlo-but se, as te beave it 40ocal with each laud -owner wliether ho ha make use of the Act or net. Your Couîmittae have 1usd referrod te them a by -law rospecting tiie iutetrpretatou of Rules cf Construction 3fthLe. By-Isaws cf this bouuty, and consider lb uooessyfor the. proper construction and inberpte"bon cf certain terme usod therla, W 1j4, reccrn- mound that it b. road -a soood tbird - timo and passod. Yoiir committee have 618c considered th@, memorlal of the -county of Htattngs witii rofereuce te the practiceofe confiillnatias inx our varions county* uil. throgZentth Province, and recornmeud that a mernerial similar te tue oue adoptied by the oounty cf Rastîigs ho adsptd bytuis Obuncil and forwarded te the Legisiture cendornng this cruel practico sud recemmondng tuat eeveral counties ho gronped toethe in which a preliminary a.ylum may be placed 50, that patients may at the earliest passible moment ho put under proer treatment and tins afforded a fuir chance for a early ro- covery. Your comxmittee wculd reomu~n that the clerk oit the ocuncil do auawer - ehomr- on from the County' Cberk bfFvnt- uYdho ha. net alr.ady doue se>, ' 'in the arnonut cf moeo granted by "hfsun- cil tcthe Liceuse Cemmnissicuens toeonable toem te enfonce the. Sctt Âct--but osunot reccrménd t the. presont turne a_ action te b. takon by this Council with 11wview cf akin fer any independent pcwer of ap- pomitmg' suy efficere te onforce or carryont the. provisions cf the Scott ÂcI-.s vo con- aider the smre to be inn mci su.uncentalu sud nnsttled stâte by sncb action vo uuight stili furbiier hamper insbosd of im o e i Act; and for the marn rouà ons, atter due coumderation, we cannuot rom*nud th. alterationa recomrnended to usby the Oennty Oouneilofbthecounty cf Yor.k, Your committoS ha îwe heb. by theoir dutz udfixie«,* enet-; 1 reccrnrend tht te bla ad.h. Cooil vent Auto ANew:zand Beautiful 'Assortm-enýt ii41ithéFashiona Shades, withlnsstomch ]RANGJNGx IN PRICE FROM -$100O PER YAIRI) Also another'.new lotof Stripecli orded Velvte CHENILLE AND JET FIRINGEIS, NEW DRESS-AND. MANTLE BIUTTOý Dress anfd Mantie Clasps in ail colors and black.- TAILORINO. FLOURISHING, ]Everybody is satisfied with Our work. Leave your ordî with us and y ou can be sure you will not have e'1_. bring them backfor alteration. AND 'REW M. Fer Rickets. Maramus. a"d anl Wast- ing Dlaorders Of cbh1dren. ScoWta Emul-sion cf Pure çgod Liver Oil, * uith Hypophosphites, la unequallcd. The rapdity wxth which childrenigain flesh aud strougtiupon iL le very 'çýoderful- " have used ScoLt's Emulsioeu lu cases cf Blickette sud Marammus etlonblg standing. Iu every case the improvemOnt was mark- ed ."-J. M. MÂDS, M. D., Newr York. - M. M. Tait, ef Moutresl, bas been appeluted judge in place eof1ýhe late judge Buchanan, cf Lhe Superior 0Court. P. M. Mankeil, West Je4doe, N. S., writes; I wish te iuferm yoî4 of the. von- derfal qualities of Dr. hc*nae' Eclectrie où1. i hsd a hers s lame hathoh could scarcely vali; the. trcuble v*.sin Lhe kuso; sud tvo or throo applicahloeîs completely eurod hlm." Ring John, of Abys sinia, thýeateue Egypt with nar unbes a sttlement cf the Maose- viii question xs macle socu. Robent Lnbbnqk, Cedar lispidi, vribes: 1 have used Dr. Thomas' Eclictnlc 0O1 both fer mysolf aud family for di ilions, vit the veny best resulle. I rgdil s lhe beet renuedy for thie disease, d vould use ne cther. Tii. Bnitiuli Govemnteu'ropeaed uew rules of procedure thev umore rosponal- bîlity on,-sud ga more p4vrtet te Speaker DR. LO W' WORM ýYRUP Win remove Worm and 4 arýae, qzuc7er t/ian any -ct/sas' mdicine.i Staternts made by theG~ merIM - or sud Orovu Prince at a co urreceptlon yeslerday have reneved the' rscr i- Germauy. "Wheu I ste, my focd vas 1 like s lump of l.sd lu my tomach. I teck Burdock Bleed Bittors. The more I tc4k the, more Il holped me, I amn liki eno man nov, sauEzra Babceck, Cleyae . 0., Tovu- bxP Barrie, eut. Thirty Parliamnentary sest hve boon placed at Mn. GSocben's disp4a. A Seasqnable XIýaL1 Durhif tho breaking up « In «ter, viien the ar uà chiily sdteLv* or damp), scii comnplainte asiu rahuam.neural- gis, lumbago, son. throat, cro p sud other paint n e teleof mdzden colcare 1preval~ ent. Ib is thon liaI Hagysncý's Yelow Oil à e found truly valuable as a hcuaehold rem.dy.- An a at le made te h.colonies forfeu tortheImportai Nlut'. 1Mr. O. E. RlggiuMI Boum villwies, <t Oustpuner Who tiied à a c f Nort4mrp & Lvrnîus.V ' tblleo I!Uà F5756la1 tueM ,bé t hl u e qe i âetd'About a W.r h s, on alhack cf bilions foernsd ho.dli vas in for ao,~1u hap Ibis valUable n e 'liire- sulbe.#! an iUtevlo* regadiug, thi.en'disute DEBTRY T~ 170 8, or th"i my dafrcj I phi4r vie Fre., Allan Line ROYAL, MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. WINTEIR ARRANGEMENTS._ DATES 0P SAILING. Peruvian. from Portland, Fèb. lOLh. from Halifax,- Peb. l2th. SardWnan, from Portland, F'eb. 24th. from Halifax, Feb. 26th. Polynesian, from Portland, Mar. Srd- from Halifax, Mar. 5th. Cirusin, romPortland, Mar. lOthy. from Halifax, Mar. Il2th. Peruvian, from Portland, Mar. 24th. from Halifax, Mar. 26th. RATES 0OF PASSAGE PROM POBRTLÂR2>On HAL1PAX. CAMIN#50. $65, and $75 acoording to, rstoiof-stateroom. à ;ttumýTc# $2,and $pS. INTERMEDIATE $W0. ,STEERAGE at 16weat rat«s. Intermediato aud Steerage passongers for Glasgow forwarded free by rail from Là iver- pool, or by steamner from Dorry.- Passengers taking.-the Steamer at Port- land*wil louve Whitby on the Wednesd&y mozning.--at Halifax, on theThuzsday Morning. Parties sending for their hMonds in the1 Ol ountry eau obtè.in PREPAID PAS- ýSG BTIFICATBS ut loweet rateg. For Tickets and &U other infoirmation, ý6pply to ao.V B. YuIi, Express Offlo, q WHITBY,ON~T Dominion Un& o Royl,*M!I STEAMHTPB ROSSe IHE REMEflIAL COMPOI IS A POSITIVE CURE For ail tiiose Painufomplainta sudl S nesses -me cemmon te our heet TEMALR POPULATIO: Ou acoonut cf if@ preven monits, IL, day recemmeuded sud presanibed b, best hyiiaus in 1h. cenutry. IL aiicre euuirely the worstfc Faligc biUtera,Leuoornhoea, Ir sud Pain'Ci Menstruation, ail01 troubles, Ineammation ansd Ubaci Fleedingo, ail Displacernus and th soquont spinsal veakness, sud. is csp adapted Le the Change of Life. It wi spive sud oxpel tùxiors frern 1h. uts an early stage cf develepment. Th dency cf, Canceibous Humons there is cd vory speedily by ile use. 43 rernevets faintuems, fiatubeuoy, dei ail crving for stimulants, sud -ne weakncsa cf 1he sternach. 11 IL cures BIoating.Head-achies, Xe Prostration, GenralDebulitySleeples Depresision sud IndiÉestion. That of beaning down, aauaixg pain, veigt sackache, is alvays permsuontly ouà its Use. .Fer the- cure of Kidniey Ccmplai eltuer soi -,bisac% [4La unsurpas îq di~ e- à lon- - corect h~ cfii. nrin,ré rés, thè uorb cfh ti.kiducys, and i6revcnts tii. e-Jc degeneratien which lMade te Brlght oage. *- One trial will cha"a andex ocite' R-euediaI Oompound la Pneparcd ý! sud Liquid fonun. #1 per bottleî$7p Pilla (sugar ccated)-by mail . Penr B EMEDIAL 0MP1W JD O Daerby Line, VIt.., or Stà nstçiadj Canada. IRMBDIÂL Lrvzz x P=9L-La (ugan cures Terpidity 1efthte -Livrer, -ï ýBilicuaees, &. They âte quck, glngl, à su7d sheul be uted in cea til h. ernedal Ceomid. ~ 250eà . B"ib1uçrôf the. aboya remedi,- reipb t prie.,por, W 4fremDz S.O TOCK, FEED AN4D GOgDtTION-P I ilstIsotuhe l, à LiVEROOLRd 11VICE. RÂILMJTNti é 8anna,.Pb. -8r md. Prom halfa obéi amounk-al.... 1tl eon sd - lamap,4;o av~~# à im is.-51 lt . v - 0rô 'bo tup 1the finano ,hâve inspoctod the TM"eui 5~fVaiIigrenewal roccipt rn 1a&fn néthat the bond ha. bee tinnea lin force tili1 the 24th day o mnd ucthat the request cf Mesai Ocfor 1au extension of their é.x co ontgrantd Mmnend that, the application'for, -Mr. Henry Roach of a pedWjai -thiutpaymont cf a feo thereforb pidwith ecmend that the application o r eagrant te, the Ontario Rifi, -61o 'b ho t.granted.1 aýo before .-ls the application cf thi iAid -Ass',ciaticn, for a renowal ô anulrant made by this'counti re mend that the sum «of twenty 1rsbe granted te that Association. xave censidered the petition and cent oin.cf Lieut.-Ool. O'Deiiovan asking rant 0f$300tethe 34th Battation ti Sa-e xpense cf purchasing hè1roetâ re by .the mon and'-flot supplied b' mnent. This le an expenditure whlâ net -have been forced by the Goer pon tue munîcipalities, but we bellev; ;epayers cf this county value the vol force toc highly to permit the injusi this expense falling upon the officox, have already personally made veri a.sacrifices to maintain'the effloi ~e battaliofl. We therefore recoiin thaà t in order to distribute this expeai alxreover the whole county, thi re itdred dollars be granted b3 »incil for the purposes montioned û d1petitiofl, to bo applied- as follows neunts advanced by the several minei ipalities lu the county for the purpose i te be refunded to . them by ti r;er from the grant hereby made, isucl ini eavh case to e m xade upon thi iion te the Treasurer of proper voucd a the Olerk or Treasurer cf such. mina .palltles certlfied as correct by Lieut, rDonovan, and the remnainder cf sail 4be pald over by the Treasurer on a 2 as possible after the. fifteeuth day c xry next, te Captain Jas. Rutledge îon Tressurer. anse was mseérted here recommendinl iotDeminion Goverument fuznish de Lothing for its volunteers i future a( thé, abeve 8M00 ho efunded te ti lause instructing the Clark te forwar Ontario Governînent a cepy cf thi es of the January sessions a year ag ning the report cf the Auditors*o mal Justice, callng the attention- c iment te the recouimendations com therein and' asking consideratien c me. [anse statlng the Committee does n * he payxnent cf any Scott Act fines 4j nmont as asked by the N. 0. Branc niln Aliance. increased .insurance was ordered te b lapon county buildings. COMmittee refused te recommend ti ttmeut cf a.poice magistrate for ti Ftoenforce te Sot Act. mceii went jute committea of thi 3 theron, Mr. Couithard . ii lbh Burns spoke of a parky having t as much for a licence oxtondin' afew- months as for 1h. whoi Siûith movod an amendmoni ,ffng to zed h icence roferi bwooyoar. 'Mefon said hm col nt bi kihu ontravexxing tlbe ooune. ameudment vas pût and ost. ~amendînont t. th. -thirdclause ebormoedth t1he.wort ho struok ont." H. made a 'Isroui P-Molwbray uý ugges t lit lb Cil fsot t boe yMr. Bosch i *Peroy. said h. wu as#s cot rpeotlvs nsuo