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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1887, p. 3

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Moinbrought uP 1h.efiasse. .,8asfoil lewl tw baeinspecLed the Tareaaurer's we hae g onewal reoeipt, re- te s ad fn -tbat the bond hua beau cntinued in force atiheti 24th dey of next. ,ecomend that the reque8t Of Meusa. ý;Co., for an extension of their ex- licence$ ho net granted . recomimend that the- application for" a to Mr. Henry Rouch of a pedlails witIhout paymnut of a fee therefor be j mpliod wÎtb. recomutfl3td that the application of Uter for a graut to the Ontario Rifle jation be not granted. have befôre us the application of the. fors' Aid Ass,)ciatîofu r a ronewal of suai nnuaI grant madie bY this cnunty1 e recoin en tat the surn'of twonty- lollars be graiited to that Association, e have coneidere4l the petition and cor- .Cation of Lieut. -Col. O'Douovan aaking grant of $30 to the 34th Battaiol 'to r the eXpexîse of purebasiug bel meii re- J by the meu sud not supplied by rn~ilt. This is an oxpendituro whic I nît have been foreti by tho Govern. t upîîfl ttue municipatîties, but we boll:ovo atepayers of tliis county value the vol. or force tot) highty te permit the ijuut. ~f tip expen-se f alling upon the officers have -ilreadY personat ty made very ziary s%critces to maintaiu the effici. dthile battalion. We thereforo recom- d thît in order to distribuito this oxpen- re cqilitlfrby over the whole county, the Of ttîree hindred dollars be granted by c(Ininit for the purposoîs montionod in said petitiofl, to b. applied as follows : aniotints adlvanced by the several miner icipatities in the county for the purposes aid to bo refuudod to them by the urer t romn the grant hereby made, such lid in i cd case to ho madie upon the uction to the Trea-surer of proper voucli- orn the Cterk orTreusurer of such minor ici palities certifled as correct by Lieut.- 0 I)onovan, sud the remainder of said t to be paiti over by tho Troasurer on or )n ag possible after the fifteenth day of ruary next, to Captain Jas. Ruttetige, alton Treasurer. clause was insertoti bore recommendîng the Dominion Governinent fui nish do- clath' % tor ils volunteers in future sud the acve $30 h refundod to this ty. clause instructing tho Clerk te forvard e Ontario Govornusent a copy of the tes of the 1January sessions a yeur ago aiîiug the report of the Auditora of mnal Justice, calling- the attention of ennent to the recouimendations con- ed thereiin sud aakiug consideration et sanie. clause stating tke Oommitte&' doos not r the payulnt of any Scott Act flues to erument as asked by the N. 0. Branch union Alliance. n iucremied insuranco was ordered to ho ~ed upon county buildings. ho Oomlmittee rot used tp reconnend the ointmont of a police magitrat. for the nty t enforce t he Scott Act. )onneil vent jute eommiftae of the oie thereon, Mr. Gouîthard in the &r. Burns spoke of a psrly haviug te ras mueh for a licence extending r a fev menthe as for the vhole âr. Siih moved au amendmeul Moeiug te extend the licence refèrred r- vsle ysar. r. Morton said Ibis could net b. v4ou $uvening lb. county be ameudment vws put and lost. amendment ta lie hhurd clause Webster moved that the. word t" be struok out. le rmade a a$rong e lor bis friend. r. Mowbîay au&,geoWeI- iaI lthe soul of.- Seott buy Mi. Bosch s r. Perey said ho -vas surprised at Scott reprèeetatives, inasmuci as y are usually oppoaed the.saa- ment of a poor-bouse, and ha hoped people. of Scott wee net couacies benefit by Ibis msn'is mWaortuns by ving cicap gooda efféredt liin. b hoameadmeat vau îpul andI lest, d the. original osu a ib dptsd. lu refèrene t le i clause proposing grant tiecOounty Batalion s' grant belinets, Mi.. Morton said tI ler nntiea badl made giat for this par- se, ands e e ogcers boa basa put conideable expense, be hoped sa would be granled. Col. *O'Douovan vas beard ina lieu hall, sud made ont a strong case fo* oe volunteers. Hie ssid an a recant esieun the offleer c f the dsy preferred e-îbsenoe te th. presence.of the 84th attalion in parade, boeause lbey had helmets, sud as tliiswas s virtual igbt, and lbe ceaty being well, able aiford iu, h. hopad the requesî vould granted. )Ir. Murten moved lthe sum cif $240 appropriated fer tliiipuîpose. M)J. Smith moved the, sum of #880.' Mr. Harrn recegnized tie valua of 0i services cf tie volucteers, sud Oiir willinguese le r.epîpd tle lt.a tduty, and speke in favýrof thie luger ývM.m. St'. -motion, carried, sud Ï111* m1 of $300 vas grauted. Mr. Mawbray theugbl thé expauso of Police magistrale uncslled fom, insa- sncb- as ho regards thse ctt Ad s 1Ume. H. moved tie adoptimofuthle 11à clause. .!1e In ameudment le thé 111h claus !ri G. 7 Smithinpoved, thatlMajor' onst as police- magistle inder ý'tisa Il Act for. tie viol, ceualy, vithout eIflens of the Cueiwe ala r tie enforcmus of.1 e Ool c; liens iigit lavrrer lsapa1;ho vas 11the rily of is' el 111wi vbsht thiActI îSa oaom- n le.Draimwu on- b d 55;but fav G%=,K mens%» 881a - u;*d lae u iwpril aViNa_ maou nd tlhea aoI le su a.. imZ ar 1fr Smlh midh. 1had pointea out SI the JanUawysession, thal the appoint. mont of îwo poio. magistrales weuld b. a mietake. Mr.,arman moved liat lie 0ocin. lnitbee rise, report progreas, sud. 'ak 'leave le Bit again. Carriedl ,Theooemrittee rose, snd the report of thoecommittes was dopted. *On motion cf Mr. Todd, seeond by Mr. MeFarlane, 1h. by-lsv te appoint County Auditore was resd a third lime and pased. On molioax<f Mr. Burns, 1he Wazden inetrnceto te àue hie warrant in psy. me~nt cf hie dontiaett as eounty printer. On- motion cf Mr. Parker, thc War- den vas inetruoted ta pay, by eider on the Treasgurer, #2 te 1Mr. Ac'k.rmas, of the Pickering Newa8, for advertising the, Jue session of 1886. Coanoil then adjonrned. QORRE3PONDENCE. And Items Stolen [rom aur Exchanges. The hotel keepers kieked sgpinst the. recent fines of 8100 for violaliniz lhe Seott Act, aud elosed up their eetabliah- mente, The executive of lhe. Scott Aot Aseaoiagion, however, proved, equal le the occasion aud soon had alneoeseary provision made for the entertainrnent cf tbe travelling public. The hotel keepere yl have tb knockunder @soo or give up sîl hope. of ever retarnisg te business. A. rather serions accident ýhappened to Geo. Haines, Feq., Police Magistrale ou Toesday morning laet. 4s he vae laaving his resideuce to corne te tovn ae saa, -ho slipped sud foli backwards, etriking hsavily on the bock of his head which vas out everely andI bled pro. fusoly. Dr. M-oLauglin was sent for and elewed up thh 7ound ;aud although suffering cooniiýerab1y Mr. Haines carne te town and attended le mý4g1s- tonial duties. Il le fortunate thé [ail did net prove more serica. On Sauday last, lwo yonng men, hailing frorn Oshawa, and driving a black herse witb a white face, from a livery stable there, were painting tie town. Turning a Sorner they upeet aud their bore ran awny up through the. mnarket and te Liee ti-suce of thc-Alma hotel yard. This seing fenced up th. horae muade a bounu for il, breain, .il dowu snd coutinunR ils course thhiugh thc yard right m inote stable. Furtber tia plitîing tbe dasi of 1h. cutter, ne hartu was done. Net satisfied with lhir -exploits se [ar, thes. Oshawa young mer. tien drove througi .the front streel, one ol'thei waviog s black bettle ever hie hsad. W. know we bave smie teugis in aur owa leva, but vs oaa't leuci Osiawa yel. Ourrent Làtertuýe. Littel'. Living Age. The numbers of the Livinsg Âge for Jauay 22nd aud 29th coatain, The Aurais Borealia, .Edinbtwgh; 'LIàoksly Hall" and the Jubile, by 1Mr. Gladslene. NinoteesUs Century; Emin Bey: Qorden'. Lieu- tenant, Fobrnigktlyj; Lady Duif Gor. don, The Philosopher*s Wiadov, sud À Pies for an OltI Friend, Tem91e Bar; The Iattm sof* Charlas Lamb, sud Sunderland sud Sachuiag sMaemillsn; -couviets in. Parliamenl, Tiffw; Inci- dents of Rient-Collection iu Iraand Choember'; Irishimh..seritias, Bpec- laito; Scuthli-aIs Oourtaip, &tur- dar Ruiew; Thse Osrsvsnaa in Pormis, 8t. Jmms.; Foreign Kinièlers sud Foreign Languagea, Lonsdon 'Titn.; yvihi instalments of «"À Secret Inherisace," sund "Major sud,,iner," sud po.lry. Fer &fty.two nnmbars of aixty.ctur Ile p« e esi(or more than 8,8W< pagesa s ar) the subecrip- lion prioe. (. 8 is 1e; whils for 010.50 lie publishers offer -le send sny on. of the Amýeric&a #00montblies -or week- lies; witi thé Living Âge for s year, both poslpaid. Litltal & CJo., Boetorr, are the publiahers. Tlhe-Carnival Namber wih is beiag lsaued Ibis week by thé Montres i I mus, will ve beliave, uommand s a niostunapracedent sale, ait la publiaIt- sd aI lb.he ztremoly low pue -.,f 15 cents, or Ivo copies for 26 cents - &Ul freaby post Ittas tooontin 24 pages, litsrslly crovdad vitit «@nUuut oed MW Qtt.beo- Leg"iue han beeli ad- FLfty-eght pelewere drowned I)y the floodB in1(4ue.psiand.( 'Me MRorY «et EUadr«W. Mr. Joha Morrison of. St A=%, was so serjouui aficted wifli a 0'eaeo the- kýdneys ad dropsy tha. life wua des. paired of. Two bottleu of B ,dockBilood Biftter oued him m"tr physansa had fafled. Generai Verziy has been appoint.d Gev. ernor of Stru4b9ug. To al ah re uf.érlng frontlbthe rrors and indiscoretions of youth, nervons weak- noserlv decay, Iois of nianhood, &o., I a a- reoipe Ihal wiIicue o, FREE Or CHARGE. The gret reme4y was&B iovered by a nisionary in South Ainerica. Send a uelf-addreu.ed enyelope to the Bey. JoaxpuT. Iswx, Station D, N~ew Y&~k Vtv Haîr Vîgor restorea, wittt the glosa and fresiflesa of youth, faded or gray haiir to a natural, richi browni color, or deep bL:ick, as îuay be destred. By its use tlght or reti hair înay be darkened, thui bair thickened, and baldneaa often, thoughflot filways, cured. It checks tating'of the liair, and stimu- lates a weak anti sickly grow%.ti *o vigor. it 1reveuts and. cres scuri andi dautdruif, anti lieals uearly every disease pecutiar to the aap. A4s a Ladie-s' lMsdr re-o.iitw. it 1G)Xis.~l unequalleti, t contains nenfher oil ung-r tdye, rentiers the liair soft, glosqv. andi îgr~e, tultasi~perîfunie. w .P. BaîReste wý%rltea fro'n Kirt,!i. 0., . ,aet I.L.I uý hair cticoc,.tt tLou Ot. andi in a short tîme 1 becaiue nearly bal. I us9d part of a botule of AVEsLIA&iR'VÎGÛS, whieh stoppeti the fall- hig of the hair, anti startkd a new growth. 1 have now a fuil heati of bair growng vlgor- ouslv, anti am conviuced tixat but for the use of your preparatton 1 ahiouit have beeu eutirely batti." J. W. BowEx, proprietor of the McArthur O)I*o) Entqiirer sas - I4AvEIits il A àR Vîo is a ost .sxcelle,,l î;reî;aiatioîî fnr tht, unir. 1 speak ef it froîi xîîv nwn expernence-. I Là w~- prioxuteathe ,-riithiof îîew lai:. and iliîucm iL gtosay aî.f sut.The ViGooaiR lb a sure cure for daridrut?. Not wittîin xuy knowied1ge bias the preparation ever falleti t-i gv& entire satisfaction." 31rt. ANCrs FAiRnAiU,,14ader oif the ce)ebrtd *Fairbairu Familty- of Scottish Vocal ise, .iwrfttes from PBois, Muis. ëb. 6, lm; Il ever since xuy hair begaxi to ' e il- very evIdence of the change wbich %zIeet41ing tine procuretb, 1 have uaeti AyER'B HlAi Vixoax, andi so have been able to maintain ait a paranîce of youthfiness - a natter of cîxtiderable consequerîce -to nduistera, ora- tors, actora andt u fact etery one Who Rires in the. eyea cf 'the pule.'" INs. O . A. Pit.corr, wrlttng froni 18 Elu St.,Ca snf, Mais., Api-il14, 1882, says: ITwo yeaws o.u<i about îwothirds cf rny haïr came otf. It thîfiiiet very rapîdly, and 1I ua fut grovlng bilti. Ou using AvER'S HAut 'V mos iithefllingatpped andi a new growtb comnuenceti, amnn-about a month my heati wasmpletely covered i lth sthort hair. It bas înue to rowand i tsnow as good as beforb it fell.Iregularly uaod but one-bottie of thp Viaooa, but sow use It ocoaonafly m We have hundreds of mmiar testtmonlia to the efficaey of Avuuns Hairt Vîoa. 1: needo but a trial Io couvince the ns akepd., cal of 1ftà ivalue. "REPED aent ;fre on recept of stamp b Lmm& cie 5 lu si. lm$ vtoimiro, CANAA. IFA LL SUI1!TS. L 200 JOH N FEROUSON 10 SHOWING à SUPEBIOR STOCK 0P Scotch$ English and Canadian Tweeds, -Anal other line limes of Clotho, for Spring, suits. ÂAU çarments made Up n latest style on shorteat notice. Ready-rnade M#0'8 and Boy8' SuitB, Seflt8' Furniahinga and Unjýdecithng of ail Kind. -HATS 1 HATS 1 HAIý La.bskMstyles iu Hard snd ýoft Polt Hate VEBY C JOHIN FEUEi 'S! EEÂP. i-tjsoei, ju n ffle* MokoIieT ia Fi.IV-ubuU Do«e& aiKndu of Sewlng. simple sud IaTflîa iàhe. The Dominion ilgans -aùd-Pianos Are RelIr than Âny Oth er. The BeitJudges uay Ia Ton. ia lhe. BeuI. Il lm built with a view ta Dnrability and Beanty. The Best Instrument te Bn.y. Cail sud se OurGoode. H.. WFOX -AG EN T. _BXOCK ST. - - - WHTY London and Laftca2shire Life 'Company.. *'ia Company isanes .very deirableform of Lie poHoy, and has- deposit.d -with th. 'Receiver Generalinluapproved canadien seourities ever 8100.00 for each *I#100,W cf liabiity, lima affording A.BSOLUTE Be- Parties detui ocf auurüg ier lives wml find i1 le their advantagetcmâ th. underaigned bef ore ammzri-g elsewhere. * JOHI9 FÂRQUHÂABONS Whitby,lMay ý8, '86. -ly General Agent PAT Dunda~8L, THE NUITH A MER/CA N L IFE A 88UR nua» OFFR a- TO a KIG 1ST. WBaST, TOBOIT~ Hon. FULL GOVERNMENT- 'DPEPO~ NMEC. 70E apu5A78 GUE8, A» uà== VEEN pou ovzà-EaOuu%, exArm SWI4 mEraWD w ALP v03 ENNXraX il 505 go. le Tii. th~e loi sdou U iout-ben 'LATIt l'

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