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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1887, p. 4

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A JOB LOT THE MEDICAL HALL, ODOR CASES DRESSTN 0CASES WHISK HOLDERS TRAVELLING COMPANIONS ETC ETC SIJITABLE FOR XMAS. G..E. GIBBA RD. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. tWhitby, Friday, Feb. 4, 1887. THErLiE are 6tihl a fow points coxunoot ec with the recent county valu ation whioh cannot be tinnipeci into sonie peeplo's ieads. In the firet placeo hby seoin te tbink that eitber a large incre-ase or decrease -of values as couipared with tie last* fermer valua- tien would be ovidence that Ibis valition is wrong-in other werds tiey thin k tie old valuation wae rigit. New, wby sbould maembers go in for a new valuation if Lbey blieveJ Lbey bnci a correct oee? But iL makçs no difference if boti vere wrong, s tey ne doubt are. The idea te b. got at is the rate that eachLownsbip sbould pay iu Lhe $100 requireci. Tii values may be &H fititious, or approximate, or wiatever yen may call iL, sud may still be iRtrt if tii rate b iii paici by cach is fair. The large -majenitios, in Lie couneil in fivor cf sustaining lie report seemnec to indicate liaItich merubens ere pereusded of its f airnesa. Oua county coucoul systeni is about the greatesttirmbug iu tuis country. IL Wasa't se bad ycars &go wbou fifteen or Lwenty mon cati e downuboe auJ at haîf lhe expense did lie work, but now tic members are e great LiaI iL is impossible te gît auytbing doue for several daya after Lie session opens. Conutiog in lie $600 paid te ceuuty vanatora-for, t ey re-ally do work whiob ughl to e ho ccby 1h. council -lie session jurst closeci goal Lie ceuaty nearly $2000. Tic June session wil oeiL fally anotier $1000, sud vo doubt if tb. cosL cf legisîstion dount corne IQ mono thas would i quailie amonut of money oven wiici lb. concil bas control beside their fees. Tboeowcrc days during Lie late session vien iL coel fifty oints pin minute to carry on lie business. Fer instance on Tucîday hast lie North Ontario Fanmens insti. tutuïaeked for a grant cf 025, Logisiatien Ihat day was cosliÛg $85 pin heur and after expinding $80 verth et legilati:. efforts in arguing Lthe $25 vas refuaod. APTER the meeting on Frîday nig4t. we beard a preminunt gentfleman in Lown nîmark liat Edward Blakoevas an bonest lawyer, but a dialioneat poitician. IL struck us aIt tàe lime, liat tb. gentleman vas jual a litle off in hie logic. W.e au net -coneuive il possible for a man to b. dishoneat lu ose walk cf lit., and not dishon.st in ail wahks, b. Ibat man- wbo lie may. If your ueigbbor steala yomu'sheep, yen haci botter train your heu. to, recel Mhg. On lhe ocher -baud vo- belleve aIse tbat if a iman ta conupienus for hie ioncaty in dealing vitb matra purlaining le privaI. lites, b.oyl b. alike conspicons fer integrity lu deMi- iug wiîh malters publie. 'W. do sol moan 10 say liataI suantlioneat In privaI. lit. m"y net becoei orrupt in a moeu xalted ephore, fer aMs, thon. are tec, many ezamplis W îtheooobtrari, but vipI w, mainîsin lo, thata mrs Wbo -yioldsa te tmptalies in cùe. walk of lite', iego tle - lame temptation wlieneeir sud wherever0 il preouts itôeof. ilWe vonld bho èoryle charader-' ize a61 Who -s. 1iusuadfeel ligbt titan ve -detasMdihonut, asd ve V onld . eqmdly 3aseorry tbhave lthe compiliUl n. turued& W. valy b.. CHEPCHEAP. Brushes 'of ail kinds) Combs ýChamoîs AND Toilet Articles. tarie, sud if ,lect.d, s. h. fuily ec.ol led 10be hi, iewonld do aU iIa power to asist sud supportlt.hougue man, Who had orne tW addreas them. (Cheers). Il behwov.'U good ailasse Who ba"e b.the rest àet th.roousiry to huart tW do .&U tbey eu oa-OMMllin thie overthuov of 1h. corrpî (Oheer) goverumeul cf oi a t i aooûa,. a gomeiment: thsa fl*soeulng th. couatry« If you bave lakea> heltrolble., 'Winveâhigae for YowselVU.,0 oui 'vu£ have di*oovered ore Ibis lkthe aiO>un. try, le géitlug hmbsad eplabe ooÎùdi tion. The Nalloual »ebl vm's pil r5et Foi 1th. sxt year va do't wa t 0 boat any blowing froni the noepapers& of Oshawa, Port Ferry, Uzbridge, Oan- ningtes or Beaverton, s te h. mighty strides of urprising progrese their re. speeti vo places are ms.kng. At the County Council ber. we learne4 from their representatives ihat these towns are almet s dead as a door.nail and not able to pay their allotted share- cf the county rates. If they are s0 bard np when the cold winter breezes blow, we don't want auy louad talk aboflt pro&operity wben the sumamer sus shises again. IF the Coet cf the eoUnty VAlUStiorA is cf any use in j àdging its value, this lait one muet be a good ose, for it cost about $1000 in oqe way snd another te oeueiL. In the first place the valaa. tors, Mes8ra. J. D. Howden, J. B. Fleasby and ?bilip MoRse, got #800 each for their work in visîting theé dif. forent Wunicipalities ini making it up. Then tad il not bees for il baungg over their heads thé Concil could bave finished thoir work las& week. As thirty-five coucoillors get #S8 per day eacbk, their allowanoe for Lhree dayô tis week cornes Le815, making in large items $915. Thon there is mile.- age, etc., filliug up the bill te about an evon $1000, as beforo stated., Notwith- standing ail tuis oXpensive racket, nota dollar of as sîteration -was.made in the report as .worn le by tle valuator. The members who fennd the most fauit witb the valuatibu are, with oee exception, froin towns snd villages which boast their progres sad mter- prise at othor imes and compare their aivancement with the slow onward progrese of their hess fortunato neigh. bors. Hon. Edward. Blake at Whitby. THE SENATZ, THE GERRYMANDERL AND THE NOIRTH-WEST DIFFICTJLTIES. Doîpite tbe incemency cf the woath- or the MusicE Hali was, literally packed on Friday evoni'ig hast by Lb. intelli- gent electbrs cf South Ontario, aî9soe bled tW hear the Leader of the Opposi. tien diseuse the public questibus cf tho day. The. large gallory, whioh had been reserved for Lh. ladies was fihled Le overfiowing, long before th. heur bad arrivedl for opening the meeting. Mr. Blake wue weloomed stthLe station by a largo number cf bis sup- porters, wbo formed thenisolvos in procession, sud, led by Whitby Cornet Baud, drove through th. principal etreets cf the. town, Wo the Royal Hotel. It was conjectured tbat the strosg wind sud hoavy raim would extinguish the blazing torches, snd cou.equantly a large "tjack" w&s filed witb Norway pin. aud igniteci, but both torches and "ja.ck" witbstood the. attaiks of wind and weatber, to -th. satisfaction cf tho procossionias as weis the large crowd cf spectators. The Oshawa band aud a baud frois Bowmanville took part in Lbe procession stiheaod of represoutative Reformers froas their respective Wwn. Preeiseoly st 8 0olock Mr. Blake, so- cokxipasied by Dr. Rie, the. Libers! candidate, Mr. D. Ormiston, Presîdont Of Lb. Reforni Association, Mr. Goo. Gibbard, chairinan cf local etçmmittge,, 1Mr. Moukiionso, Warden cf the caunty, PREPARINGFOR" an to ýuayôru cgir u i.Uu w urgu,-.U persenal, efero made use cfnluintrôduel- ing -i te the lar~geaudience.' -eRi bâdet- pected, frein ,wbat fhe kncof 8 ItaOrtio1,: tu be wtloumdbyalargo atdie~a~i roception hiii md beeu tendoeodonuL urïv.l attheLnion~u-the ses of upturned, f$tees tint be snw beforêim, wero<cvidoee LtlsL Lhe sprend cf'Liber4 priuc!ples wus asgo»- cia! througiieut 'Ontario couuty as, in wy other pat cf our fair -Domin'in. -Mn.,Blake first addressed himself tn tLb. We have net space, Qven if w*8gave -b whole cf two saies cf our paper, teoreport faîlly Mr. Blskeý speech, wbicb requtrd over two heurs toïdehiven. We cam dclittho more than set forth Mr. Blake'a position ou the four or five questions ho deait witii. Re denounced tbeGerryîuander as an Iniquitous and unj uat measuno, causing the sutppresson rather than an expression, cf the popular wihl. Tho ActhnW used himpleasure on1 more thin oee occasion, but theii gneatest~ pleasure ho boped Wo obtain frcm.it, w*& tint if repealiti. *1 did not believe lu etyjling the ar lamnent 4 Ottawa a represenstive 0odY, unleouiLrepreentd .bopoitical feelngsat larg.Arepre tative body should ho a mirrr relectiugLii. popular will. If two-tbirds cf Lie electons b.lcunged Wo oneo oithLb.other political Party, Lthe House cf Commons siiould siiof a a nilar division. 'In Ontario the goverrarent was supported by aa mall majonty cf thée lc- tors, a majority net suffcient te entM4itlem Les amajonity cf ene iii li.He Rusé& Yet thoy - ad !a msjority. >f oigtecu. Àu set th&,»seosapprcsseS the opremson of tic popular e ildeservoS theston-gt condom- nation. 1egrdiglb. Fiscal blicy cf lb. govarnmetMr. Blake went un te show Liat whilkst Le taxation hmd inénedmei fin Lwonty-three millions in 78 Le Lhiirtyfive. millions lu '86, yet Lie National Debt bad likewise increasec enormule- .Tii. net increase for the luit Liree yoars waaput at sixty-Lwo millions. Sir Chas. Tuppcv bnci dedounoed Sir Richard Cartwxight fer pro. suming to allow a margin cf balf-a.mul ion witb which te meet any dtýlcency tint .migit arise in the regular sourees cfreévenue but now that tie revenue colkacted shewcd that $18.61 were paid. in, '86 foi ovcny $13.03 paid in 1878, thai gentleman diid hot- Sud iL Vo bis interest te champion the cause cf the pertax-payer. PThe governmeit iad promisod in '78 t0 readj ust Lie tariff witbeut Increaaing Lie taxation. An increase of from ton te -t-clve millions a year was scarcely a fulfilm4nt of that promise. A good way We raise zioney for churcb purposc.i, aid Lie speaker, ýs for each man toamasbis i neigcibor, the gev- erninent- follews cuL tint p ioiansd raises the enormous* sum of irL.v.mi- ions, but finds tint suzu insuffiet to'mccl its extra-,ngant ex penditure. TIc iratiyear the prosent govornment wusm uporerithey increasd tie taxation frein 23 te 28 zx4lous andi that in the face of tie pledge- tb Lie -éontrary. Lait yean Lie geveftment reiv- cd 38 millions and shows a 4elicit of 0eveu millions. If tic goverumént knew ¶Liiey couid flot conduot the affaira eithLe,,oulntry on a revenue cf 23 milli&-ns tiiey vire dis- honeat lu their attack, on Ur. tWlacenie sud ifLihey dici uot know iL, tiiey di4 net know enougi W govern C&nsa. Ur. Bià THEIIATE. r.Bake aaid tint Canadian ame the most democratic people cf Liis d mt1c age,l andi tunt its Senate or IUU~p luae vau net in accord viti Lii. deio~i .urt Hie wants- tue lava to e hmrade by ii. eple, tirougi tueir representatîves in PrUieut, and tie lkw.makers te ersn b epo The Senate nepresentcd a.ii'n i.spr i nor thiteUiene of Lbe age.', Ilts Mwi ,were appointed by ue nmasd "ne ves l>y parliament. Tic people hart nse hoice lu the. matter. Mon vwere appom -todt the, S~onate vie b.d beeu rejotd Mthe poUs. Ho wassoppoeci Wtue viole systçm. nom£E]RUUL In regard te "Home Ru!." fnltouley for Irelsud but fa~r eacii province cf Lhe Dimn- ion. H. believed lu .acii province havmng its own legislnture uucontrollod tSSomthb Dominion. H.e eferred toteb.diffoIlties thtua n arien between Ontario sud tii. Dominion regardlug- tue liquor traffo,*nd tuon calle'! on bha hearens tW priser:. thoeir rigits , tL enroscinients .freui sud fer voyar cfuL Mpr.asl. i The Balance 'of, Their Large, Stock of Winter Dry Goods Larger Stock of Spring and Summer Seleotions of Staple, Fancy Dry-Goods, Notions,&o,&e And in- Order To reduce The Piresent Stock of Winter Goods, Oonsisting Of Blankets, Flann 1els,. Shawls, Clouds, Gloves, Rosie Manties, Mantie Clotlis, Dress-Goods, iPlush-es, Velvets, Furs, &o., -&c., They have decided to Clear ail at Special Suitings, Pantings, and Over Coatings, and Prices. Mlso T weeds, Clotha,( Everything in the Tailoring Der AT SPEOIALLY LOW PRICES., Now is The Time for a Cheap -Suit. AilGoods Marked, in Plain-Figur( Cal- Early and I~O88 Long would put up with no disturbance. A. large number foît sadly disa ïpointed in flot boing-able Wo get into the ha!. Cheers for Mr. Blake. Dr. Rai and thei Qumu warued lho caretaker that iL was &bout Lime te turu off thei ga. Mr. Blake Wb$ the guest Of 3&-. Di. - zuiston, whflst ni town. HaRl'. Vegtabt. Sicilian Hair -Reewer mptea BfW¶ehs. aud reh osstlb b a je I y recmm.nded by ph L siozams, CIergym nud scentiste. t rIMoVu mnu.fmae.11 caP White snd dlean, sdrsoo rbai te fins yoïtb.ft To tIe Pablic 1 d«ereIbrugli th. mediums of the CUMaOIrwÎsu Wthauk 1h. public for lb. patrmwé hbave extended tW me inmy ba"e& dnu iffhe Put thury lu Ocltobo 15$ op.ed a ont iu Whitby s=d uolwitstandang lba mauY Up. Mu4 dowu Of bnaiàeuotff,, mad 1h. Mm iobauges I haveMseen aud Me dudrg-thé" DSy yerè, av auprt ind, nibu*e sud hope bo ooünue breevo.ulua am«Oe ez OW " 'they . spporl MaSdco.- "'lu SPECIAL BARGAINS -OFFE]RED IN- Silverware,' Watohes,' -Je*el WALNqUT 8-DAY Th & Nwest Designs,t T1h6 Lowest Price8,, The mds t Durabl -A coura te Tmekeeper8. -AT- BARNARDSU FEBRUARY' 4th, 1887.- LOCAL LACONIOS.1 WUAT l8 Q0ING ON lu- AKI AROIINO TOWN-AI BUDGET 0F LIVELY IOCXI NEW& BLEAREII - BY OHRON.IOLE REPORTERS "A aier's amang ye, Inkin nots" AU, faitu iilprent il." - 'NÂ,UGH3TI* litho ,boys had botter keq- in off hhe*ý stioets new vniglilsas ûMr.. Bruis taied toe oiebis hadew on, Wedneêta 'yli,, sudlhms, lecîded t4ô work. -Üt atilb. Grand Trnnk'staàtion en-,Fday, niglit. - H. -nd anohber Mau were -Working at some frei ght sudby aci- 8I~O 8 BRUMB' Létter. (Not copjriglatod in Canada.) WIB;201hJan.,#1lm' Th .iddtof they.ser"-4ý But te otli.rs those day. may bèoi days 'of -rejoaoutg sud edvaxilag sipl&oting "Our ou! ov pointÀ The hall end cf as esson l. lte beal ti feré bargaus; sud dos'l yen _showt tact te- escap4Yoar reteutive mm Thia viii ,appeau abun dantly oIýar in JzUe #lb more ltas yrs If vhat viii liâ e- ola th. lucres. valivea ch< Secure Ba4,gains at The Wkitby ir, Goods IJmporium. Are Now Clearing Out Preparing for a Much

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