Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1887, p. 6

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it was the laet matinee of the geasen. There was a galarY Of dramatic stars, and tie Ibeatre was crowded le me- pletion. Summner bad cerne, il vas very bot, sud fans flattered in aIl parts cf the bouse like buge butterfiies. Miess Eveline Crawford's fan fiuttored vxtb a quick, petulant motion tial denoted ile ewner wae net un the best of humer, althougi ehe kept ber eyes frxed on the stage, sud ceemed brealhlescly interest- ed in tbe performance. Ou ber rigit was that tiresome Waler Murdoch starîug at cverybody with bis opera- glace, and making wonld-be witty re- marks te her in s low toue. On her left was Fred Middlet.en, ber "lintend- cd -an fact, tbey had been eugaged a mont b, aud viti bina cho had a ligit quarrel, srisiug frem is iemistage un securing * seats tee near tie stage. Now, every sensible yeuug lady vili agres thqt these were very sufficient reassns wby Mises Eveline Crawford sbould feel angry and1 make berseif generally disagieeable. Fred Middlc- ton, or Pather Captain Middlelou, for he belongod te tbe Tentb Royale, cal siff and upright un his place in a claIe cf suppressed indignation, for Eveline bad lectured bina rather severely. What rîgbt had he te be cross aud sulent?2 Eveline asked herceif. Wasn't il bis faut ? Soestupid!1 Tic ides et gettingeseats se far up tb. parquet, liat eue couldn't sec a single bonnet vithout turniug quit. arouud I Tic -young lady feit it would net bc rigit te show tbis offence le paus witi.. out punishanent, sud se vien Furioso, thie cruel parent, sud Angelo, lie lover, vire dcing a thrilling combat, sud An- gelina vas ccroamging, "Spa-r-r-e bizu me. father," Evelino turned te Walter Murdoch, pretending te1bruhi svay a tear. -True love jes s flectng," sie said, Reftly. "'Yes, by Jove," ansvered lb. genleo- man, fergettiug bis epera-glasu for a moment, 11speciaîlly leve st fBrut sight." Mr. Walter Murdoch tieught tii. observation an czquisite bit, for ho hadl bean introduced le Miss Cravford only liaI day. Si, emilet! eetly, fer out oethie cerner et ber oye aeh av liaI lihe captain vas beooming straighter sud more apriRhtt hin ever. Si. tapp.d Walter Murdoch on lie shoulder eoqietiuhy ithiber fan, sud wviaper- pcred very eonfidoutialy: "Foarful; by love 1 " snevered Murdoch, doliitt! by her coudeoes- h"I41sionldn't be eurl rsed ià v.e onit have rain, irate 50voy bel." Tisa va eaid in thi esoftetvb sper. "Fearful. Hotsnnaine for-il. By Jove 1" Eveline vas toyinig 1 viti a magnolia blessoin Ihat Ospîsin Fred bsd given ber. Tbiukiug liaI tie veather as a subjocl e!f conversation vas prttly vol voru ont, the flatîcror askcd ber for the fower. Evellue grsciouely oomplied vitih e request. Caphalu Fred looket! dmggors ah lie pair, majeetioslly rose frein is seat, end vili an air cf conceutrateil diguihy, valked dovu tb. iel.le hie door. Evclno inurmuret!, 'Iusulting eunduot,' and immediaîely. sprcad hem drapcry over thie vacsh.d seat. Ail Walter Murdoob's turther aI. lempte aI conversation ver. met vili s atone>'stase bamde hlm ezolali, "Fearful, by Jove," and. repualedly vipo-hiLÉ e- face viti.-b1s zaderic, - panteuh. ldo.I vzsahvwua sbaby;. A Iutl Mlie's bihhoesowonld b. the, - "hblg Mnt - coàaeht!le povulbe bkfeilsfre i olgbe vtui Iâes. In the star.light, clear and bright, WslkedI through the silent nÎght. Shadoe grin and grey &round me In th. foreat path, astound me; Haste I thsti, with rapid Iootstep, Down th. path that doth affright me, Put the running, rasbing river, Pust the trees with mighty branches, Faut the brinke that are there lying, Mouldering by Time, and d*ing. Thus, while looking, 1 can picture Wby tihe band of Time lu on them: Came the storm with mighty fury, Rashed il through the lAaves and branchels; Tearing, splitting, cracking, laugbing, As the mighty trees it hurled them From their roots; and then, flying, Left them there se now I see them. Faster, fauter went I onward ; eWîder, wider grew the pthway, Till the woods 1 left behind me With ite path, and trees, and branches, With its ancient signa, and places, With its rising wids, and echoes. -H. F. B. A STORY. snd hhougit il bush t eni for th. dector. The iok boy vould net allov bie mother ho lbave hlm. Eveline knew viere the. dochor lived, sethbroving on a oloak, @hiestarted for bis bonse. She vas ratber afraid le venturaeout lu the darneui, but abs Itried netho admit tbis ho berself, and hsoeued'-boldly on. Lb. k#d eareelY goesla qu artes-o! s mile vheu éabs bond hoavy shapà- behind ber. 5'h. rau. Ti-.up folloved fserJtuîçjisdily. 1-Thuy faedou 'beres, bowe er, sud issu1D a eavy handl vas laid on ber'l-seulder., 44J amYstop I1" or i*4 -avoie. ,Tlho voles t se-' euid'ently very .1drunk.. "lYoethes gai. 1 1 o ee on alid kept:my oye ou, YoýýLt. C oineg witb me; ve've igel.s*fan ange oves br;SquireHodgs io4, an~àd e'a inarying everyboy. fgt and lftI, se 1 venheùUhle look for a vite. Core &long, sud 'me iand 'Ybot glmaruled., on. n g."namo ù a t soud iien a nsu *uthdrae.d ii. laid 1h. man sannedili thie dux£. bae xide'it e#uf ëml"l like'a good huaband. ifmy' voe sUr,, ho , hippy IWv sud'UM. Lesle" aodrpo ]Evelie vas tes happDy tei proaciful glaçona. -Tho. fat moruig ou partaardfo but Evoini booms ua*patbhie tht sh. vas !oreed ho deolar.ett "thre vas neinuallie. s perfect -as be r dear, deparhed Oharlie, andthbalh thers woudn't be until' ber dear boys grew up." This was aIlth. sympatby lbat Eveine could obtain. That eveuing ber sister preposaod that they sboild go out for a qalk, Evelne' besitated fer soin. lime, bus fiually ceucluded that she wonld go. As they walked along se. noticd that th. etreete ver. unusually crowded, peop!e. bore sud there were stanzding, talking eagerly about soetbing. Suddenly se uetioed Fred Middleton wàlking hnrriedly in the opposite direction. She looke<*etes.diIy serons 1h.street ; but as eoen se he bad passed eh.e turned te gaze after him. R. leoked back ah the came lime ; their cye met, snd Eveline drew back provoked and indignant. What rightbaihbe ho look at ber after what bad occurred?2 Il was rather lat. in tb. çvening when they returned home. Throwing berseif on tb. soia Eveline eaid, "«I hate tb. city afler what I have endurod to-day ; Let us go eemewbere--not. ho lb. crowded resorts ef gaiety, but to some dense-" "Oh, ne, rmy dear," said ber sister, "There might b. Indiana and wolves and thinge-there always arc in a foeot, yon know-and the dear beys would oerteinly tear their clothe. They always de 50 among trees. But il is getting quit. warm, and it la almeet lime ho lbave the cihy. Loàk ever the summer bearding adverfise- mente, my dear." Eveline picked up a newepaper to read these. advertisemeats ase if her life depended en il. Bùddenly ae. drcpped the paper and a look cf agony and terrer combined orept over ber face. Her iter eeeing ber, rau ho ber eido at once, exclairuing, "My dear, yen are iii, what je the malter ? " fer Evehine eeemed te b. faiuting, sie could only gaip ."tbe paper." Her iter stooped and picked up the paper wbiab bad fallen te tb. greunnd, and there ini large leters oe.rAûd, "Tic Fenians are ecning. Tenti Royale etart te.night." 'She turned and Iooked ah Eveline, sud eaid, "Fred." "-Yes," sobbed Eveline, "FPred wiii have ho go, and perbape neyer cerne back. Ob, bow we parted, I thiuk my heart vili break. I wieh I vas desd." Her sister lried ho comfert ber by tel ling ber ho would come back safe, but Eveline refused te be .omforted. "Ie. vas ceruing up toelleum, vien vo met him thie evening," e. said, "1while I was running avay. If I bad but kuown, ah, yen, there il is, bow many people wisb he1h »Me, wish, whben il je perbape tee late, that hhey bad doue tbis hhiug or that. A 11111e thougbt weuld have Ma!od a groat deal of trouble, sud& vien Eveline remein- b.red ber past couduet, boy angry sie vas with hereelf. Oould se but @pend tbat day over again, boy difeérent vould be ber actions. Sncb were the hhougbts liat vere pisaing hbrougb ber mmnd. Her sister finally perauaded br to go ho b.d sud hry aud gehuomau resh. Eveline sbook ber h.ad. ""ne reet for me nov," sie moaned, and il vas net until near mornng that vearied out ae felaeleup. Wbeu se.awoke it vas near ueo., aud tie shroug nummor sun vwu pour- ing in ah hie windlov. Bhejumped Up, sud eommened dressing, wbile se, engaged berasister eame Ù4unsuak- LOba la, sUif joints, ache, psanu m.~a coOmVXNOG viamInATION op V-wr" OÂST PUBLIC 5tTEXUMINTO.: To fia. Readrn of it he 1OmIOL.: lu common vilhi nu" publiehéIers8 sud editore, ve have been quaeouolèd ho lok upon certain rahahe=enhl výhicb- v. haveseen inounr oolumie s à, mèely, adroit sdvertisiug- 4 Conscquently vo fuel juatifled- lu lskiug l. lierty o! printiugs fev pointe from a private btter rseenly recei ved fromin e of car largent palmens, s a sort of confession et faith lq- our readers. We quoe: "lWe bave convluced ourselvea liaI by telliug vial ve kuov lo e oruo, wvo have prodnced ah lut a permanent conviction in the prblic mind. Seven-. years ago e esta hedvat lie national dîsesseetfIbis' country yao,.aud that il vas rapldly incriaaing. Tireo yense &g age v.tated Ihat a markelch leckc sd beeon given il. Iýg "4Tie shatistios et eue o! théi. kl lile lusanoe companies of Ibise omtrX-. shows thâiafl a1n2sd 1884, -the ùme. tslily frein kidn.y disorder did not in- creaie ever lie previons years: otbur companies sasted the same tblug. It in net presumptaue for ne ho, elaluz credi fer checlting tise. ravagea. 6"Seven years &go vo shated that thie condition oet hi, kiduys vus lb. bey ho lie condition et bealti : vithin tie put five years all careful Life inmIr- ances compaulen bave eeucodedthie tmu.hi et this ahatemeul, for, vioemaeu4tn years &go, chemical analysie ho leler. mine thie cndition et lhe kidneys vas not reqnired, ho-day milliong'of dollars in ,i.ls are refu8ed, becanne diemiesi. examination diecovers tnu.pected disessea efthle kidneyc. "SBeven years ago v.ehsîaed tual lb. ravages et Brigits Dises.. ver. insig., nificant compared vith otier anspect. cd dlsordera ofthie kidneyaet insu>v mislesding namos; tiat nineîy.lbrîe per cent, et bun s almente alltri. butabbe ho deranged kidneyn, wviil fil thi. blood vithi uit aeid, or klduey posnvicb canuss hie.many tala "The urit! acit!, or kidney poison, la thie real cause o! lie majo&ily eofcase ef paralysie, apoploxy, b"smldiese., convulsions, pucumenis, coumaliph on, and inssuity ; over hoif lbe vichlm o f conaumption are fBraI tb. vieum o! disessed kiducys. "Wheu hhe meent desti e! ,s hor- ad ezofficlal ef the United 8Sttu wu annouced, bia physiolan siM lia aîthougi i.vas muffriug frein Brlgbt's Diséue,hhaî at uoie ao of tdet. H. vas net frsk oceugbh o i"l lia ti speplezy vbleb Oveookb4*- la Isa bed, vas lie fatsalefeM -eoflth kiduey poison lu 1he bleod, vilolibail esa ay thie subelsuos o! Ils atins and brain ; n asuLom'sphysiuls bouesh eneugh -ho eshahs"I*biàfta rie>umahisu amuset!by biduq aod in thie biset!. "Ifthie dochors vôuld sdate; inoffIaiý reportesthe oriiaa caue! dei, tlb. people of"hiscountry voult! bi slsmedi- yea, nesrly panie iafrickest ah hitiast. fui morhalfly frein kldnsy disordenr The. vrihen ofethie -bovs leter gîro be es o thie publie simply hojîufip¶ m1e ciaima flauthey itum a "4 ,tisa "if the kidueys sud livor are kept inu-0 hesltiy conditionuby 1h. tueo!Wmu ses cure,wvicih undredietf touou&n4 sude Amerla, haa n a it.eàoud b e Lifo ÂT: COST.* MutuaI -mauve Fund Lufe à ance of NeW York, Canadisu (levermentdepoitm Accuiulat&l receve fuu.(ove,) Deabb dlaims pïid dcuriug 1884 New buelineo, ]ýst 8 mos., 1885i 479,900, 15,000,000 *q.a1and hau been viuitecl >ya oloiw, lotllowed by floods, which Ca04 d.athand destruction. 1DOMS VBRJORN FERGUBOWIS .Wbitby. U2oe honze froin 9 &.m. tb 12 i=.O and frein 1.80 to 6, p. m; Residence-Cor-; 01 Byron and Gilbertstreet à Suitable for wrapping purpos es, laying und« ocapets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Apply to ti. THIS OFFICE. le- PEUY DÂVIS' "si PAIN-KILLER, l8e RCOMNEI!DED BT PhysiciaLs, Hinisters, >fiaaionriea, Managera of Factorie, Work-skps, Plantations , Nurses lu onials, -in short, everybody everywhere 1 Who kas ever given it a triaL* TAZEN INTERNALLY MIXBD WIT13 A WINB GLASS 0F HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND ANEVER FÀILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS, CoN,%- GESTION OR STQPPAGE 0F CIRCULfATION, CRAMPS, PrAINS IN TIIE STOMACH, SUMx- MIER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT, &c. ÂPPLIED EXTERNÂLLY, EX1'ERIEIiCE HR P ROVEN IT THEE OST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENE OS BARTH IN REMOVINO THE PAIN AIISINO RO SPRATNS, BRUISE, RHP.EUM.A- ~TISM, NE1JRALGLAL, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &cï. 25cts. per Bette. â»Bewareof Imitation&. CAMPBELLS TONIC ELUXIýR eapciaiy aa~1for Uireliea ancure of 1hat c o! cisorders atendant uâpon aslow or reduced atate Ofthe st.enandnuallyaccompanîco b ollr, Weakuess and Falpitauc the 1h eart. Prompt reaute- wOtÛ fOllow its use ln Camesof Suddlen Ex. hauation arifflftie froinLoa of UWood, Acute or Chronlo Diseases, suid 1r, thle veakuesthat invarlably- accoranicmia tbo rerovery fr*om Waating Fevers No reincdy wilI give more apeedy relîe! ln l)ysffppaa or Indigeadon,its &fliuzî on dise stomach belng that of a gentie sud Isarmicasà tomeacotin l ieoransf dgestion b action, dt - fOrdiu Immediate and permanent rplief Thpý zxperieuee snd Skilfl 1Physici&M Madl urgeous fer the treatusent or. aulCarouLle Diftases. OUR FIELD 0F 8UCCES.U tlhroul, Nas»i Catarrh, Throat a»4 Lunq Diseuses, Liver and i Kiduey: DiseasesRisBle, OrDlueasesIDIbeasies: of Women%,131ood Diseaseo andi Ner-. OUs Affetion*, oured bere or' ut hoi- w1th or wtheut seeng th ptient. Cemea5 us rsend teiz cents iisan e u naIZZIGuide DookO" 'w 'h give aul particulars.uclgie Nurio s febililîy. inpo. fllfL~teneyq, Nocturnial Lomca an al Mrbid fJondiioïé bMEI ausdby Youthfui ]FOl. flîwaw, les and couice8011. uyPractices peanel csisàp I~t o ut dependence pi Eu.. Pa ~hein sent fer ten cents PILE TVO1R and STItICTUITRM tratdwith the greatesft succems Book fient for ten Cents lu stampe. Address WouayD,9 DxsriasAny Mzn AsbqâeoN LMi Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The treatment eofsn IDISEASES OF i osandspeu !caesthos L!~JSurglcal Institute, bas ai- forded large experlence lu sdaptlng remedies fer them cure, and Favorite Prescription la tho resý31t of tbis vaet experience. Il la a powerful Restorative Toule and Nervine, Imparts vigor snd strengl te the systeMU, and cupres, as if b y magie, Leu. corrhea, or 'Swhites,» excessive fiowiug, pain fui menstruiatione une natura 1 ua1pprsiosproilap*ogo falliu 0fr1h e uterus, veak baek4 autevesinretrovérsion, beariag. downsestin. hrni ongreu. lion Inflammation and uieeration 0f M;e womb, Inflamataion§ pain andi lendernes lnovanies, internlai huat, and rà"female weaknesu." ItWinPtly reiveand cures Nausema and K Oe o lomacia, n1igs.- lion, Dloatlng, ruvous Prostratioup. andi Sleeplessneguli etther séex. PRICE $1.009- 0-la4 W" sold by:bflruggstsevery Wiaoré. senti ten cents lu staùm for Dr. Pîie' ag Treatise on Disease of Womezn, futae ,110«8 Blspusaqm isiholtî cents a via,, by DruIgit O.&ÉL IE a OT JD 0HNSDN li Dieueresl'a Rlook for-jo Ur, Twcnty-five per cent. cf ail asséssmints aie deposited with th. Central Trust Coin- pany cf New 'York. as trustee o e! Bu R- serve Fend. '\ - , Life Insurance atIones than one-haif the ordinary rates, sud seourity perfect. Only 17 assesaments xnade lu 1881,1882, 1883, and 1884, aud mine case can they be more fre- quent than every alternate month. Annual expenses cf4 management, &c., limited to si per 81,000. An active agent wazted 'iu cveryurpe sented locaity,yýto whom a Jibea commis- sien will be allowpd.- Applications soicited and full particulga furniahcd by th. under- signed. T_ H. GOIRDON, Agent fer 1he Ccunty cf Ontario. May 81885 1Port Perry,- Ont. J TEW ESTERN BANK OF WBITBY, - ONTA BIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 188. ly-d7 MONEY To LOAN! 0100.000 FOR INVEBTIENT. ON REAL EBTÂTE SEOUBITY. At lowest living rates cf interest. Money aecured within 10 day. of ap. Apply to JOHN FARQUHABON Wbitby, February 1M1, 1880. 9 $5OOOO TO LOANO At 6 per cent. jearly. Teras of repay meu1c jrlncip imade te smit borrowers. Firat andsecond mortgages bought. Ad- vucemgie on seceud mertgages and te purchase farina., No costa iziurred lu ming applicatios te me for mouey ; ne "q.t'a fées; ne délay. Partiespzfl9 lugher rates on mortgages should ap vt mea&t once for lower rates sud aye mouey. Wite or «al imme&l tu-forpageiulars MONEY 4TO LOAN On ROaM Esate Mortgage atI Low Rate o! Interest. Appraser for th. Canada Loan sud Savinge Coe., and agent for th. Western Assurance col OFFICE-Over Gerrie Block, Whitby. W. Be. PRINGLE 0e"l The bust Bell Flur,- The bout Pattry YFlu, The bust Rolled Cats, The best Cern Meal, Thebust opaacked Wha The bout Gralaia, The but'gMnitoba 011, (Yi ak udhie but Omo in lu h.Market., H ulth,3'waîson-Deo rlId rhi.lz. Go~ f i 1 , & lù 1 , ý 1 OMM un DR.4 ipu4bkeen very îfLb t~~Kser gd 75 year -v Mcn Tùesday. à,. rery short i pr0d b is desth. 0a~~~ as eenlutowu Ibis vo. îI snofltnd le was trying te securi TIhe MethbdiSt MieiOn&ry !esh *wsa held on Meuday nigit. -Be Germ an Sud, Mattliews were the del tion. The addrecses vere very inters ing sund instructive. wEAILIE. Mi.s athle Burton -baB retu frfi a it ,te frieuds aud relahive Mr. Ilnd.5,one cf Our eteei pi >7oswholias lately meved Torouho, lisbeen' epending -as few d with no.. W. are glad te se that City bas nohdeprived him et bis us spirit sud gocd bealti. A. nro~umber of our citizens, teuded'tb. polftica1 meeting coudUé yti.Hon. Edward Blake lu Ms barn lait Friday eveningý_ sud cm ,bacek full o! confidence lu-inboir les lind bbc aproscbing triumph eft l 'Party. The anniveresry duclie, geese, hurl eoIe, bv all bse» coilected fioul nnrîctéd barn-yards, sud wilfbý =ibitien lu the basement of. Melliodisl chturcliMondsy--even Be sure b brlog a good appetil yen. By soe. unaccountiblO mistakeJ boys o! Ibis place fermed a party theineelveS st week. sud attend, concert lu Pickeriug, underthe asr of the A. O. U. W., *ile the,,, rcmained behind. W. are iun. vas ou acconut cf the beys' bst noe. WÇimuet ipave it for tie-J te, ancwer. Last -sunday evreniug, Rev. Totton preacied a very practlcal, mnn espeially adapted te young i H. dweltà particularly on tb. ü4 toiceo, sud mauy vere-the sigujf node exchsnged amnonthelol-4 de of the,vweed ; lie ad not ; nüuohI for t.h* rrefermahiou, but - booked thein o oscah* tb. rising geneslk Î abstain frein lb. practicc on îrength et thè ime-voru motte: m I Bay, net sÇde". on. of lb. yonng lads ofthia,Èp by the name et James Rate, narr escàp.d a serions accident lb.- day. -Witli s boy'e naturil inqu>l nees be- vas ezaminingîýhe belleý- tsehory sud became luterested. lu tevolulions ;h. wae- passing bis. near the place wioee, iey orus, -fih, vas snddenly-cauglit by b iand -Ibrovu againsh tie pulloeV; _opte are very muoli diacolorod, b iil othervise unijref Moa Mi '1 ~ WiI on and- were proce'edrg éScros lb. * trck, ah Green, River, their becaine fâiihened aIa tra i npehiug- the occupeu3ane>udpre ai ils.best rate toWarde W=iea the -last li proved h-tôo muE1 powers o! enduranceS sud il qzty tbhe o1tré tiO r - Mm .ww Iedrve back and W. muet psy Itribut o tbi j_ fo ti 'pàrfiirma&iee last -s

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