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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1887, p. 6

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dowon he__ __ __ --- ~ .lessî, sud as ho sheppedo foot sud1 Rube Hermuon, ou driver, was my arutob, tevard Lie conter cf lie barn, woret rival. He wassone cf thoso hall Lu be tarthest true moen'. aieing, a dsrk fellows, who seeni to do eveuy- friction mnatch vas scralohed behind thing by instinct, sud hie roputahion as hum, as if hie braken boues had ussped' a spolier exteuded for eiles aruuud. esoh other, sud sont s 'cold ablil upt When I knew tiat ho wus aoeing I bie opine.c $ oumed s wiaked acharne iu my mind He turued aud eav Lie bami aron flue 1 of giving hivm the haudeet vorde snd A lght.ed vhîàp et strav, îvisted by thus vound hie prido by seuding hlm some oee ithout. bail tallon mb li te duvu early. loase hay, sud sorne bruni pibed' Aruivod at the gobool hoube we found agaluet Lie cubside etf the baru vas s groat crowd swaitiug aur arrivai, aIse af&e. Tbo vare Bis for s Often bave I heard of crowded bouses single instant esrried the odor sud but I doubt if ever au acter drev snob craokleof et istthel og cabin te bis s house.. It was s perfect jam toey heaut, sud be ebonhed as bis rutai uuusted eveuywheue, un thoe indav jfl tram undories arm sud loft hie ailla, on thc rusulle af the open flue- helpleses: place sud a string uf boyestshod on the "Captain, de it quick 1 Nov shote: ledge cf Lbe blackbosrd. me tirougi the. hoarti" To gel above lbe cuovd i vas Tii. cricket aeaaed te siug, titough i neecesary for me th stand ou the desk, ovouything bouide carn'e tert inluthe. snd as I ruse Lu ey "thhrone," spolier brigil ligit, till. vhat "had been theie lu baud, 1 loeked upon an aoudience timn.et a gloomIOtood rovealed in the D suci as few mon et to-day hasve ever bleseed implements sud yietd of hua. SK sdduessed,ad su oansd every oe e as bandry, "d Lieue ver. vasps flying bi positively sure Liat hie candidate veuld areund thum nests lu tie roof, soenting as aeol the. reet down. flamo, sud in hie 1111cr oethLe oor rau et The. match began. The fluet red'ud rata in elugte-file, ail alyly, a. heom aa look tierntdevu li ke a siakle, sud hy the. sinkiug ohip, sud eue sqoeat.d as il third round te inteilectual baIlle had croesed bie shadov 1k. au aid vlt begun in terrible eaunesl. in au inesut*tien seene. t Whuie aI vas quiet sud eatm I dare The plov sud tie isrrov teeti tolok bi flot deviate -frorm tie oero e i book, a ruddy gteam; son. svsthovs in Lhe a but viien the exitetuent rose bigi, 1 timbera Biey rbund snd round, blind.d th managed te ekip tvo or three vords te by Lie fine, sud the. pege for lebacco oi <give flube saieker, but he didn't sud lie burning tebsoco baves grev hy stick. Le b. forns sud scallops et gold as they hr As iL guItewauds bait-pait nine, but hung, huko 'gildcd sceeles in~ spectacles, six epellers rernalned-fouu "1otier areund tlhp desperate man. eiders," flube sud Emmea. Fesriug H. had seen flues upontie stage sud Ibat they siiould be teftt hat, I uedoublod holped toestanp them eut, sud 13e V -my efforts te down Rube, but as my limped tovard lhe greater flane ne ara à vateli pointed te ton, Roube sud Emma cerner; but suddeuty s gyeat longue se aîoed ahane. of flue. licked hlm sud aiugod! hie as ifM I vouhd have conqnered Rùbe eome- Cerberous at heU'.i door itsd fondted on"b bow, but juet dien tic Reeve roae an&ti île ith s turnac langue 1&n said, "Master Curling since hiii couple Feau1 soized in sd he rau tovard > le seovehi uatbed, I don't think yen the. door on maisftfiug boues-t.he door ~i hsd botter sopalot thee." At Ibis a itehd open as by some invisible angol- J gouersi tihîorr lauthirough tiie roon. sud as i. rau tie peuderons abean.Wei BEmma hlushed deephy, but flube teok sud trees fithe structure See ole a IL as ceely as if he hsd thougit 60 aU tfati upenbIas kulI and smash il lii. au e alonge .g To eayeha I vau madila stee Lame. Botg xtfaIL vater îhr . i fac i l vi xO--l lMy teeti sud vowed sud bye men voeeholding 1zinxiup aund liaI I wuuld part thein,-If lb had le b. searohlig hie body suDd putêlug their doue with a but. ~h~buain.- - The. meeting brake up sud ve 6"It's hem.» tli nue, $"Iigbî wher. an« etarted fer home. Soarcely iad vo ho shet hi. presideul, behind the ear 0a" got upon lte Bay viion someone ne- sudon liesame aide, sud houe it A91 maMed tli Iwvasgreviug oolder, te cernes tttuougî"19 .for, vhich I replied liaI I wua ure LiaIil lugagingtorments .h. dbmâoed.ai vae *armer than on aur previouna1before hmi= to mon. un, Contodemate fe ]C>=ny. Turuiig sreund iu hie seat dmues,asll shovu 'by lthe igie t of13.iruf flube said, "Oit, I suppose yen féeetburmig barn, vhioh vai relleeW ilu and vanne, seelug as YeU'Ve g91 te lte homeetead pouc h h ay upon. . - maten sd lhe ss -tokeep yen Di-h ber» th aru""Yenou e protty amaut- nov 1Boot tipou thoone of 4roso, the se rsu'î p7bu,said.I. 1oYesïI1arn pretty ooe ho had'brougit him,ý_ 11 O- P* &Q , sad ube, niuigm ~ ~ue hon.., "aàud If :yen *Mu th' oig ontI1 H.did net'hemr-1the ansverýu'e 1r oe tyenorooked . uekedbookvôr ',-m aduue il luims.If:dn con.nu hueouhh~ o.I 'Nolhhiug "Tell.-xotîou....î honght4l' bore, dýntud. i- ,ttis, everybody Keroldhei ~ _ 1a~kpew thha,I vaséo ' N1 l*..é. The Poor Ed~itor. She stood on the Piazza stops, A crMture Young and fair, With the muonbeas sôftly shining On lier bloahed golden bair. toma," 8h. whi"pred, "ha@ ho corne yet1 MY newest maah, I mean; He thnks Iam the fairest girl That lie has ever seen. 1 do not care for readÀng, but 1 now read ail 1 eau, And, take sucli lots of trouble for lie's 'r n ditor man. ",He 4~ so very well informed, And B4, I want to show That I'ln weil versed ini Shakespeare, Ban And al the reet, yen know. Oh, th#e he's ooming through th@ gate." -She went sd met him there, He kisseà ber, as ho softly etroked lier wreaths of golden hair. Tbey talked cf poetry awhile; Said MiItpon wao a dovel And then the poets they forgot And whispered tales of love. Hie whispered: -'Ob, I love yon, dear, Say, will you my bride? Say, will you marry me, my duck, My darling and my pride ?'" She ahswered, -Yos, PiI have yen, dear, l'il be your littHo wife, And l'il stay with you forever, To the end cf your life." Poor editor, poor elitor; S he's got yon sale an kt tiglit, And though yen Mon Must pitied ho, 1t, really serves yen right. Upon him slie tenderly gazed, That editor beguiled; They kissed each ther once more aud The moon lookedd I)%n and smiled. M 4U11E L. RA>FORID. My Romance. 1; Y EH0RA CEG;R E E L EY, W HI1T BY. lu the etirly dsys when I began teachîuig in the Bi' Quinte district, oue of the wmuîer evening amusements was the -spellîng maatch" aud as I could epell most words wthont "look- ing on,' I wati in constant request as a epeliîg master. Before I1lied been many weeks in this land of buckwhest oakgss sud pretty girlis, 1 wse bopelessly in love witb he belle of the village, Emma Sterling. Unfortuoately 1 was not the only nor the beet looking suitor, snd things were looking pretty blne for my1 side of the case, when I was one night1 asked ta preside at a rnatch un the ] other 8ide of the Bay. In winter it isj customary to drive acrosa the bay with te4mns, and so our section got up a 1usd to go soroes snd if possible go spelil A. Maybee, Mrhant, Wakwouth, vuiles: I bave sold somae hundreds cf bettiles cf Dr. Thomas' Ecleicl i, sud il is pronom-. ced hy Lb. puabîiea"une of the bout medi- cinos they have evor usod," il ha. doue vondeus iu healing and reliovug pain, sou thuoas, &o., sud le vcrthy ufthe grestest confidence. The exportation ef horse. trom Austrla snd Hungarla have beaun prohibited. hte iL aome,. ott u The Quoen vill iold dravigreauns aI BuckinghianiPalac, on Marci 8 sud Mauch Have yen triod Hollwsy's curn CuE»? Il bas nuo qual fou remuviig tese thuniesome exaresceseas M my have lestifi.d Who have te dit. Cardinal» Tascheoreau sud Gibon arrive ah Havr e eteuday. What Torouho'. vdil-knovu Goed Samar- han s4's:- «I have been tuoubbedl with D)yspepsieansd Liver Cemplaint for ever 10 years, sud I have tried zuany ueujpdea, but nover teund su article liaI has doue me *muait gocd as Northurop & Lyina'u Vag- table Diseovery sud Dyspeptie cure. Jiuira S. Porter. Stanley' lotI Suez fer ".eandhbuyesberday. Furrod Tanmue sud Impure Bresti are vo concomitante ut bllouaneu rnomedial yNorthrop & Lyrna'Voa M00ucvr Sd DyspopticoCure. Heautbumu, vici uaas..the dyspepti. aller au"ansd ail ho pephexng sud citangetuj smplais f establiab"ed indigestion , are dlsjersd >y ti. ealuhsry crwâetonie and Cele. usted blood purifier. The. ýt&Iian Senste ha. unauimonsly rodtoite crodit for sendiug troops te TOUuNG MEN suffeuing frein th. effocta ei L early o-vil hab t he reen.ult fguasiuc fofly, who ftud teeWves weak, nervous, sd exhauted; aluo 3mJDDLE Âenmatiba Eni, vie are broken dovu from lisefeols ef buse tir over%-work, sud luastivanti ide feol le eonsequ-enoeof etycithw e xcets, senti fou id VÈDM V. Lubon'. Treshiseoun ioae Men. The bok vIII be sent seaied leny dress on re cof totsesé,,, V. LBON,4 e l~ .Toronto. àf.Parnel la Toypouted ho hro snly 'akcnodby b ýisilUnées., sudlte h4nitsO s that le viii b.e, ompellecl lu ivo-rrp bis âdeshup. --- ELIXIRý 'nia agreable yeh potent prepama I ion la especiaiiy adaPted for the relief sd cure et that easa of aiorder attendant upe shloiw or reduce Stato etfhtuesstenm, and usualiy accompaniec' byPai011, Weakness sud Palpitatior. 0f the, leart. Prompt reulta -w-Ij llew !La use in cases of Snddei, Ert» hastion aris;it'.r fren Jos of llood, .Acuite or Chroille l>iseases, avid Ini Ihe veakuness that iii variablY accoxi pan îes the rerovery frotu Wasting Foe(rs. No rCniedy will give moIre speedy relieril, i>y&pepsia or Indigestion, its 5CL:oll ou thle stomach beinIg tl4at 0ta gentie aî:d burtulesa tonie, excîtiing icorgnao digestion to actin , 4n thus affording àimediate sud Permanent rTliet h Carminative M Oetjs t ticdifferent aromatice w i bhEii containa renden it usetal lu Flatulent Dyfflpsiz, IL i. a valuaihe remedy for Atonie D yspepsia, vic i . pt- t ocuu r#Us Onfeta gouty eb4racter., For. ImPoveriaihed Blood, Les. ct APPetie, Despoudency an inail case w houe au àffeetve aud certain stimua. lan laegum ,thc Elixir vil ho ln Fevera ut a MalarWatType, and lite varions evil nesulta followng expo. gurr le the cod or voL veather, iL il! li- a valuabe restoativo,' as te eombination ut Cinchona Calisa& sud erpentarm arsunuivéuyre cogMM e a s sp ecif ice fo r th ie a ? v . a e j d s r dors. 48014 b1, a U D eai n ir am P' 1 m ûycuj<t s * ~ per 4*4ï, orI -i vis LaweoCg. (Idmiteoj touxEL' - .. UnBe o u urIigges ana tc purchase frma. No cogts iicurred im makigapplications te me fer meney;.nu açent's tees; ne delay. Partie. s -i higheu rates un moutgages sheuid app 7j me at once fer lever rates sud save meney. Write or cail umediatoly fou particulaus. E. R. RZYNOLDS, IY2 20 Adelaide Street Rait, Touent. 1 Y% MON-EY lTO LoAN On Rosi Bstate Moulgage, a 4J,1ov Ratet Interest. ApprajMe for lte Canada Loan sud Savings Coc., sud agent fer thc Western Assurance Co. OFFIGE-Over Gerrie'. Btock, Whitby. W. B. PRINGLE Tnc beut Puslry lozr, The best RCo=e Tii. bout Cracked Wot The beslGrab&M, for ïlpily iilese rui, ua bIiy udqlAViyot rIÎaÈhnnii~ Tiihédvuo"Piov liais an rivals, Hoeha-large anient ef money te logo I ýs aI-e "aesd ho -miteo Deeds,Mot Dominion Wood 14 li 'c lu e lu -ae n o o u t e W , t m e d t" a. r i n . o e- e n o1 g i e a p ' ~m x ~ t a j , n ~d ý'ù # 4 - t - L M ks b, od p gy i te y b. pokt c mp1.;&ildli'-P takes b1.11 iL tbey ere speding f revLi Vt ilion Dae 115p, mhatsepI rking tsîrea betwieuu» d sa u nM dland o L ite ln esuî f ij o his i - A9S T no n v o rsd li thwkonilaTi.deeciv oendpi.met0su pry i.hre uoth.ethrek andnsi&oWLI.êdI'SL aneea ande Yr mAte gig nie efort. Hevo ene f ey "o o h, o o oâh ny u o a » - ~ O H B G am fot, anini e us jute red setuati nde iL hs ýbod be me tn Wht . uehus em9a n101 m' etol m pi du n 8847 90 Nths e tnih horse ha. uL ape d farO "i H and ti o s e;hs t" .y onQ i i lb ertsa M jter Are - euaogh, sud b reak bhr o u ne anWe are Tii. aoffi e ie bis hand s d ios- ~T e t -A Tepr c nt fal aeeu e endPeedpec o w,,sueIftd ur edeoute wthth O ntalTrstCen b at. I e a u h e ar alre~ ~ ~~~a yt i . g u g h g T Bp n u e Y r ,agt u tcuc t i nusu te orueh of t haeligtkuo e t roTheble lie ie bren foot.e- erve Fuan t i i. h o r s o u g a i n ff . e a ev e r. if O - d o tno f e b l o d bi s en y u b a h o g u t a i o r p i n u p s s a y g L t n a n e a o a t o n u e h i h fie a . aly e, anb ôeiti onwd, earteaichs et il aur u e. uneDarephchàe -o tMs, Ve.,JOHcNs per U.d0ed, od.isy ra mtes d criyp ertt . I a veot a ne , ben a lled zc o d sed acetu " e iug wo d Appnu n-Es, l y lu 17uni sst A s m et s d r g ein 1881,1882, 1888, an s tnce s d y. E m ar e s e h.renover. s e e'eda d g s e 1" tbt 0 -0 Tu r I= OFFI. t1884, sud l u nu ca se <dar thoy hom ore9,oW , N th i b n ba n t ap d fr lany fr lich n1.0thore P.asano word, lllNew du~ ee s ut mana. emnt, 1 ., Inouh o nd rea s trog u a nd T oicicerrised pi d fatnd goit2pr 100 lot a u eraray th gigepuhd Da" h a y lceofiandmerifuuy An acetY"fve p ent . ofed il v~u res-n wates coseaboe mybea. Bt i is&il impto ootia ace.Is en nco. sete osel it tCe nr al Truscoms THE DEATH 0F B OTE.ovaseweYork, bys- tewfluhingeroseesud_ Aot gthe oruhof Joih Brooks N - i LaE sd tuke prieculas furnîse4 by te under th osugn gsio.W vr n Rtheaer 0.D pusec 1f. itta ho ceaeni èu atenanfr I piig p * K lyig Lfned. c a esthn n-hf wsurtning puwere.teukaohereuhe sudpet&sud atreteaenmd ex.undr cresec, H.ns GOuzbd odnr rts adscRDONrfct C exae u b eiebercled ho eau- balegrteund of gwouusde: p m, 1 ECOMEN te 1 "ert aei 81 M,88 n derdsm ik mwhof old Braow hd et rHienfcehow ereith ,a hconeenjirq u Aen t f 6orbbc Cnty uOntamrio sud frady at the o' re v 1k. A. kaaagersof Factris1 Portgerre nt h i A t e Bin o u t h t r i e d t ea n d tb .chi .i b e. pM a y o8 ,r8 8 5 . "Osain" aid Bobhae mig KnA a be er h %a t.h mori 113.An-in shoagentr'eryd ind11 everywhere dul ,tetia oc,"ie m .brewn ud log afbrad avas fobutd et)lclise -r i een 1,&i a u e trial.womalielcmms coweout u fgheyup"fonduid jure lus i d roseandand full. parti irp. yth n th sugeuon John Brne Puse. of iNE VER PAIthLIYGta"6 iged whendernrspoe in hi oeren e aouse tthe coebean o crov.Te - . mouna CIuR L LR TH.WEGORDN ,B NK 0 exe ple B nc t h re 10 di e h eka maon. &wkem d otb s ull n e.a d ootor STJDDEN COU ]LDS, IILLS, le repein d th od re owe n d meght ha oinebbol vas Loo a teeore GESTcanIO n RSTOPPinaw iuAGEe0F for'the, -ONTARoI-Oa. hi ae n Bohtidtuf i dredyownse iu katy o Ca the." CI oCULAIOR AMPSor , DOW,, ncacrded s dittbe stage sp te teddi into the ------P lAS Ion sT u rE s HSTO A iti, SayUM-88 "ell w s ste ne mv o e iveme at e bhern, wed bog te ar d wfo he s ino-. u C3evrgvn tatil iving chaee ; witht s oke, n a on et thena8b e movh e e thei rd gls@nd eparenMa',A PP N ERL E XEA LY, TU àN dia g e o t a d i b Y Uor k e pt c ut-of d o is as m u i sa n tp ssl e, S G.CE RI V I L L B E -PR V S I U E O S T h e s k a t y d i d o h nri c k e t n v e qu s d b u g l e d e eA i r m e i e d B t h oM'.. ,, a LL. I j- on eal trapesou-ing biedgisdbousa, Th o- ips ubteghan t er. are on CURCIV.ÀN E FOR'IMET i W Eo F R E STMBAN . O s andBooh spiiî Sc de lkeBro n. swaew t osadtli fee r, whe eA u- £AaTU lU R C LDS, IIMLScTUEHE PAINA erpae h usayd." e t ge'ad way frobu the po-s io-lton, irge . ISIN R OPPONGEOF SSTATEyECtJT Y. B c o b es a h e t e ~ vIfa d b. unfi t r w o k o p e s re s c a m P A IN S I B ISE S , R IL , U M A.M aa.e . b wolfor rne in erese,0n1ec098D. thre's Plasant Pur iePei e" lVDBWLCOPANS hty Nv te18.c frotu wa enbis mo es nain e. b ouslently romoe athred c ra ese u e IS , NE R LG A S E LE tlvatx u atsutlteet th t ai t o sk d fo fft y rd u Offe t iil v a b ute i a . TBy idreg stsOFA E , T O O TII H, M uo&ec rdci.i 1 ay0 p fivrla lite re iLimn e na os f TheIalaOarer move tr asgraedamcreit BT INSFROT BTESL, C,&j lct Everysthig wa ousdor krouoe ens or Egyt.s6ct. pr Bale.Appyst "o w, l t h e n, my g brave es,"d ho M s. E. H. e r he ma ss e Cen re a r 8 " B '# r h I iaio s OH A QU A S 1 .9lame , i h ecéo os age o C o . Y , anteo sfee rwoublod LEOIN HE agan, "prea reasrtye frm " wti$16rsfrforyas a t i p~Wib 000Pe ORuary 6th,1880.9- BoStohaearcher the Cvnandhes nitgt ae r n t the i Shtias, ke n ________________Pnom _____ Lucar ob fbah.vnnedmntor ottleor. Thoa. re s flee Oi, ONREL00,OOo .UIT. wol o aeitr e uad-woulbd sD. pierfe'stl ured. h. trougpl eao- ES RUSS -RIUM - appm ea Le bs ther uîtlDte L ite mogetyr eig eth aue adth IMrs. LIA WELAt 0ewent. cg atero.ret Bthasn hsurning fLu Lie OmmyardILnsud fetw lvna fis. Lu sedas aent FACE, OI'W!WACFmn u nipimd Treetrpy foor ie ore __Th____ lu&be b nta roit B RNsuitTBIE, C. h.ooe scroversn10daq 1a. H. ie d hi e cw u befee bl osl. i grnr. e ls. apli- Frt u s c aotiaoso h. d piesfo ase o ourh n e , n t y. u [ng u kh oeun er tee a ieff igha - - h wd t Sebs a r I XQ'C" LITTI IL y buggst. 2 cetsa viei $50REWARD oafredh h r~It ~ cf Mnage'a atarh u& Rid sud~I laIprthe *"ha! ch,. 5W cens JOH.NSON- In -Deuerella l ek forgouzr FUI/iglTURE! DIRÂ'yy'>G*RtOO: DNNQ REt.OO for, rWeca1 andua larged Gland.iu j oetsetamps» fer aul-arge treatise',vt ordplates,, -ou' «8kim Digeasei oruh 9ount foraftreatue on SerÏofun frece 6T EBLOêD B ;U TUÉ mLl Thoroughl eleanse lbyusing Dr. plerto ol I &edic a e lsovery, andi digestion, -a fairskin buohy l9s, vital strelioth,!ff.uBOUd»euS constituîîou, IlIhoestablished. CONMSUMPTION whlch la Serolulous. Dl)seaae ot. t Lungs, la puomptly snd certinly areu sud cured by this God-giveu remedy, 4, ts before the lest stages uf the diase are uea< From Its wunderful power aveu this tr fatal disease, wlien fLuest efferlng thia nowv1 ebrated remcdy to the ublic, Dr. Pwu thouglit serleusly uf calimg. It lis-Co sU3impu1OucreP but abàndune<jth!tn as toc limited for a mnedicine wvhifot wonderful cembluaton uf tunlo , raten ing, aiteratlVE, or blood-ciean@Ml nsti bjj Pectoral, snd nutritive popries aunéquwg- mt uyas a remely for cunmunpueof lu ,bt for ll OIIIâ£ONIç DISEASESA. Liver, Blo0od, andLungie If you f'eel dul, de*y; debultate4, lit mUllw culor of Wkm, ou yellowlsh-buuwi8 on face or body, frequent headaclie or ness, bad tate lu mouti Iternai heat ou chig aiternatlng with hot' flaah . low spîrime SU gloonuy Purebodlings, I ap etie, 0-M ooated tonge, you are sneringfoil4 par uf these ympomsare eLxperlenSd3l iremcdy for aIl such cases, Dr. Piercel Moldeu Bledic-al »iucovery lims C FPor Weak S $.Sitli] IBO!loo hortuesa of Lreathq soncjiduu evere Coughs, Connumpîîo»4 aW rindred affectins, 1hla a severelguamei, Send ton oents iu stampe for fDr. P= i Sok on Censumption. Sold ,y Druggj«4 World' D;pma$1, dca009.ato SUITS, 8 IJ'TS A il t? h.been visitlztg finda h ÂmtfoB Bleue ha. bougit aloti a ~ l nbrick rüeidenco the coin *'V.Lovebha brick dramn 13fs vilage iresideue.e ie niug &ýbutohery business. i. Burteluvi 3lsd$,bout fitteou, aboam i bis brother'a bau ,he -s ons etofTemupérance. fui on of . e thon' popular eutert nte fitorlly after Lhe election. 'obÎ. WoUe,J "whoas kickeil e ptsying foot-bail, bas beený tcee ev 8ainoe,but v. are glac .t he i;alvly m.uding. .li Methodist parsouage cemi sekingler tenders for, building nage. Borne oethle brick' are gosud adthinge are teoking ho ey, Mu. Walker »bas 'I ciugselsirevival Bervien in. thodie it ehurch during the. past ' lh elieouusging prospects; Tii. J -Matheou etofTorante vil aiss Smeetings lii.presont veek. 'Our Methediet frienda aro holi jecia seices Lii. eok, they ,sisted bylte Bey. Mu. Mathe e. hope hhey may de muait- gcod, tue is a splendid chance here. irs flee.trom tho vrath te cerne. There vagi a epanutofherses c0 iroegh'-the village -without any 4r ý Monday, sud vere steppod by r'Love sud taken toe te l. AI en heur itathrds lte man v a à fonce cerner Ivo zmiles uortb. hme rnght tva miles est there -wl Oneof efour towusmon hbas . hirM rzsly eugaged lies. cold days tr, >get up a turbine wind. mill. Re h etrame erected and1 some;oet 2aoiuery mil su ad -pautly boaN ver, Whon il is flniehed, if il ork, il ie intended te mun a aai machine. We -wishui succoes, Mie Lizzie Moirissey, of titis vl ftýOttava on Friday for à vieil 1< lotei, at the. Hotl Dieu Gonventpl real, Que. Mr. John -Coultico, vho reedi lieut distance neut 4 oethe village, d>h-as e.n es slo ew nightd Sgp9 ippeàaus hier. is a trap door ini thel1 isâing tte .coUsu beneatiý. * On igbt ofthe accident, thei, door vas p eu for tié purpose etfaiMmglteér >ung te nighl eue eof'hie ,herses pose snd sbnmbted fité ii. rsp* c itsiteaeouesdu a augt.d te 'des lt h oanimal ~ued at ê12L -. E1r Saeài u4 o redesu, u ke0uehore, sud vho bas been in te healti for years with ousumi tok3versewville onua vieil le, her È re'ughfla d diodthe.on IhJ&û., OSi. Su age 51 yesu ~monîÈs.. ,The Imuerai boob place îeson's resfidence te lie Oitîi Bympàthy. oiý'et feu the beuesved; The. other ,v 1 nmg,,as ý-h Prop, i ." a %euluoo a

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