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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1887, p. 2

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aud lot, alio hiehieuseold furitun, and ia-going tW liTe with our soteurpîie- Iu è eohn#M.T. DOD , ooMi. -G. Moore s eg the puibasor oLthe houase Mud lot. Mr. Wmn. Bright bas given up tbe faim ho iaoently purehaued froni G. W. Buill le Ilosmr. J. Hplliday, J. Hom. mingwoy & 0o. Mosan J. W. & W. J. Heimaiugwuay have ieased their faim te Mi. L. Barker for a number of yeara. Raglan Division 8ous of7Temperauce Iitends holding open Division on Batur- day evening thé 2md cf April. The programme wiII ceuisiof inStallation, cf officere, readingo, recitations, Jia. logues, instrunital aud vocal- music, aise an address by oui pastor, Rev. L. Liddy. Our popnlar deputy -roeve, Mi. James MoFarlane, bas left the hachelor ranks- aud joined the noble army cf beaedicts, ho having, on Wedneaday, the 9th inst, akeu unto himeoif a life partner lu 1th. poison of Miss Kâte Fatton, cf Forest; Ont, W. aztond tW he happy oouple oui beaîty congratulations aud vish tbhe alâh aud happluosa. ëMî. and Mis. Ira Johnston voe vis. >itin g friendast Proapeet sud Ciaremeut .....Ka. James Flett, of Peinte, vas visiting friends horo, the paet veek.. Mr. Joseph Wilson is serionaly iii at proeut ...Mies Sarah Jane Mark la reoovering froni ber reeent ilinees.. Miss Jeunie Johnson is aisoe ick at prssent. MOUNT ZION. Batty han appeared iu oui miclet. The mumpa hava aeized another vie- tmin oui noighborhood. Thiuk oui gracss; widoweî and the Linaai.grues vidow might make a Mr. P. C. McAvoy purcbased a fine two-year-oîd filly at Mr. Flowden'si sale, for the round sutu of $200. The farmene of thiae ommunity hava, on au average, about six bead of beef cattie apiece, but are holding out for higher prices. The Bons aie stili addiug tW their numben a wekly, members ooming from, the. udjoining tovus of Kinale aud Greenveod. Mise MaoAnbrio Port Perry, who was heaehpr of oui sohool for two jean# îie visiting ai Mr. J. 0. Joues' "ud o&llng upon ber- many friands in Ibis vioiuiit. Mr. John Disney bas moved from the iougthoad to ethe stone houses, and IaVes ýEdvin in -posession of the Lore ar . W visbhbim on mi Soins of Oui young friendas seiniho find Uxbridgo aeeiesy Tory falaig Oui popuiar sobool tsacher, Mr. J. A. 1(illr, bas beau -ougagad for anothor *The cther ovsning a aleigh load cf oui yoang people atteuding a revivai meeting M Bathe"damet wflh whit almost shmetened t o asserions acmi- dent. The hors.. beestue frighheead st a tramp who..&rose abruptiy froin the roadoide, shiedjerked tb. lines ont cf tbe driver'% bauds sud dashed away ah fail speed, hurlwng the sieigb ovr t he snd cf a bridge. 'Fortuanateiy ne eue a Young eau freux the foot of the island. Amy ,information about hlm viii b. Oaof Our fair eues bas- goesIW lve st Bbiiey. W. veuld like le knov ý,if the sIamoIssud buildings thaieare nzmnbpred, ie s v 4t at t; I lose Dmoemor ooPr vomxAUMon. lisin blWues.W. U'511 Me. -:iye85 nmoh uoceasiu bis- uevfield of -labor. W. av- boe -mention that lu.n oouequnee àfM. HyesIvng oui, neigbborbood he bas iba d oresgu i positiona of r4,visingofis>eiizk, whloh hé haloid nerJudge -Dartlb tthé satisfactiob of every one. Hie suocee. or. vo uuderstand, -bas beau appoiutod lu tb. pbîson cf Mi. B. Modil, baunker, of this plaoe, sud brother cf tba newly. elected motber. This is ceusidered a geed appoluttueut. We presume tha other offleora cf lbe court viii -b. the emre as lust year, Mi..Jeunett retsin- ing bis eld position, Ou aIl bauds tbe revising-offioer sud bis assistants r.- eeived, much praiso from &ai parties for the veîy impartial mauner in which Ihe necessary basinesvas eonducted, sa wo oeay coofidently lock fer a repetition efthle aime this yeai.- Two eitioens living ou Downey shoott have oouveited Ithe-tâme iououred "oseil"inluÎwhloihtb. above voîdsarae hopoint, bý outoriuag ipto literai ,eooe- petitiouniu a umaisae. For Il hap- pons thal on éeacb ofthe thies lutc.- casions on whioh tlb. wlvetocf tb. abovo0 gentlemen bave prosonhed Iheir leigo lords vitb pledges cf -affection, tb. dates of these important affaire, bave beer. vithin a day of one another-the lutI oocuriig yestorday aud te-day. Tuesday 'afloînoon 6 party et four persona, au old lady sud gentleman sud tvo youug people, ver. drivîng fiee Lakofield, and vbeu approàebiug the. iailvay oroîsaîg tbeiî herses became frighteued at au approachwng train aud dashed ahead vith uneontidllablo spoed. Ah the cressiug lb. sleigh "struok a snag" sud vas iupel. pitching tbe occupants eut. The old lady received sovere in- jne., the. youug man was landod ou the iailroad within a fev minc f the rails, whil6 fb. youug lady vas roiled down. th.eebankment aud uoaîiy into tii.river. Fortuuately the engine driver uotioed tb. accident sud shopped lbe train within a short aistanoe cf the. young uxan, vho vas lyiog heipleas fer the.' moment. The old man va. siot mucbhurt. It vas a coe eau for aIl parties. Tbea Mit-ror lbaves us tua vweek fer Plathsville, Oxford Oounty, where if, viii lu futuire b. publisiied. The! business outlook for ourimupll. muant agent, Mi. A. A.. MoPhaden in firot-olsos in -avery respect, sud a number cf eiders for reapers, seeders, çtc., havo alraady been bauded bîm. Mi. W. Young La. purchaaed tb. store formaîiy oeenpied by Mi. W. J. Shannon, sud viii shortly ocoupy th. promises. Mi. E. T. Williams, oui populat Vet. viii o.cupy tbe promises a1 paIssuloooupied by Mri. Youn g. On Friday Imt Alex Watson sud Thos. Fogg, hoctel-keopens ber., vers oharged before Messie. Hoin. sud Poiriît, J. P'@s$ vith violation cf tb. Scott Act. A fia. of $60 sud costa eobc vas imposed. Big Don. Camupbell as lu the viii. age ou Friday sud Sahurday Ia seiv- iug subponea on porsons requiîed te give evidence ai lb. Wiiby A.s.izes iu the receut assauit case ber.. The "boys" triod te elude the vigilant Don. but it wua. W ne purpose. Mi. R. E. Porriti, tb. nov propriol. cir ofb.hemili, is patting th. relier sys. tomn into bis mili. Noither lime or ex- Bligbing i. quit. goedber. ýyetl, &I faumera se ole U oasbnuaneed -of il aet It,.wiU iievous tome of tii... ftxasdays vbeu set iii mourà' il. bas.2 àtario L oan andSaig CÇ-ompany:, ~EUAEY 16T11, i~87. lie iua~vs th~oeatoson 10 passang hhiongiatic ierdon H te bis homo' e, . bull dcg ou.t"Pè- ies made st bim sud bit 0 a the rigit Ieg, above tii. kneojýje>4eig the flesh lu sovo.rai les.e;ï'ýo é Mu.- Gordon eas. avare of lbtheh bad the beast ehot. The. dog# àa have bein eue of tho most-, 4tu b M brutes ever kuovu, shl*~~h from. a 88-calibre revov '- Wre fi.red at hlm beforé hp o o-snted ho give up sud die.. On Suudsy mortng of lasI wë'ék as Mr. Timetby Beddiu vwas Mi t the -village serosthie Picke. 'g eM9 diiviug a cutter oontaiing ýùmu9fsud tire Youug ladies, thbey mivIan more seriona. On lbta it b h bridge there ie censiderabl. n the hors. vas puilint 4"ail- I6btha vhen the Dutcb collai, bolxag too fbig up, clesed off hie 'wiud pipe. Tâahorso cîasbod thbougb the. iailiug aud --vuw the. stoop bauk headforemest, irbils e shaft va. muspped lu tvo, àsu . the cutter jerkod againît tbe ponsthbrow- ing eut the Youg ladies. Miss Raddiu essained -à very disagreeabls bruis. on the. i.ft iieek. With sema difuty, the tracsioi@wee lotseue4sud liie herse reieaeed, irben ifvéa. found that ha was net ipjured in auy way. A number qf hcuiebuyors have beon lu town latoly but very few hormea have beau -disposed of. Fmi-mers compiain ef tbe prices offered. Mi. John MoDougai, late cf the, Boa. ver Mills, -neai Ce.nningten, le busy moviug te Pefferlaiu. H. bas purch- ased the griot miiltiere frotu Mu. Ties. Stokes, aud oxpects ho commence ,business lu a short fiee. Oui deontures fou ire sud levu hall purpeses have been sold lu Toronto for $6.722. wbich in about oue par cent ovor par. Tbîe shows thal 1h. ciedit cf Caunington stand.siiigb. The sae vas mode by the. reeve sud Mr. Bran. don. - Ou Tu.sday lait Albert, sideet son cf Mr. F. Gaddy iad tb. misfoihuas le gst hie leg bicon a littho shove tbe bues. He snd à number-of othor sebeol boys vere sleigb-uidiug aI accu 'ou Duclenhoffer*e il. HRe sud tire thers started dOm abse billoxq a ueigh. Immediateiy after hhey pot.-saamd anothho boy uimpad. on the boys, thîev- iug ones off sud tuwu2lug Itbe c9e. that il ian over Albert's bp.:»,e Donald set Ithe 11mb sud tbelitUo féilov ba doing uiecely. St. Potensburg leamtches report mare arresta and Oecutionh - mnconuection wath the recent Nrubuliat plot.' What atrnly beautiful vorid vo live lu 1 Sature pves us grandeur cf mountainus, gles nf s aus, snd thousands cf mmeu cf enjayment. W.eaum desire ne botter wheu an perfect libdl; but hoey Olten do the Majormhy ofropla e eIlikajiiàgil p dishatad, laceuragod an oua eut wlth disoeohvin lier. as neocecasion jfeu this feeling, a. every sufféerrcma .u1v obtaiu satisfctory preeof, tliýai rwsa .dugu8tFloioer w mliake thent fmeefrtim disasse, a. mien boru. Dyupiul ù& Liver Oempaît are lie--direct causes cf seventy-five par cent, cf mach maladiesas Bihonsume, Indigestion, Sxck Hoaahe», .o1vne.NrosPrsrtos Yai H IE FOUIITEENTH ANNUAL MEETING cf thL Cempany was ield lu die T01no offthe Company on Wednesday, February >16th, 1887. The foilewing Joanr CowAi<, J. A. GmBSeN, THoMAs PATERsox,'1'. 1E. MoMiu.éi, L. K. Mun'roxi, T'noxs CORNISH, LYMAN ENGLISH, Wsr. READWIN, ýJ. S. LLnES and JOHNr CARTIER. Tie Prosident occupicd lic Chair and T. H. McMnî.u, acted as Secretary te thie meeting. Tic minutes cf the previeus annuel meeting were read and& confirmed. Tic Ciairman thon îead the Annuai ]Report of the affaire of the Company for the paet yeýr, as falow-Si.7 -REPORT. !The Directone cf tbe Ontario Lean and Savings Compauyý beg to subanit Ibis the four- teethl annual re rt of tb. C'eniapauy for the fiscal year ending 3let Dec., 1886. _As W,,, b. oUerved fi-cm th. within statement the net earnings for tie ycar after deducting all costesud charges incurred in ma.iagemenî, Directecrs, Solicitors, and Auji- tors' tees, iere S25,407.82, equivalent te abcut 8j per cent. upon the paid up capital of the Qoman, i-m hh rehll ery* vidends-ai the rate of se-en per cent. pAr annura- v ebe p aid, and t i b alac tgter mi h um f $46576 tidraw f icm t ii. c ntign account) aiuouting in ail tc o 0( a been carnied te the credit cf the. Reet Acc oua mm c s om eae d e nmcf865the0 Tht buies- uaee hrn b tem cvrdby thé report bas been satisfactcry, altbcugb the. rate f inte t pro rable on mor gagebans bas been less than formerly, a choice clans of secuities bas bnauobtainedhan wen higher rates prevaled. No lous have occurrcd to reduce th. profits cf th. vear and a rigid inspection cf the Company'B investtmenLs incres.ses cur confidence in its future succesçî. W. F. COWAN, OMT!ÂwA, Dec. Siat, 1886. PREàIDENT. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. Jau'y lUt, Dec. 318t.- ~4 188 Dec. 31[et. 186 Dec.31st. Dec. 3st. Dec. 318.. IIEUEIPTS - To Balance frcm 1885.-............:::65,1a3 *Repâymente on Loans........................ 814463 «.Intereet receivedl do.,........................... 47,314 67 General Interest, Bank- Acccunt, etc .............. Capital Stock.................................. "' Deetures issucd ............-........... 'Revenue AccounI, Rente, etc................... DISBURSiEMYNTS. By Western Bank, Balance aI Dec. 318t.............. "Loane on Mortegages and Stock .................... "Intere'it paid .................................. «Expense Account......................... Dividends Nos. 26 and 27 ....................... Depoatits returned............................... «Debenturesl paid............ .................... «Balance in Ontario Bank, Wbifby ............... Bommanville ............ 44 de ~Whitby ................ Cash on baud..--ý................................1 Western Bank, Oshawa............... $3,937 64 Lme Cheques net presented ...... ...... 1,521 48 STATEMENT 0F PROFIT AND LOSS. $53 48 2,093 60 2,754 48 1,042 89 2,416 16 By interest accnued in 1886:........................ id 4 necsived.on Loans....................... .s 44on Bank Account, etc................ "Revenue AcconaI, Rente, etc..................... Contingent Accotant, transferred .................. To interet paid....................... 'Expense Acceunt, salaries ...... ,............... "Dîvidend Accotant Nos. 26 sud 27 ................ -10 % dusount on office furniture, $817 64 ......... Rsit Account................................. ASSET. To Mortgagea, pi-sent value ...................... "Properhy Accouat (office promme)................ Office Furniture ............................... $817 64 Lessl10 7..................................... 81 76 "Balance, Cash on baud and lu Bank.............. $6,300 201,731 1,705 995 468,570 192,110 1,314 $872,727 08 $14,765 40 102,624 13 24,873 30 5,5w0 32 20,873 58 535,269 74 160,400 0 8,360 61 '$872,727 08 $5,588 84 47,314 67 1,705 57 -1,314 12 465 76 $56,3U8 96 s24.f - 30 5,560 32 20,M7358 81-76 5,000(0 $947,554 22 11,00000U $735 88 8,360 61 M97,650 71 LIkBILITIES. By Capital Stock---------------------------------$28.321 98 " t>epositors....................................... 409,790 74 "Debeuture Account................................. 13908 Conent Accou.............................. 65,000 "CntngntAcout.........................1.347 17 896,65071 T. H. MoMILLAN, W. bereby c ertify liaI the aboya statements conlain a correct reprsetation cfthe affaire of tbe Company aas siownby the tliokse.ahDec. 31z1, 188&. e have examined voucberesud socunilies sud find lhe sanie correct. 1OSHAWA, lOthB Ec., 1887. G. H. GRIEISON, JNO. ýB. HARRIS. 1 Âuditoro. The Preeldê\nt said Tii. resuits et the paat year as exbibited by the report presenled bythbeSecretary cannot baotharmisethàn satisfactoi-ytohole Siiareiolders. HR e eCmpany deiýended sciely upon thc profits derivc&- fron iinss made ahte Pisesent curont rates obtaiable on moilgage invesînients, tbe. -swin -uvàg*abê fortc ho Reset aScount meuld net"boe large. Alhougb tb. dem»md for rooney during the Vear héa if ir-ly ct-, tienon avidence ot an inerease inathe rate cf ,iuterest,,diul rallie the -reverse; non dosits um posible hiat faimnera, irehoý pnitute tiih~eat sjorily ot our boi-omers, could aff oW psy, bigiar iaes in thi fac" cf, liextraordaaylipcstuIng forgranadcl teb stple produots of lie faim. Wihh 4e liu- raes f uers ie mai-gin of. profilt a pon moueys borrowed by li et~~~~~~~f, co~ole bi o r~rqii increased caution lu.. hie acceptauce of, mvesa nta. That overyhnposbebseadoa uit direction is paetb 11 at a é losse bav bee incured sudlie eOurhie,.id y 1h Oopa y fo reanct alos gcod an avorsMg Pas 'te fodaeycniec uisfture prospeahy. With rmuk *Ibg h .lc dpiuof thie Report. Mu.ALEn ecnded tlb.saote e i epriici mss oarried, M n. la n as . oo dd by M a A LI , m v d tia t l t. es m m oet $1 .50 be "d- " tie .A dio sM sse G thmsu LSRaf r iii ervicesfor t hpa 'st year, s d hhatt he baaoitdauditor% for, li.cran ar Ou, ~ .A- PCST, Aprai tr tbéaaaa Loan and SavIa O.adaent for -the Western Àssr.-, Co! OF'FICE,-Ove;, Gerrie>. BlockWjb Suitable for wraping purposeFý, lay'u< under carpets, etc., 2 cents per'huhldrie à Âpply te tf- TRIS OPFIOB. CATALOGUES FREL. BELL' & cou ,Guelph, Ont GOOD RORSES. NEW BIGS. LIVERY and -SALE1 STABLESy DtJNDÂS-ST., WHItBY., ORA WFORTH & DEVERELU PIRST - OLAS TURN-OUTS Furnished on $hortemt Notice. Commercial Travel ler8 liberally dea<t with. FA.IR PRICES. RONET DEALING. 3EWÂRE '-"z -T.9)RTHLESS IMITATIONS As there are Imany inferior, oo, corded with jute, ec,offeredand sold as oýraline by some un- în nte reputation, of Our genuine CewaIIne, we ws.rn the ladies againat such imposition by draw- ing tbefr attention to the necessty Of eeeng that the 60ROMPTON OORSETtOO' la stampodon inner side of au eraunegooct% Vithout whic none are gme Allan Line Liverpool, Londonderry Glasgow. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS.1 DATES Op SÂILNG-. Peruvian frein oradpe..lt] Sadnsfront'Po hsu Pb.24t fre&kalia, 1I -Plnsa, front Portlad, Mai. 81 from Rafx Oirouauirom Porlisd, Max. 1le ipemv&141omfrom aliar -4t teiq.. Cspenof !IÎbe man ouhside,", iollis ire uu al resadiug.The Edi the dihinotimnbetwe àbip sud friendabul ,elle'j-- sud lie LeOl B.echoi, Phuhipi. CG used te -aderu. Ti proseinlg theti.inter gist novllcof mnade agalust fictfi mtental sud nmoral s nparraigriment oi jou euh taken by teit fou adiiceufme ef,èfecîs et mauy-stU prauic lfliuaqi noveis.' The Dra« - Witb un aosl tusticus by Hydo SI Reacb The .abeve -Ci Memnbèelà-. deputy, Beeve lun tb Mnutes cf th îead frova 'he# HaIuFt, & Go., tie l2-th.

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