OMML A"» GET A FREE SAMPL OP OUIR Baaking Powdet, PURITY GUADANTEED, JE a. p.GIBBARL THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si Oc PER ANNUMJ. WMtby, Frlday, PMarch 25J 1887 Mr. Watie' bil lunthe. Local House, le permit alwomen vhS areêwenty. one years of &ge sud over, sud vii ~9 P. o poaseasproperly lu hheir eva igit, le vote ab municipal etectieus au defeat- ed b>' s vote et 55 te 19. Tiere i4etl meut te b. s ver>' stnong feelng iere Sfoivor of glving the jadis. a votl.1 In ouPort Pareuconrsspndsaison lis 2ud page, v. bolieve, le a prsbty- In fureport of aspeechuby Dr. Sanstsr, o f Port Per>', lu addreaing a meeting oslled te consider lie sdvisbility ot * cisgingigi school fe&s.Tii.Dis. elo -nesha. se <rau b lie e f klhng off blgi sebool tesunPort -Peu>, sud Ihat boar'&action has pro. vente& s general stand, being tlien lu lie malter by tie otier bigi sehools of the ouaty. T Efirsi division -M the. u0a"i Asumbly on party lunes wv atounon Wednesdsy. The. gomerment bha ,,Jorlty of 26. The. vote vas 82 to 52 end fI,. membues benut-Jl goveru. meût supporters. These vith the speaker *"Ild m*ke outt1he 26 msjorfty The. question %t issue as viiether or -'ot su appesi abould b. tatou bta th Privy Couneil te ake Dominion ofi. * aiepy lucoie ta; Tihe Ontario] goverument le oppgod te tnaklug Sny. apeali as lier. le very littie prospect e wîixuing the. suit. WtT auides It te smre people get iute thibeads liaI the, Amerosu 4sys î u caseamy 'plaane sprung Up belvesu Engls nd-udthe vsrron orn prm? ii.A.merleant ha.e acarbily s'umcisu1 oldieri te take ara oseseonst eraok -*I, thii nianse o tbe veut. -la qrdeeoib virrua 0saqsda th.Y v ould hive ýte leave their à vu euaaty '<nsked" te their ememies. 1t, *%là »quire very ebip sn& soldiertheh. Xsnkees ihave sud twtSeae msny.more- o6prowtelhhmeolves, sud Our fsir Cani ad& wonld bave a sovere letting sie. 'Poôple eolld reraenaber liIEuland ,uessees DOW MASS XEETIMGOP 0F OKitDE. Tii. children of the Sabbath sohoola gsthoed lu mass lu the.Tabernacle on Suiay afternoon, and ver. addreesed by bhthe visitors. Mu. Whyts's .4. drus. as more lu lhe lin.etfan ebjeot lesson, 'viti a vlew tte 1h. teschlng of the. force sud streugtb of habit. 'Tii. intention, no doubt, vas good but somehov thon. seemed alwaye te b. vanting liati ldefihable something, liai peonliar mSguetism neoeesry- te complet. lte circuit, sud make lhe effort a sucese.Mu. Smith vas ratier more succesaful lu arusiug lie sympa. lii. of tite. little oe&esthau vasis associaie. is short sddueas vas lis. teued te viti marksd attention, sud someoconsiderable shov of emotion. on SUCNDAT KVPEZUNG th. semting oapacit7 ef the Tabernacle vas tsxd te ils Iulmosi te accmmodai. lie larg sudioce that s.embled. Tii. uuususlly large gathering seemed te du*mcocerb Mr. Wiiyte, and i.oiad net spoken te suy leugli before il vas evideuttte oind of lteuot indif. feont lu the audience liaIthe speaker vas labouing nuder difficultie. Ellier io had net sxzpecled suob a galhering ourbe va unequelte suy great effort, under lie .leslutfavorable cireut. stancesW. hav, Do desir. ho criticis. eloeeiy the evangoel, sud vs say rigil bsoreuiiab vo believe boli mon aré,oensciantieus, but tierme oeca. stous vWeouliqy aey tee mci sud Mallure l.,lie ~slam T iest o».,and- but eno, 'Saut Joues sud ev1 eni. .dç e SamtLit ansd, A FueL Exosil teforut hlm a backgr-on4 Their exemple may be, vertiy cf emulallea but heir clothes fit ne eue but liemielves. Tii. eimging of. Messu.. White sud Smtl bas, on th, viole been vrell ueosve&, ici eays lunci for lieut lu Ibis leva of goed s es On Woduesisy sveniug, Mu. W. W. Buchanan. D.C., of lie B. T. of T. *odbefoe. lie largeaI audioee ual Lhad assmbled dpung, tho seulessud deliveued a pointed, sud vo mugit sâd, foreiblo sddress ou Wouen'u Work. Re paid s higi tribut. Subise W.C.oe.U. sud lu lie chier "ouga "]ç tho~trongi viei voute xeau n iueleeoou lie masses. The address vas veli us ceived," sud -ýeioved lith"1'h, soole vici he reproeste iadmade 4ine mis. teks lu electlnghlim lisir exécutive effiosrThe, absu#oe of uM»y of $ie1 singer. vho lied previorluIy taken part1 lu lie meetings gave Mr. Whytsoca. sien for soute pftlly plain, tslbin, sud the dehiuqùesseame lu fer mmci gr&. traitons counsel, p*d sdvice. Ro pro. lested sagainttlite assunuption. ul ý,h., A vewbo:mouey miUn. e lis~l oiluint boIs o ýSUy Suno ioAm lu fluet.enisuing ou bis vonk, lie>'muet I bave vsuieied long ago, aste. mut J have dleooverea eue lte, ià 4-4aI le iie ei ne moue> lu lie businen. Our opinion, et gr-. WhYth in siuip>'thfrtitbha. I Imualoal talent of s - bigi our, sud vwerehe le assoias blutuiv -vu hbye or'lire. talècted spokers bo vould t socomplieh lunch "more for lte caune for wîlit h.o . veking, than h.oa -poWsbly do otiquvtse. used l in rnathellnh,,beau smu euilfully bleuded hl.Ithe.oornabiued effect is -mômt p$eaaiug, and refleota greal oredit oonIthe Iaste sudjudgùm& Of th, MeINt. 'À. C. Wilson -&à Bons, Who bad,4ho wt~rk lu laaùd.Thi e opeming tiervioes verse ondueted in part by th. putor, the. 1ev, Mr. Bak. Mh lu duo course haudea tlii.meeting over te the. visitoe, wiio style them. selves- Temperance Evangelisue. &fter, a- &hort serviée. of.,long1 Mr. Whyte iddreseed the oongregation, lakimg for- hisetot Christ'. rejly te Peter: «Wiist; i8 that t te ii.. <o 0thon me." The speaker - fiet cslled-stlezftion te the m usical instruments h. used in conduc. tlà g, hie service of song-a guitar sud s gospel trumpet. -Ho did, net bolieve th.t the. devii iia4lthe. exclusive right te &Il the. good musio ual. osa- b. pro.- duoed ou lhe varions inotrumente nLu. veubsd, sud ho vws delermiued te seoure a sI>aro of ilssi uiwg lu evan. gelse theiiwrM. -MIL ,WhytsleafDot .ýOonspiequu for hie pulpit oratewyl, yet bis r.marks ou the.ttex$o ebad -hosen were snob, as te claià thtie attention of bis hoaries, and gain for hlm, st toast, a reserve cf judgment. Your 4ye is eaught'and, your senses overwhelmed, when you enter our store, il the immense range. of Hones, High Grade, New Style Dress -Goo'ds, Fao Goods, Prints, Sateens, -Ribbons, Laces, &o., &o. ;.ie w Goods -Arivige Gi/yl Our Stock is rohfowun tylsh,. GOODS SOLDAiT MONEY-SAVING-PIRICES. GOODS SOLD'AT PEÃ"ýPLE-PLEÂSING PRJCES. That you can save money and yet secure the best, is demonstrated with a;a hueof, ne ýmore. 1b vould b. foEl *ô huone selting à part large ilum-imià î to propn-P_ tie cause of MeMbéga of committeeisia eleoîion im"e. 1co12. 8mitli ssOid the. 4.put .roiv. üeed flot <sel a»Y <eauof pppesà tïola Itom hlm *lu lbe nez& eleotoô; aïhg le pet loekiug for thi. position. Cein. Wice don't believe il -f à i te he South Ward te, put lb off iti #250. Why'should it nul lbave as muci as amy oftii.otiters? Hewvould, move ius -rant b. încoeaed lu 88w0. Coun. Noble saye lhe North Wsrd vante mors Ilion lie __others sud bohievea theo ponts eiiould goi Pro- portion te ithe sizes of lieý respective yards. Tii. nouth yard bas th. Mts advlsandi lie mosl streoe. Coin. Foi <sels -liai lii. granis. arle matel insebanda of lthe omunlb.e aven if tee, muci bas,- been appropriaI- ed. Tii.comttee did ils vorkvel sud soonomicaliy lut year sud lie belle,.. Winl do se &gamu. Dsp.Beeve Burnssys lie hetas tbs base lime i. tb. boat piece of uoad lu tewn4 If se vhy should 'large grat ho lli mae for its imptovemientP He rsferred te Ash cresi masuoneye- @ors sud s nuisance, sud suggssted ho bie condil it vonld b. bette or luooe aller it s lithoe thon te put any More fiulhing touches ons Pieae of faney work on any road. Why ehould the base lino b. kopt in botter condition than the. other'roade ? Cotin. Wicks repeated hie appeal for $800 for the, south yard. Coun. Burnsuaes tier. are six foot sidewalks to e .keptup lu thew centre -ward, sud il sheuld have more thon the. aouti yard. ConFot-WelI, give us six foot sidevalks too.1 Coun. Burne-The enti yard ai. ready gels loo mucii in proportion te, the. otiiers. Mayor Long believes the. report le ail rigit if passed as il vas preeented. He believes lie commtte. knows its bumi. tees, sndliaving disoussd ailtishse nattersand iaviug b.d coneiderablo experiemce in the repaire of etreets, siould b. able to kmev viat it vante botter thanthîs couneil dose. He deprtcs t is diaputlug vhiel isl ai" s5 going on between lie ropreson. stio f e i.different wards. The gruat are almeel ideutical vihlibose >f former years sud if muy of tis money an b. eav.d aIl rigit--mrei. vanled It a begriâted satm future date. CourU. Robuea tuasvill th.eM 2,P fou discus sit at lb. tt' Meetng and.i sne gpod SW; diseus iuem2her. If is estreets eoamlhte louI, tno its duty yet botter put lt=i dl oift ii ornuitise ai on"e. <Toun. Ballet systhers len not econgi DOoey graated on sidelines, sud Coa. ÃŽmith admnltted Ibis vas probsbly se; )ut lie oommitb«eeoannut doide boy nubis e aabed ounsIdeliutS 111 sriag ill tey coa».@lu inwatsbai. the.spring haivs majisave the side lins.. coem. Wlckm itidrev îlie motion kd lie report vas adopt.d. Coma. ?ëx utoved tiat the Mayor b. s'*or- ed- te appoint a eOustble vho #bIJ fpossible, resido et; he bsy, vieh*I 0 pard by fos. sud suci anamal grant) aiiie coaulMay te nskisd ba b. subinillesiletO' th Quci oonflrrulg the .appoinl ad tenk m a ohc- proveou efu p îintlug otier ousitables wbusol~ Extending from the Front to the rear door. Honest Quality and Lowest Price force which gives live and motion to our Fresh, Ever-Changi-ng Stock. The Best Assortment! is the Ail the Leading- Styléeà Corne and examine our Eleg-ant New Stock Low Prices will seli it. I:?,Q8CDs gWhitby Dry Ca sh- bought it. 8E?~OS Goods plantlng, te vali 1111 the middle of May Thore ae many Cough, Mixtures, but ou fluet ou second week lu Jane. onty ene AIIen's Lung balaam; try il. Tier. ae, aII over the country, lu i.0o. Rykert, M. P. for Lincoln, 4e te b. p"fn ngsluwood, ain lu fields, man>' lb. Govornsu's candidito for tue:Deirntw mitreme> vamiable te obtain snd plant oùl sloug tie met xposed Bides of humeas. Tii.>'are min htite or tthe purpose tian. deciduon.8trfmes a tiey Kve sebller a&U lie yenu jroumd, sud wiU bo ouD especiaily valuablo lu wluler, ciag:ng for th. better, il ha. beau vell remarkad, he wliole chimate i lie fut. A couple et daje given te snobh vorkast the nigil lIme vould be fonnd lb. bouttà vesiment poseible. a1. W. PIMPS. Torent., Marci I179h. TUB LiDIES OF TI W. 0. T. U. HAVE TERE SAIN TRuSCOLUNU. Ont of 120 studente of Victoria'Uni. ersit> onl>'ou. sUk. sd nc.v A By-Laiw for thte purpo8e of 8eeling t/te .portions of Toronto andi PondZ Street8 in t/he Towon of -Uoebridget' heretofore cloaed. rq by..Bs.lau, No. Whoreas by By-Iaw No. 189 , ihose por- tions et Toronto and Pond Streetslu inte, Town cf tTxbridgo hereaitr pautioulauly- desoribed were -gles6danud siopped hP. And wheresà it le desiroulfi t te portion hereoafier desoribed 94 uid be conveyed io- the Executous -et tis LantW-iUi anê-Testarneni et lhe Laie Joseph -Gouîd, Bquire, lun order ltIthé samo inay us-conved.te the o<rporalion oet'l'tsesaJd TometUxbrîdgs n pusunèofethte. provision eonlaituela ie à wiIand referrsd te lu said By-lsw. - *1l[ And WhemeasnoticÃŽes-et ibIs y.-lw bave bean posted up and publiabectis. buùmie by la-W. -Therefore the Mun=* ps1 Ç&uncil of lb. Corporation etoli',u théZ 1Uirbndge, tollo*W:,: , 11 ,-ý 3Tî4 the. aid corporation -oftho'Town et tTxbidgeMay sud la hereby arihhorized, te su sud ocna« 4},A4 ,.rt4on M .. - Emporium. A> te ot s. f.Bi BT., Wi MAIICH 25th, ..OALLACO 1Mi tuN6 ON 1% ANDOA 11D8ET 6F LUVELY LOCAL lRE BI CHRONIOLE RIEPOl A amers aamang ye, tak -Mu' f aitb7bel i-puent il BOGGÂNING i!<done foi * si cresedbilin uepeorted aouiid t nike, cooper, ia a fer 1900. cash. Br 'cohin=u.. egontis 8-prig, manile one Of jronr lut ci -fe owli te cerne an, and ove"a BARGAI.N- 1 Goods