our stoe xoods, ilaùcy withl 7d Stylishg,, ~d witb a lUne of ?west Price is the Dg Stock. Sty les! sh bought it. ri' olmmn. tie Sj.ring, 'triixig foryoii. ieO your wonderf ai Pua., 3, anid taste the oweetnesu Ild bear the joyans sonda tepd yo-i. -We wunt pon 'ociety out o tilte alter* ad shame it into btylng a .onor ta your presence. r iegiLginfluehce lu into &=îvt, ani moes ,w styles in Boots, shoes, ipleasO hurry on, etralght LNE OF BEAUTY. * j a joN, forever ames; it wii Inever ~e8; but eati! wtll keop F;, and a mleelp ntan!healà ,and qufiet i 4nrIVuW are, wo wreathîng "e djst,>the earth, . ll a iiihanan dearth < he gloonv days, nxd o'ur-darkened waye LZIn1 Yes, in sqte ôf aIl, ltr 1110ves away the,,pal ."objects ot beat. w. ttntion af the ladMS lu il laced wal.king boota. tters -aad firat-claua It tbattitoaI french ahoe- vn iiwith evermar. #1_75 Up, the 20ne lace lîo ieaodeserve on account at thoir niveauofiMotreal, the plies i. Naoie retais closer prices titan w. Ii he s, tars; ï1olde ixbars, tape green' rwu batweenî.. river gleaine, ver bow ve Iow. igt as tliis, Swtii a kis, l tho grive, akt.unsaught, Ud botrays aujd gaze. fu, the f ree, uinaity, - aese shadows deep ed eyes bering lies. Uiflerng eyes 1 3j dostinfes rar and pain, DIate, ougb unknownI s. long? 0leow8- coun"en achloui,, bul if là aort,fbI Voeu Am 1. "each buy sa ýboot. PAIusprw # t3'iebewlsÇj w- etWbhave 11 oved. and aul «d a..,W.floRWuuo.1 wM be holeWdO.'thâ t1h. Fie Bodli B oom iiha.uM Mz.WB.Pm oe1bas aQumtty AGO the. stem wlnlng cf god eleD lseed ostés foi s Mlie Son ..I'rsy ailwtchuS ouî laddlied store. -Ham 64. "W"s, b. to be defe<cve and esay put sefrtils. afor the8e rrOsiOflfMeY Du. A.P M. Rosebrugh Bargeon tl finegrades of Amerliom Toronto IEye and. Bri Dseeary iu. to take the roliable key taudis visiting Whutby prefeusouely on »~ ~Inoeasd ePOIi. hureday April lth. Man Hl, geni 01 Mow.x, gApril 4thp ui Hl, .à Ibo 0er rsaY inventive ~iti<~Whitby, grand .locutione4ry *reoitel by rmkera have made the 1Stem the. lades of the. Collage. Make no dgrbl a te ldmethod, and other engagements. Foither anunce-. no eouOn pleadiflg to convince mente neit we.k. ~of the economy and utility of the. SoulaRow lust weok w. Managea te stye. hil exerencO has over- got in &-grat big blunder iu quotine Whil exer the r»solution ofthtei.Toronto Board ef eigdefeots ini the attachmente Trade s te .sleotion of seed bsrley. in 80 neceBsity ha f athored Instead ot advising farmnera not te 50W 01),~Ortsnt invention and w. have antbing but tiie old stz-rowed barloyi saumfble sud eatisfactory attaohment which le the. ouiy kind the yankees cau'e be fitted ta watcheil origlnsily te buy, oui quotatiou advises them te indes. M,. Brnar le ro- ow eveiytbing eleo. Fermnera miiould imsk*Y Wi . Mr. aru-dis re stick te the six-rowed barley. to friSl@WLEV- - ti&i ~i conversion from the key vind the Oui~t modern sud cffective item mdmeint. Heu prepsired le fit the. hifsft ta any Ameflosu movement, st BROOK BT., WHITBY. 01p~ fjoiik iMÀICll 25th, 1887. ILOCAL LACONICSI AT 18 GOINO ON IN AND AROUND TOWN-i OU06ET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS -GLEAKED BY OURONIOLE REPORTERS 64A ý.1eiis mang ye, takin note@. An' taith bell prent it. ToBoGOeANING i. doue for the year. a -suN crosed tie linos Wdnesde: .-oot tie Ameriesu lhue, but the. equi. IT 18 reported &round towu that Mr les. Luise, cooper, heu sold bu eaÃŽo donc. for S900, cesh. Xa. Ja. Sedier le preparedite re-ses bl sorte ot oane boltemed ternituis te do wihiteweshiug. He wsntms yoi orers. ANastrouoI2ical event ut greal i6 occlura liii yeur, viz.: lie sizi ppekiranee etftthestar' etf Bethhiohe e the birh of Gipst. il la lu il oust.liatîOfl Ca..OpsiSsumaMtim <16I earauôe wua dzzilljgly bulgit1 onay. Study Up youu eý"rnOIU ud fSud tie ounstellatiofi sud the.et may appeau. & CoBouRO -preacisi, vile watchui die sport at tie toboggan sUid., eW geod many of hie floek ihere, a bystan orasked hlm why he did nul lake t toboggan eide for a toit. H. ssid was a good ides sud tie neil Suudi turued np the fluai verse outhle Ivoni uiti Psalm and prushed eloqueni trom 'Tierefore I shail nulsus Tais week w. pubfi a sother cri ual story wrtteu by-we dont kui viioc. tis le uhior e 11111e toc ih4 bswn sud blue-bloodeo te rodine mun of resders liko ouroelves ; but suppose if il woro dlb about comm' plac ecveryday' aftiîirsnobody vo &a il. It willisuit* great many à nicety and.wo't hùtthle rosImi than perhape to gi*s hem a sllght Pl A BEÂNTFORD yOUuu lay Wsa e boys pertormnig lie diffielt bat et placing their heoGis iund tliu-ueck. A day or so later tie Young lady vas miseed, sud "on searci heiug oue. cl vs foun n burhocimber, puostrate Ou thie flaor, viti botiihoohas roud heu nek, sud uiteuly unalile 10 geltien loue.. Si. vas lunmch s predicanieut tSt oee ould bave died before calliug for asemisuce. TuE Lindsay Poat rus off lie folov. ing pleasautiy auent oui gelhiug pulled for nultsggiug oui $300 pug ;-",The editor ufthe ii. btby OuusoNIcl.Z bas been 4ud feu keetig au uulieiised do.. Ocotem .ha. elvasabien ex .oseingly cur-tou if soeovisl dogf. matie ; but nov ho wil be auimate 1>7 noble pweip ." - lTii. Pott mugit èkoai bave remarked liaI eur fuido ail car-.lled, M sudua v fel ", tde pu# imAioni, vilci foeelng uii uiI in Our dog-ging the. P. Mi rcesm duk nîghi. To-day v. pussent lu thei ro *e' advertisement lu suotier ooluuiuthi amnal statement ofthle Ontario Lesi sud SavingeCoc. Tde ushiituttoui h now paeeed hhat ago lun115 , -mee ice ils sUanin uay b. looked xPoEI withhsuytiblug: iko dIblosnem *adis tus enbe&1fà o05 e - the bheu kia o!i seenrities. Tiie uu.bDneS Mu wihieput .1111ooitu<5i duin7mes sud l. in,"l augeut b1 Viblie bas seveu nrfl ue00 ,hUm wéeh tihe eompu70ie55. Aparty neaed ZWaukd 'WVho eIaigua sm. m atoo#p i ,hw 'habeen waîeuol nTqsm, n à 04 of blaokngoïng. Ae w-y T" IOeBUOW$* ---p - u""yu"jw-. SOuitoxne of lb*Ruyjl b$el barber seo sy tihe voWdoue in équal l any- &êUUrL braided oaeMere j ersies. for $1, 11.25, a $10'aud 1.75 et-ti (T bukiept store."' For nov dres goodo, uew styles au low pucees, oeilnt Oampýbells'. Inj h Our catidies are becter than @er now, gspeeially the. ereami sud ehoo., latos. B. Brownt Dunadasot. & commercial teeter-we are ettlthe top but our4 prices are et the. bettom. Rues Buesi.' Dry Goe Emporium.' SPEuL offors inund&uda ciioc libraries aud prizes et Mrs.Ain' Whitbv Bà ock »d music store. IDC UTIFUL :SPRING:, GOODS : RAVE les G erglaseare , field Sud gardonUs"de styls oeIl st Campiiefle'. The oholestock cf cigaresud tohacoce te b. fonnd enteide o01ithe city, are te ho iad et R.- Biowu's. T n on. . . I fw.efS'Ra Get Germ an laisc Ii.llee av1ranet e[u rMagie for balduesa, gray haïr, us give a reital in the. Musie Hall. The. for sale by ail druggiet.. ides is toefnot only entertainu heu DONT forget that Mr. A. W. Cooper friende for su evening, but alecIo test the pgeat bankrupt dealer closes hie the. ekili sud puofiiency cf the. ladies iu Wiiitby bueueh lu 10 days. ph'vsical, vocal aud lutelleotual elotm- &sk your neigubou wbere he bought tionéry woîk. Judging by the pro- bis uew suit sud urne times ont of ton gramme whucb w. bave bfoue Unetbehe bcwilU 1.11yen (rom A.udrew M. -Rosa. entertaiumeut shuuld b. one of 5 ilgi Oel et Campbells' if yen are lu want order. 1 1cf a suit this eprung. Thoir styles yl VsRiLu spring je upou ne. Tii .i plee you as well s theli priees. manso ssys se. The. running weter R. Brown has the largest stock cf sud muddy turnpikes indiestea as mucii. cresme, ooîsltes, uized esudios, The oeeadýwr lerk has not beeni tus grapes, fige, &o., over sbown lu town. way, nor hbu the. oney-auckle. Ladies if yen wish te oses a fiue 13at epriug jes upon us ael the same. aesortmont cf disse goodo sud dres W. have a uever-failing aigu. Il je trimminfg ,dontl (ail te ecaU ,on Andrew the. preonce uft-lhe soring pour co M. ]Rose. standing scross 1h. side-walik opposite Laugeet vauiety cf photograpi al- heu ownoua door, yswning and yawl. humesud plomb goode ever oponod lu iug for food wiohje.peut due 8 m Wibye .Aice Whithybook Jenuary, sud tii. wsut of whieh buas d W icsret . redueedber fiosh iesatroasly. Thiisud muare ost ofe- woe m urgent expectaeeseemi te anuoy her W i n ttewoe umr bovinoshlp'.sud te comenese, painting ed our uew spriug stylos, as they w.e tii. lown. ,Ivated- ut o f the.boxes si Rosa Brus.' Ouattent ion bas hein clled to the~ Dry Goode Emporinu. futths in ettng u baaasferthe Tii. demaud fer our spriug suite bas ohurobes, ladies go %round town sud competitoru lu are. fino. eave ow& Sselicit ordous for articles gentlemen mey omeiosi hsln.Lseyu 1- reqwire. Tii. object of the. bazaser in t ouderseaeely viti Audrew M. Roa. make Up lundi foi the. churChest end -For uew jriuts, giughams- white r.while ibis object je ett&iued, the. psrty eottone, e guey cottons, eesuckori, i.Who called our attention te the. matter oottoflSdes, liekinga, oel et Osupbells', States hhat many poor people are robbed they offer tbem ohespor "tiever st ut work whlob onght te tailite ho holt, offered betere iu Witby. or ud he rocsdefro whebthey bs.dly IFtics. partiea from tovn Who go Qr ned-n tit lusof orktiiey db- tiithécity for tbeu clothes (aud uhec pend fou e living luntact. Thie thîng neyer get s fit) Winl lebvib theïr mes& ut inventiug s îhousand litIle sciiemes ue vitii Anduew M. Boss fou tiil ete valse funde for the ouureh dcn'l stuuke spuing suit tbey vill look respeotabl mt us very tevorebly et all, but wiien il for one year et lamaI lmcoines te building up tie chuici 0u the BolIzuia yen cem boy laies bu ttei ra mncf the. oor, It dou't deSeuve 00U21 - esud i»rov5flboots for $19 ladies fiau ait t.nea O. o trt u MeO the- pieu k fr boëteanA woêbd batiou olaoes etmay be adoptod in talai. tta rais" mo0- 81.50e boys or girl* stronteasif boots l» auY ies for thiiebuarci. 65e., moe fn eolil boots for $1.50, a rg a la le Wy. y igi-i 0v gh. Dn-1 nid 1te euee r a m I. 'e uJ 'I oe It FOR the. neit week the couty jeu the Bsukiflpt Store. haro coctalusa sprisouer viioso crime Yur snes are oveuviielmued via and the evnta conuected witi il torm you bnter oui store, witb a lieb ot quite a romance. Wellington SuOdden. bargains oztenaiug fromn the front Io of Urbrîdge townshilp# agd inePteOUr lie reer deor. 'Honot qnlilty sud teuk il inte ii ied *bot s fuulnlgbt lovit «puce iste h.fore. viieii ies sgo te gel marred. Hoeiiad a giou- lit!su d motion teo ur triai sd over- gsged sud COiUld oa5iîy engage e ulu- ohanglng stock. Bos Bros.' Dry ltir te teugle them in, a guod substan- Qroodie Boporium- liai knot. Bul h. vas siert-cf1money Wsu.r are yen going te de about il? te carr out his puojecl sud, te obviate The. Benkzups Store yull posltivoly elose ti aiiculty, ho made aID 1On* th" lu 10 day.Have yu Wlainlugeod = Or",Oetbis gueud-notiier, Old Mrs* enougi for the. »extsix mouthes? If not oLllr, sbe froi ,ît eclsoed M4, sud make aeB lin. fou the Bankiept Store the. Meurylu bu"SInesproasdeâ. Atter qulok. It i. oorteiuly lie eheepeat spot the ca'reauy lie tiougbt a llttl triip oneri. vould be lu forim, 8se-Maukiim vas 'Thet youi eau seve money sud yet favored viti a couple oet days cf liheseonre tho bonsit lanmonstra O ù-U u heneym0On. Tiiey rotaired te their homeou Btuuay ughtlu asta e olexeut stock of nov dieu goodM lui home o satur as igt ina etatt.f the latest shades sud deaugus aM 100U happluese, sud vas , Àsuibdtfnd11 oad 25e Peuyard. Prises are oouuty Constable- Reynolds svaitiuul tie lover tien evor witithie. reliable sud galsunt hidogroom wviiiOa W "rrenIpopuilau flum o! Rois Bics.' Dry Qoode Tii. bridé vas oomp)letely. broeit Up. ]Emporluni. Ou Mouday Buoddeu vaés broucgit dovu houe -sad il u serimilua court His à wa LTR&Tay nWi nrnt f higb Houer Jckdgi Burüuam deatt leûutlx oi'dar vii ii e ld under te lq pe. c wiii the novly.mained jYoung Mun lxeW. 0. T. U. luthe readlug uoom ou aud gave hlm a veek lu jaiL Ris ex. Friday evenlung Apil laI. eý pleesabnt 'ploits iiad Osa hm t'O $pend In tho ovo»uig tie~itcrefor u ilv.emaia: stolon mouey viti lis exception cf 18 il ouvoulent te attend, -Mauy rre vilc ti. od ldy a. ad ft~d.4to rticle both i sfcilsud oneýmental vil ber. .in tg. TceslS Tii. Bey. MiLelBiniololed lu1 wtin y th i.ý .L. O. on psdd*y eviulujg las FmiP'ioeshv ihs vr Dot on' the sublool leuWutd shot iu .euset""e t silu miihesuppeod but rateroun 'BÃW lt- -e 1d dt _.Als" T 1 hoattend- puieut-inluWhitby jeul. This sue; ho th e Aou v& uosu li . rll eoutuin flt men»sthh~le &e» ail thsett ho uigWU oluts1t prisoouiPi are lo be,lookad up lu&-ell oSUThos an4qnlteaPgh ofitereï rlit ont l ~ sud abeket o tho~o.easio. la oua - okuiy. eu draw a mixe ; an uine. besrat o spti.ý h * t sObld 1of cb.ap literAluré Whou tbe tBett basu- tyouBȈ Z a mach tbe .xpeet thse ÉVU<O emm: ta se psay «M à aa sufétee lsiuon * es#à * don of on@,h*ai VSzaln * liie kuowvtoe 8ileal. tcfo eos& u.Bonson _________t bi 36 de.saription, of the Mot oiJ<VO«*4 5,, th" .ii , - 0 --- --- No-' old-fashioned hoxnesty ip rare, therefore, you will be pleased to see héow bined old.timejHonesty in Quality ana Price, witli New FrealiStyles COME! we have cern. SONABL .BRY *s IOOIIS, FANCY GOODS, MILLJNERY, ETC. the Lateste rrUYER8 CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY IN MORE LIBER AL RANDS. çMç no 1waiïtate to acet oug B2!TEMENTB s we back them with,GOODBl anid PRWJJLS. F 1, DEYERELL'B BLOCK, SPRING S TE WART, WHITBY, ONTKRIO. HOLLIDAY'S EauMPORI U M, BROOKLI-N,- Is the riglit place to make your SeleoLions. Ris stock is large and 'wellassorted in- the varions departments, ana he lias now uaded many Novelties speciaily for the 8pri1 Trade. Besides many choice articles in Dry Good, lie lias a nice seleotion o Comprsn five and six-bottie Castors, Cake Basket; utrCoes Pol i is Napkin Rings, Knives and ForksS-Plated Spoons, &o ,&o. TIRLE GIROCERY DE-PA.RTMEN T You we ll find wist c hoice ew Valoeias, seledesecadLy frer Raiinohi Neu W Currinstsk L en nd CitrnPees, Spicess afd aykns er andm',:loe freeli, Extract, of the beet quality, Cazmed Goods, Oyà teis,ý Finnan Haddies, Oranges, Lemons, Figs' &c.7 &c. Ckoicè Teas and Coffees of the best values, always in stock. NEW SPRING- NOW ARVINGl! Acomplete -range -of desirable- good TEERG-E-sTu 8'1 We have See OUF :Néw Tat IMPORTkATIONS;z 0 Qualities Excellent -we'have côm WHITBY, ONTARIO. ou:l Prices -ow THE BEST QUADRUPLE - PLATED. 'SILVERWARE,