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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1887, p. 7

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S -AL iy thiis po inedk-e.e 'v, 4itlu , L la aee 4« Ilu f ai r g aeti~~l ti-yu a ui r ;11 ei.3 rhi -tof fertlub -d'y to tho ,Uubllîobr )1i91jV or ealling It btjs k for a îde~Whioh, -x ýmbniaîjlor oltouteo t-, or blo.ja1a,15 j1jil )NIC flXsEÂ&s (w THE: 3lood, iid Luni d,î'1, drowsri, debîtatd, i skin, or Ye I OWIah.brown -iy tTqutrit htadache ? il io thtt. Internaibet ,th -hot flash -low @Plru * 111ýI tir a ra upeff l a an Toupla"m -w eus." lu msny $Y111401,1 are ex ei'mS&.. all sut-bl C41ffl, r.,P m118, M lu a overeli MeP Ili stani pe for Dr. P tmption. Sold bYIrïa pensary Medical kmoat ors, «I1 Main St., Du7i5x,] ~xs LITTI lOUS asîd CTSR yggisîs. 25 Cent» il $sOoeREWAI for a çi of c atanrh wi (çaiLi0t t are. If' you il oa da Iu thef Dotse, oiTf_àvl r0 wWs. pai-tJetx b ta or hoari v3t q bon>fd. ynujuIVIe Ca urîuiinsate i C ouuam rh "6(idla tho IWO refs Blo chtfor goup 1ITUBE ROOM SUITS, ROOM S UITS, 3EDROOM SUITS,. KVICHEN SUXt Ibat Dety Competit eCo me ail, and Yourselvee.- JOHNSON. IX &LSO A Fini Is8tabjihmÊt, unz . . ALT, L r aNa -da.. Dan of Canada ar - bore ilus fév te gocoieOtwhié1à o! Y1U refer & a huabaad (* olish basts scidei4.h6 àsvs n-0 rigbt t eosd ai" q vile by youi' ova %ud yout.preali Position., beil siirretrievablO." 10«1 t cf Canflilgtou, lait STaîbo , etIipsôs W-ne 0jjlge toeskate a mils fol u 0swass soeptodg sud lbe 0 0 kated lasl Friday £1 Gsnuiug- Îbe 'ab:proprietor cf the ink put up Pkôsr which Waa won vcty eaaily bl enter~taInmeant vas givofi by thre .u bcityof the Port Pêrry bigb peussoc ;dylast. They bsd su 0oOl ndvariod prograriDWO prO- wc waî Weili ieoeived. The for whic b theme entettainuients Ohive la to psy for a piano bought le th oe f be, -sohool, the debt ci ,biob the society assumne. No doobi jjýj accountsî for the large numbor vbc &Wdthe entortMuinmeuIe SThe preibyterians o! Ibis place helu 0Sfbgr of thooo verj pleossant sociali 01 sogg :1 tTilelday evefing eligbS were in~ atîendauoe at Dr oleS» ut 7 ocioek, snd a gtreat mao, ,f&l5 townspeople svsîlod thomielvi Of tj>jsopportulfity Of eujoyiug probabi: gl& atsleigb-nideofo!hlb. sson. A kjpdu of amusementsî vote induiged iu 0da qeryone present aoomsd te enjo thomslves. On () unday, Match 6Ih, Mi'. Thoms - ryant, of Manchester, died cf inflaci Malion oflthe longs. One vesk sud abo two boots belote 1Mr. Samuel Bryant jjhjs paedied vitir the sains diseai lod on thoe55010 day Mr'. (Io. Gratin .c Mfancesoter' disd vitb a sýilari ssoe.Tbis is a vory sad cireumslss sud Luueh eympsîhy la exprossod1 tbe bei'eavod frieuds. The Se-vation Amy of Ibis place b wbat lhey îetmod 'a " big joke ou t devil," ou Saturday, Buuday sud Mi day aset. Iutsreitiflg sud novol me inge wero held on Salurday sud Sund ô0udueled by meinhors of tire Ari frein cIrer places. Ou Monday nig an oystor supper vas gîsu lib e lc hall. There voe prssnt, bouide nomber freinthebowvc,toops fi Uxbridge, Brocklin, Oakvood i Lindsay. Thre Roi. Mr. Willoughby prsach sermnute youug vemen lasI Sabi svsaiug. Ro chose for bis toi 4 oui' daughirs vers corner atones, ished viitirsh similitude cf palsi Ho ira beon preaobing a seriea of meus on tbe prodigal son te Yi moen lot 50!». lime pas1, vhiob beea listened t. by large sud albes .ongi'sames5. -l % la*l* tliai t ors presit. Younfg U0185U. Pos they do net requfreu an mch bel Young mon. On Frlday svoiuj bel a pi meeting vas ireld inlu tire loa disons. the advisbilily o! imposini upon a&U pupile cutoide et the t sttonding the higb scirool. Tire sud lb.-meeting c __q.d te-oUdor cause îirey boieîod il vas sigued greal rny, net knowiug, really, tbey vote dolng. 0f coul.,tirE grumblors. but grumbling îleasicd the priviloge of a Britean tui us tako te 1, as duocks t. w-Ien. griumblers are trying te beach ti the correct _ course te puoete. see o bi bnk- tiraI a pie cannot1 made unies. th.y have a fiuger But boides tire, ve bave a fc oppose the board from purely motives. And some W-ho are rn cause Iboy ans cbildloss, uead' r receive àuy direct benefit. Son thons is a trtuWteont t. lire b cali the reel te tthe books--*a le but vhon Ihey have boee thore tbey flnd liraI the trtéeIos an one sud ael t. mrn tireaciool- noMIC8,ly &s'possible. Thero h mucir StressalId .upon thb. fa beesose the. ne bo l ovas fole, tirey a&Wo!uhonîd; A.tb@ii - igb sobool inta Ib* rovm<& would bave Part Perry roum o tire botitutalso!f*é17 0élu People. -Now lot us 106k ali propesed by lire oobb1m oril-om treaauty. Tire f..for usob tmcl ho, &asin oIer bp1e ,fi"-déli haves fifleen sle r .ml t aidoe bt1w-n. If t vo e- revenue of tirhe w uMb -bytirs mulgZifti et*eVii dollsrs. Suuly 1W * o "=Mt boted sud bro14h . ua tovMU ýwU"n k ,' 1- -_ , -.r l - ar ii 7'5Yàt aI wè lâv. t @uîw" *111t h- i .b.poi osîý douvar. Agait ,sous propose Ihat We . ounty:trosmurr,-as ýMashobaý,i o dispose, of -one teacher. But tùkiug usotsd vith imbos for IudIOial pur- he1h appropriationbtv eo-beach- offielals of thal connty. The mat. orhlgh school sud stre-ahronè&, toerwilI -b. oonsidered, Mr.i'*Edy' w. -a ji ai wut olars. -aýtatng thatlih. vasi ipressed il itb h. -Bursly this is a lurgs îm ouani b su ijustice dons 10 ,Victoria iu bsing obligr m1wch lover th. standardcf the sohool e.4 b ý,psy twolL-hi sexponse of enfor.-, for. Âud thon let ne look at 1h. final tng 1h. aot at1ecingno reinru. utroko t. close the high sohool sud @maeE~0YK~ auuually-twoliO unudrod sud fif ly dol- Ou Thursdsy, -about haif-pasî flue lare but go0 slovly, my friond. If We o'clcck, Mfr. James Wright was stouck clos e . igh sohool, vo ueut have 'a hy a treesusd sevçirely i.jured. R. sud fifth- clama 'of thb. public ochoo. For, anoîber man vers engsged ini felling a' Ibis vo ,vould require a touchor at leanibg. Ires. They hsd chopped on. eight hundred dollars, aud to, look after aide and vers sawiug theotîbr whsn as large a sohool s ours v o uld have the Ires split and feli. 1Mr. Wright te psy him aI loeit tvo hundred dollars atlempted te gel ont of the way but fell, extra. The lsv qualifies any pupil ci snd the Ires struck hlm acroas the back, the bigh scbool to take tbe place of a just over the kidneys. Ro bail to lie iu iteucher of the public uchool. Bul if vo that position ubt.il lb. Ire. vas saved ihave no bigh sebool, w. vould haie te off hlm. In fslliug tb. Ires-~Atruck a furnisb supplies vhioh vould olet I oodpile, or 1Mr. Wright vould haie lessl eue hundrod dollars. Thon onr been killed însqtantly. Hie injuries i Model sobool coosts us uothing for tbough serions are net expeeted to prov. t îesohing nov, bul if vo haie no blgh fatal. f school vo wonld bave te hure a, teseher On Saturday trouble ensued betveen tfor lhe Model, aI a coei of aiboul uinety Mr. MoDermotl and Mr'. Montgomery. dollars. d tbsgeoam.unuls bogether, The dispute started over tbhpsé s' f sud vo have $2190 ; subîraol Ibis froin of an je- bouse sud rosulted in a fight j$1250, sud vo baie oui' net gain, vhich lu whieh il seeme Montgomeriy 8atm lej i .ty dollars., Thon look at boy MoDerinots, and thon MoDermott upsot mnch vo viiles. I 1The'amonuit spent Montgomery sbd vas about te givo hlm in l out lovu througb pupils ooming bere some blaek paint for bis oyes. But lbe r. aud cousoquoI3tly bringiug theîr people test of the Miontgomory family ebjeetod îy bore, is cgflte s large item. We mnuot sud ompbasized 1he1' arguments vith ». aIe ceusid e number of vacant scoerdwood stick, a oant-book sud au y bousses voWeald have in Oui' tovu, sudaean ihiaIMDrmtglto al the cousequeoiI loveriflg of the value of vaxeofail, lthongh h.lws e bost on.h n, preperty. -The Dootor spoko of the A lvmt i atbhe oarsull.eaen q value of education, sud said thal, l wntàtepoal eut bis opinion, sebools vers botter than A good deal of excilemenutvassao as jails, sud toachers botter than j allers. hors iset veek by an attempt ou the n-if th. people vould look at Ibis lu the part of eue M ontgomery sud hie son to Sttrue light, ho thougbt, Ihoy would con. tako th. 1f. of a neighber named of aider what they vers doing, sud vould Macdermett vith s pikopole sud a lon ne sooeunt do svay vith the higir baud-axe. Both the Montgoporrs5 b!» ebool.' Ho thon took hie seat, afler were sent le Lindsay for trial. di. speaking about tve heurs. A vote of Thiers vas quite a logislative air zethauka vau teudered Dr. Sangeter fer about the place on Tnesday, sud there ho i. very able sud instriuctive addreRs. was streng in2clination smaoug the peoýý We tbink Ibis meeting vilI settle 1he pie t10 addres eaeh other as honorable ]s ee question for somo lime le 00010. gentlemen. It vas found Ibat 1fr. thd A.ohet nov firm ii bout to appear Hudspeth Member for South Vicoroia, 'on- lu the business areua of Port Perry- sd Mr.. Barron Member for North Vic- Ba-Messrs. Sill, Wste * C. Tey yl toria, ere both fittering &round the aoocupy Iat part of 1f. T. S. Corrigan's vilage. &ay LIly piýemiso kuevu a s0hina Hall, sud 00130u». open ont vltb su enlirely nov sud full Tho Cobourg Star bas beon pnblished gt' stockoetdry goods, etc. The finI mom- flfîy.fonr years. ,3 n ber of tb. firm, 1fr. G. W. StiIlbasa Sleayugt1r. .Df rom che fr sd b olveel re sud au-thewiîeonouber vay hbee lipped aun sud bstsuleolasrgo etefell on lbe sidevalk, breaking ber arm p eoof Ibis looality. Mfr. Waite bas na h rt boau bocalsd lu Port Perry for a fev Meosera Clark sud M nrphy, vho bav, bed ah jourssud bas made bimslf popllat beou iu ount uoigbborbeod for som .st witb the purcbasiux public,.ieprbsn ere o h mro Ithoat woesÂY. ieprasn «ofrteA rm POl,; Quintal & Co., Montroal byr, akt,:y sipped a car load lail veol . ahipeilon Baurda a oujosdof ers a flue lot of animale. soi'r- herses from Lindsay... O Meuday a Ou Baturday lat s man nsme'l Wols ouRg carbosd vas mipped by 1fr. F. Morrea', salI a vatcb from hbi. cbnm Matrpb: haiVe &IW a bayer for tb. Moutreal markels. sud'gel ent. Obiof Biudo learued the aihO Qinal&Go ers bnyiug boras. AI ho boaghi a ticket for Cobourg, am i?"l bUll. Sritino Tuisay of Ibis tolograpbod te Grief ,*unharer shyw-o.k sud ne doubt sored a fair Monday. In haif an heur Oblef Batiký LP as numbor. The demand for herses of &Ill bail his e» araetd; sud thes Irenl4 grades le good. ebiof came op tlb.»minday, sud 10 ýublie Geun. Mallen iD-forai us that b. badl hi-m baok on tb. G. T. R. M im.d. di te su interview' sI Port Hope on Monday Ou Monday eveulug lai, vile Mi g fées vltb1Mr. E. Peplov, the vll-knowuii brIcadHarosud two yeung lad town, dealer of that tovu, sud that Mr'. vote dnivinq beoard, thoy gel 1: chair Peplev bas dtermiflOd go build Atan askvard fiz. Whounuearly oppois .uudyv Lindsay, on tho site ef th. paper mill, )4T. Su&Son'. place ou tbe Cobourg ai K. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - a lu I f10bre aaiy(r-tngae o.,thair bers. tC a t e b.1tirebuesthe tooSt e pag lut. any o ber ace, lcloWl tikig bis boak A 15417 in BrokvUle elt-I vas These into seo. i8 eha sud tegrlug cma I. lry N"asalsm for. a Rang «Ie e ar hno chook juatunder tirs sye lbbis cola iu My hoad Ibat vas pronueuned1 Tires. clams. Tkat roofter bssne erb. Tire90Balt gais Immedab le 0o -voîlofe &R o! l eket flss, lao -the ps'Io11leur > me. I sm ira sè-elt ndsagreab oelelebbm iat la lb. s449pO od.,no-or use it vith. =Yeb ev vWhe A deputaîlon froni the oounty omiiu-for c0l~do s toppage o!flthoassai selfish cil of Victoria, comuprigitia Meurs. Eâ.e- l,* tbe- D. MOBCEacIW, vi' 1 Tbôi45 oungMou.Polto I wMl miel Brosd, reseeo! MMarPos ; Q beou fûmxea lPetîrboro loioil .6sou, r"eeof Wodillo; Col. ,DMOIrer mv Woi'ui %tsmi»5 oatd t. d#p.reio. Iumsy ERobert KenDu1 ne mi or deehroYiflg -venw M.*~ etdrinWg. eunty oo~alù4 aiw US 1MO7' bo5sN4tl &aS'beelà aud pi'ptdsMemprw al "t T* gj.,B&x ý f.1iuÇM -"M ie thsât,*herhOlL &isili5tonI P r n t, Efrom my 1Mwim impoée in'kusoksa 5t"oid ltolte05aqsfh u.'BdtïIol shuwibI th A-tputshe4o '00 o! , 1 ite isolions v s t ies Qw g i , -fr E isoenW rmo.une Ireont ihm t e &»cka he 1àîI aofo th ecinsI4 Merâï ,rom heË4 "W ts4 v ~ (ui ma4eto Or 'argk of Scotch, English andd Ganadia etc., to fielecet from. rm eln of HEÂVY TWEEDS fronm eitable for Busineàs Suits or1 A 1FULSTOCK 0F ALWAYS ON luxN Hlighest market prie îd o BBOOKLIN, ONT -FOL-- Cot tage or -AT- D1 IN TUE TIIADZ;t -der for.,$124009 m Tweeds, Black Worsteds, ci 50 to 75 cents per yard, Boys' wear. GROCERJES D. Butter anadi]Gggs. 'URE 44u PRICES WHICH WILL ASTOJ idFunorals Fully Sup Wbtby Woolli Midway between Brooklin and Colt 7th Concesiofl. We are now prepared to make ail .Goods, suoh as Tweeds, Fu.ll Oloth, Bheeting, Shirtings, A]1-wool bed Ble.nkets, and Yarns in ail varieties Knitted Goodas kept in stock for thei Eighe"t price paid for ay qu-ontity Alortiere promptly fihed. 4.Die BO WEIIMAN JaM wleirôwmi litemfliS o alw ed le ocutifUStumors foruihC aQ i n bed ucrbcoIg NIIII YOU1 SWAYNE'S OINTrMENT StoS he ltchin sud bleedila, ý e heals i certlofl, sud In x o h a ssa emoves'0 C ' Iitumets. 8011 IAIJLT, et& BROOKLI.~ JŽTG: MANHOODI-1 )plied." H ow Lost, RO Restoîed W.ha-ve.necenly publishei mime m aai w ediion of Du. GuLnà* IlIlEl¶ WZ WBELe &BSWilTED BIsÂT ou theo radical anl permanentcrevIen I IIII~ medliaine)Of N rvoùs Debility, Mental and PirysicaIncaacty, impodimolit* leMar- rmgo, oe, es4rg from exceàss 'umbws8, on th.e o-Pri:5:; soalea envelopet Onlyý Tire celebrasuthor, in lhiwdminble Essay, olparly deronisinaIes, from thirty years' succeis ni nacliso tRt lra abnnei inaof Wooien ettire dsngearm>fi uoe!iï ezuliifei Unio ~"lane1 ortheo ue thlie knife; piuting cOla Uenioe! uro mIonce "dmpl cran d Blankets, Horse ofootuel, by osaie!vireury mufer,- and ail kinds of cure birnseliýemlOSInVllalw acOmmoàatiýnofl "Mboui-ho l th.tid Thte CUL VCWELL MELICA L 00. r of Wool. . oiice R z 450. - ARCADE, TORONTO. À BohoolThaooghly I1quippd for Bi sneSTraiing. BOO.K-KEEiPING, PENMÂ18HP »BUSINBS CORIRSPONDE1NOE 4 SUOUHANI ÂNDTYP-WRITNG: pBÂOTIOLAUY, TAUGET. FINEST OOS-IN C-ANADAU- Bond fr Cirular.Âd<~rcs. ODE4> 27 âm e.,À oziGITrn . musi uset mounding about ono 45t slow Ibis benea * 15 cannai w-lIront b 'blidrea i CALL ON asbit:jd& Uý wm- BON,

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